s2 C Programming KTU 2019 Syllabus
s2 C Programming KTU 2019 Syllabus
s2 C Programming KTU 2019 Syllabus
ESC 2 1 2 4 2019
Preamble: The syllabus is prepared with the view of preparing the Engineering Graduates capable of writing
readable C programs to solve computational problems that they may have to solve in their professional life.
The course content is decided to cover the essential programming fundamentals which can be taught
within the given slots in the curriculum. This course has got 2 Hours per week for practicing programming in
C. A list showing 24 mandatory programming problems are given at the end. The instructor is supposed to
give homework/assignments to write the listed programs in the rough record as and when the required
theory part is covered in the class. The students are expected to come prepared with the required program
written in the rough record for the lab classes.
Prerequisite: NIL
Course Outcomes: After the completion of the course the student will be able to
Develop readable* C programs with branching and looping statements, which uses
CO 2
Arithmetic, Logical, Relational or Bitwise operators.
Write readable C programs with arrays, structure or union for storing the data to be
CO 3
Divide a given computational problem into a number of modules and develop a readable
CO 4 multi-function C program by using recursion if required, to find the solution to the
computational problem
CO 5 Write readable C programs which use pointers for array processing and parameter passing
CO 6 Develop readable C programs with files for reading input and storing output
PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
Assessment Pattern
Remember 15 10 25
Understand 10 15 25
Apply 20 20 40
Analyse 5 5 10
Mark distribution
Marks Marks
Attendance : 10 marks
Continuous Assessment Test 2 (for lab, internal examination, for 2 hrs) : 20 marks
Internal Examination Pattern: There will be two parts; Part A and Part B. Part A contains 5 questions
with 2 questions from each module (2.5 modules x 2 = 5), having 3 marks for each question. Students
should answer all questions. Part B also contains 5 questions with 2 questions from each module (2.5
modules x 2 = 5), of which a student should answer any one. The questions should not have sub-
divisions and each one carries 7 marks.
End Semester Examination Pattern: There will be two parts; Part A and Part B. Part A contains 10
questions with 2 questions from each module, having 3 marks for each question. Students should
answer all questions. Part B contains 2 questions from each module of which a student should answer
any one. Each question can have maximum 2 sub-divisions and carry 14 marks.
Course Outcome 1 (CO1): Write an algorithm to check whether largest of 3 natural numbers is prime or
not. Also, draw a flowchart for solving the same problem.
Course Outcome 2 (CO2): Write an easy to read C program to process a set of n natural numbers and to
find the largest even number and smallest odd number from the given set of numbers. The program
should not use division and modulus operators.
Course Outcome 3(CO3):Write an easy to read C program to process the marks obtained by n students
of a class and prepare their rank list based on the sum of the marks obtained. There are 3 subjects for
which examinations are conducted and the third subject is an elective where a student is allowed to
take any one of the two courses offered.
Course Outcome 4 (CO4): Write an easy to read C program to find the value of a mathematical function
f which is defined as follows. f(n) = n! / (sum of factors of n), if n is not prime and f(n) = n! / (sum of
digits of n), if n is prime.
Course Outcome 5 (CO5): Write an easy to read C program to sort a set of n integers and to find the
number of unique numbers and the number of repeated numbers in the given set of numbers. Use a
function which takes an integer array of n elements, sorts the array using the Bubble Sorting Technique
and returns the number of unique numbers and the number of repeated numbers in the given array.
Course Outcome 6 (CO6): Write an easy to read C program to process a text file and to print the
Palindrome words into an output file.
Model Question paper
Reg No:______________
Name :______________
Part B
Answer any one Question from each module. Each question carries 14 Marks
11. (a) Draw a flow chart to find the position of an element in a given sequence, using linear
searching technique. With an example explain how the flowchart finds the position of a
given element. (10)
(b) Write a pseudo code representing the flowchart for linear searching. (4)
12. (a) With the help of a flow chart, explain the bubble sort operation. Illustrate with an
example. (10)
(b) Write an algorithm representing the flowchart for bubble sort. (4)
13. (a) Write a C program to read an English Alphabet through keyboard and display whether
the given Alphabet is in upper case or lower case. (6)
(b) Explain how one can use the builtin function in C, scanfto read values of different data
types. Also explain using examples how one can use the builtin function in C, printffor text
formatting. (8)
15. (a) Write a function in C which takes a 2-Dimensional array storing a matrix of numbers and
the order of the matrix (number of rows and columns) as arguments and displays the sum
of the elements stored in each row. (6 )
(b) Write a C program to check whether a given matrix is a diagonal matrix. (8)
16. (a) Without using any builtin string processing function like strlen, strcat etc., write a
program to concatenate two strings. (8)
(b) Write a C program to perform bubble sort. (6)
17. (a) Write a function namely myFact in C to find the factorial of a given number. Also, write
another function in C namelynCr which accepts two positive integer parameters n and r and
returns the value of the mathematical functionC(n,r)( n! / ( r! x (n - r)!) ). The function nCr is
expected to make use of the factorial function myFact. (10)
(b) What is recursion? Give an example. (4)
18. (a) With a suitable example, explain the differences between a structure and a union in C.
(b) Declare a structure namely Student to store the details (roll number, name, mark_for_C)
of a student. Then, write a program in C to find the average mark obtained by the students
in a class for the subject Programming in C (using the field mark_for_C). Use array of
structures to store the required data (8)
19. (a) With a suitable example, explain the concept of pass by reference. (6)
(b) With a suitable example, explain how pointers can help in changing the content of a
single dimensionally array passed as an argument to a function in C.
20. (a) Differentiate between sequential files and random access files? (4)
(b) Using the prototypes explain the functionality provided by the following functions. (10)
i. fseek()
ii. ftell()
iii. fread()
Programming in C (Common to all disciplines)
Module 1
Basics of Computer Hardware and Software
Basics of Computer Architecture: processor, Memory, Input& Output devices
Application Software & System software: Compilers, interpreters, High level and low level languages
Introduction to structured approach to programming, Flow chart Algorithms, Pseudo code (bubble
sort, linear search - algorithms and pseudocode)
Module 2
Program Basics
Basic structure of C program: Character set, Tokens, Identifiers in C, Variables and Data Types ,
Constants, Console IO Operations, printf and scanf
Operators and Expressions: Expressions and Arithmetic Operators, Relational and Logical Operators,
Conditional operator, size of operator, Assignment operators and Bitwise Operators. Operators
Control Flow Statements: If Statement, Switch Statement, Unconditional Branching using goto
statement, While Loop, Do While Loop, For Loop, Break and Continue statements.(Simple programs
covering control flow)
Module 3
Arrays and strings
Arrays Declaration and Initialization, 1-Dimensional Array, 2-Dimensional Array
String processing: In built String handling functions (strlen, strcpy, strcat and strcmp, puts, gets)
Linear search program, bubble sort program, simple programs covering arrays and strings
Module 4
Working with functions
Introduction to modular programming, writing functions, formal parameters, actual parameters
Pass by Value, Recursion, Arrays as Function Parameters structure, union, Storage Classes, Scope
and life time of variables, simple programs using functions
Module 5
Pointers and Files
Basics of Pointer: declaring pointers, accessing data though pointers, NULL pointer,array access
using pointers, pass by reference effect
File Operations: open, close, read, write, append
Sequential access and random access to files: In built file handlingfunctions (rewind() ,fseek(), ftell(),
feof(), fread(), fwrite()), simple programs covering pointers and files.
Text Books
1. Schaum Series, Gottfried B.S.,Tata McGraw Hill,Programming with C
2. E. Balagurusamy, Mcgraw Hill,Programming in ANSI C
3. Asok N Kamthane, Pearson,Programming in C
4. Anita Goel, Pearson, Computer Fundamentals
Reference Books
1. Anita Goel and Ajay Mittal, Pearson, Computer fundamentals and Programming in C
2. Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie, Pearson, C Programming Language
3. Rajaraman V, PHI, Computer Basics and Programming in C
4. Yashavant P, Kanetkar, BPB Publications, Let us C
1.1 Basics of Computer Architecture: Processor, Memory, Input& Output devices 2 hours
Linear search program, bubble sort program, simple programs covering arrays
3.3 3 hours
and strings
4.3 structure, union, Storage Classes,Scope and life time of variables, simple 3 hours
programs using functions
5.1 Basics of Pointer: declaring pointers, accessing data though pointers, NULL 3 hours
pointer,array access using pointers, pass by reference effect
The mark obtained out of 50 will be converted into equivalent proportion out of 20 for CIE
1. Familiarization of Hardware Components of a Computer
2. Familiarization of Linux environment – How to do Programming in C with Linux
3. Familiarization of console I/O and operators in C
i) Display “Hello World”
ii) Read two numbers, add them and display theirsum
iii) Read the radius of a circle, calculate its area and display it
iv)Evaluate the arithmetic expression ((a -b / c * d + e) * (f +g)) and display its solution.Read
the values of the variables from the user through console.