User's Guide For iNEXT Online: Software For Interpolation and Extrapolation of Species Diversity
User's Guide For iNEXT Online: Software For Interpolation and Extrapolation of Species Diversity
User's Guide For iNEXT Online: Software For Interpolation and Extrapolation of Species Diversity
iNEXT (iNterpolation and EXTrapolation) Online is the R-based interactive online version
of iNEXT available via the link or Clicking these links, you will be
directed to the online interface window. Users do not need to learn/understand R to run
iNEXT Online. The interactive web application was built using the Shiny (a web application
iNEXT features two statistical analyses (non-asymptotic and asymptotic) for species
diversity based on Hill numbers:
(1) A non-asymptotic approach based on interpolation and extrapolation
iNEXT computes the estimated diversities for standardized samples with a common
sample size or sample completeness. This approach aims to compare diversity estimates
for equally-large (with a common sample size) or equally-complete (with a common
sample coverage) samples; it is based on the seamless rarefaction and extrapolation
sampling curves of Hill numbers for q = 0, 1 and 2. See Colwell et al. (2012), Chao and
Jost (2012) and Chao et al. (2014) for pertinent background and methods.
(2) An asymptotic approach to infer asymptotic diversity
iNEXT computes the estimated asymptotic diversity profiles. It is based on statistical
estimation of the true Hill number of any order q ≥ 0; see Chao and Jost (2015) for the
statistical estimation detail.
How to cite
If you publish your work based on results from iNEXT Online, you should make references
to the relevant methodology papers mentioned below in the reference list and also use the
following reference to cite iNEXT Online:
Chao, A., Ma, K. H., and Hsieh, T. C. (2016) iNEXT (iNterpolation and EXTrapolation)
Online: Software for Interpolation and Extrapolation of Species Diversity. Program and
User’s Guide published at
Abundance Data
When there are N assemblages, the observed species abundances should be arranged as
a species (in rows) by assemblage (in columns) matrix. The first row (including N
entries) lists the assemblage labels or site names for the N assemblages; see an example
below. Beginning with the second row, the entry for the first column in each row
denotes a species abundance from Assemblage 1, and the entry for the second column
denotes a species abundance from Assemblage 2, and so on. If species names or any
identification codes are recorded in your original data, then they must be removed to
conform to the iNEXT Online data format.
For example, the spider data (one of the two sets for demo abundance data) consist of
species sample abundances from two canopy manipulation treatments (“Girdled” and
“Logged”) of hemlock trees; see Chao et al. (2014) for analysis details and data
interpretations. The observed species abundances should be arranged in a text data file
as follows for two sites: Girdled and Logged.
Girdled Logged
Site names
46 88
22 22
17 16
15 15
15 13
. .
. . Species abundances
. .
0 1
Add additional “0”s 0 1
to make all sites have 0 1
the same # of rows
0 1
0 1
Missing data, which are empty cells without numbers, cannot be read by iNEXT Online.
The number of rows must be the same for the N assemblages. For example, there are 26
observed species in the Girdled site and 37 species in the Logged sites, the input data
must consist of 37 rows (in addition to the site labels). Therefore, eleven “0”
abundances should be added to the Girdled column. Adding “0” abundances will not
have any effect on our analysis. Additional rows with all 0 frequencies 0 for unobserved
species may be included, but that species will not have any effect on the analysis.
A typical species-check-list abundance data can be used for input data, but species
identification names must be removed from your original data file. When a species was
not observed or detected in a community, you must enter the frequency 0 for a “non-
detection”. In this kind of species-check-list, numbers in the same row refer to the same
species, but this is not required for iNEXT Online input. For example, in the above
spider data, each row can be allowed to correspond to different species because the
between-assemblage information is not needed in our comparison of within-assemblage
species diversity.
In the special case of N = 1 (i.e., there is only one assemblage), all data should be read
in one column. That is, the first entry denotes the assemblage label or site name, and the
observed species abundances are entered in different rows.
Incidence Data
The data input format is generally similar to that for abundance data, except that the
total number of sampling unit in each assemblage must be supplied. That is, the first
row lists the assemblage labels or site names, and the second row lists the number of
sampling units in the N assemblages, as shown below. Beginning with the third row, the
entry in the first column in each row denotes an incidence frequency (total number of
detections of a species in all sampling units) from Assemblage 1, and the entry for the
second column denotes an incidence frequency from Assemblage 2, and so on.
For example, in the demo ant data, species incidence frequencies were collected at five
elevations (50m, 500m, 1070m, 1500m, and 2000m). See Chao et al. (2014) for analysis
details and data interpretations. The numbers of trapping sampling units in the five
elevations are respectively 599, 230, 150, 200 and 200. The data should be read in a text
file as follows.
As with the abundance data, the number of rows for each assemblage must be the same,
so additional “0” abundances should be added to those assemblages with fewer species.
You can also directly key in site names and species abundances on the screen panel. For
example, the key-in data for the spiders from the two sites Girdled and Logged are shown as
Girdled 46 22 17 15 15 9 8 6 6 4 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Logged 88 22 16 15 13 10 8 8 7 7 7 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1
The data for each assemblage starts with its assemblage label/name, followed by species
abundances. Each number needs to be separated by at least one blank space, and with a
“return” at the end of data entry for each assemblage. Here the numbers of entry for multiple
assemblages are allowed to differ; no need to add “0” abundances. Note that adding
additional “0” abundances will not affect all analyses.
For incidence data, the additional information about the number of sampling units must be
provided in the second entry. For example, the key-in data for the ants from h1500m (with
200 sampling units) and h2000m (with also 200 sampling units) are shown as follows.
Species identification names are irrelevant in species diversity assessment so they must be
removed from your original data to conform to iNEXT Online format. The following Steps 1,
2 and 4 are required procedures (selections are placed in blocks); Step 3 is optional.
Step 2. “Data Setting” (on the left hand side of the window screen)
(2a) Select Demo data to load demo data, Upload data to load your own data, or Key in
data) by typing in your data in the input window.
(2b) Select data type: Abundance data or Incidence data; see above for data input formats.
(2c) For abundance data, there are two demo data sets. Select one Spiders or Beetles .
(2d) Then the names/labels for the uploaded assemblages/sites will be automatically
shown in the window below; you can select one set or multiple sets for comparison.
(3a) Optional: select a diversity order of q, q = 0 for species richness; q = 1 for Shannon
diversity; q = 2 for Simpson diversity (default is q = 0).
(3b) Optional: specify the number of bootstrap replications to compute s.e. and confidence
intervals for each estimator. (Default bootstrap replications = 50). You can type in “0”
to skip all bootstrapping to save running time.
(3c) Optional: specify the level for confidence interval (default level = 0.95).
(3d) Optional: you can either specify the endpoint of extrapolation range and/or the
number of knots or specify the samples sizes for which diversity estimates will be
calculated. (Default endpoint = double of the minimum reference sample size, and the
default number of knots = 40). If you choose to specify the sample sizes, then type in
those sample sizes in the window space.
Note 1: We use a bootstrap resampling method to compute s.e. and confidence interval of
any estimator involved in the analysis. The default number of bootstrap replications is 50 to
save running time. You may specify a larger number (say, 100) to obtain more accurate
results for publication purposes, but it will take a longer time to get the output.
Note 2: If you just want to take a glance at the pattern of rarefaction/extrapolation sampling
curves and diversity profiles without requiring confidence intervals, then type in “0” for the
number of bootstrap replications; in this case, the computation of s.e. and confidence
intervals will be skipped so that the output can be promptly shown.
Note 3: The bootstrap resampling procedures vary with trial, meaning that two different runs
for the same data may result in different s.e. estimates and different confidence intervals.
When you select the “Asymptotic Analysis” from the top menu, all the procedures are the
same as those for the “Interpolation/Extrapolation” part except for Step (3c):
Step (3d) Optional: you either use the default diversity orders (q = 0 to 3 in increments of
0.25) or you type in those diversity orders for which asymptotic estimates will be
Along the second row (output) menu, there are five output selection tabs:
In the “Data Summary” tab panel, basic data information (sample size, observed
species richness and estimated sample coverage) and the first 10 abundance (or
incidence) frequency counts are shown for the reference sample.
In the “Rarefaction and Extrapolation” tab panel, various estimates for interpolated or
extrapolated samples and their confidence intervals are supplied. These results can be
downloaded by clicking “download as CSV file” at the bottom of the displayed figure.
In the “Figure Plots” tab panel, three types of sampling curves are shown: sample-size-
based rarefaction and extrapolation sampling curve, sample completeness curve and
Coverage-based rarefaction and extrapolation sampling curve. These figures can be
downloaded by clicking “download as PNG file” at the bottom of the displayed figures.
In the “Introduction” panel, users can view a brief introduction to iNEXT Online and a
summary of the running procedures.
In the “User Guide” panel, a link will direct users to this user guide.
Step 2. “Data Setting” (on the left hand side of the window)
(2a) Check the Demo data radio button to load demo data.
(2c) There are two demo data sets for abundance data; select Spiders.
(2d) There are two sites (Girdled and Logged); you can select one set or multiple sets for
comparison. Here we select both.
Step 3. “General Setting”: use all default settings for species richness; no any selection is
Girdled Logged
n 168 252
S.obs 26 37
C.hat 0.9289 0.9446
f1 12 14
f2 4 4
f3 0 4
f4 1 3
f5 0 1
f6 2 0
f7 0 3
f8 1 2
f9 1 0
f10 0 1
n = number of observed individuals in the reference sample (sample size).
S.obs = number of observed species in the reference sample.
C.hat = estimator of the sample coverage of the reference sample
f1-f10 = the first ten species abundance frequency counts in the sample.
In the “Interpolation/Extrapolation” tab panel, all relevant diversity estimates (see Notes
below) of 40 sample sizes for the Girdled site are shown:
m = sample size for which diversity estimates of order q are computed; by default setting (in the left
hand side of the screen), m represents the sample size for each of the 40 knots between 1 and the default
endpoint (double the reference sample size). On the “General Setting”, you can also either specify the
endpoint and knots or specify the samples sizes for which you like to calculate diversity estimates.
method = interpolated, observed, or extrapolated, depending on whether the size m is less than, equal to,
or greater than the reference sample size.
order = the diversity order of q you selected in the “General Setting” on the left hand side of the screen.
qD = the estimated diversity of order q for a sample of size m.
SC = the estimated sample coverage for a sample of size m.
qD.LCL, qD.UCL = the bootstrap lower and upper confidence limits for the diversity of order q at the
specified level in the setting (with a default value of 0.95).
SC.LCL, SC.UCL = the bootstrap lower and upper confidence limits for the expected sample coverage
at the specified level in the setting (with a default value of 0.95).
In the “Figure Plots” tab panel, three types of plots are shown:
(3) Coverage-based rarefaction and extrapolation sampling curve
Along the second row (output) menu, there are four output selection tabs:
In the “Diversity Profile (estimated)” tab panel, the estimated diversity profiles for
diversity order between 0 and 3 are shown based on the statistical method proposed in
Chao and Jost (2015). The figure can be downloaded by clicking “download as PNG
file” at the bottom of the displayed figure. Below the profile, all numerical values of
diversity (and Tsallis entropy) estimates are tabulated along with s.e. and confidence
intervals. These results can be downloaded by clicking “download as CSV file” below
the table.
In the “Diversity Profile (empirical)” tab panel, the observed diversity profiles for
diversity order between 0 and 3 are shown. Below the profile, all observed values of
diversity (and Tsallis entropy) are tabulated along with s.e. and confidence intervals.
The figure and table can be downloaded as described earlier for estimated part.
In the “Introduction” panel, users can view a brief introduction to iNEXT Online and a
summary of the running procedures.
In the “User Guide” panel, a link will direct users to this user guide.
Example 2: run the demo abundance data (beetles) for Asymptotic Analysis of species
richness (See Chao and Jost 2012, 2015 for interpretation)
Step 2. “Data Setting” (on the left hand side of the window)
(2a) Check the Demo data radio button to load demo data.
(2c) There are two demo data sets for abundance data; select Beetles.
(2d) There are two sites (Second Growth and Old Growth); you can select one set or
multiple sets for comparison. Here we select both.
Step 3. “General Setting”: use all default settings for species richness; no any selection is
In the “Diversity Profile (estimated)” tab panel, the estimated diversity profiles for diversity
order between 0 and 3 are shown based on the statistical method proposed in Chao and Jost
(2015), followed by all numerical values for diversity and entropy for each order.
Estimated Diversity Profiles
Estimated Diversity and Entropy for Each Order (Here we only show the estimated
order = the diversity order of q between 0 and 3 in increments of 0.25 (or those orders you type in the
input window).
Target = diversity or entropy
Estimate = diversity or entropy estimate by the Chao and Jost (2015) method
LCL, UCL = the bootstrap lower and upper confidence limits for the diversity or entropy of order q at a
specified level (default level = 0.95).
In the “Diversity Profile (empirical)” tab panel, the observed diversity profiles for diversity
order between 0 and 3 are shown as below, followed by all numerical values for diversity
and entropy for each order (omitted). The reader is advised to always use the Chao and Jost
estimated diversity profile because the empirical values typically underestimate the true
diversity and entropy, as this example demonstrated.
For more sophisticated plots, please use iNEXT R packages available from CRAN; see
Hsieh et al. (2016).
Colwell, R.K., Chao, A., Gotelli, N.J., Lin, S.-Y., Mao, C.X., Chazdon, R.L. & Longino, J.T.
(2012) Models and estimators linking individual-based and sample-based rarefaction,
extrapolation and comparison of assemblages. Journal of Plant Ecology, 5, 3–21.
Hsieh, T.C., Ma, K.H. & Chao, A. (2016) iNEXT: An R package for interpolation and
extrapolation of species diversity (Hill numbers). To appear in Methods in Ecology and