Troubleshooting Vijeo Designer WebGate Problems

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The document outlines the steps to access a Vijeo Designer panel through WebGate from another computer, including enabling ActiveX controls and ensuring the proper runtime files are installed.

The steps include accessing the Monitoring page in Internet Explorer, selecting WebGate, allowing the ActiveX plugin, entering credentials, and ensuring the IP address and subnet settings are correct.

This error occurs when the software version on the computer accessing WebGate does not match the version installed on the panel, or if the computer does not have the necessary runtime files installed.

Troubleshooting Vijeo Designer WebGate Problems

On the Magelis HMI we had Vijeo Designer Runtime Installed. This was downloaded
on to the HMI using the Vijeo Designer 6.2 Software installed on our Windows 7 Virtual
machine. Then we went back to our Windows 10 main computer and tried accessing the panel
via Web Gate. After typing in the Panel’s IP address in Internet Explorer it takes us to the Vijeo
Designer-Web Gate Main Page. (Must use Internet Explorer not Microsoft EDGE!)

-From the main page click on the first gray tab that says Monitoring.

-Now on the side menu click the Web Gate dropdown until it displays two options if not already

-You will now click on the link that says In Frame under the Web Gate dropdown.

-After doing this you may now observe a black screen with a green box in the center. If you do
not, you may need to go in to Internet Explorer settings and enable ActiveX controls as well as
unchecking the check box for “Protected Mode”.

- This box may say Web Gate at the top, and will have a message towards the bottom of the box.
The message we kept getting was: “The Web Gate Runtime Files V6.2.5.2002 are not installed
on this PC. Install the necessary files from the installation DVD.”

-This problem exists when creating software on one machine and then trying to access it with
another machine whose software does not match, or does not have the proper runtime files.

-The problem will also exist if the you are trying to access Web Gate on a computer that does not
have any Vijeo Designer Software because you probably don’t have any runtime files.

-In order to fix the problem we have the runtime files for (What this HMI is running)
proceed to follow the steps below:

1. You will have to go into the control panel or file explorer settings and make sure to show
hidden files and folders!
2. On the computer you want to use Web Gate on, open File Explorer.
3. You will now go to the destination:
Win 7-10: C > Users > (Whatever user you are signed in under) > AppData > Roaming
For XP: C > Documents and Settings > (Your User Name) > Application Data
4. Now that you are in the correct folder, look for a folder that says Vijeo-Runtime. More
than likely this folder may not be there, not to worry.
5. Using the Folder of files we have sent to you, or on the flash drive, paste the folder we
have sent you named “Vijeo-Runtime” in the Roaming folder if it is not already there. If
the folder is present, open it and go to the folder called versions. Now on the flash drive
copy the folder and paste it to the proper Application Data Folder on the PC. (Either
Vijeo-Runtime if not present at all, or V6.2.5.2002 inside the Versions folder if Vijeo-
Runtime folder is already present on your pc.)
6. -The folder should now appear similar to Figure 1.1:
C/Users/username/AppData/Roaming Folder.
Figure 1.1

7. Open Internet Explorer. (Not Edge, Chrome, or Firefox!)

8. Type in the address bar the IP Address you need. (
9. As long as your IP Address and Subnet Settings are correct, you should now see this

10. Now once again under the Web Gate dropdown menu, click either In Frame or New
11. Now the screen below should appear. If it does not, Internet Explorer may ask/prompt if
you would like to Allow Vijeo-Designer ActiveX Plugin to continue. Click Allow. (Be
sure to use Internet Explorer with all ActiveX controls enabled inside the browsers
security settings, as well as unchecking the box that says protected mode, if applicable.)
12. Now enter “pnt01” for both the username and password field. The screen may say
connecting for a few seconds.
13. Now after entering your username and password you should be seeing the screen below.

14. You are now connected through Web Gate to see what is happening on the HMI!

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