Detection of Wind Turbine Gear Tooth Defects Using Sideband Energy Ratio™

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Wind energy resource assessment and forecasting 

Detection of Wind Turbine Gear Tooth Defects Using

Sideband Energy Ratio™
J. Hanna
Lead Engineer/Technologist
[email protected]

C. Hatch
Principal Engineer/Technologist
[email protected]

M. Kalb
Lead Engineer/Technologist
[email protected]

A. Weiss
Senior Product Manager
[email protected]

H. Luo
Senior Technical Manager
[email protected]

GE Energy
1631 Bently Parkway South
Minden, Nevada USA 89423

Gear tooth defect detection is an important capability of any wind turbine condition monitoring system.
The Bently Nevada ADAPT.wind™ monitoring system has been designed specifically to monitor gear tooth condi-
tion and bearing health of wind turbine generators. The focus of this paper is the theory and application of gear de-
fect detection using machine casing vibration. Sideband Energy Ratio™ (SER), a patent pending algorithm utilized
in the Bently Nevada ADAPT.wind monitoring system, has been developed specifically to aid in the detection of
gear tooth damage. SER calculates the ratio of side band energy to gear mesh center frequency energy and has
demonstrated high sensitivity to gear damage in several cases. The theory behind SER and a case history showing
successful gear tooth defect detection on parallel stage gear meshes of two wind turbine gearboxes is presented.
These gearboxes were inspected, and specific gear damage was documented prior to sensor installation and data
collection. These gear defects are clearly visible in the data when analyzed utilizing the Bently Nevada
ADAPT.wind monitoring system and the SER algorithm.

Key Words: wind, turbine, gear, mesh, sideband   

Historically gear defects within a wind turbine gearbox have been difficult to diagnose at an early enough stage such
that maintenance and repairs for these defects can be scheduled in advance. Most wind turbine gearboxes have sev-
eral speed increasing stages which each produce a different gear mesh frequency. The gearboxes also transfer a very
large torque from the main rotor to the generator through these gear meshes resulting in relatively high energy gear
mesh frequencies when compared to the energy level of signals produced by a small gear defect. Because of the
overpowering gear mesh frequencies, gear defect signatures can often be obscured in the overall vibration signal and
difficult to diagnose. Recently a new algorithm, Sideband Energy Ratio™ (SER), has been developed specifically to
auto-detect and distinguish gear defect signatures within an overall vibration signal and provide an early detection
warning of developing gear damage.

Amplitude Modulation
To understand SER, first sidebands must be understood. Sidebands appear in a spectrum around a center frequency
and generally occur as a result of an amplitude modulation of that center frequency. Amplitude modulation itself has
a familiar use in AM radio in which it is used as a technique for transmitting information via a radio carrier wave. In
typical amplitude modulation, the carrier signal is a single tone with frequency, , similar to Eq. (1).

cos 2 (1)

The amplitude, A, of the carrier signal is modulated by a lower frequency modulation signal (this is the message
signal for communications), .

1 (2)

Without loss of generality, we can assume the modulation signal is a single frequency tone with frequency, . Sub-
stituting this in for in Eq. (2) gives the following.

1 cos 2 cos 2 (3)

Where is called the modulation index (which is less than 1 in radio communication for better signal recovery).
Expanding Eq. (3), we have

cos 2 cos 2 cos 2 (4)

As a result, this amplitude modulation produces multiple frequency components, i.e., the carrier frequency, , and
side bands , , and, , which are slightly above and below the carrier frequency. The amplitude of the
carrier frequency depends on the value of the modulation index, , as seen in Figure 1 (for modulation index less
than 1) and Figure 2 (for modulation index greater than 1). This type of amplitude modulation that results in two
sidebands and a carrier is often called double sideband amplitude modulation (DSB-AM). Additionally, the carrier
frequency should be substantially greater than the frequency of the modulation signal. If the bandwidth of is
Hz, carrier frequency has to be greater than 2 to avoid overlap of spectra centered at and . In many real
applications, the modulation is not just a single tone but consists of multiple frequencies. Multiple frequencies in the
modulation function cause multiple sidebands to appear in the spectrum as seen in Figure 3.
Figure 1: Timebase and spectrum plots Figure 2: Timebase and spectrum plots
for 1 amplitude modulation. for 1 amplitude modulation.

A damaged gear tooth within a gearbox can cause

this phenomenon. The damaged tooth will produce
an amplitude modulation of its associated gear
mesh frequency each time it passes through the
mesh. That amplitude modulation occurs once per
revolution of the shaft that the damaged gear is
mounted on. When viewed in a spectrum, this
amplitude modulation shows up as a series of
spectrum lines at evenly spaced frequencies on
either side of the central gear mesh frequency.  
These sidebands occur at frequencies of  Figure 3: Timebase and spectrum plots of amplitude mod-
, where is the associated gear mesh ulated sine wave.
frequency, is an integer of 1 or higher (although we only use 1 - 6 in the SER calculation), and is the rota-
tional frequency of the shaft with the damaged gear. Additional harmonics of gear mesh frequencies with sideband
families of their own are also generally present in the spectrum because the waveform generated by the gear mesh is
usually not a pure sine wave. The case history in this paper presents several examples of this behavior.

Sideband Energy Ratio

SER is calculated from high resolution spectrum data. Each spectrum is created from timebase waveform data gen-
erated by an accelerometer sensor and collected by the monitoring system. Several accelerometer sensors are
mounted in strategic locations on the wind turbine gearbox to monitor each gear mesh. The waveforms from each
sensor are synchronously sampled so that the sampling frequency tracks changes in speed. This sampling technique
produces narrow spectral lines of speed dependent frequencies, like gear mesh frequencies and associated sidebands,
for variable speed machines and is essential to accurately calculate SER. Once the spectrum is generated, the SER
algorithm sums the amplitudes of the first six sideband peaks on each side of the center mesh frequency and divides
by the amplitude of the center mesh frequency.
∑ 6
i 1 Sideband Amplitude
SER                 (5) 
Center mesh frequency amplitude
SER is sensitive to the sideband amplitudes relative to the center mesh frequency. For a healthy gear mesh any side-
bands will have small amplitude compared to the center mesh frequency or may be nonexistent resulting in a low
SER. The SER value is typically less than 1 for a healthy gear mesh. As damage develops on a gear tooth that passes
through the gear mesh, the sidebands will increase in amplitude as well as number resulting in a larger SER value. In
ADAPT.wind, the SER value is calculated for the first 3 harmonics of each fundamental gear mesh frequency

Case History
Several cases of gear damage were documented by
borescope inspections on 1.5MW-class wind tur-
bine generator gearboxes (See Figure 4 for general
gearbox layout). During the inspections, damage to
gear teeth on the high speed intermediate stage
shaft (HSIS) pinion was discovered and photo-
graphed. The gearboxes with this documented dam-
age were then outfitted with accelerometer sensors
and data was collected and analyzed using the Bent-
ly Nevada ADAPT.wind monitoring system. The
two case studies that follow illustrate successful
detection of the known gear damage by the SER
Figure 4: Gearbox Layout 

Case 1: Broken HSIS Pinion Tooth

Figure 5 shows a picture of the damaged HSIS pin-
ion tooth discovered during the borescope inspec-
tion. Figures 6 and 7 display the high resolution
spectrum of the acceleration data and the accelera-
tion timebase waveform used to generate the spec-
trum. All plots were generated by the ADAPT.wind
software. In the spectrum plot of Figure 6 the first 3
harmonics of the gear mesh frequency are denoted
as 1X, 2X, and 3X respectively. The dashed lines
appearing in the plot represent the expected location
Figure 5: Case 1 HSIS pinion broken tooth 
of the first six sidebands on each side of the gear
mesh 1X, 2X, and 3X center frequencies that would be associated with amplitude modulation occurring once per
turn of the HSIS shaft. The dashed lines align perfectly with amplitude peaks in the data and in fact many more than
six sidebands are present on either side of each center mesh frequency. The presence and spacing of these sidebands
in the spectrum indicates that the center mesh frequency is being amplitude modulated at the frequency of the HSIS
shaft. Furthermore, the gear mesh center frequency harmonics that the sidebands surround denote which gear mesh
the damaged gear is passing through. These two pieces of information indicate that the damaged component is pass-
ing through the intermediate stage gear mesh (the 1X, 2X, and 3X center mesh frequency lines in the spectrum be-
Figure 6: Case 1 spectrum showing 1X, 2X, and 3X intermediate gear mesh frequency harmonics with sidebands
spaced at HSIS shaft speed indicating HSIS pinion damage.

long to the intermediate stage gear mesh) and is

mounted on the HSIS shaft (the sidebands have a
spacing of HSIS shaft rotational speed). This diag-
nosis is also supported by the timebase waveform
plot of Figure 7 which shows amplitude modulation
occurring once per revolution of the HSIS shaft.

The SER values for the 1X, 2X, and 3X center

mesh frequencies for this gear mesh and sideband
spacing are 1.1, 3.9, and 5.6 respectively. Typically
SER values are less than 1.0 for healthy gear mesh-
es so the SER values seen here indicate a defect on
the HSIS pinion which corresponds with the dam- Figure 7: Case 1 timebase waveform showing amplitude
age depicted in Figure 5. spikes once per revolution of HSIS shaft.

Case 2: Broken HSIS Pinion Tooth

This is another example of detection of an HSIS
pinion defect inside a wind turbine gearbox. Figure
8 shows a picture of the damage present on the
HSIS pinion tooth which is very similar to the pre-
vious case. Again the timebase waveform and spec-
trum plots of acceleration data for this wind turbine
gearbox are given in Figures 9 and 10. The 1X, 2X
and 3X intermediate stage gear mesh center fre-
quency harmonics with sidebands corresponding to
amplitude modulation at HSIS shaft speed are clear-  
ly visible in the spectrum. The amplitude modula-
Figure 8: Case 2 HSIS pinion broken tooth 
tion can also be seen in the timebase waveform
occurring once per turn of the HSIS shaft. As with
the previous case, the presence and spacing of the
sidebands in the spectrum indicate that modulation
of the center mesh frequency is occurring once per
turn of the HSIS shaft. Also, the fact that the 1X,
2X and 3X center mesh frequencies belong to the
intermediate stage gear mesh indicates that the
damage causing the modulation passes through that
mesh. From this information we can diagnose that
there is damage to the HSIS pinion in this gearbox.
In this case the 1X, 2X, and 3X SER levels are 3.2,
3.5, and 6.6 respectively. These values are all well Figure 9: Case 2 timebase waveform showing amplitude
above what is typical of an undamaged gearbox spikes once per revolution of HSIS shaft.
indicating that there is an HSIS pinion defect within
this gearbox.

Figure 10: Case 2 spectrum showing 1X, 2X, and 3X intermediate gear mesh frequency harmonics with side-
bands spaced at HSIS shaft speed indicating HSIS pinion damage.

Summary and Conclusions

The SER algorithm, recently integrated into the ADAPT.wind monitoring system, is designed to target the detection
of gear related defects within a wind turbine gearbox. This is accomplished by comparing the amplitude of side-
bands to that of gear mesh center frequencies in conventional spectra. The two case studies discussed in this paper
provided an excellent test of the SER algorithm. In both cases the SER algorithm was successful in demonstrating
not only that gear damage was present within the gearbox but also exactly which gear contained the damage. The
diagnosis of HSIS pinion damage predicted by high SER values and backed up by analysis of the timebase wave-
form, is confirmed by bore scope pictures of the damage in both case studies. Timely detection and diagnosis of
developing gear defects within a gearbox is an essential part of minimizing unplanned down time of wind turbine

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