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Test Tube Rack - is used to hold test

1. Spatula - to scoop small amounts of a solid tubes while reactions happen in them or while
substance and to scrape something. they are not needed.
2. Glass Funnel - used to channel liquid or fine- 27. Iron Stand – used to hold the iron ring
grained substances into containers with a small and supports.
opening. 28. Iron Ring – used to hold or support
3. Stirring/Glass Rod - used to mix chemicals beakers during experiments while connected
and liquids for laboratory purposes to the iron stand.
4. Thistle Tube - to add liquid to an existing 29. Tripod – three-legged support equipment
system of apparatus. used to place above the bunsen burner in the
5. Dropper/Pasteur Pipette - used to science lab to heat/boil anything.
transport a measured volume of liquid. 30. Burette Clamp - used to fasten
6. Volumetric Flask - used to measure one glassware into place on a ring stand
specific volume. 31. Clay Triangle - used to hold crucibles
7. Mohr Burette - used to measure the volume when they are being heated.
of the liquid dispensed. 32. Clamp Holder - used to secure an
8. Geissler/Acid Burette - used especially in extension-type utility clamp to a support
laboratory procedures for accurate fluid stand (or ring stand)
dispensing and measurement. 33. Mortar & Pestle - used to crush solids
9. Volumetric Pipette - a tool for measuring into powders for experiments, usually to
precise volumes of a liquid. better dissolve the solids.
10. Serological Pipette - used in the same way 34. Bunsen Burner - used for heating and
as Mohr pipettes except all the solution must be exposing items to flame.
forced out in the receiving container to deliver 35. Alcohol Lamp – Used to heat things.
required volumes. 36. Wing Top/Fish Tail - used to bend glass
11. Graduated Cylinder - used to accurately as it spread out the heat over a larger area,
measure the volume of a liquid. making it more uniform.
12. Beaker - Used to hold and heat liquids. 37. Wire Gauze - used to spread heat of a
13. Florence Flask - used for heating substances burner flame
that needs to be heated evenly. 38. Cork Borer - tool for cutting a hole in a
14. Erlenmeyer flask - used to heat and store cork or rubber stopper to insert glass tubing.
liquids. 39. Thermometer - used to take temperature
15. Iodine Flask - used for the wet chemical of solids, liquids, and gases.
analysis 40. Desiccators - used for preserving
16. Evaporating Dish - used to heat and moisture-sensitive items.
evaporate liquids. 41. Weighing Bottle - used when you're
17. Porcelain Casserole making up a standard solution.
18. Watch Glass - used to hold solids when 42. Triangular File - used for many cuts,
being weighed or transported. such as cutting angles less than 90 degrees.
19. Ignition Tube - primarily used to hold small 43. Petri Dish - use to culture cells, which
quantities of substances which are undergoing can be bacteria, animal, plant, or fungus.
direct heating by a Bunsen burner or other heat 44. Spot Plate – Used for observing small
source. amounts of solids.
20. Porcelain Crucible - used to heat small 45. Test Tube brush - used to easily clean
quantities to very high temperatures. the inside of a test tube.
21. Crucible Tong – Used to hold the crucible 46. Pinchcock - used to regulate or close a
22. Distilling Flask - used for distillation flexible tube, especially in laboratory
processes. apparatus.
23. Condenser - used in distillation 47. Rubber Aspirator – used for moving air,
24. Adapter - a device that connects the fluids, etc. by suction
condenser and the receiving flask in a distillation 48. Rubber Tubing - is used to connect two
process. openings.
25. Test Tube - used by chemists to hold, mix, or 49. Separatory Funnel - used in liquid-liquid
heat small quantities of solid or liquid chemicals, extractions to separate (partition) the
especially for qualitative experiments and assays. components of a mixture between two
immiscible solvent phases of different
50. Buchner Funnel - used in suction filtration.
51. Filtering Flask - holds the sample isolated
from the suction by a layer of filter paper.
52. Triple Beam Balance - used in the
laboratory to determine the mass (by weight
comparison) of samples.
53. Analytical Balance - measures masses to
within 0.0001 g.
54. Hot Plate – Used for heating beakers,
Erlenmeyer flasks, hot water baths, and other
flat-bottomed containers.
55. pH meter – Used to measure acidity of
56. Wash Bottle – Used for dispensing small
quantities of distilled water.

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