Boiler Maintenance

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Request For Quotation


1. Reference No. : 2. RFQ Date : 24/07/2019

3. Issued to : 4. OGC Contact Person

M/S : . ✔ Name : Salim Al Ismaili

PO. Box : . ✔ Telephone No : 22143255

Postal Code : . ✔ Fax No. :

, Sultanate of Oman ✔ E-Mail : [email protected]

5. Closing Date : 06/08/2019 6. Incoterm & Location : -

✔ This is a request for information and quotation for goods or services specified below. This RFQ shall not be considered at any time as a confirmation
to award.
✔ Bidders are requested to submit their quotes on or before the closing date (5) based on the following:
○ Quotes shall be submitted in either OMR or USD currencies only.
○ Quotes up to OMR. 10,000/= or equivalent to be submitted via e-mail addressed to the requester contact details (4).
○ Quotes exceed OMR. 10,000/= or equivalent shall be submitted on a sealed envelope, dropped in the Tender Box,
located in the Head Office (B1 Reception Area), addressed to :

RFQ No. OGC/RFQ/19/7700001328

Tilal Office Complex Expansion, Muscat Grand Mall,
Al Khuwair, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman
Building No: 30/9&10, Street No: 235
Plot No: 882/1, Block No: 17/2

✔ OGC general terms and conditions are applied for this quotation (attached with this RFQ)
✔ Any technical clarification must be addressed to OGC contact person details by e-mail (4).
✔ Non compliance to the above instruction may lead to disqualification.
✔ The 1.2% Training Levy will be deducted from the net invoiced amount for all Contracts and Purchase Orders (PO's), unless otherwise reflected differently in
the contract / RFQ Document.

You are kindly requested to provide us with your best pricing for the below mentioned goods/services including delivery cost if applicable to our identified
location (6) above:
SL Item Number Item Description Delivery Date QTY UOM Unit Rate Total Amount
10 1 inch BALL VALVE LTCS # 600- 2 PC
1 inch BALL VALVE LTCS #600 MESC: 7700356051
-,,Painting according to SP -1246, PCS -1 , RAL 9010
-,,Valve shall be in compliance with SP – 2154 Ver -3
-,,Material Certification - EN 10204 3.1
-,,Final Inspection certification - EN 10204 3.2
- Chinese valve is not accepted.
- Copy of PDO approval letter is required
- Data sheet is attached
20 1 inch globe valve LTCS #600- 7 PC
1 inch globe valve LTCS #600 #MESC: 7730331051
-,,requirement in PR:
-,,Painting according to SP -1246 , PCS -1 , RAL 9010
-,,Valve shall be in compliance with SP – 2154 Ver -3
-,,Material Certification - EN 10204 3.1
-,,Final Inspection certification - EN 10204 3.2
- Chinese valve is not accepted.
- Copy of PDO approval letter is required
- Data sheet is attached
30 1 inch Gate valve LTCS #600- 3 PC
1 inch Gate valve (wedge) LTCS #600 #MESC: 7720331051
-,,requirement in PR:
-,,Painting according to SP -1246 , PCS -1 , RAL 9010
-,,Valve shall be in compliance with SP – 2154 Ver -3
-,,Material Certification - EN 10204 3.1
-,,Final Inspection certification - EN 10204 3.2
- Chinese valve is not accepted.

Tilal Office Complex Expansion, Muscat Grand Mall, Al Khuwair, Muscat - Sultanate of Oman. Tel: +968 22142999, Page 1 of 6
Website: (Office Hours: Sun - Thu 7:00am - 3:00pm - GMT +4)
Request For Quotation

SL Item Number Item Description Delivery Date QTY UOM Unit Rate Total Amount
- Copy of PDO approval letter is required
- Data sheet is attached
40 1 inch Gate valve CS # 600- 6 PC
1 inch Gate valve (wedge) CS #600 #MESC: 7720041051
-,,requirement in PR:
-,,Painting according to SP -1246 , PCS -1 , RAL 9010
-,,Valve shall be in compliance with SP – 2154 Ver -3
-,,Material Certification - EN 10204 3.1
-,,Final Inspection certification - EN 10204 3.2
- Chinese valve is not accepted.
- Copy of PDO approval letter is required
- Data sheet is attached
50 1 inch Ball valve CS # 600- 3 PC
1 inch ball valve CS #600 MESC: 7700256051
-,,Painting according to SP -1246, PCS -1 , RAL 9010
-,,Valve shall be in compliance with SP – 2154 Ver -3
-,,Material Certification - EN 10204 3.1
-,,Final Inspection certification - EN 10204 3.2
- Chinese valve is not accepted.
- Copy of PDO approval letter is required
- Data sheet is attached
60 2 inch ball valve CS #600- 7 PC
2 inch BALL VALVE CS #600 MESC: 7700676081
-,,Painting according to SP -1246, PCS -1 , RAL 9010
-,,Valve shall be in compliance with SP – 2154 Ver -3
-,,Material Certification - EN 10204 3.1
-,,Final Inspection certification - EN 10204 3.2
- Chinese valve is not accepted.
- Copy of PDO approval letter is required
- Data sheet is attached
70 2 inch ball valve LTCS #600- 2 PC
2 inch BALL VALVE LTCS #600 MESC: 7700516081
-,,Painting according to SP -1246, PCS -1 , RAL 9010
-,,Valve shall be in compliance with SP – 2154 Ver -3
-,,Material Certification - EN 10204 3.1
-,,Final Inspection certification - EN 10204 3.2
- Chinese valve is not accepted.
- Copy of PDO approval letter is required
- Data sheet is attached
80 2 inch Globe valve LTCS #600- 2 PC
2 inch GLOBE VALVE LTCS #600 MESC: 7730331091
-,,Painting according to SP -1246, PCS -1 , RAL 9010
-,,Valve shall be in compliance with SP – 2154 Ver -3
-,,Material Certification - EN 10204 3.1
-,,Final Inspection certification - EN 10204 3.2
- Chinese valve is not accepted.
- Copy of PDO approval letter is required
- Data sheet is attached
90 2 inch Globe valve CS #600- 2 PC
2 inch GLOBE VALVE CS #600 MESC: 7730051091
-,,Painting according to SP -1246, PCS -1 , RAL 9010
-,,Valve shall be in compliance with SP – 2154 Ver -3
-,,Material Certification - EN 10204 3.1
-,,Final Inspection certification - EN 10204 3.2
- Chinese valve is not accepted.
- Copy of PDO approval letter is required
- Data sheet is attached
Total Amount

We hereby confirm acceptance of OGC general terms and conditions attached with this RFQ and
thus we submit our offer for stipulated goods/service above.

Tilal Office Complex Expansion, Muscat Grand Mall, Al Khuwair, Muscat - Sultanate of Oman. Tel: +968 22142999, Page 2 of 6
Website: (Office Hours: Sun - Thu 7:00am - 3:00pm - GMT +4)
Request For Quotation

Vendor Signature & Seal

Tilal Office Complex Expansion, Muscat Grand Mall, Al Khuwair, Muscat - Sultanate of Oman. Tel: +968 22142999, Page 3 of 6
Website: (Office Hours: Sun - Thu 7:00am - 3:00pm - GMT +4)
General Conditions for Minor Purchases
2.2.5. Unless otherwise stated in Purchase Order, ownership, risk and responsibility
Article - 1. DEFINITIONS for the Goods shall pass to Client upon delivery of the Goods in accordance with
the Purchase Order.
The Following definitions shall apply to the Purchase Order, unless the context requires
otherwise, to the other sections forming part of the Purchase Order. Words imparting the 2.2.6. Delivery of the Goods will only be accepted if accompanied by a copy of the
singular to include the plural and vice-versa where the Purchase Order requires. Purchase Order and any other deliverables as specified in the Purchase Order.
1.1. Goods (Work or Service) 2.2.7. Partial item deliveries are not acceptable unless agreed with the Client.
Shall mean; all products, work, services or goods to be provided by the Supplier to
the Client under the terms of this Purchase Order. If the term Work, Services or 2.3. Penalties (Late Delivery)
similar terms appear in the Purchase Order, they shall have the same meaning as
2.3.1. If specified in the Purchase Order and without prejudice to the Client's other
Goods in this definition.
rights and remedies under the Purchase Order or at law, the Supplier shall
1.2. Instruction become liable to pay the Client, as a penalty, an amount equal to one half
percent (½%) of the total purchase price for every week or part thereof by which
Shall mean; communication issued by the Client in accordance with the Article the Delivery Date specified in the Purchase Order is exceeded for any reason
headed “Instructions and Variations to the Goods.” requiring the Supplier to alter or whatsoever, except for reasons attributable to failure of Client to comply with the
amend Work. Purchase Order, up to a maximum of ten percent (10%) of the total purchase
1.3. Purchase Order Dates
2.3.2. If part of the Goods can be put into useful operation the amount specified in
1.3.1. Effective Date: Article 2.3.1 above shall be reduced proportionally.
Shall mean the date, as stated in the Purchase Order on which the Purchase Order
was awarded. 2.3.3. The amount the Supplier is liable to pay to the Client hereunder shall become
due immediately the Goods are not delivered on the Delivery Date specified in
1.3.2. Delivery Date: the Purchase Order, without any notice or judicial intervention being required,
Shall mean the date(s), stipulated as such in the Purchase Order, being the date(s) and may be recovered by deduction by the Client from the Supplier's invoices.
on which the Goods shall be delivered. In the event a delay is caused by the gross negligence or wilful failure of the
Supplier no limitation as set out herein shall apply.
1.4. Supplier
2.4. Right to recover costs
Shall mean the person, contractor, seller, vendor or other entity named as such in
the Purchase Order by whom the Goods will be supplied. If the term Vendor, 2.4.1. Whether or not the Client shall have imposed penalties, it shall also be entitled
Contractor or similar terms appear in the Purchase Order, they shall have the same to claim from the Supplier costs incurred by the Client and in assessing the
meaning as Supplier in this definition. amount of the Client's losses no account shall be taken of any penalties paid or
1.5. Supplier Personnel
Shall mean all individuals, whether employees or not engaged in provision of the 2.5. Right to Inspect
Goods by the Supplier or any Sub-Supplier. 2.5.1. Supplier shall ensure that Client or its nominee has the right to inspect the
1.6. Sub-Purchase Order Goods at any time during or after the manufacture, the construction or assembly
thereof and to check on progress of the work under the Purchase Order, either
Shall mean a contract placed by the Supplier or any Sub-Supplier for the at Supplier's or its Sub-Suppliers works or wherever else the Goods may be or
performance of part of the Goods. If the term Subcontract or similar terms appear work is carried out. Such inspection or check shall not relieve Supplier of any
in the Purchase Order, they shall have the same meaning as Sub-Purchase Order obligation or liability under the Purchase Order.
in this definition.
2.6. Omissions, errors and ambiguities
1.7. Sub-Supplier
Shall mean any other party to whom provision of part of the Goods has been sub 2.6.1. The Supplier shall ensure that the Goods are delivered in accordance with the
let, whether by the Supplier, or by a Sub- Supplier. If the term Subcontractor, Sub- Purchase Order. Any omissions, errors or other such deficiencies in the
Supplier or similar terms appear in the Purchase Order, they shall have the same Purchase Order shall not relieve the Supplier from his obligation to deliver the
meaning as Sub-Supplier in this definition. Goods in accordance with international standards.

Article - 2. GENERAL TERMS OF PURCHASE 2.6.2. The Supplier is responsible for notifying the Client of any errors, ambiguities or
discrepancies, between or within any of the Purchase Order sections, as and
2.1. Terms and Conditions when they are identified. Such deficiencies shall be clarified by the Client in
writing and by an Instruction if the clarification involves a change to the Goods.
2.1.1. The Supplier shall provide the Goods to the Client in accordance with the terms set
out in the Purchase Order. 2.6.3. The Supplier shall have a duty to mitigate costs and expenses arising from
errors, ambiguities and discrepancies and shall be liable for its own costs and
2.1.2. The following documents if applicable shall form part of the Purchase Order: expenses arising from a failure to notify the Client at the time an error or
a) Request for Quotation/Proposal (RFQ/RFP), ambiguity could reasonably have been identified by an experienced Supplier.

b) Those General Conditions of Minor Purchases, 2.7. Health, Safety and Environment
c) Related correspondence and 2.7.1. The Supplier shall operate, and shall cause all Sub-Supplier to operate, with the
d) Supplier's offer utmost care for the health and safety of Supplier, Sub-Supplier, Supplier
Supplier shall ensure that all documents referred to in the Purchase Order and any Personnel and Client personnel and third parties, and for the environment.
parts thereof are in Supplier's possession. 2.8. Marking and Packing and reporting of dimensions
2.1.3. The Purchase Order constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and 2.8.1. Apart from any additional instructions in the Purchase Order on packing,
supersedes all prior negotiations, representations, warranties and agreements marking and shipping, the Goods shall always be packed, marked and shipped
related to the Contract, whether written or verbal. in such a way as to prevent damage during transport to their final destination.
2.1.4. Standard terms and conditions of Supplier or any other terms and conditions The total weight in kilograms should be clearly marked on each and every
specified by Supplier shall not apply to the Purchase Order, unless expressly individual package / material being supplied against a Purchase Order. The
accepted in writing by Client. Reference to Supplier's documents shall have no same information should be indicated in the delivery note against each item.
bearing on the terms and conditions of the Purchase Order, unless specifically 2.8.2. All packages should have the gross weight, dimensions, lifting points and centre
agreed to in writing by Client. of gravity stencilled on the side of the package.
2.1.5. All correspondence and documents relating to this Purchase Order shall be in the 2.8.3. The country of origin and manufacturer of the Goods shall be stated on all
English language and be addressed to Client unless otherwise indicated by Client. delivery documentation. Where required by the Client the Supplier shall provide
2.2. Delivery to the Client, in the required format, the packing dimensions and weight of all
constituent parts of the Goods.
2.2.1. The date stipulated in the Purchase Order for the delivery of the Goods shall be
important to the Purchase Order. Without prejudice to Supplier's obligation to
deliver the Goods on the delivery date specified in the Purchase Order, Supplier 3.1. Instructions
shall give Client or its authorized representative, notice in writing, immediately if
any delay is foreseen. The Client shall, at its sole discretion, be entitled to issue Instructions to alter
the form, specification, quality or quantity of the Goods. No alteration shall in
2.2.2. The Supplier shall, at the first indication of delay considered to be attributable to the any way vitiate or invalidate the Purchase Order, but the value, if any, of all
Client, and in consultation with the Client, make every effort to redeploy resources such alterations shall be accounted for and valued in accordance with the
on provision of the Goods in such a way as to mitigate all effects of delay. terms of the Purchase Order.
2.2.3. The Goods shall be provided in accordance to the Client's specifications or, in the
absence thereof, according to internationally recognised good practice and 3.1.1. The Supplier shall immediately proceed to carry out the Instruction. Where the
standards of workmanship. The Supplier undertakes that all Goods will be fit for the Supplier considers that issue of an Instruction results in the requirement for a
purpose intended in the Contract. Variation to the Purchase Order then the Supplier shall immediately give notice
to the Client of such. Full details of any additional payment shall be submitted
2.2.4. In the event the Supplier fails, through no fault of the Client, to deliver the Goods to within seven (7) days of such notice being issued.
the standard required by the due date, the Supplier shall use its best endeavours to
minimize the delay and mitigate the effects of such delay

RFQ NO : OGC/RFQ/19/7700001328 Page 4 of 6

General Conditions for Minor Purchases

3.2. Variations Article - 7. RATES, INVOICING AND PAYMENT

3.2.1. The Client shall have the right at any time to order any variation to the Purchase 7.1. Terms of Pricing & Payment
Order that is within the capability and resources of the Supplier. If such variations
cause an increase or decrease in the Purchase Order price or an alteration in the 7.1.1. All rates, prices or sums set out in the Purchase Order are fixed and shall not be
Delivery Date, Supplier shall so advise Client and shall give an estimate of the subject to change, except by the Client in case of a variation to the Purchase
purchase price and/or date of delivery adjustment which, where applicable, shall be Order. Unless stated otherwise in the Purchase Order the currency of payment
based on the rates included in the Purchase Order. shall be Rials Omani (OMR).

Article - 4. SUSPENSION & TERMINATION 7.1.2. The Supplier shall be deemed to have satisfied itself on and taken due account
in the Purchase Order price of:
4.1. Suspension a) all the conditions and circumstances affecting the Purchase Order price;
4.1.1. The Client may at any time suspend the Purchase Order. Where such suspension b) carrying out the work as described in the Purchase Order;
is required as a result of force majeure or the Supplier's failure to perform an c) general circumstances at site; and
obligation under the Purchase Order then no additional payment shall become due
to the Supplier as a result of such suspension of the Purchase Order. d) general labour requirements and restrictions.

4.1.2. In the event that the Client suspends the Purchase Order for a period in excess of 7.1.3. The Purchase Order price shall cover the completion of the Goods and all other
Sixty (60) days then the parties shall mutually agree whether or not to continue the obligations of the Supplier and all costs incurred by the Supplier for and in
Purchase Order in addition to any substantiated price adjustments. connection with the Purchase Order and shall be fixed for the duration of the
Purchase Order, unless explicitly stated otherwise in the Purchase Order.
4.2. Termination
7.1.4. The Client shall pay the invoices within forty-five (45) days of receipt of an
4.2.1. The Client may at any time terminate the Purchase Order by written notice. invoice submitted in accordance with the Purchase Order, except for any
a) Where the Client terminates the Purchase Order as a result of the disputed or insufficiently documented items.
Supplier's material non-performance of an obligation under the Purchase 7.1.5. All payments made by the Client to the Supplier shall be made by bank transfer
Order, or in the event that the Supplier has ceased to pay its debts when to the Supplier's nominated bank account. The Supplier's nominated account
they become due, or has filed a request for suspension of its payments prior shall be in the name of and solely owned by the Supplier.
to delivery of all Goods in accordance with the Purchase Order, Client may,
at its option, return the Goods and re-transfer ownership to Supplier, and/or 7.1.6. Invoices should not include any altered, disputed or other unapproved amounts
claim damages. additional to those stated in the applicable PO. In this respect it's confirmed that
b) In the event that the Supplier fails to perform an obligation under this restriction in no way limits the Supplier's rights under the Purchase Order.
the Contract and subsequently fails to act to remedy such failure within 14
days of being issued with written notice to do so by the Client then the Client 7.1.7. Neither the presentation nor payment of an individual invoice shall be
shall have the right, but not the obligation, to terminate the Purchase Order in irrevocable or constitute a settlement of a dispute or otherwise waive or affect
accordance with Article 4.2.1 a). the rights of the parties to the Purchase Order.

c) In the event the Client terminates the Purchase Order for any other 7.1.8. Invoices shall only be considered for payment provided all other contractual
reason than those stated in a) above, the Client shall pay the Supplier for all obligations have been fulfilled. No invoice shall be certified for payment until all
work completed up to the date of termination plus all reasonable costs, if outstanding related HSE and Quality audit Non-Conformance's have been
any, resulting from cancellation of the Purchase Order. accepted as being complete by the Client.

4.3. Survival of terms and conditions 7.1.9. Notwithstanding that all invoices and valuations of the work are subject to the
Client approval, the Supplier is responsible for the correct valuation of the work
4.3.1. Termination of the Purchase Order shall not relieve the parties of any continuing strictly in accordance with the Purchase Order. The Supplier's valuation should
rights, obligations and liabilities under the Contract, including but not limited to the accurately represent the work completed and shall include all substantiating
Articles headed “Right of audit”, “Warranty on Goods”, “Liability” and documentation necessary to establish, verify or otherwise validate amounts due
“Confidentiality.” under the Purchase Order.
Article - 5. SUB-SUPPLIERS 7.2. Right to offset
5.1.1. Without Client's prior written consent, Supplier shall not assign the design, 7.2.1. In the event of the Supplier's default the Client shall always have the right to set
engineering, provision, manufacture, construction or assembly of the Goods or any off against any payment which may be due or become due to the Supplier any
major part or component thereof to any Sub-Supplier. Client may request that any moneys which may be owing or payable by the Supplier to the Client or
contract which Supplier may wish to conclude with such a Sub-Supplier shall be recoverable by the Client from the Supplier.
submitted to Client for review prior to signature. In such case Supplier shall only
choose those Sub-Suppliers approved by Client, but Supplier shall not be relieved 7.2.2. In the event of dispute between the Client and Supplier then the Client may hold
of any of its obligations or liabilities under the Purchase Order by such acceptance. from amounts which become due to the Supplier the Client's valuation of the
work which is under dispute.
5.1.2. Supplier shall stipulate in any contract with a Sub-Supplier that Client may assume
the rights and obligations of Supplier under that contract upon notification by Client. Article - 8. WARRANTY ON GOODS

Article - 6. CUSTOMS DUTY AND TAXES 8.1. Warranty for the Goods

6.1. Customs Duty 8.1.1. Supplier warrants and represents that the Goods shall be of good quality and
workmanship, free of errors and defects and shall comply in all respects with
6.1.1. Supplier shall pay Oman Customs Duty in accordance with the laws of the requirements of the Purchase Order. Unless agreed otherwise, if any defect of
Sultanate of Oman for the Goods. Supplier shall hold the Client harmless against the Goods (other than arising from fair wear or tear or disregard of Supplier's
any penalty, fine etc. that might be imposed on Client by the non payment, partial operating instructions)
payment or otherwise avoidance of duty.
a) appears within 12 months from the date of delivery, in accordance with the
6.2. Taxes delivery terms, or
6.2.1. All rentals, royalties, fees, charges, taxes (including withholding tax), levies, duties b) results from a cause reported to or discussed with the Supplier during the
and fines or penalties of whatever nature and charged to or levied or imposed on period described in paragraph (a), Supplier shall forthwith remedy such
the Supplier within or outside the Sultanate of Oman in connection with the defects to the satisfaction of Client at Supplier's own expense.
performance of the Purchase Order by Supplier, or any work in connection
therewith, shall be for the account of and be borne by Supplier. Supplier shall 8.1.2. Client shall notify Supplier of any defect that has appeared.
indemnify Client against all rentals, royalties, fees, charges, taxes, levies, duties 8.1.3. The rights and remedies of the Client in respect of warranties and guarantees
and fines or penalties of whatever nature and charged to or levied or imposed on as outlined in this clause are exclusive rights and remedies and are in lieu of
the Client which are in accordance with this clause are for Supplier's account. any other rights or remedies provided by law or otherwise.
6.2.2. It shall be the Supplier's responsibility to investigate and establish his liability for all 8.2. Repairs by others
taxes, levies, charges etcetera, which may be applicable to or be levied in
connection with the performance of the Purchase Order or any work in connection 8.2.1. Notwithstanding the above, repair may be effected or replacement may be
therewith. made by the Client, or a third party on its behalf, at the Supplier's expense and
without authorisation by the Supplier in the event that the Supplier has failed to
6.2.3. Where Supplier claims to be exempted from any statutory deductions (particular inspect or to repair the defects in the Goods within a reasonable time after
reference is made to Withholding Tax), it shall inform Company and provide any having been notified by the Client.
necessary documentation to support its case, including a certificate of exemption
from the relevant authority. Where Supplier cannot demonstrate to Company's In any such event, repair and replacement effected or made by the Client, or a
satisfaction that Supplier is exempt, Company shall not be liable to Supplier or any third party on behalf of the Client, shall be deemed to be effected and made by
other person or body in the event that Company applies the statutory deduction the Supplier, and this Article - 8 shall remain in effect, except in case of repairs
according to the relevant laws or regulations. resulting in any detriment of the Goods.
6.2.4. The 1.2% Training Levy will be deducted from the net invoiced amount for all In cases where it would be unreasonable or impractical for the Client to obtain
contracts and Purchase Orders (PO's), unless otherwise reflected differently in the Supplier's authorisation or to give the Supplier an opportunity to inspect and/
RFQ / Contract document.

RFQ NO : OGC/RFQ/19/7700001328 Page 5 of 6

General Conditions for Minor Purchases

or remedy such defects, or obtain the Supplier's authorisation, repair may be b) explosion and fire, unless as a direct result of the Supplier or of his Sub-
effected or replacement be made by the Client, or third party on its behalf, at the Supplier's negligence or acts or omissions;
Supplier's expense and without authorisation by the Supplier. The Client shall notify c) riot, commotion, sabotage or civil disorder, unless solely restricted to
as soon as practically feasible the Supplier that such a repair or replacement is employees of the Supplier or of his Sub-Suppliers;
being or has been made. Such repairs and replacements shall not be covered by d) contamination by radio-activity from any nuclear fuel, nuclear waste or radio-
this Article - 8 unless such works have been reviewed and approved by the active toxic explosion;
Supplier. Any Goods repaired and/or replaced by or for and on behalf of the Client
may be inspected by the Supplier until 45 days after notification to the Supplier. e) war, hostilities (whether or not war is declared), invasion, act of foreign
enemies or embargo; and.
Article - 9. LIABILITY
f) rebellion, revolution, insurrection, or military or usurped power or civil war.
9.1. Loss or Damage 10.5.1. In the event of Force Majeure neither the Client nor the Supplier shall be
9.1.1. Supplier shall be liable (without formal notice of non-compliance or judicial responsible for any failure to fulfil its obligations under the Purchase Order if and
intervention being required) for any loss or damage incurred by Client arising out or to the extent that fulfilment has been delayed, hindered or prevented by Force
in conjunction with Supplier's or its Sub-Supplier's non-compliance with the terms Majeure, provided that the Supplier shall have the benefit of this provision only if
and conditions of the Purchase Order. Supplier's total liability under this Article it takes all reasonable steps to protect the Goods and minimise the effects of
shall in aggregate, be limited to the total value of the Purchase Order, except in the any Force Majeure event on the Goods and the Delivery Date thereof. Where
event of wilful failure or gross negligence in which said limitation of Supplier's the delay due to reasons of Force Majeure lasts for more than sixty (60) days,
liability shall not apply the Parties shall meet to negotiate in good faith if and how to proceed with the
Purchase Order.
9.1.2. Liability for consequential losses
10.6. Liens, attachments
Neither the Client nor the Supplier shall be liable to the other for any indirect or
consequential loss which may be suffered by the other in connection with the 10.6.1. The Supplier warrants that neither the Goods nor any part thereof, nor any other
performance of the Purchase Order, including but not limited to the loss of use, loss goods made available by, or under the responsibility of the Client in connection
of profits, loss of production, loss of revenue or business interruption. The costs in with the Work (regardless of whether the Goods are under custody of the
connection with detection of defects, inspection, transport, repair, replacement, Supplier, or under custody of the Sub-Suppliers or third parties) are or shall in
reinstallation and retesting of the Goods, shall not be deemed indirect or future be encumbered with any right of preference, right to withhold, lien or other
consequential loss or damage. property right whether fiduciary or otherwise. The Supplier hereby relinquishes
any and all rights as herein indicated and shall immediately notify the Client of
9.1.3. Liability for third party any claims under this Article.

Supplier shall be liable for, and shall indemnify and hold harmless Client from and 10.6.2. The Supplier shall hold harmless and indemnify the Client from and against all
against any loss or damage incurred by any third party arising out of or in liens, attachments or claims by Sub-Suppliers in connection with or arising out
conjunction with the negligent performance or non performance of the Purchase of the Purchase Order. The Client shall, with prior notification to the Supplier,
Order by Supplier. have the right to withhold the amount involved in the cost arising out of such
lien, attachment or claim from any payment due to the Supplier and to call on
Article - 10. MISCELLANEOUS any performance bond, if applicable, until removal of such lien or attachment or
settlement of such claim by the Supplier.
10.1. Right of Audit
10.7. Compliance with Laws and Regulations
10.1.1. For the purpose of reviewing and verifying compliance with the Purchase Order
and/or the quantities and cost of reimbursable items and of items charged by 10.7.1. The Supplier shall comply with and shall cause its Subcontractors and Supplier
specified rate, the Client or its authorised representatives shall have access at all Personnel to comply with all applicable laws and regulations of the Sultanate of
reasonable times to all personnel, books, records, correspondence, instructions, Oman.
plans, drawings, receipts, vouchers and memoranda of both the Supplier and any
Sub-Supplier pertaining to performance of the Purchase Order. The Client or its 10.7.2. If, as a result of change(s) of legislation which take effect in Oman after the
authorised representatives shall have the right to reproduce and retain copies of Effective Date and could not have been foreseen by the party affected at the
any of the aforesaid documents. time of entering into the Contract, the cost of providing the Goods increases or
decreases by an amount equal to two percent (2%) or more of the value of the
10.2. Ownership, Patents, Copyrights and Trademarks Purchase Order, then the Client and the Contractor shall in good faith negotiate
and agree an adjustment of the rates. For the purpose of this Article, legislation
10.2.1. Both parties shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the other party and its means laws and decrees issued by His Majesty the Sultan of Oman and
officers, personnel or agents against any and all liability, loss or expense by reason ministerial decisions and regulations issued by the competent authorities
of any claim, action or litigation in respect of any alleged or actual infringement of pursuant to such laws and decrees, with the exception of laws, decrees,
any patent, copyright or trademark, foreign or domestic, resulting from the use of ministerial decisions and regulations concerning corporation, income or profit
the Goods. Because a party has exclusive control of resolving infringements claims tax.
hereunder, in no event will a party be liable for the other party's attorney fees or
cost. 10.8. Confidentiality

10.3. Licenses and Permits 10.8.1. All information obtained by the parties in connection with the performance of the
Purchase Order (other than information which is in public domain) shall be
10.3.1. Supplier shall obtain any license or other permit, which is required in Oman or any considered confidential and the parties shall not divulge such information to any
country for the performance of the Purchase Order. The Purchase Order shall be third party, and shall cause his personnel and Sub-Vendors not to divulge such
conditional upon such license or permit being available in good time. information to any third party, either during the term of the Purchase Order but
not later than 10 years after receipt thereof, except with the prior written consent
10.4. Software agreements of the Client.
10.4.1. Where as part of the Purchase Order the Supplier provides licensed software then 10.9. Business Ethics and Principles
Supplier's software license shall include, but not limited to, the following: -
a) The Supplier shall provide the Client with a non-exclusive licence to use the 10.9.1. The Supplier shall not give or offer or agree to give to any person in the services
software solely for the Client's operational purposes in accordance with the of the Client any gift or consideration of any kind which is, or could reasonably
provisions of the software license. be construed as being, an inducement or reward for doing or promising to do
any act in relation to the obtaining or execution of this or any other contract with
b) The Supplier and its Sub-Suppliers shall retain ownership of the software. the Client or for showing or promising to show favour or disfavour to any person
c) The Client shall not reverse compile, disassemble, or otherwise reverse engineer in relation to this or any other contract with the Client.
this software.
10.9.2. Without prejudice to any other rights that the Client may have, the Client may
d) The Client shall not transfer the license to utilise the software to a third part terminate the Purchase Order immediately upon notice in writing should the
without the Supplier's prior consent, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. Supplier violate the provisions of this Article.
e) The licence granted within this Article is effective from the date that the Supplier
installs the software. 10.10 Terms of Assignment

Client agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Supplier from all damages 10.10.1. The Supplier shall not assign its rights or obligations under the Contract, in
and third party claims, causes of action or damage arising from unauthorized use of whole or in part, without the prior written consent of the Client.
the provided software.
10.11. Applicable Law
10.5. Force Majeure
10.11.1. The Purchase Order shall be construed and take effect in accordance with the
10.5.1. Definition laws of Oman.

“Force Majeure” means an event beyond the control of the Client and the Supplier 10.12. Notices
which makes it impossible or illegal for a party to fulfil any term or condition of the
Purchase Order, which is not attributable to the fault or negligence of the party 10.12.1. All notices under the Contract/PO shall be in writing.
affected and/or his Sub-Suppliers and which could not have been foreseen or
prevented by that party when exercising reasonable diligence, including but not
limited to:
a) earthquakes, landslides;

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