Chapter 2. Measurement of Temperature

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81 ​CHAPTER 2.


(c) Stray secondary thermal electromotive forces due to the use of metals that are different from the
thermocouple metals in the connecting circuit. The temperature differences in the remainder of
the circuit must, therefore, be kept as low as possible; this is especially important when the
electromotive forces to be measured are small (periodical recalibration will be necessary to allow
for this);

(d) Leakage currents can occur from neighbouring power circuits. This can be minimized by suitable
screening of the leads;

(e) Galvanic currents can be set up if any leads or junctions are allowed to get wet;

(f) Changes in temperature in the galvanometer alter its characteristics (chiefly by changing its
resistance). This will not affect the readings by the potentiometric method to any degree, but will
affect direct-reading instruments. This effect can be minimized by keeping the temperature of the
galvanometer as near as possible to that at which the circuit was calibrated;

(g) In the potentiometric measurement, changes in the electromotive force of the standard cell against
which the potentiometer current is adjusted and changes in the potentiometer current between
adjustments will cause corresponding errors in the measured electromotive force. These errors
will normally be small, provided that the standard cell is treated correctly, and that adjustments of
the potentiometer current are made just before taking a temperature measurement.

Errors (a) and (f) emphasize the superiority of the potentiometric method when a very high degree of
accuracy is required.

2.4.5 ​Comparison and calibration ​Electrical resistance thermometers

The basic techniques and procedures for the laboratory calibration and field checking of electrical
thermometers will be the same as for liquid-in-glass thermometers (see section 2.2.5). In general,
however, it will not be possible to bring a resistance thermometer indoors since checks should include
the thermometer’s normal electrical leads. Checks will therefore have to be carried out with the
thermometers in the screen. Accurate comparative measurements of the temperatures indicated by the
electrical thermometer and a reference mercury-in-glass or local indicating resistance thermometer will
be difficult to achieve unless two observers are present. Since the measurement instrument is an integral
part of the electrical thermometer, its calibration may be checked by substituting the resistance
thermometer by an accurate decade resistance box and by applying resistances equivalent to fixed 5 K
temperature increments over the operational temperature range. The error at any point should not
exceed 0.1 K. This work would normally be performed by a servicing technician. ​Thermocouples

The calibration and checking of thermocouples require the hot and cold junctions to be maintained at
accurately known temperatures. The techniques and instrumentation necessary to undertake this work
are generally very specialized and will not be described here.

2.4.6 ​Corrections

When initially issued, electrical thermometers (which have a serial number) should be provided with

(a) A dated certificate confirming compliance with the appropriate standard; or



(b) A dated calibration certificate giving the actual resistance at fixed points in the temperature range.
These resistances should be used when checking the uncertainty of the measuring instrument or
system interface before and during operation. The magnitude of the resistance difference from
the nominal value should not, in general, be greater than an equivalent temperature error of 0.1
or 0.2 K.

2.4.7 ​Maintenance

The regular field checks should identify any changes in system calibration. These may occur as a result
of long-term changes in the electrical characteristics of the thermometer, degradation of the electrical
cables or their connections, changes in the contact resistance of switches or changes in the electrical
characteristics of the measuring equipment. Identification of the exact source and correction of such
errors will require specialized equipment and training and should be undertaken only by a maintenance


A radiation shield or screen should be designed to provide an enclosure with an internal temperature
that is both uniform and the same as that of the outside air. It should completely surround the
thermometers and exclude radiant heat, precipitation and other phenomena that might influence the

Screens with forced ventilation, in which air is drawn over the thermometer element by a fan, may help to
avoid biases when the microclimate inside the screen deviates from the surrounding air mass. Such a
deviation only occurs when the natural wind speed is very low (< 1 m s​–1​). When such artificial ventilation
is used, care should be taken to prevent the deposition of aerosols and rain droplets on the sensor which
decrease its temperature towards the wet-bulb temperature. Manufacturers of artificially ventilated
radiation shields are encouraged to provide a clear indication (such as an LED light) of the fan status
directly on the screen or on the control unit or data logger to allow maintenance staff to check whether
the fan is functioning properly by visual inspection. Additionally, the fan status and preferably the fan
speed should be provided in the data output for automatic monitoring purposes.

As a shield material, highly polished, non-oxidized metal is favourable because of its high reflectivity
and low heat absorption. Nevertheless, thermally insulating plastic-based material is preferable
because of its simple maintenance requirements. Thermally insulating material must be used if the
system relies on natural ventilation.

The performance of a screen (response behaviour and microclimate effects introducing unwanted
biases) depends predominantly on its design, in which care must be taken to ensure both radiation
protection and sufficient ventilation. Since the start of meteorological temperature measurements, very
diverse types of screens have been designed. Following the introduction of temperature measurements
taken in automatic weather stations, the variety of these designs has increased significantly (see WMO,
1998​a)​ . Because of differences in specific applications, the degree of automation and climatology, it is
difficult to recommend one specific type of design suitable for worldwide measurements. Nevertheless,
many investigations and intercomparisons on designs and their performance have been carried out. A
clear overview of screen designs is given by WMO (1972). Results of thermometer screen
intercomparisons are reported by Andersson and Mattison (1991), Sparks (2001), WMO (1998​b​, 1998​c,​
1998​d,​ 2000​a,​ 2000​b,​ 2002​b​, 2002​c​, 2002​d,​ 2011) and Zanghi (1987).

An international standard (ISO/DIS 17714) defines most relevant screen types and describes the
methods to determine or compare screen performances (ISO, 2007).



2.5.1 ​Louvred screens

Most of the numerous varieties of louvred screen rely on natural ventilation. The walls of such a screen
should preferably be double-louvred and the floor should be made of staggered boards, but other types
of construction may be found to meet the above requirements. The roof should be double-layered, with
provisions for ventilation of the space between the two layers. In cold climates, owing to the high
reflectivity of snow (up to 88%), the screen should also have a double floor. At the same time, however,
the floor should easily drop or tilt so that any snow entering the screen during a storm can be removed.

The size and construction of the screen should be such that it keeps the heat capacity as low as
practicable and allows ample space between the instruments and the walls. The latter feature excludes
all possibility of direct contact between the thermometer sensing elements and the walls, and is
particularly important in the tropics where insolation may heat the sides to the extent that an appreciable
temperature gradient is caused in the screen. Direct contact between the sensing elements and the
thermometer mounting should also be avoided. The screen should be painted both inside and outside
with white, non-hygroscopic paint.

When double walls are provided, the layer of air between them serves to reduce the amount of heat
that would otherwise be conducted from the outer wall to the inner enclosure, especially in strong
sunshine. When the wind is appreciable, the air between the walls is changed continually so that the
conduction of heat inwards from the outer walls is further decreased.

The free circulation of air throughout the screen helps the temperature of the inner wall adapt to ambient
air changes. In this way, the influence of the inner wall upon the temperature of the thermometer is
reduced. Also, the free circulation of air within the screen enables the thermometer to follow the ambient
air changes more quickly than if radiative exchanges alone were operative. However, the air circulating
through the screen spends a finite time in contact with the outer walls and may have its temperature
altered thereby. This effect becomes appreciable when the wind is light and the temperature of the outer
wall is markedly different from the air temperature. Thus, the temperature of the air in a screen can be
expected to be higher than the true air temperature on a day of strong sunshine and calm wind, and
slightly lower on a clear, calm night, with errors perhaps reaching 2.5 and –0.5 K, respectively, in extreme
cases. Additional errors may be introduced by cooling due to evaporation from a wet screen after rain. All
these errors also have a direct influence on the readings of other instruments inside the screen, such as
hygrometers, evaporimeters, and the like.

Errors due to variations in natural ventilation can be reduced if the screen is fitted with a suitably
designed forced ventilation system that maintains a constant and known ventilation rate, at least at
low wind speeds. Care should be taken in the design of such systems to ensure that heat from the fan
or an electrical motor does not affect the screen temperature.

In general, only one door is needed, with the screen being placed so that the sun does not shine on the
thermometers when the door is open at the times of observation. In the tropics, two doors are necessary
for use during different periods of the year. Likewise, in polar regions (where the sun is at a low angle)
precautions should be taken to protect the inside of the screen from the direct rays of the sun either by a
form of shading or by using a screen which is mounted so that it can be turned to an appropriate angle
while the door is open for readings.

Although most screens are still made of wood, some recent designs using plastic materials offer greater
protection against radiation effects because of an improved louvre design that provides a better airflow.
In any case, the screen and stand should be constructed of sturdy materials and should be firmly
installed so that errors in maximum and minimum thermometer readings caused by wind vibration are
kept to a minimum. In some areas where wind vibration cannot be entirely damped,
elastic mounting brackets are recommended. The ground cover beneath the screen should be grass or,
in places where grass does not grow, the natural surface of the area.

The screen should be kept clean and repainted regularly; in many places, repainting the screen once
every two years is sufficient, but in areas subject to atmospheric pollution it may be necessary to repaint
it at least once a year.



2.5.2 ​Other artificially ventilated shields

The main alternative to exposure in a louvred screen, which is either naturally or artificially ventilated, is
to shield the thermometer bulb from direct radiation by placing it on the axis of two concentric cylindrical
shields and drawing a current of air (with a speed between 2.5 and 10 m s​–1​) between the shields and
past the thermometer bulb. This type of exposure is normal in aspirated psychrometers (see Part I,
Chapter 4). In principle, the shields should be made of a thermally insulating material, although in the
Assmann psychrometer the shields are made of highly polished metal to reduce the absorption of solar
radiation. The inner shield is kept in contact with a moving stream of air on both sides so that its
temperature, and consequently that of the thermometer, can approximate very closely to that of the air.
Such shields are usually mounted with their axes in a vertical position. The amount of direct radiation
from the ground entering through the base of such shields is small and can be reduced by extending the
base of the shields appreciably below the thermometer bulb. When the artificial ventilation is provided by
an electrically driven fan, care should be taken to prevent any heat from the motor and fan from reaching
the thermometers.

The design of the WMO reference psychrometer takes careful account of the effects of radiation and
the use of artificial ventilation and shielding to ensure that the thermometer element is at equilibrium at
the true air temperature (see Part I, Chapter 4).


​ OF 1990

The fixed points of the International Temperature Scale of 1990 (ITS-90) of interest to meteorological
measurements are contained in Table 2.A.1, while secondary reference points of interest to
meteorological measurements are contained in Table 2.A.2.

The standard method of interpolating between the fixed points uses formulae to establish the relation
between indications of the standard instruments and the values of the ITS-90 (BIPM, 1990). The
standard instrument used from –259.34 °C to 961.78 °C is a platinum resistance thermometer.

An alternative practical method for ITS-90 approximation in platinum resistance thermometer calibration
(determination of ​R0​ ​, ​A ​, ​B a
​ nd ​C,​ see equation below) is to obtain resistance-temperature data by
making a comparison with a calibrated standard platinum resistance thermometer at numerous
temperatures in the range of interest and then fit a polynomial to the data by a least-squares technique.

The relationship between the resistance of the platinum resistance thermometer under calibration and
the temperature measured with a reference thermometer is described with an interpolation equation. The
Callendar–Van Dusen equation is generally accepted as the interpolation equation for industrial platinum
resistance thermometers (defined in the IEC 60751, see IEC (2008)) rather than for standard platinum
resistance thermometers:

​ +_+_+_−​()​_​
RRAtBtCttt​ = ()​023​1100
where ​Rt​ ​is the resistance at temperature ​t o ​ f a platinum wire, ​R0​ ​is its resistance at 0 °C (ice point) and
A,​ ​B ​and ​C ​(​C =
​ 0 for ​t >
​ 0 °C) are constants which are found using the least-squares method on the
data acquired during the calibration.

Table 2.A.1. Defining fixed points on the



Table 2.A.2. Secondary reference points and their temperatures on the


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