Curriculum Mapping Term (Weekly) Unit Topic Content Standard Performance Standards Competencies/Skills Assessment Resources Reference

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Subject: English Subject Teacher: Jeneva B.

Grade Level : Grade 4


Term Unit Topic Content Standard Performance Competencies/Skills Assessment Resources Reference
(Weekly) Standards
July 29- August Collective The learners... The learners…
2, 2019 Nouns
demonstrates uses strategies to  use collective Games Textbook Effective English for
Identifying the understanding that decode the meaning of nouns Lifelong Learning 4
Main Idea and words are composed of words in context.  inner feelings Written activity
Supporting different parts and their and traits of
Details meaning changes uses linguistic cues to characters based Oral Recitation
depending on text. appropriately construct on the story
meaning of words in read.
Parts of a Story demonstrates an context.  Identify the
understanding of text important story
elements to recalls details elements such
comprehend. sequence of events and as setting,
Personal Nouns share ideas on texts character and
demonstrates listened to. plot.
understanding of the  Identify and use
elements of literary and uses the classes of personal
information texts for words aptly in oral and pronouns in
comprehension. written discourse. sentences.

demonstrates an
understanding of
English grammar and
usage in speaking and
Subject: English Subject Teacher: Jeneva B. Tawagan
Grade Level: Grade 4

Term (Weekly) Unit Topic Content Performance Competencies/Skills Assessment Resources Reference
Standards Standards
August 5-9, The learners… The learners…
Punctuation demonstrates a speaks and  inner  oral Group Activity Effective
Marks command of the writes using feelings recitation English for
conventions of good command and traits  individual Lifelong
Classifying standard English of the of character activity Learning 4
Words, Ideas grammar and conventions of in a story
and Concepts usage when standard. read.
writing or  use the
Pronoun- speaking. pronoun
Antecedent that agrees
Agreement Demonstrates use diction in gender ,
understanding (choice of number
of the elements words) to with the
to comprehend accurately antecedent.
authors analyse text
message. elements
Subject: English Subject Teacher: Jeneva B. Tawagan
Grade Level: Grade 3


Term ( Weekly) Unit Topic Content Standard Competencies Assessment Activities Reference
July 29- August 2, The learners… The learners…
Getting the Main demonstrates  identify how Quiz Group Activity Effective English
Idea of a Paragraph understanding of paragraphs or for Lifelong
paragraph development texts are Role Playing
Learning 4
to identify types. developed. Oral Recitation
Gender of Nouns  shows proficiency Story Reading
demonstrates in constructing
understanding of grammatically Journal Writing
Expressing Ideas grammatical structures of correct sentences
Through a Skit English to be able to in varied theme
communicate effectively based oral and
Journal Writing in oral and written forms written activities.
 uses strategies
demonstrates independently in
understanding of useful accomplishing
strategies for purposeful literary related
literary learning. tasks.
 Composes three
demonstrates to five paragraph
understanding of
sentences and paragraphs
in expressing ideas.
Subject: English Subject Teacher:
Grade: Grade 3

Term (Weekly) Unit Topic Content Performance Competencies/Skills Assessment Activities Resources Reference
Standard Standard
August 5-9, Possessive The learners… The learners…
2019 Nouns  use personal oral recitation Fishbone
demonstrates shows pronouns (Cause and Textbook Effective English
Writing a understanding of proficiency in  write a short quiz Effect) for Lifelong
Paragraph grammatical constructing paragraph Power Point Learning 4
structures of grammatically using the Group Activity Presentation
Identifying English to be correct sentences correct
Cause and able to in varied theme format,
Effects communicate based oral and  identify
effectively in written activities. several
oral and written effects based
forms. composes three on a given
to five sentences caused.
demonstrates paragraph
understanding of
sentences and identifies
paragraphs in correctly how
expressing ideas. paragraph or
texts are

uses information
derived from
texts in
presenting varied
oral and written
Subject: English Subject Teacher: Jeneva B. Tawagan
Grade Level: Grade 1

Term Unit Topic Content Performance Competencies/ Assessment Activities Resources References
(Weekly) Standard Standard Skills
July 29- Aug.2 Recognizing The learners… The learners…
Short and  read aloud oral Games Textbooks English for
Long/i/ Sound demonstrates accurately and from recitation Lifelong
understanding fluently reads familiar Flashback Learning
Identifying of punctuation aloud literary prose and quiz
Gender of marks, rhythm, and poetry
Nouns pacing, informational consisting
intonation, and texts. of long
Using Articles vocal patterns vowel
as guide for words with
Recognizing fluent reading fluency,
Long and and speaking. appropriate
Short /o/ rhythm,
Sound pacing and
Subject: English Subject Teacher: Jeneva B. Tawagan
Grade Level: Grade 1

Term (Weekly) Unit Topic Content Performance Competencies/Skills Assessment Activities Resources References
Standards Standards
August 5-9, Mass and Count The learners… The learners…
2019 Nouns
demonstrates shows proficiency  read words in oral recitation Individual Pictures Effective English
Spelling Words understanding of in constructing CVC pattern activity for Lifelong
with different grammatical grammatically and phrases quiz Power point Learning 4
Letter Patterns structure of English correct sentences and sentences Presentation
(VC,CV, and to be able to in varied theme containing
CVC) communicate based oral and these words.
effectively in oral written activities.  recognize more
Recognizing and written forms. common sight
Short and Long words in order
/u/ Sound demonstrates to read simple
understanding of hears and record phrases and
letter sequence in sounds in words . sentences.
words to get
meaning. accurately and
fluently reads
demonstrates aloud literary and
understanding of informational
punctuation marks, texts.
rhythm, pacing,
intonation and vocal
patterns as guide for
fluent reading and





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