Seismic Deformation Analysis of A Rockfill Dam With A Bituminous Concrete Core

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WCCM/APCOM 2010 IOP Publishing

IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 10 (2010) 012106 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/10/1/012106

Seismic Deformation Analysis of a Rockfill Dam with a

Bituminous Concrete Core

Behrooz Ghahreman Nejad1, Phillip Soden2, Hossein Taiebat3 and Steve

1, 2, 4
ATC Williams Pty Ltd, 222-225 Beach Road, Mordialloc, 3195 VIC, Australia
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of New South Wales,

Email: [email protected]

Abstract. This paper reports the results of seismic deformation analyses of Shur River Dam,
which is an 84 m high water retaining rockfill embankment with a bituminous concrete core.
The proposed Shur River Dam is located in a region of high seismicity in Kerman province,
Iran. The purpose of the dam is to store raw and process water for use in the Sarcheshmeh
Copper Production Complex. The maximum crest settlement of the dam under three
earthquake loadings was evaluated using simplified procedures and numerical analysis. Plane
strain, dynamic deformation analysis of the Shur Dam has been performed using the
commercial software FLAC and its built-in Mohr-Coulomb elastic-plastic model. The main
objective of these analyses has been to identify the earthquake induced movements that could
lead to uncontrolled release of water. The predicted deformations are compared with the results
of simplified analyses and the observed displacements in other embankment dams [1] during
past earthquakes. The relative movement of the asphaltic core with respect to the rockfill
material on either side of the core was also studied.

1. Introduction
In recent years, dam designers have become increasingly interested in the design of asphaltic core
rockfill dams (ACRD). The main reasons for this have been the deformation characteristics, self-
healing nature and constructability of asphalt cores in most climatic conditions, as well as the
satisfactory performance of rockfill material under all types of loading conditions.
Rockfill embankment dams have been shown to be able to withstand strong earthquake loading
[2, 3]. No serious incident has been reported due to a severe earthquake although some permanent
crest settlements and slope deformations have occurred due to earthquake excitation [1]. This makes
rockfill embankments ideal for dams in earthquake prone regions. Embankment dams generally
exhibit some crest settlements due to accumulation of settlements of underlying layers during
construction. In the case of earthquake loading, however, both horizontal and vertical deformations
may be expected. The impervious core of a rockfill dam must have sufficient flexibility to adjust to the
potential foundation settlements and/or differential settlements, which are normally accompanied by
large tensile and shear stresses, without cracking or noticeable increase in permeability. An asphaltic
concrete core is therefore considered a suitable option in regions with high seismic activity. The
bitumen content of the asphalt core can be adjusted so that the core remains visco-elastic-plastic

c 2010 Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd 1
WCCM/APCOM 2010 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 10 (2010) 012106 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/10/1/012106

within the range of changes in local temperature. A visco-elastic-plastic material such as asphalt has a
self-healing ability when subjected to differential settlements and therefore remains impervious.
Utilisation of asphalt in a core, as compared with a clay core, has the potential to reduce seepage and
increase the factor of safety against instability.
Asphaltic concrete has also been used as a membrane on the upstream face of embankment dams.
However, the tensile stresses and strains along an upstream face membrane, generated due to
deformation of the rockfill, are much greater than those generated in a central core [4]. The earthquake
induced deformations of embankment slopes have little effect on the central core but would cause
large deflections and tensile strains in the upstream face. An upstream face membrane is also exposed
to weathering due to temperature variations, oxidation and radiation, which may result in degradation,
brittleness and cracking of asphaltic concrete. Therefore, it is easier to satisfy the design requirements
for the asphaltic concrete to be used as a core rather than as an upstream face membrane.
Different methods of pseudo-dynamic and dynamic analysis have been proposed and used for
deformation analysis of embankment dams under earthquake loading. Among these are the original
contribution of Newmark [5], which was later modified by Makdisi and Seed [6]. In these methods
sliding of a soil mass along a potential failure surface was simplified into sliding of a rigid block due
to horizontal earthquake acceleration. The acceleration was estimated at different levels using an
equivalent linear earthquake response analysis. When the inertia force of earthquake exceeds the yield
resistance of a block, movements begin, and when the inertia force changes its direction, movements
stop. Improvements in numerical methods in recent years have resulted in application of non-linear
elasto-plastic models to investigate the dynamic response of embankment dams to seismic loads.
The response of asphaltic concrete cores in rockfill dams due to earthquake loading has not been
well understood, although these dams have shown excellent performance during construction and
operation [7]. Deformation analyses of asphaltic core dams under earthquake loading were carried out
by Valstad et al [8], and Meintjes and Jones [9] using a Newmark-based method. Ghanooni and Mahin
Roosta [4] used a non-linear elasto-plastic model in dynamic analysis of a typical 115m high dam.
They observed a large relative settlement between the asphalt core and the transition zones on either
sides of the core. The behaviour of the asphalt core remained elastic while the transition zones
exhibited large deformations and behaved as a plastic material. The maximum shear strain in the core
was an order of magnitude smaller than that of transition zones. A Newmark-based analysis showed
larger displacements and widespread cracking of the core, which was in complete disagreement with
the results of the non-linear numerical analysis. Feizi-Khankandi et al [10] also performed a dynamic
deformation analysis of an asphaltic core rockfill dam and found a significant relative vertical
displacement between the core and the embankment. A model test on a shaking table confirmed this
behaviour. The residual shear strains after earthquake were estimated to be very small in the asphaltic
core (0.5%) as compared to those of the transition zones around the core. It was found that the
Newmark method gives smaller permanent displacement than that obtained by non linear deformation
analysis. Baziar et al [11] conducted dynamic deformation analyses and centrifuge tests on a prototype
ACRD, subjected to an impact load (drop weight) at the base of the embankment. The results of the
deformation analyses corresponded well with the observations from the centrifuge tests, and the
asphalt core showed the same behaviour in both numerical and centrifuge models.
It is important to assess the level of tensile and shear stresses as well as tensile strains imposed on
an asphalt core under earthquake loading. While the compressive stress at the base of the core was
found to be higher, Höeg [12] concluded that tensile stress may only be localised at the top 20%-25%
of the core height. Numerical analyses conducted by Ghanooni and Mahin-Roosta [4] also showed that
the top section of the asphaltic core of the embankment analysed was subjected to small tensile
stresses, but the stress magnitudes were much less than the tolerable tensile strength of the material.

2. Description of the problem

The Shur dam is an asphaltic concrete core rockfill dam which is currently under construction in the
high seismicity area of Kerman, in south east Iran. The maximum height of the dam at crest RL 2364m

WCCM/APCOM 2010 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 10 (2010) 012106 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/10/1/012106

is approximately 84 m from the river base, with the full supply level at 2360m. The dam is founded on
volcanic bedrock formed by inter-bedded zones of andesite and tuff. The upstream and downstream
slopes are 1.75:1 (H:V) and 1.5:1 (H:V), respectively. The embankment consists of a 0.6m wide
central asphalt core, transition zones 2A and 2B on either side of the core, free draining rockfill (Zone
3A), and coarse rockfill (Zone 3B). A downstream rock toe (Zone 4) with a slope of 4:1 (H:V), with
its filter Zone 3C, has been incorporated for flood protection. The crest width is 10m with a 0.6m
camber. A typical section of the dam is presented in Figure 1.

Full Supply Level 2360m 2364m

Nominal 2280m

Bedrock (Andesite)

Figure 1. Typical Section of Shur River Dam.

Static stability analyses of the dam resulted in a minimum factor of safety (FOS) of 2.02 and 2.10
for the downstream and upstream slopes respectively, indicating a level of conservatism of the
geometry under different static loading conditions.

3. Seismic design criteria

The embankment is located in a region of high seismicity and consequently the seismic action was
considered to be the governing load case. Two levels of earthquake loading were considered in the
analysis and design of Shur River Dam, as recommended by ANCOLD [13]:

• Operating Basis Earthquake (OBE): It represents the level of ground motion at the dam site
at which only minor damage is acceptable. Such damage should be superficial rather than
structural. The dam, appurtenant structures and equipment should remain functional and
damage easily repairable from the occurrence of earthquake shaking not exceeding the OBE.
An annual exceedance probability (AEP) of 1 in 500 was adopted for the OBE based on
ANCOLD guidelines (1998) and a 10 percent chance of exceedance in 50 years.
• Maximum Design Earthquake (MDE): It will produce the maximum level of ground motion
for which the dam should be designed or analysed. It is a minimum requirement that the
impounding capacity of the dam be maintained when subjected to that seismic load. Due to the
extreme importance of the Sarcheshmeh mine to the economy of the region and the risk
imposed to the life of people in the downstream villages, the Maximum Credible Earthquake
(MCE), an event having PGA=0.8g and associated magnitude of M=7.5, was taken as the
Maximum Design Earthquake (MDE). The MCE corresponds to an event with a return period
of 10,000 years. For the MDE event, a factor of safety less than 1.0 (using pseudo-static
screening) is acceptable provided that a comprehensive analysis can demonstrate breach
would not occur.
The results of pseudo-static analyses indicated that under the MDE loads, instability of both
upstream and downstream slopes would theoretically be expected. On this basis seismic response and
deformation analyses of the maximum height section were carried out in order to predict the
magnitude and pattern of any resultant deformation.

WCCM/APCOM 2010 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 10 (2010) 012106 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/10/1/012106

Three earthquakes were recommended by the site seismology report and were adopted in the
seismic deformation analysis. They are those of the Loma Prieta earthquake, which occurred in 1989
in California, the Cape Mendocino earthquake, which occurred in 1992 in California, and the Nahanni
earthquake which occurred in 1985 in Canada.
Only horizontal components of the acceleration-time histories were considered, of which the most
severe component was used for the modelling. For each earthquake, a Fourier amplitude spectrum was
derived to identify the dominant range of frequencies. Figure (2) presents the acceleration time history
and Fourier amplitude spectrum for the Loma Prieta earthquake.
Loma Prieta Earthquake (10,000 years - H2) 1000
8 900
6 800

Fourier Amplitude

Acceleration (m/sec

0 400
-2 300
-4 200
-6 100
-8 0
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20 25

T ime (sec) Frequency (Hz)

Figure 2. Loma Prieta Earthquake –Acceleration Time History and Fourier Amplitude Spectrum

4. Material Properties

4.1. Overview
The material properties used in the analyses are summarised in Table 1. The properties were obtained
from site investigations, laboratory tests, published literature, established correlations and previous
experience. The discussion following the table provides background information regarding the
selection of some of these parameters.

Table 1. Summary of stiffness and damping properties.

Material Density c′ φ′ ν Gmax (MPa) ξ% Modulus Reduction
(kg/m3) (kPa) & Damping Curve

Bedrock 2450 1 60 0.23 2,700 1 Shake2000 [14]

Asphalt 2450 2000 0 0.49 40 1 -
Zone 2 2050 0 38 0.3 19.8 σ′m0.5 1 Shake2000 [14]
τ −σ
Zone 3, 4 2300 0.23 37.4 σ′m0.5 1 Shake2000 [14]
c′ is cohesion, φ′ is friction angle, ν is Poisson’s ratio, Gmax is small strain shear modulus, ξ is initial
damping ratio, τ is shear stress, σ is normal stress and σ′m is mean effective stress.

4.2. Bedrock
The small strain shear modulus and Poisson’s ratio of the igneous bedrock were determined, using the
S (shear) and P (compressional) wave velocities measured in seismic refraction tests over the
foundation area.

4.3. Rockfill
The rockfill used for construction of the embankment and filters are mainly sourced from an
andesite-basalt quarry. The rockfill material has a friction angle of φ′=48o at low confining stresses,

WCCM/APCOM 2010 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 10 (2010) 012106 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/10/1/012106

which reduces to 40o at higher confining stresses at the base of the embankment. This negates the
dilation effect and therefore a dilation angle of zero was adopted for the analysis.
The small strain shear modulus or Gmax for the rockfill was taken as a function of mean effective
stress, σ′m, using the empirical relationship reported in Kramer [15]:
Gmax = 220K2max (σ′m )0.5 (kPa) (1)
K2max depends on the quality and relative density of the material. For a gravel, K2max ranges from 80
to 180. Zone 3 rockfill is considered to be of good quality and well compacted. Consequently a K2max
value of 170 was adopted.

4.4. Transition Zones/ Filters

For Zone 2 the small strain shear modulus was derived from equation (1) using a K2max value of 90. A
typical Poisson’s ratio of 0.3 m was adopted.

4.5. Asphalt Core

The asphalt mixes used as a central core are similar to continuously graded road mixes, but the
desirable characteristics are changed from mixes with high strength and high stiffness to those with
low permeability and high flexibility. These characteristics can be achieved using higher bitumen
contents and higher filler contents compared to those used in road mixes. Permeability is the critical
criterion for an asphalt core, and is often evaluated indirectly using the air void content of the mix
Cyclic tests on samples of asphalt core showed that the asphalt samples deform in a linear elastic
manner under cyclic shear stresses imposed by an earthquake loading, even if the samples are
subjected to large initial shear stresses [17]. Similar conclusions were made by Wang [18] who
performed an extensive range of laboratory testing on samples of asphaltic concrete. During these
tests, the cyclic strain amplitudes remained virtually constant even for a large number of cycles, i.e.,
no material degradation occurred. However, samples exhibited residual strains due to creep under the
average static stress. Feizi-Khankandi et al [19] conducted monotonic and cyclic triaxial tests on
samples of asphalt concrete, where no significant degradation on the specimen behaviour was detected
even after 10000 cycles. They also concluded that the damping ratio increases with increasing
dynamic strain at lower stress ratio, but remains constant at higher stress ratio. Temperature was
identified to be the main factor affecting degradation of shear modulus.
For the analysis, a cohesion of 2 MPa was adopted from the results of triaxial tests conducted by
Höeg [15], and a conservative friction angle of φ′=0o was adopted. A low shear modulus of 40 MPa
was assumed for the asphalt core based on the triaxial test results conducted by Jones et al [20] on a
mix with a similar bitumen content. The Poisson’s ratio was assumed to be 0.49 to model the constant
volume elastic deformation characteristic of the Asphalt core.

5. Seismic deformation analysis

5.1. General
Seismic deformation analyses of the embankment were performed using methods of Newmark [5] and,
Makdisi and Seed [6], and a numerical analysis was performed using the software package FLAC
A pseudo static seismic analysis is not believed to provide an accurate assessment of the behaviour
of embankment dams. As mentioned earlier, this method was used as a screening tool, to determine
the necessity and extent of further detailed analyses. The critical factor of safety resulting from the
MDE loading was less than one, indicating that some deformation could be expected. The analysis
also identified that the upstream slope is likely to be the critical slope under the MDE seismic loading.
Therefore, detailed deformation analysis concentrated on the upstream embankment slope under the
MDE loading.

WCCM/APCOM 2010 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 10 (2010) 012106 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/10/1/012106

5.2. Equivalent linear and Newmark displacement analysis method employing Quake/W and Slope/W
A series of seismic deformation analyses of the embankment was conducted using the Newmark [5]
approach. In this approach the Quake/W and Slope/W programs [22] were used to evaluate the
deformation of the embankment during the earthquakes. Quake/W was utilised to calculate the internal
stresses in the embankment at predetermined time steps during the earthquakes. Slope/W was utilised
to estimate the factor of safety of the embankment along a critical surface based on the internal
stresses generated by Quake/W. Slope/W then applies the Newmark [5] approach to estimate the
permanent deformation along a critical failure surface as a function of time. The total deformation for
the most critical failure surface, which passes through the upstream toe, is evaluated to be 0.17m.

5.3. Makdisi and Seed approach

The simplified procedure for seismic deformation analysis proposed by Makdisi and Seed [6] was
undertaken to determine the permanent deformation of the embankment under different earthquake
loadings. Initially the acceleration record of the embankment crest was obtained by Quake/W together
with peak acceleration at various depths below the crest. The yield accelerations of predominant
failure surfaces were obtained using Slope/W. The estimate of deformation for each failure surface
was then obtained by the relationship given by Makdisi and Seed [6] between estimated deformation,
yield acceleration, the corresponding maximum acceleration at a depth, and the earthquake magnitude.
The maximum deformation of the embankment was estimated to be 0.49m and would occur in the
upper quadrant of the embankment upstream slope.

5.4. Hysteretic Elasto-Plastic analysis using FLAC

A two-dimensional plane strain dynamic deformation analysis of the embankment was performed
using the software FLAC 2D [21]. The rockfill, transition zones and the asphalt core were assumed to
obey the Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion. The model required stiffness and strength parameters for all
materials. The variation in stiffness of the rockfill and transition zones at different depths was
considered in the modelling based on the relationship given in Equation (1). A non-associated flow
rule was assumed for the rockfill and transition zones, assuming the dilation angle of the material was
equal to zero.
The embankment model was generated in three stages to better simulate the construction stages.
The initial state of stress within the embankment and its foundation was established, as well as the
state of pore water pressure within the embankment. The water level was considered to be at the full
supply level, RL 2360m. The distribution of pore pressure within the embankment and in the bedrock
was evaluated by the software. The finite difference model prepared for the analysis is shown in
Figure (3), which also shows different material zones.

x100 m
'Embankment:Zone 3'
'Embankment:Zone 2-Transiti 0.750
'Embankment:Zone 1-AC'


0.250 0.750 1.250 1.750 2.250 2.750 3.250 x100 m

Figure 3. Finite difference model of Shur River Dam.

WCCM/APCOM 2010 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 10 (2010) 012106 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/10/1/012106

The earthquake motions were applied to the model base as shear stress boundary conditions in
order to establish “quiet” boundaries, using a method described in the FLAC manual [21]. To limit the
size of the elements/zones in the model the earthquake records were filtered for the high frequency
content. Numerical distortion of the propagation of wave could occur in a dynamic analysis if the
spatial element sizes are coarse as compared to the propagating wave length. Kuhlemeyer and Lysmer
[23] showed that an accurate prediction of displacement could be achieved if less than 4 elements per
wave length are allowed. It was noted that most of the energy in the input motions was at frequencies
less than 10, 15 and 20 Hz for Loma Prieta, Cape Mendocino and Nahanni earthquakes respectively.
Therefore the seismic records were filtered to remove frequencies greater than these values.
The deformation pattern of the embankment model under the Loma Prieta earthquake loading
scenario is shown in Figure (4). This pattern involves settlement and slumping of the rockfill on either
side of the core, while the core generally remains vertical. Similar patterns of deformation also
resulted from the Nahanni and Cape Mendocino earthquakes. Contours of vertical and horizontal
displacements in the body of the dam predicted for the Loma Prieta earthquake are shown in Figures
(5) and (6) respectively. The upstream slope exhibits larger deformations, mainly due to the lower
initial effective stresses (ie saturated), as also predicted by the pseudo-static analyses. The maximum
predicted vertical settlement is at crest level and attenuates rapidly with depth. A maximum horizontal
displacement of about 0.8m was calculated in the lower section of the upstream slope. The Nahanni
earthquake resulted in the highest horizontal displacement, about 1.0m of movement, in the middle of
the upstream slope.
x100 m
Exaggerated Grid Distortion
Magnification = 1.000E+01
Max Disp = 1.392E+00 m


x100 m
0.000 0.500 1.000 1.500 2.000 2.500 3.000

Figure 4. Embankment deformation pattern of under the Loma Prieta earthquake.

x100 m
-1.3 -0.7

Y-displacement contours
-0.8 -0.2
Contour interval= 1.00E-01 m
Minimum: -1.30E+00 m 0.750
Maximum: 1.00E-01 m 0


0 0

0.250 0.750 1.250 1.750 2.250 2.750 3.250 x100 m

Figure 5. Settlement contours under the Loma Prieta earthquake.

WCCM/APCOM 2010 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 10 (2010) 012106 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/10/1/012106

x100 m
X-displacement contours
Contour interval= 1.50E-01 m
Minimum: -7.50E-01 m 0.6 0.45
Maximum: 6.00E-01 m
-0.45 0
-0.3 0.250

0.250 0.750 1.250 1.750 2.250 2.750 3.250 x100 m

Figure 6. Contours of lateral displacement under the Loma Prieta earthquake.

A summary of the deformations predicted by the non-linear dynamic analyses under the three
earthquakes are presented in Table 2, where a positive sign indicates movement in the downstream and
upward directions. Table 2 also shows the maximum relative displacement of the embankment crest in
both horizontal and vertical directions calculated with respect to the top of the bedrock (base of the

Table 2. Summary of predicted displacements from dynamic analyses.

Peak crest Maximum relative
Crest settlement (m)
Earthquake acceleration displacement (m)
(g) U/S Core D/S Horizontal Vertical
Loma Prieta 1.1 -1.38 -0.19 -0.63 -0.85 -1.44
Nahanni 1.4 -1.37 -0.06 -0.39 -1.00 -1.47
Cape Mendocino 1.7 -0.75 +0.04 -0.05 -0.60 -0.85

The relative lateral displacement of the asphalt core, with respect to the base of the core, resulting
from the analyses under the effects of the three earthquakes, is shown in Figure (7). It can be seen that
the maximum differential lateral displacement of the core was predicted to be larger under the
Nahanni earthquake with a maximum of 0.4m in the top quartile of the embankment. However, even
at this level of displacement, failure or cracking of the core is not expected.



Height (m)



Before Earthquake
35 Loma Prieta
25 Cape Mendocino
-0.2 -0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
Relative Horizontal Displacement (m)

Figure 7. Relative horizontal displacement of Asphalt core.

Variations of vertical deformations of the crest as a function of time, together with the acceleration
of the dam at crest level are shown in Figure (8). The predicted peak crest acceleration is about 1.1g,
for Loma Prieta earthquake and 1.7g for Cape Mendocino earthquake, as compared to the peak ground

WCCM/APCOM 2010 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 10 (2010) 012106 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/10/1/012106

acceleration of 0.8g. This indicates an amplification of 1.4 to 2.1. These values compared well with
those obtained using the Makdisi and Seed [6] method. This range of amplifications is expected for
rockfill embankments based on past experience, for example Matsumoto et al [24].
(10 )
Top of Asphalt Core
Horizontal Crest Acceleration ( m/sec2)


Crest Settlement (m)

0.400 -0.400

Downstream Side



0 5 10 15 20 25 4 8 12 16 20 24
Time (Sec) Time (sec)

Figure 8. Crest acceleration and vertical displacement under the Loma Prieta earthquake.

Swaisgood [1] examined the observed crest settlements of 69 embankment dams during past
earthquakes and has provided a mathematical relationship to predict the extent of earthquake induced
settlement. This relationship only requires the earthquake magnitude and peak ground acceleration
(PGA). The predicted crest settlement for the Shur River dam was calculated as 3.1% of the
embankment height or 2.6 m. This is almost twice the maximum crest settlements predicted in the
deformation analysis presented here. Use of Swaisgood’s prediction requires extrapolation of the
observed settlements and the maximum PGA experienced by the dams in the collected database, none
of which exceeded 0.68g. Considering the effects of the distance from the earthquake source and the
type of the dams reviewed, the maximum predicted displacements from the analysis here would be
within the lower boundary of the observed crest settlements in the embankments during past
earthquakes, and are not unreasonable.

6. Conclusions
The results of these analyses indicate that the simplified methods based on Newmark [5] and Makdisi
and Seed [6] may not necessarily result in a conservative estimate of the crest settlement for rockfill
dams as is currently expected in the profession. The magnitude of the crest settlement predicted by the
dynamic elasto-plastic modelling is more than two times that predicted by the Makdisi and Seed [6]
method, and about four times that predicted by the Newmark [5] method. This is in agreement with the
findings of Feizi-Khankandi [10]. The concept of a unique failure plane, as adopted by the simplified
methods, may be misleading, as deformation would be more likely to be characterised by the
deformation pattern predicted using a non linear elasto-plastic model and FLAC software.
Under normal operating conditions the Shur River Dam has a minimum freeboard of 4.0 m
between crest level and spillway level, thus, deformations of the predicted magnitude would not cause
the storage to be breached and are considered to be acceptable. Based on the predicted deformation of
the embankment core and expected level of internal strain in the core material, failure of the
embankment core is not predicted.

7. Acknowledgement
The authors would like to express their gratitude to the IWMP (Integrated Water Master Plan)
technical office and Sarcheshmeh Copper Complex for their support in this project.

WCCM/APCOM 2010 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 10 (2010) 012106 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/10/1/012106

8. References
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