Cavity Preparation Ques & Ans

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Cavity preparation

1. Define tooth preparation

It is defined as the mechanical alteration of defective, injured or diseased tooth such that
placement of restorative material re-establishes normal form and function including
esthetic corrections, where indicated.

2. What is conventional preparation?

These tooth preparations require specific wall forms, depth and marginal forms because
of the properties of the restorative material.
Eg: Amalgam, cast metal, ceramic material.

3. What is modified preparation?

Tooth preparations for bonded direct restorations has less need for specific uniform
depth, wall design, retentive features & marginal form.
Eg: composite, GIC

4. Fundamentals and objectives of tooth preparations

-All unsupported enamel tooth structure are normally removed
-All faults, defects, caries to be removed
-underlying pulp tissue to be protected
-Extend the restoration as conservatively as possible.

5. Simple tooth preparation- one surface involved

Compound tooth preparation-two surfaces involved
Complex tooth preparation- Three or more surfaces involved.

6. Internal wall
Prepared tooth surface that does not extend to the external tooth surface
Eg: axial wall, pulpal wall

7. External wall
Prepared tooth surfaces that extends to the external tooth surface.
Eg: distal, mesial, facial, lingual wall , gingival seat.

8. What is a line angle?

Junction of two planar surfaces of different orientation alond a line
Internal- apex points into the tooth
External- apex points away from the tooth.

9. What is a point angle?

Junction of three planar surfaces of different orientation
Class I – 8 line angles 4 point angles
Class II – 11 line angles point angles
Class III – 6 line angles & 3 point angles
Class IV – 11 line angles 6 point angles
Class V – 8 line angles 4 point angles

10. What is a cavosurface angle?

Angle of the tooth structure formed by the junction of a prepared cavity wall and the
external surface of the tooth.
Amalgam – 90 degree butt joint
Inlay – 135 to 145degree

11. What is a cavosurface margin?

Outer margin of the cavity that form the actual junction.

12. Resistance form:

Features of cavity design which resist occlusal forces

13. Retention form:

Features of cavity design which resist displacement of the final restoration

14. G.V. Black’s classification:

Class I – all pits & fissures including
Occlusal surfaces of premolars & molars
Occlusal two third of the facial & lingual surfaces of molars
Lingual surfaces of maxillary incisors
Class II – Proximal surfaces of posterior teeth
Class III – Proximal surfaces of anterior teeth without involving the incisal edge
ClassIV – Proximal surfaces of anteriors including the incisal edge
Class V – Involves the gingival third of the facial or lingual surface of all the teeth.
Class VI – involves the incisal edges of anteriors & occlusal cusp tips of posterior

15. What is a conservative preparation?

It is a preparation where tooth structure is removed as much as needed for a given
restoration, without extending or prevention of further decay.
Eg: Slot, box only, tunnel, occlusal pits.

16. What is enameloplasty?

Reshaping of enamel by selective grinding so as to include deep pits for easy

17. Depth of cavity preparation for amalgam

0.2 – 0.5 mm into the dentin
1.5 – 2mm at central fissure
18. Minimum bulk of restoration for an amalgam cavity
1.5 mm for resistance to fracture

19. What is the ideal width of amalgam cavity?

1/4th to 1/3rd intercuspal distance

20. Primary resistance form:

It may be defined as the shape and placement of the preparation wall that best enable
the remaining tooth structures & the restoration to withstand, without fracture the
masticatory forces delivered principally along the long axis of the tooth.

21. Outline form and initial depth:

Placing the preparation margins in the position that they will occupy in the final
preparation except for finishing enamel walls & margins.
Preparing an initial depth of 0.2 – 0.8mm pulpally to DEJ.

22. Failure to round the line angles cause:

Concentration of stress which leads to failure of restoration.

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