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Sanchez Mira School of Arts and Trades Senior High School

Coconut Lollipop

A Research Proposal

Presented to

Sanchez Mira School of Arts and Trades

Senior High School Department

In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements

In Practical Research II


Rowena Shaira Abellar

Erika Lace Bistayan

Krizia Mae Agabin

Aira Mae Bacud

Shery Anne Bistayan

Drandreve De Mesa

Jonathan Ray Lucero

Charlie Ken Barcena

Dominador Lacambra Jr.

Sanchez Mira School of Arts and Trades Senior High School

Approval Sheet

This research study titled as, “COCONUT

LOLLIPOP”, prepared and submitted by Rowena Sharia Abellar, Erika

Lhace Bistayan, Krizia Mae Agabin, Dominador Lacambra Jr., Jonathan

Ray Lucero, Charlie Ken Barcena, Aira Mae Bacud, Sherry-Ann

Bistayan, Mark Drandrev De Mesa, is hereby recommended for oral


Ligaya Tabliago

Research Adviser

Approved by the tribunal in oral examination with a grade of

Panel Member

Ligaya Tabliago


Approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for High School


Gynelle Follante

Senior High School Coordinator

Ronald B. Gapusan, Ph.D.

Secondary Principal I

Sanchez Mira School of Arts and Trades Senior High School


This research paper would not have been possible without the help of

these following people whose love, support and guidance have helped us in

our paper.

We owe our deepest gratitude first of all to God whose unconditional

love has helped us and gave us knowledge and wisdom. We offer all our

endeavours to His Glory.

We would like to show our gratitude to Mr. Jhoy P. Villa and

Mrs.Ligaya Tabliago, our Practical Research II teachers who guided and

supported us to this paper. We like to thank them for their understanding,

leniency, and making themselves available whenever we need consultations

regarding our research paper. His support and guidance have helped us to

finish this paper. In, addition, we are grateful to Mrs. Myrene Agpalza, our

research adviser. Her advices regarding our topic have helped us to think of

means to improve our research paper.

Of course, we thank our parents, and for loving and supporting us

unconditionally not only throughout our research paper but throughout our


Above all, we thank the Lord God Almighty for being our Saving

Grace, our Daddy, our Comforter, and our Deliverer in doing this research


Sanchez Mira School of Arts and Trades Senior High School

Sanchez Mira School of Arts and Trades Senior High School


……… our Heavenly Father and our savior Jesus Christ

……… our families

……… our friends

……… our moulders in SMSAT

……… the people who never lost never their faith in us

……… the people who never left and who will never leave

……… the person who waited

We offer every effort to you…










Sanchez Mira School of Arts and Trades Senior High School

Table of Contents


Title Page 1


a. Approval Sheetsheet
a. Approval 2 2

b. Acknowledgement
b. Acknowledgement 3 3

c. Dedication 4

c. Dedication
d. Table of contents 5

d. Table of Contents


a The Problem and It’s Background

b. Conceptual Framework

c. Statement of the Problem and Objectives

d. Significance Of Study

e. Scope And Delimitations

f. Definition Terms



a. Coconut Tree

Sanchez Mira School of Arts and Trades Senior High School

b. Distribution of Coconut

c. Natural Habitat of Coconut Tree

d. Uses of Coconut

e. Benefits of Coconut

f. Advantages of Coconut

g. Disadvantages of Coconut

h. Lollipop


a. Research Design

b. Population And Sample

c. Research Instrument

d. Data Gathering Procedure

IV. Appendices 36

a. Letter to the Principal

b. Rating Sheet

c. Pictorials



Sanchez Mira School of Arts and Trades Senior High School

Chapter I



In the Philippines, poverty and pervasive malnutrition are not limited

to families of deprived seasonal workers. Most major food and nutrition crises

do not occur because of a lack of food, but rather because people are too poor

to obtain enough food. Certain illnesses and infections, such us tuberculosis ,

measles, and diarhea are directly linked to acute malnutrition.

In this country, we Filipinos love food. We, especially children love to

eat different kind of foods. Children like to eat foods like candies, gums and

many more candies especially lollipops. Lollipop is one of the most old

fashioned form of candy. It is a type of sugar can be usually consists of hard

candy mounted on a stick and intended for sucking or lucking.. Lollipop is one

of the foods that can satisfy the people’s sweet tooth.

Lollipop’s today come in all shapes and sizes. It also come in different

flavors. Either sweet or sour, sweet flavors that sometimes gives us

toothaches. Flavors like strawberry, apples, and many more. But this time

lollipop will give something more. It will not just satisfy your sweet tooth but

Sanchez Mira School of Arts and Trades Senior High School

to give you the nutrients that your body need. A lollipop made of coconut has

something more for us.

Philippines is one of the countries that have many coconut trees

planted. The coconut tree popularly called “kalpavritsha” is a nature’s gift to

humanity and it’s fruit. Coconut is one the valuable products. Kernel, copra

and oil derived from coconut that are important product that should be use

efficiently (Prabha et al. 1976). Coconut plays an important role in the diet of

human being since you are the source of physiologically important


The Philippines is the world’s second- largest producer of coconut; the

production of coconuts also plays and an important role in our economy.

Coconuts in the Philippines are usually used in making main dishes,

refreshments in deserts.

Coconut can give us many nutrients. It has fiber, vitamin C, E, B1, B3,

B5, B6, and the last minerals like iron, selenium, sodium, calcium,

magnesium, and phosphorus.

Furthermore, coconut being the main ingredient of coco lollipop can

make the consumers happy and more healthy. Not like the other simple

lollipops that are delicious but don’t have the nutrients that are body need.

Sanchez Mira School of Arts and Trades Senior High School

Conceptual Framework

According to Ravenhal (1982), in the Philippines poverty and

pervasive malnutrition are not limited to families of deprived seasonal

workers. And with the use of coconut lollipop with its nutrients it will help the

people’s poor health.

Input Process Output

Treatment 1

Ingredients 1. Prepare the

lollipop molds by
75% sugar
spraying them
25% shredded
lightly with
nonstick cooking
½ cup light corn syrup Coco Lollipop
spray. Wipe out
¼ cup water
the side with a
1 ½ tsp. extract of
paper towel, so
coconut milk
that only the
1tsp buko pandan
thinnest layer oil
2tsp food color
2. Insert the lollipop
Equipment’s Needed:
sticks into the

Measuring Cups molds.

Bowl 3. Combine the corn

Sanchez Mira School of Arts and Trades Senior High School

Rubber scraper syrup, sugar, and

water in medium
Candy thermometer
sauce pan over
Lollipop molds
Lollipop sticks
Nonstick cooking
4. Stir until the

spray sugar dissolves,

Pastry brush then brush down

the sides of the

pan with a wet

pastry brush.
Coco Lollipop
5. Put the shredded
Treatment 2 coconut.

Ingredients 6. Once boiling,

25% sugar insert the candy

75% shredded
Allow mixture to
boil ,without
½ cup light corn syrup
stirring until
¼ cup water
candy reaches 300
1 ½ tsp. extract of
F (149 C) .This is
coconut milk
called the hard -
1tsp buko pandan

Sanchez Mira School of Arts and Trades Senior High School

flavoring rock stage.

2tsp food color 7. Remove sauce

pan from heat.

Allow it sit until it

stops bubbling

completely. Stir

in the coconut the

coconut milk.

8. Spoon the

candy into the

molds equities,

making sure to
Treatment 3
cover the back of
the stick.
50% sugar
9. Allow to cool
50% shredded
completely and

coconut remove once

½ cup light corn syrup hardened.

¼ cup water 10. Store lollipops

1 ½ tsp. extract of individually

coconut milk wrapped in an air

1tsp buko pandan light container at

Sanchez Mira School of Arts and Trades Senior High School

flavoring room temperature.

2tsp food color

Research Questions

Generally, this study aims to produce a lollipop out of coconut.

Specifically, it aims to find out the answers of best rate of coconut to produce

a lollipop in the following questions;

a. What is the taste of the coconut lollipop?

b. What is the aroma of the coconut lollipop?

c. How long is the shelf life?

d. What is the cost of production?

e. What is the marketability of packaging?

Research Hypothesis

The coconut lollipop which is a lollipop made of coconut is not

acceptable on making a lollipop in terms of taste because it tastes bad and its

texture is not acceptable in the same with its aroma. And the coconut lollipop

have short shelf life.

Sanchez Mira School of Arts and Trades Senior High School

Significance of the Study

This study will may help he following:

Sellers/Entrepreneurs: This study, will give the Entrepreneurs new

product to sell and increases their incomes or profits.

Teachers: This study will help the teachers to develop their

entrepreneurial ability and skills and it also produce nutritive product from

coconut which known best source of fruits and proteins.

Community: In this study, people will experience to taste a better and

healthier version of lollipop.

Other Researchers: The result of this study provides the researchers

some important information about problems in our health. She/ He will be able

to produce a product that lessens problems on disease’s and body illness. And

this study will serve a basis and guide for the researchers that will conduct the

same study in the future.

Scope and Delimitation

This study is limited on the Feasibility of Coco Lollipop in terms of

smell, taste, texture, appearance, shelf life, cost of production, and packaging.

The Coco Lollipop will last for seven days only. The texture is expected to be

hard and smooth. The quality of the taste is determined in terms of sweetness

level when it comes to appearance, it must be attractive and presentable to the

consumers. The cost of this product is affordable to everyone.

Sanchez Mira School of Arts and Trades Senior High School

This study will be conducted at Sanchez Mira Cagayan and there will

be 25 respondents who are randomly selected by the researchers.

This study will start during the first week of August and it will be done

before the 2nd Semester of the year 2018-2019.

Definitions of Terms

Coconut- A large fruit that has a thick shell with white flesh and liquid

inside it and that grows on a palm tree.

Lollipop- A piece of candy mounted on a stick and intended for

sucking or licking.

Aroma- Refers to a distinctive pervasive and usually pleasant or

savory smell.

Texture- Refers to the qualities of a food that can be felt with the

fingers tongue, palate/teeth.

Taste- Refers to the flavor by picking a little into the mouth.

Appearance- Refers to sense impression or aspect of a thing.

Shelf Life- Refers to the length of time for which an item remains


Cost of production- Refers to the sum of money needed for the

production of a particular quantity output.

Sanchez Mira School of Arts and Trades Senior High School

Chapter II


Presented in this chapter are the different related studies about coconut

done by some researchers.

Coconut Tree

The coconut tree (Cocos Nucifera), the term coconut can refer to the

whole coconut palm or the seed, or the fruit, which botanically, is a dupe or a

nut. The spelling coconut is an archaic form of the word. The term is derived

from the 16th century Portuguese and Spanish word coco meaning “head” or

“skull”, form the three indentations on the coconut shell that resemble facial

features. Coconuts are known for their versatility ranging from food to

cosmetics Vidad (2006). Coconut are distinct from other fruits for their

endosperm containing a large quantity of water (also called milk). The husk

and leaves can be used as material to make a variety of product for furnishing

and decorating.

Distribution of Coconut

According to (Scott,2012) coconuts could not reach inland locations

without human intervention (to carry seed nuts, plant seedlings, etc.) and early

germination on the palm (vivipary) was important, rather than increasing the

Sanchez Mira School of Arts and Trades Senior High School

number of size of the edible parts of a fruit that was already large enough.

Human cultivation of the coconut selected, not for larger size, but for thinner

husks and increased volume of endosperm, the solid “meat” or liquid “water”

that provides the fruit its food value. Although these modifications for

domestications would reduce the fruit’s ability to float, this ability would be

irrelevant to a cultivated population.

Natural Habitat of Coconut Tree

The coconut palm thrives on sandy soils and highly tolerant of salinity.

It prefers areas with abundant sunlight and regular rainfall (1500-2500 mm

{59-98 in} annually) which makes colonizing shorelines of the tropics

relatively straight forward Cullen (2008). Coconuts also need high humidity

(at least 70-80%) for optimum growth, which is why they are rarely seen in

areas with low humidity. However, they can be found in humid areas with low

annual precipitation such as in Karchi, Pakistan, ehich receives only about 250

mm (9.8 in) of rainfall per year, but is consistently warm and humid.

According to (Max Stanford) coconut palms require warm conditions

for successful growth, and are intolerant of cold weather. Some seasonal

variation is tolerated, with good growth where mean summer temperatures are

between 28 and 37 ℃ (82 and 99 ℉), and survival as long as winter

temperatures are above 4-12 ℃ (37-54℉); they will survive brief drops to 0

℃ (31℉). Severe frosts is usually fatal, although they have been known to

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recover from temperatures of -4 ℃ (25℉). They may grow but not fruit

properly in areas with insufficient warmth, such as Bermuda.

The main limiting factor for most locations which satisfy the rainfall

and temperature requirements is canopy growth, except those locations near

coastlines, where the sandy soil and salt spray limit the growth of most other


Uses of Coconut

The coconut palm is grown throughout the tropics for decoration, as

well as for its many culinary and non culinary uses; virtually every part of the

coconut palm can be used by humans is some manner and has significant

economic value. Coconuts versatility is sometimes noted in its naming. In the

Philippines, the coconut is commonly called the “tree of life”.

Benefits of Coconut

With all the health, nutritional, and body care benefits that you get

from coconut oil, there is no doubt why this has been hailed as the “miracle

oil”. While coconut processes many health benefits due to its fiber and

Sanchez Mira School of Arts and Trades Senior High School

nutritional content, it’s the oil that makes it truly remarkable food and

medicine. It is said to prevent and cure many sicknesses that are almost

impossible to heal. Being a healthy oil, coconut could help decrease viral load

HIV patients, could improve insulin production and thyroid function, it could

reduce the risk of diabetes complications, and could even fight heart disease

which is leading cause of death. Coconut oil improves the performance of the

digestive system that can make a person lose weight.

In traditional medicine around the world coconut is used to treat a wide

variety of health problems including the following: abscesses, asthma,

baldness, bronchitis, bruises, burns, colds, constipation, cough, dropsy,

dysentery, earache, fever, flu, gingivitis, gonorrhea, irregular or painful

menstruation, jaundice, kidney stones, lice, malnutrition, nausea, rash, scabies,

scurvy, skin infections, sore throat, swelling, syphilis, toothache, tuberculosis,

tumors, typhoid, ulcers, upset stomach, weakness and wounds.

In addition, coconut oil may solve skin problems like acne, pimples,

black heads, eczema, psoriasis, or as simple as dry skin.

Once mistakenly believed to be unhealthy because of its high saturated

fat content, it is now known that the fat in coconut oil is a unique and different

from most all other fats and possesses many health giving properties. It is now

Sanchez Mira School of Arts and Trades Senior High School

gaining long overdue recognition as a nutritious health food. Coconut oil has

been described as “the healthiest oil or earth.’’ That’s quite a remarkable


Benefits of Coconut Oil for External Health

1. Coconut oil and Acne Pimples

Acne is common during the stage of adolescence due to some

hormonal changes experienced in puberty. One of these hormonal changes is

the abnormally excessive secretion of oil (sebum) by the sebaceous glands.

When bacteria mix up with sebum, then there is acne eruption.

2. For Dry Scalp

Healthy scalp would mean healthy hair. Lauric acid converted into

monolaurin is one of the antimicrobial properties on coconut oil. This acid is

also found as ingredient in soaps and shampoo. By applying coconut oil, your

scalp is kept moisturized and protected from fungi that cause dandruff.

3. Coconut Oil For Hair

Sanchez Mira School of Arts and Trades Senior High School

Healthier and shinier hair I also one of the coconut oil benefits. To

keep your hair from being dry and unmanageable spread an ample amount of

coconut oil from the roots to the tip of damp hair. Do not put too much or your

hair might get greasy.

4. For Skin

Many people experience dry skin. Untreated dry skin can cause

premature wrinkling and ageing in the long run.

A solution to this is applying extra virgin coconut oil as alternative to

your other body lotions. The usual lotion that you use primarily contains water

that easily evaporates, thus, drying your skin. Coconut oil prolongs the

moisture or your skin making it smooth and soft the whole day.

To add to that, coconut oil also strengthens by holding your skin

tissues together and protects the skin from the harmful UV rays of the sun.

The antiseptic composition of coconut oil kills fungi and yeast that cause

athletes foot diaper rash, and candidiasis.

5. Eczema

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Coconut oil cure can also be true to eczema. Eczema, an inflammation

of the epidermis, is cause by hereditary factors, allergens like dust, pets, or

plant pollens, and irritants like smoke or solvents. As a result, a person

experiences itching, flaking, dryness, or even bleeding of the skin.

Moisturizers are very important treatment for eczema and coconut oil is best

for lasting moisture for the skin. This same effect of coco oil also treats


Benefits of Coconut Oil for Internal/Systemic Health

Maintaining a coconut oil diet is beneficial for internal body system.

Coconut oil diet is done by changing your usual cooking oil with refined

coconut oil and taking three to three and a half tablespoons of virgin coconut

oil as supplement everyday.

The medium chain fatty acids (MCFAs) in coconut oil greatly

contributes in boosting the digestive system that improve the performance of

cells and hormonal secretion of glands. Also, coconut oil contains

antimicrobial lipids lauric acids, capric acid, and butryric acid that helpful in

fighting infections, yeast growth, and killing disease causing bacteria.

In effect are the following coconut oil health benefits:

Sanchez Mira School of Arts and Trades Senior High School

1. Coconut Oil and Thyroid

Coconut oil and thyroid, Hypothyroidism is a state when the thyroid

glands are not producing sufficient thyroid hormones. Coconut oil plays a

major role in improving thyroid function.

2. Coconut Oil and Diabetes

Diabetes is a syndrome of a metabolism disorder resulting to high

blood sugar levels in the body. Insulin is a hormone that assists the blood

sugar to enter the cell and be converted as heat and energy. There is better

production of insulin with the help of MCFAs present in coconut oil.

3. For Heart Disease

Common fats are not absorbed by the cells as nutrients. Instead they

are stored as body fat until they get clogged in the arteries and blood vessels.

This clogging discrupts blood circulation and leads to heart ailments.

MCFAs in coconut oil, being more solube, are easily converted into nutrients

in the metabolic process. So, if you used coconut oil, you would lessen the

fear the risk of heart disease.

4. Weight Loss

Sanchez Mira School of Arts and Trades Senior High School

The medium chain fatty acids also aid in the calorie-burning activity

when your system is digesting food. This means you can lose weight in using

or ingesting coconut oil.

Note: Since coconut oil enhances the digestive system, it is advised

that taking and using coconut oil is done gradually to give the system time to

adjust. Ingesting big amounts of coconut oil immediately may cause diarrhea,

so small amounts at a time will do until you are ready for a regular dosage.

5. Coconut Oil and Candida

Candidiasis happens when Candida species grow uncontrollably in the

small intestine, vaginal canal, or the mouth until it affects many parts of the

body including the intestinal tract.

These fungi can grow in years causing inflammations and discomforts

in humans like respiratory infection, painful urination, chronic rashes, oral

yeast infection, vaginal discharge, impotency, among many others. MCFAs in

coconut oil have antifungal properties (like lauric acid) killing bad bacteria,

fungi, and yeast like Candida.

6. For Bones and Teeth

Since MCFA’s present in coconut oil facilitate better

absorption of nutrients from the food to the body, thus there is also

Sanchez Mira School of Arts and Trades Senior High School

faster absorption of calcium for the teeth and bones. Because of

calcium absorption, coconut helps prevent osteoporosis- a disease of

bone that can cause fractures.

7. For Cancer

Other than lauric acid and medium chain fatty acids, coconut oil also

contains butyric acid which is said to be an anti-cancer agent.

8. For Stress

The soothing effect of coconut oil releases stress. Applying coconut on

your head is helpful in eliminating menta fatigue. The good fatty acid are key

components that make coco oil beneficial to your body health and nutrition.

Advantages of Coconut

Coconut oil contains natural saturated fats that increase the good HDL

cholesterol in your body. The may also help turn the bad LDL cholesterol into

less harmful form. By increasing HDL many experts believe that coconut oil

could be good for heart health compared to many other fats. These fats can

boost fat burning and provide your body and brain with quick energy. They

also raise the good HDL cholesterol in your blood, which is linked to reduce

heart disease risk.Coconut oil is high in fats called medium chain triglycerides,

which are metabolized differently than most other fats. These special fats are

responsible for a lot of the health benefits of coconut oil.

Sanchez Mira School of Arts and Trades Senior High School

Disadvantages of Coconut

The rich flavor of coconut conjures up vision of tropical islands and

warm weather. While coconut can have number of health benefits, eating too

much can be bad for your health. In addition, to be in high in saturated fat and

calories, some varieties of coconut contain added sugar, which is considered

less healthy than sugar that occurs naturally in foods. A diet high in saturated

fat can raise your blood cholesterol levels, putting you at greater risk of

developing heart disease or having a stroke. But coconut oil, while high in

saturated fat, also contains medium – chains triglycerides, which can help

raise levels of high- density lipoprotein, or “good” cholesterol.


Lollipop is one of the most old fashioned form of candy. It is a type of

sugar can be usually consists of hard candy mounted on a stick and intended

for sucking or lucking.. Lollipop is one of the foods that can satisfy the

people’s sweet tooth. Lollipop are available in a number of colors and flavors,

particularly fruit flavors. With numerous companies producing lollipops, the

candy now comes in dozens of flavors and many different shapes. They range

from small ones which can be bought by the hundred and are often given

away for free.

Sanchez Mira School of Arts and Trades Senior High School



Research Design

The research design than be will be used is descriptive experimental

design because it answers the specific question; What is the taste of the

products? What is its aroma? How long is the shelf life? What is the cost of

production? What is the marketability of packaging?

General Procedure:

1. Prepare the lollipop molds by spraying them lightly with nonstick

cooking spray. Wipe out the side with a paper towel, so that only the

thinnest layer oil remains.

2. Insert the lollipop sticks into the molds.

3. Combine the corn syrup, sugar, and water in medium sauce pan over

medium-high heat.

4. Stir until the sugar dissolves, then brush down the sides of the

pan with a wet pastry brush.

5. Put the shredded coconut.

6. Once boiling, insert the candy thermometer. Allow mixture to boil

,without stirring until candy reaches 300 F (149 C) .This is called the hard -

rock stage.

Sanchez Mira School of Arts and Trades Senior High School

7 Remove sauce pan from heat. Allow it sit until it stops bubbling

completely. Stir in the coconut the coconut milk.

8. Spoon the candy into the molds equities, making sure to cover the back of

the stick.

9. Allow to cool completely and remove once hardened.

10. Store lollipops individually wrapped in an air light container at room


Population & Sample

The sampling technique that will be used in the study is purposive

sampling technique because the evaluators are selected based in their

qualification related to the study.

The study is all about coconut lollipop, therefore the respondents

should be fully knowledge about foods. There are 25 respondents from

Sanchez Mira. 3FBS Major Teachers, 17 Food Students, 5 Culinary


Research Instrument

The main instrument is in the Evaluation form or Rating Sheet. The

Evaluation Form contains the following information to evaluate the taste of

the product, 5 if it is very Delicious , 4 if it is Moderately Delicious , 3 if it is

Delicious ,2 if it is Slightly Delicious , and 1 if Not Delicious. In terms of

Sanchez Mira School of Arts and Trades Senior High School

Smell acceptability, 5 if it is very Acceptable , 4 if it is Moderately

Acceptable, 3 if it is Acceptable ,2 if it is Slightly Acceptable , 1 if it is Not

Acceptable . in terms of Texture, 5 if it is very smooth ,4 if it is Moderately

Smooth , 3 if it is Smooth , 2 if it is Slightly Smooth , and 1 if it is Not

Smooth . In terms of appearance of the product,5 if it is very Appealing , 4 if

it is Moderately Appealing ,3 if it is Appealing, 2 if it is Slightly Appealing,

and 1 if it is Not Appealing . And last the Cost of Production, 5 if it is very

Expensive , 4 if it is Moderately Expensive , 3 if it is Expensive ,2 if it is

Slightly expensive , 1 if it is Not Expensive .

The secondary instrument is the Interview .We need to interview the

evaluator to further confirm the validity and reliability of the data obtained by

the evaluation. And also get suggestion and recommendations from the


Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers made a letter of approval to the principal of

Sanchez Mira School of Arts and Trades in regards of conducting their study

Afterwards, the researcher will explain to the evaluators their

purpose of being there. Such that, the evaluator was chosen as their respondent

in conducting their study entitled “Coco Lollipop”. The researcher will inform

Sanchez Mira School of Arts and Trades Senior High School

each of their evaluators that they will be answering some sorts of questions

and also to participate in the interview for gathering valid data furthermore,

the researchers will clearly explain the reason why they choose that evaluator

to participate in the said study, they were chosen because they have the

capabilities and fully engaged in terms of taste, texture, aroma, appearance and

cost of production. Next, finished product of the study, the researcher ill

introduce the product so that the evaluator will have a background information

about what they are going to do or answer during the Interview. And then, the

evaluators will be ask to rate the product were in they will be given an

evaluation form or a rating sheet. Moreover, the evaluators will be Interviewed

regarding their given rate of the product. Suggestions and Recommendations

will also be ask the evaluators for further improvements.

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Sanchez Mira School of Arts and Trades Senior High School

Sanchez Mira School of Arts and Trades Senior High School

Sanchez Mira School of Arts and Trades Senior High School


Sanchez Mira School of Arts and Trades Senior High School


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 Bouchet, G., W. Heemskerk, E. Lopez, H. Mettrick, M.M.H. Mollah and R.

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Province, Panay Island, the Philippines. Bulletin International Course for

Development Oriented Research in Agriculture, No. 4. Pg. 95.

 Carpo, B. G., Verallo-Rowell, V. M., & Kabara, J. (2007). Novel

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 Kehr, A. E. (1955). Tumor Induction on Nicotiana Species by Use of

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Philippine Journal of Coconut Studies, Vol. 11(2). Pp. 31-39. Philippines

Sanchez Mira School of Arts and Trades Senior High School


Personal Data

Name: Rowena Shaira Abellar

Address: Nagattatan Pamplona Cagayan

Birthday: April 18, 2001

Birthplace: Quezon City Manila
Mother: Wina Abellar
Father: Ruperto Abellar
Brother: Ruel Frank Abellar
Rayshyr Abellar
Rey Emmanuel Abellar
Sisters: Rohwen Abellar
Angel Abellar
Rosette Abellar
Educational Background:
Elementary: H. Bautista Elementary School
Year Graduate: 2013
Secondary: Sanchez Mira School Of Arts And Trades
Junior High School
Sanchez Mira, Cagayan
Sanchez Mira School Of Arts And Trades
Senior High School
Sanchez Mira, Cagayan

Sanchez Mira School of Arts and Trades Senior High School


Personal Data

Name: Erika Lace Bistayan

Address: Centro-1 Sanchez Mira, Cagayan

Birthday: December 11, 2000

Birthplace: Centro-1 Sanchez Mira, Cagayan

Mother: Ofelia Bistayan

Father: Fredison Bistayan

Brother: Jerome Bistayan

John Paul Bistayan

John Patrick Bistayan

Sisters: Catherine Bistayan

Educational Background:

Elementary: Sanchez Mira Central Elementary School

Year Graduate: 2013

Secondary: Sanchez Mira School Of Arts And Trades

Junior High School

Sanchez Mira, Cagayan

Sanchez Mira School Of Arts And Trades

Senior High School

Sanchez Mira, Cagayan

Sanchez Mira School of Arts and Trades Senior High School


Personal Data

Name: Krizia Mae Agabin

Address: Santor Sanchez Mira, Cagayan

Birthday: June 13, 2000

Birthplace: Santor Sanchez Mira, Cagayan

Mother: Rosalia Agabin

Father: Johnson Agabin

Brother: King James Agabin

John Ron Agabin

Raven James Agabin


Educational Background:

Elementary: Santor Elementary School

Year Graduate: 2013

Secondary: Sanchez Mira School Of Arts And Trades

Junior High School

Sanchez Mira, Cagayan

Sanchez Mira School Of Arts And Trades

Senior High School

Sanchez Mira, Cagayan

Sanchez Mira School of Arts and Trades Senior High School


Personal Data

Name: Dominador Lacambra Jr.

Address: Langagan, Sanchez Mira, Cagayan

Birthday: March 24, 2001

Birthplace: Langagan, Sanchez Mira, Cagayan

Mother: Editha Lacambra


Brother: Mark Christian Lacambra

Sister: Prinzzess Mae L. Sadama

Educational Background:

Elementary: Langagan Elementary School

Year Graduate: 2013

Secondary: Sanchez Mira School Of Arts And Trades

Junior High School

Sanchez Mira, Cagayan

Sanchez Mira School Of Arts And Trades

Senior High School

Sanchez Mira, Cagayan

Sanchez Mira School of Arts and Trades Senior High School


Personal Data

Name: Jonathan Rey Lucero

Address: San Andres, Sanchez Mia Cagayan

Birthday: January 21, 2001

Birthplace: San Andres, Sanchez Mia Cagayan

Mother: Janeth Lucero

Father: Rey Lucero



Educational Background:

Elementary: Elementary School

Year Graduate: 2010

Secondary: Namuac Academy

Junior High School

Sanchez Mira, Cagayan

Sanchez Mira School Of Arts And Trades

Senior High School

Sanchez Mira, Cagayan

Sanchez Mira School of Arts and Trades Senior High School


Personal Data

Name: Aira Mae Bacud

Address: Nagattatan Pamplona, Cagayan

Birthday: October 27, 2000

Birthplace: Nagattatan Pamplona, Cagayan

Mother: Grace Bacud

Father: Jerry Bacud

Brother: Jerald Bacud


Educational Background:

Elementary: Bangan Elementary School

Year Graduate: 2013

Secondary: Sanchez Mira School Of Arts And Trades

Junior High School

Sanchez Mira, Cagayan

Sanchez Mira School Of Arts And Trades

Senior High School

Sanchez Mira, Cagayan

Sanchez Mira School of Arts and Trades Senior High School


Personal Data

Name: Sherry-Ann Bistayan

Address: Curva, Pamplona Cagayan

Birthday: May 19, 2000

Birthplace: Curva, Pamplona Cagayan

Mother: Maria Bella Bistayan

Father: Sherwin Bistayan Sr.

Brother: Sherwin Bistayan Jr.

Sister: Shera Mae Bistayan

Shirleen Bistayan

Educational Background:

Elementary: Curva Elementary School

Year Graduate: 2013

Secondary: Sanchez Mira School Of Arts And Trades

Junior High School

Sanchez Mira, Cagayan

Sanchez Mira School Of Arts And Trades

Senior High School

Sanchez Mira, Cagayan

Sanchez Mira School of Arts and Trades Senior High School


Personal Data

Name: Mark Drandrev De Mesa

Address: Casitan Pamplona Cagayan

Birthday: Febuary 9, 2001

Birthplace: Aplaya, Pila, Laguna

Mother: Gilberta De Mesa

Father: Fernando De Mesa

Brother: Mark Lindon Lee De Mesa


Educational Background:

Elementary: Casitan Elementary School

Year Graduate: 2013

Secondary: Sanchez Mira School Of Arts And Trades

Junior High School

Sanchez Mira, Cagayan

Sanchez Mira School Of Arts And Trades

Senior High School

Sanchez Mira, Cagayan

Sanchez Mira School of Arts and Trades Senior High School


Personal Data

Name: Charlie Ken Barcena

Address: Santor, Sanchez Mira Cagayan

Birthday: August 24,2000

Birthplace: Santor, Sanchez Mira Cagayan

Mother: Cherilyn Barcena

Father: Kenedy Barcena

Brother: Mark K-Zon Barcena

Sister: Mizzy Leah Barcena

Educational Background:

Elementary: Santor Elementary School

Year Graduate: 2013

Secondary: Sanchez Mira School Of Arts And Trades

Junior High School

Sanchez Mira, Cagayan

Sanchez Mira School Of Arts And Trades

Senior High School

Sanchez Mira, Cagayan


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