Sat 3G Mixed Ability IELTS Classes

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Teaching mixed ability IELTS classes:

strategies, approaches & activities

Jo Tomlinson and Fiona Aish

Today we will…

… discuss the challenges of mixed ability IELTS classes

… explore some potential solutions
… apply our ideas to materials evaluation & planning
Discussion 1: What is your context like?

• Describe a typical IELTS class in your institution.

• Do you have mixed ability IELTS classes? Why? Why not?
• What challenges do mixed ability IELTS classes present?
1. Different levels of language, skills &
test knowledge bring challenges.
Challenges of mixed ability IELTS classes

Maintaining motivation
Managing students’ expectations
Planning lessons and courses
Responding to students’ individual needs
Choosing and writing materials
Ensuring students all make progress
Discussion 2: How do you manage?

• What do you find most difficult with mixed ability IELTS classes?
• What strategies/ approaches do you have for specific difficulties?
• What activities do you use that improve your teaching?
• Which course books/ materials work best for this type of class?
2. Planning, classroom management &
activities can address these challenges.
Planning – The flipped classroom

Definition: Students are introduced to some of the material before

class then practice, discuss and activate the material during class time.

Aim: to give students time to assimilate the material at their own pace
and provide a more active learning experience in the class.
Benefits of flipped learning
Low level students High level students Teachers
Allows sts to spend lots of Can focus on gaining a Can give specific
time on language. deeper understanding. preparation tasks to
different students.
Can improve confidence Can help students push Enables a more productive
and motivation. themselves. use of class time.
Can raise awareness of Can reduce dissatisfaction Helps tailor specific
level and work required to with being in a mixed support to students.
improve. ability class.
Can encourage class Gives sts more control. Promotes independent
participation. learning.
Classroom management

Student buddies/ teams of the same level

Strong + strong students together - focus on accuracy
Strong + weak students together – if you know it, teach others
Pair sts with complementary skills for specific tasks
Nominate sts/ pairs to explain specific answers
Writing feedback – ‘Teacher please check the following 3 areas…’
Sts peer assess each other’s work using the public criteria for Sp and Wr
Reflection & goal setting
Reflection questions: Setting goals for different levels:

- What did I learn about my ability - What language do I want to learn

to do ….? from today?
- Who helped me today? - Make a plan to improve skills e.g.
- Who did I help? scanning, reading speed.
- What test technique did I use - Analyse wrong answers.
today which was useful? - Do the task again at home and
- What did I do today which was notice the difference.
not helpful? - Record speaking tasks every day.
- What tips would I give other - Rewrite writing tasks with
students? corrections/ improvements.
Activities for mixed ability IELTS classes
Strong sts: explain correct/ incorrect answers for receptive skills
collaborate on writing tasks
create useful vocab list from text & audioscript
use more error correction

Weak sts: use templates for writing & speaking tasks

check audioscript before feedback on listening tasks
reduce word limit on writing tasks & time on speaking tasks

General: in pairs, sts write tasks for each other

in pairs/ groups sts create a ‘test quiz’ & test each other
3. Evaluating and tweaking materials can
help us teach mixed ability IELTS classes.
Suggestions for adapting materials
• Brainstorm zoo based vocabulary (done as preparation)
• Teach/ peer teach pronunciation of key words – encouraging, prey,
exhibition, penguin, building
• Predict type of answer for each space and possibilities
• Do Ex 4 as a whole class directing specific Qs to specific sts
• Ask sts to explain exam advice to each other and add more tips
• Different pairs write audioscript for each question type then explain
how they wrote it and why

Material: Complete IELTS, Brook-Hart & Jakeman, p.50 Listening

Discussion 4: How could you use this material?

Think about:
• The flipped classroom approach
• Classroom management strategies – pairings & groupings, reflection
questions & goal setting
• Tweaking, adapting & supplementing the material
Any questions?

Thanks for listening
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