MEMB453-Assignments Section 2

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Assignments (Sem 1 Session 2019/2020)

1. Visual Inspection (VI) is one of the most useful methods of NDT used
in many engineering works, but is still subjected to inspection errors.
In reference to machine vision role in the inspection system, write an
overview on how the machine vision approaches could contribute in
enhancing of the reliability of NDI processes in ship fabrication and
maintenance industries.
Assignments must be hand in by 19 July 2019)

2. Select one of the NDT methods given in EN standard and prepare work
instruction for NDT inspection on high pressure oil and gas piping
welded section employed successfully. Give your reason of the
selection made.

Assignments must be hand in by 2 August 2019)

Note: For Q1 and Q2 only
 All your answers must be supported at least by 5 journal publications.
 Assignment shall not be more than 10 pages; 1.5 line spacing and Times New
Roman font; A4 size format.
 Journal manuscript format

3. Gas Turbine Engine Turbine Blade Figure 1 shows a gas turbine blade
made from a ferromagnetic steel alloy. The figure also shows the blade
contains a crack open to the specimen surface of length 30mm and of
depth 1 mm and it is not visible to the naked eye. The crack is
orientated at ninety degrees to the blade surface. The wall thickness
of the blade where the crack is, is 8 mm. State whether liquid penetrant,
magnetic particle inspection, eddy current, radiography and ultrasonics
can determine (or not determine) the presence, length, depth, position

and shape of the crack. Describe briefly the principles of the

techniques and state which technique you would choose to
determine the presence of the crack

Figure 1

Assignments must be hand in by 16 August 2019)

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