Breathing Life Back Into Your Biotech Career: E-Mail Requesting A Recommendation
Breathing Life Back Into Your Biotech Career: E-Mail Requesting A Recommendation
Breathing Life Back Into Your Biotech Career: E-Mail Requesting A Recommendation
Haroon Ahmed,
Former DD Human Resource,
Cell Genesys.
Contact no. 0345-2556022
Listening to business: Using the iPod to train employees
Hi. Today we will use this audio to illustrate how you can use Microsoft Word on your Windows 10
Office laptops or personal computers.
To start off with, on the bottom left corner of your computer screen, you will see a start button or a
window icon. Please press the start or the window button (The audio then stays silent for 10
A start bar menu will appear in our screen which will have a lot of program options and icons of
various folders. On the left side of the start bar menu, there is a scroll down menu. Kindly scroll
down the menu till you see a folder named as “Microsoft Office 2013”. (The audio stays silent for 15
seconds). Once you find the folder, kindly press the folder icon. (Audio silent for 10 seconds). As you
press the Microsoft Office 2013 icon, another drop down menu will appear having all the programs
of Microsoft Office. Kindly scroll down the menu bar till you see the icon of Microsoft Word 2013.
(Audio silent for 10 seconds). Once you find the MS word icon kindly click on it. Please wait as this
may take a little while. (Audio silent for 30-40 seconds).
Now you’ll have in front of you, the working page of MS Word 2013. Here you can write any
document or draw a table etc. On the top tool bar, under the heading font, you’ll find the option
where you can select your font choice and its sizes. Kindly select your choice of font and its size.
(The audio stays silent for 30 seconds). Once selected, click once on the white blank page and then
start typing your document or article etc.
Satellite farming: Letter granting credit from Deere & Company
Arlen Ruetsman
P.O.Box 4067
Toluca, IL 6139,
Illinois, USA
Haroon Ahmed,
Head at Customer Relations
Deere & Co., Moline
Sorry, but we don’t have a choice: E-mail about monitoring employee blogs
Dear Employees,
This email is to inform you all about the changes in the online monitoring system policy that will be
implemented by 15th January, 2017. While many of you oppose the online monitoring system, such
a system is necessary in the workforce to prevent any instances of sexual harassment, illegal
activities and other problems at work. Our company is among the 60% of companies in the States
that implement such a policy.
According to the changes, the system will now be expanded to include your blogs along with the
already monitored instant messages and emails. While we respect your privacy and concerns, such a
policy is necessary to protect the company’s intellectual property and uphold the integrity of the
company’s name and consequently yours.
You should know that despite the policy, your personal information and integrity will not be
compromised and it will be protected at all costs. I expect you to coordinate with us for the smooth
operations of this company.
Haroon Ahmed
Chief Information Officer
Webcor Builders
Bad news for 80: Form letter to unsuccessful job candidates
Dear Mr Candidate,
We are very sorry to inform you that the position of Dean of Arts and Science, ICA has been filled.
Dr Pappas has been given the honour who has a doctorate in American studies and has served at
the position of chairperson of history department at Minneapolis Metropolitan College for the past
three years.
Your participation was much appreciated and gave the committee a hard time finalizing the
candidate. We encourage you to visit our campus and give our students a lecture on your great
work in the fields of Arts.
Moreover we will inform you whenever there’s a need of full time teaching faculty.
Haroon Ahmed
Secretary at Selection Committee
Low-carb impact: E-mail announcing losses and new products at Monterey Pasta
Dear All,
This is common knowledge that recently diet crazes have impacted our Monterey Pasta Company
sales. The trend of low-carb diets has begun to catch on and not only our firm but many other food
chains have suffered.
The fourth quarter forecast by Chief financial officer Scott S. Wheeler shows a decrease of 3.5% in
revenue from last year’s earnings which previously was an increase by 7-10% before the low carb
trend hit the industry.
However our company has effectively tackled the situation by introducing our own line of low-carb
food products. I take pride in announcing the release of Monterey Pasta’s new CarbSmart line of
fresh pastas, sauces and prepared entrees.
In a company meeting last week our CEO announced that CarbSmart will deliver the flavour and
convenience of traditional fresh pasta, offering half the amounts of carbohydrates to those following
the trend of watching the amount carbohydrates before consuming.
We are very optimistic that we will surpass our competitors American Italian Pasta who although
provided the solution earlier but ours is more effective in terms of taste and also carbohydrates.
Haroon Ahmed
Marketing & Planning Manager at Monterey Pasta
Helping children: Instant message holiday fund drive at IBM
Dear Sir,
Over the years your contributions have enabled IBM to support hundreds of health and human
service agencies. Continuing our age old tradition we are collecting donations and gifts for the
upcoming holiday season.
Your donation and gifts can help bring back joys to the children who otherwise would have nothing
to celebrate the upcoming Christmas holidays. You can make cash contributions by 16th December.
If you want to contribute through credit card or have any queries regarding the donation process
please do not hesitate to contact me on 800-658-3899, ext. 3342. You can also bring in toys, food,
and blankets and place them in our collection bins. Our collection bins are installed almost
everywhere; marked with bright red banners. Please ensure that you place your gifts in our
collection bins by Tuesday, December 20 to make it in time for holiday deliveries.
I hope you won’t miss this opportunity to share the joys of the upcoming holiday season with the
under privileged segment of the society. It’s already 14th December hurry up guys!
Haroon Ahmed
Communications manager IBM
Message to an angel: Introducing your company to an investor
Respected Madam,
I write to inform you of an excellent investment opportunity which may be mutually beneficial to us.
I am the founder and CEO of a Language Services company, WorldConnect, primarily based in
Memphis, Tennessee. After our strong launch, we at WorldConnect, are looking to expand our
network to other cities and are on an outlook for potential investors. In this regard I would like to
meet in person to share the details of my market strategy and sales plan.
WorldConnect was recently launched six months prior, and had a strong start owning to the efforts
of our skilled staff and experienced management. My experience and connections in this industry
has also played a vital role in insuring a continued growth since its inception. This industry has
proven to be very lucrative as our Memphis office was booked to capacity within two months of
opening, thanks to the growing number of international business professionals looking for translators
and interpreters.
I have researched and surveyed the entire Southwest region and identified at least 10 other cities
that could make use of a language service company like WorldConnect, of which Nashville,
Gatlinburg and Knoxville are the most promising with a potential of yielding high early returns. I
have also gathered relevant information on mortgage rates, utilities, tax laws and potential
employees, to help in the selection and prioritizing the best suitable site. Three senior managers,
and multiple qualified translators of Memphis branch have also agreed to supervise and train the
staff in the new possible branches. Most of the planning has been finalized and once funds are
allocated, we would be able to launch at a moment’s notice.
There are many untapped markets with enormous possibilities waiting for those who dare to
approach them, and we would like to be the ones taking the lead. We aim and thrive to be the front
runners in our industry and invite you to accompany us on this journey.
I request you, on behalf of WorldConnect, to reply me in four weeks’ time with a date of your
choosing so that we may sit together and discuss this further in detail.
Haroon Ahmed
CEO at WorldConnect
Too good to be true: E-mail to Paging South requesting adjustment
Judy Hinkley,
Regional business HR Director,
Paging south.
I am one of your customers in Nevada, who recently availed your company’s services. I experienced
a glitch in my pager phone number for two weeks causing it to have a busy signal when dialed at. I
got the problem resolved by contacting local management, which also took another week.
Because of this downtime of three weeks, I was not able to utilize my pager and would like you to
charge me accordingly. I humbly request a partial credit for one month of services as it seems only
I am impressed by Paging South’s customer care and quick response, and would like to continue
doing business with you. I hope you will look into this matter.
Haroon Ahmed
CEO at Nevada Industries
Secondary sources: Report based on library and online research
Question: Which industries and job categories are forecast to experience the greatest
growth—and therefore the greatest demands for workers—in the next 10 years?
All professions might not pay the same but they all are equally respectable. The pay scale of every
job depends upon the market demand of that profession. For example, if more chefs or more
doctors are required in the market, then their salaries will also me higher. With every passing day,
the world is rapidly progressing forward and with this, some positive and some negative impacts are
being produced in the world. Some professions maybe in demand to provide counter solutions to the
negative impacts. In my view, and from what I have seen over the internet I believe the job
categories that will have the greatest demands for workers in the next 10 years will be:
Personal Financial Advisors
Petroleum Engineers
Service Unit Operators, Oil, Gas and Mining
Employment Specialist
Environmental Engineer
These names/professions are not exact nor finalized. Depending upon the market demand and how
the world behaves to the daily changes, other professions might also need to be added in the list.
After the famous Wall Street crash, I believe everyone would want to consult or hire a financial
advisor before thinking about a business proposition. Again, it’s a profession that is presently, high
in demand and will be in the next upcoming years. Until a few years ago, Oil and Gas Companies
were in control of the entire world. Oil was and still is considered the most important element for the
growth of a country, but the current low prices of oil in the international market has put this
profession in jeopardy, and there is not much growth seen in this profession. But yes, there can
come a time, when oil explorers and professionals will again be in a high demand.
Seeing the current scenario of the world, the conclusion that I draw from the above information is
that environmental engineers and doctors will have the most growth in terms of job opportunities in
the upcoming decade. There are a lot of professions on the internet, but from my knowledge and I
believe that doctors and environmental engineers will have the most growth in terms of their
profession and business. One of the biggest reason for this conclusion can be global warming. The
earth’s glaciers are melting drastically and the sudden extreme change in climate has caused floods,
draughts, and has also given rise to countless new diseases worldwide. The Artic Glaciers are
melting rapidly, polar bears are struggling for survival without any snow, and oil companies have set
up rigs in the Polar Regions disturbing the local wildlife. The thinning of ozone layer, the greenhouse
effect are the aftermath of global warning and luckily it’s the environmental engineers, that will have
to come up with possible solutions to these issues. Environmental engineers will be required to study
the environment trends, come up with all possible solutions to counter all the problems, to save
animal and human life, and to protect animals that are close to extinction.
Doctors on the other hand have always been needed by human race since the starting of time. Since
the first man lived on earth, there have always been times when the human life was in peril, when a
doctor was needed to heal injuries and provide remedies to diseases. As long as the human race
continues to live, doctors will be needed to serve them, whether in peace or in war. It’s a profession
that can never die.
Healthy alternatives: Proposal to sell snacks and beverages at local schools
Mrs. Priestly
Head of Roots School Systems
2nd Avenue
Rawalpindi, Pakistan
In the recent years, there has been a tremendous effort in providing the best services to students,
including school meals. The type and quality of this food being offered in schools is quickly
becoming a factor that helps schools compete. As much as the schools deem to benefit financially by
venturing with soft drink manufacturers and popular junk food sellers, there is an increasing risk to a
school’s reputation as more people are gaining awareness about the negative effects of such food.
We have a healthy solution that will not only meet the concerns of parents and health experts, but
will also benefit you financially.
We have been selling fresh juices made from organic fruits and vegetables in malls and on street
corners since a decade and have seen a considerable rise in teenager customers during these years.
This growing trend towards organic and healthy eating made us devise a plan that will cater to this
demand and meet health concerns in schools and help these schools financially as well. We propose
to set up juice bars that will be offering our well renowned healthy and fresh fruit and vegetable
juices along with healthy, simple snacks at 10 of your school’s branches. Our juice bars will reap the
following benefits:
Benefit 1 – Knowing what you are consuming
What makes our juice bars special is that we not only use organic fruits and vegetables, but we also
provide a detailed dietary analysis of all the products we sell. Due to increased health awareness,
consumers like to know exactly what they are consuming and how it will affect their bodies. We are
also against using any additives, preservatives or dietary supplement s in our snacks and juices,
owing to their adverse health effects.
Benefit 2 – Financial support
In exchange for free space for our juice bar and its minimal seating and a long term contract in the
said number of branches, we will be offering 30% of all the profits we make to the school. Even
after having low priced products, we make substantial profits. Our juice bars will not only be
meeting the health concerns of parents, but will help you generate revenue and gain significant
reputation as it will be the first school to replace soft drinks with a juice bar.
Benefit 3 – Encourage active student and parent participation
We plan to further facilitate students by offering them free job training opportunities during athletic
and other events. To involve parents and gain their trust, we will be establishing a nutritional
advisory board composing of parents, students and at least one certified health professional. Diet
plans can be prepared according to the needs of individual students.
Benefit 4 – Help local businesses grow
We believe in supporting local famers and acquire all our produce from them, rather than from huge
food giants. We also provide opportunities to specialty food preparers by giving them the
opportunity to test market new products at our stands.
Our proposal and business clearly aims to benefit students and their parents by fulfilling the
requirements of health experts and also aims to benefit schools financially. We are highly
anticipating that you will consider this proposal and provide us with your valuable feedback. If you
have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.
Haroon Ahmed
[email protected]
Career connections: Helping employees get the advice they need to move ahead
A considerable number of employees at Khan Associates have asked for professional guidance and
after much consideration it is decided that the highly experienced and trained managers and senior
officials will be providing mentorship and guidance to all employees. Following are the proposed
points for the mentorship program:
There will be two sessions every month comprising of 30-35 employees and 2-4 managers
will be conducting these sessions. Employee’s selection will circulate so that every employee
can be given the opportunity to attend the guidance sessions.
The people in demand of the mentorship program will have to work overtime in order to
make time for the sessions.
New training engineers will be hired to cope up with the workload.
The senior executives and managers conducting the mentor sessions will be given extra
allowances in their salary to keep them motivated in helping low-level employees.
The success or failure of the program will be assessed by the work quality of the employees
attending these sessions.