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Abstract. In this paper, we prove a similar result to the fundamental theorem

of regular surfaces in classical differential geometry, which extends the classical
arXiv:1908.04821v1 [math.DG] 13 Aug 2019

theorem to the entire class of singular surfaces in Euclidean 3-space known as

frontals. Also, we characterize in a simple way these singular surfaces and its
fundamental forms with local properties in the differential of its parametrization
and decompositions in the matrices associated to the fundamental forms. In par-
ticular we introduce new types of curvatures which can be used to characterize
wave fronts. The only restriction on the parametrizations that is assumed in
several occasions is that the singular set has empty interior.

1. Introduction
In recent years, there is a great interest in the geometry of a special type of
singular surface, namely, frontal. Many papers are dedicated to the study of frontals
from singularity theory and geometry viewpoints [8, 9, 11], in particular wave fronts
a subclass of these [1, 2, 3, 6]. The word ”front” comes from physical fronts,
bounding a domain in which a physical process propagates at a fixed moment
in time. For instance, a wave propagating in the 3-Euclidean space with constant
speed starting from each point of an ellipsoid in direction of the interior of this (the
initial domain to be perturbed) creates a equidistant surface at time t bounding
an interior part of the ellipsoid that it has not been perturbed at time t. In this
case, the complete equidistant surface is called the wave front, this changes as time
passes leading to the formation of singularities along the whole equidistant surface
in any time [1]. The notion of ”frontal” surged as a natural generalization of wave
front in the case of hypersurfaces and a generalized definition with equivalences
can be found in [9]. A smooth map x : U → R3 defined in an open set U ⊂ R2 is
called a frontal if, for all p ∈ U there exists a unit normal vector field ν : Vp → R3
along x, where Vp is an open set of U , p ∈ Vp . This means, |ν| = 1 and it is
orthogonal to the partial derivatives of x for each point (u, v) ∈ Vp . If also the
singular set Σ(x) = {p ∈ U : x is not immersive at p} has empty interior we call x
a proper frontal. Since Σ(x) is closed, this is equivalent to have Σ(x)c being dense
and open in U . A frontal x is a wave front or simply front if the pair (x, ν) is an
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 53A40; Secondary 53A05, 57R45.
Key words and phrases. singular surface, frontal, front, relative curvature, first fundamental
form, second fundamental form, singular compatibility equations.
The author is supported by CAPES Grant no. PROEX-10359340/D.

immersion for all p ∈ U . There are many examples of frontals which are not wave
fronts, cuspidal Sk singularities for instance [8]. The existence of a smooth normal
vector field on these singular surfaces determines a plane (the orthogonal space) at
singular points that can be understood as a limiting plane of the tangent planes on
regular points around them (see Figure 1).

Figure 1. The cuspidal edge (x(u, v) = (u, v 2 , v 3 )) and the limiting

tangent planes.

The cuspidal edge and the swallowtail (see Figure 1 and 2) are two types of
singular points that represent the generic singularities in the space of wave fronts
with the Whitney C ∞ -topology. For this reason, all the re-parametrizations and
diffeomorphic singular surfaces to these are the most studied and there exist crite-
rias to recognize them [10, 11]. However, these singularities are not generic in the
space of all frontals (in fact proper frontals are not generic either)[9]. There are
some non-proper frontals which are not ”surfaces”, x(u, v) = (uv, 0, 0) for instance
and others whose entire image is a surface but locally at some singular points the
image of a neighborhood at these is a constant (see example 2.5 [9]). Here we treat
frontals in general, but our main result aim to proper frontals.

Figure 2. The swallowtail (x(u, v) = (3u4 + u2 v, 4u3 + 2uv, v)), an

example of front.

In classical differential geometry, the fundamental theorem of regular surfaces

(see[12, 13]) states that if we have E, F, G, e, f, g smooth functions defined in an
open set U ⊂ R2 , with E > 0, G > 0, EG − F 2 > 0 and the given functions

satisfy formally the Gauss and Mainardi-Codazzi equations, then for each p ∈ U
there exist a neighborhood V ⊂ U of p and a diffeomorphism x : V → x(V ) ⊂ R3
such that the regular surface x(U ) has E, F, G and e, f, g as coefficients of the first
and second fundamental forms, respectively. Furthermore, if U is connected and if
x̄ : U → x̄(U ) ⊂ R3 is another diffeomorphism satisfying the same conditions, then
there exist a translation T and a proper linear orthogonal transformation ρ in R3
such that x̄ = T ◦ ρ ◦ x.
Gauss equation:
(1) Γ212u − Γ211v + Γ112 Γ211 + Γ212 Γ212 − Γ211 Γ222 − Γ111 Γ212 = −EK
Mainardi-Codazzi equations:
(2a) ev − fu = eΓ112 + f (Γ212 − Γ111 ) − gΓ211
(2b) fv − gu = eΓ122 + f (Γ222 − Γ112 ) − gΓ212

where K is the Gaussian Curvature and Γjik the Christoffel symbols.

This theorem realizes first and a second fundamental forms compatibles as a reg-
ular surface in the euclidean 3-space. In [2] M. Kossowski gave sufficient conditions
for a singular first fundamental form to be realized as a wave front with several
restricted characteristics. In Section 5, we prove our main result in theorem 5.1
which generalizes the fundamental theorem of regular surfaces mentioned before in-
cluding now all the proper frontals, with the possibility to distinguish wave fronts
from its fundamental forms. To state this theorem, we introduced some additional
terminology in Section 2, where we establish the necessary notation, terminology
and basic results that we use mostly. In Section 3 we characterize a frontal x
with the differential of x, its fundamental forms with decomposition of matrices
and wave fronts with two new curvatures which are related with the Gaussian and
mean curvature. In Section 4, we get two groups of equations, which are present in
all frontals and guarantee the integrability conditions for the system of PDE that
we consider in theorem 5.1.

2. Fixing notation, definitions and basic results

We denote U and V in this paper open sets in R2 . Let x : U → R3 be a frontal,
and as we are interested in exploring local properties of frontals, restricting the
domain if necessary, we can suppose that we have a global normal vector field
ν : U → R3 . There are two possible choices of normal vector fields along x (ν and
−ν). We are always assuming that we have chosen one of them and we hold fixed
this for all the concepts defined using a normal vector field along x. Let f : U → Rn
be a smooth map, we denote by Df := ( ∂x j
), the differential of f and we consider it
as a smooth map Df : U → Mn×2 (R). We write Dfx1 , Dfx2 the partial derivatives
of Df and Df (p) := ( ∂x j
(p)) for p ∈ U . Also, all vector in Rn is identified as
vector column in Mn×1 (R) and if A ∈ Mn×n (R), A(i) is the ith -row and A(j) is
the j th -column of A.

Definition 2.1. We call moving base a smooth map Ω :U → M3×2 (R) in which
the columns w1 , w2 : U → R3 of the matrix Ω = w1 w2 are linearly independent
smooth vector fields.

Definition 2.2. We call a tangent moving base of x a moving base Ω = w1 w2
such that xu , xv ∈ hw1 , w2 i, where h, i denotes the linear span vector space.
Let x : U → R3 be a frontal with a global normal vector field ν : U → R3 .
Denoting the inner product by (·) and ()T the operation of transposing a matrix,
we set the matrices:
E F xu · xu xu · xv
(3a) I= :=
F G xu · xv xv · xv
e f ν · xuu ν · xuv
(3b) II = :=
f g ν · xuv ν · xvv
Eu (Fu − 12 Ev ) −1
Γ11 Γ211
(3c) Γ1 = := 1 2 I
Γ121 Γ221 2 Ev
2 Gu
1 1
Γ12 Γ212
2 Ev 2 Gu −1
(3d) Γ2 = := I
Γ122 Γ222 (Fv − 12 Gu ) 12 Gv
(3e) α := −IIT I−1
The matrices I and II in a non-singular point p ∈ U coincide with the matrix
representation of the first fundamental form and of the second fundamental form
respectively. Γ1 , Γ2 and α are defined in Σ(x)c , they are the Christoffel symbols
and the Weingarten matrix. Also observe that, we can compute these matrices in
this way:
(4a) I = DxT Dx
(4b) II = −DxT Dν
(4c) Γ1 = (DxTu Dx)I−1
(4d) Γ2 = (DxTv Dx)I−1
w1 ×w2

Let Ω = w1 w2 be a moving base, we denote by n := kw1 ×w2 k and we set the
(5a) IΩ = := ΩT Ω
eΩ f1Ω
(5b) IIΩ = := −ΩT Dn
f2Ω gΩ
 1 2

T11 T11
(5c) T1= 1 T2 := (ΩTu Ω)I−1

T21 21
 1 2

T12 T12
(5d) T2= 1 2 := (ΩTv Ω)I−1

T22 T22
(5e) µ := −IITΩ I−1


Notice that, these last matrices coincide with I, II, Γ1 , Γ2 and α when Ω = Dx is
a moving base. Since n · w1 = 0 and n · w2 = 0, then we have −nu · w1 = n · w1u ,
−nv · w1 = n · w1v , −nu · w2 = n · w2u and −nv · w2 = n · w2v . Therefore,
n · w1u n · w1v
(6) IIΩ =
n · w2u n · w2v
Also, as nu , nv ∈ hw1 , w2 i, there exist real functions (µ̄ij ) i, j ∈ {1, 2} defined on
U , such that:
(7a) nu = µ̄11 w1 + µ̄12 w2
(7b) nv = µ̄21 w1 + µ̄22 w2
Then, Dn = Ωµ̄T , where µ̄ = (µ̄ij ). Thus, using (5b) IIΩ = −ΩT Dn =
−ΩT Ωµ̄T = −IΩ µ̄T , therefore µ̄ = −IITΩ I−1
Ω = µ and we have:

(8) Dn = ΩµT
By last, w1 and w2 are linearly independent, the positive-definite quadratic form
(·) restricted to hw1 , w2 i has IΩ = ΩT Ω as its matrix representation in the base
{w1 , w2 } and therefore det(IΩ ) > 0.
The following is a particular version of Frobenius theorem that can be found in
(appendix B[13]) or [14].
Theorem 2.3 (Frobenius). Let Θ, Ξ : U × V → Rn be smooth vector fields, where
U ⊂ R2 and V ⊂ Rn are open sets. Let (u0 , v0 ) ∈ U be a fixed point. Then for
each point p ∈ V the system of PDE:
(9a) = Θ(u, v, x(u, v)),
(9b) = Ξ(u, v, x(u, v)),
(9c) x(u0 , v0 ) = p,
has a unique smooth solution x : U0 → Rn defined on a neighborhood U0 of
(u0 , v0 ) ∈ U0 if and only if, it satisfies the compatibility condition:

∂Θ ∂Θ ∂Ξ ∂Ξ
(10) + Ξ= + Θ
∂v ∂x ∂u ∂x
Corollary 2.4. Let S, T : U → Mn×n (R) be smooth vector fields, where U is an
open set in R2 . Let (u0 , v0 ) ∈ U be a fixed point. Then for each point A ∈ GL(n)
the system of PDE:
(11a) = SG,
(11b) = TG,
(11c) G(u0 , v0 ) = A,

has a unique smooth solution G : U0 → GL(n) defined on a neighbourhood U0 of

(u0 , v0 ) ∈ U0 if and only if, it satisfies the compatibility condition:

∂S ∂T
(12) − + [S, T] = 0,
∂v ∂u
where [S, T] = ST − TS is the Lie bracket.
Proof. Identifying Mn×n (R) ≡ Rn and defining Θ(u, v, X) := SX and Ξ(u, v, X) :=
TX for X ∈ Mn×n (R), the compatibility condition (10) is equivalent to (12) and
by theorem 2.3 follows the result. 

3. Characterizing a frontal and its fundamental forms

Proposition 3.1. Let x : U → R3 be a smooth map with U ⊂ R2 an open set.Then,
x is a frontal if and only if, for all p ∈ U there is a tangent moving base Ω : Vp →
M3×2 (R) of x with Vp ⊂ U a neighborhood of p.
Proof. If x is a frontal, then for all p ∈ U there exists a unitary vector field
ν : Vp → R3 with xu · n = 0, xv · n = 0, Vp a neighborhood of p which we can
reduce in order to get νi 6= 0 on Vp for any i ∈ {1, 2, 3}. Without
 loss of generality
let us suppose that ν1 6= 0 and define Ω := w1 w2 with w1 = (ν2 , −ν1 , 0)
and w2 = (ν3 , 0, −ν1 ). Since w1 and w2 are linearly independent, orthogonal to
ν and dim(ν ⊥ ) = 2 (ν ⊥ orthogonal space to ν), we have that hw1 , w2 i = ν ⊥ .
Therefore, Ω : Vp → M3×2 (R) is a tangent moving base of x. The converse,
w1 ×w2
just define ν := kw 1 ×w2 k
taking w1 and w2 the columns from a tangent moving
base Ω : Vp → M3×2 (R). Then, ν is orthogonal to xu and xv which belong to
hw1 , w2 i. 
Proposition 3.2. Let x : U → R3 be a smooth map with U ⊂ R2 an open set.Then,
x is a frontal if and only if, for all p ∈ U there are smooth maps Ω : Vp → M3×2 (R)
and Λ : Vp → M2×2 (R) with rank(Ω) = 2, Vp ⊂ U a neighbourhood of p, such
that Dx(q) = ΩΛT for all q ∈ Vp .
Proof. If x is a frontal, by proposition 3.1 for all p ∈ U there is a tangent moving
base Ω : Vp → M3×2 (R) of x with Vp ⊂ U a neighborhood of p. Thus, there are
coefficients λij such that xu = λ11 w1 + λ12 w2 and xv = λ21 w1 + λ22 w2 . Therefore,
Dx(q) = ΩΛT for all q ∈ Vp where Λ = (λij ). Multiplying the equality by
ΩT and as IΩ is invertible, we have that I−1 T T
Ω Ω Dx(q) = Λ . Then, Λ : Vp →
M2×2 (R) is smooth. Reciprocally, if we have Dx(q) = ΩΛT for all q ∈ Vp , then
xu = λ11 w1 + λ12 w2 and xv = λ21 w1 + λ22 w2 . Hence xu , xv ∈ hw1 , w2 i and
as Rank(Ω) = 2, Ω is a tangent moving base of x. By proposition 3.1 x is a
Remark 3.3. In the proof of proposition (3.2), observe that Λ = DxT Ω(ITΩ )−1 ,
then Λ is determined by a local tangent moving base of x. Also having a decom-
position Dx = ΩΛT with rank(Ω) = 2 implies that Ω is a tangent moving base of

From now on, as we want to describe local properties and tangent moving bases
exist locally, we can suppose that we have a global tangent moving base for a
frontal restringing the domain if necessary. If x is a frontal and Ω a tangent
moving base of x, we denote Λ := DxT Ω(IΩ )−1 , λΩ := det(Λ) and TΩ as the
principal ideal generated by λΩ in the ring C ∞ (U, R). Thus, we have globally
Dx = ΩΛT , Σ(x) = λ−1 Ω (0)
 and rank(Dx) = rank(Λ). Also, with a tangent
moving base Ω = w1 w2 given, we always choose as unit normal vector field
w1 ×w2
ν : U → R3 along x, the induced by Ω (i.e n = kw 1 ×w2 k

Definition 3.4. Let x : U → R3 be a frontal, Ω = w1 w2 and Ω̄ = w̄1 w̄2


tangent moving bases of x. We say that Ω and Ω̄ are compatibles if w1 × w2 ·

w̄1 × w̄2 > 0. Also, Ω is orthonormal tangent moving base if |w1 | = |w2 | = 1 and
w1 · w2 = 0.
Theorem 3.5. Let x : U → R3 be a frontal and Ω a tangent moving base of x,
then the matrices defined by equations 3a and 3b have the following decomposition:

E F λ11 λ12 EΩ FΩ λ11 λ12
(13a) =
F G λ21 λ22 FΩ GΩ λ21 λ22
e f λ11 λ12 eΩ f1Ω
(13b) = ,
f g λ21 λ22 f2Ω gΩ
in which all the components are smooth real functions defined on U , EΩ > 0,
GΩ > 0, EΩ GΩ − FΩ2 > 0, rank(Dx) = rank(Λ), Σ(x) = λ−1Ω (0) and

(14a) Λ(1)u IΩ ΛT(2) − Λ(1) IΩ ΛT(2)u + Ev − Fu ∈ TΩ

(14b) Λ(1)v IΩ ΛT(2) − Λ(1) IΩ ΛT(2)v + Fv − Gu ∈ TΩ
where Λ = (λij ).
Proof. We have Dx = ΩΛT , then I = DxT Dx = ΛΩT ΩΛT = ΛIΩ ΛT . Also,
II = −DxT Dn = Λ(−ΩT Dn) = ΛIIΩ . Now, let us set the skew-symmetric
0 −(Ev − Fu ) 0 −τ1
A1 := , B1 := := ΩTu Ω − ΩT Ωu .
Ev − Fu 0 τ1 0

From (3c) and (4c) we have DxTu Dx − 12 Iu = 21 A1 , then using that I = ΛIΩ ΛT ,
Dx = ΩΛT and developing derivatives,
1 1
(ΛΩTu + Λu ΩT )ΩΛT = (Λu IΩ ΛT + ΛIΩu ΛT + ΛIΩ ΛTu ) + A1 .
2 2
Substituting IΩ = ΩT Ω and IΩu = ΩTu Ω + ΩT Ωu , we can group and cancel similar
terms, getting
ΛB1 ΛT = ΛIΩ ΛTu − Λu IΩ ΛT + A1 .

multiplying the equality by left side with 1 0 and by the right side with 0 1 ,
we obtain,
0 −τ1
−τ1 λΩ = Λ(1) ΛT(2) = Λ(1) IΩ ΛT(2)u − Λ(1)u IΩ ΛT(2) − (Ev − Fu )
τ1 0
and from it follows (14a). Setting the matrices:
0 −(Fv − Gu ) 0 −τ2
A2 := , B2 = := ΩTv Ω − ΩT Ωv
Fv − Gu 0 τ2 0
Observing that, DxTv Dx − 12 Iv = 21 A2 and proceeding similarly as before, it follows

The conditions (14a) and (14b) in theorem 3.5 may seem kind of strange, but
we will see in proposition 3.14 why these are so important. Also these expressions
can be reduced depending on the type of Ω chosen. If we have a tangent moving
base of a frontal, we always can construct an orthonormal one applying Gram-
Schmidt orthonormalization, then the decompositions in theorem 3.5 are reduced
and follows easily the corollary:
Corollary 3.6. Let x : U → R3 be a frontal and Ω a orthonormal tangent moving
base of x, then the matrices defined by equations 3a and 3b have the following
E F λ11 λ12 λ11 λ12
(15a) =
F G λ21 λ22 λ21 λ22
e f λ11 λ12 eΩ f1Ω
(15b) = ,
f g λ21 λ22 f2Ω gΩ
in which all the components are smooth real functions defined on U , rank(Dx) =
rank(Λ), Σ(x) = λ−1Ω (0) and

(16a) (Λ(1) ΛT(1) )v − 2Λ(1) ΛT(2)u ∈ TΩ

(16b) 2Λ(1)v ΛT(2) − (Λ(2) ΛT(2) )u ∈ TΩ
where Λ = (λij ).
Remark 3.7. If x : U → R3 is a frontal and Ω a tangent moving base of x, we
can find a tangent moving base Ω̂ having one of the following forms:
     
1 0 1 0 0 1
 0 1  , g1 g2  ,  1 0  ,
g1 g2 0 1 g1 g2
     
g1 g2 g1 g2 0 1
 1 0  ,  0 1  , g1 g2  ,
0 1 1 0 1 0

with g1 , g2 : U → R smooth functions and the matrix Λ̂T as an exact differential,

it means, there is a smooth map (a, b) : U → R2 such that D(a, b) = Λ̂T . To see it,
as the columns of Ω are linearly independent, then applying reduction of Gauss-
Jordan with a finite number of operations by columns, it can be reduced to one
of the forms above. Without loss of generality, let us suppose it is reduced to the
first one. If we denote E1 , E2 , .., Em the elementary matrices 2 × 2 corresponding
to the operations by columns, we have:
 
1 0
−1 −1 T −1 −1 T
Dx = ΩΛT = ΩE1 E2 · · · Em E−1 m · · · E2 E 1 Λ =
 0 1  E−1 m · · · E2 E1 Λ
g1 g2

Denoting Λ̂T := E−1 · · · E−1 E−1 ΛT and x = (a, b, c), we can multiply the last
m 2 1
1 0 0
equality by to get:
0 1 0
 
      1 0
au av 1 0 0 1 0 0 
D(a, b) = = Dx = 0 1  Λ̂T = I2 Λ̂T = Λ̂T .
bu bv 0 1 0 0 1 0
g1 g2

On the other hand, a simple computation leads to

1 + g12 g1 g2
g1u g1v 1
IΩ̂ = 2 , IIΩ̂ = (1 + g12 + g22 )− 2 ,
g1 g2 1 + g2 g2u g2v
and since Dn = Ω̂µT with n = (−g1 , −g2 , 1)det(IΩ )− 2 , reasoning as before we get
1 1
that D(−g1 det(IΩ )− 2 , −g2 det(IΩ )− 2 ) = µT .

By this fact and theorem 3.5, follows the result:

Corollary 3.8. Let x : U → R3 be a frontal and Ω a tangent moving base of x

with the form of remark 3.7, then the matrices defined by equations 3a and 3b have
a decomposition in this form:
1 + g12 g1 g2
E F au bu au bu
(17a) =
F G av bv g1 g2 1 + g22 av bv
e f au bu g1u g1v 1
(17b) = (1 + g12 + g22 )− 2
f g av bv g2u g2v

in which g1 , g2 , a and b are smooth real functions defined in U . In particular, (17b)

implies (a, b)u · (g1 , g2 )v = (a, b)v · (g1 , g2 )u .

Example 3.9. The cuspidal cross-cap (see Figure 3) can be decomposed in this

Figure 3. The cuspidal cross-cap (x(u, v) = (u, v 2 , uv 3 )), an ex-

ample of a proper frontal which is not a front [7].
   
1 0   1 0  
1 0 T 1 0
Dx =  0 1  = ΩΛ , where Ω = 0  1 ,Λ =
3 3 0 2v 3 0 2v
v 2 uv v3 2 uv
3 T
1 + v6 4
E F 1 0 2 uv 1 0
= 3
F G 0 2v uv 4 1 + 94 u2 v 2 0 2v
    2 2

e f 1 0 0 3v 1
= 3 3
f g 0 2v 2v 2u
1 + v 6 + 94 u2 v 2

Theorem 3.10. Let I : U → M2×2 (R) be a smooth map, with I decomposing in

this form:
1 + g12 g1 g2
au bu au bu
av bv g1 g2 1 + g22 av bv
in which g1 , g2 , a and b are smooth real functions defined in U , satisfying (a, b)u ·
(g1 , g2 )v = (a, b)v · (g1 , g2 )u . Then, for each (u0 , v0 ) ∈ U and p ∈ R3 , there is a
frontal x : V → R3 , V ⊂ U , V a neighborhood of (u0 , v0 ) with first fundamental
form I and second fundamental form D(a, b)T D(g1 , g2 )(1 + g12 + g22 )− 2 .
Proof. Setting the matrices:
 
1 0      
T au av 1 0
Ω := 0 1 , Λ :=
  , e1 := , e2 :=
bu bv 0 1
g1 g2
as (a, b)u · (g1 , g2 )v = (a, b)v · (g1 , g2 )u , then
   
0 0   0 0  
a a
Ωu ΛT e2 =  0 0  v = 0 0  u = Ωv ΛT e1
bv bu
g1u g2u g1v g2v

on the other hand, since ΛT is an exact differential, ΛTu e2 = ΛTv e1 . Thus, ΩΛTu e2 =
ΩΛTv e1 and adding this equality to the above one, we get:
(ΩΛT )u e2 = Ωu ΛT e2 + ΩΛTu e2 = Ωv ΛT e1 + ΩΛTv e1 = (ΩΛT )v e1
Denoting by z1 and z2 the first and second columns of ΩΛT respectively, fixing
(u0 , v0 ) ∈ U and p ∈ R3 the last equality is equivalent to z2u = z1v , which is the
compatibility condition of the system:
(19a) xu = z 1
(19b) xv = z 2
(19c) x(u0 , v0 ) = p,
By theorem 2.3, this system of PDE has a solution x : V → R3 , V ⊂ U , V a
neighborhood of (u0 , v0 ). Therefore Dx = ΩΛT and by proposition 3.2, x : V → R3
is a frontal. Now, the first fundamental form is DxT Dx = ΛΩT ΩΛT = I as
we wished. Using that n = (−g1 , −g2 , 1)(1 + g12 + g22 )− 2 and (6), the second
fundamental form is ΛIIΩ = D(a, b)T D(g1 , g2 )(1 + g12 + g22 )− 2 . 
Proposition 3.11. Let x : U → R3 be a frontal and Ω a tangent moving base of x,
then the matrices T 1 , T 2 satisfies IΩ T T1 + T 1 IΩ = IΩu and IΩ T T2 + T 2 IΩ = IΩv .
Proof. IΩu = ΩTu Ω + ΩT Ωu = ΩTu ΩI−1 −1 T T
Ω IΩ + IΩ IΩ Ω Ωu = T 1 IΩ + IΩ T 1 . For IΩv
is analogous. 
Proposition 3.12. Let x : U → R3 be a proper frontal and Ω a tangent moving
base of x, then the Christoffel symbols defined on U − λ−1
Ω (0) have the following
Γ1 = (ΛT 1 + Λu )Λ−1 and Γ2 = (ΛT 2 + Λv )Λ−1

Proof. Γ1 = (DxTu Dx)I−1 = ((Ωu ΛT + ΩΛTu )T ΩΛT )(ΛT )−1 I−1

−1 −1
= (ΛΩu + Λu Ω )ΩΛ (Λ ) IΩ Λ−1 = (ΛΩu ΩIΩ + Λu Ω ΩI−1
T −1 T −1
Ω )Λ . Since
T 1 = ΩTu ΩI−1 T
Ω and IΩ = Ω Ω we have the result. For Γ2 it is analogous. 
Remark 3.13. With this decomposition of the Christoffel symbols, by density of
non-singular points and smoothness of T i on U , we get that T 1 and T 2 can be
expressed by:
• For p ∈ Σ(x)c ,
T 1 = Λ−1 (Γ1 Λ − Λu ) and T 2 = Λ−1 (Γ2 Λ − Λv ).
• For p ∈ Σ(x),
T1= lim Λ−1 (Γ1 Λ − Λu ) and T 2 = lim Λ−1 (Γ2 Λ − Λv ).
(u,v)→p (u,v)→p

Where the right sides are restricted to the open set Σ(x)c . As Γ1 and Γ2 are
expressed in terms of E, F , G and these by (13a) are expressed in terms of EΩ ,
FΩ , GΩ and λij , then T 1 and T 2 can be expressed just using EΩ , FΩ , GΩ and λij

on Σ(x)c . By density, these are completely determined by EΩ , FΩ , GΩ and λij on

Proposition 3.14. Let I, IΩ , Λ : U → M2×2 (R) arbitrary smooth maps, IΩ sym-
metric non-singular, λΩ = det(Λ) and TΩ the principal ideal generated by λΩ in
the ring C ∞ (U, R). If we have,
(20) I= = ΛIΩ ΛT
with int(λ−1 −1
Ω (0)) = ∅ and if we define Γ1 by (3c) and Γ2 by (3d) on U − λΩ (0),
then the maps
(21a) Λ−1 (Γ1 Λ − Λu ),
(21b) Λ−1 (Γ2 Λ − Λv ),
defined on U − λ−1
Ω (0), have unique C
∞ extensions to U if and only if,

(22a) Λ(1)u IΩ ΛT(2) − Λ(1) IΩ ΛT(2)u + Ev − Fu ∈ TΩ

(22b) Λ(1)v IΩ ΛT(2) − Λ(1) IΩ ΛT(2)v + Fv − Gu ∈ TΩ
Proof. For the necessary condition, let us set the skew-symmetric matrix
0 −(Ev − Fu )
A1 :=
Ev − Fu 0
and suppose that T 1 is the C ∞ extension of Λ−1 (Γ1 Λ − Λu ), then
(23) ΛT 1 = Γ1 Λ − Λu
on U − λ−1
Ω (0), hence using (3c) we have
1 1
(24) ΛT 1 = ( Iu + A1 )I−1 Λ − Λu .
2 2
Substituting I and Iu in the last equality using (20) and multiplying by the right
side with 2IΩ ΛT , operating some terms we can get,
(25) Λ(2T 1 IΩ − IΩu )ΛT = ΛIΩ ΛTu − Λu IΩ ΛT + A1 .
Observe that, the right side of (25) is skew-symmetric, then 2T 1 IΩ − IΩu as well
and since U − λ−1
Ω (0) is dense, this is also true on U . Thus,
0 −τ1
2T 1 IΩ − IΩu =
τ1 0
for any τ1 ∈ C ∞ (U, R) and since the equality (25) is valid on U by density, then
multiplying this by left side with 1 0 and by the right side with 0 1 , we
0 −τ1
−τ1 λΩ = Λ(1) ΛT(2) = Λ(1) IΩ ΛT(2)u − Λ(1)u IΩ ΛT(2) − (Ev − Fu )
τ1 0

and from it follows (22a). Setting the matrix:

0 −(Fv − Gu )
A2 :=
Fv − Gu 0
and observing that Γ2 = ( 21 Iv + 21 A2 )I−1 , proceeding similarly as before, it follows
(22b). For the sufficient condition, if we have (22a), (22b), as U − λ−1 Ω (0) is dense
then there exist unique τ1 , τ2 ∈ C ∞ (U, R) such that,
Λ(1)u IΩ ΛT(2) − Λ(1) IΩ ΛT(2)u + Ev − Fu = λΩ τ1 ,
Λ(1)v IΩ ΛT(2) − Λ(1) IΩ ΛT(2)v + Fv − Gu = λΩ τ2 .
Defining the smooth maps on U ,
1 0 −τ1 −1 1 0 −τ2
(26) T 1 := ( + IΩu )IΩ and T 2 := ( + IΩv )I−1
Ω ,
2 τ1 0 2 τ2 0
we have that
Λ(2T 1 IΩ − IΩu )ΛT = ΛIΩ ΛTu − Λu IΩ ΛT + A1 ,
Λ(2T 2 IΩ − IΩv )ΛT = ΛIΩ ΛTv − Λv IΩ ΛT + A2 ,
which leads to T 1 and T 2 be equal to (21a) and (21b) respectively on U − λ−1
Ω (0).
Thus, by density and smoothness of T 1 and T 2 , these are unique C ∞ -extensions.

Remark 3.15. By proposition 3.14, we always can define the matrices T 1 , T 2 by
(26) from a smooth map I : U → M2×2 (R) satisfying a decomposition as in (20)
with the conditions (22a) and (22b). These maps T 1 , T 2 automatically satisfy the
relationships of proposition 3.11 as also are the unique C ∞ extension of (21a) and
(21b). It is natural the question if a decomposition as in (20) implies the conditions
(22a), (22b) and the answer is not. For example the matrix I associated to the first
fundamental form of (u, v 2 , uv) (The Whitney cross-cap) is singular at (0, 0) and
have a rank ≥ 1 on the entire R2 , then you can obtain the Cholesky decomposition
I = ΛΛT (here IΩ can be chosen as I2 ), where Λ : R2 → M2×2 (R) is smooth and
a lower triangular matrix. It is not difficult to check that in this case the condition
(22a) and (22a) are not satisfied for all neighborhood of (0, 0).
Definition 3.16. Let x : U → R3 be a frontal and Ω a tangent moving base of x,
we define the Ω-relative curvature KΩ := det(µ) and the Ω-relative mean curvature
HΩ := − 21 tr(µadj(Λ)), where tr() is the trace and adj() is the adjoint of a matrix.
We are going to use KΩ and HΩ to characterize wave fronts in propositions 3.22
and 3.23, but first we need to prove some propositions. The reason why we call
these functions curvatures is in the following result.
Proposition 3.17. Let x : U → R3 be a proper frontal, Ω a tangent moving base
of x, KΩ , HΩ , K and H the Ω-relative curvature, the Ω-relative mean curvature,
the Gaussian curvature and the mean curvature of x respectively.Then,
• for p ∈ Σ(x)c , KΩ = λΩ K and HΩ = λΩ H,

• for p ∈ Σ(x), KΩ = lim λΩ K and HΩ = lim λΩ H,

(u,v)→p (u,v)→p
where the right sides are restricted to the open set Σ(x)c .
Proof. By theorem 3.5, I = ΛIΩ ΛT and II = ΛIIΩ , then for p ∈ Σ(x)c , α =
−IIT I−1 = −IITΩ ΛT (ΛT )−1 I−1
−1 = µΛ−1 . Thus, αΛ = µ and K = det(µ) =

det(α)det(Λ) = λΩ K. Also, we have αλΩ = µadj(Λ), then HΩ = − 21 tr(µadj(Λ)) =
− 12 λΩ tr(α) = λΩ H. By density of Σ(x)c and the smoothness of KΩ and HΩ we
have the result for p ∈ Σ(x). 
Proposition 3.18. Let x : U → R3 be a frontal and Ω a tangent moving base of
x. The zeros of KΩ and HΩ do not depend on the tangent moving base Ω chosen
for x. Also, the signs are preserved if we restrict Ω to compatibles tangent moving
Proof. Let Ω = w1 w2 and Ω̄ = w̄1 w̄2 be tangent moving bases of x,
Λ = DxT Ω(ITΩ )−1 and Λ̄ = DxT Ω̄(ITΩ̄ )−1 . Since, hw1 , w2 i = n⊥ = hw̄1 , w̄2 i,
there exist C ∈ GL(2) such that Ω = Ω̄C. Then, Λ = DxT Ω̄C(CT Ω̄T Ω̄C)−1 =
DxT Ω̄(ITΩ̄ )−1 (CT )−1 = Λ̄(CT )−1 . On the other hand, µ = −IITΩ I−1 T
Ω = −Dn ΩIΩ

= −DnT Ω̄C(CT Ω̄T Ω̄C)−1 = −IITΩ̄ I−1 Ω̄

(CT )−1 = µ̄(CT )−1 . Now, KΩ̄ = det(µ̄) =
det(µ)det(C) = det(C)KΩ and HΩ̄ = − 12 tr(µ̄adj(Λ̄)) = − 12 tr(µCT adj(CT )adj(Λ))
= − 12 tr(µadj(Λ))det(C) = det(C)HΩ , then KΩ = 0 if and only if, KΩ̄ = 0
and HΩ = 0 if and only if, HΩ̄ = 0. For the last assertion, observe that, if Ω
and Ω̄ are compatibles, as Ω = Ω̄C, then w1 × w2 = det(C)w̄1 × w̄2 and thus
det(C) = (w1 × w2 · w̄1 × w̄2 )|w̄1 × w̄2 |−2 > 0, therefore KΩ and HΩ have the same
sign of KΩ̄ and HΩ̄ . 
If we have a frontal x : U → R3 with a tangent moving base Ω and we compose
x with a diffeomorphism h : V → U , this composition results a frontal (D(x ◦ h) =
(Ω ◦ h)(Λ ◦ h)T Dh) with Ω ◦ h being a tangent moving base of x ◦ h. Similarly,
if we compose x with a diffeomorphism k : W → Z, x(U ) ⊂ W , where W , Z are
open sets of R2 , this composition results a frontal (D(k ◦ x) = Dk(x)ΩΛT ) with
Dk(x)Ω being a tangent moving base of x ◦ h. Also, it is not difficult to see that
if we have a front x : U → R3 , then x ◦ h and φ ◦ x are fronts when φ : R3 → R3
is an isometry of R3 and h : V → U is a diffeomorphism.
Proposition 3.19. Let x : U → R3 be a frontal, h : V → U a diffeomorphism,
x̄ := x ◦ h the composite frontal, Ω and Ω̄ tangent moving bases of x and x̄
respectively. If KΩ , HΩ are the relative curvatures for x and K̄Ω̄ , H̄Ω̄ are the
relative curvatures for x̄, then
• KΩ (h(x, y)) = 0 if and only if K̄Ω̄ (x, y) = 0.
• HΩ (h(x, y)) = 0 if and only if H̄Ω̄ (x, y) = 0.
Proof. For the first item, as Ω̂ := Ω(h) is a tangent moving base of x̄(x, y), by (3.18)
K̄Ω̂ (x, y) = 0 if and only if K̄Ω̄ (x, y) = 0, but observe that K̄Ω̂ (x, y) = KΩ (h(x, y))
which proves the item. On the other hand Λ̂ = Dx̄T Ω̂(IΩ̂ )−1 = DhT Λ(h)

and n̂ = n ◦ h, then µ̂ = −IITΩ̂ I−1 = −Dn̂T Ω̂I−1 = −DhT DnT (h)Ω̂I−1 =

Ω̂ Ω̂ Ω̂
−DhT IITΩ (h)I−1 T 1 1
Ω (h) = Dh µ(h), thus H̄Ω̂ = − 2 tr(µ̂adj(Λ̂)) = − 2 tr(adj(Λ̂)µ̂) =
−det(Dh) 2 tr(µ(h)adj(Λ(h))) = det(Dh)HΩ (h) and therefore HΩ (h(x, y)) = 0 if
and only if H̄Ω̂ (x, y) = 0. By proposition 3.18 it follows the second item. 
Proposition 3.20. Let x : U → R3 be a frontal, φ : R3 → R3 an isometry of
R3 , x̄ := φ ◦ x the composite frontal, Ω and Ω̄ tangent moving bases of x and
x̄ respectively. If KΩ , HΩ are the relative curvatures for x and K̄Ω̄ , H̄Ω̄ are the
relative curvatures for x̄, then
• KΩ (u, v) = 0 if and only if K̄Ω̄ (u, v) = 0.
• HΩ (u, v) = 0 if and only if H̄Ω̄ (u, v) = 0.
Proof. if φ is an isometry, then we can write it in this form φ(p) = Op + a,
where O ∈ M3×3 (R) is an orthogonal matrix and a ∈ R3 is a fixed vector. Thus,
Ω̂ := OΩ is a tangent moving base of x̄ and n̂ = ±On (+ if det(O) = 1 and −
if det(O) = −1), then IIΩ̂ = ±(−ΩT OT ODn) = ±IIΩ , IΩ̂ = ΩT OT OΩ = IΩ
and Λ̂ = Λ. Therefore, µ̂ = ±µ which implies KΩ = KΩ̂ and HΩ = ±HΩ̂ . By
proposition 3.18 it follows both items. 
Proposition 3.21. Let x : U → R3 be a frontal and Ω a tangent moving base of
x, then x is a front if and only if,
has a 2 × 2 minor different of zero, for each p ∈ Σ(x).
Proof. let n be the normal vector field along x. By definition, x is a front if and
only if,
      T  T
Dx Ω 0 Λ Λ
2 = rank( ) = rank( ) = rank( ) = rank( )
Dn ΩµT 0 Ω µT µT
which is equivalent to have a 2 × 2 minor of the matrix (27) different of zero. 
The propositions 3.18, 3.19 and 3.20 now allow us to explore in which point any of
KΩ and HΩ turns zero making change of coordinates, applying isometries of R3 and
switching tangent moving bases. In the following theorem the necessary condition of
the first item was proved in ([5],Proposition 2.4) identifying HΩ as a C ∞ extension
of λΩ H for fronts with singular set having empty interior. The problem to use
that result here is that the extension of λΩ H depends on the existence of regular
points dense in the domain. However this holds in general for all fronts without
that condition and the converse as well.
Theorem 3.22. Let x : U → R3 be a frontal, Ω a tangent moving base of x and
p ∈ Σ(x). Then,
• x : U → R3 is a front on a neighborhood V of p with rank(Dx(p)) = 1 if
and only if HΩ (p) 6= 0.

• x : U → R3 is a front on a neighborhood V of p with rank(Dx(p)) = 0 if

and only if HΩ (p) = 0 and KΩ (p) 6= 0.
Proof. For the first item, we can apply a change of coordinates h and an isometry
φ of R3 (making the line Dx(p)(R2 ) parallel to (1, 0, 0)) such that x̄ = φ ◦ x ◦ h =
(u, b(u, v), c(u, v)), h(0, 0) = p, bu (0, 0) = bv (0, 0) = cu (0, 0) = 0 and having a
tangent moving base Ω̄ in the form of remark 3.7. Thus, Dx̄ = Ω̄Λ̄T , Λ̄T = D(u, b),
1 1
µ̄T = D(−g1 det(IΩ̄ )− 2 , −g2 det(IΩ̄ )− 2 ) and (u, b)u · (g1 , g2 )v = (u, b)v · (g1 , g2 )u (by
corollary 3.8). Hence, cu = g1 + g2 bu and g1v + bu g2v = bv g2u which implies that
g1 (0, 0) = g1v (0, 0) = 0. Since x̄ is wave front locally at (0, 0), by proposition 3.21
the matrix  
D(u, b)
has a minor 2×2 different of zero at (0, 0) and therefore (−g2 det(IΩ̄ )− 2 )v (0, 0) 6= 0.
On the other hand a simple computation using the definition leads to H̄Ω̄ (0, 0) =
− 12 (−g2 det(IΩ̄ )− 2 )v (0, 0) 6= 0, hence HΩ (p) 6= 0. Now, if we suppose that HΩ (p) 6=
0, as HΩ (p) = − 21 (λ22 µ11 −λ21 µ12 +λ11 µ22 −λ12 µ21 )(p), then (λ12 µ21 −λ22 µ11 )(p) 6=
0 or (λ11 µ22 − λ21 µ12 )(p) 6= 0, which are two 2 × 2 minors of (27) and also
Λ(p) 6= 0. Thus, rank(Dx(p)) = rank(Λ(p)) = 1 and there exists a neigh-
borhood V of p, where any of these two 2 × 2 minors is different of zero, therefore
by proposition 3.22 x is a front on V . For the second item, if x is a front and
rank(Dx(p)) = rank(Λ(p)) = 0, then Λ(p) = 0, HΩ (p) = 0 and by proposition
3.22 KΩ (p) = det(µT ) 6= 0. Now, if KΩ (p) 6= 0 and HΩ (p) = 0, there exist a
neighborhood V of p where KΩ 6= 0 and by proposition 3.22 x is a front on V . By
the first item, rank(Dx(p)) 6= 1 because HΩ (p) = 0, then rank(Dx(p)) = 0. 
From theorem 3.22 and proposition 3.18 follows immediately the following corol-
Corollary 3.23. Let x : U → R3 be a frontal, this is a front if and only if,
(KΩ , HΩ ) 6= 0 on Σ(x) for whatever tangent moving base Ω of x.
Example 3.24. Let x : R2 → R3 defined by x(u, v) := (u2 , v 2 , v 3 + u3 ), this is a
frontal with rank(Dx(p)) = 0 on p = (0, 0) (Figure 4). We have the decomposition:

Figure 4. A front with rank(Dx(0, 0)) = 0.


   
2 0   2 0  
u 0 T u 0
Dx =  0 2  = ΩΛ , where Ω =  0 2  , Λ = ,
0 v 0 v
3u 3v 3u 3v
being Ω a tangent moving base of x, then we have n = (−6u, −6v, 4)− 2 , w1u =
(0, 0, 3), w1v = (0, 0, 0), w2u = (0, 0, 0) and w2v = (0, 0, 3). Thus
4 + 9u2 12− 2
9uv 0
IΩ = , IIΩ =
9uv 4 + 9v 2 0
12− 2

where  = 36u2 + 36v 2 + 16. Also, KΩ (u, v) = 144(36u2 + 36v 2 + 16)−2 6= 0 and
HΩ (0, 0) = 0, then by corollary 3.23, x is a front.
Example 3.25. Let x : R2 → R3 defined by x(u, v) := (ueu , v 2 , ( u2 + u)v 3 ),
this is a frontal with rank(Dx(p)) = 0 on p = (−1, 0) (Figure 5). We have the

Figure 5. A frontal with rank(Dx(−1, 0)) = 0.

 
1+u 0
Dx =  0 2  = ΩΛT ,
3 u2 0 v
v ( 2 + u)3v
 u 
e 0  
1+u 0
where Ω = 0
 2  ,Λ = ,
2 0 v
v 3 ( u2 + u)3v
2 1
being Ω a tangent moving base of x, then we have n = (−2v 3 , −eu ( u2 +u)3v, 2eu )δ − 2 ,
w1u = (eu , 0, 0), w1v = (0, 0, 3v 2 ), w2u = (0, 0, (u + 1)3v) and w2v = (0, 0, 3( u2 +

u)). Thus
e2u + v 6 3( u2 + u)v 4 −2v 3 eu 6eu v 2
IΩ = 2 2 , IIΩ = u u u2 δ− 2
3( u2 + u)v 4 4 + 9( u2 + u)2 v 2 6(1 + u)e v 6e ( 2 + u)
where δ = 4v 6 + e2u (9( u2 + u)2 v 2 + 4). Also, KΩ (−1, 0) = 0 and HΩ (−1, 0) = 0,
then by corollary 3.23, x is not a front.

4. The Compatibility Equations

w1 ×w2

Let Ω = w1 w2 : U → M3×2 (R) be a moving base and n = kw1 ×w2 k . We
have that w1 , w2 , n is a base of R , then there are real functions (pij ) and (qij )
defined in U , i ∈ {1, 2, 3} such that:
(30a) w1u = p11 w1 + p12 w2 + p13 n
(30b) w2u = p21 w1 + p22 w2 + p23 n
(30c) nu = p31 w1 + p32 w2 + p33 n
(30d) w1v = q11 w1 + q12 w2 + q13 n
(30e) w2v = q21 w1 + q22 w2 + q23 n
(30f) nv = q31 w1 + q32 w2 + q33 n

If we set the matrix W := w1 w2 n ∈ GL(3) whose columns are w1 , w2 and
n. Also, denoting by P := (pij ) and Q := (qij ), we have:

(31a) Wu = WPT
(31b) Wv = WQT
which is equivalent to:
(32a) WuT = PWT
(32b) WvT = QWT

then, we have that P = WuT (WT )−1 = WuT WW−1 (WT )−1 = WuT W(WT W)−1
and Q = W T T −1 = WT WW−1 (WT )−1 = WT W(WT W)−1 . Considering
 v (W ) v v
W = Ω n as a block matrix, we have:
−1 Ωu
Ω n )−1

(33) P = Wu W(W W) = Ω n ( T
nTu n
 T −1  T −1
Ωu Ω ΩTu n
Ω Ω ΩT n Ωu Ω ΩTu n

IΩ 0
= =
nTu Ω nTu n nT Ω nT n nTu Ω 0 0 1
−1 −1
 T T
    T T

Ωu Ω Ωu n IΩ 0 Ωu ΩIΩ Ωu n
= =
nTu Ω 0 0 1 nTu ΩI−1
Ω 0

from (8), we have nTu = µT(1) ΩT and nTv = µT(2) ΩT . Then,

ΩTu n
 T −1
Ωu ΩIΩ ΩTu n T1 T 1 ΩTu n
(34) P= = =
nTu ΩI−1
Ω 0 µT(1) ΩT ΩI−1
Ω 0 µT(1) 0

Finally, using (6) and by analogy with the same procedure for Q, we get:
 1 2

T11 T11 eΩ
1 2
(35) P = T21 T21 f2Ω 
µ11 µ12 0
 1 2

T12 T12 f1Ω
1 2
(36) Q = T22 T22 gΩ 
µ21 µ22 0

now, as WuvT = WT , then P WT + PWT = Q WT + QWT . Using (32a) and (32b)

vu v v u u
in the last equality, Pv WT + PQWT = Qu WT + QPWT , then (Pv − Qu + PQ −
QP)WT = 0 and finally we get:
(37) Pv − Qu + [P, Q] = 0
which is the compatibility condition of the system (32) by theorem 2.4.
Using (35) and (36) to compute each component (i, j) of (37) we obtain the
following equations that we call the Ω-relative compatibility equations (RCE):
1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2
(1, 1) (T11 )v − (T12 )u = T12 T11 − T11 T12 + T12 T21 − T22 T11 + µ11 f1Ω − µ21 eΩ
2 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2
(1, 2) (T11 )v − (T12 )u = T12 T11 + T12 T21 − T11 T12 − T11 T22 + µ12 f1Ω − µ22 eΩ
1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1
(2, 1) (T21 )v − (T22 )u = T22 T11 + T22 T21 − T21 T12 − T21 T22 + µ11 gΩ − µ21 f2Ω
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 1
(2, 2) (T21 )v − (T22 )u = T22 T21 − T21 T22 + T11 T22 − T12 T21 + µ12 gΩ − µ22 f2Ω
1 1 1 1
(1, 3) µ11v − µ21u = T11 µ21 + T21 µ22 − T12 µ11 − T22 µ12
2 2 2 2
(2, 3) µ12v − µ22u = T11 µ21 + T21 µ22 − T12 µ11 − T22 µ12
1 2 1 2
(3, 1) (eΩ )v − (f1Ω )u = eΩ T12 + f2Ω T12 − f1Ω T11 − gΩ T11
1 2 1 2
(3, 2) (f2Ω )v − (gΩ )u = eΩ T22 + f2Ω T22 − f1Ω T21 − gΩ T21
(3, 3) eΩ µ21 + f2Ω µ22 − f1Ω µ11 − gΩ µ12 = 0

det(IIΩ ) eΩ gΩ −f1Ω f2Ω

Using that the Ω-relative curvature KΩ = det(µ) = det(IΩ ) = EΩ GΩ −FΩ 2 and
µ= −IITΩ I−1
Ω in (38b) we get:
2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 2
(39) (T12 )u − (T11 )v + T12 T11 + T12 T21 − T11 T22 − T11 T12 = −EΩ KΩ .
On the other hand, let x : U → R3 be a frontal and Ω = w1 w2 a tangent

moving base of x. Then, Dx = ΩΛT and we have that,

(40a) xu = λ11 w1 + λ12 w2
(40b) xv = λ21 w1 + λ22 w2
where Λ = (λij ). Setting,
 
λ11 λ12 0 
Λ̄ := λ21 λ22 0 , X := Dx n ,
0 0 1

we have X = WΛ̄T , where W = Ω n . Denoting î, ĵ, k̂ the canonical base of R3 ,

the compatibility condition xuv = xvu is equivalent to
(41) Xu ĵ = Xv î,
using (31) with (41) we have
WPT Λ̄T ĵ + WΛ̄Tu ĵ = Wu Λ̄T ĵ + WΛ̄Tu ĵ = Wv Λ̄T î + WΛ̄Tv î = WQT Λ̄T î + WΛ̄Tv î,
then (41) is equivalent to
(43) PT Λ̄T ĵ + Λ̄Tu ĵ = QT Λ̄T î + Λ̄Tv î.
Computing each component of 43, we get the following equations that we call
singular compatibility equations (SCE):
1 1 1 1
(44a) λ11v − λ21u = T11 λ21 + T21 λ22 − T12 λ11 − T22 λ12
2 2 2 2
(44b) λ12v − λ22u = T11 λ21 + T21 λ22 − T12 λ11 − T22 λ12
(44c) λ11 f1Ω + λ12 gΩ = λ21 eΩ + λ22 f2Ω
If we set the matrices:    
1 0
e1 := , e2 := ,
0 1
we can write all these equations with a very useful compact notation.
Equations (44a) and (44b):
(45) eT2 (ΛT 1 + Λu ) = eT1 (ΛT 2 + Λv ).
Equation (44c):
(2) (1)
(46) Λ(1) IIΩ = Λ(2) IIΩ ,

that is, ΛIIΩ is symmetric.

Equations (38a), (38b), (38c) and (38d):
(1) (2)
(47) T 1v − T 2u + T 1 T 2 − T 2 T 1 + IIΩ eT2 µ − IIΩ eT1 µ = 0.
Equations (38e) and (38f):
(48) eT2 (µT 1 + µu ) = eT1 (µT 2 + µv ).
Equations (38g) and (38h):
(49) eT2 (IITΩ T T1 − IIΩu ) = eT1 (IITΩ T T2 − IIΩv ).
Equation (38i):
(2) (1)
(50) µ(1) IIΩ = µ(2) IIΩ ,
that is, µIIΩ is symmetric.
Proposition 4.1. Let IΩ , IIΩ , T 1 , T 2 : U → M2×2 (R) be arbitrary smooth maps
and IΩ symmetric positive definite. If we set µ = −IITΩ I−1
Ω , KΩ = det(µ) and we
have that
(51) IΩ T T1 + T 1 IΩ = IΩu ,
(52) IΩ T T2 + T 2 IΩ = IΩv ,
EΩ FΩ eΩ f1Ω
IΩ = , IIΩ = ,
FΩ G Ω f2Ω gΩ
then the equation (47) is satisfied if and only if, the equation (39) is satisfied.
Proof. The equation (47) is satisfied if and only if, the resulting equation of multi-
plying this by the right side with IΩ is satisfied
(1) (2)T (2) (1)T
(53) T 1v IΩ − T 2u IΩ + T 1 T 2 IΩ − T 2 T 1 IΩ − IIΩ IIΩ + IIΩ IIΩ = 0.
(1) (2)T (2) (1)T
observe that −IIΩ IIΩ + IIΩ IIΩ is skew-symmetric. Let us set,
(54) A := T 1v IΩ − T 2u IΩ + T 1 T 2 IΩ − T 2 T 1 IΩ ,
0 −b (1) (2)T (2) (1)T
(55) B= := −IIΩ IIΩ + IIΩ IIΩ ,
b 0
we have that
(56) −AT = −IΩ T T1v + IΩ T T2u − IΩ T T2 T T1 + IΩ T T1 T T2 .
On the other hand, deriving (51) by v, (52) by u and subtracting the results we
(57) IΩ T T2u − IΩ T T1v − T 1 IΩv + T 2 IΩu = T 1v IΩ − T 2u IΩ − IΩu T T2 + IΩv T T1 .

Substituting in (57), IΩu and IΩu by (51) and (52), we obtain canceling similar
terms that, the right side of (54) is equal to the right side of (56). Then, A is
skew-symmetric having the form
0 −a
A= ,
a 0

hence (53) is satisfied if and only if, a + b=0 as also, (47) can be expressed in this
0 −a − b −1
(58) IΩ = 0.
a+b 0

Computing the component (1, 2) of (58) we have EΩ (−a − b) det(IΩ )−1 = 0, then
a + b = 0 if and only if, the component (1, 2) of (47) is satisfied, which is the
equation (38b) that is simplified to (39). 
Proposition 4.2. Let IΩ , IIΩ , T 1 , T 2 : U → M2×2 (R) be arbitrary smooth maps
and IΩ symmetric non-singular. If we set µ := −IITΩ I−1
Ω and we have that

(59) IΩ T T1 + T 1 IΩ = IΩu ,
(60) IΩ T T2 + T 2 IΩ = IΩv ,

then, the equation (49) is satisfied if and only if, the equation (48) is satisfied.

Proof. Using that µ = −IITΩ I−1

Ω , we substitute µ, µu and µv in (48), we get

eT2 (−IITΩ I−1 T −1 T −1 T T −1 T −1 T −1

Ω T 1 − IIΩu IΩ − IIΩ (IΩ )u ) = e1 (−IIΩ IΩ T 2 − IIΩv IΩ − IIΩ (IΩ )v )

that is satisfied if and only if, the resulting equation of multiply this by the right
side with IΩ is satisfied, in which we can later substitute (I−1 −1
Ω )u IΩ = −IΩ IΩu ,
(IΩ )v IΩ = −I−1
Ω IΩv , factorize similar terms in both sides and get

eT2 (IITΩ I−1 T T T −1 T

Ω (IΩu − T 1 IΩ ) − IIΩu ) = e1 (IIΩ IΩ (IΩv − T 2 IΩ ) − IIΩv ).

Since IΩu − T 1 IΩ = IΩ T T1 and IΩv − T 2 IΩ = IΩ T T2 by hypothesis, subtituting

these, the equation becomes in (49). 
Remark 4.3. Since that equation (50) is always satisfied by definition of µ and as
every frontal satisfy (59) and (60) (proposition 3.11), by these two last proposition
(RCE) are equivalent to (39), (38g) and (38h).

5. The Fundamental Theorem

Theorem 5.1. Let E, F, G, e, f, g smooth functions defined in an open set U ⊂ R2 ,
with E ≥ 0, G ≥ 0 and EG − F 2 ≥ 0. Assume that the given functions have the
following decomposition:

E F λ11 λ12 EΩ FΩ λ11 λ12
(61a) =
F G λ21 λ22 FΩ GΩ λ21 λ22
e f λ11 λ12 eΩ f1Ω
(61b) =
f g λ21 λ22 f2Ω gΩ
in which all the components are smooth real functions defined in U , EΩ > 0, GΩ >
0, EΩ GΩ − FΩ2 > 0, λ−1
Ω (0) has empty interior and
(62a) Λ(1)u ΛT(2) − Λ(1) ΛT(2)u + Ev − Fu ∈ TΩ
(62b) Λ(1)v Λ(2) − Λ(1) ΛT(2)v + Fv − Gu ∈ TΩ ,
where Λ = (λij ), λΩ = det(Λ) and TΩ is the principal ideal generated by λΩ in the
ring C ∞ (U, R). E, F, G, e, f, g formally satisfy the Gauss and Mainardi-Codazzi
equations for all (u, v) ∈ U − λ−1Ω (0). Then, for each (u0 , v0 ) ∈ U there exists a
neighborhood V ⊂ U of (u0 , v0 ) and a frontal x : V → x(V ) ⊂ R3 with a tangent
moving base Ω such that Dx = ΩΛT ,
EΩ FΩ eΩ f1Ω
IΩ = , IIΩ =
FΩ GΩ f2Ω gΩ
and the frontal x has E, F, G and e, f, g as coefficients of the first and second
fundamental forms, respectively. Furthermore, if U is connected and if
x̄ : U → R3 and Ω̄ : U → R3
are another frontal and a tangent moving base satisfying the same conditions, then
there exist a translation T and a proper linear orthogonal transformation ρ in R3
such that Ω̄ = ρΩ and x̄ = T ◦ ρ ◦ x.
Lemma 5.2. If we have:
(63a) Γ̄1 Λ̄ − Λ̄u = Λ̄T̄ 1
(63b) Γ̄2 Λ̄ − Λ̄v = Λ̄T̄ 2
in which Λ̄, T̄ 1 , T̄ 2 : U → Mn×n (R) and Γ̄1 , Γ̄2 : U − det−1 (Λ̄)(0) → Mn×n (R)
are smooth maps with int(det−1 (Λ̄)(0)) = ∅. Then,

Γ̄1v − Γ̄2u + [Γ̄1 , Γ̄2 ] = 0 is equivalent to T̄ 1v − T̄ 2u + [T̄ 1 , T̄ 2 ] = 0 in U .

Proof. Deriving (63a) in v, (63b) in u we get:
(64a) Λ̄v T̄ 1 + Λ̄T̄ 1v = Γ̄1v Λ̄ + Γ̄1 Λ̄v − Λ̄uv
(64b) Λ̄u T̄ 2 + Λ̄T̄ 2u = Γ̄2u Λ̄ + Γ̄2 Λ̄u − Λ̄vu
Subtracting (64b) from (64a)
(65a) Λ̄(T̄ 1v − T̄ 2u ) + Λ̄v T̄ 1 − Λ̄u T̄ 2 = (Γ̄1v − Γ̄2u )Λ̄ + Γ̄1 Λ̄v − Γ̄2 Λ̄u

Substituting (63a) and (63b) in (65a) on right side

Λ̄(T̄ 1v − T̄ 2u ) + Λ̄v T̄ 1 − Λ̄u T̄ 2 = (Γ̄1v − Γ̄2u )Λ̄ + Γ̄1 Γ̄2 Λ̄ − Γ̄2 Γ̄1 Λ̄ − Γ̄1 Λ̄T̄ 2
(66a) +Γ̄2 Λ̄T̄ 1
Λ̄(T̄ 1v − T̄ 2u ) + (Γ̄1 Λ̄ − Λ̄u )T̄ 2 + (Λ̄v − Γ̄2 Λ̄)T̄ 1 = (Γ̄1v − Γ̄2u )Λ̄ + [Γ̄1 , Γ̄2 ]Λ̄
Using (63a) and (63b) on the left side
(68a) Λ̄(T̄ 1v − T̄ 2u ) − Λ̄T̄ 2 T̄ 1 + Λ̄T̄ 1 T̄ 2 = (Γ̄1v − Γ̄2u )Λ̄ + [Γ̄1 , Γ̄2 ]Λ̄
Therefore, we have
(69a) Λ̄(T̄ 1v − T̄ 2u + [T̄ 1 , T̄ 2 ]) = (Γ̄1v − Γ̄2u + [Γ̄1 , Γ̄2 ])Λ̄
As U − det−1 (Λ̄)(0) is dense in U and Λ̄ is invertible there, we have the result. 
Lemma 5.3. If we have:
(70a) Ī = Λ̄ĪΩ Λ̄T
(70b) Γ̄1 Λ̄ − Λ̄u = Λ̄T̄ 1
(70c) Γ̄2 Λ̄ − Λ̄v = Λ̄T̄ 2
in which Ī, ĪΩ , Λ̄, T̄ 1 , T̄ 2 : U → Mn×n (R) and Γ̄1 , Γ̄2 : U − det−1 (Λ̄)(0) →
Mn×n (R) are smooth maps with int(det−1 (Λ̄)(0)) = ∅ and det(ĪΩ ) 6= 0. Then,
• ĪΓ̄T1 + Γ̄1 Ī = Īu if and only if, ĪΩ T̄ 1 + T̄ 1 ĪΩ = ĪΩu on U .
• ĪΓ̄T2 + Γ̄2 Ī = Īv if and only if, ĪΩ T̄ 2 + T̄ 2 ĪΩ = ĪΩv on U .
Proof. The proof of the second item is analogous to the first one, so we are going
to prove just the first. For p ∈ U − det−1 (Λ̄)(0), by (70b) we have,
(71) ĪΩ T̄ 1 + T̄ 1 ĪΩ = ĪΩ (Λ̄T Γ̄T1 − Λ̄Tu )(Λ̄T )−1 + Λ̄−1 (Γ̄1 Λ̄ − Λ̄u )ĪΩ
= ĪΩ Λ̄Γ̄T1 (Λ̄T )−1 + Λ̄−1 Γ̄1 Λ̄ĪΩ − ĪΩ Λ̄Tu (Λ̄T )−1 − Λ̄−1 Λ̄u ĪΩ
On the other hand, Λ̄−1 Λ̄ = In , then Λ̄Tu (Λ̄T )−1 = −Λ̄T ((Λ̄T )−1 )u , Λ̄−1 Λ̄u =
−(Λ̄−1 )u Λ̄. Also, from (70a) ĪΩ Λ̄T = Λ̄−1 I, Λ̄ĪΩ = Ī(Λ̄T )−1 substituting the last
four equalities in (71) we get:
ĪΩ T̄ 1 + T̄ 1 ĪΩ = Λ̄−1 ĪΓ̄T1 (Λ̄T )−1 + Λ̄−1 Γ̄1 Ī(Λ̄T )−1 − ĪΩ Λ̄Tu (Λ̄T )−1 − Λ̄−1 Λ̄u ĪΩ
= Λ̄−1 (ĪΓ̄T1 + Γ̄1 Ī)(Λ̄T )−1 + ĪΩ Λ̄T ((Λ̄T )−1 )u + (Λ̄−1 )u Λ̄ĪΩ
= Λ̄−1 (ĪΓ̄T1 + Γ̄1 Ī)(Λ̄T )−1 + Λ̄−1 Ī((Λ̄T )−1 )u + (Λ̄−1 )u Ī(Λ̄T )−1
By hypothesis ĪΓ̄T1 + Γ̄1 Ī = Īu , then
ĪΩ T̄ 1 + T̄ 1 ĪΩ = Λ̄−1 Īu (Λ̄T )−1 + Λ̄−1 Ī((Λ̄T )−1 )u + (Λ̄−1 )u Ī(Λ̄T )−1
= (Λ̄−1 Ī(Λ̄T )−1 )u = ĪΩu

By density of U − det−1 (Λ̄)(0), ĪΩ T̄ 1 + T̄ 1 ĪΩ = ĪΩu holds on U . The converse is
obtained in the same way. 
Proof. Teorema 5.1(Existence). By proposition 3.14 there exist T 1 , T 2 : U →
M2×2 (R) smooth maps such that on (λ−1 c
Ω (0)) ,
(72a) T 1 = Λ−1 (Γ1 Λ − Λu ),
(72b) T 2 = Λ−1 (Γ2 Λ − Λv ).
Let us construct T̄ 1 and T̄ 2 as the matrices P and Q in (35) and (36) respectively,
using (5e), (5a) and (5b). By (72a), (72b) and since αΛ = µ on (λ−1 c
Ω (0)) (caused
by (61a) and (61b)) we have for all (u, v) ∈ (λ−1 c
Ω (0)) ,
Γ̄1 Λ̄ − Λ̄u = Λ̄T̄ 1 and Γ̄2 Λ̄ − Λ̄v = Λ̄T̄ 2
 1 1
Γ111 Γ211 e
 
2 Eu (Fu − 2 Ev ) e E F 0
(74) Γ̄1 = Γ121
 Γ221 f  =  12 Ev 1
2 G u f  F G 0
α11 α12 0 −e −f 0 0 0 1
 1 1 1
Γ122 α21
   
Γ12 2 Ev 2 Gu −f E F 0
(75) Γ̄2 = Γ212 Γ222 α22  = (Fv − 12 Gu ) 21 Gv −g  F G 0
f g 0 f g 0 0 0 1
 
λ11 λ12 0
(76) Λ̄ = λ21 λ22 0
0 0 1
Let (u0 , v0 ) ∈ U , q ∈ R3 be fixed points and since EΩ GΩ − FΩ2 > 0 we can find z1 ,
z2 , z3 fixed vectors of R3 linearly independent and positively oriented such that
z1 · z1 = EΩ (u0 , v0 ), z1 · z2 = FΩ (u0 , v0 ), z2 · z2 = GΩ (u0 , v0 ), z3 · z3 = 1 and
z3 · zi = 0 for i = 1, 2. Consider the system of PDE,
(77a) WuT = T̄ 1 WT
(77b) WvT = T̄ 2 WT

(77c) W(u0 , v0 ) = z1 z2 z3
It is known in classical differential geometry that, the Gauss and Mainardi-Codazzi
equations are equivalent to Γ̄1v − Γ̄2u + [Γ̄1 , Γ̄2 ] = 0, then as this is satisfied, by
lemmma 5.2 T̄ 1v − T̄ 2u + [T̄ 1 , T̄ 2 ] = 0 in U which is the compatibility condition of
the above system of equations. By corollary 2.4, this system has a unique solution
W : V̄ → GL(3), where V̄ is a neighborhood of (u0 , v0 ). Since det(W(u0 , v0 )) > 0,
restricting V̄ if it is necessary, we can suppose that det(W) > 0 on V̄ . Setting the
   
E F 0 EΩ FΩ 0
Ī := F G 0 , ĪΩ :=  FΩ GΩ 0
0 0 1 0 0 1

(78) Y := WT W

We want to prove that ĪΩ = Y. Consider the following system of PDE.

(79a) Yu = YT̄ 1 + T̄ 1 Y
(79b) Yv = YT̄ 2 + T̄ 2 Y
(79c) Y(u0 , v0 ) = ĪΩ (u0 , v0 )
Defining Θ(u, v, X) := XT̄ 1 + T̄ 1 X and Ξ(u, v, X) := XT̄ 2 + T̄ 2 X for X ∈
M3×3 (R), we can compute the compatibility condition 10 and we get:
(80) XT̄ 1v + T̄ 1v X + (XT̄ 2 + T̄ 2 X)T̄ 1 + T̄ 1 (XT̄ 2 + T̄ 2 X)
=XT̄ 2u + T̄ 2u X + (XT̄ 1 + T̄ 1 X)T̄ 2 + T̄ 2 (XT̄ 1 + T̄ 1 X)
Eliminating common terms and grouping we have:
(81) X(T̄ 1v − T̄ 2u ) + (T̄ 1v − T̄ 2u )X
=X(T̄ 1 T̄ 2 − T̄ 2 T̄ 1 ) + (T̄ 2 T̄ 1 − T̄ 1 T̄ 2 )X
(82) X(T̄ 1v − T̄ 2u + [T̄ 1 , T̄ 2 ])T + (T̄ 1v − T̄ 2u + [T̄ 1 , T̄ 2 ])X = 0

As T̄ 1v − T̄ 2u + [T̄ 1 , T̄ 2 ] = 0, (82) is satisfied for all X ∈ M3×3 (R), then by

theorem 2.3 the system of PDE (79) has unique solution. On the other hand, using
(77a) and (77b), it can be verified easily that X defined in 78 is a solution of the
system 79. Also by (74) and (75) we have ĪΓ̄T1 + Γ̄1 Ī = Īu and ĪΓ̄T2 + Γ̄2 Ī = Īv
on (λ−1 (0))c , then by lemma 5.3, ĪΩ T̄ 1 + T̄ 1 ĪΩ = ĪΩu and ĪΩ T̄ 2 + T̄ 2 ĪΩ = ĪΩv
on U , it means, ĪΩ is also a solution of the system 79, therefore by uniqueness
ĪΩ = Y on any neighborhood V̂ of (u0 , v0 ). Now, as ĪΩ = WT W, we have that w3
w1 ×w2
is orthogonal to w1 ,w2 and w3 · w3 = 1. Since det(W) > 0, n := kw 1 ×w2 k
= w3

and if we define Ω := w1 w2 then,
Ω Ω= = IΩ
from (77a) and (77b) we have,
 1 2

T11 T11 eΩ  T −1
Ωu ΩIΩ ΩTu n

(83a) T211 2
T21 f2Ω  = WuT WĪ−1 =
Ω nTu ΩI−1
Ω 0
µ11 µ12 0
 1 2

T12 T12 f1Ω  T −1 Tn

T221 2 T −1 Ω v ΩIΩ Ωv
(83b) T22 gΩ  = Wv WĪΩ =
nTv ΩI−1
Ω 0
µ21 µ22 0

 1 2
  1 2

T11 T11 −1 T12 T12
T1= 1 T2
= (Ωu Ω)IΩ and T 2 = 1 T2 = (ΩTv Ω)I−1

T21 21 T22 22
n · w1u n · w1v eΩ f1Ω
IIΩ = =
n · w2u n · w2v f2Ω gΩ
Let us consider the system of PDE restricted to V̂ ,
(85a) xu = λ11 w1 + λ12 w2
(85b) xv = λ21 w1 + λ22 w2
(85c) x(u0 , v0 ) = q
0 1 (ΛT 1 + Λu ) = 0 1 Γ1 Λ = 1 0 Γ2 Λ = 1 0 (ΛT 2 + Λv )
for (u, v) ∈ (λ−1 (0))c , then by density
0 1 (ΛT 1 + Λu ) = 1 0 (ΛT 2 + Λv )
on the entire U , as also, by (61b) ΛIIΩ is symmetric, then the singular compatibility
equations (44a), (44b) and (44c) are satisfied, which are the compatibility condition
of the system (85). Therefore by theorem 2.3, this system has a solution x : V →
x(V ) ⊂ R3 , where V ⊂ V̂ is a neighborhood of (u0 , v0 ). As Dx = ΩΛT , by
proposition 3.2, x is a frontal with Ω being a tangent moving base of it, satisfying
what we wished. 
Proof. Teorema 5.1(Rigidity). Let x̄ : U → x̄(U ) ⊂ R3 be a frontal, U connected,
with Ω̄ a tangent moving base of x̄ satisfying the same conditions of x and Ω.
As IΩ = IΩ̄ , exists a rotation ρ ∈ SO(3) such that ρΩ(u0 , v0 ) = Ω̄(u0 , v0 ). Set
a := x̄(u0 , v0 ) − ρx(u0 , v0 ), x̂ := ρx + a and Ω̂ := ρΩ. Observe that, x̄(u0 , v0 ) =
x̂(u0 , v0 ), Ω̂(u0 , v0 ) = Ω̄(u0 , v0 ), Dx̂ = Ω̂ΛT , IΩ = IΩ̂ and IIΩ = IIΩ̂ (caused by
ρw1 × ρw2 = ρ(w1 × w2 )). Also by remark 3.13 T i = T̄ i = T̂ i . We want to prove
that x̄ = x̂ on U , so, let us define the set,
B := {(u, v) ∈ U : Ω̄(u, v) = Ω̂(u, v)}
B is not empty
 and closed by continuity. For each (ū, v̄) ∈ B, as we saw in section
4, Ω̄ n̄ is a solution of the system:
(86a) WuT = PWT
(86b) WvT = QWT

(86c) W(ū, v̄) = Ω̄(ū, v̄) n̄(ū, v̄)
As the matrices P (35)
 and Q (36) are constructed with the coefficients of IΩ , IIΩ
and T i , then Ω̂ n̂ is solution of the system as well and by uniqueness, Ω̂ = Ω̄
on a neighborhood of (ū, v̄). We have that B is open and since U is connected,

B = U . Therefore, Dx̄ = Ω̄ΛT = Ω̂ΛT = Dx̂ and since x̄(u0 , v0 ) = x̂(u0 , v0 ),

x̄ = x̂ on U . 
Remark 5.4. In theorem 5.1 can be switched the hypothesis of E, F, G, e, f, g
satisfying the Gauss and Mainardi-Codazzi equations for all (u, v) ∈ U − λ−1 Ω (0)
by EΩ , FΩ , GΩ , eΩ , f1Ω , f2Ω , gΩ satisfying the equations (39), (38g) and (38h) on
U , where T 1 , T 2 are defined as in proposition 3.14 (see remark 3.15). Since
T̄ 1v − T̄ 2u + [T̄ 1 , T̄ 2 ] = 0 is equivalent to (39), (38g) and (38h), using lemma
5.2 these two different hypothesis are equivalent, then we obtain the same re-
sult in the theorem. By last, the frontal obtained is going to be a wave front
if (KΩ , HΩ ) 6= (0, 0) on the domain, where KΩ , HΩ are computed with the given
coefficients EΩ , FΩ , GΩ , eΩ , f1Ω , f2Ω , gΩ and λij .

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