Unit Test PR2
Unit Test PR2
Unit Test PR2
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Write the LETTER of your answer of choice on the provided answer sheet
which you think is best described by the statement.
1. Which word best describes this statement, “Research should be repeated by any other researcher”?
A. measurement B. universality C. replication D. control
2. Which of the following is not one of the characteristics of research?
A. Research is guided by the specific research problem, question, or hypothesis
B. Research requires the collection and interpretation of data.
C. Research follows a specific plan of procedures.
D. Research merely rummages for information.
3. Which of the following studies most likely uses quantitative methods?
A. Understanding historical perspective for an educational topic.
B. Developing a theory grounded in beliefs of the group being studied.
C. Understanding the shared beliefs and practices of teachers in a school.
D. Comparing test results across groups to understand the effects of a particular instructional
4. Which of the following best describes quantitative research?
A. It is an activity of producing or proving theorem.
B. It is an activity concerned with finding new truths in education.
C. It is an exploration associated with libraries, books and journals.
D. It is a systematic process for obtaining numerical information about the world.
5. In this type of research, the investigator tries to probe the significance or relationship between two or more
factors or characteristics.
A. correlational B. experimental C. causal comparative D. survey
6. Which of the following is an importance of research to Accounting, Business, and Management?
A. Research is important to obtain significant information about disease trends and risk factors.
B. Research is important to ABM to improve educational practices that may lead to more quality
of learning.
C. New materials and procedures may be developed so as to further strengthen the structural
materials that can withstand various calamities and disasters.
D. Research can help design a new product or service, figuring out what is needed and ensure
that the development of a product is highly targeted towards demand.
7. The following are true about quantitative research EXCEPT:
A. Results are valid, reliable and generalizable to a larger population.
B. Quantitative research is advantageous for studies that involve numbers.
C. Survey instruments are invulnerable to errors.
D. Quantitative research is more accurate if it involves more respondents.
8. Research helps us in different fields. Which among the following is NOT a benefit in research writing?
A. Research answers unanswered questions.
B. Research helps us find solutions to problems.
C. Research dictates the outcome of a certain phenomena.
D. Research proves some things to be proven.
9. A type of research that examines the degree of association between the independent and dependent
A. Survey B. correlational C. developmental D. causal-comparative
10. A variable that reflects an infinite number of possible values along a continuum is a ________ variable.
A. nominal B. discrete C. ordinal D. continuous
11. How is dependent variable different from independent variable?
A. Independent variable is the variable that is changed or controlled in the study while the
dependent variable is the result brought about by the independent variable.
B. Independent variable has two or more categories but cannot be ranked while the dependent
variable has categories but can be ranked.
C. Independent variable can take infinite number while depended variable has limited number of
distinct values.
D. Independent variable can be divided into fractions while dependent variable cannot be
12. Which of the following cannot be a basis for selecting a research topic?
A. Situational problems in the classroom
B. Trends
C. Global issues
D. Random thoughts
13. Which among the following research topics is helpful for students?
A. Relationship of sleeping hours and appetite
B. Effects financial status on self confidence
C. Impacts of reading comprehension skills on academic performance
D. Factors affecting attitude
14. The following are guidelines in writing a research title EXCEPT:
A. It must contain at least 15 substantive words.
B. A good title must point out the research problem.
C. A title must be written in inverted triangle..
D. Every word in the title should be capitalized.
15. Which of the following is not appropriate to a quantitative approach?
A. Describing the relationship between students’ math attitudes and their math achievement.
B. Describing the effect of creating a student-centered assessment environment on students’
C. Identifying the characteristics that differentiate students who drop out ofhigh school from
those students who do not drop out.
D. Understanding what is like to work in a school that is changing the decision-making process
from a top-down, administratively driven model to a bottom-up, teacher driven model.
16. Which of the following is an example of research problem?
A. Distance learning
B. Lack of students in distance education classes
C. To find out why students do not attend distance education classes
D. Does the use of website technology in the classroom deter students from enrolling in a
distance education class?
17. Which of the following is acceptable as a problem of research?
A. A problem that applies an existing perspective or explanation to a new situation.
B. A problem whose sole purpose id to compare two sets of data.
C. A problem that helps achieves self-enlightenment.
D. A problem that results in yes or no answer.
18. Among the following are contents of the background of the study EXCEPT:
A. Method of research to be used
B. Reasons for selecting the problem
C. Present situations about the problem
D. Background about the problem
19. In writing a research background, which among the following guidelines should be taken into
A. Identify your research questions.
B. Determine the methods of research you are going to use.
C. Identify the type of research design that you will have.
D. List down your variables and build the discussion through them.
20. The background of the study is about
A. The results of the research
B. The possible benefits of the research
C. The restrictions of the research
D. The identification of “what” and “why” of research
21. When planning and conducting a research, which one of the following questions can help you decide if the
problem is worth pursuing?
A. Will your study use quantitative or qualitative approach?
B. Will your study contribute to knowledge and practice?
C. will your study use a population or a sample?
D. Will your study use people and sites?
22. We review the relevant literature to know:
A. What is already known about the topic
B. What concepts and theories have been applied to the topic
C. Who are the key contributors to the topic
D. All of the above
23. Why is it important that personal data about research participants are kept within secure, confidential
A. So that the participants cannot find out what has been written about them
B. So that individuals, places or organizations cannot be harmed through identification or
disclosure of personal information
C. So that government officials, teachers and other people in authority can have easy access to
the data
D. To enable the researcher to track down individuals and find out more about their lives
24. They set the precise boundaries of the research problem.
A. definition of terms C. significance of the study
B. scope and delimitations D. introduction
25. What the researcher intends to do is stated in the problem statement, what s/he does not intend to do is
stated in the _______________ section.
A. hypothesis B. delimitation C. introduction D. definition of terms
26. The value of the research project is the:
a. theoretical framework b. problem c. hypothesis d. conclusion
27. What purpose do clearly stated aims serve?
A. Aims state clearly what the research intends to contribute and details how the research will be
B. Aims state clearly how the research will be done and what conclusions are expected.
C. Aims state clearly what the research intends to contribute and justifies the research being
carried out.
D. Aims state clearly in detail how research will be done and justify why research is being carried
28. A cross sectional study is carried out to examine whether Navy personnel of a higher rank have more
positive coping skills than those of a lower rank. Which of the following statement is true of this study?
A. The independent variable is coping and the dependent variable is low rank.
B. The independent variable is rank and the dependent variable is coping skills.
C. The independent variable is coping and the dependent variable is high rank.
D. Neither variable is dependent as the researcher cannot manipulate them.
29. What is the purpose of informed consent?
A. To make sure that participants know exactly what to expect from the research and to
communicate their right to withdraw at any stage.
B. In order that the participant can make an informed choice about their participation and not
undertake to do something which they may otherwise have declined to do.
C. To ensure that participants are not lied to about the time commitment involved in their
D. All of these.
30. An important approach for initially locating literature in a library or internet search is to:
A. Prepare the literature map
B. List the names of papers related to your research
C. Identify key terms that adequately describe your topic
D. Write the problem and sub-problems on a sheet of paper