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Basavarajiyam A Popular Ayurvedic heritage of Andhra


Article · January 1999

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3 authors, including:

Goli Penchala Prasad

Regional Ayurveda Institute for fundamental Research Pune


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.!R.A.S Vol. XX. No. 1-2. (1999) pp.1()1-1()()



Goli Penchala Prasad', S.D. Dubey' and J.K. Ojha'

(Received on 3.5.99)

This Basavarajeeyam is one ofthe rare But majority of those treatises are avai lablc
hooks. It is written hy Basavaraju. This in different regions of India in different
book is divided into 25 Prakarana. Among regional languages. Some ofthcsc available
them all the 3 points 4 Chikitsa i.e., treatises have also been translated without
Daivavyapasrya, Yuktivyapasraya and changing Mul (original) into different
Satvavajaya are described in detail. Aim oj' foreign languages and foreigners are doing
this article is to communicate the important researches on those books.
and rational information to the research
workers and its benefitfor human beings. One of the recent (J 9th century) such
important treatises one of them is
Introduction Basavarajeeyarn. Since a long time it is a
very much popular Ayurvcdic book in
Ayurveda is a science of life and it is Andhra Pradesh. But first time dedicated
immemorial. So many ancient scholars effort was done to make it available in a
dedicated their lives to enrich this life book form bv Late Shrec Puvvada
science. Previously this science was having Suryanarayan Rao. He referred so many
enormous treatises. But due to our foreign and Indian available Palm-leaf
negligence or due to our bad luck we lost so manuscripts and finally completed his
many ancient treatises. Even then now also translation. He has wr ittcn this
so many important and worthful Ayurvedic Basavarajeeyam in Telugu language (main
treatises are available in India and abroad. language of Andhra Pradesh). This book is

I. Final year 'MD' Ayurvedic & Junior Resident.

2. Reader and Head.
3. Professor, Deptt. of Dravyaguna and Dean. Faculty of Ayurveda, IMS, BInI. Varunasi.


having nearly 1,200 pages and it was first Basavarajeeyam, are ha ving importance
time published bv AB.S. Publications of of their own, by compiling so many
Rajamandri. After that up to now no efforts important contents from some of those
were done to make it available in other ancient classics and making them in a
language by which so many scholars will beautiful order this Basavarajceyam has
know about this Ayurvcdic heritage. In its own importance and highness.
this paper an attempt has been made to
First I'rakaran has been started with
prescnr a gross idea about Basavarajceyam.
the worship of Lord Vishnu, Maheswar.
About the author Basavraj, the son of Brahma. Vigneswar. Vatika Bhairava and
Godess Saraswati. In this Prakaran he has
Namhsivaya and disciple of Ramadesika
mentioned that he has studied Caraka,
is the author of this treatise. He was the
Madhavkalpa, Bhairava Kalpa. Bahata,
native of Nidimamidi. one of the areas in
Siddavidhyabhu. Siddasarnava, Bhaishajya
Andhra Pradesh. He was eminent
Kalp a, Jatukarna, Madhavccyam.
Ayurvedic scholar who had studied number
Aswiniyam. Ayu rvedam.
of Aynrvcdic, Vedic and other eminent Sinduramanidarpanam. Poojya Padiyam,
books and compelled so rnany Sloka from Dcvi Shastrarn, Chandra Kalpam. Brahma
various important books. Garudam Chintamani, Jyotishyam,
Kashikhandam, Sareera Sutram.
About the book : This book is also famous
Nityanadiyam, Nandinadiyam,
as Vrishabharajeeyam. In this book almost Agnimantram, Matantaram.
all aspects of diseases and treatments have Anyashastram, Chikitsasara
been covered. In the treatment both herbal Siddasangraham, Karmavipakam, Revana
and mineralAlIshodis have been used. Total Siddakalparn, etc. Grantha. He has also
book has been divided into 25 Prakarana. said that by referring these important books,
In each Prakaran different diseases this Basavarajeeyam has been written in
including their etiopathogenesis, Lakshana, Andhra Bh asha to make it easy to
Chikitsa, Sadhya, Asadhyata. Pathya. understand tAndrabashayusam Tadvat
Apathya, etc. have been described. Even Karamalakvat Sphutami. Even if we study
Daiva Vyapasraya Chikitsa has also been this book, he has given all above references
without changing in his book and he has
given much importance. After studying
mentioned like Ni tyana Adiyam.
various ancient Ayurvedic and other
Karmavipakam etc. references. By this it is
relevant books, with having keen idea he
also becoming clear that at 19th century all
has written various diseases and their
above books were available.
treatments in an easy understanding and
most beneficial way. Though many In this Prakaran it has also been written
Ayurvedic classics, before that in Satyug Caraka was more beneficial,


In Tretayug Rasaratnakaram, In types of Taila Bindu Pariksha for different

Dwaparyug Siddavidhyabhu and In types of diseases have been dealt. Sadhya
Kaliyug Basavarajeeyam IS more Asadhyata of different diseases by testing
beneficial. the urine has been described.

After that in this Prakaran a detailed In the 4th Prakaran Kshaya Roga
description about Nadi Pariksha has been Nidan. Lakshan Sadhya Asadhyata.
dealt. Eight types of Nadi, Chikitsa, Pathya Apathyas have been
Nadisparshanavidhi, difference between mentioned. In the 5th Prakaran Pandu,
male and female Nadi, Hastagata Nadi, Sopha and Kamala Nidana. Lakshan.
Hasta Nadi. Kantha Nadi, Vataja, Pittaja Sadhya Asadhyata Chikitsa, Anupana
and Kaphaja Nadi, Dwandaja. Sannipataja Pathya Apathya have been described. In
Nadi, Bala Vriddha Nadi, Trikala Nadi, the 6th Prakaran different types of
Nadi Pariksha, Nishedakala and Vataro ga, Pitt aroga, their Nidan,
Nadidosha in different stages have been Lakshana, Sadhya Asadhyata Chikitsa.
described. Then different types of Jvara Pathya Apathya have been described. In
and their treatment along with their the 7th Prakaran, 24 types of Paittika
etiopathogenesis have been described. diseases like Aavarna Vivarna.
Suryavarna, Kamila, Amla. Rakta. Sveda,
In the second Prakaran a detailed Karapada. Murcha etc. have been
description aboutSannipafa has been given.
described along with their Nidan etc.
In this origin of Sannipata, 13 types of
Sanni p at a like Sandika, Tandri ka, In the 8th Prakaran different types of
Chittavibrama, Kanthakubja, Karnika, Sleshmajadiseases like Kasa, Svasa. Hikka
Jihvaka. Rugdhaha, Antaka, Bhagnanetra, along with their types Nidan etc. all aspects
Raktastheevi, Seetaka, Pralapa, Seetanga, have been described. Same way in the 9th
Abhinyasa . Not only 'that some other Prakaran i.e., in Meha Prakaran,
Sannipata like Sitadi, Asukari. Kampana, Mehavrana. Mutrakrischa, Mutraghta,
Babhru, Sighrakari, Bhalla, Kutaapalaka, Asmari etc. urinary diseases along with
Sammohana. Palaka. Yamya, Krakacha. their types, Nidana etc. aspects have been
Karkata, Vaidarika etc. Sannipata and dealt. In this chapter some of the author's
their Nidan Lakshana and treatment have own Yoga in the treatment of Prameha
been mentioned. have been described in Telugu (language
of Andhra) in a poetic manner.
In the 3rd Prakaran Sareerak and
Manashik Dosha have been described. In the l Oth Prakaran Grahani and
After that a detailed description about Atisara along with their types etc. have
Mutrapariksha has been given. Different been described.' In the 1lth Prakaran


Udara, Anaha. Udavarta. Vidhradi Raga Madatyayaroga have been described in

have been mentioned in detail with all detail in all aspects. In this Prakaran
aspects. In the 12th Prakaran Trishna, Nasaroga. Siroroga. their types, Nidan.
Daha, Hridhroga, Vishuchika. Alasika, Chikitsa etc. are also mentioned.
Vilambika, Agnimandhya. Ajirna etc.
diseases from Nidan to Chikitsa have been In the 19th Prakaran Gulmaroga.
written. Shularoga, have been dealt in dctial. In the
20th Prakaran Unmada and Apasmara
lnthe 13thPrakaran Kushtha, Visarpa. along with their types Nidana. Chikitsa
Visphotaka etc. diseases along with their etc. all aspects have been covered. In this
types Nidana Chikitsa cus. have been given. some famous Yoga have been mentioned
In the 14th Prakaran Arsha, Upadamsha, in Telugu language.
Shukadosh. Andavriddi etc. diseases are
covered in all aspects. In the 15th Prakaran In the 21 st Prakaran Bhagandar.
Vandya its Nidan. Chikit sa, Garbhini Vrana. Aaguntukavrana, Nadivrana.
Vedana in different months and its Agnidagdavrana, Lutavrana. Markata
treatment, Garbha Shula and Yonishula Arbhud. Galaganda. Gandamala. Karna.
Chikit sa, Yonidurmamsa Chikitsa, Mukh a . Dttnt a. .Iihw a. TO/II and
Gudabramsha Chikitsa, Pushpa Avarodha Kanthagata. Danta. 'Fundi.Snayuka. Stano.
Chikitsa, different types of other Garbhini Sphota, Kilaka. Kalasphotaka. Sleepada.
diseases like Kasa and Svasa. Sopha . Jvara, etc. different types of Vranas their Nidan.
Raktapitta, Chardi, Agnimandhya. Vata, Chikitsa etc. all aspects ha vc been covered.
Sutikavata etc. diseases and their treatments
In the 22nd I'rakaran different types
have been described.
of Kshudraroga like Ajagalli. Anthalaji,
In the 16th Prakaran Asrigdhara, Yavaprakhya, Vivritapitika. Indravriddha ..
Asthi srava, Yonivyapat, Yonikanda. Gardhabha . Jalagardhabha. Kacchapika.
Garbh apat a, Mudhagarbha, Pashanagardh ahh a, Irivel l ik:a,
Yonisamvranam. Stanaroga, Somaroga Gandhanamni, Agni roh ini . Chi pya,
etc.diseases have been dealt in detail Kunakha, Vali. Pal ita. lndral upt a.
Sukhaprasava Lakshana, Mritagarbha Ahiputana etc. along with their treatment
Chcdana Vidhi, Garbhiniroga Pathya have been told.
Apathya also been included.
In the 23nd Prakaran different types
In the 17th Prakaran various types of ofVisha Chikitsa including various darnses
Netraroga along with their Nidana, and their treatments have been described.
Lakshana, Chikitsa. Sadhya. Asadhyata, In this also so many Yoga of his own are
Pathya, Apathya have been told. In the mentioned in Telugu language.
18th Prakaran Sthoulya, Medovriddi.


In 24th Prakaran has its own Trishna. Daha. Unmada, Apasmara,

importance because in this many diseases Amavata, Gulma, Hridroga, Mutrakrischa,
have been described under Karma Vipak. Udara, Bhagandara. Gandamala.
This Karma Vipak has also been seen in Sleepada, Upadamsha. Kushtha etc.
ancient Bhagavadgita. Buddhistic diseases Karmavipak and their Samana
philosophy and in Vaman Puran. Various Upaya or Chikitsa have been described in
diseases etiology have been described in detail. It is a point where recently no
philosophical manner. For example, in research has been done.
Vatavyadhi Karmavipak it has been told
that if a person steals the money of Next in 25th or last Prakaran Rasa.
Brahman. money belonging to the god and Gandhaka, etc. minerals, their Sodhana.
harm to his boss then he will get Bhasmikarana etc. along with other
Vatavyadhies. At the same time many information about Rasashastra have been
Daiva Vyapasraya Chikitsas for the discussed.
Shamana of those Karma Vipaka have also Conclusion
been described. For examples in Javara
Karma Vipak as a treatment one should do By this paper one can come to a gross
the worship of Garuda or Maheswar or idea about the contents ofBasavarajeeyam.
Surya or Maheswari or other Kuladaiva. By this paper it is becoming clear that it is
Like this in this Prakaran '!vara very essential Ayurvedic book and proper
Karmavipak, Atisara, Pandu, Arsoroga. research in various dimensions should be
Kamala. Svasa, Kasa. Aruchi, Chardi. done so far its rationality and practical uses
might be possible.


Basavaraju 1998 Andhra Tatparyasahita Basa-

varajeeyam, (translated by Puvvada
Suryanarayana Rao), Published by
A.B.S. Publishers, Rajamandri, A.P.,
Reprinted in 1998.


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