Practice 03 Solutions
Practice 03 Solutions
Practice 03 Solutions
The loop invariant condition at the end of the ith iteration is:
(a) n = D1D2….Dm-i and rev = DmDm-1…Dm-i+1
(b) n = Dm-i+1…Dm-1Dm and rev = Dm-1….D2D1
(c) n != rev
(d) n = D1D2….Dm and rev = DmDm-1…D2D1
Ans. a
3. Consider the following C program
int x, y, m, n;
scanf ("%d %d", &x, &y);
/* Assume x > 0 and y > 0 */
m = x;
n = y;
while (m! = n)
if (m > n)
m = m - n;
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n = n - m;
print f ("% d", n);
int main ()
int a = 2048, sum = 0;
foo (a, sum);
printf ("%d\n", sum);
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int main ( ) { /* Line 1 */
int I, N; /* Line 2 */
fro (I = 0, I < N, I++); /* Line 3 */
Identify the compiler's response about this line while creating the object-module
(a) No compilation error
(b) Only a lexical error
(c) Only syntactic errors
(d) Both lexical and syntactic errors
Ans. c
7. Consider the following code fragment:
if (fork() == 0)
{ a = a + 5; printf(“%d,%d\n”, a, &a); }
else { a = a –5; printf(“%d, %d\n”, a, &a); }
Let u, v be the values printed by the parent process, and x, y be the values printed by the child
process. Which one of the following is TRUE?
(a) u = x + 10 and v = y
(b) u = x + 10 and v != y
(c) u + 10 = x and v = y
(b) u + 10 = x and v != y
Ans. c
8. Consider the following C code segment.
for (i = 0, i<n; i++)
for (j=0; j<n; j++)
if (i%2)
x += (4*j + 5*i);
y += (7 + 4*j);
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(a) No choice
(b) Choice A
(c) Choice B
(d) Program gives no output as it is erroneous
Ans. c
10. Consider the following C program:
# include <stdio.h>
int main( )
int i, j, k = 0;
j = 2 * 3 / 4 + 2.0 / 5 + 8 / 5;
k -= --j;
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
switch(i + k)
case 1:
case 2: printf("\n%d", i + k);
case 3: printf("\n%d", i + k);
default: printf("\n%d", i + k);
return 0;
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Ans. d
13. Answer the following questions:
a. What does the following function return in terms of the argument n?
unsigned int f ( unsigned int n )
f unsigned int s = 0, t = 0;
while (n > 0) f s = s + n;
t = t + n * n * n;
n = n - 1;
return (t - s * s);
(a) 0
(b) 1
(d) 1 3 2
Ans. ??
b. Consider the following program:
#include <stdio.h>
main ()
int m, n;
printf("Supply two integers: ");
m = m - n;
n = m + n;
m = n - m;
printf("%d %d\n", m,n);
Describe, in terms of the scanned integers m and n, what integer values are printed at
the end of the above program.
Ans. ??
14. The following program computes the sum of the digits in the decimal representation of
a non-negative integer. For example, the sum of the digits of 320127 is 3+ 2 +0 + 1 +2
+ 7 = 15. Fill in the blanks with appropriate C constructs.
#include <stdio.h>
int main ()
unsigned int n, d, sum;
/* Read the unsigned integer n*/
scanf("%u", );
/* Initialize sum to zero */
/* Loop as long as n is not reduced to zero*/
while ( ) {
/* Store in d the least significant digit of n*/
/* Add this least significant digit to sum*/
sum = ;
/* Remove this digit from n */
/* Print the sum of digits of the input integer*/
printf("The sum of digits is \n", );
Ans. ??
15. Let i, j be integer variables. What is the value printed after the following loop?
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for (i=j=0; i<10; ++i) {
j = i + j;
printf("%d\n", j);
(a) 20
(b) 25
(c) 30
(d) 45
Ans. a
16. Let i, j, s be integer variables. What is the value of s printed after the following outer
s = i = 0;
while (i < 10) {
j = 0;
while (j < 5) {
if (i != j) ++s;
printf("%d\n", s);
(a) 15
(b) 40
(c) 45
(d) 50
Ans. ??
17. Consider the following program:
#include <stdio.h>
int main ()
int a,b,c,d;
int r,s,t;
scanf("%d%d%d%d", &a, &b, &c, &d);
if (a > b) r = a; else r = b;
if (c > d) s = c; else s = d;
if (r > s) t = r; else t = s;
printf("%d\n", t);
Suppose that the user inputs the values 5, 3, 5, 9 for a, b, c and d respectively. What
value for t does the program print?
Describe in an English sentence the value, in terms of the input integers a, b, c and d,
printed by the above program.
Ans. ??
18. How many times is the statement i *= i+1; (1×10) in the following for loop executed?
for (i=1; i<100; ++i) i *= i+1;
How many times is the loop condition i<100 checked in the loop?
What is the value stored in the variable I immediately after the loop terminates?
19. The printf() function returns the number of characters it prints on stdout (screen). What
value will be stored in count after the execution of the following code?
int count, n = 100;
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count = printf("\nn:%d\n",n);
Ans. ??
20. What will be the contents of the variables a and b after the execution of the following
code on the input I do not know ?
char a, b;
scanf("%c do not %c", &a, &b);
Ans. ??
21. Write an iterative function that reads positive integers a0, a1, . . . , an−1 (not necessarily
in that order). The function computes and prints the value of ha0, a1, . . . , an−1i as a
rational number in the form p/q and also its floating-point value. The number of terms,
that is, n is supplied to the function as an argument. Make clear in your code in which
order you are reading and processing a0, a1, . . . , an−1. There is no need to use an
void cfracitr ( int n )
int num, den; /* Numerator and denominator */
/* Declare other int variables, if necessary */
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case 'w': printf("Write");
case 'r': printf("Read");
default : printf("Open");
return 0;
Ans. WriteRead
24. The following program should print the sum of the series 1 + x2 / 2! + x4 / 4! + …. +
x2N / 2N!. Fill in the blanks in the program.
int main() {
int i, N ;
float x, S, term;
S = _______________ ;
term = _______________ ;
printf ( “Enter N and x” ) ;
scanf(“%d %f”, &N, &x);
for ( i = 1 ; i <= N+1 ; i++ ) {
S = S + term;
term = ______________________________________________ ;
S = S + term;
printf (“The sum of the series is %f “,S) ;
Ans. term∗x∗x/(2∗i∗ (2∗i −1)) ; 0 ; 1
25. The following program prints the most significant digit of an integer n. Fill in the
blanks with only one statement per blank space.
int main( ) {
int n;
printf ( “Enter n” ) ;
scanf ( “%d”, &n ) ;
while ( ________________________ ) {
printf ( “ The most significant digit is %d”, n ) ;
return 0;
Ans. n = n /10; n>=10
26. Write a C program which reads a sequence of positive integers till the user types −1. It
counts the lengths of the non-decreasing sub sequences, and prints the maximum
among them. For example, for input {6, 7, 2, 29, 17, 5, 5, 11, 6, 7, 8, −1} the non-
decreasing sub sequences are: {6, 7}, {2, 29}, {17}, {5, 5, 11} and {6, 7, 8}. Thus the
answer should be 3. Assume that the first integer read is not −1 and a single integer is
a sequence of length 1.
int main ( ){
int prevno, curno, curlength, maxlength ;
curlength = 1; maxlength = 0;
scanf (“%d”, &prevno) ;
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scanf (“%d”, &curno) ;
while (curno != -1) {
if (curno >= prevno)
else {
if (curlength > maxlength) {
maxlength = curlength;
curlength = 1;
prevno = curno ;
scanf (“%d”, &curno) ;
if (curlength > maxlength)
maxlength = curlength;
printf (“Maximum length is %d\n”, maxlength) ;
return 0;}
27. How many *'s are printed by the following code segment ?
for (i=0; i< 10; i++)
for (j=i; j>0; j--)
printf(“*”) ;
Ans. 45
28. Fill in the blanks (for appropriate actions mentioned in brackets):
/* Include a header file for I/O operation. (1) */
float x,y;
int z;
printf(“Read x and y \n”);
scanf(“_______”,__,__); /* Read x and y in appropriate format. (1)*/
z= ______(int)____(x+y); /* Type-cast. (1) */
if (z ____ 0) /* Check equality with zero. (1) */
printf(“x=_ __, y=__ ___\n”,____, ___); /* Print values of x, and y. (1) */
Ans. #include <stdio.h> ; %f%f ; &x ; &y ; = = ; %f ; %f ; x ; y
29. Write a C-program to print the first ten multiples of 5 using a while loop.
[Sample Output : 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50]
int i=5;
30. Consider the following code:
int main(){
int a = 0, b = 100;
if (a)
if (b) printf("abc\n");
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else printf("bcd\n");
a. What will be the output generated by the above code? Also explain your reasoning
in one sentence.
b.What will be the output generated by the above code when a = -100 and b = 100?
Also explain your reasoning in one sentence.
a.Output: No output
Reason: The expression for first if evaluates to false, so the second if-else will not be
executed. (The student should explain why the else part is not executed.)
b.Output: abc
Reason: The expressions for both if statements evaluate to true..
31. Consider the following C-code which intends to compute simple interest on an amount
of Rs. 2000/- for a period of four years at simple interest rate of 10.5% per annum.
# include <stdio.h>
int main (){
int amount = 2000;
int time = 4 ;
float rate = 10.5;
float simInt;
simInt = time/100 * amount * rate;
printf(“Interest on Rs %d at %f per annum for %d y = %d\n”,
amount, rate, time, simInt);
return 0;
a. What will be the output given generated by the above code? Write the reason(s) in
one sentence.
b. Modify the above code so that you get the correct output. Explain your answer in
one sentence.
a. Interest on Rs. 2000 at 10.5 per annum for 4 y = 0
Reason: Integer division of time/100 results in 0
b. simInt = amount * rate * time/100;
simInt = ((float)time/100) * amount * rate;
simInt = (time/100.0) * amount * rate;
Reason: In either of the solutions floating point division occurs.
32. In the following code snippet , replace the while loop by a for loop. Your program
should produce identical output after you replace the statements commented "Replace
With a for loop".
int i;
int j=5;
int sum=0;
while(sum<10000){ /* Replace */
sum=sum+i*j; /* With a */
i++; /* for */
} /* loop */
printf("%d %d \n",sum,i,j);
int i;
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int j=5;
printf("%d %d \n",sum,i,j);
33. What would be the output of the following program? In one sentence justify your
printf("Expression values = %d %d\n", 5/2*2, 2+5/2*3-1);
Ans. 4 7
Reason: Integer division is used.
34. What will be printed when the following program is executed with 75 and 35 as the keyboard
inputs? What does the program compute?
#include <stdio.h>
int x, int y ;
printf(“Enter two numbers: “ ) ;
scanf(“%d%d”, &x, &y);
if(x>y) x-=y;
else y-=x;
printf(“x=%d y=%d\n”,x,y);
X=40 y=35
X=5 y=35
X=5 y=30
X=5 y=25
X=5 y=20
X=5 y=15
X=5 y=10
X=5 y=5
35. How many times will the print statement be executed?
printf(“Class Test 1\n”);
Ans. 100+99+98+ …+1= 100*101/2=5050
36. How many times will the following while loop execute? Explain your answer.
char a='a';
while(a > 'a' && a <= 'z') a++;
Ans. 0 times. Because ‘a’ not greater than ‘a’.
37. What is the value of x after the execution of the following program segment? Explain
your answer.
x=-5; y=10;
else if(y<0) x=(x) * (-1);
else x=2*x;
Ans. x=-10, Both the if conditionals evaluate to false.
38. What will be printed by the following code segment? Explain your answer.
int i=0, j=45, x;
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x= i++ + ++j;
printf(“x=%d, i=%d j=%d \n”,x,i,j);
Ans. x=46, i=1 j=46
Explanation: For i++ the value contributed in the expression is 0 and for ++j, its value
in the expression is 46.
39. What will be printed by the following code segment? Explain your answer.
char c=’r’;
case ‘b’: printf(“Blue \n”);
case ‘r’: printf(“Red \n”);
case ‘g’: printf(“Green \n”);
case ‘y’: printf(“Yellow \n”);
printf(“Other \n”);
Explanation: As there is no ‘break’ after ‘printf(“Red \n”);’ in the switch statement
40. What will be printed by the following code segment? Explain your answer.
int i=1;
if (i=0)
printf(“False \n”);
printf(“True \n”);
Ans. True
Explanation: As the value of (i=0) returns 0 in the if clause.
41. Write a function named cosine which shall take a floating point variable x and evaluate
the cosine series to the 5th decimal point of accuracy and returns the value as a double
data type. Your program should compute each successive term based on the previously
computed terms:
double cosine(float x)
int i;
double term,sum;
term= term*x*x/(double)((i+1)*(i+2));
42. Write a main program which reads three values for a triangle, namely lengths of its two
sides (say, a and b), and the angle in radian formed by them (say, z). Using the above
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function and the formula given below, print the length of the other side (say c) :
2. . .
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
double a,b,c,z;
printf("Read a,b,z \n");
printf("c=%lf \n",c);
43. Write a C-function named parking_fee that takes the following two parameters – (i)
Type of the vehicle, (‘M’ or ‘m’ for motorbike, ‘C’ or ‘c’ for car, and ‘B’ or ‘b’ for
Bus), and (ii) Number of hours that a vehicle spent in the parking lot. The function
should return the parking charge based on the following parking rates – Rs. 5, Rs. 10
and Rs. 50 per hour respectively for motorbike, car and bus.
int parking_fee(char ch, int parkHour){
int parkFee;
case 'M':
case 'm': parkFee = 5*parkHour; break;
case 'C':
case 'c': parkFee = 10*parkHour; break;
case 'B':
case 'b': parkFee = 50*parkHour; break;
default : printf("Unrecognized vehicle type . . .");
parkFee = -1; break;
return parkFee;
44. What is the value of s after the termination of the following loop?
int n = 100, s;
for (s = 2; n > 2; - -n) {
s += 2; n -= 2;
(a) 64
(b) 66
(c) 68
(d) 98
Ans. ??
45. What values does the following code print?
int k; int num = 30;
k = num > 5 ? (num <= 10 ? 100:200):500;
printf ( "k = %d\n", k );
Ans. 200
46. What is the output of the following code?
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do {
while (0) printf ("0\n");
printf ("1\n");
} while (0);
Ans. 1
47. Given below is a program to find the second largest of TOTAL (_ 2) integers. You are
required to fill up theparts of the code that are left blank so that the overall code has
the required functionality.
#include <stdio.h>
#define TOTAL 1000
int main () {
int i, num, max1 /* largest */, max2 /* second largest */;
scanf ("%d%d", &max1, &max2); // read first two numbers
if (max2 > max1) { // interchange these (in three steps)
for (i = 3 ; i <= TOTAL; i++) {
scanf ("%d", &num); // read next number
// make necessary updates to max1 and max2
if (num > max1) {
} else if (num > max2 && num < max1)
} // end-for
printf ("Second largest integer: %d\n", max2);
return 0;
Ans. num = max1; max1 = max2; max2 = num ; max2 = max1 ; max1 = num ; max2
= num ;
48. Divisibility of a number by 9 is defined recursively as follows: 0 and 9 are divisible by
9, any other number is divisible by 9 if and only if the sum of its digits is divisible by
9. Write a code to test whether the given number is divisible by 9.
#include <stdio.h>
int main () {
int num, digitSum;
scanf ("%d", &num); // read num, assume num _ 0
// reduce as per recursive definition, if necessary
while ( num > 9 ) {
// find the sum of the digits of num
digitSum = 0 ; // initialise
while ( num ) { // digits remain
digitSum += num % 10 ; // add digit
num /= 10 ; // drop digit
} // end-while
// prepare for next round of reduction
num = digitSum ;
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} // end-while, reduction complete
// now test the base cases
if ( num == 0 || num == 9 )
printf ("given number is divisible by 9\n");
printf ("given number is not divisible by 9\n");
return 0;
49. Let n, i and sum be int variables. The user enters a positive value of n. Which of the
following program segments prints the largest value of sum?
(a) sum = 0; i = 1; while (++i < n) sum += i; printf("%d", sum);
(b) sum = 0; i = 1; while (i++ < n) sum += i; printf("%d", sum);
(c) for (sum = 0, i = 1; i < n; i++) sum += i; printf("%d", sum);
(d) for (sum = 0, i = 1; i <= n; ++i) sum += i; printf("%d", sum);
Ans. ??
50. What is printed by the following program?
main ()
int x = 0, y = 10, z = 20;
while (1) {
if (y > z) break;
y += 4*x; z += 2*x;
printf("x = %d, y = %d, z = %d", x, y, z);
Ans. ??
51. What is printed by the following program?
main() {
int x = 1, y = 0, z = 1, t;
for (t = 0; t < 10; ++t) {
y += (x) ? z : -z;
z++; x = !x;
printf("y = %d", y);
Ans. ??
52. What is printed by the following program?
main ()
int x = 0;
if (x = 0) printf("Case (a): %d", x);
else if (x -= 7) printf("Case (b): %d", x);
else printf("Case (c): %d", x);
Ans. ??
53. A positive integer is called square-free if it is not divisible by the square of any prime
number. For example, 98 = 2×72, 99 = 32 ×11,100 = 22 ×52 are not square-free,
whereas 101 (a prime) and 102 = 2×3×17 are square-free. Your task is to find the
divisor m of a positive integer n supplied by the user, such that m is square-free and as
large as possible. Indeed, m is the product of all the distinct prime factors of n, each
taken only once. For example, for n = 98,99,100,101,102, the values of m will be 14 =
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2×7,33 = 3×11,10 = 2×5,101,102 = 2×3×17, respectively. Complete the following
program to solve this problem.
main ()
int n, m, d;
scanf("%d", &n); /* Assume that a positive integer is entered as n */
d = 2; m = 1; /* Initialize d (potential divisors of n) and m (the output) */
while ( ) { /* Supply a condition on n */
if ( ) { /* if n is divisible by d */
/* If the above condition is true, then d is prime (see the note below) */
m = ; /* Record this prime factor of n in m */
/* Write a loop to remove all factors of the prime d from n */
d++; /* Check the next potential divisor in the next iteration */
printf("The desired square-free divisor is %d\n", m);
Ans. ??
54. In this exercise, your task is to evaluate a polynomial a0 + a1x + a2x2 + · · · + adxd
with floating-point coefficients ai at a floating-point value of x. The user supplies the
degree d, the value of x, and then the coefficients a0,a1, . . . ,ad. In the following
program, the variable sum accumulates the desired output value, and the variable
xpower stores the value of xi in the i-th iteration. Complete the program.
main ()
int i, d;
float x, a, sum, xpower;
scanf( ); /* Read both d and x from the user */
xpower = ; sum = ; /* Initialize */
/* Loop for reading the coefficients and updating sum and xpower */
for ( ; ; ) {
scanf( ); /* Read ai to a */
/* Update sum */
/* Update xpower for next iteration */
printf("The polynomial evaluates to %f\n", sum);
Ans. ??
55. What is the output of the following program?
int s = 0;
while (s++ < 10) {
if ((s < 4) && (s < 9)) continue;
printf("%d,", s);
Ans. 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,
56. You write a program which runs a loop for the user to enter a sequence of zeros and
ones. Entering an integer other than 0;1 terminates the loop. Your task is to count how
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many times the user enters the sequence 1010. For example, if the user enters
1;0;0;1;0;1;0;1;0;0;1;0;1;0;1;1; 2, then the sequence 1010 occurs thrice:
In order to solve this problem, you maintain a progress indicator preflen to remember
the length of the longest prefix of 1010, that you have read in the last preflen iterations
(including the current one). For example, at the beginning of the loop, or after reading
two consecutive zeros, preflen is zero (indicating that we cannot be somewhere inside
a match of 1010 at this point of time). On the other hand, if you read two consecutive
ones, preflen should be one, because if the user enters 0;1;0 in the next three iterations,
then you locate one occurrence of the pattern 1010. For the user input in the example
above, preflen changes as follows. The preflen value after processing each scanned
integer is shown below.
Input 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1
preflen 1 2 0 1 2 3 2 3 2 0 1 2 3 2 3 1
Here, preflen starts with the value 0 before any user input. After the first input (1),
match occurs with the first symbol of 1010, so preflen becomes 1. After the second
input (0), the length of the matched prefix increases to two. The third input (0) destroys
the partial match, so preflen reduces to zero.
main ()
int a, count = 0, preflen = 0;
while (1) {
scanf("%d", &a);
if (a == 0) {
switch (preflen) {
case 0: break;
case 1: preflen = 2; break;
case 2: preflen = 0; break;
case 3: ++count; preflen = 2; break;
} else if (a == 1) {
switch (preflen) {
case 0: preflen = 1; break;
case 1: break;
case 2: preflen = 3; break;
case 3: preflen = 1; break;
} else break;
printf("The number of occurrences of 1010 is %d\n", count);
57. Which of the following nested if statements are logically equivalent to the flow chart
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(a) if(a==b)if(d>c) if(b>c)x=b; else if (c==a);else x=c; else x=a;
(b) if(a==b)if(d>c) if(b>c)x=b; else if (c==a) x=c; else x=a;
(c) if(a==b)if(d>c) if(b>c)x=b; else if (c!=a) x=c; else x=a;
(d) if(a==b)if(d>c) if(b>c)x=b; else if (c!=a) x=c; else; else x=a
(e) None of the above.
Ans. a
58. How many times will the following program segment print chocolate ?
int x = 3; int y = 10;
while (x < y)
x = x + 1;
y = y - 1;
Ans. 4
59. Fill in the empty boxes in order to have this program segment to print cartoon
int one = ?
int two = ?
int three = ?
int i;
} while (one < 3);
for (i = 0; i < two; i++)
while (1)
if (three == 5)
Ans. 2, 2, 3
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60. What will be printed run the following program segment?
int j, i=1;
switch (i)
case 3:
case 13:
case 175:
Ans. onetwodefault
61. How many times biscuit will be printed by the following program segment?
int value = 5; int value2 = 1;
while (value2 < 4)
for ( ; value >= value2 ; value-- )
Ans. 5
62. Which of the following is true for the program below?
#include <stdio.h>
void main ()
int num1 = 5, num2 = 10;
if(num1 < num2)
printf(”num1 less num2”);
printf(”num1 not less num2”);
(a) Will compile and output “num1 less num2”
(b) Will compile and output “num1 not less num2”
(c) Will not compile successfully
(d) None of the above
Ans. c
63. Elnino Pizza has found out that IIT Kgp students have finished their mid semester
examination. They have announced a special discount of 10% on purchases priced strictly
greater than Rs. 500. Purchases having price less than or equal to Rs. 500 have no discount.
Assume that a float variable 'pizza_price' stores the price of the pizza. Which of the
following statements will correctly calculate the price after discount?
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(a) pizza_price – = (pizza_price>500 ? pizza_price * 1.1 : pizza_price);
(b) pizza_price – = (pizza_price>500 ? pizza_price * 0.1 : pizza_price);
(c) pizza_price – = (pizza_price>500 ? pizza_price * 0.9 : pizza_price);
(d) pizza_price – = (pizza_price>500 ? pizza_price * 0.1 : 0);
(e) None of the above
Ans. d
64. A student has written the program shown below for doing some mysterious
computation. Suppose we compile and run this program. Which of the following is true
for the number of "!"s printed by the program?
void main(){
int m, n, temp;
printf("Give integers m and n: ");
scanf(“%d%d”,&m, &n);
do {
if (m < n) n = n - m;
if (n < m) {temp = m; m = n; n = temp;}
if (m > n) printf("!");
} while (m < n);
(a) For some values of 'm' and 'n', exactly one "!" is printed.
(b) For all values of 'm' and 'n', no "!" is printed.
(c) For all values of 'm' and 'n', the number of "!"s printed is either 1 or a positive even
(d) For all values of 'm' and 'n', the number of "!"s printed is a positive odd number.
(e) None of the above
Ans. b
65. Write the output of the following code segments
int X= 2, Y = 5;
(X > Y) ? printf(“%d”, Y) : printf(“%d”, X);
Ans. 2
66. Given, a = 20, b = 15, c = 10, and x = 1, z = 2, before the following nested-if statement
is executed. What are the values of x and z after the nested-if statement is executed.
if (a<b) x=a; else if (b>c) if (c>a) z=a; else z=b; else x=b;
Ans. x=1, z=15
67. Consider the program segment:
int sum = 0;
int i = 0;
while (i < 5)
sum = sum + i;
Suppose we replace the while loop in the segment above with a for loop. Which of the
following for loops will result in the same value of sum printing out?
(a) for (int i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
sum = sum + i;
(b) for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
sum = sum + i;
(c) for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++)
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sum = sum + i;
(d) for (int i = 2; i < 5; i++)
sum = sum + i;
(e) for (int i = 1; i < 6; i++)
sum = sum + i;
Ans. c
68. What is the output of the program segment:
int x=0;
for(int i=0; i<3; i++) {
for( int j=i; j<3; j++) {
x = x + j;
Ans. 8
69. What is the output of the following program segment:
int num = 1, x = 10;
x += 10;
num ++;
while (num == 2);
printf("Num = %d, x = %d", num, x);
Ans. num=3, x=30
70. Rewrite the following statement using a switch statement.
if( letter == 'X' )
sum = 0;
else if ( letter == 'Z' )
valid_flag = 1;
else if( letter == 'A' )
sum = 1;
printf("Unknown letter -->%c\n", letter );
char letter;
switch (letter)
case ‘X’ : sum = 0; break;
case ‘Z’ : valid_flag = 1; break;
case ‘A’ : sum = 1; break;
default : printf(“Unknown letter %c \n”, letter);
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