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Arif Purnama Sophian, Nur Aeni Hidayah, Elsy Rahajeng

Department of information systems, Faculty of science and technology
International Islamic University Syarif hidayatullah Jakarta
email: [email protected]


Arif Purnama Sophian, Strategic Planning Information System at PT. Jaya Motor. (under the guidance of
Nur Aeni Hidayah and Elsy Rahajeng).

At the present time can not be denied that the increasing number of Companies have sprung up, especially
automotive dealers who make competition in motorcycles sales world tightened. So to survive in the competitive
arena, the Companies must have a business strategy that is used as an advantage to be able to survive. Application of
information systems and information technology can be used as a business strategy to be able to compete with
competitors who are in the same field. Many automotive companies that do not have a strategic plan in its use of IS
and IT. In this study discusses about how to shape the formulation of the IS and IT strategic planning for the
company that has core businesses in motor vehicle sales. In this study, researchers used a methodology of strategic
planning and IT IS version of Ward and Peppard as a basic concept. Strategic planning models Ward and Peppard
method is based business strategy. Analysis and interpretation of data researchers use multiple tools include analysis
of CSF (Critical Success Factors), SWOT analysis, value chain analysis, PEST analysis, Porter's Five Forces
analysis, and portfolio analysis McFarlan Grid Strategy. Where these tools will strengthen the strategic planning
process. The end result of this research is a strategic planning and IT IS includes the identification details of the steps
the management issues and identification of IS development and future IT portfolio are described in IS and IT
aligned with the business strategy of PT Jaya Motor to be able to create a competitive advantage that can compete.

Key Words: Strategic Planning Information System, IT/IS, Critical Success Factor, SWOT, Value Chain, Porter’s
Five Forces, McFarland’s Grid, PT. Jaya Motor

1. INTRODUCTION most advantageous position in their environment, and

Information technology system has evolved over determine strategies to achieve those objectives.
time. The development of information technology is
causing changes in the role of the efficiency and 2.2 IS/IT Strategic Planning’s Model
effectiveness into a strategic role. The role of Lingkungan
Bisnis Internal
Strategi Bisnis
efficiency that replace human tasks with a more
efficient information technology. The role of the Bisnis Ekternal
Proses Strategi Manajemen Portofolio Aplikasi
effectiveness of providing information for effective SI/Ti Strategi SI/TI Masa Depan
Lingkungan SI/
management decision making. Now, the role of TI Eksternal
information technology system not only for efficiency
Lingkungan SI/
and effectiveness, but also a strategic role to win the TI Internal
Strategi TI

competition (Hartono, 2008). Thus the appropriate

use of information technology can be used as strategic Aplikasi Saat Ini

weapon or competitive weapon, to provide added Picture 1: IS/IT Strategic Planning’s Model (Ward
value in the form of competitive advantage in dan Peppard, 2002)
business competition, especially automotive. In the
automotive company's role not only as an information 2.3 SWOT Analysis
technology support or support, but also acts as a key According to Duncan et al. (2007), analyzing
operational, high potential and stategic (Ward and the internal and external environment is important in
Peppard, 2002). the strategic planning process. Internal environmental
factors in the company can usually be classified as
2. THEORETICAL BASIS Strength (S) or Weakness (W), and the external
2.1 Strategic Planning Information System environment can be classified as Opportunities (O) or
Strategic planning of information systems is a Threat (T). Environmental analysis of this strategy is
set of long-term goals that describe the purpose of the referred to as a SWOT analysis.
system and technology architecture to achieve the Table 1: SWOT Matrix (Ward dan Peppard, 2003)
goals of an organization (Turban et al, 2003)
(Strength) (Weakness)
According to McLeod (2001), strategic
planning is also known as a long-term plan, because it (Opportunity) Strategy SO Strategy WO
identifies the goals that will give the organization the

Strategies that Strategies that
use strengths to minimize 2.6 Porter’s Five Force Competitive Models
take advantage weaknesses to Porter's Five Forces Model is a business
of exploit strategy that is used to perform the analysis of an
opportunities opportunities
industrial structure that is issued by Porter (2002).
Strategy ST Strategy WT This model includes the threat of new competitors,
threat of substitute products or services, bargaining
Strategies that
(Threat) The strategy of power of buyers, bargaining power of the supplier, as
using force to well as competition from existing players. This model
weaknesses to
resolve threats is also very useful to perform a SWOT analysis.
avoid threats
Porter explained that the competition consisted of
threats at once can make opportunities (Jogiyanto,
2.4 CSF (Critical Success Factor) Analysis 2005):
Critical Success Factor is a tool that is used to a. Rivalry Among existing competitors
perform the analysis in the strategic planning of b. Threats of New Entrants
information systems and information technology. c. Threat of Substitute Products and Services
CSF are all factors that cause a company can gain d. Bargaining Power of Customers
success. Without these things, the expected success e. Bargaining power of supplier
will never be found (Ward And Peppard, 2002).

Picture 4: Porter’s Five Force Competitive Models

(Porter, 2002)

2.7 PEST Analysis

PEST is a study of the political, economic,
social and general technology. The relationship
between all these forces significantly affect all
products, services, and organizations in the world
Picture 2: Critical Success Factor Analysis (Ward market. Therefore, companies must be able to
dan Peppard, 2002) develop the mission and design strategies to achieve
long-term business life (Pudjadi et al., 2007).
2.5 Value Chain Analysis
2.8 Portfolio McFarlan
According to Porter (2002) value chain
analysis is to analyze the activities of collection According to Turban et al. (1999), the model
activities undertaken to desing, produce, market, proposed by McFarlan's portfolio in 1984 taking into
deliver and support products or services. According to account the contribution of information systems and
Porter, each company is a collection of activities information technology to the business based on
performed for the production, marketing, and delivery industry impact.
in support of the product. Overall this activity can
direperentasikan using the value chain. Porter also
explained that information technology is one of the
main supporters of the value chain..

Picture 5: Portfolio McFarlan (Ward dan Peppard,

Picture 3: Value Chain Analysis (Porter, 2002) 2002)

adding a more another area 3. Increase the
3. THE WRITING METHODOLOGY varied products within the new
to the public. scope of the innovations on
The method used for strategic planning of 4. Drawi South motor vehicle
information systems at PT. Jaya Motor is divided into ng the attention Tangerang (S1, products (W1,
two methods, the first method of data collection that and interest of O2) O3)
consists of a field study carried out by means of customers with 4. 4. Improving the
attractive quality of
observation and direct observation of the company discount offers. products with
that became a place of research, interviews with new
persons who engaged in the organizational structure. innovations
Conduct a literature review on information systems (S2, O3)
Threat (T) Strategy ST Strategy WT
strategic planning, and conduct studies to see similar 1. The 1. Further 1. Improved
research literature. Both methods of data analysis emergence increase relationships
using the method of Ward and Peppard. Ward and of again the with suppliers,
Peppard analysis method consists of the analysis of competitors quality of customers and
or existing other
internal and external business environment of the companies products businesses
company, and then analyze the environment of IS / IT in similar (S1, T1) supported the
internal and external companies. Then in the output fields. 2. Increase development of
stage consists of a management strategy / IT, business 2. The the motor technology
development vehicle (W3, T2)
strategy IS, and IT strategy. of again 2. Improving the
technology promotiona quality of
4. ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION continues to l products service to
4.1 SWOT Analysis increase. to the customers (W1,
3. The general T3)
Analysis of the strength of competing on PT. presence of public 3. Improve the
Jaya Motor seen on table 2. services is along with marketing and
less good or the promotion of
Table 2: SWOT Matrix of PT. Jaya Motor less kindly cooperatio products to the
Strengh (S) Weakness (W) allowed the n of other general public
1. 1. Having a 1. PT Jaya Motor declining agencies (W1, T1)
quality product. have number of (S2, T1) 4. Procurement of
2. 2. It has a competitors customers. 3. Increasing IT division to
complete variety who play in 4. late again the face the ever-
of products as the same field payments service increasing
needed. of a strong and from provided to technological
3. 3. There is large customers the developments
considerable showroom, customer (W5, T2)
experience in such as PT (S5, T3) 5. Improved
corporate Suka Motor, 4. Identify financial
owners. PT Belian potential control (W2,
4. 4. Having used Motors and so customers T4)
motor division on prior to
(second hand). 2. The absence of receiving
5. 5. It has long coordination the request
been known as a and integrated from the
player in its unified customer
field. division. purchase
6. 6. HR Loyal. 3. Lack of transaction
7. 7. Customer Communicatio (S3, T4)
Trust. ns facilities to
8. 8. Support a the supplier. 4.2 CSF Analysis
good partner. 4. Less utilize the
9. 9. Financial existing Here is the identification of any CSF corporate
Support resource. purposes. CSF analysis were identified based on
5. The absence of interview data related to ongoing business processes
the IT division
that can at PT Jaya Motor.
support the
Table 3: Main Purpose CSF PT.Jaya Motor
performance. Main Purpose CSF Measures
Oppoturnity (O) Strategy SO Strategy WO Providing Introduce products the increase and
1. The 1. 1. Adding a 1. Increasing motorcycle to the public development of
increasing variety of variety of Products with Customer
purchasing products for the products to suit good quality
power of the general public the needs of the
motor vehicle. (S2, O3) general public Increasing the Increasing sales The increase of
2. Trend2. 2. Promotion of (W1, O1) number of volume the number of
s in the economic new and used 2. Make
customers customer
growth of South motor services promotional
Tangerang good. through online programs and Gain the trust Service and good Improved
3. Hold media (S4, O1) discounts to of customers cooperation relationships with
the new 3. 3. Opening a customers (W1, and suppliers customers and
innovation by new branch in O4) suppliers

Generate The increase in The increase in
revenue by sales volume of sales
selling products
products 4.5 PEST Analysis
optimization of Increasing the Increased Table 4: PEST Analysis of PT. Jaya Motor
capital availability of funds availability of Politik Sosial
and utilize as much funds  Keputusan  Tingkah laku
as possible Menteri konsumen
Increasing the Increased Perindustrian dan  Tingkat penghasilan
availability of availability of Perdagangan  Interaksi satu sama
facilities facilities Republik lain
Providing the Providing services Increased Indonesia
best service to of vehicle service customer trust  Peraturan Menteri
customers Keuangan
Increasing the can not be done Can not yet be Republik
use of assessed Indonesia
technology in Ekonomi Teknologi
the  Tingkat inflasi  Teknologi informasi
information  Nilai tukar rupiah  Penemuan teknologi
management terhadap mata uang baru
process in asing  Inovasi baru
order to  Status ekonomi
improve the dalam negeri
performance of  Kegiatan ekspor
the company impor

4.3 Value Chain Analysis 4.6 Portofolio aplikasi saat ini pada PT. Jaya
Value Chain Analysis pada PT. Jaya Motor. Motor
Outbound Sales &
Based on the assessment of importance and
logistic logistic Marketing
contribution to the application of information systems
1. Pelayanan Terhadap
to the business of PT. Jaya Motor, all of the
Pendistribusian kendaraan 1. Hubungan ke
2. Penanganan Klaim &
applications on the PT. Jaya Motor mapped into the
Penerimaan kendaraan Pemeriksaan kendaraan
yang sudah diterima dari yang sudah dikirim oleh
kepada konsumen yang
sudah memesan
Konsumen Complain
2.Promosi kendaraan dan 3. Penanganan Service
model portfolio McFarlan.
Supplier Supplier
kendaraan Produk baru kendaraan dari konsumen
4. Feedback dari Table 5: Portfolio McFarlan of PT. Jaya Motor


Corporate 1. Sales & Marketing

infrastuktur 2. Customer Service

1. Kompensasi (Gaji, Tunjangan, intensif)
Management 2. Pengembangan SDM
Ms.Office Email Service
Teknologi Informasi
Windows XP,
Procurement Pengadaan / Pembelian Produk
Windows 7
Web Browser
Picture 6: Value Chain Analysis (FireFox)
SI Keuangan (Ms.
4.4 Porter’s five Force Analysis Excel)
To assess the position of PT. Jaya Motors
today compared to five external forces that may affect
the company's business position is currently carried 4.7 CSF Proposal (Critical Success Factor)
out Porter's five-force analysis of competitive models.
Based on the analysis of CSF has been done in
- Bajaj the previous analysis phase can be known PT. Jaya
- Vespa
Motor company has not executed seventh goal, which
is to increase the use of technology in the information
Honda Motor
- PT Suka Motor
- PT Berlian Motor Masyarakat Umum
management process in order to improve the
performance of the company. Here's the translation of
ANCAMAN PRODUK CSF from the company's goals:

Munculnya produk
Table 6: CSF Proposal of the main Purpose of PT.
baru dengan kualitas
yang sama namun
Jaya Motor
harga lebih murah
Main Purpose CSF Measures
Picture 7: Porter’s five force Analysis of PT. Jaya

Providing Introduce products the increase and Helpdesk
motorcycle to the public development of e-HRM
Products with Customer SI Pengontrolan
good quality
SI Akuntansi
Increasing the Increasing sales The increase of SI Penjualan Ms. Office
number of volume the number of e-CRM E-mail
customers customer Key Operational Support
Gain the trust Service and good Improved
of customers cooperation relationships with
4.10 Computer Network Proposal
and suppliers customers and
suppliers PT Jaya Motor Internet

Generate The increase in The increase in

revenue by sales volume of sales
selling products Div Sparepart dan Services

Firewall IT Support
optimization of Increasing the Increased Div. Penjualan Switch

capital availability of funds availability of

and utilize as much funds Wifi Access Point Router Server Database

as possible
Increasing the Increased Div Keuangan

Printer - Scanner

availability of availability of
facilities facilities
Providing the Providing services Increased Div Operasional Notebook
Pemilik Perusahaan

best service to of vehicle service customer trust

customers Printer
Increasing the Applying IS and IT The number of
use of to support business companies
technology in processes increased Picture 8: Computer Network Proposal for PT. Jaya
the satisfaction to IS Motor
information and IT
management 4.11 Hardware Requirements
process in Table 9: Hardware Requirements of PT. Jaya Motor
order to
N Jenis Jum Spesifikasi Keterangan
improve the
o lah
performance of
1 PC 6 processor intel Initial amount
the company
(Person Core i3, memory held is 3 PC so
al 2GB, harddisk that the amount
4.8 The Migration Plan SI/TI Compute 500GB, DVD-ROM proposed late PC
Table 7: Migration Plan IS/TI PT. Jaya Motor r) is 7 PCs. Each
N IS/TI Proposal 20 20 20 division has a
o 13 14 15 special division 1
PC and IT have 2
Sistem Informasi Pemasaran √
PCs to systems
Sistem Informasi Penjualan √ analysts and
Electronic Customer Relationship √ programmers.
Electronic Human Resource √ 2 Databas 1 HP Proliant
Management e Server DL160GB-082,
Sistem Informasi Pengontrolan √ Server Rack 2
Sistem Informasi Akuntansi √ Socket CPU, Seon
Knowledge Management System √ E5-2603 4GB
(1x4GB), RDIMM
DSS (Decission Support System) √
PC-10600, VGA
Helpdesk √ Matrox G200, 2
Website √ Port 1GbE NIC,
Sumber Daya Divisi IT √ Rackmount 1U
4.9 The Future Application Portfolio
Table 8: Proposed applications Portfolio for PT. Jaya 4 Switch 2 TP-Link TL-
Motor SF1016D, 16 Ports
Strategic High Potential 10/100Mbps
Website PT Jaya Motor Knowledge Management Dekstop Switch.
SI Pemasaran System 5 Router 1 ZTE Wireless N
DSS (Decission Support Router [5501E],
N300, 802.11b/g/n,

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