English 6 Second Quarter WEEK 9 DAY 5

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region X-Northern Mindanao


School Grade level VI
Teacher ANGIE B. PERIA Learning area ENGLISH
Teaching dates SECOND
WEEK 9 DAY 5 Quarter
and time QUARTER
A. Content Standards
*demonstrate understanding of different formats to write
for a variety of audiences and purposes.
*express ideas effectively in formal and informal
compositions to fulfill their own purposes for writing.

B. Performance Standards
*drafts text using appropriate text types for a variety of audiences
and purposes.
*edits texts using appropriate text types for a variety of audiences
and purposes.
*rewrites/revises texts using appropriate text types for a variety of
audiences and purposes.
*publishes text using appropriate text types for a variety of
audiences and purposes.
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives:
Writing Composition
Revise writing for clarity: correct spelling, appropriate punctuation marks, transition
signal words EN6WC-IIi-1.8.2 EN6WC-IIi-1.8.1 EN6WC-IIi-1.8.3

Show openness to criticism
2.CONTENT: Revising writing for clarity-correct spelling, appropriate punctuation
marks, transition/signal words
1.Teacher’s Guide pages
2.Learner’s Materials pages
3.Textbook pages:
4.Additional Materials from Learning Resource (LR) portal
Activity Sheets in English 6 (Quarter 2:Week 9)
B.Other Learning Resources: Curriculum Guide page 135
Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s
A.Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson
Ask: What should you do before you write?

Below is the cover photo of the free online story telling community called
Wattpad. They say that it is the best place to post and share your written
works like articles, stories, poems, and more. Through sharing, others can
give comments on what you posted. The comments can help you improve
your writing.
Have you tried using this app?

Talk about what you read.

“Wattpad” Accessed on July 12, 2017

B.Establishing a purpose for the lesson

If you were to write something, how are you going to start?

Solve the crossword puzzle below to find what you need to do before you
start writing.
3. First, ______ for ideas
5. If necessary, ______ for more information.
6. Take ______ on the information you need or details you will include.

1. Make an ______.
2. Try to _______ your notes into groups that make sense.
4. Now, you’re ready to write a _____ draft of your report or story.

C.Presenting examples/instances of the new lesson

Say: Before anyone can actually start writing you need to do the different Learners
pre-writing processes which were already mentioned in the activity above. will listen
You must brainstorm for ideas, research if necessary, and take to the
notes on information that you need or details that you want to include, make teacher’s
an outline, organize your notes into groups that would make sense before discussion.
you can create a rough draft.
Revising is the process of reviewing your work and making changes to
improve your writing. Once you’ve finished the prewriting stage and written a
rough draft, you should:
*Reread your work and look for problems.
*Correct spelling and grammar errors.
*Watch out for wordy phrases.
*Get rid of text that does not relate to your topic.
*Make sure your writing is clear and interesting
*Ask someone else to read your first draft.
*Write your final draft.

Writers put effort hoping that what they have written will be understood.
Revising for clarity
1. Remove “non-essential” words.
2. Use simple constructions to explain ideas.
3. Avoid repeating the same idea in similar wording from one
sentence to the next.
4. Use the best words, not the most words.
5. Sympathize with the reader.

Reference: Accessed on July 12, 2017 “Clarity”


Revising for correct punctuation marks

1. Use a period at the end of a declarative sentence and in abbreviations.

Example: I know how to write a complete sentence.

2. Use a question mark after an interrogative sentence. Example: Are you


3. Use quotation marks for direct quotations. Example: “I will get it for you,”
said Ana.

4. Use an apostrophe in contractions and to indicate possession. Example:

The members’ votes were recorded and tallied. 5. Use a comma to separate
items in series. Example: She is cooking chicken, potatoes, corn, and carrot.

6. Use a hyphen to join words serving as single adjective before a noun, in

number words, and to divide words into syllables. Example: The design is

7. Use an exclamation point to show strong emotion or to give command.

Example: The rain did not stop for four days!

8. Use a colon to introduce a list and before a final clause that explains
something in the sentence. Example: There are two choices at this time: run
away or fight.
9. Use parentheses around extra non-essential information that is too
important to omit. Example: Ayrton (like his father, Paolo) was victorious in
the bike race.

10. Use a semicolon to join two independent clauses that are not connected
with a coordinate conjunction. Example: You should stop eating so much
food; you will have to go on a diet.


Accessed on July 12, 2017 “Punctuation Marks”


Revising using appropriate transition signal words

Transition signal words connect words or phrases. They link the sentences
and paragraphs smoothly.

The sample transition signal words below are grouped according to the
relationship between ideas that they indicate.
D.Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1
Choose between the two pictures below. What can you say about these Learners
shows? Write your thoughts on a sheet of paper. Make sure to use some of will do the
the transitional devices you’ve learned earlier. activity.

E.Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2

Say: Problems often come our way. It is something that needs fixing or Learners
resolving. Try to give solutions to some of the problems below. Write down will
your answers on a sheet of paper. answer.

1. You have an exam but your mother is sick. She needs you to take care of
your younger sister. What will you do?
2. You were so fond of playing computer games that you did not bother to
study at all. You received your first summative test result and you failed.
What will you do?
3. You wanted to go out with your friends but your father asked you to help
him clean the garage. What will you do?
F.Developing mastery (leads to Formative Assessment 3)
Say: Revise the story below. Do not forget to follow the steps in revising that Learners
you’ve learned. will do the
This year I had the best summer vacation ever. My whole family went
to Aklan where my grandparents live. They live near the ocean. While we
were there we did a lot of fun stuff. My grandfather taught me how to play
chess, and I found out that I am good at it. My little sister had day camp so I
didn’t have to watch her all day like I usually do in the summer. I took sailing
lessons. My boat tipped over so many times but I learned how to take the
water out of the boat and get back on it. I hope I can go back to Aklan next


Revision(Teacher’s reference only)

This year, I had the best summer vacation ever. My whole family went
to Aklan where my grandparents live. They live near the ocean.

I had a lot of fun while I was at my grandparents’ house. My little sister

had day camp, so I didn’t have to watch her all day like I usually do in the
summer. My grandfather taught me to play chess, and I found out that I’m
really good at it!

I also took sailing lessons. My boat tipped over so many times but, I
learned how to take the water out of the boat and get back on it. I hope I can
go back to Aklan next summer.

G.Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living

H.Making generalization and abstractions about the lesson

Say: Remember that in writing, it is important to make sure your
composition is clear. Do not forget to check if you use correct spelling,
punctuation marks, and transitional devices to help readers understand your
I.Evaluating learning
Say: Imagine that you are entering a writing contest. You will be writing about Learners
the Kids Using Fidget Spinners and the positive and negative effects of using will do the
it. activity.

J.Additional activities for application or remediation

A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with
the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help
me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?

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