The document contains a list of students who ordered t-shirts including their name, class, semester and t-shirt size. There are over 80 entries spanning two days from July 10th to 11th, 2019 with timestamps recording when the order was placed. Students from various classes between semester 1 to 6 are represented with t-shirt sizes ranging from small to XXXL. Most ordered a size L, M or XL t-shirt.
The document contains a list of students who ordered t-shirts including their name, class, semester and t-shirt size. There are over 80 entries spanning two days from July 10th to 11th, 2019 with timestamps recording when the order was placed. Students from various classes between semester 1 to 6 are represented with t-shirt sizes ranging from small to XXXL. Most ordered a size L, M or XL t-shirt.
The document contains a list of students who ordered t-shirts including their name, class, semester and t-shirt size. There are over 80 entries spanning two days from July 10th to 11th, 2019 with timestamps recording when the order was placed. Students from various classes between semester 1 to 6 are represented with t-shirt sizes ranging from small to XXXL. Most ordered a size L, M or XL t-shirt.
The document contains a list of students who ordered t-shirts including their name, class, semester and t-shirt size. There are over 80 entries spanning two days from July 10th to 11th, 2019 with timestamps recording when the order was placed. Students from various classes between semester 1 to 6 are represented with t-shirt sizes ranging from small to XXXL. Most ordered a size L, M or XL t-shirt.
Timestamp Nama Lengkap Kelas/Semester Ukuran Kaos Asdos
10/07/2019 21:26:49 Ai fauziah A/KP/1 L
10/07/2019 21:31:42 Wulandari Putri Nurmaningsih C. KP. 6 L 10/07/2019 22:24:54 M.Yusuf Ashari D.KP.4 L 11/07/2019 5:56:18 Yesita Nurdiasti B Kp IV L 11/07/2019 8:19:41 Abdul Karim D.KP.VI L 11/07/2019 8:21:46 Nur Alfiyanti Utami C/KP/2 LLL 11/07/2019 8:22:04 Uswatun Ainun Nisa C/KP/2 M 11/07/2019 8:22:12 Mera Susanti A/Kp/IV M 11/07/2019 8:22:30 Nisa Fitri Nusaibah E/KP/II L 11/07/2019 8:22:57 Fitri Nurjanah A/KP VI M 11/07/2019 8:23:40 Radha idfit istiqomah A/kp/2 L 11/07/2019 8:25:00 Fira ayu A/Kp/2 M 11/07/2019 8:26:45 Mahisa Farhati C/KP/II M 11/07/2019 8:27:03 Cindy Valla Taen B/KP/II M 11/07/2019 8:29:29 Mayang Indawari A/2 M 11/07/2019 8:29:31 Mila Raniah Salma B KP 2 M 11/07/2019 8:29:38 Dina Ramila Sari Hendriyatin A/KP/VI L 11/07/2019 8:29:50 Windy Purnama B KP 2 S 11/07/2019 8:29:52 Sari purwanti VI L 11/07/2019 8:33:43 Anisa Nur Utami B/KP/IV LLL 11/07/2019 8:35:04 Hidayatul Uma A kp 2 (semester II) M 11/07/2019 8:36:04 Rido widodo D/kp/4 M 11/07/2019 8:48:50 Siti Nurjana Ahmad C/KP II L 11/07/2019 8:51:27 Nur sakina A/KP/II M 11/07/2019 8:52:06 Rizqi Ihsani Maulidiyah B/KP/6 / Semester 6 XL 11/07/2019 8:54:32 Cerel Fransisco C Kp IV M 11/07/2019 8:56:27 Rona imtiyas A/kp/IV XL 11/07/2019 8:57:38 Ayu larassati B/KP/VI M 11/07/2019 9:04:27 Na'imaturohmah C KP / II L 11/07/2019 9:05:14 Dela Okta Viani C/KP/II S 11/07/2019 9:21:34 Riko Wijaya D/KP/4 IV M 11/07/2019 9:22:35 Siti Rahimah A/KP/2 M 11/07/2019 9:23:06 Nurul Hidayati A KP 2 L 11/07/2019 9:23:49 Mutawaqqil D/KP/VI L 11/07/2019 9:30:03 Nur Aisah B/KP/2 M 11/07/2019 9:52:24 Sintia Adi Permata C/KP/VI S 11/07/2019 10:21:09 Nur Laely Fitriana A/II L 11/07/2019 11:08:31 ISMA NUR HIKMAH E/KP/II M 11/07/2019 11:15:11 Nadia Mei Rahayu, S. Kep D KP/ I M 11/07/2019 11:25:40 Azahra Juwita Wahyu Wulandari C/Kp/4 L 11/07/2019 11:33:42 Ni Putu Oppy Hendrawati B/KP/VI XL 11/07/2019 11:38:55 TIANA PUTRI LADJAMU B/KP/IV M Timestamp Nama Lengkap Kelas/Semester Ukuran Kaos Asdos 11/07/2019 11:39:01 Ibrahim D/KP/II L 11/07/2019 11:40:15 Muhammad Rapli DKP/VI XL 11/07/2019 11:41:11 Nur Hanifah C/KP/4 XXXL 11/07/2019 11:49:44 EMI SUHADAK B/KP/VI L 11/07/2019 11:51:56 Andi sukma E/kp/2 M 11/07/2019 12:11:05 Via Agna Maliyatul Ula C/Kp/VI L 11/07/2019 12:20:44 Novita Anggraini B kp 2 M 11/07/2019 12:50:09 Nurul Jannah C/KP/VI L 11/07/2019 12:55:58 Ismi chairunnisa T mayah C/kp/VI M 11/07/2019 12:58:40 Wiwik Widia Astuti C KP VI M 11/07/2019 13:01:16 Niluh Miftahul Janah C kp 6 M 11/07/2019 13:10:34 Nola Danayanti Subadi C/KP/4 XL 11/07/2019 13:15:17 Mar'atur Rohmah C/KP/4 L 11/07/2019 13:28:24 Kinasih Nurfadhilah C/ KP/ IV M 11/07/2019 13:32:17 Marlita Dyah Pratama C KP 4 L 11/07/2019 13:30:20 Rahmawati Ahsan C/KP/IV M 11/07/2019 13:50:10 Siti Sundari C/KP/IV XL 11/07/2019 13:55:15 agung mingguantoro kelas d/kp/2 L 11/07/2019 14:01:51 Tri aulia suryani A/kp/2 XL 11/07/2019 15:55:06 Kholisshotun Nafiah C KP 2 M 11/07/2019 17:58:26 Fatimah Chandra Murti A/Kp/VI M 11/07/2019 19:05:52 Zahrotun Nisa B KP/I XL 11/07/2019 19:43:41 Sipa Maulani B KP/VI L 11/07/2019 20:09:24 Siti Nur Faidah B KP / IV L
11/07/2019 20:26:19 Jovida Afranisa B. KP. 4 M
11/07/2019 21:07:13 Nurul Hanafi, S. Kep E/1 L 11/07/2019 23:29:57 Nur azzahrotu aeni supardi B/KP/4 M