Performance Measurement Tools and Techniques

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Performance Measurement Tools and


Pekka Manninen
CSC, the Finnish IT center for science

PRACE Petascale Summer School

Stockholm, Sweden Aug 26-29 2008

Part I: Introduction

 Motivation
 Traditional and Petascales optimization
 Performance data and optimization


 It is all about software

• It is of no use for building petascale machines without suitable
• Single core efficiency is not the key issue anymore but the
 Large scale parallel application development is still
work on the frontier with novel challenges
• How to utilize thousands of cores
• How to deal with I/O
 Good performance analysis tools are mandatory for
parallel program development

Traditional optimization process overview
Parallel optimization stage
-Apply parallelization
-Perform parallel optimization

Serial optimization stage

-Perform serial optimization

Application development stage

-Choose algorithms
-Choose data structures
-Develop or port application

Petascales: Optimization flowchart


Choose algorithms, Unoptimal,
Develop code overhead from
data structures and correct
Apply Assess scalability Sufficient? No communication
parallelization parallel
parallelization and load
strategy code


Apply compiler Identify

Measure single- Measure parallel No
optimization performance No Sufficient? Yes Sufficient?
core performance performance
Tune for the bottlenecks
Optimize I/O

optimized Assess scalability Yes Converged?

Optimization considerations

1. Load balance
2. Minimal dedicated time for communication
 Minimize communication
 Overlap computation and communication
3. CPU utilization
 Optimal memory access (cache utilization)
 Pipeline performance (branch prediction, prefetching)
 SIMD operations
 Efficient I/O

Examples of relevant measurements

 Execution time across CPUs

• In order to an application to scale all tasks should be kept
equally loaded
 MPI trace
• How and when the communication is carried out, hinting how to
optimize communication
• Communication bandwidth
 Function call-tree and execution time profile
• Pinpoint the execution hotspots, i.e. where to spend the most
of the effort in serial optimization
 Hardware counters (e.g. Cache utilization ratio,
Instruction usage, Computational intensity, Flop rate)
• Provide insight on the potential inefficiencies of a given routine
 I/O statistics

Performance data collection

 Two “dimensions”
 When collection is triggered Acquisition Presentation
• Asynchronous (sampling) or
synchronous (code Sampling Profile
 How data is recorded
• Profile or a trace file
Instrumentation Timeline

Things to be kept in mind

 The objective of performance analysis is to understand

the behavior of the whole system and apply it to
improve the performance
 Instrumentation causes always overhead
• Artifacts in all measurements
 A performance analyst should
• Have an understanding of the different levels of the system
• Be able to communicate with users as well as developers
• Be patient enough to explore a broad range of hypotheses and
double-check them
• Be open-minded as to where the performance bottleneck could

Part II: Cray performance analysis tools
as an example
 Overview
 Usage

Cray performance analysis infrastructure

 CrayPat
• pat_build - an utility for application instrumentation without a
need for source code modification
• Transparent run-time library for measurements
• pat_report - performance reports and visualization file
• pat_help - interactive help utility
 Cray Apprentice2
• An advanced graphical performance analysis and visualization

Instrumentation with pat_build

 No source or makefile modification needed, link-time

• Requires object files
• Instruments compiler-optimized code
• Generates stand-alone instrumented executable and preserves
the original binary
 Automatic instrumentation at group level
• Supports both asynchronous and synchronous instrumentation
 Basic usage
% module load xt-craypat
% make clean; make
% pat_build -g <trace groups> a.out

Instrumentation with pat_build

 Trace groups
biolibs Cray bioinformatics library routines
blas BLAS subroutines
heap Dynamic heap
io stdio + sysio tracegroups
lapack LAPACK subroutines
math ANSI math
mpi MPI statistics
omp OpenMP API
omp-rtl OpenMP runtime library
pthreads Posix threads
stdio All functions that accept or return the
file* construct
sysio I/O system calls
system system calls

Instrumentation with pat_build

 Automatic profiling analysis (APA)

% module load xt-craypat/4.2
% make clean; make
% pat_build -O apa a.out
 Execution of the instrumented executable will produce
a report for pat_report and an .apa file that allows for
fine-tuning the analysis

Fine-grained instrumentation

 Fortran
include “pat_apif.h”
call PAT_region_begin(id,”label”,ierr)
<code segment>
call PAT_region_end(id,ierr)
 C
include <pat_api.h>
ierr = PAT_region_begin(id,”label”);
<code segment>
ierr = PAT_region_end(id);

Collecting data

 Run the instrumented application (a.out+pat) as usual,

then measurement data is created (.xf file)
 Must run on Lustre file system
 Optional runtime variables
• Optional timeline view of the program by setting
• Request hardware performance counter information by setting
PAT_RT_HWPC=<HWPC group id>
• Number of files to store raw data can be customized with

Collecting data

 Hardware performance counter groups

1 Summary with translation lookaside buffer
2 L1 and L2 cache metrics
3 Bandwidth information
4 Hypertransport information
5 Floating point instruction (including SSE)
6 Cycles stalled and resources empty
7 Cycles stalled and resources full
8 Instructions and branches
9 Instruction cache values

Analysis with pat_report

 Combines information from binary with the raw

performance measurement data
 Generates a text report of performance results and/or
formats data to be visualized with Apprentice2
 Basic usage
pat_report -O <keywords> data_file.xf
 Useful keywords
profile Subroutine level data
callers Function callers
calltree Calltree
heap Heap information, instrument with -g heap
mpi MPI statistics, instrument with -g mpi
load_balance Load balance information
help Available options

Analysis with pat_report
ct -O calltree
defaults Tables that would appear by default.
heap -O heap_program,heap_hiwater,heap_leaks
io -O read_stats,write_stats
lb -O load_balance
load_balance -O lb_program,lb_group,lb_function
mpi -O mpi_callers

callers Profile by Function and Callers

callers+src Profile by Function and Callers, with Line
calltree Function Calltree View
calltree+src Calltree View with Callsite Line Numbers
heap_hiwater Heap Stats during Main Program
heap_leaks Heap Leaks during Main Program
heap_program Heap Usage at Start and End of Main Program
hwpc HW Performance Counter Data
load_balance_function Load Balance across PE's by Function
load_balance_group Load Balance across PE's by FunctionGroup
load_balance_program Load Balance across PE's

Analysis with pat_report
load_balance_sm Load Balance with MPI Sent Message Stats
loops Loop Stats from -hprofile_generate
mpi_callers MPI Sent Message Stats by Caller
mpi_dest_bytes MPI Sent Message Stats by Destination PE
mpi_dest_counts MPI Sent Message Stats by Destination PE
mpi_rank_order Suggested MPI Rank Order
mpi_sm_rank_order Sent Message Stats and Suggested MPI Rank Order
pgo_details Loop Stats detail from -hprofile_generate
profile Profile by Function Group and Function
profile+src Profile by Group, Function, and Line Profile by Function Group and Function
profile_pe_th Profile by Function Group and Function
profile_th_pe Profile by Function Group and Function
rogram_time Program Wall Clock Time
read_stats File Input Stats by Filename
samp_profile Profile by Function
samp_profile+src Profile by Group, Function, and Line
thread_times Program Wall Clock Time
write_stats File Output Stats by Filename

Part III: Case study

 Workplan
 Demonstration of tools
 Analysis

Case study: CP2K performance analysis

 A code for ab-initio molecular dynamics Runtimes (s) on Cray

simulations written in Fortran 95, uses MPI XT4
for parallelization
 Test job: A few time-step DFT simulation of
64 1550 1592
512 water molecules
 We wish to know the following 128 979 1022
• Function profile - where are the hotspots 256 659 660
• Single-core efficiency 512 560 558
• Load balance and communication analysis - what
are the scalability bottlenecks? 1024 416 434
2048 546 542
Peak performance around
19 TFlop/s - still quite far Not enough to calculate and
away from petascales so much communication
overhead that the execution
is slower than with 1024
Case study: CP2K performance analysis
 Workplan
• Do this on a longer route to reduce instrumentation overhead
• Instrument the code (that is build with Craypat module loaded)
pat_build -O apa cp2k.pat (→ cp2k.pat+pat)
• Execute cp2k.pat+pat with 512 cores (→ an .xf file )
• Obtain a sampling profile
pat_report -O samp_profile+src xf-file.xf >
• This will produce the profile as well as an .apa file
• Run a more exhaustive analysis by editing apa file and
rebuilding the executable
pat_build -O apa-file.apa
• Executing this will produce another .xf file - visualize the
analysis with Apprentice2

Sampling profile output
Table 1: Profile by Group, Function, and Line

Samp % | Samp | Imb. | Imb. |Group

| | Samp | Samp % | Function
| | | | Source | 23.4% | 8355 | -- | -- |ETC
| | | | Line ||-----------------------------------------------
| | | | PE='HIDE' || 14.7% | 5249 | 397.36 | 7.1% |dgemm_kernel
|| 3.5% | 1256 | 149.35 | 10.7% |dgemm_otcopy
100.0% | 35712 | -- | -- |Total || 1.5% | 531 | 80.12 | 13.1% |dgemm_oncopy
|------------------------------------------------ ||===============================================
| 63.1% | 22537 | -- | -- |MPI | 13.5% | 4820 | -- | -- |USER
||----------------------------------------------- ||-----------------------------------------------
|| 17.3% | 6164 | 459.63 | 7.0% |MPI_Bcast || 3.2% | 1145 | -- | -|UPDATE_COST_CPU_ROW.
|| 14.8% | 5291 | 1409.44 | 21.1% |MPI_Recv in.DISTRIBUTION_OPTIMIZE
|| 8.6% | 3088 | 2372.59 | 43.5% | ||||---------------------------------------------
4||| 2.2% | 781 | 486.43 | 38.5% |line.359
|| 5.9% | 2123 | 211.08 | 9.1% |
mpi_alltoallv_ 4||| 1.0% | 343 | 216.15 | 38.7% |line.358

|| 5.2% | 1844 | 909.33 | 33.1% |MPI_Reduce |================================================

|| 4.5% | 1595 | 415.49 | 20.7% |mpi_waitall_

|| 1.4% | 508 | 224.91 | 30.7% |MPI_Send
|| 1.1% | 406 | 84.81 | 17.3% |mpi_alltoall_

Sampling profile

 The corresponding fractions with other processor



128 37.0 47.3 15.7
256 46.4 38.7 14.9
512 63.1 23.4 13.5

APA file
# You can edit this file, if desired, and use it
# to reinstrument the program for tracing like this:
# pat_build -O cp2k.pat+pat+4779-896sdt.apa
# These suggested trace options are based on data from:
# /wrk/pmannin/Prace/CP2K/cp2k/tests/scala/512/sg/cp2k.pat+pat+4779-896sdt.ap2,
2k.pat+pat+4779-896sdt.xf Select the hardware counter
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------group here or give the PAPI
# HWPC group to collect by default. calls explicitly, get group 2
# -Drtenv=PAT_RT_HWPC=0 # Summary with instructions metrics.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Libraries to trace.
-g mpi
Insert the desired tracegroups
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

APA file continued

# User-defined functions to trace, sorted by % of samples.

# Limited to top 200. A function is commented out if it has < 1%
# of samples, or if a cumulative threshold of 90% has been reached,
# or if it has size < 200 bytes.
-w # Enable tracing of user-defined functions. We may now select the
# Note: -u should NOT be specified as an additional option. functions which we want to
# 3.21% 756 bytes trace and reduce the
-T instrumentation overhead by
# 0.74% 5757 bytes ignoring functions with little
significance on the execution
# 0.66% 72344 bytes
time, uncomment a few
# 0.64% 9426 bytes
# 0.56% 2172 bytes
# 0.49% 17890 bytes
# -T

Performance analysis

 Let us get the most out of the analysis data

pat_report -O defaults,mpi,io,lb,heap,mpi_dest_bytes,hwpc,mpi_sm_rank_order xf-

Table 1: Profile by Function Group and Function
Note how the
Experiment=1 / Group / Function / PE='HIDE'
Totals for program affects the
Time% 100.0%
Time 1527.856590
Imb.Time --
Imb.Time% --
Calls 167616828
REQUESTS_TO_L2:DATA 12.127M/sec 16047354721 req
DATA_CACHE_REFILLS_FROM_SYSTEM:ALL 3.139M/sec 4153438330 fills
PAPI_L1_DCA 1519.962M/sec 2011407347660 refs
User time (approx) 1323.327 secs 3043652030586 cycles
Cycles 1323.327 secs 3043652030586 cycles
User time (approx) 1323.327 secs 3043652030586 cycles
Utilization rate 86.6%
LD & ST per D1 miss 131.18 refs/miss
D1 cache hit ratio 99.2%
LD & ST per D2 miss 484.28 refs/miss
D2 cache hit ratio 72.9%
D1+D2 cache hit ratio 99.8%
Effective D1+D2 Reuse 7.57 refs/byte
System to D1 refill 3.139M/sec 4153438330 lines
System to D1 bandwidth 191.567MB/sec 265820053147 bytes
L2 to Dcache bandwidth 515.661MB/sec 715536400364 bytes

This is all load
Time% imbalance! 51.9%
Time 792.264406
Imb.Time --
Imb.Time% --
Calls 347497
REQUESTS_TO_L2:DATA 0.474M/sec 373392744 req
DATA_CACHE_REFILLS_FROM_SYSTEM:ALL 0.025M/sec 19302776 fills
PAPI_L1_DCA 1444.128M/sec 1136805936028 refs
User time (approx) 787.192 secs 1810541859938 cycles
Cycles 787.192 secs 1810541859938 cycles
User time (approx) 787.192 secs 1810541859938 cycles
Utilization rate 99.4%
LD & ST per D1 miss 3654.93 refs/miss
D1 cache hit ratio 100.0%
LD & ST per D2 miss 58893.39 refs/miss
D2 cache hit ratio 93.8%
D1+D2 cache hit ratio 100.0%
Effective D1+D2 Reuse 920.21 refs/byte
System to D1 refill 0.025M/sec 19302776 lines
System to D1 bandwidth 1.497MB/sec 1235377634 bytes
L2 to Dcache bandwidth 22.619MB/sec 18670770284 bytes

Time% 31.1%
Time 475.803299
Imb.Time --
Imb.Time% --
Calls 141943266
REQUESTS_TO_L2:DATA 43.794M/sec 13550844676 req
DATA_CACHE_REFILLS_FROM_SYSTEM:ALL 10.629M/sec 3288776269 fills
PAPI_L1_DCA 1861.004M/sec 575832343661 refs
User time (approx) 309.420 secs 711666603720 cycles
Cycles 309.420 secs 711666603720 cycles
User time (approx) 309.420 secs 711666603720 cycles
Utilization rate 65.0%
LD & ST per D1 miss Cache statistics. 44.28 refs/miss
D1 cache hit ratio There’s room to 97.7%
LD & ST per D2 miss improve both L1 and 175.09 refs/miss
D2 cache hit ratio
L2 utilization. 74.7%
D1+D2 cache hit ratio 99.4%
Effective D1+D2 Reuse 2.74 refs/byte
System to D1 refill 10.629M/sec 3288776269 lines
System to D1 bandwidth 648.732MB/sec 210481681247 bytes
L2 to Dcache bandwidth 1916.183MB/sec 621706916112 bytes

Table 2: Load Balance with MPI Sent Message Stats

Time % | Time | Sent | Sent Msg | Avg Sent |Experiment=1

| | Msg | Total Bytes | Msg Size |Group
| | Count | | | PE[mmm]

100.0% | 1527.687783 | 587504 | 27691142616 | 47133.54 |Total

| 51.9% | 792.264406 | -- | -- | -- |MPI_SYNC
|| 0.2% | 1294.073494 | -- | -- | -- |pe.369
|| 0.0% | 370.692059 | -- | -- | -- |pe.434
|| 0.0% | 253.923512 | -- | -- | -- |pe.14
| 31.1% | 475.803299 | -- | -- | -- |USER
|| 0.1% | 769.359224 | -- | -- | -- |pe.28
|| 0.0% | 247.921795 | -- | -- | -- |pe.5
|| 0.0% | 195.379051 | -- | -- | -- |pe.405
| 15.3% | 234.166242 | 587504 | 27691142616 | 47133.54 |MPI
MPI data transfer
|| 0.0% | 277.189769 | 668446 | 28291878712 | 42324.85 |pe.14
without load
|| 0.0% | 233.824474 | 577886 | 27245088600 | 47146.13 |pe.393 imbalance
|| 0.0% | 205.883493 | 581264 | 27281927088 | 46935.52 |pe.305

Table 3: MPI Sent Message Stats by Caller

Sent Msg | Sent | MsgSz | 16B<= | 256B<= | 4KB<= | 64KB<= |Experiment=1

Total Bytes | Msg | <16B | MsgSz | MsgSz | MsgSz | MsgSz |Function
Message passing
| Count | Count | <256B | <4KB | <64KB | <1MB | Caller
| | | Count | Count | Count | Count | PE[mmm] profile

27691142615 | 587504 | 23182 | 21316 | 179467 | 250579 | 112965 |Total

| 16856792064 | 205380 | -- | -- | -- | 147168 | 58212 |mpi_isend_
|| 10371981312 | 58212 | -- | -- | -- | -- | 58212 |
3|| 8620867584 | 48384 | -- | -- | -- | -- |
4|| | | | | | | |
5|||| 3232825344 | 18144 | -- | -- | -- | -- | 18144 |
6|||| | | | | | | |
7|||||| 2649120768 | 14868 | -- | -- | -- | -- | 14868 |
8|||||| | | | | | | |
9|||||| | | | | | | |
10||||| | | | | | | |
11||||| | | | | | | |
We could go into a
||||||||||||||||||------------------------------------------------------------ routine and see if we
18|||||||||||||||| 1628024832 | 9072 | -- | -- | -- | -- | 9072 |pe.416 could aggregate small
18|||||||||||||||| 1617573888 | 9072 | -- | -- | -- | -- | 9072 |pe.164
18|||||||||||||||| 1600155648 | 9072 | -- | -- | -- | -- | 9072 |pe.374

Table 5: Heap Stats during Main Program

Tracked | MBytes | Total | Allocs | Total | Tracked | Tracked |Experiment=1

Heap | Not | Allocs | Not | Frees | Objects | MBytes |PE[mmm]
HiWater | Tracked | | Tracked | | Not | Not |
MBytes | | | | | Freed | Freed |

54.178 | 665.609 | 9047403 | 2167539 | 9046867 | 465 | 0.705 |Total

| 67.376 | 568.817 | 8618099 | 1962537 | 8617537 | 468 | 0.563 |pe.424
| 53.599 | 669.015 | 9026169 | 2020513 | 9025735 | 378 | 0.679 |pe.350
| 45.430 | 646.063 | 8993493 | 2260616 | 8993059 | 381 | 0.401 |pe.379

Table 7: File Input Stats by Filename

Read | Read MB | Read Rate | Reads | Read |Experiment=1

Time | | MB/sec | | B/Call |File Name
| | | | | PE[mmm]
| | | | | File Desc

0.000 | 1.132719 | 3304.704390 | 47 | 25271.11 |Total

| 0.000 | 0.886948 | 3678.979746 | 34 | 27353.88 |NA
|| 0.000 | 0.001757 | 5.794658 | 34 | 54.18 |pe.107
3| | | | | | fd.12
|| 0.000 | 0.001757 | 7.319901 | 34 | 54.18 |pe.114
3| | | | | | fd.12
|| 0.000 | 0.000929 | 7.620604 | 19 | 51.26 |pe.0
3| | | | | | fd.49
| 0.000 | 0.245771 | 2417.241058 | 13 | 19823.85 |<NA>
|| 0.052 | 0.245771 | 4.721184 | 6899 | 37.35 |pe.0
3| | | | | | fd.49
|| 0.000 | -- | -- | -- | -- |pe.51
|| 0.000 | -- | -- | -- | -- |pe.242
Table 8: File Output Stats by Filename

Write | Write MB | Write Rate | Writes |Write B/Call |Experiment=1

Time | | MB/sec | | |File Name
| | | | | PE[mmm] Rather modest I/
| | | | | File Desc O, check the I/O
0.006 | 1627.057666 | 280217.977719 | 166 | 10277672.40 |Total
| 0.005 | 1624.943947 | 301911.123163 | 56 | 30426379.00 |out-w512-RESTART.wfn
|| 2.756 | 1624.943947 | 589.670154 | 28714 | 59339.60 |pe.0
3| | | | | | fd.49
|| 0.000 | -- | -- | -- | -- |pe.51
|| 0.000 | -- | -- | -- | -- |pe.242
| 0.000 | 2.032463 | 8471.972651 | 108 | 19733.26 |<NA>
|| 0.123 | 2.032463 | 16.546812 | 55300 | 38.54 |pe.0
3| | | | | | fd.49
|| -- | -- | -- | -- | -- |pe.51
|| -- | -- | -- | -- | -- |pe.242
| 0.000 | 0.081256 | 440.883140 | 2 | 42601.50 |stdout
|| 0.094 | 0.081256 | 0.861100 | 1238 | 68.82 |pe.0
3| | | | | | fd.1
|| 0.000 | -- | -- | -- | -- |pe.51
|| 0.000 | -- | -- | -- | -- |pe.242
Table 13: Load Balance across PE's
pe.491 Compare the
amount of calls and
Time% time spent 0.2%
Time 1733.719207
Calls 23369392
REQUESTS_TO_L2:DATA 8.170M/sec 13727855580 req
DATA_CACHE_REFILLS_FROM_SYSTEM:ALL 2.079M/sec 3493230434 fills
PAPI_L1_DCA 1461.354M/sec 2455488979184 refs
User time (approx) 1680.284 secs 3864653185625 cycles
Cycles 1680.284 secs 3864653185625 cycles
User time (approx) 1680.284 secs 3864653185625 cycles
Utilization rate 96.9%
LD & ST per D1 miss 186.39 refs/miss
D1 cache hit ratio 99.5%
LD & ST per D2 miss 702.93 refs/miss
D2 cache hit ratio 73.5%
D1+D2 cache hit ratio 99.9%
Effective D1+D2 Reuse 10.98 refs/byte
System to D1 refill 2.079M/sec 3493230434 lines
System to D1 bandwidth 126.889MB/sec 223566747776 bytes
L2 to Dcache bandwidth 351.638MB/sec 619552614464 bytes

Table 13: Load Balance across PE's
pe.2 Compare the
amount of calls and
Time% time spent 0.2%
Time 1312.932656
Calls 318135867
REQUESTS_TO_L2:DATA 20.391M/sec 19283776533 req
DATA_CACHE_REFILLS_FROM_SYSTEM:ALL 5.022M/sec 4749508915 fills
PAPI_L1_DCA 1616.882M/sec 1529092888549 refs
User time (approx) 945.705 secs 2175120420977 cycles
Cycles 945.705 secs 2175120420977 cycles
User time (approx) 945.705 secs 2175120420977 cycles
Utilization rate 72.0%
LD & ST per D1 miss 83.43 refs/miss
D1 cache hit ratio 98.8%
LD & ST per D2 miss 321.95 refs/miss
D2 cache hit ratio 74.1%
D1+D2 cache hit ratio 99.7%
Effective D1+D2 Reuse 5.03 refs/byte
System to D1 refill 5.022M/sec 4749508915 lines
System to D1 bandwidth 306.530MB/sec 303968570560 bytes
L2 to Dcache bandwidth 876.371MB/sec 869047352320 bytes

Table 15: Load Balance across PE's by Function
USER / / pe.216
Time% 0.0%
Time 342.454473
Calls 576
REQUESTS_TO_L2:DATA 1084579465 req
PAPI_L1_DCA 177829252850 refs
User time (approx) 311763447500 cycles
User time (approx) 311763447500 cycles
======================================================================== Why does not this
... routine employ all
the processes?
USER / / pe.361
Time% 0.0%
Time 0.001128
Calls 576
PAPI_L1_DCA 1334202 refs
User time (approx) 0 cycles
User time (approx) 0 cycles

Table 15: Load Balance across PE's by Function
USER / / pe.408
Time% 0.0%
Time 181.970770
Calls 283115520
REQUESTS_TO_L2:DATA 1921736331 req
PAPI_L1_DCA 299580285973 refs
User time (approx) 152982200000 cycles
User time (approx) 152982200000 cycles
USER / / pe.127
Time 0.000000
Or this?
USER / / pe.425
Time 0.000000

Table 20: HW Performance Counter Data

Experiment=1 / PE='HIDE'

Totals for program
REQUESTS_TO_L2:DATA 12.130M/sec 16047201243 req
DATA_CACHE_REFILLS_FROM_SYSTEM:ALL 3.140M/sec 4153365739 fills
PAPI_L1_DCA 1520.227M/sec 2011113494425 refs
User time (approx) 1322.904 secs 3042678719117 cycles
Cycles 1322.904 secs 3042678719117 cycles
User time (approx) 1322.904 secs 3042678719117 cycles
Utilization rate 86.6%
LD & ST per D1 miss 131.16 refs/miss
D1 cache hit ratio 99.2%
LD & ST per D2 miss 484.21 refs/miss
D2 cache hit ratio 72.9%
D1+D2 cache hit ratio 99.8%
Effective D1+D2 Reuse 7.57 refs/byte
System to D1 refill 3.140M/sec 4153365739 lines
System to D1 bandwidth 191.625MB/sec 265815407319 bytes
L2 to Dcache bandwidth 515.821MB/sec 715528645846 bytes

Table 21: Sent Message Stats and Suggested MPI Rank Order
Sent Msg Total Bytes per MPI rank
Max Avg Min Max Min
Total Bytes Total Bytes Total Bytes Rank Rank
288785211952 55382285231 43823619696 8 511
Dual core: Sent Msg Total Bytes per node
Rank Max Avg Min Max Node Min Node
Order Total Bytes Total Bytes Total Bytes Ranks Ranks
However this
d 332608831648 110764570462 91978303568 8,511 178,269
u 332608831648 110764570462 91978303568 8,511 178,269
placement of
2 332753774320 110764570462 91702010072 503,8 409,102 ranks did not
0 335218166984 110764570462 89167505112 8,264 255,511 do much in
1 573867407720 110764570462 88992394184 8,9 502,503 practice
Quad core: Sent Msg Total Bytes per node
Rank Max Avg Min Max Node Min Node
Order Total Bytes Total Bytes Total Bytes Ranks Ranks
According to CrayPat,
d 424587135216 221529140924 184022706744 8,511,178,269 344,209,68,473 the default SMP-like
u 424587135216 221529140924 184022706744 8,511,178,269 344,209,68,473
placement of ranks is
2 662859801904 221529140924 183540043808 502,9,503,8 374,137,375,136
the worst choice
0 665630542072 221529140924 181038379488 8,264,9,265 246,502,247,503
1 1145872706976 221529140924 178161802184 8,9,10,11 500,501,502,503

Visualization with Apprentice2

 The previous statistics can be viewed graphically with

• pat_report version 4.2 produces the .ap2 file, with older
versions you get it with -f ap2 switch to pat_report
• Just launch it by app2 command

You will get more
info by holding the
mouse cursor over a
slice. Clicking will
show the load
balance of the

Smallest, average
and largest
individual time
Same profile as a list, a click
on a function will provide the
HW counter data of it

HW counter overview.
Would be useful if
cache miss or cycle
stall counters have
been recorded.

Routine call flow window
(who calls who) and how
the execution is divided

The largest execution time
on the left, smallest on the

Final remarks on CP2K analysis

 Load balance is a major concern and largest efforts on

optimization should be put there
• By performance analysis, we know in which routines the most
severe imbalances happen and start to look the issue from
 Messages are usually not too small, so no need for
tedious aggregating
 I/O seems to be efficiently written
 Single core efficiency should be investigated in the
most intense routines
• L1 and L2 accessing could be improved
• We would need also other HW counter data for a true
optimization work, e.g. SSE instruction utilization and memory


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