I.Objectives A. Content Standard

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A. Content Standard:
The learners demonstrate understanding of weathering and soil erosion shape
the Earth’s surface and affect living things and the environment.
B. Performance Standard:
The learners should be able to participate in projects that reduce soil erosion in
the community.
C.Learning Competency/Objective:
Enumerate ways to prevent soil erosion S5FE-IVc-3
II. Content
Weathering and Soil Erosion
III. Learning Resources
A. References: http://www.wikihow.com/Prevent-Soil Erosion#/ImagePrevent SoilErosion-Step-9-Version-2.jpg
B. Other Learning Resources:powerpoint presentation, chart, activity sheet
Teachers Activity Pupils Activity

A. Review
Clap your hand once if the statement
describes causes of soil erosion and
stamp your feet if it is its effect.
1. When the topsoil is lost, fields become
unsuitable for farming. -EFFECT
2. Loggers cut a good numbers of trees
that hold the soil and much water. -CAUSE
3. When eroded, soil carries pollution-
causing chemicals into lakes and rivers.
4. Much soil coming from barren hills and
mountains is carried away into rivers, thus
occupying some water parts. -EFFECT
5. Mining operations loosen the rocks in
the mountains. -CAUSE
B. Establishing purpose for the Lesson)
Study the picture.
What is the girl doing?

-she is planting the trees.

Have you ever engaged in a tree
planting activity? What is its Yes,
importance? How can trees help -In order to prevent flood
prevent soil erosion? -The roots of the trees hold the soil in order to
prevent soil erosion
C. Presenting examples /instances of the
new lessons
1. Setting Standards
2. Group the class into two -Reporting of output and sharing of ideas
3. Distribute the activity sheet and
materials to be used
4. Let the pupils perform the activity

Group Activity: “Ways of Preventing

Soil Erosion”

D. Discussing new concepts & practicing

new skills #1 -Group Reporting / Presentation of the Output
E. Discussing new concepts & practicing Sharing of results
new skills #2
Answer these questions: -Guide the pupils to concept
a. How do trees protect soil? -Trees protect the soil
b. Why is contour flowing or farming
by following the shape of the slope of
the hill and soil tilling help prevent soil
c. How is reforestation help in
preventing soil erosion?
d. What else help prevent soil
e. The farmers plow and plant around
the hillside or slopes.
f. The farmers till the land once or
twice a year only to make soil more
fertile and good for planting.
g. Uncontrolled grazing of too many
animals removes the grass cover and
packs of the soil more.
g. The land developers convert
farmlands, hills and mountainsides into
h. Covering the soil with plants helps
prevent erosion by wind and running
F. Developing Mastery (Leads to
Formative Assesment )
Select ways of preventing soil erosion from
the given sentences/statement below:
A. Planting trees in the forest and non-forest
B. Prevent the waterflows by breaking them
with logs, stone packs, or old tires
G. Finding Practical Applications of concepts
and skills in daily living
H.Making Generalizations &
Abstractions about the lessons
Is ilegal logging bad for the forests? Why? Why
massive campaign against illegal logging and
deforestation be imposed? As student, how
can you help prevent soil erosion?
What are the ways to prevent soil erosion?
I.Evaluating Learning
Direction: Write PE if the statement
describes way of preventing soil
erosion NT if not.
1. Growing more trees.
2. Controlling over grassing of the land
by animals.
3. Planting different types of crops at
the same land.
4. Raindrops falling on the soil exert
pressure with their weight.
5. Massive campaign against illegal
logging and deforestation.

J. Additional activities for application

or remediation
Conduct a survey on how people
in your community help prevent soil

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