Thesis Chapter 123

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Chapter 1


ROTC has been a long established part of the educational system as a

trainingground for army reserve members."The most prominent argument on

behalf of ROTC isthe traditional “citizen soldier” rationale, Which emphasizes

how ROTC can broaden themilitary’s exposure to high levels of the civilian mind.

In this line of argument, officer strained by ROTC are more likely to balance

military virtues with a commitment to thenorms of civil society and the

constitutional order. This balance is good for America because, among other

things, it can enhance effective civilian control of the military. Thecontemporary

viability of the citizen soldier concept has occasioned much debate,

but itcontinues to be a useful and important aspiration in a polity in which deep

respect for constitutional principles coexists with substantial defense obligations

and needs. (Dawns, 2011)

ROTC is one of the choice courses in the National Service Training (NSTP)

program of the government, which aims to prepare youth for service in the

country. Aside from ROTC, other courses in the program are the Civil Welfare

Training (CWTS) and literacy Training Service (LTS). NSTP is mandatory for all

college students, based on the NSTP Law of 2001. However, students may

choose which of the three NSTP courses they can take. Probably not everyone

knows the word ROTC or Reserve Officer Training Corps is a prominent program
of the government. For students in secondary and college. It aims to train

military discipline and skills. It is mandatory to take students. There are others

who are not allowed to undergo such training as physically handicapped students

or may be recommended by a doctor who cannot participate.

ROTC strives to develop the leadership skills of a student not only in

theory butalso as an application to the military training that the program has.

Military discipline andmilitary courtesy are tenets of the curriculum, infusing

these to produce able-bodied andmilitary-ready students that can be called to

service in times of need. The country’s disadvantage in terms of weapons and

materials for combat is greatly emphasized when the Philippines is under threat,

therefore at least training the students to have thecapability to fight and defend

is a form of heightening the military capabilities to some extent. The discipline

that ROTC students develop under the training is tantamount tothe maturity of

a person, especially the clarity of mind that they display under pressure.

The Reserve Officers’ Training Corps is the best opportunity for you to get

invaluable experience while you earn a college degree. When enrolled in ROTC,

you learn and develop leadership skills and prepare for a career as an officer in

the U.S. military. You will learn firsthand what it takes to lead others, motivate

groups and how to conduct missions as a military officer. The real value of ROTC

for you is a world-class leadership training and experience. Beyond your college

being paid for, many colleges also include room and board, living allowances and

books. ROTC is an elective curriculum you take along with your required college
classes. Along with great leadership training, ROTC can pay for your college

tuition, too. You will have a normal college student experience like everyone else

on campus, but when you graduate, you will have the opportunity to serve as a

leader in the Army, Navy, Air Force or Marine Corps. Being an officer is similar to

being a manager in a corporation. As an officer, you will lead others in all

situations and adjust in environments that are always changing. Through ROTC,

you can start a military career in health care, aviation, finance, engineering,

chemistry, law enforcement and transportation, just to name a few. Each of the

armed forces has their own ROTC programs. That means that you can choose

the service and career path that appeals to you.

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to identify The Lived Experience of Students in

Criminology during their ROTC in Colegio de San Antonio de Padua de La Salle

Supervised School Year 2018-2019.

This study sought answers the following:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 gender; and

1.2 economic status?

2. What is the Negative effect of ROTC in itself?

3. How knowledge the respondents about the Implementation of ROTC in


Statement of Objectives

This study is very important because it can provide more

information because it can provide more information and knowledge for learners,

some teachers and parents who are mostly confused about what the program or

government wants for the society. And it can also and students are aware of

what is happening in our country.

Significance of the Study

This research is focused on assessing the views and knowledge of College

student’s effects of ROTC on its academic performance. It covers students and

teachers in college department of Criminology.

This study is limited to teachers and students who are in college level

because they are involved in re-implementing this program.

School Administration and ROTC Implementer.It can be used by the

authorities to provide further information about the criminology students who are

subject to the ROTC program will be informed of the issues if the students are

ready to undergo the program and if the students are informed regarding ROTC.

Readers.This study can help to open the reader’s awareness of government

initiatives and gain knowledge about the about the Mandatory Reserve Officer

Training Corps.

Teachers.Teachers may translate the information derive from the results of this

study into effective planning and implementation of administration and

management of their classes. The result of this study are also hoped to provide

information. Also, teachers may integrate that will be used in the study in the

methodology and strategy apply especially teachers who handled ROTC (NSTP)

Future Researchers.This will also serve as a way for other researchers to

contribute significantly to the development of our knowledge to possess these

features of the work and to improve the reader’s understanding of how to

interpret the reader about the topic of ROTC.

Chapter 2

Literature Review

This chapter presents are the foreign and local literature and studies

gathered from online resources used by the researchers in the pursuit of this

paper in order to have a more accurate study. This helped the researchers have

a better understanding and a wider perspective on this issue.

Related Review

The review of related literature is instrumental in the selection of topic,

formulation of hypothesis and deductive reasoning leading to the problem. It

helps to get a clear idea and supports the findings with regard to the problem

under study. According to (Changco & Santiago, 2013).

As a sub-field of Strategic Studies and Political Science, the study of civil-military

relations, focuses on the (Lovell, 1974) "threat posed by the military institution

(the existence of a large professional army) to the popular rule by a civilian

government, and to the individual citizen's political and civil rights."

The military program's model was in parallel with that of the United States

of America which started in 1862 where it was instigated as and elective for

college students. (Changco & Santiago, 2013).

The pioneer unit of the ROTC was the University of the Philippines ROTC

Unit or the UP Vanguards which was established in 1922. Followed by the

founding of the ROTC units in National University, Ateneo de Manila, Liceo de

Manila and Colegio de San Juan de Letran, until number of schools nationwide

adopted the military program after the endorsement of the Commonwealth Act

No. 1. As cited in Article Vl, Section 35 of the Commonwealth Act No. 1 or the

National Defense Act of 1935, the concept of ROTC came into its being with only

schools and institutions designated by the President to maintain and establish a

Reserve Officers' Training Units, mandatory for every physically fit student to

pursue course of military instruction designed t qualify him for a commission as a

Third Lieutenant of reserve with a power to choose where would he want to

render service.
Chapter 3


Research Design

This study utilized the qualitative method especially phenomenological

approach since it is a way of describing lived experiences as a phenomenon that

not has been clearly described and explained. Researchers express and evaluate

the views and Impression of Criminology students on Implementation of

Mandatory ROTC.

Research Environment

Colegio de San Antonio de Padua is one of the private institution school in Danao

City that offers Different courses which is Bachelor of Science Criminology, Bachelor of

Science in Office Administration, Bachelor of Secondary Education/ Elementary

Education, Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Bachelor of Science in Civil/ Electrical

Engineering, Bachelor of Science in Information System, Bachelor of Science in Tourism

Management and etc. The school is supervision of Ramon Durano Foundation. Even

thought is a private institution, there are some of the students choose to study in

Colegio de San Antonio de Padua De La Salle Supervised School, for them to be trained

will and to have a better future.


The study population comprised of The lived Experienced Criminology students

during their ROTC, ROTC Program can help you through; (1)Tuition Assistance: ROTC

programs offer tuition assistance to cadets by granting numerous scholarships to

members who qualify. This assistance can help pay for college tuition and miscellaneous

fees, textbooks or other school expenses. (2)Leadership Skills: 
Skills learned in ROTC

are extremely valuable whether you continue on in the respective military branch or take

what you have learned into the civilian life. (3)Career Choices: 
Have a special interest or

skill? The military is helpful in placing personnel in career areas that utilize specific

interests, training and skills. (4)Enjoy college: 
Joining ROTC does not mean you have to

stop being a normal college student or enjoying extra-curricular activities.(5)Start ahead

of the game:
 After graduation and upon completion of ROTC, each member who enters

active duty is awarded an officer rank.

Data Collection And Procedure

A. Self-Awareness

Is the capacity for introspection and the ability to recognize one-self as an

individual separate from the environment and other individuals? Might quickly

assume that we are self-aware, but it is helpful to have a relative scale for

awareness. If you have ever been in an auto accident you may have experienced

everything happening in slow motion and noticed details of your thought process

and the event. This is a state of heightened awareness with practice we can

learn to engage these types of heightened states and see new opportunities for

interpretation in our thought, emotions and conversations. Having awareness

creates the opportunity to make changes in behavior and beliefs.

B. Bracketing

It is a method used in qualitative research process However, the process through

which bracketing takes place is poorly understood, in part as a result of a shift

away from its phenomenological origins The current article examines the

historical and philosophical roots of bracketing, and analyzes and tensions that

have arisen since the inception of bracketing in terms of its definition, who

brackets methods of bracketing, and its timing in the research process. It’s is

presented as two forms of researcher engagement with data and evolving

findings. The first form is the well-known identification and temporary setting

aside of the researchers assumption.

C. Informed Consent

To give informed consent, the individual concerned must have adequate

reasoning faculties and be in possession of all relevant facts. Adequate informed

consent is rooted in respecting a person’s dignity. Obtained informed consent for

a research study requires open and honest communication between the

researcher and the study participant. It is essential that the participant

understand that participating in a research study is completely voluntary they

can withdraw from the study at any time or choose not to participate.

D. Member Checking

This is when data analytic categories, interpretation and conclusions are

tested with members of those groups from whom the data were originally
obtained. This can be done both formally and informally as opportunities for

members check may arise during the normal course of observation and

conversation. Typically, member checking is viewed as a technique for

establishing to the validity of an account. Lincoln and Guba posit that is the most

crucial techniques for establishing credibility. However, this technique is


E. Triangulation Method

In the social sciences, triangle is often used to indicate that the two (or

more) methods are used in a study in order to check the results of one and the

same subject. “The concept of triangulation is borrowed from navigational and

land surveying techniques that one can be more confident with a result if

different methods lead to the same result. Triangulation is a powerful technique

that facilitates validation of data through cross verification from the two or more

sources. In particular, it refers to the application and combinations of several

research methods in the study of the same phenomenon. Triangulation method

is used in qualitative research that involves cross-checking multiple data sources

and collection, procedures to evaluate the extent to which all evidence

converges. Qualitative analysis of text is often supplemented with other sources

of information to satisfy the principle of triangulation and increase trust in the

validity of the study’s conclusions. It would not be uncommon, for example, to

analyze transcribe interviews along with observational field notes and documents

authored by the respondents themselves.

F. Ethical Consideration

Ethical Considerations in research are critical. Ethics are the norms or

standards for conduct that distinguish between right and wrong. They help to

determine the difference between acceptable and unacceptable behaviors on the

part of the researcher. Why are ethical considerations so important in research?

The integrity reliability and validity of the research findings rely heavily on

adherence to ethical principles.

G. Rigor of the Study

Rigor in qualitative research is defined by quite the opposite set of the

criteria and is associated with being open to the data, scrupulously adhering to a

specific philosophical perspective, and thoroughness in collecting data.

Examining the data for reliability and validity assesses both the objectively and

credibility of the research.

Method of Data Analysis

Prior to describe the analytical procedure of data set, a brief description of

data collection and transcripts formation are summarized as follow. Semi-

structured, Face-to-face interviews were conducted using a prepared interview

guide. Participants were encouraged to talk freely and to tell stories using their

own words. Each interview lasted from 45 minutes to one-hour and all of them

were conducted by the main researcher. At the end of speech interview, the

researcher reminded the participants about her need for a second contact with
them via telephone calls to discuss the study findings and to make sure that the

study findings reflect their own experiences. The level of data saturation was

determined by the main researcher and by another independent researcher in a

process carried out in parallel with data collection. Then, saturation was based

on consensus between both researchers. Twenty-two participants engaged the

study. In eventual, the transcript was double-checked by the independent

researcher who has experience in qualitative research.

The following steps represent Colaizzi process for phenomenological data

analysis (cited in Sanders,2003 Specialist Carpenter,2007)

Each transcript should be read and re-read in order to obtain a general

sense about the whole content. For each transcript, significant statements that

pertain to the phenomenon under study should be extracted. These statements

must be recorded on a separate sheet noting their pages and lines numbers.

Meanings should be formulated from these significant statements. The

formulated meanings should be sorted into categories, cluster of themes and

themes. The findings of the study should be integrated into an exhaustive

description of the phenomenon under the study. The fundamental structure of

the phenomenon should be described. Finally, validation of the findings should

be sought from the research participants to compare the researches descriptive

results with their experiences.

Formulation of Core Meanings

Systematically obtained from social research. Every chapter deals with the

beginning formulation of some a highly empirical study which at is conclusion

has a tacked-on explanation taken from the author tries to give his data a more

general sociological meaning. Then core criteria are formed for the evaluation of

qualitative research together with way sociological procedures in this area are in

contradiction with the idea of formulating a universal and systematic analysis of

the process with aim of logical formulation of methods.

Informed Consent

Upon signing this documents, I hereby give my consent to

voluntarily participate in the research study entitled: “The Lived Experience of
Students in Criminology during their ROTC”, to be conducted by a group of
Grade 11 General Academic Strand Students of Colegio De San Antonio De

I am giving my consent after explained the purpose and

procedures of the study. I fully understand that:

1. I will be interviewed by the researchers for them to gather information

about my situation.
2. I will be participating a study about the life of Criminology voluntarily.
3. I can refuse my participation whenever I feel uncomfortable without
4. I will informed about the result of the study.
5. I have right for privacy and confidentiality throughout the study.

___________________ _______________

Signature of participants Date

________________ ______________

Witness Signature Date

Informed Consent

Sa pag pirma ko niining dokumento, ako naghatag sa akung

kabubut-ong pagtugot sa pagtuon na adunay utohan nga “ The Lived
Experience of Students of Criminology during their ROTC”, nga
pagkahimuon sa mga estudyante sa Grade 11 nga nagkuha ug General Academic
Strand sa Colegio De San Antonio De Padua.

Ako mitugot nga human gi sultian ug gi pa hibalo sa tanang detalye

ug pamaagi sa pagtuon. Ako nahibalo usab nga:

1. Kabubut-on ko ang akong pag apil sa niining pagtuon bahin sa kinabuhi

sa mga criminology.
2. Ako gapangutan-on kabahin sa akung mga kaagi aron maka kuha sila
ug impormasyon kabahin sa akong sitwasyon.
3. Ako mahimong mo bawi sa akong partisipasyon ug pag tugot sa pag
apil bisan kanus-a nga walay danyos igahatag.
4. Ako angay nga pahibaluon sa resulta sa pagtuon.
5. Ako adunay katungod sa pribisya ug dili pag butyag sa uban sa bisan
unsang impormasyon nga atong mahatag para sa pagtuon.

_________________ _______________
Pirma sa Partisipante Petsa

_________________ _______________
Pirma sa Saksi Petsa

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