Title18 Tax Reform

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8424 determining the liability of any person for any internal revenue
tax, or in collecting any such liability, or in evaluating tax
compliance, the Commissioner is authorized:
AN ACT AMENDING THE NATIONAL INTERNAL REVENUE "(A) To examine any book, paper, record, or other
CODE, AS AMENDED, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES data which may be relevant or material to such inquiry;
"(B) To obtain on a regular basis from any person
other than the person whose internal revenue tax liability is
December 11, 1997
subject to audit or investigation, or from any office or officer of
the national and local governments, government agencies
and instrumentalities, including the Bangko Sentral ng
SECTION 1. Short Title. — This Act shall be cited as Pilipinas and government-owned or -controlled corporations,
the "Tax Reform Act of 1997." cdtai any information such as, but not limited to, costs and volume
SECTION 2. State Policy. — It is hereby declared of production, receipts or sales and gross incomes of
the policy of the State to promote sustainable economic taxpayers, and the names, addresses, and financial
growth through the rationalization of the Philippine internal statements of corporations, mutual fund companies,
revenue tax system, including tax administration; to provide, insurance companies, regional operating headquarters of
as much as possible, an equitable relief to a greater number multinational companies, joint accounts, associations, joint
of taxpayers in order to improve levels of disposable income ventures or consortia and registered partnerships, and their
and increase economic activity; and to create a robust members;
environment for business to enable firms to compete better in "(C) To summon the person liable for tax or required
the regional as well as the global market, at the same time to file a return, or any officer or employee of such person, or
that the State ensures that Government is able to provide for any person having possession, custody, or care of the books
the needs of those under its jurisdiction and care. of accounts and other accounting records containing entries
SECTION 3. Presidential Decree No. 1158, as relating to the business of the person liable for tax, or any
amended by, among others, Presidential Decree No. other person, to appear before the Commissioner or his duly
1994 and Executive Order No. 273, otherwise known as authorized representative at a time and place specified in the
theNational Internal Revenue Code, is hereby further summons and to produce such books, papers, records, or
amended to read as follows: other data, and to give testimony;
"TITLE I "(D) To take such testimony of the person
concerned, under oath, as may be relevant or material to
Organization and Function of the Bureau of Internal Revenue such inquiry; and
"SECTION 1. Title of the Code. — This Code shall "(E) To cause revenue officers and employees to
be known as the National Internal Revenue Code of 1997. make a canvass from time to time of any revenue district or
"SECTION 2. Powers and Duties of the Bureau of region and inquire after and concerning all persons therein
Internal Revenue. — The Bureau of Internal Revenue shall be who may be liable to pay any internal revenue tax, and all
under the supervision and control of the Department of persons owning or having the care, management or
Finance and its powers and duties shall comprehend the possession of any object with respect to which a tax is
assessment and collection of all national internal revenue imposed.
taxes, fees, and charges, and the enforcement of all "The provisions of the foregoing paragraphs
forfeitures, penalties, and fines connected therewith, including notwithstanding, nothing in this Section shall be construed as
the execution of judgments in all cases decided in its favor by granting the Commissioner the authority to inquire into bank
the Court of Tax Appeals and the ordinary courts. The Bureau deposits other than as provided for in Section 6(F) of this
shall give effect to and administer the supervisory and police Code.
powers conferred to it by this Code or other laws.
"SECTION 6. Power of the Commissioner to Make
"SECTION 3. Chief Officials of the Bureau of Internal Assessments and Prescribe Additional Requirements for Tax
Revenue. — The Bureau of Internal Revenue shall have a Administration and Enforcement. —
chief to be known as Commissioner of Internal Revenue,
hereinafter referred to as the Commissioner and four (4) "(A) Examination of Returns and Determination of
assistant chiefs to be known as Deputy Commissioners. Tax Due. — After a return has been filed as required under
the provisions of this Code, the Commissioner or his duly
"SECTION 4. Power of the Commissioner to authorized representative may authorize the examination of
Interpret Tax Laws and to Decide Tax Cases. — The power to any taxpayer and the assessment of the correct amount of
interpret the provisions of this Code and other tax laws shall tax: Provided,however, That failure to file a return shall not
be under the exclusive and original jurisdiction of the prevent the Commissioner from authorizing the examination
Commissioner, subject to review by the Secretary of Finance. of any taxpayer.
"The power to decide disputed assessments, refunds "The tax or any deficiency tax so assessed shall be
of internal revenue taxes, fees or other charges, penalties paid upon notice and demand from the Commissioner or from
imposed in relation thereto, or other matters arising under this his duly authorized representative.
Code or other laws or portions thereof administered by the
Bureau of Internal Revenue is vested in the Commissioner, "Any return, statement or declaration filed in any
subject to the exclusive appellate jurisdiction of the Court of office authorized to receive the same shall not be
Tax Appeals. withdrawn: Provided, That within three (3) years from the date
of such filing, the same may be modified, changed, or
"SECTION 5. Power of the Commissioner to Obtain amended: Provided, further, That no notice for audit or
Information, and to Summon, Examine, and Take Testimony investigation of such return, statement or declaration has, in
of Persons. — In ascertaining the correctness of any return, the meantime, been actually served upon the taxpayer.
or in making a return when none has been made, or in
"(B) Failure to Submit Required For purposes of computing any internal revenue tax, the value
Returns, Statements, Reports and other Documents. — When of the property shall be, whichever is the higher of:
a report required by law as a basis for the assessment of any
"(1) the fair market value as determined by the
national internal revenue tax shall not be forthcoming within
Commissioner; or
the time fixed by laws or rules and regulations or when there
is reason to believe that any such report is false, incomplete "(2) the fair market value as shown in the schedule
or erroneous, the Commissioner shall assess the proper tax of values of the Provincial and City Assessors.
on the best evidence obtainable.
"(F) Authority of the Commissioner to Inquire into
"In case a person fails to file a required return or Bank Deposit Accounts. — Notwithstanding any contrary
other document at the time prescribed by law, or willfully or provision of Republic Act No. 1405 and other general or
otherwise files a false or fraudulent return or other document, special laws, the Commissioner is hereby authorized to
the Commissioner shall make or amend the return from his inquire into the bank deposits of:
own knowledge and from such information as he can obtain "(1) a decedent to determine his gross estate; and
through testimony or otherwise, which shall be prima
facie correct and sufficient for all legal purposes. "(2) any taxpayer who has filed an application for
compromise of his tax liability under Sec. 204(A)(2) of this
"(C) Authority to Conduct Inventory-
Code by reason of financial incapacity to pay his tax liability.
taking, Surveillance and to Prescribe Presumptive Gross
Sales and Receipts. — The Commissioner may, at any time "In case a taxpayer files an application to
during the taxable year, order inventory-taking of goods of compromise the payment of his tax liabilities on his claim that
any taxpayer as a basis for determining his internal revenue his financial position demonstrates a clear inability to pay the
tax liabilities, or may place the business operations of any tax assessed, his application shall not be considered unless
person, natural or juridical, under observation or surveillance and until he waives in writing his privilege
if there is reason to believe that such person is not declaring under Republic Act No. 1405 or under other general or
his correct income, sales or receipts for internal revenue tax special laws, and such waiver shall constitute the authority of
purposes. The findings may be used as the basis for the Commissioner to inquire into the bank deposits of the
assessing the taxes for the other months or quarters of the taxpayer. cdtai
same or different taxable years and such assessment shall be "(G) Authority to Accredit and Register Tax Agents.
deemed prima facie correct. cd
— The Commissioner shall accredit and register, based on
"When it is found that a person has failed to issue their professional competence, integrity, and moral fitness,
receipts and invoices in violation of the requirements of individuals and general professional partnerships and their
Sections 113 and 237 of this Code, or when there is reason to representatives who prepare and file tax returns, statements,
believe that the books of accounts or other records do not reports, protests, and other papers with, or who appear
correctly reflect the declarations made or to be made in a before, the Bureau for taxpayers. Within one hundred twenty
return required to be filed under the provisions of this Code, (120) days from January 1, 1998, the Commissioner shall
the Commissioner, after taking into account the sales, create national and regional accreditation boards, the
receipts, income or other taxable base of other persons members of which shall serve for three (3) years, and shall
engaged in similar businesses under similar situations or designate from among the senior officials of the Bureau, one
circumstances or after considering other relevant information, (1) chairman and two (2) members for each board, subject to
may prescribe a minimum amount of such gross receipts, such rules and regulations as the Secretary of Finance shall
sales and taxable base, and such amount so prescribed shall promulgate, upon the recommendation of the Commissioner.
be prima facie correct for purposes of determining the internal "Individuals and general professional partnerships
revenue tax liabilities of such person. and their representatives who are denied accreditation by the
"(D) Authority to Terminate Taxable Period. — Commissioner and/or the national and regional accreditation
When it shall come to the knowledge of the Commissioner boards may appeal such denial to the Secretary of Finance,
that a taxpayer is retiring from business subject to tax, or is who shall rule on the appeal within sixty (60) days from
intending to leave the Philippines or to remove his property receipt of such appeal. Failure of the Secretary of Finance to
therefrom or to hide or conceal his property, or is performing rule on the appeal within the prescribed period shall be
any act tending to obstruct the proceedings for the collection deemed as approval of the application for accreditation of the
of the tax for the past or current quarter or year or to render appellant.
the same totally or partly ineffective unless such proceedings "(H) Authority of the Commissioner to Prescribe
are begun immediately, the Commissioner shall declare the Additional Procedural or Documentary Requirements. — The
tax period of such taxpayer terminated at any time and shall Commissioner may prescribe the manner of compliance with
send the taxpayer a notice of such decision, together with a any documentary or procedural requirement in connection
request for the immediate payment of the tax for the period so with the submission or preparation of financial statements
declared terminated and the tax for the preceding year or accompanying the tax returns.
quarter, or such portion thereof as may be unpaid, and said
taxes shall be due and payable immediately and shall be "SECTION 7. Authority of the Commissioner to
subject to all the penalties hereafter prescribed, unless paid Delegate Power. — The Commissioner may delegate the
within the time fixed in the demand made by the powers vested in him under the pertinent provisions of this
Commissioner. Code to any or such subordinate officials with the rank
equivalent to a division chief or higher, subject to such
"(E) Authority of the Commissioner to Prescribe limitations and restrictions as may be imposed under rules
Real Property Values. — The Commissioner is hereby and regulations to be promulgated by the Secretary of
authorized to divide the Philippines into different zones or Finance, upon recommendation of the
areas and shall, upon consultation with competent appraisers Commissioner: Provided, however, That the following powers
both from the private and public sectors, determine the fair of the Commissioner shall not be delegated:
market value of real properties located in each zone or area.
"(a) The power to recommend the promulgation of collection of all internal revenue taxes, charges and
rules and regulations by the Secretary of Finance; fees; cdtai
"(b) The power to issue rulings of first impression or "(c) Issue Letters of Authority for the examination of
to reverse, revoke or modify any existing ruling of the Bureau; taxpayers within the region;
"(c) The power to compromise or abate, under Sec. "(d) Provide economical, efficient and effective
204(A) and (B) of this Code, any tax service to the people in the area;
liability: Provided, however, That assessments issued by the
"(e) Coordinate with regional offices or other
regional offices involving basic deficiency taxes of Five
departments, bureaus and agencies in the area;
hundred thousand pesos (P500,000) or less, and minor
criminal violations, as may be determined by rules and "(f) Coordinate with local government units in the
regulations to be promulgated by the Secretary of Finance, area;
upon recommendation of the Commissioner, discovered by
"(g) Exercise control and supervision over the
regional and district officials, may be compromised by a
officers and employees within the region; and
regional evaluation board which shall be composed of the
Regional Director as Chairman, the Assistant Regional "(h) Perform such other functions as may be
Director, the heads of the Legal, Assessment and Collection provided by law and as may be delegated by the
Divisions and the Revenue District Officer having jurisdiction Commissioner. cda
over the taxpayer, as members; and "SECTION 11. Duties of Revenue District Officers
"(d) The power to assign or reassign internal and Other Internal Revenue Officers. — It shall be the duty of
revenue officers to establishments where articles subject to every Revenue District Officer or other internal revenue
excise tax are produced or kept. officers and employees to ensure that all laws and rules and
regulations affecting national internal revenue are faithfully
"SECTION 8. Duty of the Commissioner to Ensure
executed and complied with, and to aid in the prevention,
the Provision and Distribution of
detection and punishment of frauds or delinquencies in
Forms, Receipts, Certificates, and Appliances, and the
connection therewith.
Acknowledgment of Payment of Taxes. —
"It shall be the duty of every Revenue District Officer
"(A) Provision and Distribution to Proper Officials. —
to examine the efficiency of all officers and employees of the
It shall be the duty of the Commissioner, among other things,
Bureau of Internal Revenue under his supervision, and to
to prescribe, provide, and distribute to the proper officials the
report in writing to the Commissioner, through the Regional
requisite licenses, internal revenue stamps, labels, all other
Director, any neglect of duty, incompetency, delinquency, or
forms, certificates, bonds, records, invoices, books, receipts,
malfeasance in office of any internal revenue officer of which
instruments, appliances and apparatus used in administering
he may obtain knowledge, with a statement of all the facts
the laws falling within the jurisdiction of the Bureau. For this
and any evidence sustaining each case.
purpose, internal revenue stamps, strip stamps and labels
shall be caused by the Commissioner to be printed with "SECTION 12. Agents and Deputies for Collection of
adequate security features. National Internal Revenue Taxes. — The following are hereby
constituted agents of the Commissioner:
"Internal revenue stamps, whether of a bar code or
fuson design, shall be firmly and conspicuously affixed on "(a) The Commissioner of Customs and his
each pack of cigars and cigarettes subject to excise tax in the subordinates with respect to the collection of national internal
manner and form as prescribed by the Commissioner, upon revenue taxes on imported goods;
approval of the Secretary of Finance. "(b) The head of the appropriate government office
"(B) Receipts for Payment Made. — It shall be the and his subordinates with respect to the collection of energy
duty of the Commissioner or his duly authorized tax; and
representative or an authorized agent bank to whom any "(c) Banks duly accredited by the Commissioner
payment of any tax is made under the provisions of this Code with respect to receipt of payments of internal revenue taxes
to acknowledge the payment of such tax, expressing the authorized to be made thru banks.
amount paid and the particular account for which such
payment was made in a form and manner prescribed therefor "Any officer or employee of an authorized agent
by the Commissioner. bank assigned to receive internal revenue tax payments and
transmit tax returns or documents to the Bureau of Internal
"SECTION 9. Internal Revenue Districts. — With the Revenue shall be subject to the same sanctions and penalties
approval of the Secretary of Finance, the Commissioner shall prescribed in Sections 269 and 270 of this Code.
divide the Philippines into such number of revenue districts as
may from time to time be required for administrative "SECTION 13. Authority of a Revenue Officer. —
purposes. Each of these districts shall be under the Subject to the rules and regulations to be prescribed by the
supervision of a Revenue District Officer. Secretary of Finance, upon recommendation of the
Commissioner, a Revenue Officer assigned to perform
"SECTION 10. Revenue Regional Director. — Under assessment functions in any district may, pursuant to a Letter
rules and regulations, policies and standards formulated by of Authority issued by the Revenue Regional Director,
the Commissioner, with the approval of the Secretary of examine taxpayers within the jurisdiction of the district in
Finance, the Revenue Regional Director shall, within the order to collect the correct amount of tax, or to recommend
region and district offices under his jurisdiction, among others: the assessment of any deficiency tax due in the same manner
"(a) Implement laws, policies, plans, programs, rules that the said acts could have been performed by the Revenue
and regulations of the department or agencies in the regional Regional Director himself.
area; "SECTION 14. Authority of Officers to Administer
"(b) Administer and enforce internal revenue laws, Oaths and Take Testimony. — The Commissioner, Deputy
and rules and regulations, including the assessment and Commissioners, Service Chiefs, Assistant Service Chiefs,
Revenue Regional Directors, Assistant Revenue Regional (15%) or more, the Commissioner shall explain the reasons
Directors, Chiefs and Assistant Chiefs of Divisions, Revenue for such excess or shortfall.
District Officers, special deputies of the Commissioner,
"SECTION 20. Submission of Report and Pertinent
internal revenue officers and any other employee of the
Information by the Commissioner. —
Bureau thereunto especially deputized by the Commissioner
shall have the power to administer oaths and to take "(A) Submission of Pertinent Information to
testimony in any official matter or investigation conducted by Congress. — The provision of Section 270 of this Code to the
them regarding matters within the jurisdiction of the Bureau. contrary notwithstanding, the Commissioner shall, upon
request of Congress and in aid of legislation, furnish its
"SECTION 15. Authority of Internal Revenue Officers
appropriate Committee pertinent information including but not
to Make Arrests and Seizures. — The Commissioner, the
limited to: industry audits, collection performance data, status
Deputy Commissioners, the Revenue Regional Directors, the
reports in criminal actions initiated against persons and
Revenue District Officers and other internal revenue officers
taxpayer's returns: Provided, however, That any return or
shall have authority to make arrests and seizures for the
return information which can be associated with, or otherwise
violation of any penal law, rule or regulation administered by
identify, directly or indirectly, a particular taxpayer shall be
the Bureau of Internal Revenue. Any person so arrested shall
furnished the appropriate Committee of Congress only when
be forthwith brought before a court, there to be dealt with
sitting in Executive Session unless such taxpayer otherwise
according to law.
consents in writing to such disclosure.
"SECTION 16. Assignment of Internal Revenue
"(B) Report to Oversight Committee. — The
Officers Involved in Excise Tax Functions to Establishments
Commissioner shall, with reference to Section 204 of this
Where Articles Subject to Excise Tax are Produced or Kept.
Code, submit to the Oversight Committee referred to in
— The Commissioner shall employ, assign, or reassign
Section 290 hereof, through the Chairmen of the Committee
internal revenue officers involved in excise tax functions, as
on Ways and Means of the Senate and House of
often as the exigencies of the revenue service may require, to
Representatives, a report on the exercise of his powers
establishments or places where articles subject to excise tax
pursuant to the said Section, every six (6) months of each
are produced or kept: Provided, That an internal revenue
calendar year.
officer assigned to any such establishment shall in no case
stay in his assignment for more than two (2) years, subject to "SECTION 21. Sources of Revenue. — The
rules and regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary of following taxes, fees and charges are deemed to be national
Finance, upon recommendation of the Commissioner. internal revenue taxes:
"SECTION 17. Assignment of Internal Revenue "(a) Income tax;
Officers and Other Employees to Other Duties. — The
"(b) Estate and donor's taxes;
Commissioner may, subject to the provisions of Section 16
and the laws on civil service, as well, as the rules and "(c) Value-added tax;
regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary of Finance, "(d) Other percentage taxes;
upon the recommendation of the Commissioner, assign or
reassign internal revenue officers and employees of the "(e) Excise taxes;
Bureau of Internal Revenue, without change in their official "(f) Documentary stamp taxes; and
rank and salary, to other or special duties connected with the
enforcement or administration of the revenue laws as the "(g) Such other taxes as are or hereafter may be
exigencies of the service may require: Provided, That internal imposed and collected by the Bureau of Internal Revenue.
revenue officers assigned to perform assessment or collection
functions shall not remain in the same assignment for more
than three (3) years: Provided, further, That assignment of "TITLE VIII
internal revenue officers and employees of the Bureau to Remedies
special duties shall not exceed one (1) year.
"SECTION 18. Reports of Violation of Laws. —
When an internal revenue officer discovers evidence of a Remedies in General
violation of this Code or of any law, rule or regulation "SECTION 202. Final Deed to Purchaser. — In case
administered by the Bureau of Internal Revenue, of such the taxpayer shall not redeem the property as herein
character as to warrant the institution of criminal proceedings, provided, the Revenue District Officer shall, as grantor,
he shall immediately report the facts to the Commissioner, execute a deed conveying to the purchaser so much of the
through his immediate superior, giving the name and address property as has been sold, free from all liens of any kind
of the offender and the names of the witnesses, if whatsoever, and the deed shall succinctly recite all the
possible: Provided, That in urgent cases, the Revenue proceedings upon which the validity of the sale depends.
Regional Director or Revenue District Officer, as the case
may be, may send the report to the corresponding "SECTION 203. Period of Limitation Upon
prosecuting officer. In the latter case, a copy of his report Assessment and Collection. — Except as provided in Section
shall be sent to the Commissioner. 222, internal revenue taxes shall be assessed within three (3)
years after the last day prescribed by law for the filing of the
"SECTION 19. Contents of Commissioner's Annual return, and no proceeding in court without assessment for the
Report. — The Annual Report of the Commissioner shall collection of such taxes shall be begun after the expiration of
contain detailed statements of the collections of the Bureau such period: Provided, That in a case where a return is filed
with specifications of the sources of revenue by type of tax, by beyond the period prescribed by law, the three (3)-year period
manner of payment, by revenue region and by industry group shall be counted from the day the return was filed. For
and its disbursements by classes of expenditures. cdtai purposes of this Section, a return filed before the last day
"In case the actual collection exceeds or falls short of prescribed by law for the filing thereof shall be considered as
target as set in the annual national budget by fifteen percent filed on such last day.
"SECTION 204. Authority of the Commissioner to the Oversight Committee in Congress that shall be constituted
Compromise, Abate and Refund or Credit Taxes. — The to determine that said powers are reasonably exercised and
Commissioner may — that the Government is not unduly deprived of revenues.
"(A) Compromise the payment of any internal "CHAPTER II
revenue tax, when:
Civil Remedies for Collection of Taxes
"(1) A reasonable doubt as to the validity of the
"SECTION 205. Remedies for the Collection of
claim against the taxpayer exists; or
Delinquent Taxes. — The civil remedies for the collection of
"(2) The financial position of the taxpayer internal revenue taxes, fees, or charges, and any increment
demonstrates a clear inability to pay the assessed tax. thereto resulting from delinquency shall be:
"The compromise settlement of any tax liability shall "(a) By distraint of goods, chattels, or effects, and
be subject to the following minimum amounts: other personal property of whatever character, including
stocks and other securities, debts, credits, bank accounts,
"For cases of financial incapacity, a minimum
and interest in and rights to personal property, and by levy
compromise rate equivalent to ten percent (10%) of the basic
upon real property and interest in or rights to real property;
assessed tax; and
"For other cases, a minimum compromise rate
"(b) By civil or criminal action.
equivalent to forty percent (40%) of the basic assessed tax.
"Either of these remedies or both simultaneously
"Where the basic tax involved exceeds One million
may be pursued in the discretion of the authorities charged
pesos (P1,000,000) or where the settlement offered is less
with the collection of such taxes: Provided,however, that the
than the prescribed minimum rates, the compromise shall be
remedies of distraint and levy shall not be availed of where
subject to the approval of the Evaluation Board which shall be
the amount of tax involved is not more than One hundred
composed of the Commissioner and the four (4) Deputy
pesos (P100).
"The judgment in the criminal case shall not only
"(B) Abate or cancel a tax liability, when:
impose the penalty but shall also order payment of the taxes
"(1) The tax or any portion thereof appears to be subject of the criminal case as finally decided by the
unjustly or excessively assessed; or Commissioner.
"(2) The administration and collection costs involved "The Bureau of Internal Revenue shall advance the
do not justify the collection of the amount due. amounts needed to defray costs of collection by means of civil
or criminal action, including the preservation or transportation
"All criminal violations may be compromised except:
of personal property distrained and the advertisement and
(a) those already filed in court, or (b) those involving fraud.
sale thereof, as well as of real property and improvements
"(C) Credit or refund taxes erroneously or illegally thereon.
received or penalties imposed without authority, refund the
"SECTION 206. Constructive Distraint of the
value of internal revenue stamps when they are returned in
Property of a Taxpayer. — To safeguard the interest of the
good condition by the purchaser, and, in his discretion,
Government, the Commissioner may place under constructive
redeem or change unused stamps that have been rendered
distraint the property of a delinquent taxpayer or any taxpayer
unfit for use and refund their value upon proof of destruction.
who, in his opinion, is retiring from any business subject to
No credit or refund of taxes or penalties shall be allowed
tax, or is intending to leave the Philippines or to remove his
unless the taxpayer files in writing with the Commissioner a
property therefrom or to hide or conceal his property or to
claim for credit or refund within two (2) years after the
perform any act tending to obstruct the proceedings for
payment of the tax or penalty: Provided, however, That a
collecting the tax due or which may be due from him.
return filed showing an overpayment shall be considered as a
written claim for credit or refund. "The constructive distraint of personal property shall
be effected by requiring the taxpayer or any person having
"A Tax Credit Certificate validly issued under the
possession or control of such property to sign a receipt
provisions of this Code may be applied against any internal
covering the property distrained and obligate himself to
revenue tax, excluding withholding taxes, for which the
preserve the same intact and unaltered and not to dispose of
taxpayer is directly liable. Any request for conversion into
the same in any manner whatever, without the express
refund of unutilized tax credits may be allowed, subject to the
authority of the Commissioner.
provisions of Section 230 of this Code: Provided, That the
original copy of the Tax Credit Certificate showing a creditable "In case the taxpayer or the person having the
balance is surrendered to the appropriate revenue officer for possession and control of the property sought to be placed
verification and cancellation: Provided, further, That in no under constructive distraint refuses or fails to sign the receipt
case shall a tax refund be given resulting from availment of herein referred to, the revenue officer effecting the
incentives granted pursuant to special laws for which no constructive distraint shall proceed to prepare a list of such
actual payment was made. property and, in the presence of two (2) witnesses, leave a
copy thereof in the premises where the property distrained is
"The Commissioner shall submit to the Chairmen of
located, after which the said property shall be deemed to
the Committee on Ways and Means of both the Senate and
have been placed under constructive distraint.
House of Representatives, every six (6) months, a report on
the exercise of his powers under this Section, stating therein "SECTION 207. Summary Remedies. —
the following facts and information, among others: names and
"(A) Distraint of Personal Property. — Upon the
addresses of taxpayers whose cases have been the subject
failure of the person owing any delinquent tax or delinquent
of abatement or compromise; amount involved; amount
revenue to pay the same at the time required, the
compromised or abated; and reasons for the exercise of
Commissioner or his duly authorized representative, if the
power: Provided, That the said report shall be presented to
amount involved is in excess of One million pesos
(P1,000,000), or the Revenue District Officer, if the amount added a statement of the sum demanded and note of the time
involved is One million pesos (P1,000,000) or less, shall seize and place of sale.
and distraint any goods, chattels, or effects, and the personal
"Stocks and other securities shall be distrained by
property, including stocks and other securities, debts, credits,
serving a copy of the warrant of distraint upon the taxpayer
bank accounts, and interests in and rights to personal
and upon the president, manager, treasurer or other
property of such persons in sufficient quantity to satisfy the
responsible officer of the corporation, company or
tax, or charge, together with any increment thereto incident to
association, which issued the said stocks or securities.
delinquency, and the expenses of the distraint and the cost of
the subsequent sale. "Debts and credits shall be distrained by leaving with
the person owing the debts or having in his possession or
"A report on the distraint shall, within ten (10) days
under his control such credits, or with his agent, a copy of the
from receipt of the warrant, be submitted by the distraining
warrant of distraint. The warrant of distraint shall be sufficient
officer to the Revenue District Officer, and to the Revenue
authority to the person owning the debts or having in his
Regional Director: Provided, That the Commissioner or his
possession or under his control any credits belonging to the
duly authorized representative shall, subject to rules and
taxpayer to pay to the Commissioner the amount of such
regulations promulgated by the Secretary of Finance, upon
debts or credits.
recommendation of the Commissioner, have the power to lift
such order of distraint: Provided, further, That a consolidated
report by the Revenue Regional Director may be required by
"Bank accounts shall be garnished by serving a
the Commissioner as often as necessary.
warrant of garnishment upon the taxpayer and upon the
"(B) Levy on Real Property. — After the expiration of president, manager, treasurer or other responsible officer of
the time required to pay the delinquent tax or delinquent the bank. Upon receipt of the warrant of garnishment, the
revenue as prescribed in this Section, real property may be bank shall turn over to the Commissioner so much of the bank
levied upon, before, simultaneously or after the distraint of accounts as may be sufficient to satisfy the claim of the
personal property belonging to the delinquent. To this end, Government.
any internal revenue officer designated by the Commissioner
"SECTION 209. Sale of Property Distrained and
or his duly authorized representative shall prepare a duly
Disposition of Proceeds. — The Revenue District Officer or
authenticated certificate showing the name of the taxpayer
his duly authorized representative, other than the officer
and the amounts of the tax and penalty due from him. Said
referred to in Section 208 of this Code shall, according to
certificate shall operate with the force of a legal execution
rules and regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Finance,
throughout the Philippines.
upon recommendation of the Commissioner, forthwith cause
"Levy shall be effected by writing upon said a notification to be exhibited in not less than two (2) public
certificate a description of the property upon which levy is places in the municipality or city where the distraint is made,
made. At the same time, written notice of the levy shall be specifying the time and place of sale and the articles
mailed to or served upon the Register of Deeds of the distrained. The time of sale shall not be less than twenty (20)
province or city where the property is located and upon the days after notice to the owner or possessor of the property as
delinquent taxpayer, or if he be absent from the Philippines, to above specified and the publication or posting of such notice.
his agent or the manager of the business in respect to which One place for the posting of such notice shall be at the Office
the liability arose, or if there be none, to the occupant of the of the Mayor of the city or municipality in which the property is
property in question. distrained.
"In case the warrant of levy on real property is not "At the time and place fixed in such notice, the said
issued before or simultaneously with the warrant of distraint revenue officer shall sell the goods, chattels, or effects, or
on personal property, and the personal property of the other personal property, including stocks and other securities
taxpayer is not sufficient to satisfy his tax delinquency, the so distrained, at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash,
Commissioner or his duly authorized representative shall, or with the approval of the Commissioner, through duly
within thirty (30) days after execution of the distraint, proceed licensed commodity or stock exchanges.
with the levy on the taxpayer's real property.
"In the case of stocks and other securities, the officer
"Within ten (10) days after receipt of the warrant, a making the sale shall execute a bill of sale which he shall
report on any levy shall be submitted by the levying officer to deliver to the buyer, and a copy thereof furnished the
the Commissioner or his duly authorized corporation, company or association which issued the stocks
representative: Provided, however, That a consolidated report or other securities. Upon receipt of the copy of the bill of sale,
by the Revenue Regional Director may be required by the the corporation, company or association shall make the
Commissioner as often as necessary:Provided, further, That corresponding entry in its books, transfer the stocks or other
the Commissioner or his duly authorized representative, securities sold in the name of the buyer, and issue, if required
subject to rules and regulations promulgated by the Secretary to do so, the corresponding certificates of stock or other
of Finance, upon recommendation of the Commissioner, shall securities.
have the authority to lift warrants of levy issued in accordance
"Any residue over and above what is required to pay
with the provisions hereof. cdtai
the entire claim, including expenses, shall be returned to the
"SECTION 208. Procedure for Distraint and owner of the property sold. The expenses chargeable upon
Garnishment. — The officer serving the warrant of distraint each seizure and sale shall embrace only the actual
shall make or cause to be made an account of the goods, expenses of seizure and preservation of the property pending
chattels, effects or other personal property distrained, a copy the sale, and no charge shall be imposed for the services of
of which, signed by himself, shall be left either with the owner the local internal revenue officer or his deputy.
or person from whose possession such goods, chattels, or
"SECTION 210. Release of Distrained Property
effects or other personal property were taken, or at the
Upon Payment Prior to Sale. — If at any time prior to the
dwelling or place of business of such person and with
consummation of the sale all proper charges are paid to the
someone of suitable age and discretion, to which list shall be
officer conducting the sale, the goods or effects distrained taxpayer, or any one for him, shall have the right of paying to
shall be restored to the owner. the Revenue District Officer the amount of the public taxes,
penalties, and interest thereon from the date of delinquency to
"SECTION 211. Report of Sale to Bureau of Internal
the date of sale, together with interest on said purchase price
Revenue. — Within two (2) days after the sale, the officer
at the rate of fifteen percent (15%) per annum from the date
making the same shall make a report of his proceedings in
of purchase to the date of redemption, and such payment
writing to the Commissioner and shall himself preserve a copy
shall entitle the person paying to the delivery of the certificate
of such report as an official record.
issued to the purchaser and a certificate from the said
"SECTION 212. Purchase by Government at Sale Revenue District Officer that he has thus redeemed the
Upon Distraint. — When the amount bid for the property property, and the Revenue District Officer shall forthwith pay
under distraint is not equal to the amount of the tax or is very over to the purchaser the amount by which such property has
much less than the actual market value of the articles offered thus been redeemed, and said property thereafter shall be
for sale, the Commissioner or his deputy may purchase the free from the lien of such taxes and penalties.
same in behalf of the National Government for the amount of
"The owner shall not, however, be deprived of the
taxes, penalties and cost due thereon.
possession of the said property and shall be entitled to the
"Property so purchased may be resold by the rents and other income thereof until the expiration of the time
Commissioner or his deputy, subject to the rules and for its redemption.
regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Finance, the net
"SECTION 215. Forfeiture to Government for Want
proceeds therefrom shall be remitted to the National Treasury
of Bidder. — In case there is no bidder for real property
and accounted for as internal revenue.
exposed for sale as hereinabove provided or if the highest bid
"SECTION 213. Advertisement and Sale. — Within is for an amount insufficient to pay the taxes, penalties and
twenty (20) days after levy, the officer conducting the costs, the Internal Revenue Officer conducting the sale shall
proceedings shall proceed to advertise the property or a declare the property forfeited to the Government in
usable portion thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the satisfaction of the claim in question and within two (2) days
claim and cost of sale; and such advertisement shall cover a thereafter, shall make a return of his proceedings and the
period of at least thirty (30) days. It shall be effectuated by forfeiture which shall be spread upon the records of his office.
posting a notice at the main entrance of the municipal building It shall be the duty of the Register of Deeds concerned, upon
or city hall and in a public and conspicuous place in the barrio registration with his office of any such declaration of forfeiture,
or district in which the real estate lies and by publication once to transfer the title of the property forfeited to the Government
a week for three (3) weeks in a newspaper of general without the necessity of an order from a competent court.
circulation in the municipality or city where the property is
"Within one (1) year from the date of such forfeiture,
located. The advertisement shall contain a statement of the
the taxpayer, or any one for him, may redeem said property
amount of taxes and penalties so due and the time and place
by paying to the Commissioner or the latter's Revenue
of sale, the name of the taxpayer against whom taxes are
Collection Officer the full amount of the taxes and penalties,
levied, and a short description of the property to be sold. At
together with interest thereon and the costs of sale, but if the
any time before the day fixed for the sale, the taxpayer may
property be not thus redeemed, the forfeiture shall become
discontinue all proceedings by paying the taxes, penalties and
interest. If he does not do so, the sale shall proceed and shall
be held either at the main entrance of the municipal building "SECTION 216. Resale of Real Estate Taken for
or city hall, or on the premises to be sold, as the officer Taxes. — The Commissioner shall have charge of any real
conducting the proceedings shall determine and as the notice estate obtained by the Government of the Philippines in
of sale shall specify. payment or satisfaction of taxes, penalties or costs arising
under this Code or in compromise or adjustment of any claim
"Within five (5) days after the sale, a return by the
therefor; and said Commissioner may, upon the giving of not
distraining or levying officer of the proceedings shall be
less than twenty (20) days notice, sell and dispose of the
entered upon the records of the Revenue Collection Officer,
same at public auction, or with the prior approval of the
the Revenue District Officer and the Revenue Regional
Secretary of Finance, dispose of the same at private sale. In
Director. The Revenue Collection Officer, in consultation with
either case, the proceeds of the sale shall be deposited with
the Revenue District Officer, shall then make out and deliver
the National Treasury, and an accounting of the same shall
to the purchaser a certificate from his records, showing the
be rendered to the Chairman of the Commission on Audit
proceedings of the sale, describing the property sold, stating
the name of the purchaser and setting out the exact amount "SECTION 217. Further Distraint or Levy. — The
of all taxes, penalties and interest: Provided, however, That in remedy by distraint of personal property and levy on realty
case the proceeds of the sale exceeds the claim and cost of may be repeated if necessary until the full amount due,
sale, the excess shall be turned over to the owner of the including all expenses, is collected.
property. cdtai
"SECTION 218. Injunction not Available to Restrain
"The Revenue Collection Officer, upon approval by Collection of Tax. — No court shall have the authority to grant
the Revenue District Officer may, out of his collection, an injunction to restrain the collection of any national internal
advance an amount sufficient to defray the costs of collection revenue tax, fee or charge imposed by this Code.
by means of the summary remedies provided for in this Code,
"SECTION 219. Nature and Extent of Tax Lien. — If
including the preservation or transportation in case of
any person, corporation, partnership, joint-account (cuentas
personal property, and the advertisement and subsequent
en participacion), association or insurance company liable to
sale, both in cases of personal and real property including
pay an internal revenue tax, neglects or refuses to pay the
improvements found on the latter. In his monthly collection
same after demand, the amount shall be a lien in favor of the
reports, such advances shall be reflected and supported by
Government of the Philippines from the time when the
assessment was made by the Commissioner until paid, with
"SECTION 214. Redemption of Property Sold. — interests, penalties, and costs that may accrue in addition
Within one (1) year from the date of sale, the delinquent thereto upon all property and rights to property belonging to
the taxpayer: Provided, That this lien shall not be valid against reinvestigation which is granted by the Commissioner; when
any mortgagee, purchaser or judgment creditor until notice of the taxpayer cannot be located in the address given by him in
such lien shall be filed by the Commissioner in the office of the return filed upon which a tax is being assessed or
the Register of Deeds of the province or city where the collected: Provided, That, if the taxpayer informs the
property of the taxpayer is situated or located. Commissioner of any change in address, the running of the
Statute of Limitations will not be suspended; when the warrant
"SECTION 220. Form and Mode of Proceeding in
of distraint or levy is duly served upon the taxpayer, his
Actions Arising under this Code. — Civil and criminal actions
authorized representative, or a member of his household with
and proceedings instituted in behalf of the Government under
sufficient discretion, and no property could be located; and
the authority of this Code or other law enforced by the Bureau
when the taxpayer is out of the Philippines.
of Internal Revenue shall be brought in the name of the
Government of the Philippines and shall be conducted by "SECTION 224. Remedy for Enforcement of
legal officers of the Bureau of Internal Revenue but no civil or Forfeitures. — The forfeiture of chattels and removable
criminal action for the recovery of taxes or the enforcement of fixtures of any sort shall be enforced by the seizure and sale,
any fine, penalty or forfeiture under this Code shall be filed in or destruction, of the specific forfeited property. The forfeiture
court without the approval of the Commissioner. of real property shall be enforced by a judgment of
condemnation and sale in a legal action or proceeding, civil or
"SECTION 221. Remedy for Enforcement of
criminal, as the case may require.
Statutory Penal Provisions. — The remedy for enforcement of
statutory penalties of all sorts shall be by criminal or civil "SECTION 225. When Property to be Sold or
action, as the particular situation may require, subject to the Destroyed. — Sales of forfeited chattels and removable
approval of the Commissioner. fixtures shall be effected, so far as practicable, in the same
manner and under the same conditions as the public notice
"SECTION 222. Exceptions as to Period of Limitation
and the time and manner of sale as are prescribed for sales
of Assessment and Collection of Taxes. —
of personal property distrained for the non-payment of taxes.
"(a) In the case of a false or fraudulent return with
"Distilled spirits, liquors, cigars, cigarettes, other
intent to evade tax or of failure to file a return, the tax may be
manufactured products of tobacco, and all apparatus used in
assessed, or a proceeding in court for the collection of such
or about the illicit production of such articles may, upon
tax may be filed without assessment, at any time within ten
forfeiture, be destroyed by order of the Commissioner, when
(10) years after the discovery of the falsity, fraud or
the sale of the same for consumption or use would be
omission: Provided, That in a fraud assessment which has
injurious to public health or prejudicial to the enforcement of
become final and executory, the fact of fraud shall be
the law.
judicially taken cognizance of in the civil or criminal action for
the collection thereof. "All other articles subject to excise tax, which have
been manufactured or removed in violation of this Code, as
"(b) If before the expiration of the time prescribed in
well as dies for the printing or making of internal revenue
Section 203 for the assessment of the tax, both the
stamps and labels which are in imitation of or purport to be
Commissioner and the taxpayer have agreed in writing to its
lawful stamps, or labels may, upon forfeiture, be sold or
assessment after such time, the tax may be assessed within
destroyed in the discretion of the Commissioner.
the period agreed upon. The period so agreed upon may be
extended by subsequent written agreement made before the "Forfeited property shall not be destroyed until at
expiration of the period previously agreed upon. least twenty (20) days after seizure.
"(c) Any internal revenue tax which has been "SECTION 226. Disposition of Funds Recovered in
assessed within the period of limitation as prescribed in Legal Proceedings or Obtained from Forfeitures. — All
paragraph (a) hereof may be collected by distraint or levy or judgments and monies recovered and received for taxes,
by a proceeding in court within five (5) years following the costs, forfeitures, fines and penalties shall be paid to the
assessment of the tax. Commissioner or his authorized deputies as the taxes
themselves are required to be paid, and except as specially
"(d) Any internal revenue tax, which has been
provided, shall be accounted for and dealt within the same
assessed within the period agreed upon as provided in
paragraph (b) hereinabove, may be collected by distraint or
levy or by a proceeding in court within the period agreed upon "SECTION 227. Satisfaction of Judgment Recovered
in writing before the expiration of the five (5)-year period. The Against any Internal Revenue Officer. — When an action is
period so agreed upon may be extended by subsequent brought against any Internal Revenue Officer to recover
written agreements made before the expiration of the period damages by reason of any act done in the performance of
previously agreed upon. official duty, and the Commissioner is notified of such action
in time to make defense against the same, through the
"(e) Provided, however, That nothing in the
Solicitor General, any judgment, damages or costs recovered
immediately preceding Section and paragraph (a) hereof shall
in such action shall be satisfied by the Commissioner, upon
be construed to authorize the examination and investigation
approval of the Secretary of Finance, or if the same be paid
or inquiry into any tax return filed in accordance with the
by the person sued shall be repaid or reimbursed to him.
provisions of any tax amnesty law or decree.
"No such judgment, damages, or costs shall be paid
"SECTION 223. Suspension of Running of Statute of
or reimbursed in behalf of a person who has acted negligently
Limitations. — The running of the Statute of Limitations
or in bad faith, or with willful oppression.
provided in Sections 203 and 222 on the making of
assessment and the beginning of distraint or levy or a "CHAPTER III
proceeding in court for collection, in respect of any deficiency,
Protesting an Assessment, Refund, Etc.
shall be suspended for the period during which the
Commissioner is prohibited from making the assessment or "SECTION 228. Protesting of Assessment. — When
beginning distraint or levy or a proceeding in court and for the Commissioner or his duly authorized representative finds
sixty (60) days thereafter; when the taxpayer requests for a that proper taxes should be assessed, he shall first notify the
taxpayer of his findings: Provided, however, That a "SECTION 230. Forfeiture of Cash Refund and of
preassessment notice shall not be required in the following Tax Credit. —
"(A) Forfeiture of Refund. — A refund check or
"(a) When the finding for any deficiency tax is the warrant issued in accordance with the pertinent provisions of
result of mathematical error in the computation of the tax as this Code, which shall remain unclaimed or uncashed within
appearing on the face of the return; or five (5) years from the date the said warrant or check was
mailed or delivered, shall be forfeited in favor of the
"(b) When a discrepancy has been determined
Government and the amount thereof shall revert to the
between the tax withheld and the amount actually remitted by
general fund.
the withholding agent; or
"(B) Forfeiture of Tax Credit. — A tax credit
"(c) When a taxpayer who opted to claim a refund or
certificate issued in accordance with the pertinent provisions
tax credit of excess creditable withholding tax for a taxable
of this Code, which shall remain unutilized after five (5) years
period was determined to have carried over and automatically
from the date of issue, shall, unless revalidated, be
applied the same amount claimed against the estimated tax
considered invalid, and shall not be allowed as payment for
liabilities for the taxable quarter or quarters of the succeeding
internal revenue tax liabilities of the taxpayer, and the amount
taxable year; or
covered by the certificate shall revert to the general fund.
"(d) When the excise tax due on excisable articles
"(C) Transitory Provision. — For purposes of the
has not been paid; or
preceding Subsection, a tax credit certificate issued by the
"(e) When an article locally purchased or imported Commissioner or his duly authorized representative prior to
by an exempt person, such as, but not limited to, vehicles, January 1, 1998, which remains unutilized or has a creditable
capital equipment, machineries and spare parts, has been balance as of said date, shall be presented for revalidation
sold, traded or transferred to non-exempt persons. with the Commissioner or his duly authorized representative
or on before June 30, 1998. cdtai
"The taxpayers shall be informed in writing of the law
and the facts on which the assessment is made; otherwise, "SECTION 231. Action to Contest Forfeiture of
the assessment shall be void. Chattel. — In case of the seizure of personal property under
claim of forfeiture, the owner desiring to contest the validity of
"Within a period to be prescribed by implementing
the forfeiture may, at any time before sale or destruction of
rules and regulations, the taxpayer shall be required to
the property, bring an action against the person seizing the
respond to said notice. If the taxpayer fails to respond, the
property or having possession thereof to recover the same,
Commissioner or his duly authorized representative shall
issue an assessment based on his findings. and upon giving proper bond, may enjoin the sale; or after the
sale and within six (6) months, he may bring an action to
"Such assessment may be protested administratively recover the net proceeds realized at the sale.
by filing a request for reconsideration or reinvestigation within
||| (Tax Reform Act of 1997, Republic Act No. 8424, [December
thirty (30) days from receipt of the assessment in such form
and manner as may be prescribed by implementing rules and 11, 1997])
regulations. Within sixty (60) days from filing of the protest, all
relevant supporting documents shall have been submitted;
otherwise, the assessment shall become final.
"If the protest is denied in whole or in part, or is not
acted upon within one hundred eighty (180) days from
submission of documents, the taxpayer adversely affected by
the decision or inaction may appeal to the Court of Tax
Appeals within thirty (30) days from receipt of the said
decision, or from the lapse of the one hundred eighty (180)-
day period; otherwise, the decision shall become final,
executory and demandable.
"SECTION 229. Recovery of Tax Erroneously or
Illegally Collected. — No suit or proceeding shall be
maintained in any court for the recovery of any national
internal revenue tax hereafter alleged to have been
erroneously or illegally assessed or collected, or of any
penalty claimed to have been collected without authority, or of
any sum alleged to have been excessively or in any manner
wrongfully collected, until a claim for refund or credit has been
duly filed with the Commissioner; but such suit or proceeding
may be maintained, whether or not such tax, penalty, or sum
has been paid under protest or duress.
"In any case, no such suit or proceeding shall be
filed after the expiration of two (2) years from the date of
payment of the tax or penalty regardless of any supervening
cause that may arise after payment: Provided, however, That
the Commissioner may, even without a written claim therefor,
refund or credit any tax, where on the face of the return upon
which payment was made, such payment appears clearly to
have been erroneously paid.

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