SQL Queries

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Ques.1. Write a SQL query to fetch the count of employees working in project 'P1'.

ANS: select count(*) from EmployeeSalary where project='p1'

Ques.2. Write a SQL query to fetch employee names having salary greater than or
equal to 5000 and less than or equal 10000.
ANS: select fullname from employeedetails where empId in(select empId from
EmployeeSalary where salary between 5000 and 10000)

select d.fullname from employeedetails d left outer join

EmployeeSalary s on d.empid = s.empid where s.salary between 5000 and 10000

Ques.3. Write a SQL query to fetch project-wise count of employees sorted by

project's count in descending order.
ANS: select project,count(project) as count from EmployeeSalary group by project
desc order by count

Ques.4. Write a query to fetch only the first name(string before space) from the
FullName column of EmployeeDetails table.
ANS: select substring_index(fullname,' ',+1) from employeedetails //before space
select substring_index(fullname,' ',-1) from employeedetails //after space

Ques.5. Write a query to fetch employee names and salary records. Return employee
details even if the salary record is not present for the employee.
ANS: select d.fullname,s.salary from employeedetails d
left outer join EmployeeSalary s on d.empid = s.empid

Ques.6. Write a SQL query to fetch all the Employees who are also managers from
EmployeeDetails table.
ANS: select m.fullname from employeedetails e
inner join employeedetails m on e.managerId = m.empId

Ques.7. Write a SQL query to fetch all employee records from EmployeeDetails table
who have a salary record in EmployeeSalary table.
ANS: select * from employeedetails where empid in(select empid from EmployeeSalary
where salary is not null)

Ques.8. Write a SQL query to fetch duplicate records from a table.

ANS: select * from EmployeeSalary group by project,empid,salary having count(*)>1

Ques.9. Write a SQL query to remove duplicates from a table without using temporary
ANS: DELETE FROM EmployeeSalary
FROM EmployeeSalary
GROUP BY Project, Salary
HAVING COUNT(*) > 1));

Ques.10. Write a SQL query to fetch only odd rows from table.

Ques.11. Write a SQL query to fetch only even rows from table.

Ques.12. Write a SQL query to create a new table with data and structure copied
from another table.
ANS: create table newTable like EmployeeSalary // for datastructure
insert into newTable (select * from EmployeeSalary ) // for data

Ques.13. Write a SQL query to create an empty table with same structure as some
other table.
ANS: create table newTable like EmployeeSalary // for datastructure

Ques.14. Write a SQL query to fetch common records between two tables.

Ques.15. Write a SQL query to fetch records that are present in one table but not
in another table.

Ques.16. Write a SQL query to find current date-time.

ANS: newTable

Ques.17. Write a SQL query to fetch all the Employees details from EmployeeDetails
table who joined in Year 2016.
ANS: select * from employeedetails where dateofjoining like '2016%'

select * from employeedetails where dateofjoining between '2016-01-01' and

Ques.18. Write a SQL query to fetch top n records?

ANS: select * from EmployeeSalary order by salary desc limit n

Ques.19. Write SQL query to find the nth highest salary from table.
ANS: select * from EmployeeSalary order by salary desc limit n-1,1

Ques.20. Write SQL query to find the 3rd highest salary from table without using
TOP/limit keyword.
ANS: select * from EmployeeSalary order by salary desc limit 2,1

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