Custom Uno Rules

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Uno Custom Cards & Rules by ThatGuyzAtYT

Custom Cards!
• Copycat - copies the last action placed. (copies effect on power-ups)
• Steal turn - can be played anytime; steal someone's turn and rotation continues from the
• Powerless - All Power-Ups will be removed from their deck.
• See-Through - select a person that must show their hand to everyone until their turn com
• Charity - select two cards from hand and give to a targeted person.
• Anti-fun - if someone is in the "UNO phase", that player will receive 4 cards from the draft
pile. If there is still no one at that phase, wait until someone gets to UNO.
• Shuffle - Discard all your cards to the dealer, shuffle, and draw the same amount of  back
to the players
• Draw Shuffle - Discard all your cards and draw the same amount in the draw pile
• Fair Shuffle - all cards from all players will be shuffled to a pile. Find the Average of the c
ards to the players (Number of Cards ÷ Number of Players).  If there is a remainder, give t
hea remaining cards to the player with the highest number of cards.
• All Around - each person swaps hands to the person next to them according to the curre
nt direction of the game.
• Discard Color - The player names a color. The chosen color should be discarded from all
player's current hand.
• Discard-able - Discard all cards named by the user
• Gravedigger - upon use, swap a chosen card from hand with a chosen card from the disc
ard pile.
• Let it Rain! - Everyone draws 2 cards
• Fair Play - Target someone with cards lesser than you. They must draw until both of you
have the same amount of cards in hand. Acts as normal wildcard if you have the least.
• Bomb Pick-up - A player who draws cards from the draft (unused) pile can force someon
e to take 4 cards from the draft pile instead of 1
• Triplet Cards - Use ANY 3 Cards (Any Color or Number) to discard.
• Get Low - All Players get to the Number of Cards the Lowest Player Number Card has (P1
draws this card, P2 has the lowest card no; having all have the same card no. as P2)
• Donation - Every player gives 1 card to a selected player. (P1 draws the card and targets
P4, P1, P2 and P3 Gives 1 card to P4)
• Hot Number - All players must use Number Cards only (for 3-5 rotations). If they used a p
ower-up, they will have to draw 2 cards EVERYTIME.
• Speed Run! - The time to turn is decreased to 3 seconds. When the time is up and you ne
ver played a card, draw 2 cards.
• Bridge above you - the player chosen can never play a turn for the next 3/5/7 rounds.
• Back to the Basics - Draw or drop to 7 cards (Have 10 cards? Drop/Discard until 7 cards r
emaining. Have 3 cards? Draw until you have 7 cards)
• Any Drop - play any card for the next few rounds (Probably 5 turns)
• Frozen Card - When dropped, the last dropped card is always the top card for 5 rounds
• Mirror - Replay the previous actions (When stacking is the last action, the next player dra
ws the the amount stacked number. When a power-up is the last action, redo the action.)
• Poison - Each turn, the player who plays or draws, draws a card for the nest 5 rounds. (Pl
ayed a Card? Draw one card. Drawn a card? Draw another card.)
• UNO! - Drop to 1 Card, if this is your last card, draw 1 card to stay to UNO!
• Useless Power - All cards have no action for 5 rounds (+2 is just a Color card, Wilds cann
ot play any color, so use  the last played card, etc.)
• Uphill - the drawer chooses someone to drop/draw until 20 cards
• See the Future - User gets to see the next 5 cards.
• Alter the Future - User gets to see and change the arrangement of the next 3 cards.
• Time Travel - When played, player may look the first 7 cards from the top of deck and adj
usting it the way they like.
• Death Swap - Use this card to let 2 or 3 people swap cards with each other
• Glued to the Floor - EVERYONE shows their cards
• Deathmatch - Everyone drops to UNO! But the only card they can keep is what card they h
ave on their far left.
• Crazy Luck - You say a card and everyone gives you that card. *You can never use that to
get Wild, Wild 4 or +2 Cards*
• Friendship - Everyone will have a partner, where they will combine their cards, but don't m
erge them together. If there is one person that has no pair, he/she has to draw until they r
each the highest number of cards a pair has. If this was drawn again, the pair is broken a
nd back to Free Play.
• Assassinate – target a player and name a card, if that player has that card in their hand, t
hey immediately discard it and draws 5 cards. (Must show hand to owner for confirmatio
• Deflect - negates effects of wildcards if targeted and chosen to. Discards upon use. Cann
ot deflect charity, black hole, and paradigm shift. If used on draw 4 card/stack, the next p
erson receives the effect unless he/she has another draw 4 to stack. Poison also deflect
s to the next person. Acts as normal wildcard otherwise.
• Double edge - target a person. He/she draws 5 cards while the user draws 2 cards.
• Judgment - target a person. If they have a wildcard on their hand, they draw 2 cards, if no
t, draw 1 card. (Must show hand to owner for confirmation)
• Slap – Upon drop, everyone must put their hand down on top of the card. The last one to
do so draws 2 cards.
• Tricks of the trade - swap 2 chosen cards from hand with a targeted person (draw 2 rand
omly from their hand) If they only have one card left, you get it and give them the 2 chose
n cards from your hand.
• Balanced - Target a player. One must draw cards while the other discards until both of yo
u have the same amount of cards, or if there is a 1 card difference.
• Curse - Use only when the last card played is a wildcard (excluding stack 4), the last playe
r then draws 3 cards. If used without the last card being a wildcard, owner must draw 3 c
ards. (Can be discarded anytime)
• Cyclone - Each player draws a random card from the next person's hand depending on th
e current rotation.
• Envy - Discard cards from your hand based on the amount of players that have less cards
in their hand than you. No effect otherwise.
• Greed - Draw cards based on the amount of players that have more cards in hand than yo
u. No effect otherwise.
• Ghost - Everyone shows their current hand to you and only you. What you do with the info
rmation afterwards is up to you (If you want to share or sabotage)
• Mystery Box - Put a colored card underneath this card when you place it on the field. The
next player must then guess the color correctly. If they get it right, you draw 2 cards. If no
t, they draw 2 cards. Card you placed is now the current color. Cannot put wildcards with t
• Purity - Renders you immune to wildcards and you cannot be targeted until your next tur
n. Also immune to universal wildcards (black hole, all around).
• Recycle - User draws 3 non-wild cards of their choice from the discard pile. If discard pile
has less, then owner still draws on what is available.
• Stun - Targets a person, they would have to skip their turn.
• Tactical Pause - When used, your next turn will be skipped. When your turn finally arrives,
you can discard any two cards from your hand regardless of the last card dropped. The la
st card you discarded would be the color to be followed.
• Tortoise  - Player/s (including you) with the most amount of cards must discard until they
have the same amount of cards as the next person with the 2nd most cards.
• Horseplay - Player/s (including you) with the least amount of cards must draw until they r
each the same amount of cards as the next person with the 2nd most least cards
• Fresh Start - The user draw 2 cards while all other player draw until their hands have 7 car
ds. (Has no effect to player who have 7 cards or more in their hand)
• Cheating - The user check every players' hand privately and draw 5 cards from deck then
can give one of those cards to 2 players
• Lingering Draw - When the user is forced to draw cards, everyone (including you) will dra
w 2 cards instead of you drawing something more than 2. Acts as normal wildcard other
• Anti-Wild - all wild card cannot be played until your next turn again.
• Same Old You - the color cannot be changed to any other color (Wild Card, Same Numbe
r, Diff. Color, etc) until your turn again
• Draw Shield - Immune from any draw effects card or wild cards until your turn again.
• Pride - all players (except user) must show their wild card, if they dont have 1 wild card th
ey draw 3 cards from deck.
• Gamble - Flip a Coin, if it show head discard 2 cards, if its tail draw 4 cards. Can be used f
or yourself or target other player.
• Random Draw - choose a player to throw a dice, that player forced to draw cards from the
deck based the number on the dice.
• Up my Level - All Players (excludibg you) who has 3 cards or less must draw 2 cards from
• Revival - Everyone who finished (if you're playing until everyone finishes) must come bac
k in the game and draw 3 cards
• Replacement - Dicard all card from the target's hand and draw cards from deck same am
ount of the card they discard.
• Picky - Discard 1 card from hand, draw 5 card from top of deck, pick 1 card you like and t
hen shuffle the other four and put them back inside deck.
• Lust - choose a player, for the next 3 turns whenever that player's turn starts, they are forc
ed to draw 1 card from the deck.
• Low Level - All Player must discard cards from their hand or draw cards from deck until t
hey have 5 cards.
• Cruel - Can be activated when someone is forced to draw cards, double the amount of ca
rds they have to draw. Can be discarded anytime.
• Low Level - Discard your card from hand until you only have 3 cards. Acts as normal wild
card if you have 3 or less card in hand.
• Life Saver - When you are forced to draw multiple cards, you can use this card and draw o
nly 1 card instead.
• Mirror - Choose a player and putting an effect mirror in them until your next 2 turns (You'r
e passed by 2 times). Whenever you are forced to draw cards, that player will draw the sa
me amount as you. Can only be activated during your turn.
• Justice - Can be activated when you or other player is forced to draw card, player who pla
yed the draw cards effect last (includinh stacking effect) draw the same amount.
• Consideration - When you are forced to draw cards, you may activate this card and only h
ave to keep half of the card you draw into your hand, while the rest you can put it back in t
he middle of deck (you may choose wich card you want to keep in your hand).
Instant Effect Cards! (Once you collect these cards, the card activates without discarding)

Bonus! - host can use the basic custom card functions into Instant Effected Ones
• Hand of God - can only be used when number of cards on hand are 9 or above. Immediat
ely discard 5 cards from hand. No effect otherwise.
• Explodapalooza - Whoever draws this card must draw 4 cards, while others draw 2 cards.
After drawing, you have to put this back, ANYWHERE in the pile *it could be on top М *.
• Nuclear Implosion - Whoever draws this must put this card back in the pile FACE UP, then
whoever draws this face up they draw 7 cards, while others discard 3. After drawing, put i
t back somewhere in the middle face down.
• Unknown Draw - When drawn, player instantly draws 4 cards.
• Slap – Upon drop, everyone must put their hand down on top of the card. The last one to
do so draws 4 cards.
Custom Rules!
• 7-0 Rule - For the next several games or permanently, the 7-0 Rule is Active. Once in use,
multiple things occur.
1. Number 7 - The Drawer Trades a Deck with another player.
2. Number 0 - The Decks move to the cycle to which the rotation turn occurs.
3. Wild Number - Once Used, (Either Wild or Wild 4) the drawer picks a Color AND Number
4. Skip-O - The Skip Card now functions both as a Zero (0) And Skip
5. Re-Switch - The Person Drawing this exchanges a card with a player, and functions as a
Reverse Card.
• Dos! - Similar to Uno, when your have 2 Cards left, you have to yell "Dos!" And "Uno!" If on
• Tres, Dos, UNO! - Same to the previous rule, you have to say Tres on 3 Cards, Dos on 2 Ca
rds and UNO on your last card.
• Double Discard - In the spin-off game (still from MATTEL), Dos, You have 2 Discard piles i
nstead of one.
• Count! - When discarding a card, you can now place more than 1 card, with the following
1. When discarding, collect all same numbers and discard them at the same time.
2. When discarding, try to discard cards where the numbers are going either up or down. Thi
s rule has an exemption: "You can discard different colors but must have the same color
of the next card - Ex. Y1, R1, R2, G2, G3, etc."
• Stacking - When dropping a +2 or +4, you can stack up until none of the players can disca
rd a +2/+4 and receive the no of cards. (P1 Drops +2, P2 does the same, P3 has none, the
refore having +4). It depends on the host of he wants a +2/+4 overlap.
• Challenge! - Not much players know this,  but this is in the rules, so... When someone dro
ps a +4 on you, you can challenge them and see if they have a playable card other than +
4. If they have, the one who drops gets +4, if they don't have one, the challenger gets +6
• Match-Up - when getting cards from the draft pile, you can get as much as you can until y
ou get a match.
• Lucky Dice - Get a dice and mark each area as following (or your own):
1. +4 (Add 4 Cards)
2. +2 (Add 2 Cards)
3. -2 (Remove 2 Cards)
4. -4 (Remove 4 Cards)
5. Wild (and Wild Logo)
6. UNO! (Drop to 1 card)
7. Zero Rule (Cycle the Decks/Cards to the rotation of cards)
8. Trade (Trade Cards with someone)
• Show-off - throughout the whole game, everyone shows their cards.
• Numerical Order - when playing, you can play something that's just next to the number in
the used pile (You discarded a G8 (Green 8), next player can discard a number 7 or 9 at a
ny color.)
• Speed Run - each player plays for only 5 seconds.
• Double Drop - you can drop 2 different cards at a time.
• No Move - All action cards have no effect (See "Useless Power" Card for examples)
• Splash Damage - When someone just got hit by a +2, +4 or any stack, the player who is s
upposed to be next have to draw 1 card since the damage "Splashed"
• Wild Shield - When you are about to get hit by a +2/+4/Stack, you can simply discard a wi
ld card to bounce the draw number to the next player's turn. If they also have a wild card
or +2/+4, they could continue the stack until no one can shield or stack themselves.
• Add Up - When discarding, you can play multiple cards as long as it adds up to the numbe
r in the top discard pile. Wilds are now counted as 0 (9 Red at the top, you can play anythi
ng summing up to 9 as long as there's a red card or wild. If it's a 0, then you can play mult
iple zeros)
• Advanced Stacking - you can play stacking and with newer and better ways to defend.
1. Reverse - you can play this and the reversed player may continue stacking or play another
2. Skip - it will skip the count to the next person and pass the stack to the next-next player
3. Wild - It acts as a shield for you. You can choose a color if the next player cannot defend.
• Trade In - If you ever drawn a card you don't want, You can choose any card anywhere, eit
her from the discarded or draw pile, and change it with your recently drawn pile, but you h
ave to draw 3 additional cards
• Slap-a-Card - Player chooses someone to let them draw a card, can be stackable to who
m gets hit.
1. There are 5 Variables to this: Slap, Double Slap, Triple Slap, Final Slap (Slapping ends in
him), and Color Slap (Slapping ends in him, he can choose a color)
2. Ex. P2 uses slap to P1, P1 uses a Double slap to P4, P4 uses a Slap to P3, P3 must draw
4 cards, the rotation continues from him
3. You could use the Reverse Card for this, but only if the user says "Slap on *Player's Name
*" and the Slapping continues on
• Red is Slap
• Blue is Double Slap
• Yellow is Final Slap
• Green is Color
• Skip Stack - Stack skips until one of them doesn't have one. If so, the final number of skip
s means that that player cannot play until they are passed by that number of turns. But th
ey are also skipped there is stacking.

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