Efficient and Robust Video Compression Using Huffman Coding
Efficient and Robust Video Compression Using Huffman Coding
Efficient and Robust Video Compression Using Huffman Coding
Abstract - The compression techniques for the images as well as the videos, increasing gradually in the past decade. Video
compression techniques such as DCT coding, Quantization, Entropy coding, Motion estimation are widely used. The focus of
this paper is to analyze video compression techniques required for video processing especially to discover how much
amount of data to compressed, which techniques is faster and visual quality better and so on. We evaluate the video compression
techniques for finding compression ratio. Handling video over the internet becomes very complex in the digital world. To reduce
the complexity we need a strong algorithm to compress the video to reduce the size and do not affect visual quality. In this paper,
we proposed Huffman coding to compress the video. Huffman's algorithm is very efficient to optimize the data, generating a
minimum redundancy codes and provide the best compression compared with other methods.
Keywords - DCT coding, Quantization, Entropy coding, Motion estimation, Huffman Coding.
1. INTRODUCTION concepts [2], PCA based method [3], CABAC Method [4],
Basic techniques of video compression algorithms are Accordion Function [5], EZW and FSBM [6],SPIHT
efficient to reduce the redundancy of the video data. And Algorithms [7], Active Mesh Based [8],Wavelet Based Rate
producing a reconstructed video from the original video Scalable Method [9],Morphological operators [10].
with the introduction of error that is insignificant to the The paper is structured as follows. Section 2 briefly
intended applications. A digital video sequence can be discusses the background study for the proposed technique.
represented as a series of JPEG pictures. The advantages Section 3 comprises of description about the proposed
are the same as with a single still JPEG pictures – technique and the procedure for the proposed methodology.
flexibility both in terms of quality and compression ratio. The experimental results and their evaluations also present in
There are two types of video Compression Algorithms: section 4. Section 5 gives the conclusion.
Lossless Compression Algorithms and Lossy compression
algorithms. Lossless Compression, compresses the data with 2. RELATED WORK
less amount of affect visual quality. Lossy compression Yih-Chuan Lin and Shen-Chuan Tai et al have proposed a
compresses the data with more amount of affect visual technique “Fast Full-Search Block-Matching Algorithm for
quality. Here we propose a lossless compression technique Motion-Compensated Video Compression” in 1997. The
like Huffman coding. The main objective of this paper is to proposed technique has been built upon fast block-matching
compress videos by reducing the number of bits per pixel algorithms that use three fast matching error measures,
required to represent the videos using Huffman codes. We besides the conventional mean-absolute error (MAE) or
are implementing video compression in Huffman coding mean-square error (MSE). An incoming reference block in
because various authors suggest the implementation the current frame is compared to candidate blocks within the
complexity of Huffman coding less than with other search window using multiple matching criteria [18]
algorithms. Huffman compression is based on growing a Eugeniy Belyaev et al. Propose a new spatial scalable and
binary tree that contains A-Z characters in the source at its low complexity video compression algorithm based on
child nodes, and with their corresponding characters' multiplication free three dimensional discrete pseudo cosine
probabilities at the side. transform. This paper/papered show an efficient result
The video signal is an integral part of multimedia which has compared with H.264/SVC as well as it can be used for
a tremendous importance in most of the applications robust video transmission of wireless channels. [12].
involving the concept of the multimedia i.e. video Zhengxin Hou, Baochen Jiang, Yupeng Cao, Aiping Yang
conferencing; video-on-demand, broadcast digital video, and and Chengyou Wang et al. Proposed I frame encoding adopts
high-definition television (HDTV), etc [7]. Basically video wavelet transform and set partitioning in hierarchical
compression in the domain of redundancy exists in a video trees (SPIHT) algorithm; of P frames, each frame sets
sequence in two forms: spatial and temporal. Some popular the reconstructed frame of its previous frame as a reference
video coding techniques in spatial domain like vector frame, and then P frames proceed to code with ME and MC
quantization, Block Transform, Discrete Cosine Transform [14].
and temporal domain like Frame Differencing, Motion Lai-Man Po and Wing-Chung Ma et al.[17] have proposed
Compensation, Block Matching. The video compression “A Novel Four-Step Search Algorithm for Fast Block
techniques include Frame Difference Approaches [1], Fuzzy Motion Estimation” in 1995. The proposed algorithm has
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ISSN 2320-6802
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ISSN 2320-6802
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ISSN 2320-6802
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