An Easy Method To Design Gas Vapor Relief System With Rupture Disk

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Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries xxx (2015) 1e8

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An easy method to design gas/vapor relief system with rupture disk

Guibing Zhao
Chilworth Technology, Inc., 113 Campus Drive, Princeton, NJ 08540, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Tank discharge gas/vapor flow problems are frequently encountered in both practice and design. To
Received 2 June 2014 perform this type of design calculation, the first step is to identify whether the flow is choked or not
Received in revised form through a trial-and-error solution of an equation for adiabatic flow with friction from a reservoir through
25 February 2015
a pipe. Developing a direct method without any trial-and-error to identify a choking condition would be
Accepted 30 March 2015
helpful for expediting the flow calculations. This paper presents an easy and quick method to identify the
Available online xxx
choking of gas flow for an emergency relief system consisting of a rupture disk and vent piping. This
greatly simplifies the design calculations. The proposed method for validating the venting adequacy of
Gas/vapor relief
existing ERS circumvents the iteration calculation and the use of Lapple charts. Three case studies for the
Emergency relief system design of vent piping for rupture disks support the proposed method.
Choking condition © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Rupture disk
Design calculation

1. Introduction is more complicated than a rupture disk because the calculations

for the inlet and outlet piping of a safety valve usually have to be
Emergency Relief Systems (ERS) are installed to protect process done separately. The current code requires the un-recoverable
vessels from the catastrophic effects of excessive overpressure and pressure loss of the inlet piping of a pressure relief valve to be
subsequent rupture. An Emergency Relief System can be thought of less than 3% of the set pressure to avoid rapid cyclic opening and
as being composed of three different elements: pressure source closing of the valve, commonly known as “chattering”. This can
(reservoir), relief device, and vent line. The pressure source can be a reduce the flow capacity of the valve and can result in damage to
reactor, a pipe needing to be protected, or any other equipment or the valve and the inlet piping. The discharge piping system should
process vessel. Rupture disks and safety valves are the primary be designed so that the “back pressure” caused by flow through the
relief devices by which pressurized vessels and pipelines are pro- piping does not reduce the intended capacity of the system.
tected against intolerable overpressures. The safety valve is a The design for a rupture disk system is much easier than that of
reclosing pressure relief device that will reclose once the protected- a safety valve. Generally, one does not need to separately consider
system pressure is lower than the set pressure of the valve, minus the piping before and after a rupture disk, and a rupture disk can be
the “blowdown” of the valve. The blowdown of a safety valve is the treated as a pipe fitting with a flow resistance obtained from the
difference between the set pressure and the closing pressure of a manufacturer or using a value of 2.4 according to Section UG131 of
safety valve, expressed as a percentage of the set pressure. The the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC). Also, the calcu-
rupture disk is a non-reclosing pressure relief device actuated by lated relieving capacity is to be multiplied by a factor of 0.9 or less
the differential pressure between the inlet and outlet sides of the to allow for any uncertainties according to Section UG127 of the
disk, and it is designed to function by bursting. ASME BPVC.
The methods for designing gas/vapor emergency relief system To find the discharge rate from a pressure source requires a trial-
have been well established and used in industrial practice (API and error-solution for equations that relate adiabatic flow to
standard 520, 2008; API standard 521, 2008; Kern, 1975; Cox and friction-caused pressure drop. The well-known Lapple charts
Weirick, 1980; Kandell, 1981; Van Boskirk, 1982; Friedel and (Lapple, 1943) (later corrected by Levenspiel (Levenspiel, 1977) in
Schmidt, 1993; Westman, 1997, 1998). The design of a safety valve 1977) are usually used for a quick graphical solution. However, to
perform this type of design calculation, the first step is to determine
if the flow is choked. That is, to determine if the flow changes from
E-mail address: [email protected]. subsonic to sonic at some point in the piping. Choked flow is a
URL: limiting condition which occurs when the mass flow rate will not
0950-4230/© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Zhao, G., An easy method to design gas/vapor relief system with rupture disk, Journal of Loss Prevention in the
Process Industries (2015),
2 G. Zhao / Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries xxx (2015) 1e8

increase with a further decrease in the downstream pressure through Eq. (8a) at any location in the venting line for any given
environment while upstream pressure is fixed. For a fluid flow with Mach number. Eq. (8b) is the critical mass flux under the condition
a constant pipe diameter, the choke can only occur at the pipe exit if of assuming choked flow at the exit from a pipe frictionless flow.
the Mach number at inlet of pipe is subsonic. The gas flow may be Eq. (4) can be used to establish the relationship between the
supersonic for a short distance downstream of fittings, e.g., orifices pressures at points 1 and 2:
and contractions of the cross-sectional pipe area, where the gas can
" #1
be highly accelerated. At the end of this distance the change from
P2 M1 2 þ ðk  1ÞM21

supersonic to subsonic flow occurs due to a single shock or a series ¼ $ (9)

P1 M2 2 þ ðk  1ÞM22
of oblique or normal shocks. For simplicity, these are assumed to
occur immediately behind the fitting, i.e. before entering the Usually, fluid flow from the protected vessel to inlet of the ERS is
following pipe component, and the extra pressure loss in the su- treated as isentropic flow but with 0.5 velocity head loss. Therefore,
personic velocity region is superimposed on the losses due to the Po1 ¼ Pov, To1 ¼ Tov. Then the pressure ratio is given by:
Developing a direct “analytic” method to identify a choking P2 P P P
condition would be helpful for expediting design calculations. This h2 ¼ ¼ 2 ¼ 2 1 (10)
Pov Po1 P1 Po1
paper presents an easy and quick method to determine whether or
not choking of gas flow would occur for ERS containing a rupture Substituting Eq. (1) and Eq. (9) into Eq. (10):
disk. The proposed method for validating the venting adequacy of vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
existing ERS circumvents the iteration calculations and the use of M1 u 1
h2 ¼ $u  kþ1 (11)
Lapple charts. Three case studies for the design of vent piping for M2 u
t k1
2 k1M2
rupture-disk systems support the proposed method. 1 þ k1 2 M 2 1 þ 2 1

2. Design of a gas/vapor relief system If flow at the exit from the ERS (location 2 in Fig. 1) is choked,
then M2 ¼ 1. Eq. (11) becomes:
A schematic for a pressure relief system with a rupture disk and
a constant pipe diameter is shown in Fig. 1. The properties of the k  1 2 k1 2 M21
1þ M1 ¼ (12)
protected tank/vessel and its contents e like the Maximum 2 k þ 1 h22
Allowable Working Pressure (MAWP) and the gas/vapor tempera-
ture e under emergency conditions are known. The designer needs The Taylor series expansion of (1þx)n is:
to calculate the downstream “state” variables e pressure, temper-
ature, density, and velocity (Mach number) e at the inlet and outlet 1
ð1 þ xÞn ¼ 1 þ nx þ nðn  1Þx2 þ / (13)
of each pipe section. 2
Generally, it is assumed that the flow initially is steady and one- Applying the first three members of this expansion to the left
dimensional, and the vent line system is assumed to be adiabatic, side of Eq. (12) gives:
with no heat losses from the gas/vapor stream. An adiabatic flow
can be either frictional or frictionless. A reversible adiabatic flow  kþ1
k  1 2 k1 kþ1 2 kþ1 4
(without friction loss) is called as an isentropic flow. Also, the gas/ 1þ M1 z1 þ M1 þ M1 (14)
2 2 4
vapor is treated as a perfect gas, such that the ideal gas law applies.
The four variables of pressure, temperature, density, and velocity Thus, Eq. (12) becomes:
(Mach number) at any location in the pipe can be solved by four "  2 #
equations of continuity (mass balance), momentum balance, en- 2 1 4
ergy balance, and equation of state at any known boundary con- M41 þ 2 1  $ M21 þ ¼0 (15)
k þ 1 h2 kþ1
ditions. Such solutions (White, 2001) are shown in Table 1, where
the stagnation value (subscript o) is used as the reference condition Solving Eq. (15) to obtain the Mach number at location 1,
for isentropic flow while the critical value under sonic condition
(Mach number ¼ 1, denoted by asterisks, whether or not it is u u"
u 2 u   #2
u 2 1 2 1 2 4
1t 1
actually reached in the pipe exit) is used as reference condition for
M1 ¼ t $ $ 
adiabatic flow with friction. The stagnation state has a macroscopic k þ 1 h2 k þ 1 h2 kþ1
flow velocity of zero, which can be an actual state in a reactor, or a
hypothetical state in frictional flow where a state is isentropically (16)
transformed to a stagnation state. Mass flux can be calculated However, M1 can also be solved through Eq. (7) if the total
friction resistance coefficient of both the pipe internal surface and
fittings is known, from (Cox and Weirick, 1980):

N ¼ 4f þ Ki (17)
Fig. 2 shows the comparison of M1 from the theoretical solution
from Eq. (7) and the simplified analytical solution from Eq. (16). For
a total friction resistance larger than 0.5, which is the case for most
practical application e because the vessel exit velocity head loss is
0.5 e the relative error of comparing the theoretical solution to the
simplified solution is less than 0.5% with the k value of 1.4. The
relative error of M1 from the theoretical solution from Eq. (7) and
Fig. 1. Schematic of pressure relief system with rupture disk. the simplified analytical solution from Eq. (16) varies from 0.2% to

Please cite this article in press as: Zhao, G., An easy method to design gas/vapor relief system with rupture disk, Journal of Loss Prevention in the
Process Industries (2015),
G. Zhao / Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries xxx (2015) 1e8 3

Table 1
Equations for calculating the state variables and Mach numbers along the relief line for gas/vapor relief.

Isentropic process Adiabatic process with friction

Pressure  k  12
Po k  1 2 k1 P 1 kþ1
¼ 1þ M (1) ¼ (4)
P 2 P * M 2 þ ðk  1ÞM 2

Temperature To k1 2 T kþ1

¼ 1þ M (2) ¼ (5)
T 2 T * 2 þ ðk  1ÞM 2

Density   1  1
ro k1 2 k1
r 1 2 þ ðk  1ÞM 2 2
¼ 1þ M (3) ¼ (6)
r 2 r * M kþ1
" #
Mach number relationship 1 1 kþ1 2 þ ðk  1ÞM22 M12
kN ¼  þ ln $ (7)
M12 M22 2 2 þ ðk  1ÞM12 M22

rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi

Mass flux   kþ1
PMw kRT kMw kMw k  1 2 k1
G ¼ ru ¼ M ¼ PM ¼ Po M 1þ M (8a)
RT Mw RT RTo 2

kMw 2 k1
Gc ¼ Pov ðchoked frictionless flowÞ (8b)
RTov k þ 1

0.8% for the k value from 1.9 to 1.000001 for a total friction resis- Eq. (18) is established by regressing the relative error with the
tance of 0.5. A larger error would result only if N could be less than M1e. The relative error of comparing the theoretical solution to the
0.5. The largest error is 13.6% with N ¼ 0 for isentropic flow. solution from Eq. (18) is less than 2% for any resistance coefficient,
Theoretical solution of Eq. (7) is based on the perfect gas law. N, as shown in Fig. 3.
Process conditions such as vessel pressure, k, and fluid viscosity To make Equation (16) be solvable, the following inequality has
would not impact the M1 solution from Eq. (16) as well as its to be satisfied
comparison to theoretical solution by Eq. (7), only if the perfect gas
law can be applied.
However, if the solution from Eq. (16) is set as an estimation of
"  2 # 2
M1, then M1e would be given by: 2 1 4
1 $  0 (19)
vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi k þ 1 h2 kþ1
u u"
u 2 u   #2
u 2 1 t 2 1 2 4
M1e ¼ t $ 1 1 $  which gives
k þ 1 h2 k þ 1 h2 kþ1

and 2 2 2
h2  $ 1 þ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi (20)
kþ1 kþ1
M1 ¼ M1e þ M14:8
1e (18)

Fig. 2. A comparison of values of M1 from the theoretical solution of Eq. (7) and the Fig. 3. A comparison of values of M1 from the theoretical solution of Eq. (7) and the
simplified analytical solution of Eq. (16) with exit choked (M2 ¼ 1) (k ¼ 1.4). simplified analytical solution of Eq. (18) with exit choked (M2 ¼ 1) (k ¼ 1.4).

Please cite this article in press as: Zhao, G., An easy method to design gas/vapor relief system with rupture disk, Journal of Loss Prevention in the
Process Industries (2015),
4 G. Zhao / Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries xxx (2015) 1e8

Table 2
 1 Design parameters for capacity evaluation of rupture disk.
2 2 2
h2 > · 1 þ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi (21)
kþ1 kþ1 Molecule weight, kg/kmol 20
MAWP, barg 6.90
then the ERS line exit is not choked. Relieving pressure, bara 8.60
Relieving temperature,  C 93.33
Total resistance, N 4.04
3. An easy way to identify a choked condition at the exit Atmospheric pressure Pa, bara 1.01
k 1.4
Based on the above discussion, an easy way to determine if a
choked condition exists at the exit from an ERS is the following
proposed procedure: With the calculated h2 from Eq. (24), the required M1 can be
calculated through Eq. (16). With known M1 and M2, the resistance
(1) Calculate h2 ¼ PPova , coefficient Nr for the required mass flux can be calculated through
 1 Eq. (7). If Nr is larger than the total flow resistance of the existing
2 $ 1 þ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
(2) If h2 > kþ1 2 , ERS line exit is not choked;
kþ1 venting line, the existing ERS system is adequate. Otherwise, the
otherwise, continue with the following procedures, existing venting system is not adequate, therefore, has to be
(3) Calculate M1 from Eq. (16), modified to reduce flow resistance by reducing the length of
(4) Calculate f(M1) from the following equation (rearranged venting line, and/or enlarging the pipe/rupture disk size, and/or
from Eq. (7) with M2 ¼ 1) making flow as straight as possible, and/or reducing number of pipe
fittings, etc.
If ERS venting line exit is not choked, M1 can be calculated in the
! " # same way as above from Eq. (24) and Eq. (16) because h2 can be
1 kþ1 ðk þ 1ÞM12 calculated from Eq. (24) (however, the actual h2 ¼ PP0va ). The M2 can
fðM1 Þ ¼  1 þ ln  kN (22) also be directly solved with known P2 ¼ Pa through applying Eq.
M12 2 2 þ ðk  1ÞM12
(8a) to location 2,
if f(M1)  0, ERS line exit is choked. Otherwise, the ERS is not
sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
choked at the exit.
kMw kMw k1 2
Two type of ERS design work are mostly required in the engi- Gr ¼ P2 M2 ¼ Pa M2 1þ M2 (25)
RT2 RTov 2
neering practice. One is for capacity evaluation. The other is for
validating adequacy of the existing ERS. Then M2 is
For capacity evaluation, the above proposed procedures (1) to
(4) can be used to identify if the ERS line exit is choked or not. If ERS vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
venting line exit is choked, h2 is not known. M1 has to be solved u 2
u1 þ 1 þ 2ðk  1Þ G2r $ RTov
from Eq. (7) with M2 ¼ 1. If ERS line exit is not choked, h2 ¼ PP0va is t P 2 kMw
known. Eq. (7) and Eq. (11) have to be solved simultaneously to get M2 ¼ (26)
M1 and M2. With known Mach number of location 1 and 2 as shown
in Fig. 1, all state variables of pressure, temperature, and density at In the same way as above, with known M1 and M2, the resistance
location 1 and 2 can be calculated from Equations (1)e(6). Then the coefficient Nr for the required mass flux can be calculated through
mass flux in the ERS can be calculated from Eq. (8a). Eq. (7). If Nr is larger than the total flow resistance of the existing
For validating adequacy of the existing ERS, the required mass venting line, the existing ERS system is adequate.
flow rate, accordingly, the required mass flux, Gr, is known. The In this way, the iteration calculation and the use of Lapple charts
above proposed procedures (1) to (4) can be used to identify if the to solve Eq. (7) is circumvented, and the validation of adequacy of
ERS line exit is choked or not. If ERS venting line exit is choked with ERS is quite straightforward.
M2 ¼ 1, dividing Eq. (8a) by Eq. (8b) The following three case studies are using the proposed strategy
to evaluate the design of ERS with rupture disk.
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
P2 kMw P2 kMw kþ1  k
Gr RT2 RTov $ 2 P k þ 1 k1 Case study 1. Capacity evaluation
¼ sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ¼ sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ¼ 2
Gc  kþ1  kþ1 Pov 2 The Annex E of API 520 (8th Edition) gives an example of ca-
k1 k1
Pov kMw 2 Pov kMw 2 pacity evaluation of rupture disk and piping system of 100% vapor
RTov kþ1 RTov kþ1
flow with constant pipe diameter. The given design parameters
(23) shows in Table 2.
Using the proposed method as above,
From Eq. (23), the required h2 ¼ h*2 ,
 k 1:01
Gr 2 k1
h2 ¼ ¼ 0:118;
h2 ¼ (24) 8:60
Gc k þ 1

u u"
u 2 u  2 # 2
u 2 1 t 2 1 4
M1 ¼ t $ 1 1 $  ¼ 0:130
1:4 þ 1 0:118 1:4 þ 1 0:118 1:4 þ 1

Please cite this article in press as: Zhao, G., An easy method to design gas/vapor relief system with rupture disk, Journal of Loss Prevention in the
Process Industries (2015),
G. Zhao / Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries xxx (2015) 1e8 5

Table 3 Table 4
The calculated results for capacity evaluation of rupture disk. Design parameters for neopentyl glycol relief (Case study 2).

Location 0 1 2 Molecule weight, kg/kmol 104.15

Relieving pressure, Bara 4.35
Pressure P, bara 8.60 7.97 2.44
Boling temperature at relieving pressure,  C 259.4
Stagnation pressure Po, bara 8.60 8.60 4.61
Total resistance, N 6.86
Temperature T,  C 93.33 85.46 32.25
Vessel Volume: m3 45.42
Stagnation temperature To,  C 93.33 93.33 93.33
fill ratio 0.85
Mach number: M 0 0.33 1
filled volume, m3 38.61
Velocity u, m/s 0 151.32 421.59
filled height, m 4.31
Density r, kg/m3 5.64 5.34 1.92
wetted area, m2 54.68
Mass flux G, kg/m2s 808.64 808.64
insulation factor (NFPA 30) 0.3
Mass flow rate W, kg/s 3.47 3.47
Q, kW (NFPA 30) 647.66
Latent heat at 259.4  C, kJ/kg 520.12
required mass flowrate, kg/s 1.25
Critical mass flux, Gc, kg/m2s 1307.60
1 1:4 þ 1 ð1:4 þ 1Þ  0:1302
fðM1 Þ ¼  1 þ ln
0:1302 2 2 þ ð1:4  1Þ  0:1302
 1:4  4:04 ¼ 53:1 > 0:
The relieving pressure: 1.21*MAWP þ1.01 ¼ 4.35 Bara.
Then, that the exit of pipe flow to atmosphere is choked can be The relieving temperature: 259.35  C from Antoine equation of
immediately confirmed without any detailed calculations of trial neopentyl glycol (Yaws, 2004).
and error. Therefore, M2 ¼ 1. The actual Mach number of location 1 Then h2 ¼ 1:01
4:35 ¼ 0:233,
can be calculated from Eq. (7). The calculated results show in
Table 3. The calculated approximate mass flow rate from the Crane

u u"
u 2 u  2 # 2
u 2 1 2 1 4
M1 ¼ t $ 1t 1 $  ¼ 0:244
1:06 þ 1 0:233 1:06 þ 1 0:233 1:06 þ 1

chart as shown in Annex E of API 520 (8th Edition) is 3.62 kg/s,    

1 1:06 þ 1 ð1:06 þ 1Þ  0:2442
which is about 4% larger than the result in Table 3. fðM1 Þ ¼  1 þ ln
0:2442 2 2 þ ð1:06  1Þ  0:2442
Case study 2. Validation of venting adequacy for Neopentyl Glycol
 1:06  6:86 ¼ 5:68 > 0:
relief with exit choked
Neopentyl glycol is pumped to a 45.4 m3 vessel with a MAWP of
2.76 barg and heated up to 200  C for other use. The fill ratio is 0.85.
Then, following the strategy proposed in this paper, that the
A 0.0762 m diameter rupture disk with a burst pressure of 1.03 barg
pipe flow outlet to atmosphere is choked can be immediately
is installed on the top of vessel. An inlet pipe with length of 0.305 m
confirmed without any detailed calculations of trial and error.
is connected to a rupture disk with an outlet pipe length of 9.14 m
Therefore, M2 ¼ 1. Then
including two 90 elbows to atmosphere. All pipes and rupture disk
have the same internal diameter. The question is whether the
current emergency relief venting configuration is adequate or not
under scenario of external fire with complete vapor disengage-
 k   1:06
ment. The design parameters are given in Table 4. Gr 2 k1 273:05=0:9 2 1:061

With the condition provided above, the total resistance h2 ¼ ¼ ¼ 0:138

Gc k þ 1 1307:60 1:06 þ 1
including vessel entrance, the pipe line, and rupture disk is calcu-
lated to be 6.86. The specific heat ratio, k, of neopentyl glycol is 1.06.
Under external fire case, the following parameters can be
Here that the required mass flux is divided by a coefficient of 0.9
is to comply with UG127 of ASME BPVC.

u u"
u 2 u  2 # 2
u 2 1 t 2 1 4
M1 ¼ t $ 1 1 $  ¼ 0:141
1:06 þ 1 0:138 1:06 þ 1 0:138 1:06 þ 1

Please cite this article in press as: Zhao, G., An easy method to design gas/vapor relief system with rupture disk, Journal of Loss Prevention in the
Process Industries (2015),
6 G. Zhao / Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries xxx (2015) 1e8

Table 5 Table 6
The calculated results for neopentyl glycol relief with a 0.0762 m rupture disk The calculated results for neopentyl glycol relief with a 0.0508 m rupture disk
installed. installed.

Location 0 1 2 Location 0 1 2

Pressure P, bara 4.35 4.14 1.25 Pressure P, bara 4.35 4.16 1.18
Stagnation pressure Po, bara 4.35 4.35 2.11 Stagnation pressure Po, bara 4.35 4.35 1.98
Temperature T,  C 259.35 257.86 243.84 Temperature T,  C 259.35 258.05 243.84
Stagnation temperature To,  C 259.35 259.35 259.35 Stagnation temperature To,  C 259.35 259.35 259.35
Mach number: M 0 0.31 1 Mach number: M 0 0.29 1
Velocity u, m/s 0 64.85 209.16 Velocity u, m/s 0 60.70 209.16
Density r, kg/m3 10.23 9.76 3.03 Density r, kg/m3 10.23 9.82 2.85
Mass flux G, kg/m2s 633.25 633.25 Mass flux G, kg/m2s 596.19 596.19
Mass flow rate W, kg/s 2.60 2.60 Mass flow rate W, kg/s 1.09 1.09
required mass flux, Gr, kg/m2s 273.05 required mass flux, Gr, kg/m2s 614.37
required mass flowrate, kg/s 1.25 required mass flowrate, kg/s 1.25

Table 7
! " # Design parameters for neopentyl glycol relief (Case study 3).
1 1 kþ1 ðk þ 1ÞM12
Nr ¼ 1 þ ln Molecule weight, kg/kmol 104.15
k M1 2 2k 2 þ ðk  1ÞM12 Relieving pressure, Bara 2.27
    Boling temperature at relieving pressure,  C 235.6
1 1 1:06 þ 1 ð1:06 þ 1Þ0:1412 Total resistance, N 6.86
¼  1 þ ln Vessel Volume: m3
1:06 0:1412 2  1:06 2 þ ð1:06  1Þ0:1412 45.42
fill ratio 0.85
¼ 42:6 filled volume, m3 38.61
filled height, m 4.31
wetted area, m2 54.68
The Nr is larger than 6.86 of the actual flow resistance. Therefore,
insulation factor (NFPA 30) 0.3
the existing ERS is adequate. Q, kW (NFPA 30) 647.66
The actual Mach number and state variables of location 1 and 2 Latent heat at 235.6  C, kJ/kg 559.02
can be also calculated from Equation (1) through (7). The calculated required mass flowrate, kg/s 1.16
results are shown in Table 5. The calculated mass flow rate, 2.60 kg/ Critical mass flux, Gc, kg/m2s 696.42

s, is larger than the required mass flowrate of 1.25 kg/s. Therefore,

that the existing ERS is adequate is also confirmed by capacity 1.09 kg/s, is less than the required mass flowrate of 1.25 kg/s.
evaluation. Therefore, that the existing ERS is not adequate is also confirmed by
Instead, if a 0.0508 m diameter rupture disk is installed (the capacity evaluation.
actual flow resistance is 8.16 in this case), that the pipe flow outlet
Case study 3. Validation of venting adequacy for Neopentyl Glycol
to atmosphere is choked can be also immediately confirmed
relief with exit not choked
following the preceding procedure. Therefore, M2 ¼ 1. Then
The same vessel configuration as the Case study 2 is discussed
 k   1:06 here. However, MAWP of the vessel is 1.03 barg. A 0.0762 m
Gr 2 k1 614:37=0:9 2 1:061
h2 ¼ ¼ ¼ 0:310 diameter rupture disk with a burst pressure of 0.5 barg is installed
Gc k þ 1 1307:60 1:06 þ 1 on the top of vessel. An inlet pipe with length of 0.305 m is con-

u u"
u 2 u  2 # 2
u 2 1 t 2 1 4
M1 ¼ t $ 1 1 $  ¼ 0:333
1:06 þ 1 0:310 1:06 þ 1 0:310 1:06 þ 1

nected to a rupture disk with an outlet pipe length of 9.14 m

! " # including two 90 elbows to atmosphere. All pipes and rupture disk
1 1 kþ1 ðk þ 1ÞM12 have the same internal diameter. The question is whether the
Nr ¼  1 þ ln current emergency relief venting configuration is adequate or not
k M12 2k 2 þ ðk  1ÞM12
    under scenario of external fire with complete vapor disengage-
1 1 1:06 þ 1 ð1:06 þ 1Þ  0:3332 ment. The design parameters are given in Table 7.
¼  1 þ ln
1:06 0:3332 2  1:06 2 þ ð1:06  1Þ  0:3332 With the condition provided above, the total resistance
¼ 5:47 including vessel entrance, the pipe line, and rupture disk is calcu-
lated to be 6.86. Under external fire case, the following parameters
The Nr is less than 8.16 of the actual flow resistance. Therefore, can be calculated:
the existing ERS is not adequate. The relieving pressure: 1.21*MAWP þ1.01 ¼ 2.27 Bara.
The actual Mach number and state variables of location 1 and 2 The relieving temperature: 235.64  C from Antoine equation of
can be also calculated from Equations (1) through (7). The calcu- neopentyl glycol (Yaws, 2004).
lated results are shown in Table 6. The calculated mass flow rate, Then h2 ¼ 1:01
2:27 ¼ 0:447,

Please cite this article in press as: Zhao, G., An easy method to design gas/vapor relief system with rupture disk, Journal of Loss Prevention in the
Process Industries (2015),
G. Zhao / Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries xxx (2015) 1e8 7

u u"
u 2 u  2 # 2
u 2 1 2 1 4
M1 ¼ t $ 1t 1 $  ¼ 0:521
1:06 þ 1 0:447 1:06 þ 1 0:447 1:06 þ 1

    1.35 kg/s, is larger than the required mass flowrate of 1.16 kg/s.
1 1:06 þ 1 ð1:06 þ 1Þ  0:5212 Therefore, that the existing ERS is adequate is also confirmed by
fðM1 Þ ¼  1 þ ln
0:5212 2 2 þ ð1:06  1Þ  0:5212 capacity evaluation.
 1:06  6:86 ¼ 5:91 < 0: Instead, if a 0.0635 m diameter rupture disk is installed (the
actual flow resistance is 7.42 in this case), that the pipe flow outlet
Then, following the strategy proposed in this paper, that the to atmosphere is not choked can be also immediately confirmed
pipe flow outlet to atmosphere is not choked can be immediately following the preceding procedure. Therefore, M2 < 1. Then
confirmed without any detailed calculations of trial and error.
Therefore, M2 < 1. Then  k   1:06
Gr 2 k1 365:84=0:9 2 1:061
h2 ¼ ¼ ¼ 0:346
 k   1:06 Gc k þ 1 696:79 1:06 þ 1
Gr 2 k1 254:05=0:9 2 1:061
h2 ¼ ¼ ¼ 0:240
Gc k þ 1 696:79 1:06 þ 1

u u"
u 2 u  2 # 2
u 2 1 t 2 1 4
M1 ¼ t $ 1 1 $  ¼ 0:378
1:06 þ 1 0:346 1:06 þ 1 0:346 1:06 þ 1

Here that the required mass flux is divided by a coefficient of 0.9

is to comply with UG127 of ASME BPVC.

u u"
u 2 u  2 # 2
u 2 1 2 1 4
M1 ¼ t $ 1t 1 $  ¼ 0:252
1:06 þ 1 0:240 1:06 þ 1 0:240 1:06 þ 1

M2 can be calculated from Eq. (26),

M2 can be calculated from Eq. (26),
vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi u
u qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi u 365:842 $8:314508:79
u1 þ 1 þ 2ð1:06  1Þ 254:052 $8:314508:79 t1 þ 1 þ 2ð1:06  1Þ 101325 2 1:060:104
t 1013252 1:060:104 M2 ¼ ¼ 0:778
M2 ¼ ¼ 0:543 1:06  1
1:06  1

! " #
1 1 1 kþ1 2 þ ðk  1ÞM22 M12 Table 8
Nr ¼  þ ln $ The calculated results for neopentyl glycol relief with a 0.0762 m rupture disk
k M12 M22 2k 2 þ ðk  1ÞM12 M22 installed.

  Location 0 1 2
1 1 1
¼  Pressure P, bara 2.27 2.16 1.01
1:06 0:2522 0:5432 Stagnation pressure Po, bara 2.27 2.27 1.25
  Temperature T,  C
1:06 þ 1 2 þ ð1:06  1Þ0:5432 0:2522 235.64 234.30 229.64
þ ln  ¼ 10:16 Stagnation temperature To,  C 235.64 235.64 235.64
2  1:06 2 þ ð1:06  1Þ0:2522 0:5432 Mach number: M 0 0.30 0.63
Velocity u, m/s 0 61.57 130.11
The Nr is larger than 6.86 of the actual flow resistance. Therefore, Density r, kg/m3 5.58 5.33 2.52
the existing ERS is adequate. Mass flux G, kg/m2s 328.64 328.64
The actual Mach number and state variables of location 1 and 2 Mass flow rate W, kg/s 1.35 1.35
can be also calculated from Equations (1) through (7). The calcu- required mass flux, Gr, kg/m2s 254.05
required mass flowrate, kg/s 1.16
lated results are shown in Table 8. The calculated mass flow rate,

Please cite this article in press as: Zhao, G., An easy method to design gas/vapor relief system with rupture disk, Journal of Loss Prevention in the
Process Industries (2015),
8 G. Zhao / Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries xxx (2015) 1e8

Table 9 Acknowledgment
The calculated results for neopentyl glycol relief with a 0.0635 m rupture disk
The author would like to thank Richard Prugh and Keith Middle
Location 0 1 2 for reviewing this article.
Pressure P, bara 2.27 2.17 1.01
Stagnation pressure Po, bara 2.27 2.27 1.24 Nomenclature
Temperature T,  C 235.64 234.38 229.97
Stagnation temperature To,  C 235.64 235.64 235.64
Mach number: M 0 0.29 0.61
d Pipe internal diameter, m
Velocity u, m/s 0 59.65 126.47 f Fanning friction factor, dimensionless
Density r, kg/m3 5.58 5.35 2.52 k Specific heat ratio, dimensionless
Mass flux G, kg/m2s 319.23 319.23 K Resistance coefficient of pipe fitting, dimensionless
Mass flow rate W, kg/s 0.91 0.91
L Pipe length, m
required mass flux, Gr, kg/m2s 365.84
required mass flowrate, kg/s 1.16 M Mach number, dimensionless
Mw Molecular weight, kg/kmol
N Pipe resistance coefficient, dimensionless
P Pressure, bara
! " # T Temperature, K
1 1 1 kþ1 2 þ ðk  1ÞM22 M12
Nr ¼  þ ln $ h Pressure ratio, dimensionless
k M12 M22 2k 2 þ ðk  1ÞM12 M22 r Density, kg/m3

1 1 1 Subscripts
¼ 2
 0,1,2 Location of relief line
1:06 0:378 0:7782
  a Ambient conditions
1:06 þ 1 2 þ ð1:06  1Þ0:7782 0:3782
þ ln  ¼ 3:66 c Critical condition
2  1:06 2 þ ð1:06  1Þ0:378 2 0:778 2
e Estimation
The Nr is less than 7.42 of the actual flow resistance. Therefore, o Stagnation condition
the existing ERS is not adequate. r Required
The actual Mach number and state variables of location 1 and 2
can be also calculated from Equations (1) through (7). The calcu- References
lated results are shown in Table 9. The calculated mass flow rate,
API standard 520, 2008. Sizing, Selection, and Installation of Pressure-relieving
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4. Conclusion Kern, R., 1975. How to size piping and components as gas expands at flow condi-
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This paper proposes an easy and quick method to identify Lapple, C.E., 1943. Isothermal and adiabatic flow of compressible fluids. Trans. AIChE
V39, 385e432.
whether the venting line exit of the ERS with rupture disk is choked Levenspiel, O., 1977. The discharge of gases from a reservoir through a pipe. AIChE J.
or not. The relative error comparing to theoretical solution for this V23, 402e403.
method is less than 0.5% for any practical application. For capacity Van Boskirk, B.A., 1982. Sensitivity of relief valves to inlet and outlet line lengths.
Chem. Eng. V89 (17), 77e82.
evaluation of ERS, solving the adiabatic flow with friction is
Westman, M.A., 1997. Rapidly design safety relief valve inlet piping systems. Chem.
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venting line. For validating the adequacy of ERS, a quick and Westman, M.A., 1998. Quickly design subsonic safety relief systems. Chem. Eng.
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White, F.M., 2001. Fluid Mechanics. McGraw-Hill.
solving adiabatic flow with friction. Three case studies are pre- Yaws, C.L., 2004. Yaws' Handbook of Thermodynamic and Physical Properties of
sented to support the proposed method. Chemical Compounds. Norwich, New York.

Please cite this article in press as: Zhao, G., An easy method to design gas/vapor relief system with rupture disk, Journal of Loss Prevention in the
Process Industries (2015),

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