Patient Care Mentoring
Patient Care Mentoring
Patient Care Mentoring
57. This management philosophy views the 65. Characterized as minimal participation of the
organization as a self contained unit that manager in decision making.
interacts within and its environment in a
answer: permissive
continuous process of interchange and renewal?
System theory. 66. Which of the following is a good point of a
flat chart in an organization.
58. Which of the management philosophy
focuses on the performance and behavior of the answer: shows outward flow of formal authority
employee in an organization.- Organizational resulting to minimize implications of positions
67) Which of the following are the concepts of
59. Which of the management philosophy democratic leadership style? Ans: Togetherness
believes that organization that has hierarchical is emphasized in the group, workers are to feel
structure are most effective and efficient- that they are important contributor, group
Bureaucracy organizer
60. Which of the following outlines the purpose 68. Which of the ff. is/are characteristics of
of organizational chart. Autocratic Leader?
-used in policy making and planning 1. Firm, insisted, self-assured, denominating and
–used in the evaluation of strength and
weaknesses of the current structure 2. Try to listen suggestions that may not be
necessary influenced
-used to orient new staff in the organization
70. What is the basic law and fundamental 78. Which of the following describes res ipsa
activity of management process? liquitor? -A PATIENT WENT TO THE HOSPITAL
- Planning
71. Which of the ff. is/are characteristics of SPEAKS FOR ITSELF
Autocratic Leader?
82. A branch of medical science which deals with
1. Firm, insisted, self-assured, denominating and radiation for diagnosis, treatment and research:
self-centered RADIOLOGY
2. Try to listen suggestions that may not be 83. A successful examinee shall be required to
necessary influenced take the oaths before the board or any person
authorized by the board prior to practice as
-1&2 Radiologic Technologist/ X-ray technologist. This
72. Management process that dealt with section is: Section 23
organizing: 84. The patient understands the reason of
- Group of activities for the purpose of achieving proposed intervention, the benefits and its risk
objectives and agreed to the intervention by signing a:
73. A principle in an organization that allows
some participation among lower level of 85. In radiologic technology law, section 17,
managers: state that the examinations that will qualify an
individual for registration without examination
- delegation of authority are..
74. Which of the following is/are character(s) of 3. Examination for chest xray technologist and
Passive leader? proficiency examination for medical radiation
- abstinence from leading staffs technologist as administered by the department
of health.
75. A principle in management which states that
each employees must receive his or her Ans. 3 only
instruction about the operation from only one 86. Refer to the behavior of a professional
person. person's wrongful act, failure to deliver
- unity of command professional duties.
Ans. MARKER IS USED FOR DISPLAYS AND 1. The right to refuse treatment
2. The right of confedentiality
89. Radiograph of medico legal is important
- 1 and 2 only
DOCUMENTS 101.) Which of the following refers the right
patient privacy
90. What is the legal doctrine that the person
present in a court brings supported documents 1. Patient modesty must be preserve
such as radiograph? Ans. SUBPOENA DUCES
TECUM 2. Patient dignity must be respected
90. Which of the ff. legal doctrines commanding 3. Patient confidentiality must be respected
an individual to present in the court all the -1, 2 and 3
documents such as radiographs
102.) Informed consent is a method that
-Subpoena Duces Tecum promotes
91. The patients right include: -autonomy
1. Right to refuse treatment 103. It is the personal conviction of something
2. Right to confidentiality that is absolutely right and wrong in all
92. The following are the patient right to
privacy: -moral
1. Patient must be dignity to be preserved 104. The client is advised by the doctor to
undergo chemotherapy. The informed consent
2. Patient must be modesty to be respected has not yet signed. The client request the
healthcare provider to explain about the side
3. Patient must be confidentiality to reserved
effects of the medication, lentgh of the
97. Whic of the following is liable for light treatment and the prognosis of the disease. The
felonies? health care provider honestly answer all the
questions of the client even though he may
1. Accomplices
choose not to undergo the treatment. The
2. Principals healthcare provider promotes?
*1 and 2 -fidelity
98. It refers to confidentiality and privacy of 105. The rrt in a unit is caring for several
facts of patients personal case and pathology. patients, to distribute the care. The radtech uses
the triage principle due to limited availability of
*Patient secrecy the resources. He promotes the ethical principle.
99. A radiographer divulge information to an and knows that the resources are limited.
unauthorized person. He is liable of what? -Justice
*infringement of privacy
106. a duty to respect priviledge information is B. Dishonorable conduct
C. Fraud
- A,B,C
107. greatest benefit and least harm is a
116.enlargement of the heart?
principle of
-principle of beneficence
108. a _ is an offense against the state
commited or ommited in violation of a public 117.bodily health impared, means weakness and
law illness?
-crime -disease
109. Health care practitioner might be accused 118. A surgeon may have to remove a diseased
of ________ for promising patients “miracle portion of the stomach. If the natural
cures” or for accepting fees from patient while connection is removed, the surgeon must form a
using mystic or spiritual powers to heal. new connection between the stomach and
duodenum. The procedure is called:
110. In case of needle stick or sharp injury, what
119. Cardialga means: Pain in the heart
should the employee do when he/she refuses
vaccination. 120. Medical terminology for vomiting: Emesis
*They should write a incident letter 121. Hypertrophy means overdevelopment.
Troph/o is from the Greek word for:
111. ________ of which is an acceptance and
conduct of parties. Expressed rather than words
to create a contract. 122. What medical terminology specifically refer
to a gland? •Aden/o
*Implied contract
123. ________ is a glandular tumor. •Adenoma
112. A patient who rolls up a sleeve and
introduce of his arm for an injection creating 127. The medical terminology which is
what type of consent? pertaining to between ribs
- Implied contract *Intercostal
113. Entering an exam room without knocking 124.) Increase fluid in the head causes
and improper use of or breach of confidentiality herniation at the base of the brain. Herniation of
of the medical records may be seen as: the brain in medical languange is termed as ?
- Invasion of privacy ENCEPHALOCELE
114. Which violation of revocation of certificate 125.)A condition of softened brain tissue
for registration of X-ray/ Radiologic Technology?
A. Final conviction
126.)What does arth/o/plast/y means?
SURGICAL REPAIR OF JOINT 143. A patient is suffering from shallow slow
breathing. this condition is medically termed as
128. Movement away from midline
- Oligopnea
129. Striking or joining together _______.
144. Alopecia is medically termed as ?
-Loss of Hair
130.THE structure that wanders from
145: Which is refer to the accumulation of fluid
Normal Aberration in the kidney and pelvicalyceal system.
135. What is the tem referring to the narrowing ans: Urinary Bladder
of the prepuce? Phimosis
149. Osseous material exuded around the
136.) root word is considered as the: fragments of the broken bone, ultimately
FOUNDATION OF ANY WORD ELEMENT converts into true bone
138.) which refers to vomiting of blood: 150. Curvature of the spine with convexity
154. It is termed as blood clot, when formed, * OCCURS AFTER INJECTION OF IODINATED
progress into the bloodstream- embolism CONTRAST AGENT
155. Inflammation of the gallbladder is medically 165. A patient shows accelerated rate, cool,
termed as - cholecystitis clammy, pale skin and a systolic pressure of less
than 30 mmHg. The patient is suffering from
156. Which indication is the Inflammation of
serous membrane that covers the lung and lines * SHOCK
the wall of thoracic cavity- Pleurisy
166. What should the radiographer do first
157. Which of the ff is a correct step by step when it is suspected a patient is going into shock
process in responding to unconscious victim? -call for assistance
1.patient's airwayd should be open 167. A patient who has sustained head injury of
a motor vehicle accident arrived at the radiology
2. Begin external chest compression
department alert and well oriented. While
3 give 2 full breaths of mouth to mouth rescue radiographing the patient, the radiographer
breathing observed that the patient was becoming drowsy,
irritable and less coherent. Which of the
Ans. 1 2 3 following would be the correct action of the
158. A sphygmomanometer is used to radiographer? -Notify the department supervisor
or the attending physician of the change in the
Ans. Measure blood pressure patient’s condition.
159. A blood pressure of 120/80 mm Hg reveals 168. What degree of reaction is cardiac arrest?
that Severe reaction to contrast agent
Ans. A pressure of 80 mm Hg when the heart is at 169. A document that medical history, that the
rest patient may start prior to incapacitance? —
160. Which of the following contains all of the ADVANCED DIRECTIVE
instruments and medication necessary for 170. Formal term “no code” —DO NOT
cardiac arrest? Crash cart RECUCSITATE ORDER
161. Which the following describes hypovolemic 171. Needles and syringe must be disposed? –
shock? Cause by a loss of large amount of blood UNCAPPED
or plasma
175. W/c of the ff. Is used to restore normal
162. Which of the following describes heartbeat?
neurogenic shock? Cause of blood to pool in the
peripheral vessels *DEFIBRILLATOR
163. Which correctly describes the cause of 176. The abnormal accumulation of air in the
cardiogenic shock? pulmonary tissue, resulting in over distention of
pulmonary alveolar spaces?
180. Which of the following is the proper way of 194. A convertion of amino acids to glocuse is an
cleaning the perineal area in order to prevent example of?
- wipe the perineal area from front to back
195.The major function of the large intestine is
181. Dual purpose lining and the outer most to
layer of the heart
*remove waste material
- visceral pericardium(epicardium )
195. Which of the ff. cell types is responsible for
182. Layer of the heart that smooth and act as the skeletal muscle regeneration?
protective lining of the chamber and valve
• Satellite cell
196.Which of the ff. Is true of the appendix
183. Bicuspid valve is located ?
* it typically contains almost no capillarue.
- at the left side of the heart
197. What differentiate the rectum to colon.
184. The ______ has the thickest wall because it
*Lacks of tiniae coli.
leads to _______
198.Paneth cells is the responsible for the *stimulate the vestibular(bartholins) gland to
production of produce mucus
- dendrites, axon and cell body 218. What is NOT true about the characteristic
of bone tissue?
202. A dendrite conducts nerve impulse ___ the
cell body. Ans towards -Lacunae that contain 2-4 cells each
203. A axon conducts nerve impulse ____ the 220. Organic components of bone matrix is
cell body. Ans away from produced by *osteoblasts
204. Neuroglial cells support and provides 221. Which of the following is true about
nutrients for the ____ ans neurons osteoblasts *osteoblasts respond to parathyroid
208. The human ovum and spermatozoon is
similar in that. Ans. THEY HAVE THE SAME 222. Renal medulla is composed of tissue called
NUMBER OF CHROMOSOME. *renal pyramids
210. In the early and middle fetal life. The testes ANSWER : MACULA DENSA
is located in the? Ans. ABDOMINAL CAVITY
224. Which of the following is not a sequence of
211. Inflammation of seminiferous tubules - the proper blood flow of the kidney? the starting
PRODUCE SPERMATOZOA point is the renal artery and the finishing point is
the renal vein.
212. Mitochondria on mature sperm cell -BODY
answer: the reabsorption of chloride ion 1. The phase relaxation of cardiac muscle tissue
227. The middle layer of the urinary bladder is 3. A higher-than-average diastolic pressure
228. The micturition reflex center is located at 233. Which of the following is proper from
singular to plural: LITHIASES-LITHIASIS
-Sacral Plexus
234. The condition of absence of urine: ANURIA
229. Which of the following statements would
be true regarding tracheostomy patients 234. What is the important considerations of
radiologic technologist when working with
1. Tracheostomy patients have difficulty in
geriatric patients?
1. There is an increased pain threshold and
3. Audible rattling sound indicate the need for
breakdown of skin
2. Atrophy of fat pads and sweat glands
230. The pain that an individual experiences in
the coronary artery due to not sufficient blood -Ans. 1 and 2 only
supplied to the heart.
240. A successful communication should start
-Angina Pectoris with:
231. Oophora is commonly known as: CERVIX - Patient's name verification by the healthcare
231. Which of the following is(are) symptom(s) 241. The secondary verification for patient:
of shock?
- ask her/his birthday
1. Pallor & Weakness
242. The following are the cause of fever:
2. Increased pulse rate
1. Malaise
-Ans. 1 and 2
2. Tachycardia
232. The anatomical term for the chin: MENTAL
3. Tachypnea
232. An intravenous urogram requires a patient
to remain in one position for an extended period
of time. What can be done to make the patient 243. The frequent litigation in radiology involves
as comfortable as possible.
1. A patient with spinal injury is moved
1. Place a pillow under the patient's head from stretcher to the x-ray table resulting to
irreversible damage to the spinal cord
2. Place a support cushion under the patient's
knee to relieve back strain 2. A radiographer fails to inquire about
possible pregnancy before performing a
-Ans. 1 and 2 only
radiographic examination
3. A patient had an x-ray examination in the 253. Qualification of the Board Member must be
emergency department and was sent home. The a:
radiologist interprets the images but fails to
1.Be a citizen and resident of the Phil.
inform the emergency department physician
about the findings. The physician receives a 2.Be a good moral character
written report two days later. Meanwhile, the
patient suffers an irreversible damage from an 3.Be at least 30 yrs. Of age
undiagnosed condition. 5.A member of the faculty, Lecturer of
— 1, 2, 3 school,college
● Malfeasance
262. Are lawsuits by patient against physician for Ans. Responsibility to Non Profitable Organization
errors in diagnosis or treatment.
274.)A termes reclusion perpetua is penalties of
● Malpractice claims crime
263. Sometimes called an advance directive, is a Ans. From 20 years and 1 day to 30 years
legal document addressed to patient's family
275. which of the following defines the manager
and healthcare providers.
who practice the pacesetting style of
● Living will management? - 1. DO IT MYSELF MANAGER
267. An ordinary or usual manner of doing or
EXCELLENCE (1 and 3.)
acting or habitual practice
276. which of the following includes in the
* habit
management process of staffing? -1.
268. Who is the chairman of the board? IDENTIFICATION OF TYPE AND NUMBER OF
269. In the radiologic technology law, section 277. for the effective implementation, the
19: examination requirements states that all radiographer must have an assement skills,
applicants for the exam must satisfy the interpersonal skills, psychosocial skills and also -
requirements, which include COMMUNICATION SKILLS
1. Filipino citizen •poor in the production of urine -OLIGURIA
2. Good moral character 278. 3 articular surface of the calcaneal joins
4. No criminal record involving moral turpitude with the talus. -1. ANTERIOR FACET 2.LATERAL
FACET. (1 and 2only)
* 1, 2, and 4
280. Which of the following correctly described
270. A developmental manager encourages his the lambdoidal suture?
employees in developing their strengths and
improving their performance. What is the other *A joint between parietal bone and occipital
term for this management style? bone
* coaching style 281. A vertical plane that divides the body into
right and left
271.)The radiographer's manager most
important communication skill *saggital plane.
Ans. Communication skill 283. Precise site in gas exchange within the
lungs occurs
272.)Among the 6 management style, which
style has the primary objective of producing long Ans: at the alveoli
term direction and vision for employee 284. Approximately. What is the maximum
Ans. Authoritative capacity of the GB in storing bile?
292. It refers to any spaces within the body to 307. Which of the following Statement correctly
help protect, separate and support organs -Body about tricuspid valve?
answer : chordae tendenae is attached to the
293. The duodenojejunal junction is supported free edges of the cusps
by attachment of whichbof the following
308. Which of the following is not part of a
structures? -Ligament of Treitz
294. The main pancreatic duct and the bile duct
answer: clavicle
unite to form -hepatopancreatic ampulla
309. A radiologic technology law, the term of
295. All of the following statements concerning
xrat technology in an section define as?
renal hilum are correct, EXCEPT. It contains the
renal pyramids. answer: An Auxiliary branch of radiology thay
deal with the technical application of xray as aid
296. Which of the following muscles is
in diagnosis of disease and injury.
considered to be the chief muscle of inspiration?
310. Which of the following duties of board 318. Radiologic Technologist from other
radiologic technology as stated in RA 7431. countries invited for lectures of consultation or
as visiting or exchange professors to colleges or
1. To issue subpoena and subpoena duces tecum
universities duly recognized by the Government
2. To conduct yearly board examination is exempt from examination according to the
section 17(b) Republic Act 7431:
3. To look, time to time, into condition affecting
the practice of xray and radiologic technology 1. That such Radiologic Technologists are legally
qualified to practice as such in their own state or
answer: 1,2 and 3 country
311) The term commission in ra 7431, definition 2. That they shall first secure a special permit
of term states that? Ans: Professional Regulatory from the Board which shall be valid as the Board
Commission created under Presidential decree may determine
number 223
3. That the privilege granted in this subsection
312) Exemption from examination under section shall be given only to Radiologic Technologists
16 of RA 7431 from countries giving similar privilege to their
Ans: -Civil Service examination for x-ray tech, Filipino counterparts.
322. The members of the board at the time of Ans. Excision of the breast
his appointment shall have professional practice
336. The Prefix which means "false"
of his own field of profession at least:
Ans. Pseudo
- 10 years
337. A disease caused by failure or imcomplete
323. Accessory of crime is defined in the revised
replacement of the cartilage to bone
penal code as:
Ans. Achondroplasia
1. Profits themselves
338. Which of the following describe the cause
2.Conceals or destroys the body of crime
of anaphylaxis
3.Accessory in the escape of the principal
Ans. Caused by allergic reactions to foreign
340.)Vomiting flushing and nausea are
324. Janine avoid deliberate harm, risk of harm symptoms of what type of contrast agents
and harm accuring in her performance in nurse reaction?
actions. The nurse promotes what ethical
Ans. Local irritating
principle? -BENEFICENCE
341.)The material used to measure blood
325. What limb defect is correctly matched with
its definition? -CLEFT HAND (LOBSTER CLAW
III. Stethoscope
326. What is a fatty tumor? -LIPOMA
Ans. 2&3
327. The incision into, or temporary opening of
the trachea is termed as: 342.)The patient is experiencing this symptom
orthopnea this would experience least
-tracheoctomy discomfort when the body position is.
328. Skull is termed as: Ans. Fowler
-Cranium 349. The epididymis directed to the sperm into?
ans. Vas deferens
329. Which of the ff. terms best described the
term brain: 350.)the end of vas deferens has dilated sac like
called? Ampulla
351. Blood in the face, scalp and in the
superficial part of the neck are drained by?
330. The inflammation of the brain is medically
*External Jugular Vein
termed as:
352. Inability of left ventricle to pump out blood -Right atrium
is indication of?
363. the central cardiac region is in _ of the
*Congestive heart failure brain
356.) A _____ valve lies between right atrium -secretion of digestive enzymes
and right ventricle
367. The dentin in the crown of the tooth is
-tricuspid valve covered by -enamel
389.)The digestive tube wall which contains the 407. Which of the following is not a component
blood vessels, lymphatic nodules,rich supple of of gastric juice? ans. Amylase
elastic fibers
408. Which of the following pairs of hormone
-SUBMUCOSA mainly involved in controlling pancreatic
exocrine secretion? ans. Cholecystokenin,
390.) The tooth structure is?
413. If i eat a meal of french fries, buttered
toast, ice cream and whole milk which of the
following would secrete the most of enzyme 430. Which portion of the tooth that closely
that is involved in digesting this food. resembles the bone -dentin
420. What organ produces the ezyme trypsin 438. The liver stores ____ for energy. Glycogen
444. The ampulla of vater is an area where it 458. Approximately, what percentage of heat is
joins the common bile duct to the ___duct. - generated by muscle tissue?
- 85%
445. Intercalated disk: -contains desmosomes
459. The major protein muscle ?
and gap junctions
-troponin and tropomyosin
446. Motor units: -consists of motor neurons and
all the muscle fiber it supplies 460.action caused by skeletal muscle
447. A cell type tissue that is least likely contain - eye movement
more than one tissue? SMOOTH MUSCLE TISSUE
461. Does not occur in muscle contraction
448. A Muscle tissue that wrapped around
muscle that is continuos in the tendon? - muscle fiber stretch
EPIMYSIUM 465.Lack of Achase in the synaptic cleft would
449. In nerve tissue, neurotransmitter receptor result in
is located? ON THE MOTOR END *Excess, continuous of stimulation on muscle
456. Tho hollow organs and some blood vessels fiber
contain this type of muscle tissue? 466. The Toxin curare blocks the Achase
- smooth receptor on muscle fiber. would result in
453. A Px is suffering from nerve gas exposure is *Inability of the muscle to respond to the motor
given an atropine to counter acetylcoline neuron stimulus
effects. 467. Jogging,swimming and aerobics all this have
RECEPTORS THAT PREVENT LINGERING EXCESS * Increase no. of mitochondria per muscle cell.
468. Muscular dystrophy is congenital disorder
454. Which of the ff is NOT TRUE: that characterized by?
* MUSCLE IS USING SKELETON BONE AS -Skeletal muscle is degenerated
TO PRODUCE BODY MOVEMENT 469. Anabolic steroids have all of these effect
455. Skeletal muscle is correctly described by
the ff. EXCEPT -Increase skeletal muscle production
470. Which of the following statement regarding 481. A refractory period is ______
aging and muscular system is true.
ans a brief time when a neuron is unable to
- Aging is associated with decreased number of conduct a nerve impulse
myoglobin muscle
482. In humans, a transmission of the nerve
471. Nerve impulses create a charge in voltage impulse across the synaptic cleft is carried out
which is measured and can be seen on a(n) by ___ ans neurotransmitter molecule
475.) The resting potential indicates that the 489. Substance does. It normally pass through
inside of the neuron is _____ compared to the glomerular filtration -ALBUMIN
outside. Answer: Negative
490. Serous membrane surrounding the lung -
476.) The "Sodium - Potassium pump" pumps VISCERAL PLEURA
______ Answer: Sodium ions out and Potassium
491. delivers blood to left atrium -PULMONARY
ions in
477. The action potential patterns that appears
492- somatic cells contains nerves that control
oscilloscope speed caused by rapid
- polarity change
*skeletal system
answer : The urethra is more ventral of the 2 555. A process of capacitation usually occurs in
openings vulva the
answer: Androgen binding protein 556. The urethra passes through _______ of the
535) Spermatogenesis begins at? Ans
Seminiferous tubule. *corpora spongiunosum
536) Oogenesis begins at? Ans: Ovary 557. Which of the following is not compatible
with penile erection
537. In the 1st phase of menstrual cycle:
-blood leaves erectile tissue
- An oogonia with 20 secondary grows more
enlarge 558. Testosterone is converted into ____ in the
538. During ovulation, all of the following occur,
EXCEPT: -dihydrotestosterone
- Estrogen production reaches it’s nadir 559. Which of these is not a function of
539. Sertoli cells produce:
*Loss of body hair
- Androgen-Binding Protein (ABP)
560. How many oocytes are there in the ovaries
541. In the first phase of menstruation: of an adult?
561. Which cell has been fertilized by a sperm
542. During ovulation, all of the following occur cell?
- Secondary oocyte
562. A cell called the ________ is a fertilized cell
- Zygote 579. Which of the following bone that is
considered as a sesamoid bone. -patella
563. The largest component of uterus by weight
is - endometrium 580. The two components of bones are
responsible in hardness and pliability.
564. Which structure corresponds to the
scrotum of male - labia majora * mineralized salts and collagen
565. Specifically, where are the sperm cells 581. The fracture in the shaft of a long bone
formed within the testes?: Within the would be a
seminiferous tubules
566. What portion of the sperm cell contains the
582. ____carry blood vessels along with a long
23 chromosome: Head
axis of the bone.
567. Males have a number of accessory organs.
- Haversian canal
Which one is/are the structure that produces
mucus that contains fructose and 583.) The cell type that maintains previous
prostaglandins: •seminal vesicles formed long bones. Answer: Osteocytes
568. What layer of the uterus is shed once 584. A soft connective tissue membrane
monthly during menstruation? •Endometrium between cranial bone at birth
569. The term for the human sex organ. Ans. fontanels
**GONADS 585. Endochondral and intramembranous is 2
types of mechanisms of
570. THE ___ is considered an extention of
571. What is the source of female sex steroids? 586.Which of the following is NOT a cranial
Ovary suture?
572. Which of the following cell is primary -EPIPHYSEAL
responsible for bone resorption? Osteoclasts
587. The 2 pairs tget make up the hard palate
575. Removal of organic component in the bone are left and right.ans. palatine and maxillae
matrix makes the bone - more fragile and readily
breakable 590. What is not part of the cranium?