Study of Cracks in Buildings

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Study of Cracks in Buildings

Thesis · January 2009

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.2485.5201


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4 authors, including:

Sri Kalyana Rama J

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad


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INTRODUCTION • Long Term Drying Shrinkage Cracking
• Seasonal Thermal Contraction
Cracks in a building are of common
occurrence. A building component
develops cracks whenever stress in the CAUSES OF OCCURRENCE
component exceeds its strength. Cracks
a) moisture changes
are classified in to structural and non
b) thermal variations
structural categories. The structural ones
c) elastic deformations
are due to faulty design, faulty
d) creep
construction or overloading which may
e) foundation movement and settlement
endanger safety of buildings. The non
of soil
structural cracks are due to internally
induced stresses. Depending on width of a) Moisture movement
crack, these are classified in to thin (< Most of the building materials having
1mm), medium (1mm to 2mm) and wide pores in their structure in the form of
(> 2mm wide). Internally induced intermolecular (ex concrete, mortar,
stresses in building components lead to bricks etc) expand on absorbing
dimensional changes and whenever moisture and shrink on drying. These
there is a restraint to movement as is movements are reversible. Initial
generally the case cracking occurs. shrinkage is partly irreversible and
occurs in all building materials which
There are numerous causes of cracking
are cement/lime based e.g. concrete,
in concrete, but most instances are
mortar, masonry etc. Some of the
related more to concrete specification
building materials absorb moisture from
and construction practices than by
environment and undergo gradual
stresses due to induced forces.
expansion (Initial expansion), bulk of
The four primary causes of cracking that
which is irreversible. For the bricks, this
the designer can help to prevent are:
entire expansion takes place in first 3
• Flexural Cracking
months once they are removed from
• Early Thermal Contraction Cracking
kilns. Cracks due to shrinkage affect
mainly the appearance and finish and the thermal movement could be
structural stability is not impaired. These distinguished from those due to
cracks generally get localized near door shrinkage or other causes from the
and window openings or stair case walls. criterion that the former open and close
In external walls they run downward alternately with changes in temperature
from window sill to plinth level or to the while the latter are not affected by such
lintel of lower story. changes.
Thermal movement depends on Colour
and Surface Characteristics of exposed
buding surfaces. Dark coloured and
rough textured materials have lower
reflectivity and hence rise in temperature
is more for these surfaces. In case of
concrete roof slabs, as the material has
low conductivity, thermal gradient is
quite appreciable and that causes the slab
to arch up and also to move outward due
to heat from the sun. This results in
cracks in external walls which support
the slab and in the internal walls that are
built up to the soffit of the slab. In case
of framed-structures, roof slab, beams
b) Thermal movement and columns move jointly causing
Due to variation in atmospheric diagonal cracks in walls which are
temperature, there will be thermal located parallel to the movement, and
movement in building horizontal cracks below beams in walls
components. When there is some which are at right angle to the
restraint to movement of building movement.
component, internal stresses are
generated resulting in cracks due to
tensile or shear stresses. Cracks due to
c) Elastic deformations
Structural components of a building such
as walls, columns, beams and slabs,
consisting of materials like masonry,
Cracking in Top Most Storey of a concrete, steel etc, undergo elastic
Load Bearing Strucrure deformation due to load in accordance
with Hook's law, the amount of
deformation depending upon elastic
modulus of the materials, magnitude of
loading and dimensions of the
If RCC slabs, RCC lintels over openings
and masonry in plinth and foundation
have good shear resistance, cracking in
question would not be very significant.

Expansion Joints in Slabs Supported

on Twin Walls
stress/strength ratio and, therefore, creep
in brickwork with weak mortar, which
generally has higher stress/strength ratio,
is more. Another reason for greater creep
in case of brickwork with weak mortar is
that weak mortar has greater viscous
flow than a strong mortar.
In brick work, creep may cease after 4
months while in concrete it may
continue up to about a year or so.
However, in concrete, extent of creep is
related to the process of hardening and
thus most of the creep takes place in the
first month and after that its pace slows
down. That means creep strain can be
reduced by deferring removal of
Vertical Cracks and
centering and application of external
Diagonal Cracks
d) Movements due to creep
In concrete, extent of creep depends on a
number of factors, such as water and
cement content, water cement ratio,
temperature, humidity, use of admixtures
and pozzolanas, age of concrete at the
time of loading and size and shape of the
component. Creep increases with
increase in water and cement content,
water cement ratio, and temperature; it
decreases with increase in humidity of
the surrounding atmosphere and age of
material at the time of loading. In case of
brickwork, amount of creep depends on
e) Foundation movement and TYPES OF CRACKS
settlement of soil
Shear cracks in buildings occur when
Wall: External wall of load bearing
there is large differential settlement of
foundation either due to unequal bearing
i) Vertical cracks in the sidewalls at the
pressure under different parts of the
corners of building.
structure or due to bearing pressure on
Cracks start from DPC level and travels
soil being in excess of safe bearing
upwards are more or less straight and
strength of the soil or due to low factor
pass through masonry units and there is
of safety in the design of foundation.
difference in the level on the two sides
of cracks.
They are due to thermal expansion
sometime aggravated by moisture
expansion of bricks work.
ii) Vertical cracks near the quoins in the
front elevation of long building having
Cracks at the Corner of a Building
short return walls.
Due to Foundation Settlement.
These start upwards from DPC level and
are due thermal expansion and occur
when adequate provision from the
For Diagnosis, the following information
moment joints has not been made. The
is to be collected and studied.
short return wall rotates due to thrust at
(i) Location, Shape, Size, Depth,
two ends from the long walls this
Behavior and other characteristics
resulting in vertical cracks. If length of
(i) Specification of job
return wall is more than 600mm, this can
(ii) Time of construction
be avoided.
(iii) Past history
iii) Vertical cracks in the top most
(iv)When the cracks first came to notice
stories at corners of a building having
(v) Whether the cracks are active or
RCC roof
It is due to shrinkage of RCC roof slab
on initial drying, as well as thermal
construction, which exerts an inward Span to be small insulation protective
pull on the walls in both directions. This covering to be provided, slab should be
is because bending in walls in portions slightly shorter or longer.
always from corner, causes verticals (vii) Horizontal cracks in the top most
cracks about one unit always stories, the cracks being above the slab
from corners. when seen from outside and below the
iv ) Vertical Cracks below opening in slab when seen from inside.
line with window joints . These occur due to temperature variation
These are due to vertical sheer caused by accompanied by bowing up of slab due
differential strain in the lightly loaded to thermal gradient in slab. provide
masonry Inside week mortar outside mastic
below the opening and heavily loaded compared after cleaning etc. reflective
portion of wall having no openings. cover on top. If rich mix is used, cracks
Avoid large windows. recur.
(v) Vertical cracks around staircase (viii) Horizontal cracks at windows lintel
opening and around balconies or sill levels in the top most stories.
Due to drying shrinkage and thermal Due to pull exerted by slab on the wall
moveme3nt in the building because of because of drying shrinkage and thermal
weakening of contraction pull result in bending of wall
in the wall as well as floor section most which causes cracking at a week section
very conscious. i.e. lintel level. They can be avoided by
(vi) Horizontal cracks in the top most providing slip joints at slab supports on
storey below slab level . the wall and by providing smaller
These are due to deflection of slab and windows.
lifting up of edge of slab, combined with (ix) Horizontal cracks in the top most
horizontal movement in the slab due to story of a building at the corners.
shrinkage . Because of light vertical load Due to vertical lifting of slab corners due
on the wall due to which, end of slab to deflection in the slab both directions.
lifts up without much restraint. Can be avoided by providing adequate
corner reinforcement. This ours only in
the top
stress because less load. External and Internal walls of load
(x) Horizontal crocks @ eaves level in bearing Structures
buildings having pitched roofs with (i) Vertical cracks in walls built with
woods trusses concrete blocks of send line bricks
It is due to outward thrust from the roof Cracks occur at week sections, ie. at mid
truss because of w weakening of point of openings or at regular internals
structured timber due to dry rot or fungal in long stretches . Depending upon the
attack. Can be avoided by replacing roof strength of mortar, cracks may be
with some lighter material ,going straight or stepped.
treatment to wood work, by providing They appear within weeks of
steel ties between external walls of construction and increase in width over a
timber is deteriorated to be replaced after period of one or
masonry is rebuild . two years. They get widening during
(xi) Diagonal cracks across the corner of cold weather there are due to drying
a building affecting two adjacent wall. shrinkage of
These occur due to drying shrinkage of masonry units and more conspicuous
foundation soil when built on shrinkable when reach mortar is used.
clay soil and has shallow foundation fast (ii) Vertical cracks at the junction of a
growing trees near the building old portion of building and new
accentuate the problem by process of extension.
dehydration of soil. Wider at top and These are due to compaction of soil
become narrow as they travel downward. under load of newly built portion of
Pass Though DPC and extend to building
foundation (iii) Vertical cracks at the junction of
Remedy:- (i)To be filled with epoxy type RCC columns and masonry .
material They are due to differential strain
(ii) Provide 2m wide flexible water tight between RCC and masonry because of
apron all round t he building at a depth elastic
of 0.50 mt below GL. work to be carried deformation. Shrinkage and creep in
out after 1 or 2 months after monsoon RCC column. This and could be filled in
at the time of renewal of finishing coat.
(iv) Horizontal cracks in mortar joints In dry weather the soil shrinks and
appearing two or three years after external walls settle down as well as
construction . These are due to sulphate tend to tilt outwards. In rains soil swells
attack. These cracks would be up and the movement reversed but
accompanied by weakening of cracks once formed do not fully close.
mortar. No remedy is available expect to The floor haves up and become
do replastering with sulphate resisting unshapely.
cement. viii) Diagonal cracks over RCC lintels
.(v) Ripping cracks occurring at the spanning large openings. They start from
ceiling level in cross walls . ends of lintels traveling upwards in
These are due to relative movement masonry away from opening. They are
between RCC roof slab and cross wall. due to drying shrinkage of in -site RCC
Movement of RCC slab being due to lintels and are observed in first dry spell
thermal expansion and construction after completion of building.When pre
because of inadequate cast lintels are used no such cracks will
thermal insulation /cover on roof slab. be formed.
(vi) Diagonal cracks in cross wall of a Partition walls in load bearing
multi storied load bearing structures . structures.
They are due to differential strain in 2) Partition walls supported on RCC slab
internal and external load bearing walls or beam if wall is build tightly upto the
to which soffit of top beam / slab, these types of
cross walls are bonded. cracks appear.
(vii) Diagonal cracks accompanied by 3) Partition walls built of concrete
outward tilting of external walls. Internal blocks Cracks are vertical and are at
walls under going random cracking and junctions with the load bearing walls and
floors cracking up and becoming at intermediate places when partition is
uneven. long. If wall is comparatively tall,
Due to moisture movement of shrinkage horizontal cracks may be develop at mid
soil (B.C. Soil), when the foundation is height portion. They are due to drying
shallow. shrinkage.
PREVENTION OF CRACKS ฀ Dark coloured and rough texured
1. To prevent Shrinkage/ expansion materials on exteriors have lower
cracks Planning & Design stage reflectitivity and
฀ Select materials having small moisture react more for thermal expansions
movement eg bricks, lime stones, marble ฀ Plan for a layer of adequate thickness
etc of good reflective surface over concrete
฀ Plan for less richer cement content, roof slabs to minimize these cracks
larger size of aggregates and less water ฀ slip joint should be introduced
content between slab and its supporting wall or
฀ Porus aggregates (from sand stone, the some length from the supporting wall
clinker etc) prone for high shrinkage or the slab should bear only on part
฀ Plan for offsets in walls for length o f width of the wall
more than 600 mm ฀ Mortar for parapet masonry should be
฀ Use of of composite cement-lime 1 cement: 1 lime: 6 sand
mortar of 1:1:6 mix or weaker for construction stage
plastering work ฀ Construction of masonry over the slab
฀ Plan for proper expansion/control/slip should be deferred as much as possible
joints (at least
Construction stage one month) so that concrete undergoes
฀ For brick work 2weeks time in some drying shrinkage prior to the
summer and 3 weeks time in winter construction of parapet.
should be allowed before using from the ฀ Good bond should be ensured
date of removal from kilns between parapet masonry and concrete
฀ Delay plastering work till masonry slab
dried after proper curing ฀ The bearing portion of the wall is
฀ Proper curing immediately on initial rendered smooth with plaster, allowed to
setting brings down drying shrinkage set and partly dry, and then given a thick
2. To prevent cracks due to Thermal coat of whitewash before casting the slab
movement Planning & Design stage so that there is a minimum bond between
the slab and the support. To ensure more
efficient functioning of this joint, in
place of whitewashing 2 or 3 layers of ฀ When brick masonry is to be laid
tarred paper abutting an RCC column, defer
are placed over the plastered surface to brickwork as much as possible.
allow for easy sliding between RCC slab ฀ When RCC and brickwork occur in
and the supporting masonry combination and are to be plastered
฀ To avoid cracks near door frames over, allow sufficient time (at least one
ptovide groove as shown in Fig.11 month) to RCC and brickwork to
3. To prevent cracks due to Elastic undergo initial shrinkage
deformations Planning & Design stage and creep before taking up plaster work.
฀ When large spans cannot be avoided, ฀ A panel walls in RCC framed
deflection of slabs or beams could be structures: i) as far as possible, all frame-
reduced by increasing depth of slabs and work should be completed before taking
beams so as to increase their stiffness. up masonry work of cladding and
Adoption of bearing partitions which should be
arrangement and provision of a groove started from top storey downward. ii)
in plaster at the junction of wall and Provide horizontal movement joint
ceiling will be of some help in between the
mitigating the cracks. top of brick panel and soffit of beams.
Construction stage ฀ Partitions supported on floor slab or
฀ allow adequate time lag between work beam: i) Provide upward camber in floor
of wall masonry and fixing of tiles. slab/beam so as to counteract deflection.
4. To prevenr cracks due to Creep ii) Defer construction of partitions and
Construction stage plaster work as much as possible iii)
฀ Do not provide brickwork over a Provide horizontal expansion joints
flexural RCC member (beam or slab) between the top of masonry and soffit of
before removal beam/slab, filling the gaps with some
of centering and allow a time interval of mastic compound.
at least 2 weeks between removal of 5. To prevent cracks due to Chemical
centering and construction of partition or reaction Planning & design stage
panel wall over it. ฀ For structural concrete in foundation,
if sulphate content in soil exceeds 0.2
per cent or in groundwater exceeds 300 ฀ for filling deep - say exceeding 1.0m.,
ppm, use very dense concrete and either Soil used for filling should be free from
increase richness of mix to 1:1 1/2:3 or organic matter, brick-bats and debris
use sulphate resisting Portland filling should be done in layers not
cement/super-sulphated cement or exceeding 25 cm in thickness and each
adopt a combination of the two methods layer should be watered and well
depending upon the sulphate content of rammed.
the soil. ฀ If filling is more than 1 metre in
฀ cracking caused in concrete due to depth, process of flooding and
carbonation can be avoided or compaction should be carried out after
minimized by ensuing use of Exposed every metre of fill.
concrete items in thin sections, such as CRACK STITCHING
sunshades, fins and louvers of buildings,
are with concrete of richer mix (say 1:1 Following steps are to be followed for
1/2:3) crack stitching
6. To prevent cracks due to Soil
settlement Planning & design stage
฀ plan for under-reamed piles in
foundation for construction on
shrinkable soils
฀ plan for plinth protection around the 1
฀ slip / expansion joints to ensure that
new construction is not bonded with the
old construction and the two parts (Old
and new) are separated right from
bottom to the top. When plastering the 2
new work a deep groove should be
formed separating the new work from
the old.
Construction stage
STEP 1: Clean the crack

STEP 2: Rake the joints across the

cracks in a length of 600mm as deep as
conveniently and safely possible without
disturbing the stones

STEP 3: Clean the joints at least 300mm
on each side of the crack.

STEP 4: Clean everything with wire

brush, and remove dust.

STEP 5: Fill the cracks and raked joints

with 1:6 cement sand or 1:3 lime sand
4 mortar.

STEP 6: Sprinkle water on the cement

mortar for a minimum of 7 days.

STEP 7: The wall will then become

strong again and this repaired area will
not act as a weak point in the wall for
future earthquakes.









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