(PGDM) : Dewan V.S Institute of Marketing Management

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Dewan V.

S Institute of Marketing Management

Brand Management
Time: 90 Mins
Long questions

Attempt any ------Questions-

1. What do Brands mean to you? What are your favorite brands and why?

2. Can you think of your self as a brand? What do you do to brand yourself?

3. Chose any brand. Discuss to identify its brand equity.

4. Which brand do you have the most resonance with? Why?

5. For a certain categories of two brand product, evaluate the positioning of each


6. What are your favorite brand characters? How they contribute to brand equity?

7. What do you understand by slogan of a brand product? Discuss any bad slogan

related with any product.

8. For any brand describe its depth of awareness, in detail.

1. What do you understand by brand building blocks?

2. Define customer base brand equity

3. write a note on any one:-

a. Brand awareness

b. Brand Recognition

4. How do you measure the brand performance?

5. Explain the meaning of brand positioning.

6. What are the brand marketing strategies?

7. Define brand and Customer relationship.

8. Describe the challenges and opportunities for a new brand.

9. Scan every brand achieve resonance with its customers? Why & why not?

10. How do consumers make decisions , weather r not to buy the products.
Fill the Blanks in following statements

1. Brand is --------- ------------- --------------- --------------- combination of all of them.

2. A brand is something that resides in the -------------of a customer.

3. A British airway is a brand based on ------ ------------ of a country.

4. Leouis Philips is a brand name based on the ------------ --------.

5. L. G is a brand name based on the ------------ ------.

6. Features of a good brand name that it should be ------------- -------- ------------..

7. Strong brand equity provides----------------------.

8. Positive customer base equity is said when customer reacts more -------------to a


9. Brand loyalty is a major component of brand -------------.

10. Customer base brand loyalty is an ---- for the firm.

11. 3’Cs are ---- ---------- -------------.

12. Intel is the ----------- -------- for rand laptops/computers.

13. Wall-mart is a powerful brand of segment-------------.

14. C.B.B.E stand for -------- ------ ---------- ----------.

15. Hallmark is a brand in to-------------.

Mark the following statements as True (T) & False (F)

1. Branded products leave its impact on customer mind.

2. Branded goods do not full fill the consumer needs.

3. Brand loyalty does not have relation with brand equity.

4. Brands are like Humans.

5. Advertisement is the back bone of brand.

6. Brand always perform in a better way.

7. If the brand equity is increasing, its meaning firm is in loss.

8. If the sale of the brand product is increasing day by day, its indicates the

increasing in brand loyalty.

9. Well known brands no need to advertise in future.

10. Use of new technology increases the brand equity.

Dewan V.S Institute of Marketing Management
Consumer Behaviour
Time: 90 Mins
Long questions

Attempt any ------Questions-

1. What do you know about Consumer Behaviour? Describe its meaning

nature & scope.

2. You are the Marketing manager of the company. How would or by which

strategy you will satisfy the consumer?

3. What is marketing segmentation? Discuss its advantages &

disadvantage? How the segmentation can be made effective?

4. Explain the process of consumer decision making.

5. Describe how the environmental factors influence consumer Behaviour?

6. What is consumer motivation? How it is beneficial to the marketers?

7. What do you under stand by group? Discuss the importance of group in

decision making?
Short Questions
1. Describe the interrelationship between the consumer behaviour and marketing


2. What do you understand with Primary data & Secondary data? What are the

uses of these datds?

3. Give five print advertisement that you be live are targeted at a particular

psychographic segment or demography segment.

4. What are the strength and weakness of motivational programs?

5. Write note on ant one

a. Consumer Satisfaction

b. Consumer Value.

6. Write a note on personality of an individual .Discuss its importance in consumer


7. Discuss the advantage & disadvantage of groups.

8. What is self concept & Explain?

9. Discuss how perception affects consumer behaviour.

Fill the blanks in following statements

1. The environment can be divided in --------- factors.

2. Family is a group of people related by ------.

3. Loyal customers generally buy ---------- products.

4. Consumers are motivated to ----------- goal.

5. Motivation can be either -------- or ----------.

6. Biogenic needs are ------- ---------- --------.

Mark the following statements as True (T) & False (F)

1. Consumers are the employer of marketer in real sense of word.

2. Consumer Behaviour by nature is a positive science.

3. Consumer Behaviour study is useful for marketer.

4. An advertisement successful in one country will necessarily succeed in all


5. Cultural values are constant and do not change with time.

6. In typical market, there are many segments with different set of wants,

needs, & consumer characteristic.

7. By segmentation marketing efforts becomes more effective and efficient.

8. The segmentation can never be done on the basis different benefits,

buyers seeks from the some product

9. An individual may be member of one or more groups.

10. Secondary formal group are in regular contact with each other.

11. Reference group is a group of which a person aspires to be a member.

12. Social class is defining as ranking of people with in a culture.

13. Social class act as reference group.

14. The Indian social class structure is very flexible.

15. People shops at places wich have appealing to their social class.

16. In Indian social class membership is by birth.

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