17 To 23 August

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VOL. XLIV NO. 20 PAGES 56 NEW DELHI 17 - 23 AUGUST 2019 `12.00


The Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi Jammu-Kashmir. Both these articles were
addressed the nation on 8 August 2019. used as a weapon by Pakistan to flare up
The following is the English rendering of the emotions of some people. Due to this
his adress; more than 42,000 people lost their lives in
the last three decades. The development
My fellow countrymen,
in Jammu-Kashmir and Ladakh could not

A s a country and as a family, you and

us, together we took a historic
decision. A system which denied due
be done on levels which the region
deserved. After the removal of this flaw in
the system, the people of Jammu-Kashmir
rights to our brothers and sisters of will not only have a better present but a
Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh; a system bright future ahead.
which was huge hurdle in their Friends,
development has now been eradicated. Whichever government is in power, it
A dream which Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel works for the betterment of the country by
had, a dream which Babasaheb enacting laws in the Parliament. No matter
Ambedkar had, the dream shared by which party or coalition is in power, this
Shyama Prasad Mukherjee, Atalji and Friends, brothers and sisters, our children in work never stops.
Sometimes some things of the social life Jammu-Kashmir and Ladakh. There is a lot of debate both inside and
crores of citizens, has now been fulfilled. A
get so entangled with time that they are Astonishingly, nobody was able to list the outside the Parliament when laws are
new age has begun in Jammu-Kashmir
considered to be permanent. A sentiment benefits that Article 370 delivered to the enacted and made, a lot of debate and
and Ladakh.
of complacency develops and it is thought people of Jammu-Kashmir. brainstorming occurs and serious
Now the rights and accountabilities of all
that nothing is ever going to change. A Brothers and sisters, arguments are put up over its importance
the citizens of the country are similar. I
similar sentiment prevailed for Article 370. Article 370 and 35A has given nothing and effect. The laws that are enacted after
congratulate the people Jammu-Kashmir,
Because of this there was no debate or but secessionism, terrorism, nepotism and undergoing this process are beneficial for
Ladakh and each and every citizen of the
talk about the damage done to our widespread corruption on a large scale to
country. Continued on page 2

Institute of Banking
Personnel Selection AUTOMOTIVE SECTOR
requires 4336 Rruchi Shrimalli industries. It is predicted will
Probationary Officers/ create most job opportunities in
Management Trainees
Last Date : 28.8.2019
M ost students who have
passed Class 12th this year
and took admission in various
the IT and BFSI sectors, to some
extent in auto and retail sectors,
Page : 16-26 and least in core manufacturing
college courses will be seeking
sectors such as apparel and
jobs in 2022 - since most
BECIL graduation courses in India are
leather industries.
The skill sets needed by the
Broadcast Engineering three-year long. Those who have
future employees of these
Consultants India Limited joined the engineering courses
countries are also expected to
will be ready to join the workforce
requires 199 Station change by a large percentage:
after four years (in 2023). New
Controller/ Train Operator, In this article, we will discuss
medical students know that they
Customer Relations Assistant, which type of new jobs and new
can work as doctors anywhere -
Junior Engineer/ Electrical etc. skills you will need to find jobs in
in clinics or in hospitals - once
Last Date : 21.8.2019 the automotive sector in the near
they graduate but for the rest, it is
Page : 5 future.
important to know which skills will
India in detail and came up with the repetitive and predictable, Current Status of Automotive
be in demand in the next three to
SSC four years. the skills they will require in 2022. rule-based jobs while the demand Sector in India
These sectors were: will increase for creative, design- India is the world's fourth-
Staff Selection Commi- FICCI (Federation of Indian
Š Automotive, oriented skills that require high largest car manufacturer and
ssion invites applications Chambers of Commerce &
Š BFSI (Banking, Financial order thinking skills (HOTS). seventh largest manufacturer of
for various posts under Industry) and NASSCOM
Services, and Insurance), Changes in Skills commercial vehicles. By 2026, it
Phase-VII/2019/Selection (National Association of Software
Š IT-BPM (Information According to the report, three is expected to reach a turnover of
and Services Companies)
posts Rs 16-18 lakh crores. About 3.1
Last Date: 31.8.2019 Page : 5 initiated with a study 'Future of Technology and Business major trends that are going to
Process Management), affect job opportunities in these crore vehicles were
Jobs' with EY (Ernst & Young)
Š Retail, and sectors in India will be - manufactured in India in 2019.
which examined global
Follow us @Employ_News Š Textiles. globalization, changes in Traditionally, two-wheelers
megatrends and their impact on
It is believed that in the near demographics, and adoption of dominate the Indian automobile
facebook page the Indian economy. The report
facebook.com/director.employmentnews studied five of the key sectors in future, there will be a decline in new technologies by various Continued on page 55
2 www.employmentnews.gov.in Employment News 17 - 23 August 2019

PM’S ADDRESS ... Friends, I am fully confident more and more students can and sisters living for decades in have played a crucial role.
Continued from page 1 that, following abrogation of get its benefit. Jammu and Jammu and Kashmir who had I am fully confident that
Article 370 and 35-A, Jammu Kashmir also has huge revenue the right to cast their vote in Lok following abrogation of Article
people of the nation. and Kashmir would soon come loss. The central government Sabha polls but they were not 370, once these Panchayat
However, it's unfathomable that out of its negative effects. will ensure to minimize its allowed to cast vote in members get a chance to work
so many laws are enacted in Friends and sisters, impact. assembly and local body in the new system, they would
the Parliament and not enacted In the new system, the priority Brothers and sisters, after elections. do wonders. I firmly believe that
in a particular region of the of the central government abrogation of Article 370, the They are the ones who had the people of Jammu and
country. Even previous would be to keep state central government has come to India following partition Kashmir would conquer
governments who were hailed government employees and decided to keep the state of in 1947. Should we have secessionism and move
after enacting just one law Jammu and Kashmir police Jammu and Kashmir under its allowed the injustice to continue
forward with new hope.I firmly
couldn't claim that the same law personnel at par with the state administration after putting in a in the same way?
believe that the people of
will be implemented in the government employees and lot of thought process in it. It is Friends,
Jammu & Kashmir region. More Jammu and Kashmir would
police personnel of other states essential for you to understand I would also like to clarify
than 1.5 crore people of Jammu achieve their objectives with
in terms of facilities. the reasons behind the another important point to my
& Kashmir were deprived of the renewed fervor in an ecosystem
In Union Territories, the decision. Ever since the state brothers and sisters of Jammu
benefits of laws that were government provides many has been under governor's rule, and Kashmir. Your represent- of Good Govern-ance and
enacted for the benefit of the such financial facilities like LTC, the administration of Jammu ative (electoral) would be Transparency.
people of India. Imagine House Rent Allowance, and Kashmir is directly under elected by you, he would be Friends, Family rule has not
children in rest of the country Education Allowance for the central government. As a one amongst you. The MLAs given any opportunity of
have a right to education while children, Health Schemes etc., result the good effect of Good would be elected just as they leadership to any young citizen
children in Jammu & Kashmir most of which are not provided Governance and Development were elected earlier. The of Jammu and Kashmir in the
were deprived of this right. The to the employees of Jammu have been observed on the forthcoming cabinet would just State.Now, my these young
daughters of Jammu & Kashmir and Kashmir government. Such ground.The schemes which be as it was used to be earlier. people will take leadership of
were deprived of the right that facilities would soon be earlier remained only in files, The chief ministers would just the development of Jammu and
our daughters had in rest of the provided to the employees of have been implemented on be as they were before. Kashmir and take it to a new
states. In all the other states, Jammu and Kashmir ground. Projects pending from Friends, I am fully confident height.
Safai Karamchari Act was government and state police decades have been speeded that, under the new system, we I appeal to the youth, sisters
enacted for hygiene workers personnel following a review. up. would collectively be able to and daughters of Jammu and
but the workers of Jammu & Friends, very soon the We have tried to bring keep the state of Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh to take
Kashmir were deprived of this. process to fill in the vacancies transparency and a new work Kashmir free from terrorism and over command of develop-ment
In other states, strict laws were of central and state government culture in the Jammu and secessionism. When our of their area on their own
enacted to stop atrocities on will be initiated in Jammu and Kashmir administration. As a Jammu and Kashmir- the hands.
Dalits but no such laws could Kashmir and Ladakh. This result, be it IIT, IIM, AIIMS, paradise on earth, after Friends,
be implemented in Jammu & would provide adequate various irrigation projects or achieving new heights of There is every possibility of
Kashmir. To protect the rights of employment opportunities to power projects or the Anti- development, attract the whole Jammu and Kashmir and
blue-collar workforce, Minimum the local youth. Besides, public Corruption Bureau, we have world, and when there will be Ladakh becoming one of the
Wages Act was enacted and sector units of the central been able to fasten up the work greater Ease of Living in the greatest tourist destinations.
implemented in all the other government and big private on these projects. Besides, be it lives of citizens, when they The environment required for
states while such a law is only sector companies would also the projects of connectivity, would ceaselessly get their this, the need of change in
found on papers in the state of be encouraged to provide new roads or new rail lines, rights, when all the tools of administration, all is being
Jammu & Kashmir. In all other employment opportunities. modernization of the airport, governance would speed up the taken care, but for this I need
states, (our) brothers and Apart from the above, Army and everything is being accelerated. work in favor of the masses, the support of all countrymen.
sisters from Scheduled Tribes para military forces would Friends, then I don't think there would be There was a time when
got reservation while contesting organize rallies to recruit local The democracy in our country any need to continue with the Kashmir was the favorite place
elections while such thing is youths. The government would is so secure, but you will be system under the union for shooting bollywood films.
unheard of in the state of also expand Prime Ministers surprised to know that there government. Yes, it would During that time perhaps there
Jammu & Kashmir. Scholarship Scheme so that have been thousands of brother continue in Ladakh though. was no film produced, had it not
Brothers and sisters, we all been shot in Kashmir. Now,
want assembly elections in situations in Jammu and
Jammu and Kashmir, that a Kashmir will normalize; not only
new government is formed, that from India, but people from all
a new chief minister is elected. over the world will come for
I assure the people of Jammu shooting there. Every Film will
and Kashmir that you would get bring with it new opportunity of
the opportunity to select your employment for the people of
representative in a fully honest the Kashmir. I appeal to the
and transparent atmosphere. Film Industry of Telugu and
Just as Panchayat polls were Tamil Film Industry and people
held transparently last days, associated with it to definitely
assembly polls would also be think over for investment,
held in Jammu and Kashmir. shooting of film, theatre and
I would urge the Governor of setting up of other facilities in
the state that the setting up of Jammu and Kashmir.
Block Development Council, I appeal to those who are
which has been pending for associated with technology,
past two-three decades, be administration or private sector
constituted as early as possible. to give priority in their policies
Friends, and their decisions as to how to
I have personally experi- disseminate technology in
enced that those who got Jammu and Kashmir. When
elected in Panchayat polls in digital communication will be
Jammu and Kashmir and strengthened there and BPO
Ladakh four-five months back, Centre, Common Service
have been working nicely. Few Centre will increase in numbers
months back when I visited there, there will be enhanced
Srinagar, I had a long meeting opportunity of earning
with them. When they came to livelihood, and the life of our
Delhi I interacted with them for brothers and sisters of Jammu
long at my home. It is because and Kashmir will become
of these friends in Panchayats easier.
that the work has been done Friends,
promptly on village level in The decision taken by the
Jammu and Kashmir. Be it the Govt. will benefit those youth of
task of electrification in every Jammu and Kashmir and
home or making the state Open Ladakh who aspire to progress
Defecation Free, the in the field of sports. New sport
EN 20/12 representatives in Panchayats Continued on page 3
Employment News 17 - 23 August 2019 www.employmentnews.gov.in 3

Centre Pushes for Entrepreneurship Culture Among the Youth

Urges Massive Participation in National Entrepreneurship Awards 2019
Entries to be Open till 10th September
T he Centre this week gave a thrust to
its efforts to nurture skill training and
successful entrepreneurship among the
to skill every Indian and encourage the
youth towards entrepreneurship has
enabled the government to launch many
enterprising young generation of the such initiatives. Entrepreneurs are able to
country. Launching the awareness contribute much more to the country as
campaign in New Delhi to ensure massive job creators" Dr. Pandey said further
participation in National Entrepreneurship adding "It is heartening to know that the
Awards 2019 to be held on 9th November government's initiatives to involve every
this year, the Minister for Skill part of the country in our skilling efforts, is
Development & Entrepreneurship Dr. bearing fruit. In reply to a question by the
Mahendra Nath Pandey said, Prime media, Skill Development Minister Dr
Minister Shri Narendra Modi’s Mahendra Nath Pandey said his ministry
government in its second tenure is is doing its best to give required training
working with renewed enthusiasm to and assistance to the youth of Jammu
realise the aspirations of the common and Kashmir and Ladakh.
man. "It has happened after a long time. Speaking on the occasion, Joint
The government has come back with Secretary, Ms. Jyotsna Sitling said, the
more majority; a government that is award function is proposed to be held on
connected to the people. How to bring 9th November, the foundation day of the
forward the youth of the country is priority first generation entrepreneurs and their Stand Up India, Mudra are concerted Ministry of Skill Development &
for the government," the minister said. ecosystem builders for their outstanding efforts of the government towards Entrepreneurship. There are a total of 45
Those interested in registering for the contribution in entrepreneurship empowering the youth to fulfill the vision specially designed awards to be
National Entrepreneurship Awards 2019 development. of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi to bestowed - 39 Enterprise Awards and 6
can do so by visiting the Skill Observing that articles in print media meet the aspirations of the people. Awards for Entrepreneurship Ecosystem
Development ministry website https:// and telecast of film award functions get Expressing satisfaction over sustained Builders. To be eligible for these awards,
neas.gov.in. The entries close on 10th repeated often, the Minister for Skill interest of the youth in the National the nominees must be under the age of
September 2019. Development & Entrepreneurship Dr. Entreprenuership Awards since their 40 years; they must be first-generation
The National Entrepreneurship Awards Mahendra Nath Pandey appealed to the inception four years ago, the minister entrepreneurs; the nominee
(NEA) have been instituted by the Ministry media to accord similar importance to congratulated all the people involved, not (entrepreneur) must hold 51% or more
of Skill Development and creating awareness on skill development only from the ministry, but also from equity and ownership of the business; and
Entrepreneurship (MSDE) as an and entrepreneurship to nurture an private organisations and institutions who
women entrants must individually or
important step to catalyse a cultural shift enterprising culture among the youth of have come forward and volunteered their
collectively own 75% or more of the
in youth for entrepreneurship and to the nation. valuable time to this cause.
recognise and honor outstanding young Make in India, Skill India, Startup India, "Prime Minister Narendra Modi's vision
(EN Team)

PM’S ADDRESS ... Kashmir and Ladakh reach paramount and help the Friends, the festival of Eid is Rukshana Kausar of Rajauri,
Continued from page 2 whole of the world. government in giving a new around the corner. I extend my who had killed a big terrorist.
Friends, After becoming a direction to Jammu - Kashmir- greetings to all on Eid. The Martyr Aurangjeb of Poonch,
academies, new sports Union territory, development of Ladakh, and help the country. government is taking care that who was assassinated by
stadium, training in scientific the people of Ladakh becomes Moving ahead from, who voted people of Jammu - Kashmir terrorists last year and his two
environment will help them to natural responsibility of the in Parliament, who didn't, who don't face any problem while
show their talent in the world. brothers are now serving the
Govt. of India. Central supported the bill, who didn't, celebrating Eid. The
Friends, whether is it colour country after joining the Army.
Government with the now we all to have come government is extending all
of kesar or flavour of kahwa or The list of such brave sons and
cooperation of local together to work unitedly in the possible help to those friends
sweetness of apple or juiciness daughters is very long. Several
representatives, Development interest of Jammu - Kashmir- who live outside Jammu -
of apricot or Kashmiri shawl or jawans and officials of Jammu-
Council of Ladakh and Kargil, Ladakh. I also want to convey Kashmir and want to return
the art work or be it organic will ensure benefits of all Kashmir Police have also laid
to our countrymen that the back to their homes on Eid.
products of Ladakh or herbal development schemes reaches concerns of Jammu - Kashmir Friends, today on this their lives while fighting with
medicines of Jammu and to people at a faster pace. and Laddakh are our collective occasion, I also express my terrorists. We have lost
Kashmir, all these need to be Ladakh has the potential to concerns. These are the gratitude to our friends in thousands of people from other
publicised in the entire world. I become the biggest center of concerns of 130 crore citizens. security forces, who are posted parts of the country as well.
give you one example, there is spiritual tourism, adventure We are not indifferent to their for the security of the people of They all dreamt of a peaceful,
a plant in Ladakh, named solo. tourism and eco-tourism. happiness or sorrows and Jammu - Kashmir. The way all safe and prosperous Jammu -
Experts say that this plant is like Ladakh also has the potential to sufferings. administrative officials, state Kashmir. We, together, have to
a sanjivini for people living in become a big centre of Solar The riddance from Article 370 employees and Jammu - realize their dream.
high altitude and for security Power generation. Now, the is a reality. But it is also true Kashmir police personnel are Friends! this decision will help
capability of people of Ladakh that whatever odds are being handling the situation there is
forces deployed in heavy icy in economic development of
will be utilized appropriately and really commendable. Your
mountains. caused now because of these Jammu - Kashmir and Laddakh
new opportunities of diligence has boosted my
These plants have great role historic steps are being fought
development will come up. Now along with the entire country.
in maintaining the immune by them only.Our brothers and confidence that change can
the innovative spirit of youth of When peace and prosperity
system of body in places with sisters of that region are happen.
Ladakh will get a boost, they prevails in this important part of
low levels of oxygen. Just think patiently replying to those Brothers and sisters, Jammu-
will get good institutes for good
over, should not these handful of people, who want to Kashmir is the crown of our the globe, the efforts for peace
education, people will get good
extraordinary items be sold in vitiate the atmosphere there. country. We are proud that in entire world will be naturally
hospitals, and infrastructure will
the whole world? Which Indian We should not forget that it is many brave sons and strengthened.
be modernized with priority.
do not want this. And friends,I daughters of Jammu - Kashmir
Friends, the patriots of Jammu- Kashmir I call upon my brothers and
named only one plant. There have sacrificed and risked their
who are strongly opposing the sisters of Jammu - Kashmir and
are ample plants, herbal It is possible, in a democracy
nefarious designs of Pakistan in lives for its security. Maulvi
products spread over Jammu that some people will agree to Ladakh to come together to
perpetuating terrorism and Ghulam Din of Poonch district,
and Kashmir and Ladakh. this decision and some will show the world how much
separatism.Our brothers and who had informed Indian Army
Those will be identified. If they oppose it. I respect their strength, courage and passion
disagreement and their sisters, who believe in Indian about Pakistani intruders during
are sold, it will benefit people we have.
objections. Whatever is being Constitution, deserve a better 1965 war. He was conferred
and the farmers of Jammu and
argued in this connection, life. We all are proud of them. Ashok Chakra. Col. Sonam Let us come together to build
Kashmir and Ladakh.
Therefore, I appeal to the Central Govt. is responding to Today I assure these friends of Wangchug of Laddakh district, a new India, as well as a new
people associated in Industry, that and it is trying to resolve Jammu - Kashmir that the who forced enemies to bite dust Jammu - Kashmir and Laddakh.
Export, Food Processing Sector the same. It is our democratic situation will gradually return to during Kargil war, was Thank you very much!
to come forward to ensure that responsibility. But I urge them to normal and all their troubles too honoured with Mahavir Chakra. Jai Hind!!!
local products of Jammu and keep the national interest as will reduce. Kirti Chakra was conferred to -PIB
4 www.employmentnews.gov.in DEPUTATION Employment News 17 - 23 August 2019
No.1/12/2016/HQ CLM
HQ Office of the Commissioner for
Linguistic Minorities in India
Ministry of Minority Affairs
Government of India
14/11 & 15/11, Jam Nagar House, Shahjahan Road
New Delhi-110011
The Organization of the Commissioner for Linguistic Minorities in India is a
Constitutional body as provided under Article 350 B of the Constitution of India. The
basic function of the Commissioner for Linguistic Minorities, as enjoined in Article 350
B(2) of the Constitution, is to investigate all matters relating to the Safeguards
provided to linguistic minorities and report to the President of India thereon.
2. The services of suitable Officers are required on transfer on deputation basis for
filling up the post of Research Officer (one at Delhi). The Officer who volunteer for
the above post will not be allowed to withdraw their candidature later on. The details
of the posts and the eligibility conditions are indicated at Annexure-I.
3. The period of deputation will ordinarily not exceed 3 years. The terms and
conditions of the appointment will be regulated in accordance with the Government of
India, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions, Department of
Personnel and Training, New Delhi O.M. No. AB/14017/71/89-Estt. (RR) dated 3rd
October, 1989 and No.2/29/91-Estt.(Pay-ll) dated 5.1.1994, as amended from time to
4. The pay of the Officer selected for appointment on deputation basis will be
regulated in accordance with the Ministry of Finance O.M.No.F.1 (Il) E/Ill (B)/75 dated
7.11.1975, read with the Department of Personnel and Training O.M. No. 1/4/84-Estt
(Pay- II) dated 26.12 84 (in the case of State Government Officers) and vide Ministry
of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pension, Department of Personnel and Training
O.M. No. 2/12/87-Estt. (Pay-ll) dated 29.4.88 (in the case of Central Government
Officers), as amended from time to time. The maximum age limit for appointment on
transfer/transfer on deputation shall not exceed 56 years as on closing date of the
receipt of the application.
5. The Officers desirous of being considered for the post should apply through proper
channel. Their application may be forwarded along with the applicants' duly verified
personal Bio-data as per proforma given with this advertisement as Annexure-ll along
with Cadre Clearance, Vigilance Clearance, Integrity Certificate and attested photo
copies of ACRs/APARs for the last five/eight years within 60 days from the date of
publication of this Advt. to the Office of the Commissioner for Linguistic
Minorities, 14/11 Jam Nagar House, Shahjahan Road, New Delhi-110011.
6. The authorities forwarding the applications should certify that in the case of
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date or received otherwise than through proper channel or without Cadre Clearance,
Vigilance Clearance, and Integrity Certificate or complete ACR/APAR dossiers or
otherwise found incomplete are liable to be rejected
A K. Deori
Deputy Commissioner
for Linguistic Minorities
Name of Post : Research Officer (at Delhi)
No. of Post (s) : 01
Classification : General Central Service Group 'B' (Gazetted).
Scale of Pay : PB-2 (Rs. 9300-34800 Gr. pay Rs. 4600/-) Pre-revised.
Eligibility : Transfer on deputation : Officers under the Central/State Governments
holding analogous posts or with 3/8 years service in the (pre- revised) pay scale of Rs.
5500-9000 (Revised Scale/Pay Band-2 Rs. 9300-34800 with Grade pay of Rs. 4200/-
or in (pre-revised) pay scale of 4500-7000 (Revised Scale/Pay Band-I Rs. 5200-
20200 with Grade Pay Rs. 2800/- or equivalent respectively and possessing Master
Degree or Degree in Statistics Economics (with Statistics/Operation Research/
Mathematics (with Statistics)/Commerce (with Statistics) of a recognized University.
Nature of duties of the post : Research Officer is required to assist the Assistant
Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner/Commissioner in discharge of all their duties
and responsibilities.
1. Name and Address (in Block letters) :
EN 20/76
2. Date of Birth (in Christian era) :
3. Date of retirement under Central/State Government Rules. :
4. Educational Qualifications: 12. Are you in Revised Scale of Pay? If yes, give the date from which the revision took
5. Whether Educational and other qualifications required for the post are satisfied. (If place and also indicate the pre-revised scale.
any qualification has been treated as equivalent to the one prescribed in the rules, 13. Total emoluments per month now drawn.
state the authority for the same). : 14. Additional information, if any, which you would like to mention in support of your
Qualifications/ Qualifications/Experience suitability for the post. (This among other things may provide information with regard to
Experience required possessed by the Officer (i) Additional academic qualifications (ii) professional training and (iii) Work experience
Essential (1) (2) (3) over and above prescribed in the Vacancy Circular/Advertisement)
Desired (1) (2) (Note: Enclose a separate sheet, if the space is insufficient).
15. Please state whether you are applying for deputation (ISTC)/Absorption /Re-
6. Please state clearly whether in the light of entries made by you above you meet the
employment Basis. (Officers under Central/State Governments are only eligible for
requirement of the post.
7. Details of Employment in chronological order. Enclose a separate sheet duly "Absorption". Candidates of non-Government Organizations are eligible only for Short
authenticated by your signature, if the space below is insufficient. Term Contract.)
16. Whether belongs to SC/ST :
Office/ Post Held From To Scale of Pay and basic Nature of duties
Institution pay (in details) 17. Remarks
(The candidates may indicate information with regard to (i) Research publications and
reports and special projects (ii) Awards/Scholarship/Official Appreciation (iii) Affiliation
8. Nature of present employment i.e. Ad-hoc or Temporary or Quasi-Permanent or
with the professional bodies/institutions/societies and (iv) any other information.
(Note: Enclose a separate sheet, if the space is insufficient).
9. In case the present employment is held on deputation/contract basis, please state:-
I have carefully gone through the vacancy circular/advertisement and I am well aware
(a) The date of initial appointment
that the Curriculum Vitae duly supported by documents submitted by me will also be
(b) Period of appointment on deputation/contract
(c) Name of the parent Office/Organization to which you belong. assessed by the Selection Committee at the time of selection for the post.
10. Additional details about present employment. Signature of the Candidate
Please state whether working under (indicate the name of your employer against the Address:________________
relevant column.) Date:_____________
(a) Central Govt. (b) State Govt. (c) Autonomous Organization (d) Government Countersigned
Undertaking (e) Universities (f) Others ________________
11. Please state whether you are working in the same Department and are in the davp 27106/11/0001/1920 Employer with Seal
feeder grade or feeder to feeder grade. EN 20/92
Employment News 17 - 23 August 2019 RECRUITMENT www.employmentnews.gov.in 5

Broadcast Engineering Consultants Union Public Service

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(A Mini Ratna Company) ADVERTISEMENT
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Website: www.becil.com The written result of the Engineering Services (Main)
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Applications are invited for empanelment of temporary staff purely on contract basis for deployment in
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S. Post Name of Post No. of vacancy including reserved Remuneration Commission's Website, i.e. https://upsc.gov.in. It is
No. Code categories/backlog posts # per month
1. NE-01 Station Controller/Train 09 Rs. 35000/-PM fixed informed that all the written qualified candidates are
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Assistant Form (DAF) ONLINE from 05.08.2019 to 14.08.2019.
3. NE-03 Junior Engineer/ 12 Rs. 35000/- PM fixed For further details, written qualified candidates are
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requested to visit the Commission's Website.
Mechanical EN 20/26
5. NE-05 Junior Engineer/ 15 Rs. 35000/-PM fixed
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7. NE-07 Maintainer/ Fitter 10 Rs. 25000/- PM fixed
8. NE-08 Maintainer/ Electrician 30 Rs. 25000/- PM fixed Commission
9. NE-09 Maintainer/Electronic 90 Rs. 25000/- PM fixed Press Note on Declaration of Final Result of
& Mechanic
10. NE-10 Maintainer/Ref & AC 07 Rs 25000/ PM fixed
Central Armed Police Forces (Assistant
Mechanic Commandants) Examination, 2018
11. NE11 Accounts Assistant 03 Rs. 30000/- PM fixed The Union Public Service Commission has declared
12. NE-12 Office Assistant 01 Rs. 30000/- PM fixed the Final Result of the Central Armed Police Forces
TOTAL 199 (Assistant Commandants) Examination, 2018 on
For more details please visit our website: www.becil.com/www.nmrcnoida.com. 2nd August, 2019. The result comprising of list of the
Online Registration will start on 22nd July, 2019
candidates recommended for appointment in order of
Last date for submission of application is 21 August, 2019.
Mahesh Chand merit, is available on the Commission's Website
Deputy General Manager (HR) [www.upsc.gov.in]
davp 22113/11/0009/1920 EN 20/49 Union Public Service Commission has a 'Facilitation
Counter' near Examination Hall Building in its Campus.
Candidates may obtain any information/clarification
regarding their Examination/recruitments on working
days between 10:00 hours to 17:00 hours in person or
over Telephone Nos. 011-23385271/23381125.
The result will also be available on the U.P.S.C.
Website i.e. http//www.upsc.gov.in. However, marks
are likely to be available on the website within 15
days from the date of declaration of Result.
EN 20/29

No. 15/2/2018-RHQ (Vol. II)

Government of India

Staff Selection
Department of Personnel and Training
Block No. 12, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi- 110003
Subject:- Recruitment to various posts under
EN 20/55
Phase-VII/2019/ Selection Posts-reg.
Staff Selection Commission is going to conduct
recruitment to 230 categories of posts with 1351
vacancies of different Ministries/ Departments/
Organizations of the Government of India through
Phase-VII/2019/Selection Posts Examination in the
Computer Based Examination (CBE) Mode, under Nine
Regional Offices of the Staff Selection Commission.
2. The said examination is tentatively scheduled from
14-10-2019 to 18.10.2019.
3. A detailed advertisement along with eligibility criteria,
terms & conditions and application format etc. is
available on the Commission's website i.e.
www.ssc.nic.in. Any corrigendum of the advertisement
will be hosted on the said website only. Interested
candidates may apply online through the website of the
Commission w.e.f. 06.08.2019 till 31.08.2019 (upto
05.00 PM).
Under Secretary (RHQ)
EN 20/64 EN 20/51 SSC(HQ), New Delhi
6 www.employmentnews.gov.in DEPUTATION Employment News 17 - 23 August 2019

National Gallery of Modern Art

Government of India
Ministry of Culture
Jaipur House, New Delhi-110003
Subject : Filling up of (i) two posts of Curator, (ii) two posts of Deputy Curator, Desirable :
(iii) three posts of Public Relation Officer, (iv) two posts of Upper Division Clerk (i) Master's degree in Business Administration (MBA)/Master's Degree in Public
(UDC) (v) one post of Assistant Library and Information Officer and (vi) one post Administration from a recognized University.
of Security Officer in National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi and its two (ii) Administrative experience in Establishment and Accounts matters in a large
branches at Mumbai and Bengaluru on deputation (including short term Museum/Gallery.
contract) basis. 2. Deputy Curator
Applications are invited for filling up of (i) two posts of Curator, (ii) two posts of Deputy Job Description :
Curator, (iii) three posts of Public Relation Officer, (iv) two posts of Upper Division The National Gallery of Modern Art, a premier museum of India with a rich and
Clerk (UDC) (v) one post of Assistant Library and Information Officer and (vi) one post exquisite collections of contemporary paintings, under the Ministry of Culture is seeking
of Security Officer in National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi and its two branches qualified candidates for the post of Deputy Curator at Mumbai and Bengaluru. Dy.
at Mumbai and Bengaluru on deputation (including short term contract) basis. National Curator will look after the planning, organizing the Educational, documentation,
Gallery of Modern Art is a sub-ordinate office under Ministry of Culture and a premier publication, exhibition programs and display of art works of the organization and
Gallery museum of India with rich and exquisite collections of contemporary paintings. supervise the Asstt. Curator, Guide Lecturer and Technical Assistant; Display of Art
The details i.e., number of posts; pay scale and location of the posts are as under : works from the collection of Museum and change the display periodically; Liaison work
1. Curator (by deputation (including short term contract) with Embassy, Custom authority etc in connection with the outgoing exhibition;
No. of Post-02 Supervising framing and mounting of exhibits; Supervising the activities of carpentry
PB-3 Rs.15,600-39,100/-plus Grade Pay Rs.6600/-(pre revised) workshop, to cater to the increased needs of the organization.
Level-11 in Pay Matrix Rs.67,700- 2,08,700/- (Revised) Eligibility :
General Central Service Group 'A', Gazetted Non-Ministerial Officers under the Central/State Governments/Union Territories/Autonomous
Location of the post : - One each in National Gallery of Modern Art, Mumbai and organizations/Research Institutions including Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant
Bengaluru. Professor or equivalent in Universities :
2. Deputy Curator (by deputation (including short term contract) (a) (i) holding analogous posts on regular basis in the parent cadre or Department: or
No. of Post-02 (ii) with two years' service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on a
PB-3 Rs.15,600-39,100/- plus Grade Pay Rs.5400/- (pre revised) regular basis in posts in the Pay Band-2, Rs. 9,300-34,800/- with grade pay of Rs.
Level-10 in Pay Matrix Rs.56,100 -1,77,500/- (Revised) 4,800/- or equivalent in the parent cadre or department or
General Central Service Group 'A', Gazetted Non-Ministerial (iii) with three year's service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on a
Location of the post : - One each in National Gallery of Modern Art, Mumbai and regular basis in posts in the Pay Band -2, Rs. 9,300-34,800/- with grade pay of Rs.
Bengaluru. 4,600/- or equivalent in the parent cadre/ department; and
3. Public Relation Officer ( by deputation (including short term contract) (b) Possessing the following educational qualifications and experience:-
No. of Post-03 Essential :
PB-2 Rs.9,300-34,800/- plus Grade pay Rs.4600/- (pre revised) (i) Master's Degree in Fine Arts or Art History & Criticism or Museology from a
Level-7 in Pay Matrix Rs.44,900 -1,42,400/- (Revised) recognized university:
General Central Service Group 'B', Gazetted Non-Ministerial (ii) At least three years experience in organizing exhibitions or production and
Location of the post : - One each in National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi, publication of books & Journals on Indian Art or teaching Museology or History of
Mumbai and Bengaluru. Art or Fine Arts in a large Museum/Gallery/Organisation/Educational Institution.
4. Upper Division Clerk (UDC) [by deputation (including short term contract)] Desirable :
No. of Post-02 (i) Degree/Diploma/Certificate in any Foreign Language other than English from a
PB-1 Rs.5,200-20,200/- plus Grade Pay Rs.2400/- (pre revised) recognised University/institution.
Level-4 in Pay Matrix Rs.25,500 - 81,100/-(Revised) (ii) Research experience supported by published works in the field of Art & Culture.
General Central Service Group 'C', Non-Gazetted Ministerial 3. Public Relation Officer
Location of the post : - One each in National Gallery of Modern Art, Mumbai and Job Description :
Bengaluru. The National Gallery of Modern Art, a premier museum of India with a rich and
5. Assistant Library and Information Officer [Composite method (by deputation exquisite collections of contemporary paintings, under the Ministry of Culture is seeking
(including short term contract) plus promotion] qualified candidates for the post of Public Relation Officer at New Delhi, Mumbai and
No. of Post-01 Bengaluru. The incumbents will be responsible for updating of Museum website as well
PB-2 Rs.9,300-34,800/- plus Grade Pay Rs.4600/- (pre revised) as mailing list; interacting with visitors, updating and implementing museum visitors
Level-7 in Pay Matrix Rs.44,900 -1,42,400/- (Revised) facilities; planning public relation programs; keeping liaison with media, cultural centers
General Central Service Group 'B', Gazetted Non-Ministerial of embassies, other galleries etc. and advising the management on policy issues and
Location of the post : - National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi communication strategies etc.
6. Security Officer [Composite method (by deputation (including short term Eligibility :
contract) plus promotion] Officers under the Central Government or Stale Government or Union Territories or
No. of Post-01 Autonomous bodies or Statutory Organisations or Recognised Research Institutions or
PB-2 Rs.9,300-34,800/- plus Grade Pay Rs.4600/- (pre revised) Public Sector Undertakings or Universities or Semi Governments:
Level-7 in Pay Matrix Rs.44,900 -1,42,400/- (Revised) (a) (i) holding analogous posts on regular basis in the parent cadre or Department; or
General Central Service Group 'B', Gazetted Non Ministerial (ii) with five years' service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on a
Location of the post : - National Gallery of Modern Art, Bengaluru. regular basis in posts in the Pay band - 2 Rs. 9300-34800/- plus grade pay of Rs.
2. Job description and Eligibility : 4200/- (pre-revised) or equivalent in the parent cadre or department; and
1. Curator (b) Possessing the following educational qualifications and experience:-
Job Description : Essential :
The National Gallery of Modern Art, a premier museum of India with a rich and (i) Bachelor's degree in Journalism or Mass Communication of a recognised
exquisite collections of contemporary paintings, under the Ministry of Culture is seeking University; and
qualified candidates for the posts of Curator, at New Delhi. The Curator will look after (ii) Two years' experience in public relation, journalism or even management in a
the educational, documentation, planning, documentation, publication, exhibition reputed media unit “such as AAJ Tak (Today TV), NDTV, Times of India etc” or
programs and display of art works of the organization and supervise the Dy. Curator event management organisation under the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting.
and his team; Curator will be responsible for all educational and all academic activities Desirable :
of the museums; He/She will organize guided tours, lecturers and seminars on relevant (i) Master's Degree in Journalism or Mass Communication or
subject in the museum premises; He/She will ensure documentation of art works in the (ii) Certificate course from a recognised institute or university in any foreign language
museum and also of the exhibitions and special programs held in the museum; He/She as included in the Schedule of foreign languages of the United Nations.
will ensure proper functioning of the art reference library and its activities; He/She will 4. Upper Division Clerk (UDC)
be responsible for publication of museum catalogues, reproduction, newsletters and Job Description :
other souvenir items; He/She will also supervise the museum shop and ticketing The incumbent will be responsible for recruitment and appointment of regular staff and
counter of the NGMA; Programs for children on the spot painting competition, art outsourcing of contract staff; maintenance of service books; leave account; issue of
sketch club, lecturers, symposiums and art appreciation course etc. financial sanctions; preparation of budget; posting/transfer and deployment of staff;
Eligibility : maintenance of files; putting up draft replies; dispatch related activities including inward
Officers under the Central/State Governments/Union Territories/Recognized Research & outward and should be capable of taking up reception and other works as required
Institutions/Semi-Government or Statutory or Autonomous organizations including in the office system.
Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor or equivalent of universities : Eligibility :Officials of Central Government or State Governments or Union Territories
(a) (i) holding analogous posts on regular basis in the parent cadre or Department; or Administrations or semi Governments or autonomous organizations :
(ii) with 5 years' service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on a regular (i) holding analogous post on regular basis in the parent cadre or department: or
basis in posts in the Pay Band-3, Rs 15600-39100/- with grade pay of Rs. 5400/- (ii) with eight years regular service in the grade of Lower Division Clerk or
or equivalent in the parent cadre or department; or equivalent.
(iii) with six year's service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on a regular Note 1 * :- The department officers in the feeder category who are in the direct line of
basis in posts in the Pay Band -2, Rs. 9300-34800/- with grade pay of Rs. 4800/- promotion will not be eligible for consideration for appointment on deputation/
or equivalent in the parent cadre/ department; and absorption. Similarly, deputationists shall not be eligible for consideration for
b) Possessing the following educational qualifications and experience:- appointment by promotion.
Essential : Note 2* :- (Period of deputation (ISTC) including the period of deputation (ISTC) in
(i) Master's degree in Fine Arts or History of Arts & Criticism or Museology from a another ex-cadre post held immediately preceding this appointment in the same or
recognized university. some other organization/department of the Central Government shall ordinarily not
(ii) 5 years curatorial experience in a large Museum/Gallery. Continued
Employment News 17 - 23 August 2019 DEPUTATION www.employmentnews.gov.in 7
to exceed three years. The maximum age limit for appointment by deputation after the last date or otherwise found incomplete will not be considered and stand
(ISTC) shall not be exceeding 56 years as on the closing date of receipt of rejected.
applications). (S.P. Datta)
(* To be read for posts indicated at SI. No. 1 to 4 above) Restorer & Head of Office
5. Assistant Library and Information Officer Tel. No. : 011-23386208
Job Description : Jaipur House,
The incumbent will be responsible for managing day to day activities of the library; New Delhi-110003
arranging meeting of the library committee for acquisition of new books; rendering Note : The details regarding eligibility conditions, educational qualifications and
library services/assistance to research scholars, art students and general public visiting experience, application form etc. are also available on the website of Ministry of
the library and; maintaining News clippings for record and research purposes; Culture http://www.indiaculture.nic.in and NGMAs website www.ngmaindia.
classification and cataloguing of books, etc. gov.in
Eligibility : ANNEXURE-I
Officers under Central Government or State Governments or Union Territories or Public BIO-DATA/CURRICULUM VITAE PROFORMA
Sector undertakings or Recognized Research Institutions or Universities or Semi- 1. Name and Address (in Block letters) :
Government or Statutory or Autonomous organizations:
2. Date of Birth (in Christian era) :
(a) (i) holding analogous posts on regular basis in the parent cadre or Department; or
(ii) with five years' service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on a 3. i) Date of entry into service
regular basis in posts in the Pay Band-2, Rs.9,300-34,800/- with Grade Pay Rs. ii) Date of retirement under Central/State
4200/- or equivalent in the parent cadre/department; and Government Rules
(b) Possessing the following essential educational qualification and experience, 4. Educational Qualifications
namely :-
5. Whether Educational and other qualifications
required for the post are satisfied (If any qualification
(i) Bachelor's Degree in Library Science or Library and Information Science from a
has been treated as equivalent to the one pres-
recognized University/ Institute;
cribed in the Rules, state the authority for the same)
(ii) Two years' professional experience in a Library under Central/State Governments/
Autonomous or Statutory organization/PSU/University or Recognized Research or Qualifications/Experience required as mentioned Qualifications/experience
Educational Institution. in the advertisement/vacancy circular possessed by the officer
Desirable :- Essential Essential
(i) Master's Degree in Library Science or Library and Information Science from a A) Qualification A) Qualification
recognized University/ Institute;
B) Experience B) Experience
(ii) Diploma in Computer Applications from a recognized University/Institute.
Note : The Departmental Library and Information Assistant with atleast 5 years' regular Desirable Desirable
service in the grade will also be considered and in case he/ she is appointed to the A) Qualification A) Qualification
post, the same shall be deemed to have been filled by promotion. B) Experience B) Experience
(Period of deputation including period of deputation in another ex-cadre post held
5.1 Note: This column needs to be amplified to indicate
immediately preceding this appointment in the same or some other Organization or
Essential and Desirable Qualification as mentioned in
Department of the Central Government shall ordinarily not exceed three years.
the RRs by the Administrative Ministry/Department/
Maximum age limit for appointment on deputation (ISTC) shall not exceed 56 years as
Office at the time of issue of circular and issue of
on the closing date for receipt of applications).
Advertisement in the Employment News.
6. Security Officer
5.2. In the case of Degree and Post Graduate
Job Description :
Qualifications Elective/main subjects and subsidiary
The incumbent will act as overall security and surveillance in-charge of NGMA
subjects may be indicated by the candidate.
premises; identify protection goals, objectives and metrics consistent with the strategic
security needs of the organisaions; plan, develop and manage appropriate security 6. Please state clearly whether in the light of entries
policy, standards, guidelines and procedures to ensure foolproof maintenance of made by you above, you meet the requisite Essential
security; manage effective operation of access control system, video surveillance and Qualifications and work experience of the post.
ensure proper network protection; oversee and manage incident response planning as 6.1 Note: Borrowing Departments are to provide
well as investigation of security breaches, disciplinary and legal matters associated their specific comments/views confirming the
with such breaches; ensure protection from fire and safety hazards; enforce rules and relevant Essential Qualification/Work experience
regulations related to security matters; maintain excellent coordination and relationship possessed by the Candidate (as indicated in the
with police and civic agencies; keep vigil and ensure that only authorized materials are Bio-data) with reference to the post applied.
allowed in and out of the premise; prepare duty rosters of security assistant, caretaker, 7. Details of Employment, in chronological order. Enclose a separate sheet duly
security guards, etc.; ensure security and documentation of all movements of art authenticated by your signature, if the space below is insufficient.
objects in and out of the gallery; supervise and ensure adequate and proper Janitorial
Office/ Post held on From To Level/Pay Scale Nature of Duties
and Sanitary services are in place at the gallery and its surroundings; responsible for
Institution regular basis of the post held (in detail) highlig-
day to day opening and closing of gallery and maintaining securitized environment
on regular basis hting experience
thereon; ensure that security personnel are in proper uniform and perform assigned
required for the
duties scrupulously and any other tasks assigned by Director/ Director General
post applied for
depending on exigencies of work.
Eligibility :
By Composite Method [deputation (including short term contract) plus 8. Nature of present employment i.e. Ad-hoc or
promotion] Temporary or Quasi-Permanent or Permanent
Officers of Central or State Police Organizations, Para Military Forces, Central Civil 9. In case the Present Employment is held on
Defence Organisations, Armed Forces Personnel in the Rank of Naib Subedar deputation/contract basis, please state
in Indian Army or Junior Warrant Officer in Indian Air Force or Chief Petty Officer in
Indian Navy : a) The date b) Period of c) Name of the d) Name of the post
(a) (i) holding analogous posts on regular basis in the parent cadre or department; or of Initial appointment on parent office/ and Pay of the post
appointment deputation/contract organization held in substantive
(ii) with five years regular service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on
to which the capacity in the
a regular basis in posts in the Pay Band-2, Rs. 9300-34800/- plus Grade Pay of
applicant belongs parent organisation
4200/- (pre-revised)-level-6 of Pay Matrix Rs. 35,400-1,12,400/- (revised) or
9.1 Note: In case of Officers already on deputation, the
equivalent in the parent cadre or Department; and applications of such officer should be forwarded by the
(b) Possessing the following essential educational qualification and experience, parent Cadre/Department along with Cadre Clearance,
namely :- Vigilance Clearance and Intergrity certificate.
Essential :- 9.2 Note: Information under Column 9(c) & (d) above
(i) Bachelor's Degree in any discipline of a recognized University; must be given in all cases where a person is holding a
(ii) Diploma in security and fire fighting from a recognized institution: and post on deputation outside the cadre/organization but
(iii) Five years experience in security related functions in Central or State Police still maintaining a lien in his parent cadre/organisation.
Organizations or Para Military Forces or Armed Forces or Central Civil Defence
10. If any post held on deputation in the past by the
Organizations or a large private sector organization.
applicant, date of return from the last deputation and
Desirable :- Diploma or Certificate course in Security Management.
other details.
Note : Departmental Security Assistant in the pay band-1, Rs. 5200-20200/- plus
Grade Pay of Rs. 2800/- with at-least eleven years regular service will also be 11. Additional details about present employment:
considered along-with outsiders and in case he or she is selected for appointment to Please state whether working under (indicate the
the post, the same shall be deemed to have been filled by promotion. name of your employer against the relevant column)
a) Central Government
(Period of deputation including period of deputation in another ex-cadre post held
b) State Government
immediately preceding this appointment in the same or some other Organization or
c) Autonomous Organization
Department of the Central Government shall ordinarily not exceed three years.
d) Government Undertaking
Maximum age limit for appointment on deputation (ISTC) shall not exceed 56 years as
e) Universities
on the closing date for receipt of applications).
f) Others
3. Applications, in duplicate, in the prescribed proforma placed below (Annexure) and
complete up-to-date ACR dossiers of the Officers (last five years) who can be spared 12. Please state whether you are working in the same
in the event of their selection alongwith vigilance clearance, integrity certificate, cadre Department and are in the feeder grade or feeder to
clearance, major/minor penalty statement for the last ten years should reach the feeder grade.
undersigned through proper channel within a period of 60 days from the date of 13. Are you in Revised Scale of Pay? If yes, give the date from which the revision
publication of the advertisement in the Employment News. Applications received took place and also indicate the pre-revised scale Continued on page 8
8 www.employmentnews.gov.in RECRUITMENT Employment News 17 - 23 August 2019
No. SD-17/113/2017-E&PW (Pt.) Continued from page 7
Government of India 14. Total emoluments per month now drawn
Ministry of Skill Development and Basic Pay in the Level Total Emoluments

Entrepreneurship Pay Matrix

2nd Floor, PTI Building, New Delhi

15. In case the applicant belongs to an organisation which is not following the
Dated: 29th July, 2019
Central Government Pay scales, the latest salary slip issued by the Organisation
showing the following details may be enclosed.
Sub: Filling up the post of Chairperson and two Executive Members in National Basic Pay with Scale of Pay Dearness Pay/Interim relief/ Total
Council for Vocational Education and Training. and rate of increment other allowances etc., (with Emolu-
The Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship (MSDE), Government of India break-up details) ments
notified the National Council for Vocational Education and Training (NCVET) on 5th 16. A Additional information, if any, relevant to the post you
December 2018 to function as an overarching regulator mandated to regulate both long applied for in support of your suitability for the post.
and short-term vocational training in the country. NCVET has been notified as a non- (This among other things may provide information with regard to
statutory regulatory authority, by merging the National Council for Vocational Training (i) Additional academic qualifcations (ii) Professional training and
(NCVT) and the National Skill Development Agency (NSDA). (iii) Work experience over and above prescribed in the Vacancy
2. Applications are invited, in the given proforma, from the citizens of India for the Circular/Advertisement)
following posts in the National Council for Vocational Education and Training (NCVET). (Note: Enclose a separate sheet, if the space is insufficient)
(i) Chairperson 16. B Achievements:
(ii) Two Executive Members -Whole-time Members The candidates are requested to indicate information with regard to:
3. Pay and Emoluments: (i) For Chairperson: Rs. 2,25,000 per month (Fixed) plus (i) Research publications and reports and special projects
ii) Awards/Scholarships/Official Appreciation
allowances as admissible to the Secretary to the Government of India.
iii) Affiliation with the professional bodies/institutions/societies and;
(ii) Executive Members: Rs. 1,82,000 per month (Fixed) plus allowances as
iv) Patents registered in own name or achieved for the organization
admissible to the Additional Secretary to the Government of India. v) Any research/innovative measure involving official recognition
4. Eligibility: Applicants should be persons of ability, integrity and standing who have vi) Any other information.
special knowledge of, and professional experience of not less than fifteen years in (Note: Enclose a separate sheet if the space is insufficient)
business management, human resource management, skill development, higher 17. Please state whether you are applying for depuation (ISTC)/
education, public administration or related fields. If the applicant is, or has been, in the Absorption/Re-employment Basis.#
service of Government, he/ she should fulfil the following conditions. (Officers under Central/State Governments are only eligible for
(a) For the post of Chairperson-the person is either holding or has held the post of “Absorption”. Candidates of Non-Government Organizations are
Secretary/ Additional Secretary to the Government of India or any equivalent post in the eligible only for Short Term Contract)
Central Government or the State Government. # (The option of ‘STC/ ‘Absorption’/ ‘Re-employment’ are available
(b) For the post of Executive Member - the person is either holding or has held the post only if the vacancy circular specially mentioned recruitment
of Additional Secretary to the Government of India or Joint Secretary to the by “STC” or “Absorption” or “Re-employment”)
Government of India or any equivalent post in the Central Government or the State 18. Whether belongs to SC/ST
Government. I have carefully gone through the vacancy circular/advertisement and I am well aware
5. Age limit and tenure: The Chairperson and Executive Members shall hold office for that the information furnished in the Curriculum Vitae duly suported by the documents
a term of five years or until the age of sixty-five years, whichever is earlier. The in respect of Essential Qualification/Work Experience submitted by me will also be
applicant should not be more than 62 years of age as on the last date of receipt of assessed by the Selection Committee at the time of selection for the post. The
application. information/details provided by me are correct and true to the best of my knowledge
6. The Selection Committee reserves the right to suitably modify the eligibility & other and no material fact having a bearing on my selection has been suppressed/withheld.
criteria, if considered necessary and also to consider outstanding candidates who have Date __________ (Signature of the candidate)
not applied for the posts. Address ________________
Certification by the Employer/Cadre Controlling Authority
7. Supporting documents: Those from Government service shall submit their
The information/details provided in the above application by the applicant are true and
applications together with self-attested copies of following supporting documents.
correct as per the facts available on records. He/she possesses educational
i. Up-to-date Annual Confidential Report (ACR)/ APAR dossier in original/attested qualifications and experience mentioned in the advt. If selected, he/she will be relieved
photocopies of last 5 years of the candidate; immediately.
ii. Integrity Certificate; 2. Also certified that:
iii. Vigilance Clearance certification that no disciplinary proceedings or criminal i) There is no vigilance or disciplinary case pending/contemplated against Shri/Smt.
proceedings are either pending or contemplated against the officer concerned; ii) His/her integrity is certified.
iv. List of major/minor penalties, if any, imposed on the candidates; and iii) His/Her CR Dossier in original is enclosed/photocopies of the ACRs for the last 5
v. A certificate confirming that no penalty has been imposed on the officer. years duly attested by an officer of the rank of Under Secretary of the Govt. of India or
8. Application as per the given proforma along with one passport size photograph above are enclosed.
should be sent through proper channel to the following address in a closed cover iv) No major/minor penalty has been imposed on him/her during the last 10 years Or
A list of major/minor penalties imposed on him/her during the last 10 years is enclosed.
superscribed with "Application for the post of Chairperson/Executive Member,
(as the case may be) Countersigned
Other details regarding eligibility etc. may be seen in Ministry of Skill Development & (Employer/Cadre Controlling Authority with Seal)
Entrepreneurship website http://www.msde.gov.in. Application for the posts can be EN 20/1
downloaded from the Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship website
The application should reach the following address on or before 5.30P.M, 30th ∑ΧÁ· ôÊÊŸ ¬˝’¥äÊŸ ßU∑§Ê߸U
September, 2019. (Sanjay Sharma)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India Agricultural Knowledge
Tel: 011-23465921
Management Unit
Application for the posts of Chairperson and Executive Members, National ÷Ê⁄UÃËÿ ∑ΧÁ· •ŸÈ‚¥äÊÊŸ ‚¥SÕÊŸ, Ÿß¸U ÁŒÀ‹Ë- 110012 (÷Ê⁄UÃ)
Council for Vocational Education and Training (NCVET)* Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi- 110012 (India)
1. Name of the candidate (in Block Letters) : Walk-in-Interview for the post of Senior Research Fellows
2. Date of Birth :
Walk-in-Interview will be held for three Senior Research Fellows (SRFs) position on
3. Present post held :
6th September, 2019 at 10.00 AM in externally funded projects "National Knowledge
4. Service to which belong (in case of Govt. servants) :
Management Centre for Agricultural Education and Research" under National
5. Present pay and scale of pay :
Agricultural Higher Education Project (NAHEP) and "Early Warning for Yields and
6. Complete Postal Address :
Pests in Crops on Spatial Scale for their Integrated Management " funded by Space
Permanent :
Applications Centre, Ahmedabad under SUFALAM Programme at Agricultural
Present :
Knowledge Management Unit, ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New
7. Educational Qualifications :
Delhi -110012 purely on contractual / temporary basis. The details are available at
I -Academic :
II- Professional :
Asstt. Admn. Officer (AKMU)
8. Details of experience and brief :
EN 20/5 ICAR-IARI, Pusa, New Delhi-110012
Service particulars
S. Post From To Scale of pay Nature of Remarks/any
*ln case of persons from the private sector, relevant supporting documents shall be
No. (Regular/ & Basic pay Duties other information
enclosed with the application.
adhoc) relevant for the post
TO BE FILLED BY THE EMPLOYER (In case of Government servants)
Certified that the particulars furnished by Mr/Ms._________ who is working
9. Please state whether you meet the requirements of the post: as_______________ in this organization are correct and no vigilance case is
10. Additional information, if any, pending/contemplated against him/her.
Date: Date: Signature
Place: (Signature of Applicant) EN 20/3 Designation
Employment News 17 - 23 August 2019 RECRUITMENT www.employmentnews.gov.in 9

EN 20/10

No. A- 12026/1/2017-Admn.B/243
Government of India
M/o Housing & Urban Affairs
Directorate of Estates
409'B' Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi
Date: 01st August, 2019
Subject:- Filling up of post of Superintendent (A/cs.) on
EN 20/16 deputation (including short-term contract) basis in Directorate
of Estates.
Government of India, Ministry Housing and Urban Affairs,
Directorate of Estates proposes to fill up two Group 'B', Gazetted
posts of Superintendent (A/cs.) on deputation (including short-
term contract) basis in Level 7 in the Pay Matrix (pre-revised Pay
Band-2 of Rs. 9300-34800/- with Grade Pay Rs. 4600/-).
2. For details relating to eligibility, requisite qualifications and
experience, duties attached to the post, age limit and other terms
and conditions, etc. applicants may visit Directorate of Estates web-
site under the link:
3. The last date for receipt of complete applications will be 60
days from the date of publication of this advertisement in the
Employment News.
(Nidhi Garg)
Dy. Director of Estates (Estt.)
EN 20/13 Tel. No. : 23061372

Government of India
Department of Atomic Energy

National Board for Higher

Mumbai- 400001
Advt. No.14-A/IMSc/2019 Date: 26.7.19
Scholarships for Pursuing Post Graduate Studies
(M.A./ M.Sc./Integrated Masters)
in Mathematics for the Academic Year 2019-20
The National Board for Higher Mathematics (NBHM), DAE, invites
online applications up to 25.8.2019 for the grant of scholarships
to students pursuing studies leading to Masters Degree in
For full details regarding eligibility criteria, online fee payment,
EN 20/11
scholarship amount and selection procedure, please see the NBHM
website [www.nbhm.dae.gov.in].
Government of India Written test is scheduled to be held on October 19, 2019
Ministry of Shipping
(Saturday). REGISTRAR
Directorate General of Shipping EN 20/15 IMSc, Chennai
Applications are invited from the eligible candidates in the Directorate General of Shipping and its allied
offices all over India. The details are as under: Details of the eligibility and other relevant terms & conditions for
Sr. Name of the Post Place of Number of Pay Scale Mode of Recruitment respective posts can be seen at the website
No. Posting Vacancies http://www.dgshipping.gov.in.
1 Ship Surveyor-cum-Deputy Any where 01 Level 12 Promotion or Deputation Applications should be submitted within 60 days from the date of
Director General (Technical) in India (78800-209200) (including short term Publication of advertisement in the Employment News to the
contract) undersigned.
2 Shipping Master/Director, Any where 01 Level 11 Transfer on deputation (Dr. P. K Raut)
Shipping Office/ Seaman's in India (67700-208700) Deputy Director General of Shipping (PB)
Employment Office Directorate General of Shipping, Beta Building
3 Assistant Director General Mumbai 02 Level 11 Deputation 9th Floor, l-Think Techno Campus
of Shipping (67700-208700) Kanjur Marg (E), Mumbai-400042
4 Senior Private Assistant Kolkata 01 Level 7 Transfer on Deputation Ph. No. 022-25752040/41/42/43
(44900-142400) davp 37206/11/0004/1920 EN 20/71
10 www.employmentnews.gov.in RAILWAY Employment News 17 - 23 August 2019

Employment News 17 - 23 August 2019 RAILWAY www.employmentnews.gov.in 11

EN 20/7
12 www.employmentnews.gov.in RAILWAY Employment News 17 - 23 August 2019

Employment News 17 - 23 August 2019 RAILWAY www.employmentnews.gov.in 13

EN 20/8
14 www.employmentnews.gov.in DEPUTATION Employment News 17 - 23 August 2019
No. A- 12026/1/2015-Admn.B
Government of India
Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs

Directorate of Estates
409 'B', Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi-110108
Dated : 1st August, 2019
Subject :- Filling up of post of Assistant Director of Estates
(Enquiries) on deputation basis in Directorate of Estates.
The Government of India, Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs,
Directorate of Estates proposes to fill up one Group 'B', Gazetted
post of Assistant Director of Estates (Enquiries) on deputation
basis in Pay Level-7 in the Pay Matrix (Pre-revised Pay Scale of
Pay Band-2 (Rs. 9300-34800) with Grade Pay of Rs. 4600/-).
2. For details relating to eligibility, requisite qualifications and
experience, duties attached to the post, age limit and other terms
and conditions, etc. applicants may visit Directorate of Estates
website under the link:
3. The last date for receipt of complete applications will be 60
days from the date of publication of this advertisement in the
Employment News.
(Nidhi Garg)
Deputy Director of Estates (Estt)
EN 20/14 Tel. No. 23061372 EN 20/9

National Highways & "INDO-Tibetan Border Police Force"

(Ministry of Home Affairs)
Infrastructure Govt. of India
(A Govt. of India Undertaking) Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force invites online applications from eligible Indian
Corporate Office : 3rd Floor, PTI Building, 4-Parliament Street citizens to fill up following vacancies of General Central Service Group 'A' Gazetted
New Delhi-110001 Posts (Non Ministerial) in the following pay scale & allowances as admissible in the
Applications are invited from dynamic, effective and experienced eligible Officers
S. Name of Post Total Reservation status
working in Central Government Ministries/ Departments, Autonomous Bodies, Public
Sector Undertakings, State Government Departments and State Government Public N. Vacancies UR SC ST OBC EWS
Undertakings on Transfer on Deputation basis for the following posts:- 1 Deputy Judge Attorney 06 02 01 01 01 01
Name of the Posts No. of Pay Matrix Level in CDA pattern General (Deputy
Vacancies* Commandant)
General Manager (T/P) 10 Pay Matrix Level-13 of 7th CPC 2. Total vacancies includes Backlog vacancies and may increase or decrease due to
[at HQrs and Branch Offices] [Pre-revised PB-4 of Rs.37,400- administrative reasons without prior notice. In case vacancies reserved for EWS
67,000/- plus Grade Pay of
remains unfilled due to non availability of eligible or qualified candidates the same shall
Rs. 8,700/- ]
be filled by UR category. ITBP reserves the right to make changes in sequence of the
Deputy General Manager (T/P) 28 Pay Matrix Level-12 of 7th CPC
recruitment process after publication of this advertisement. ITBP also reserves the right
[at HQrs and Branch Offices] [Pre-revised PB-3 of Rs.15,600-
39,100/- plus Grade Pay of to cancel or postpone the recruitment at any stage without assigning any reason.
Rs. 7,600/- ] 3. Pay Scale-Level-11 (67,700-2,08,700) in the Pay Matrix as per 7th CPC.
*The number of vacancies in the posts may vary, depending upon the requirement. 4. Application Fee:- Rs. 400/- (Rupees Four Hundred only). Fees are exempted for
Further, NHIDCL reserves the right to prepare a panel of selected candidates for filling females and candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe category.
up the indicated and future vacancies that may arise in NHIDCL. 5. Applications from candidates will be accepted through ON-LINE MODE on
Last date for submission of Application: 15.09.2019-(18:00 hrs.) www.recruitment.itbpolice.nic.in only. No offline application will be accepted. For
For detailed Terms and Conditions please visit our Website: www.nhidcl.com. detailed information about pay and allowances, eligibility conditions, procedure of filling
NOTE 1: The post of General Manager (T/P) shall be filled up on deputation basis only.
online application form, recruitment procedure and tests etc. the applicants are advised
However, the post of Dy. General Manager (T/P) can also be filled up by engaging
to go through the advertisement appearing on the ITBP recruitment website i.e.
retired Officer(s) who have served in the Government satisfying the eligibility criteria
prescribed above, on Contract basis. www.recruitment. itbpolice.nic.in. Any further information/ notification in respect to
NOTE 2: Any change or amendment to this Vacancy Circular will be posted on the this recruitment will be made on the ITBP recruitment website only. Hence, applicants
NHIDCL Website only. are advised to log in to the ITBP recruitment website from time to time and also advised
NOTE 3: Incomplete applications or those received after the prescribed date shall to go through eligibility criteria and other terms and conditions carefully before applying
be summarily rejected. to avoid disqualification/disappointment at later stage.
Dy. General Manager (HR)
EN 20/18 davp 19143/11/0011/1920 EN 20/19

No. 4-6/2019-Admn. educational qualifications and experience mentioned in the vacancy Circular/
Government of India Advertisement, and certificates regarding Vigilance Clearance, Integrity and
Major/Minor Penalty, at the end of the bio-data. Complete advertisement (Annexure-
Commission for Agricultural I), Bio-data format & IC, VC, MMP etc. (Annexure-II) are available on Commission for
Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP)'s website:- https:// cacp.dacnet.nic.in (Link-
Costs and Prices Vacancies).
3. It is therefore requested that applications of willing and eligible officers and who can
Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers Welfare
be spared immediately in the event of selection may be sent to Shri Sudhir Kumar
Filling up one post of Library and Information Assistant in Commission for
Tevatia, Administrative Officer, Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices
Agricultural Costs and Prices on deputation (istc)/Absorption basis.
Applications are invited from eligible and suitable officials for filling up one post of (CACP), Room No. 217, F-Wing, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi-110001 within a
Library and Information Assistant in Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices period of 60 days from the date of publication of this advertisement in Employment
(An attached office under the Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers News.
Welfare) in the Level-6 of Pay Matrix (pre-revised pay scale of Rs. 9300-34800/- with 4. Advance copies of applications or those received after the prescribed closing date or
a Grade Pay of Rs. 4200/-, PB-2) on deputation (including short term contract)/ not accompanied by supporting certificates/documents in support of Qualification and
Absorption basis. Details of the post and eligibility conditions are available on Experience claimed by the candidates would not be processed for determining the
Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP)'s website:- https:// eligibility of the candidates for the selection and shall be liable to be rejected.
cacp.dacnet.nic.in (Link-Vacancies).
5. The candidates who apply for the post will not be allowed to withdraw their
2. Applications of only such officials/candidates will be considered as are routed
candidature subsequently. The pay of the officers selected for appointment on
through proper channel and are accompanied by (i) bio-data (in duplicate) as per
proforma (Annexure-II), (ii) Photocopies of APARs for the last five years attested deputation basis will be regulated in terms of DOPT's OM No. 6/8/2009-Estt. (Pay-II)
(signed & stamped) on each page by an officer not below the rank of Under Secretary dated 17.06.2010, as amended from time to time.
to the Government of India level, and (iii) Certificate from the employer that (Sudhir Kumar Tevatia)
particulars furnished by the official are correct and he/she possesses EN 20/2 Administrative Officer
Employment News 17 - 23 August 2019 RECRUITMENT www.employmentnews.gov.in 15

EN 20/41
16 www.employmentnews.gov.in BANK Employment News 17 - 23 August 2019

Employment News 17 - 23 August 2019 BANK www.employmentnews.gov.in 17
18 www.employmentnews.gov.in BANK Employment News 17 - 23 August 2019
Employment News 17 - 23 August 2019 BANK www.employmentnews.gov.in 19
20 www.employmentnews.gov.in BANK Employment News 17 - 23 August 2019
Employment News 17 - 23 August 2019 BANK www.employmentnews.gov.in 21
22 www.employmentnews.gov.in BANK Employment News 17 - 23 August 2019
Employment News 17 - 23 August 2019 BANK www.employmentnews.gov.in 23
24 www.employmentnews.gov.in BANK Employment News 17 - 23 August 2019
Employment News 17 - 23 August 2019 BANK www.employmentnews.gov.in 25
26 www.employmentnews.gov.in BANK Employment News 17 - 23 August 2019

EN 20/28
Employment News 17 - 23 August 2019 RECRUITMENT www.employmentnews.gov.in 27

EN 20/45

EN 20/46

EN 20/52

EN 20/25

The views expressed by the authors in the articles published in the Employment News are their own. They do not
necessarily reflect the views of the government or the organisations they work for. The contents of the
advertisements published in the Employment News belong to the organisation or their representatives. The
Employment News is in no way responsible for any liability arising out of the contents/text of these
EN 20/20 advertisements.
No. A-12025/3/2018-SA

Government of India
Ministry of Consumer

Affairs, Food & Public
Department of
Food & Public
Applications are invited from
the eligible officers for filling up
one vacant post of Assistant
Engineer (Electrical), a
General Central Service,
Group 'A' Gazetted, Non-
Ministerial post in Level-10 of
the Pay Matrix (PB-3: Rs.
15,600-39,100 + Grade Pay
Rs. 5,400/-, as per 6th CPC) at

National Sugar Institute,
Kanpur, a sub-ordinate office in
the Department of Food &
Public Distribution, Ministry of
Consumer Affairs, Food &
Public Distribution, by
Composite method [Deputation
(including short term contract)
plus promotion]. Details of the
post, eligibility conditions etc.
may be accessed from the
Department's website:
2. Applications of only such offi-
cers/ candidates will be consid-
ered as are routed through
proper channel and are accom-
panied by:-
(i) *Bio-data alongwith
Certification by the
Employer/ Cadre
Controlling Authority.
(ii) Photocopies of ACR/
APARs for the last five (5)
years duly attested on
each page by an officer not
below the rank of Under
(*) as per prescribed profor-
ma available on the website.
3. Applications of suitable and
eligible officers and who can be
spared immediately in the
event of selection may be sent

Employment News 17 - 23 August 2019

directly to the Under
Secretary (SA), Department
of Food & Public
Distribution, Ministry of
Consumer Affairs, Food &
Public Distribution, (Room
No. 256), Krishi Bhawan,
New Delhi - 110001 within a
period of 60 days from the
date of issue/ publication of
this advertisement in the
Employment News.
Unemployed and private
candidates are not eligible;
therefore, they need not
(Anurag Kumar)
Under Secretary to the
Government of India
EN 20/60 Tel. No.: 23070622

Government of India
Ministry of Social
Justice &
of Empowerment

of Persons with
Appointment of Director,
National Institute of
Locomotor Disabilities,
Ministry of Social Justice &
Empowerment (MSJ&E),
Department of Empowerment
of Persons with Disabilities
(Divyangjan), Government of
India invites applications for the
post of Director, National
Institute of Locomotor
Disabilities (NILD), Kolkata, an
autonomous body under the
administrative control of this
Ministry. Post carries pay as
per Level 13 of Pay Matrix with
admissible allowances and is
to be filled up on
Deputation/Short Term
Contract initially for a period of
2 years which may be extend-

ed on yearly basis, after review

of the performance, up to 5
2. Detailed advertisement,
application format etc. are
available on the website of the
Department www.disability
affairs.gov.in. and on the web-
site of the Institute i.e.
www.niohkol.nic.in. The last
date of receipt of application
will be 45 days from the pub-
lication in Employment EN 20/73
davp 38117/11/0018/1920
EN 20/72
30 www.employmentnews.gov.in RECRUITMENT Employment News 17 - 23 August 2019

EN 20/23

F. No. 1-1/2014-PMU (Vol. lV)/848

National Disaster Management Authority
Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India
National Cyclone Risk Mitigation
Project (NCRMP)
Wing 14, First Floor, NDMA Bhawan, A-1, Safdarjung Enclave
New Delhi-110029
Tele : 011-26701744, FAX : 011-26714321
Project Management Unit (PMU), NCRMP, NDMA invites applications
from eligible persons for the position of Project Coordinator (NSRMP,
Web-DCRA and HmRAP) (01 No.) and Consultant (Technical
Specialist) for National Multi-Hazard Risk Assessment and Risk
Profiles (01 No.) to be filled on contract basis.
Applications for the above posts may be addressed to the Project
Accountant/Administrative Officer, National Cyclone Risk
Continued on page 31 Continued on page 31
Employment News 17 - 23 August 2019 RECRUITMENT www.employmentnews.gov.in 31

EN 20/21

National Institute of
Advt. No. 23/2019
Recruitment of Project Technician
Applications in the prescribed format are invited from Indian
Nationals for the post of "Project Technician" in Department of
Science and Technology (DST), Government of India funded project
"Desiccant Solar Still" in collaboration with IIT Madras and IIT
Kharagpur, under the supervision of Dr. Avadhesh Yadav, Assistant
Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering as Co-Principal
Investigator. Interested candidates may visit the institute website
www.nitkkr.ac.in for details, eligibility criteria and application form.
The eligible candidates may apply with self-attested copies of all
testimonials to Dr. Avadhesh Yadav, Assistant Professor,
Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIT Kurukshetra-136119 by
post and email both. The last date of submission of application form
is 31.08.2019. Registrar l/c
EN 20/34

Continued from page 30

Mitigation Project (NCRMP), National Disaster Management

Authority (NDMA), Government of India, NDMA Bhawan, A-1,
Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi - 110029 within 45 days from the
date of publication of this advertisement in Employment News.
The details of advertisement may be seen in the project website
www.ncrmp.gov.in and NDMA's website www.ndma.gov.in.
EN 20/22 Continued on page 32
32 www.employmentnews.gov.in RECRUITMENT Employment News 17 - 23 August 2019
No. A-12026/1/2019-Admn. II
Government of India
National Institution for
Transforming India
NITI Bhavan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi--110001
Recruitment to 04 posts of Senior Adviser /Adviser in Level-15
or Level-14 by Deputation (including short-term contract)/
Promotion basis.
Government of India, National Institution for Transforming India
(NITI) Aayog invites applications for 04 posts of Senior Adviser /
Adviser in Level -15 in the Pay Matrix (Rs. 1,82,200 - Rs. 2,24,100
or Level - 14 in Pay Matrix (Rs. 1,44,200/- Rs.2,18,200) in different
fields/areas by Transfer on deputation (including short-term
contract)/Promotion of the eligible officers working in Central
Government Ministries/Departments/State Governments/UT
Administrations/Universities/Recognized Research Institutions/
Public Sector Undertakings/Semi-Government/ Statutory /
Autonomous Organisations and other Non-Govt. Bodies. The
details relating to the posts as well as the requisite eligibility
conditions and the prescribed application format are available on
NITI Aayog's official website niti.gov.in under the link Career
2. The closing date of receipt of application in NITI Aayog will be 60
days from the date of publication of this advertisement in the
Employment News. Dinesh Kochher
Under Secretary (Admn.II)
Tel: 23096521
davp 54101/11/0011/1920 EN 20/50

Chennai Petroleum
Corporation Limited
(A group company of lndian Oil)
Advt. No. 1 of 2019 - CPCL/HRD:03:056
dated 31.07.2019
Recruitment of Deputy Company Secretary in Grade D
(Senior Manager)
Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited (CPCL), is a leading profit
making Public Sector Organization and a Group Company of Indian
Oil Corporation Ltd., in the field of Hydro-carbon processing with a
refining capacity of 11.5 MMTPA, having Refineries located in
Chennai and Nagapattinam, in Tamil Nadu.
CPCL is looking for qualified and experienced candidate of Indian
Nationality for the position of Deputy Company Secretary in Grade D
category (Senior Manager).
SECRETARY & 1 (One) post for unreserved (UR) category.
A. Essential Qualifications : (AS ON 31.07.2019)
Candidate should have acquired Associate Membership of
Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ACS). Candidates
must have secured minimum 55% of marks (or equivalent
CGPA and above) in the final examination of ICSI. Additional
qualification in Law from a recognised university is a must.
B. Experience: (AS ON 31.07.2019)
Minimum 10 years of post qualification work experience in a
Company Secretarial set-up of Private/Public Sector or a
reputed Listed Company with exposure detailed as below :
(i) Candidate should have an in-depth understanding and
knowledge of new Companies Act, Rules and Regulations,
Listing Requirements, etc.
(ii) Candidate should possess knowledge of formalities for Public
issue/Right issue/Bonus issue, etc.
(iii) Candidate should have hands-on experience in coordinating
and anchoring meetings of the Shareholders, Board and
Committees in accordance with the Companies Act.
(iv) Candidate should have also dealt with matters relating to legal
matters of the Company.
C. Age Limit: (As on 31.07.2019): Not above 40 years as on
D. Candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC/EWS/PwBD/Ex-
(i) The post is identified suitable for the persons with benchmark
disabilities (PwBD).
(ii) SC/ST/OBC/EWS/Ex-Servicemen candidates can also apply
subject to meeting the eligibility criteria (Age, Qualification &
Pay & Emoluments
i) Candidates will be appointed in the IDA Pay Scale of Rs.
90,000-2,40,000/- on a basic pay of Rs. 90,000/- (Rupees ninety
thousand only) in Grade D Supervisory cadre, subject to
medical fitness.
ii) In addition to the Basic Pay, candidates selected will be entitled
for DA, HRA/Self-Lease, PF, Gratuity, LTC/LFA, Reimbursement
Continued on page 33 Continued on page 33
Employment News 17 - 23 August 2019 RECRUITMENT www.employmentnews.gov.in 33
Continued from page 32
All India Institute of Medical
Ansari Nagar, New Delhi-110029
Recruitment Notice No. 1/2019
In continuation of this advertisement No. 1/2019, for filling up the
vacancies of Nursing Officer at AIIMS, New Delhi, the number of
vacancies for the post of Nursing Officer may be read as under:-
Number of vacancies (s)* and reservation
503 posts (UR-219, EWS-63, SC-66, ST-32 and OBC-123) 52
posts are reserved for PWBD (includes 32 Backlog vacant
posts). Details about PWBD eligibility may be seen at Annexure-I
at previous advertisements.
*The number of posts mentioned is tentative and may change
based on the Institute's requirement.
It is also clarified that the advertisement (No. 1/2019 dated
01.08.2019) is only related to vacancies in AIIMS, New Delhi. The
eligibility criteria will be applicable according to the respective
advertisement of AIIMS, New Delhi and the 4 Central Government
Hospitals [published separately (1/2019 (RRC) dated 01.08.2019.
The other contents of the advertisement will remain the same.
davp 17112/11/0031/1920 EN 20/48

EN 20/27
Continued from page 32

of Medical expenses, Superannuation benefits, etc., as per the

rules of the Corporation. The Cost to Company, including
performance related pay, works out to about Rs. 28 lakhs per
iii) There are reasonable prospects for promotion to higher grades.
(i) Selection will be based on personal interview.
(ii) Candidates will be short-listed for personal interview, based on
their qualification, experience and overall suitability.
5. APPLICATION FEE (Non Refundable): Rs. 500/- (Rupees
Five hundred only)
Application Fees once paid will NOT be refunded on any
account and therefore, candidates are requested to verify their
eligibility before paying the application fee. SC/ST/PwBD/ExSM
candidates are exempted from payment of application fee.
The interested candidates may submit their application in the
prescribed form which can be downloaded from our website
www.cpcl.co.in and send to Sr. Manager (HR-Recruitment),
CPCL, Post Box No.1, Manali, Chennai 600068, on or before
30.08.2019. Before applying for the post, candidates are
advised to go through aforesaid website for more details.
EN 20/43 EN 20/37 (PERSONNEL)
34 www.employmentnews.gov.in RECRUITMENT Employment News 17 - 23 August 2019

Cantonment Board Deolali (Maharashtra)

Application through online system only by using website/portal: www.canttboardrecruit.org
1. ONLINE Applications are invited from eligible Indian Citizen / Candidates for the under mentioned posts in Cantonment Board, Deolali Cantonment in the pay scales as
given below :-
Post No. of Pay Scale Age Minimum Education Critical Dates
vacancies limit Commencing Last date of Last date to Download
date for receipt of take print of of Admit
submission online filled Card
of online application application
Assistant 01 5200-20200 18 to SSC and 01 year diploma course of Sanitary Inspector 31.07.2019 16.09.2019 16.09.2019 To be
Health (UR) + GP 2400 25 years from a Government recognized Institute. intimated on
Inspector website/portal
Junior 01 5200-20200 18 to 1. Minimum H.S.C. (XII) i.e. (10+2) intimated Intermediate 31.07.2019 16.09.2019 16.09.2019 To be
Assistant (SC) + GP 1900 25 years or equivalent intimated on
(Jr Clerk) 2. MSCIT OR CIT (Certificate in Information Technology) website/portal
from any Govt. Recognised Institute OR equivalent course
in Information Technology/Computer.
3. English Typewriting of 40 w.p.m. OR Hindi Typewriting
of 30 wpm.
Office 03 (UR- 4440-7440 18 to Minimum 7th Std. Pass 31.07.2019 16.09.2019 16.09.2019 To be
Assistant 02, OBC- + GP 1300 25 years intimated on
(Peon) 01) website/portal
Junior 01 (UR) 9300-34800 18 to Diploma of Mechanical Engineering of Three years duration 31.07.2019 16.09.2019 16.09.2019 To be
Engineer + GP 4200 25 years passed from a Govenment recognized Institute OR higher intimated on
(Mechanical) course in Mechanical Engineering. website/portal
2. MODE OF APPLICATIONS: Online Applications only, complete in all respect will be accepted.
Any application form received from any other source shall not be entertained and will be summarily rejected.
3. Further details can be seen on our website / portal www.canttboardrecruit.org. (AJAY KUMAR, IDES)
No. 322/Empl-Exch//E-1/3593 Chief Executive Officer
Office of the Cantonment Board, Deolali 422401 Cantonment Board, Deolali
Date: 30/07/2019 EN 20/31

Government of India «UÊÚ. ’Ë. •Ê⁄U. •ê’«U∑§⁄U ⁄UÊc≈˛UËÿ ¬˝ÊÒlÊÁª∑§Ë ‚¥SÕÊŸ, ¡Ê‹¥äÊ⁄U
Serious Fraud Investigation Office Dr. B. R. Ambedkar National
2nd Floor, Pt. Deendayal Antyodaya Bhawan
Institute of Technology, Jalandhar
B-3 Wing, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003
No. 02/01/2017-Admn/SFIO/Vol.III G. T. Road Bye Pass, Jalandhar- 144011 (Punjab)
It is proposed to fill up the following vacancies in this office on deputation/ISTC Faculty Recruitment Notice
basis :
Category of post Tentative Tentative Level in the pay ADVERTISEMENT Nos. 10/2019 & 11/2019
No. of Place of Posting matrix or pay scale Online applications are invited on the prescribed format for the recruitment to various
vacancies Faculty positions at the level of Associate Professors and Professors. The detail of the
Private Secretary 07 Delhi/Mumbai/Kolkata/ Level 07 in pay matrix tentative vacancies is as under :-
Chennai/Hyderabad (Rs. 44900-142400/-) Advertisement No.10/2019 (Associate Professor) :
The particulars of post, eligibility conditions, etc. may be obtained from the website Sr. Name of the Post Departments Vacant
www.sfio.nic.in/www.mca.gov.in. Interested and willing applicants may forward their No. Posts
application complete in all respect through proper channel in the prescribed format to the 1. Associate Professor Biotechnology 30
Director, Serious Fraud Investigation Office, 2nd Floor, Pt. Deendayal Antyodaya Pay level-13A2 Civil Engineering
Bhawan, B-3 Wing, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003 within 60 days (as per 7th CPC) Computer Science & Engineering
from the date of publication of this advertisement in the Employment News. equivalent to Grade Electrical Engineering
Applications received after the due date or without ACRs/APARs, Vigilance Clearance or Pay of Rs. 9500/- Electronics & Communication Engineering
otherwise found incomplete will not be considered. Applicants who applied for the above
(as per 6th CPC) Instrumentation & Control Engineering
posts in response to the earlier advertisement may, if otherwise eligible, apply afresh.
Additional Director [Adm.] Industrial & Production Engineering
davp 07102/11/0019/1920 EN 20/6 Information Technology
Institute of Hotel Management Catering Humanities & Management
Total: 30
Technology & Applied Nutrition, Hajipur
Advertisement No.11/2019 (Professor) :
(An Autonomous Body under Ministry of Tourism, Govt. of India)
(Affiliated to National Council for Hotel Management & Sr. Name of the Post Departments Vacant
Catering Technology, Noida) No. Posts
NEAR RAMASHISH CHOWK, HAJIPUR, VAISHALI, BIHAR- 844102 1. Professor Chemical Engineering 13
Tel.: 06224-275354,274937 Fax: - 06224-276486 Pay Level- 14A Civil Engineering
Website:- www.ihmhajipur.net, E-mail: [email protected] (as per 7th CPC) Computer Science & Engineering
EMPLOYMENT NOTIFICATION equivalent to Grade Electrical Engineering
INVITES APPLICATIONS FOR THE POST OF PRINCIPAL, INSTITUTE OF HOTEL Pay of Rs. 10500/- Electronics & Communication Engineering
MANAGEMENT CATERING TECHNOLOGY & APPLIED NUTRITION, HAJIPUR (as per 6th CPC) Instrumentation & Control Engineering
Post & Scale of Pay: PRINCIPAL (Level 13 Pay matrix 7th CPC) - Rs. 1,23,100 - Rs. Information Technology
2,15,900. Mechanical Engineering
No. of Post & Method of Recruitment : 01 Post (Unreserved). To be filled by direct Mathematics
recruitment/short terms contract/deputation.
Humanities & Management
Required Minimum Educational Qualification and Experience: As per copy of
Recruitment Rules Placed in the Institute's website www.ihmhajipur.net. Total: 13
Age limit : Not exceeding 53 years for General Category. Age relaxation as per For further details regarding eligibility, qualification, category of posts and other criteria
Government norms will be applicable for other categories. for selection please visit the institute website www.nitj.ac.in. Last date of submission
General : of online application is 20.09.2019.
(1) The prescribed Application format is given on the Institute website EN 20/32 Registrar
www.ihmhajipur.net and interested/eligible candidates must apply in the
prescribed format only (attach all the relevant documents in support of by post (Speed Post/ Courier). In case of delay in forwarding the application
qualification, experience, date of birth and category to which belong). through respective department, advance copy alongwith all the documents must
(2) The candidates employed in the Govt./Quasi or Semi Govt./Autonomous reach within the time limit.
organizations who are applying for the post on direct recruitment basis, must (5) No TA/DA will be paid to the candidate called for interview.
apply through proper channel. (6) The Institute reserves the right to short list the application/fill or not to fill the
(3) The application should be addressed to The Principal Incharge, Institute of vacancy.
Hotel Management Catering Technology & Applied Nutrition, Ramashish Note : Crucial date for determining the Age limit, Educational qualification, Experience,
Chowk, Hajipur, Vaishali, Bihar-844102 superscribing on the top of envelope etc. shall be the closing date of receipt of Application i.e. 25/09/2019.
"APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF PRINCIPAL, IHMCT & AN, HAJIPUR". Ref: IHM : Advt. ( 1.7)/2019-1263 Principal I/c
(4) Application alongwith all enclosures must reach the Institute latest by 25/09/2019 EN 20/36 IHM, Hajipur
Employment News 17 - 23 August 2019 RECRUITMENT www.employmentnews.gov.in 35

EN 20/58
36 www.employmentnews.gov.in DEPUTATION Employment News 17 - 23 August 2019
No. 3/6/2019 LNJN NICFS
Government of India
Ministry of Home Affairs

LNJN National Institute of Criminology

and Forensic Science
Institutional Area, Outer Ring Road, Sector-3, Rohini, Delhi – 110085
Dated the, 11 July, 2019
Sub: Appointment to the post of Administrative Officer in Pay Level- 7 in the Pay Desirable Desirable
Matrix- 44900- 142400 [(PB:2/GP 4600) (Pre-revised)] in LNJN NICFS (MHA) A) Qualification A) Qualification
on deputation /re-employment basis.
B) Experience B) Experience
Applications are invited in the prescribed proforma from suitable persons for filling up
the post of Administrative Officer in LNJN National Institute of Criminology and 6. Please state clearly whether in the light of entries
Forensic Science (MHA), Delhi on deputation basis as per details given in Annexure-I made by you above, you meet the requisite Essential
of this OM. Qualifications and work experience of the post.
2. The pay of the Officer will be regulated in accordance with the Ministry of Personnel, 7. Details of Employment in chronological order. Enclose a separate sheet duly
Public Grievances and Pension (Department of Personnel & Training) O.M. authenticated by your signature, if the space below is insufficient.
No.6/8/2009-Estt.(Pay.II) dated 17.06.2010 as amended from time to time. The
Office/ Post held on From To *Pay Level in Pay Nature of Duties
maximum age limit for appointment by deputation shall be not exceeding 56 years as
Institution regular basis Matrix [Pay Band + (in detail) highlig-
on the closing date of receipt of applications.
Grade Pay (Pre- hting experience
3. Officials who volunteer for the above post will not be permitted to withdraw their
revised)] of the post required for the
names after selection. Recommendations of names, which are not accompanied by
the requisite bio-data and CR dossiers, will not be considered. held on regular basis post applied for
4. Applications of suitable officials, who are eligible & willing and who can be spared
immediately on selection, may please be forwarded in Annexure-II, in duplicate,
alongwith attested photo-copies of CR dossiers for the last five years, Vigilance
* Important: Pay Level in Pay Matrix [Pay Band+ Grade Pay (Pre-revised)] granted
Clearance alongwith Major/Minor penalties, if any, imposed during the last ten years to
under ACPs/MACPs are personal to the officer and therefore, should not be mentioned.
the Director, LNJN National Institute of Criminology and Forensic Science(MHA),
Only Pay Level in Pay Matrix [Pay Band+ Grade Pay (Pre-revised)] of the post held
Institutional Area, Outer Ring Road, Sector-3, Rohini, Delhi – 110085 within 60
on regular basis is to be mentioned. Details of ACPs/MACPs with present Pay Level in
days from the date of publication of this advertisement in the ‘Employment
Pay Matrix [Pay Band+ Grade Pay (Pre-revised)] where such benefits have been
5. May also visit our website www.nicfs.gov.in. drawn by the Candidate, may be indicated as below:
(Mukesh Kumar) Office/ Pay Level in Pay Matrix [Pay Band + Grade Pay From To
Administrative Officer Institution (Pre-revised)] drawn under ACPs/MACPs Scheme
1. Name of the post : Administrative Officer
2. No. of post : One
3. Pay Level : Pay level- 7 pay matrix- 44900-142400 [(PB:2/GP 4600) (Pre-revised)] 8. Nature of present employment i.e. Ad-hoc or
4. Eligibility : Deputation : Officers under the Central Government:- Temporary or Quasi-Permanent or Permanent
(A) (i) holding analogous posts on regular basis in the parent cadre or department; or 9. In case the present employment is held on
(ii) with five years service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on regular deputation/contract basis, please state-
basis in posts in the scale of pay of Rs. 9300-34800 in Pay Band-2 plus Grade Pay of a) The date b) Period of c) Name of the d) Name of the post
Rs. 4200 (Pre-revised) or equivalent in the parent cadre or department; and of Initial appointment on parent office/organi- and Pay of the post
(B) possessing a Degree from a recognised University and five years experience in appointment deputation/contract zation to which the held in substantive
Administration, Housekeeping, Budget Management and Establishment. applicant belongs capacity in the
Re-employment of Armed Forces Personnel: Deputation or Re-employment : parent organisation
The Armed Forces Personnel due to retire or who are to be transferred to reserve
within a period of one year and having the requisite experience and qualifications
prescribed shall also be eligible to be considered. Such persons would be given
deputation term upto the date on which they are due for release from the Armed Forces 10. If any post held on deputation in the past by the applicant,
and thereafter they may be continued on re-deployment. In case such eligible officers date of return from the last deputation and other details.
have retired or have been transferred to reserve before the actual selection to the post 11. Additional details about present employment:
is made, their appointment will be on re-employment basis. (Re-employment upto the Please state whether working under (indicate the
age of superannuation in respect of civil post). name of your employer against the relevant column)
Note : The candidates who are drawing higher pay may also apply but their pay will be a) Central Government
regulated as per DoP&T OM No 16/4/2012- Pay.I dated 5/11/2012. b) State Government
5. Period of Deputation : Period of deputation including period of deputation in c) Autonomous Organization
another excadre post held immediately preceding this appointment in the same or d) Government Undertaking
some other organization or department of the Central Government shall ordinarily not e) Universities
to exceed three years. The maximum age limit for appointment by deputation shall be f) Others
not exceeding 56 years as on the closing date of receipt of applications.
12. Please state whether you are working in the same Department
Note : for the purpose of appointment on deputation basis, the service rendered on a
and are in the feeder grade or feeder to feeder grade.
regular basis by an officer prior to 1.1.2006 (the date from which the revised pay
structure based on the Sixth Central Pay Commission recommendation has been 13. Are you in Revised Scale of Pay? If yes, give the date from which
extended) shall be deemed to be service rendered in the corresponding grade pay or the revision took place and also indicate the pre-revised scale.
pay scale extended based on the recommendations of the Pay Commission except 14. Total emoluments per month now drawn
where there has been merger of more than one pre-revised scale of pay into one grade
Pay Level in Pay Matrix [Pay Band Total Emoluments
with a common grade pay or pay scale and where this benefit will extend only for the
post(s) for which that grade pay or pay scale is the normal replacement grade without + Grade Pay (Pre-revised)]
any upgradation. 15. In case the applicant belongs to an organisation which is not following the Central
ANNEXURE-II Government Pay Scales, the latest salary slip issued by the Organisation showing
Bio-Data/Curriculum Vitae Proforma the following details may be enclosed.
1. Name and Address (in Block letters) : Basic Pay with Scale of Pay Dearness Pay/Interim relief/ Total
2. Date of Birth (in Christian era) : and rate of increment other Allowances, etc. (with Emoluments
break-up details)
3. i) Date of entry into service
ii) Date of retirement under Central/State
Government Rules 16. A Additional information, if any, relevant to the post you applied
for in support of your suitability for the post.
4. Educational Qualifications
(This among other things may provide information with regard to
5. Whether Educational and other qualifications (i) Additional academic qualifications (ii) Professional training and
required for the post are satisfied. (If any qualification (iii) Work experience over and above prescribed in the Vacancy
has been treated as equivalent to the one prescribed Circular/Advertisement).
in the Rules, state the authority for the same) (Note: Enclose a separate sheet, if the space is insufficient)
Qualifications/Experience required as men- Qualifications/Experience 16. B Achievements:
tioned in the advertisement/vacancy circular possessed by the officer The candidates are requested to indicate information with regard to:
Essential Essential i) Awards/Scholarships/Official Appreciation;
ii) Any research/innovative measure involving official recognition;
A) Qualification A) Qualification
iv) Any other information.
B) Experience B) Experience (Note: Enclose a separate sheet, if the space is insufficient) Continued on page 37
Employment News 17 - 23 August 2019 RECRUITMENT www.employmentnews.gov.in 37
F.No.1/2(2)2019-NCW(A) - Deputation
National Commission for Women
Plot No. 21, Jasola Institutional Area
New Delhi-110025
Sub : Filling up of vacant /anticipated vacant posts in the
National Commission for Women by deputation on 'Foreign
service terms' basis.
The National Commission for Women notified the following vacant/
anticipated vacant posts to be filled up on deputation on foreign
service terms basis, on the website of the Commission.
Details of vacancies are as follows:
SI. Name of the post Pay Level (7 CPC) No. of posts
1. Deputy Secretary Level- 12 01
2. Under Secretary Level -11 02
3. Pay & Accounts Officer Level -11 01
4. Senior Research Officer Level -11 01
5. Assistant Law Officer Level - 8 01
6. Private Secretary Level - 8 07
Criteria of these vacancies alongwith eligibility conditions,
applications forms etc. are available on the website of National
Commission for Women (www.ncw.in) .
Application in the prescribe proforma along with copies of the
APARs for the last 5 years (2013-14 to 2017-18) duly attested on
each page by an officer not below the rank of Under Secretary to
the Government of India, complete in all respects alongwith
supporting documents may be sent through proper channel.
Applications may be sent to Mrs. Priti Kumar, Under Secretary,
National Commission for Women, Plot No. 21, Jasola
Institutional Area, New Delhi-110025, within 30 days from the
date of publication in the Employment News.
(Priti Kumar)
Under Secretary
EN 20/56 Email: [email protected]

Ministry of Corporate
Government of India
(National Financial Reporting Authority)
Appointment of Secretary on Deputation Basis
Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India, New Delhi
invites applications for the post of Secretary, National
Financial Reporting Authority (NFRA) on deputation basis.
For application format, eligibility conditions, requisite
qualifications and other details, log on to Ministry's website
www.mca.gov.in or Department of Personnel & Training's
website (http://persmin.nic.in).
Applications in the prescribed proforma (Annexure-II) complete
in all respect may be sent to Shri Nilratan Das, Deputy
Secretary, Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Room No. 532, 'A’
Wing, 5th Floor, Shastri Bhawan, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Road,
New Delhi-110001 through proper channel within 45 days from
the date of its publication in Employment News.
davp 07101/11/0008/1920 EN 20/47

The views expressed by the authors in the articles published in the Employment
News are their own. They do not necessarily reflect the views of the government
or the organisations they work for. The contents of the advertisements published
in the Employment News belong to the organisation or their representatives. The
Employment News is in no way responsible for any liability arising out of the
contents/text of these advertisements. EN 20/57

Continued from page 36 Certification by the Employer/Cadre Controlling Authority

17. Please state whether you are applying for deputation/ The information/details provided in the above application by the applicant are true and
Re-employment Basis. correct as per the facts available on records. He/she possesses educational
qualifications and experience mentioned in the advt. If selected, he/she will be relieved
18. Whether belongs to SC/ST immediately.
I have carefully gone through the vacancy circular/advertisement and I am well aware 2. Also certified that:
that the information furnished in the Curriculum Vitae duly supported by the documents i) There is no vigilance or disciplinary case pending/contemplated against Shri/
in respect of Essential Qualification/Work Experience submitted by me will also be Smt./Ms. _______________________
assessed by the Selection Committee at the time of selection for the post. The ii) His/her integrity is certified.
information/details provided by me are correct and true to the best of my knowledge iii) His/Her CR Dossier in original is enclosed/photocopies of the ACRs for the last 5
and no material fact having a bearing on my selection has been suppressed/withheld. years duly attested by an officer of the rank of Under Secretary of the Govt. of
Place __________ India or above are enclosed.
Date___________ (Signature of the Candidate) iv) No major/minor penalty has been imposed on him/her during the last 10 years Or
A list of major/minor penalties imposed on him/her during the last 10 years is
Address ________________ enclosed (as the case may be) Countersigned
Phone No._______________ (Employer/Cadre Controlling Authority with Seal)
Email ID________________ davp 19125/11/0004/1920 EN 20/81
38 www.employmentnews.gov.in DEPUTATION Employment News 17 - 23 August 2019
No. 3/6/2017 LNJN NICFS
Government of India
Ministry of Home Affairs

LNJN National Institute of Criminology and

Forensic Science
Institutional Area, Outer Ring Road, Sector-3, Rohini, Delhi – 110085

Applications are invited in the prescribed proforma from suitable persons for filling up S. Name of the No. Method Eligibility conditions
the following posts in LNJN National Institute of Criminology and Forensic N. Post & of of
Science(MHA), Delhi, as per the eligibility criteria mentioned against each post as per Pay Scale posts recruit-
details given below:- ment
S. Name of the No. Method Eligibility conditions and experience prescribed below:-
N. Post & of of Essential:
Pay Scale posts recruit- (i) 12th Standard Pass or equivalent from a
ment recognised Board/University.
1. Assistant 01 By Officers of the Central Government:- (ii) Possessing three years’ experience in
Pay level- 6 Deputation (A) (i) Holding analogous posts on regular GOs Mess/Hostel/Guest House etc.
pay matrix- basis in the parent cadre or department; or (iii) Knowledge of English or Hindi Typing in
35400-112400 (ii) with six years service in the grade after computer.
[PB:2GP 4200 appointment thereto on regular basis in posts Desirable:
(Pre-revised)] in the Pay Band-I Rs.5200-20200 plus Grade Diploma in Hotel Management.
Pay of Rs. 2800 or equivalent in the parent 5. Junior Scien- 01 By Deputation (including short term contract)/
cadre or department; or tific Assistant deputation absorption:
(iii) with ten years service in the grade Pay level- 6 (including Officers of the Central Government or State
rendered after appointment thereto on regular pay matrix- short term Governments or Public Sector Undertakings:-
basis in post in the Pay Band of Rs. 5200- 35400-112400 contract)/ (a)(i) holding analogous posts on regular
20200 plus Grade Pay of Rs. 2400 or (PB:2/GP Absorption basis in the parent cadre or department; or
equivalent in the parent cadre or department; 4200) (ii) having three years regular service in the
and (Prerevised)] grade rendered after appointment thereto on
(B) Possessing the following Educational a regular basis in the pay scale of Rs. 4500-
Qualifications and Experience: 7000 (5th CPC) Rs. 5200-20200 + GP -
(i) Graduation from recognised University. 2800/- (pre-revised) or equivalent with parent
(ii) Two years experience in handling cadre or department or;
Administrative, Cash and Accounts Matters. (iii) a post in the pay scale of Rs. 4000-6000
2. Library and 01 By Deputation: (5th CPC)Rs. 5200-20200 + GP – 2400/-
Information Deputation Officers under the Central Government/State (Pre-revised) or equivalent having eight years
Assistant (Including Governments/Union Territories/Public Sector regular service in the grade; and
Pay level- 6 Short term Undertakings/Autonomous Organisations:- (b) possessing the following educational
pay matrix- Contract) (a)(i) holding analogous posts on regular basis; qualifications and experience.
35400-112400 or Essential:
(PB:2/GP (ii) with six years’ of regular service in the B.Sc. Degree from a recognised University
4200) post in the Pay Band of Rs. 5200-20200 with Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics or
(Pre-revised)] Grade Pay Rs. 2800 (Pre-revised) or Biology or equivalent.
equivalent Desirable:
(b) possessing the educational qualifications At least one years’ experience in a Forensic
and experience as mentioned below: Science Laboratory of Central Government
Essential: or State Government or in a recognised
(i) Bachelors Degree in Library or Library and Research Institution or recognised College
Information Science of a recognised or University.
University/Institute; 6. Crime Scene 10 By Deputation:
(ii) Two years’ professional experience in a Assistant deputation Police Officers under the Central Government/
Library under Central/State Government/ Pay Level – 03 State Governments/Union Territories:-
Autonomous or Statutory organization/Public in the pay a) (i ) holding analogous posts on regular
Sector Undertakings/University or recognised matrix of basis in the parent cadre/department; or
Research or Educational Institution Rs.21700- (ii) with three years’ service in the grade
3. Stenographer 01 By Officers holding the post of Stenographer 69100 [PB:1/ rendered after appointment thereto on
Grade-I Pay Deputation under the Central Government. GP 2000(Pre- regular basis in posts in Pay Level-2 in the
level- 6 pay (a)(i) Holding analogous posts on a regular revised)] Pay Matrix of Rs.19900-63200 or equivalent
matrix- 35400- basis in the parent cadre or department; or in the parent cadre/department; and
112400 (PB:2/ (ii) Holding 10 years regular service in the b) possessing qualifications and experience
GP 4200) Pay level – 4, pay matrix- 25500-81100 [PB- as under:-
(Pre-revised)] 2/GP Rs. 2400 (Pre-revised)] or equivalent; (i) Pass in 12th Standard with Physics,
and Chemistry and Mathematics/Biology as
(b) possessing the qualifications mentioned main subjects.
below: (ii) At least 3 years’ experience of assisting in
(i) Matriculate from a recognised Board or actual crime investigation/case work in a
University or equivalent qualification. Police Station.
(ii) Speed of 100 words per minute in English Note 1: Period of deputation including the period of deputation in another ex-cadre post
or Hindi Stenography. held immediately preceding this appointment in the same or some other organization
Note 1: The departmental officers in the feeder or department of the Central Government shall ordinarily not exceed three years. The
category who are in the direct line of maximum age limit for appointment by deputation shall be not exceeding 56 years as
promotion shall not be eligible for on the closing date of receipt of applications.
consideration for appointment on deputation. Note 2: For the purpose of appointment on deputation or absorption basis, the service
Similarly, the deputationists shall not be rendered on regular basis by an officer prior to 1st January, 2006 (The date from which
eligible for consideration for appointment by the revised pay structure based on the sixth Central Pay Commission recommendation
promotion. has been extended)shall be deemed to be service rendered in the corresponding grade
4. Housekeeper 01 By (a) Officers under Central Government pay or pay scale extended based on the recommendations of the Pay Commission
Pay level- 5 Deputation i. holding analogous posts on regular basis in except where there has been merger of more than one pre-revised scale of pay into
pay matrix- the parent cadre or department; or one grade with a common Grade Pay or pay extended only the post(s) for which that
29200-92300 ii. with five years regular service in the grade Grade Pay or Pay Scale is the normal replacement Grade without any upgradation.
[PB:1/GP 2800) rendered after appointment thereto on a Note 3: The candidates who are drawing higher pay may also apply but their pay will
(Pre-revised)] regular basis in Pay Level–4 in the Pay Matrix be regulated as per DoP&T OM No 16/4/2012-Pay.I dated 5/11/2012.
Rs. 25,500 - 81,100/- or equivalent; or 2. The pay of the Officer selected for posts from S. No. 1 to 4 will be regulated in
iii. with ten years’ service in the grade ren- accordance with the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pension
dered after appointment thereto on a regular (Department of Personnel & Training) O.M. No.6/8/2009-Estt.(Pay.II) dated 17.06.2010
basis in Pay Level – 3 in the Pay Matrix Rs. as amended from time to time. However, the pay of the officers in posts at S.No. 5 & 6
21,700- 69,100/- or equivalent; and will be regulated in accordance with the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances &
(b) Possessing the education qualifications Pension (Department of Personnel & Training) O.M. No. 13024/2/90-Trg. dated
27/12/1993 and O.M. No 13024/1/2008-Trg.I dated 05/09/2008. Continued on page 39
Employment News 17 - 23 August 2019 RECRUITMENT www.employmentnews.gov.in 39
Continued from page 38 14. Total emoluments per month now drawn
i.e., in lieu of Deputation Duty Allowance, Training Allowance @ 24% of basic pay as Pay Level in Pay Matrix [Pay Band + Grade Pay Total Emoluments
per parent department pay scales will be allowed. He/She will not be allowed the option (Pre-revised)]
of drawing the pay of the post in lieu of training allowance. The maximum age limit for
appointment by deputation (including short term contract) shall be not exceeding 56
years as on the closing date of receipt of applications.
3. Officials who volunteer for the above posts will not be permitted to withdraw their 15. In case the applicant belongs to an organisation which is not following the Central
names after selection. Recommendations of names, which are not accompanied by the Government Pay Scales, the latest salary slip issued by the Organisation showing
requisite bio-data and CR dossiers, will not be considered. the following details may be enclosed.
4. Applications of suitable officials, who are eligible & willing and who can be spared Basic Pay with Scale of Pay Dearness Pay/Interim relief/ Total
immediately on selection, may please be forwarded in Annexure-I, in duplicate, and rate of increment other Allowances etc., (with Emoluments
alongwith attested photo-copies of CR dossiers for the last five years, Vigilance break-up details)
Clearance alongwith Major/Minor penalties imposed during the last ten years to the
Director, LNJN National Institute of Criminology and Forensic Science (MHA),
Institutional Area, Outer Ring Road, Sector-3, Rohini, Delhi – 110085 within 60
days from the date of publication of this advertisement in the ‘Employment 16. A Additional information, if any, relevant to the post you applied
News’. for in support of your suitability for the post.
May also visit our website www.nicfs.gov.in (This among other things may provide information with regard to
(Mukesh Kumar) (i) Additional academic qualifications (ii) Professional training and
Administrative Officer (iii) Work experience over and above prescribed in the Vacancy
(Note: Enclose a separate sheet, if the space is insufficient)
Post applied for______________________________ The candidates are requested to indicate information with regard to:
i) Research publications and reports and special projects;
1. Name and Address (in Block letters) :
ii) Awards/Scholarships/Official Appreciation;
2. Date of Birth (in Christian era) : iii) Affiliation with the professional bodies/institutions/societies; and
3. i) Date of entry into service iv) Patents registered in own name or achieved for the organization;
ii) Date of retirement under Central/State v) Any research/innovative measure involving official recognition;
Government Rules vi) Any other information.
(Note: Enclose a separate sheet, if the space is insufficient)
4. Educational Qualifications
17. Please state whether you are applying for deputation (ISTC)/
5. Whether Educational and other qualifications
Absorption/Re-employment Basis#.
required for the post are satisfied. (If any qualification
has been treated as equivalent to the one prescribed # (Officers under Central/ State Governments are only eligible
in the Rules, state the authority for the same) for “Absorption”. Candidates of Non-Government Organizations
are eligible only for Short-Term Contract).
Qualifications/Experience required as men- Qualifications/Experience
tioned in the advertisement/vacancy circular possessed by the officer # (The option of ‘ISTC/ ‘Absorption’/ ‘Re-employment’ are
available only if the vacancy circular specially mentioned
Essential Essential
recruitment by “ISTC” or “Absorption” or “Re-employment”)
A) Qualification A) Qualification
18. Whether belongs to SC/ST
B) Experience B) Experience
I have carefully gone through the vacancy circular/advertisement and I am well aware
Desirable Desirable that the information furnished in the Curriculum Vitae duly supported by the documents
A) Qualification A) Qualification in respect of Essential Qualification/Work Experience submitted by me will also be
B) Experience B) Experience assessed by the Selection Committee at the time of selection for the post. The
information/details provided by me are correct and true to the best of my knowledge
6. Please state clearly whether in the light of entries
and no material fact having a bearing on my selection has been suppressed/withheld.
made by you above, you meet the requisite Essential
Qualifications and work experience of the post.
Place _________ (Signature of the Candidate)
7. Details of Employment in chronological order. Enclose a separate sheet duly
authenticated by your signature, if the space below is insufficient. Date __________ Address ________________
Office/ Post held on From To *Pay Level in Pay Nature of Duties Phone No. ______________
Institution regular basis Matrix [Pay Band + (in detail) highlig- Email ID. ________________
revised)] of the post required for the
The information/details provided in the above application by the applicant are true and
held on regular basis post applied for
correct as per the facts available on records. He/she possesses educational
qualifications and experience mentioned in the advt. If selected, he/she will be relieved
* Important: Pay Level in Pay Matrix [Pay Band + Grade Pay (Pre-revised)] granted immediately.
under ACPs/MACPs are personal to the officer and therefore, should not be 2. Also certified that:
mentioned. Only Pay Level in Pay Matrix [Pay Band + Grade Pay (Pre-revised)] of the i) There is no vigilance or disciplinary case pending/contemplated against Shri/
post held on regular basis is to be mentioned. Details of ACPs/MACPs with present Pay Smt./Ms. _______________________
Level in Pay Matrix [Pay Band + Grade Pay (Pre-revised)] where such benefits have
ii) His/her integrity is certified.
been drawn by the Candidate, may be indicated as below:
iii) His/Her CR Dossier in original is enclosed/photocopies of the ACRs for the last 5
Office/ Pay Level in Pay Matrix [Pay Band+ From To years duly attested by an officer of the rank of Under Secretary to the Govt. of
Institution Grade Pay (Pre-revised)] drawn India or above are enclosed.
under ACPs/MACPs Scheme
iv) No major/minor penalty has been imposed on him/her during the last 10 years Or
A list of major/minor penalties imposed on him/her during the last 10 years is
8. Nature of present employment i.e. Ad-hoc or enclosed (as the case may be)
Temporary or Quasi-Permanent or Permanent
9. In case the present employment is held on
(Employer/Cadre Controlling Authority with Seal)
deputation/contract basis, please state-
davp 19125/11/0005/1920 EN 20/82
a) The date b) Period of c) Name of the d) Name of the post
of Initial appointment on parent office/organi- and Pay of the post
appointment deputation/contract zation to which the held in substantive Central University of Orissa
applicant belongs capacity in the
parent organisation (Established Under the Act of Parliament, 2009)
Sunabeda, Dist. Koraput, Odisha, PIN-763004
Advt. No. 01/2019 Date: 01.08.2019
10. If any post held on deputation in the past by the applicant, Advertisement for the post of PROFESSOR
date of return from the last deputation and other details.
11. Additional details about present employment: Online applications are invited in the prescribed Application Form from eligible
Please state whether working under (indicate the
name of your employer against the relevant column)
candidates for appointment to the post of Professor in various Departments
a) Central Government at the CUO in the Academic Pay Level 14 of 7th Central Pay Commission Pay
b) State Government
c) Autonomous Organization Matrix. The last date for receipt of application is 16th September, 2019. The
d) Government Undertaking recruitment shall be made in accordance with the “UGC Regulations 2018".
e) Universities
f) Others For details, please visit the University website www.cuo.ac.in
12. Please state whether you are working in the same Department Any addendum/corrigendum shall be posted only on the University
and are in the feeder grade or feeder to feeder grade.
website. Sd/- REGISTRAR
13. Are you in Revised Scale of Pay? If yes, give the date from which
the revision took place and also indicate the pre-revised scale. davp 21317/11/0003/1920 EN 20/89
40 www.employmentnews.gov.in DEPUTATION Employment News 17 - 23 August 2019

Agricultural Physics Division

ICAR - Indian Agricultural Research Institute
New Delhi-110012
Interested candidates are invited for Walk-in-Interview for the
following posts. The interview will be held on 03/09/2019 at 10:30
AM in the Division of Agricultural Physics, NRL Building, ICAR-
IARI, Pusa Campus, New Delhi-110012.
1. Research Associate (ONE) in ICAR National Fellow Project on
'Regional Root Zone Soil Moisture Mapping from Near-Surface
Measurements for Supporting Agro-Advisories in Rainfed
Agriculture'; Age limit: 40 years.
Essential Qualification:
With Doctoral Degree: Ph.D. in relevant subject. OR
With Master's degree holders: Master's degree in Remote
Sensing & GIS / Geomatics/ Geoinformatics/ Natural Resources
Management/ Environment Science/ Geology/ Geophysics /
Mathematical Sciences/ Atmospheric Sciences/Agricultural
Sciences or Civil Engineering from a recognized university /
Institution with 4-5 years of Bachelor's degree having First Division
or 60% marks or equivalent overall Grade Point average, with at
least 3 years of research experience as evidenced from
Fellowship/Associateship/Training/other engagements as circul-
ated vide F.No. 2-9/2012-HRD dated 25-04-2014 and one research
paper in Science Citation Index (SCI) / NAAS rated (>4.0) Journal
as per OM SR/S9/Z-09/2018 of DST dated 30-1-2019. Those with
3 years Bachelor's degree must have UGC/CSRI/ICAR NET/GATE
Desirable Experience / Knowledge: Microwave data processing,
GIS, Web Map server, Satellite Image analysis, and programming
in R / IDL/ MatLab / Python.
Emoluments (per month): Rs. 49,000/- + HRA (for Masters
Degree) and Rs. 54,000/- + HRA (for Ph.D.).
2. Young Professional - II (ONE) in ICAR Project 'ICAR Research
Data Repository for Knowledge Management (KRISHI)'; Age limit:
35 years.
Essential Qualification: M.E. / M.Tech. /M.Sc. in Computer Sci. /
IT /ICT or M.C.A. with at least 60% marks; Desirable experience:
Proficiency in Python, Linux, Joomla, Javascript, PhP, MySQL.
Emoluments (per month): Rs. 25000/- (consolidated)
For details, please see http://www.iari.res.in.
EN 20/75 AAO

‚Ë∞‚•Ê߸U•Ê⁄U-ÅÊÁŸ¡ ∞fl¥ ¬ŒÊÕ¸ EN 20/63

¬˝ÊÒlÊÁª∑§ ‚¥SÕÊŸ
CSIR-Institute of Minerals
& Materials Technology
(Formerly Regional Research Laboratory)
flÒôÊÊÁŸ∑§ ÃÕÊ •ÊÒlÊÁª∑§ •ŸÈ‚¥äÊÊŸ ¬Á⁄U·Œ
Council of Scientific & Industrial Research
÷ÈflŸ‡fl⁄U-751013, •ÊÁ«U‡ÊÊ, ÷Ê⁄UÃ/Bhubaneswar-751013
Odisha, India
‚¥./No. 16(53)/2016-߸UI/EI ‚¥./Date : 02.08.2019
ADVT. NO. 01/2016
It is notified for information of all concerned that the recruitment
process to 13 Scientist/Senior Scientist posts (Post Code S04-10
posts & Post Code S05-03 posts) and 3 Technical Assistant posts
(Post Code T02-01 Post & Post Code T03-02 Posts) notified vide
Advertisement No. 01/2016 Published in the Employment News
and various Newspapers during the period between April & May
2016 and also hosted on CSIR-IMMT website, are hereby
cancelled for administrative reasons.
EN 20/67 Controller of Administration

No. A-32014/1/2019-Estt.
Government of India
Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution
Department of Food & Public
Directorate of Sugar & Vegetable Oils
Applications are invited from the eligible officers for filling up two
vacancies of Junior Cost Accounts Officer, a General Central
Service, Group 'B' Gazetted, Ministerial post in Level-7 of the Pay
Matrix (Rs. 44,900-1,42,400) in Dte. of Sugar & Vegetable Oils,
Department of Food & Public Distribution, Ministry of Consumer EN 20/62
Affairs, Food & Public Distribution, by Deputation (including short
term contract). Details of the post, eligibility conditions etc. may be 3. Applications of suitable and eligible officers and who can be
spared immediately in the event of selection may be sent directly to
accessed from the Department's website : www.dfpd.nic.in.
the Under Secretary (Admn.), Directorate of Sugar & Vegetable The views expressed by the authors in the
2. Applications of only such officers/candidates will be considered articles published in the Employment News
as are routed through proper channel and are accompanied by:- Oils, Department of Food & Public Distribution, Ministry of are their own. They do not necessarily
(i) *Bio-data alongwith Certification by the Employer/ Cadre Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution, (Room No. 583- reflect the views of the government or the
A), Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001 within a period of 60 organisations they work for. The contents of
Controlling Authority. the advertisements published in the
days from the date of issue/publication of this advertisement in
(ii) Photocopies of ACR/ APARs for the last five (5) years duly Employment News belong to the
the Employment News. organisation or their representatives. The
attested on each page by an officer not below the rank of Under
(Jitender Juyal) Employment News is in no way responsible
Secretary. Under Secretary to the Government of India for any liability arising out of the
(*) as per prescribed proforma available on the website. EN 20/65 Tel : 23380552 contents/text of these advertisements.
Employment News 17 - 23 August 2019 RECRUITMENT www.employmentnews.gov.in 41

EN 20/77
42 www.employmentnews.gov.in RECRUITMENT Employment News 17 - 23 August 2019
÷Ê⁄Uà ‚⁄U∑§Ê⁄U Government of India

¬Êà ¬Á⁄Ufl„UŸ ◊¥òÊÊ‹ÿ Ministry of Shipping

ŒË¬SÃ¥÷ •ÊÒ⁄U ŒË¬¬Êà ÁŸŒ‡ÊÊ‹ÿ Directorate of Lighthouses & Lightships
““ŒË¬ ÷flŸ””, ∞◊.¡Ë. ◊ʪ¸, ÉÊÊ≈U∑§Ê¬⁄U (¬Ífl¸), ◊È¥’߸U 400077 ‘Deep Bhavan’, M.G. Road, Ghatkopar (E), Mumbai 400077 (Maharashtra)

ŒÍ⁄U÷Ê· — 022-25068390, »Ò§Ä‚ — 022-25060996 Tel. : 022-25068390 Fax.: 022-25060996

߸U-◊‹ — [email protected] E-Mail : [email protected]
Date of Publication : Date & Time of Closing : 23.09.2019 up to 17.00 Hrs.
APPLICATIONS are invited in the prescribed format as given (on a good quality A-4 size paper using one side only) from eligible Indian Nationals for the post of Navigational
Assistant Grade III (Group 'C' Non-Gazetted) in the Directorate of Lighthouses & Lightships, Mumbai.
Sl. Name of the post Pay Band & Matrix No. of Vacancies Out of 7 Posts Normal Age Remarks
No. (in Rs.) UR ST OBC* Total Ex-SM PH (as on closing
(HH) date)
1 Navigational Assistant PB - I 4 1 2 7 1 1 18 - 27 Years Age relaxation for
Grade III (5200 - 20200) reserved category will
Matrix Level 5 be as per Govt. norms
* OBC vacancies includes quota for minorities as notified vide Government of India, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pension (Department of Personnel
and Training)'s under the admissible Rules.

i) EDUCATIONAL AND OTHER QUALIFICATION REQUIRED FOR DIRECT written examination and document verification in different style or language
RECRUITMENT: may result in cancellation of candidature.
Essential: Diploma in Electronics or Telecommunication or Electronics & (d) Candidate submitting more than one application for the post will be summarily
Communication or Electrical & Electronics from an institution recognized by Central rejected.
Government or State Government. (e) Candidate should note that only the Date of Birth as recorded in the Matriculation /
Note: Mere possessing of minimum qualification did not entitle a candidate to Higher School Examination Certificate or an equivalent Certificate as on the date of
be called for departmental written exam. submission of application will only be accepted.
ii) AGE LIMIT: 18 to 27 Years (f) Vacancies of Ex-Servicemen and Persons with Disability (PWD) given in the
(a) The lower and upper age limit indicated will be reckoned as on closing date. above table are not separate but included in the total number of vacancies.
The upper age limit is relaxable as under subject to submission of requisite (g) The number of vacancies indicated in the Centralized Employment Notice is
certificate. The upper age limit relaxation for other categories like Ex-Servicemen, provisional and may increase or decrease depend upon the actual needs of the
Physically Handicapped candidates etc will be as per the admissible rule of Govt. Administration. The administration also reserves the right to cancel the notified
of India for the recruitment to the post as on closing date. For Govt. Servants it is vacancies at the discretion and such decision will be final and binding on all.
up to 40 years. The age relaxation is, (h) Applications received will be short-listed on the basis of merit marks (minimum 50%
(i) 5 years for ST candidates and above for reserved category and 60% and above for unreserved category)
(ii) 3 years for OBC candidates obtained in the essential qualification examination.
b) No age relaxation is allowed to SC/ST/OBC candidates applying against (i) Date of examination & call letters for written examination will be hosted on the
unreserved vacancies. website www.dgll.nic.in at least one month prior to the written examination for the
iii) HOW TO APPLY: post. Candidates have to download admit card from the website www.dgll.nic.in.
(a) The application format as per Annexure-1 (can be downloaded from this Centre for Examination will be indicated on the admit card. The Examination Centre
departmental website www.dgll.nic.in) should be filled by the candidate in his/her will not be changed under any circumstances. The candidates are advised to visit
own handwriting with blue or black ball point pen (not in pencil, fountain pen or gel the website from time to time. NO HARD COPY OF THE ADMIT CARD WILL BE
pen) dated and signed. Only international numerical i.e. 1, 2, 3 etc. should be used. SENT TO ANY CANDIDATES.
The application form should be filled strictly observing all the instructions given in
(j) The candidates who are successful in the written examination, merit list will be
the Centralized Employment Notice. The candidate should affix his/her normal
prepared on the basis of written examination as well as aggregate marks of the
signature in the application form. Application signed in capital/spaced out letter will
Diploma qualification.
be treated as invalid.
(k) Emoluments on initial appointment will be minimum pay matrix in the pay band plus
(The candidate's Name, email ID, Address with Pin Code, Date of Birth,
other allowances as applicable at that time.
Father's Name and nearest Railway Station should be written legibly in
(l) While all candidates irrespective of community may be considered against UR
English in bold capital letters).
vacancies. However, against the vacancies earmarked for specific community
(b) Applications which are not in prescribed format, more than one application, illegible,
SC/ST/OBC, only candidates belonging to that community will be considered. For
incomplete, unsigned, signed in capital letters, without colour photo of candidate
this purpose, SC/ST/OBC candidates should furnish Caste Certificate from
are liable to be rejected.
competent authorities as per the Format given at Annexure-1 (for SC/ST
(c) Photographs: One recent (not earlier than three months from the date of
application) colour photograph of size 3.5 cm x 3.5 cm with clear visibility of face candidates) and Annexure-2 (for OBC candidates) only. Further, in case of OBC
and a portion of shoulder should be pasted application in the space provided. The candidates, the certificates should specifically indicate that the candidate does not
background of the photo with white or light colour is more preferable. The face belong to the Persons/Sections (Creamy Layer) mentioned in Col.3 of the Schedule
should be at the centre of the photography. The eyes shall be clearly visible in of the Government of India, Department of Personnel and Training per admissible
photo. Photo with Cap/Hat and photos taken head covered with clothes (except rules. The OBC candidate should enclose self declaration of non-creamy layer
which is related to religious vow) and photos with goggles, and photos with partial status in the Proforma in Annexure-3.
visibility of face are not accepted. Those who are using spectacles for vision (m) Candidate who wishes to be considered against vacancies reserved and / or seek
correction should take the photo wearing the spectacles. Xerox copy of photograph age relaxation must submit requisite certificate from the competent authority and
is not permitted. The candidate should sign in the space provided in the box below self declaration of non-creamy layer status in case of OBCs in the prescribed format
photograph. Candidate may note that the DLL may reject at any stage for pasting along with the application form itself. Otherwise, their claim for reserved status will
old / unclear photograph on the application or for any significant variations between not be entertained and the candidature / application of such candidate fulfilling all
photographs pasted in the application and the actual physical appearance of the eligibility conditions for General (UR) category will be considered under General
candidate. (UR) category only.
(d) The envelope containing the application should be clearly super-scribed (n) Candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC who fulfill required qualification/technical
"Application for the post of Navigational Assistant Grade III", Employment qualification can also apply against UR vacancies. They will, however have to
Notice. Community: (UR/ ST/OBC/PWD/Ex-SM). compete with the UR candidates. No age relaxation will be allowed to such
(e) Applications completed in all respect along with required enclosures should be sent SC/ST/OBC candidates applying against UR vacancies.
by Post, Speed Post or Registered Post to "The Director, Directorate of (o) Selected candidates for the post of Navigational Assistant Grade III are suppose to
Lighthouses & Lightships, 'Deep Bhavan', M.G.Road, Ghatkopar (East), serve at any Light House station including remote and island locations and liable to
Mumbai 400 077 (Maharashtra)" so as to reach on or before 23.09.2019 up to be transferred anywhere in India. The posts are all India service liabilities.
17.00 Hrs. (p) Candidates may kindly note that the initial posting of successful candidate will be
[For candidates residing in Assam, Meghalaya, Manipur, Arunachal Pradesh, made at any remote Lighthouses under the Directorate of Lighthouses & Lightships,
Mizoram, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Jammu & Kashmir, Lahaul & Spiti District and Mumbai. Hence, candidates interested to serve in remote areas may only apply for
Pangi Sub-Division of Chamba District of Himachal Pradesh, Andaman, Nicobar & this post.
Lakshadweep Island the closing date of receipt of application by post will be vi) ENCLOSURES: The following enclosures as applicable to each individual
02.10.2019 up to 17.00 Hrs.] candidate should be firmly stitched along with the application in the following order:
No application will be accepted after the due date. No further communication will be (a) Application form in prescribed format (as given in Annexure-1).
entertained in this regard. (b) One copy of identical passport size colour photograph firmly stitched to the
iv) GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: application (apart from one copy pasted on the form / online scanned).
(a) Before applying for the post, the candidate should ensure that he/she fulfills all the (c) Self attested copy of Matriculation / High School Examination Certificate or an
eligibility conditions. The candidate should have the requisite Educational/Technical equivalent Certificate indicating date of birth.
qualification from recognized University/Institute as on the 23.09.2019. Those (d) Self attested copy of educational and / or professional qualification (Professional
awaiting results of the final examination need not apply. Degree or Diploma certificate) prescribed for the post.
(b) No extra weightage will be given to candidates possessing higher qualification. (e) Self attested copy of the mark list of all semesters/ years.
(c) The candidates are required to sign in English or Hindi in the prescribed places (f) Self attested Photostat copy of caste certificate from competent authority in the
provided in the application, Information Sheet, Answer Sheet, Question Booklet and case of SC/ST candidate (as given in Annexure - 2) and OBC candidate (as given
other places should be identical. The signature must be in running hand and not in Annexure - 3).Self declaration from OBC candidate regarding non-creamy layer
in block capital or disjointed letters. Signature at the time of application, status in the Proforma (as given in Annexure - 4).
Employment News 17 - 23 August 2019 RECRUITMENT www.employmentnews.gov.in 43
(g) Disability Certificate by persons with disabilities in prescribed format for (h) Any legal issues arising out of this Centralized Employment Notice shall fall within
appointment of posts under Govt. of India (as given in Annexure-5) the legal jurisdiction of Mumbai only.
(h) Ex-Servicemen candidate should submit self attested Photostat copy of the (i) In the event of any dispute about interpretation, the English version will be treated
discharge certificate. They should also enclose the appropriate certificate issued by as final.
the competent authority for the equivalence of their educational / technical xi) IMPERSONATION / SUPPRESSION OF FACTS / WARNING
qualification. (a) No candidate should attempt impersonation or take the help of any impersonator at
(i) NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE from the competent authority, if already employed any stage of the selection process. Otherwise, the candidate will be debarred for
in any Government Department / Public Sector undertakings. examinations as well as debarred from any appointment in Government services.
(j) Self attested Photostat copy of requisite certificates in case of candidate claiming In addition, legal action will be taken against the candidate.
any other type of age relaxation. (b) Any material suppression of facts or submitting forged certificate / caste certificate
vii) INVALID APPLICATION : Candidates are requested to read all the instructions by a candidate for securing eligibility and / or obtaining privileges shall lead to
thoroughly before sending their application to the Director of Lighthouses & rejection of his/her candidature for the particular recruitment for which he/she is
Lightships, Mumbai. Their applications are likely to be rejected on one or more of applied. Further, legal action can be initiated, if warranted.
the following reasons. (c) Any candidate found using unfair means in the examination or sending someone
(a) Applications received before the date of publication of the Notification and else in his/her place to appear the examination will be liable to be prosecuted by
application received after the closing date of Centralized Employment Notification. lodging FIR.
(b) Application not in prescribed format. (d) Furnishing of any false information or deliberate suppression of any information at
(c) Application without signature or signature done in capital letters. any stage will render the candidate disqualified and debarred from appearing any
(d) Application which are Illegible and incomplete. selection or examination for appointment to any other Government service and if
(e) Copies of requisite certificate not enclosed along with the application, appointed the service of such candidate is liable to be terminated.
(i) Self attested Certificate of date of birth i.e. Matriculation/High School Exam or xi) WARNING
equivalent certificate. (a) All notices will be available and updated time to time on the website. The
(ii) Self attested Educational and/or professional certificate (Professional Degree / candidates are advised to regularly visit the site www.dgll.nic.in for any
Diploma Certificate) prescribed for the post. information in this regard. The candidates are advised strictly to avoid unnecessary
(iii) Self attested copy of the mark list of all semesters/ year. communication regarding details of written examination, admit card for written
(iv) Self attested Community certificate for ST / OBC examination, declaration of results, interview date, call letter for interview and
(v) Self attested Discharge Certificate of Ex-Servicemen Candidate declaration of final result by emails, phone and fax.
(vi) Self attested Disability Certificate for persons with disabilities (b) Beware of Touts and job racketeers trying to deceive you false promises of securing
(vii) Self declaration for OBC candidate. job either through influence or by use of unfair and unethical means. The Director
(f) Do not possess the prescribe qualification for the post on the date of application. of Lighthouses & Lightships, Mumbai has not appointed any agent(s) or centre(s)
(g) Over aged or under aged or Date of Birth not filled or wrongly filled. for action on its behalf. Candidates are warned against any such claims being made
(h) Double or multiple applications submitted/More than one application in single by persons/agencies. Candidates are selected purely as per merit. Please beware
envelope. of unscrupulous elements and not fall in their trap. Candidates attempting to
(i) Applications without colour photo or photo with cap, wearing goggles, disfigured, influence DLL directly or indirectly; shall be disqualified and legal action can be
unrecognizable or scanned or Xerox copy. initiated against them.
(j) Any other irregularities which are considered invalid. Note : In instruction wherever "OBC" is mentioned it includes OBC Minorities.
viii) SERVING EMPLOYEES: Candidates serving in any Government Department or ANNEXURE-1
Public Sector Undertaking should apply through proper channel or should apply
directly to the Director of Lighthouses & Lightships, Mumbai with NO OBJECTION Application for the post of Navigational Assistant Grade III
CERTIFICATE from the employer to avoid delay. The last date of receipt of (Please fill up the application in capital letters in own Paste (Do not staple)
application will not be extended on account of any delay in transmitting the handwriting except Signature in places indicated $ where it your recent passport size
application by the concerned office. Advance copy of the application without NO should not be in capital letters)
(size 3.5 cm x 3.5 cm)
OBJECTION CERTIFICATE will not be entertained. Application received after Candidates are advised to go through the instruction before the (not more than 3 months
closing date and time will also not be accepted. submission of application. old)
iv) RECRUITMENT PROCESS: Application must be submitted in A4 size good quality paper Not to be attested
(a) Applications received will be scrutinized and short listed on the basis of marks only. $
(minimum 50% and above for reserved category and 60% and above for
Signature of candidate
unreserved category) obtained in the essential qualification examination. The Short 1. Title: Mr./Mrs./Miss
below the photograph
listed candidates will only be considered for further recruitment process & will be 2. Name of Candidate :
hosted on the website www.dgll.nic.in First Name
(b) Written examination contains objective type questions based on Diploma standard Middle Name
for the prescribed post. The written test will be conducted under the jurisdiction of Last Name
Directorate of Lighthouses & Lightships, Mumbai. However, the final allotment of 3. Father/Husband Name:
examination centre will be determined by the Director of Lighthouses & Lightships, 4. Address (for Communication) :
Mumbai. No request for change in examination centre will be entertained / Flat/Room/Door/Block No.
considered. Name of Premises/Building/Village
(c) There will be negative mark in written examination and marks shall be deducted for Road/Street/Lane
each wrong answer. Post Office
(d) The Director of Lighthouses & Lightships, Mumbai at its discretion may hold Area/Locality/Taluka/Sub-Division
additional skill test / interview if consider necessary for all or for a limited number of Town/City/District
candidates as may be deemed fit by Director of Lighthouses & Lightships, Mumbai. State/Union Territory
(e) The date, time and venue of the written examination will be fixed by the Director of Pin Code
Lighthouses & Lightships, Mumbai and will be hosted on website www.dgll.nic.in 5. Permanent Address
in due course. Request for postponement of the examination, change of Flat/Room/Door/Block No.
centre/venue will not be entertained under any circumstances. Name of Premises/Building/Village
(f) The stage of examination is single stage examination followed by verification of Road/Street/Lane
original documents. During document verification, the candidates will have to Post Office
produce their original certificates. The candidature of the candidate not producing Area/Locality/Taluka/Sub-Division
the original certificate on the date of verification is liable to be forfeited. Town/City/District
(g) The final select panel will be prepared on the basis of combined marks obtained in State/Union Territory
written test and marks obtained as per basis qualification. The candidates will be Pin Code
placed in order of merit from highest marks obtained to lower marks. 6. Nearest Railway Station:
ix) MISCELLANEOUS: 7. Mobile No. + 9 1
(a) The entire Centralized Employment Notice along with all Annexure will also be Land Line No. STD Code 0 Phone No.
available on the website www.dgll.nic.in 8. E-mail :
(b) All enclosure should be in English or Hindi only. Where certificate are not available 9. a) Community (Tick ‘X’): UR SC ST OBC
in English/Hindi, self attested translated version (in English / Hindi) should be Community certificate to be submitted in the form as per perscribed Annexure as
enclosed. The application without the requisite enclosures will be rejected. Any of applicable.
the above enclosures sent separately will not be entertained. b) If OBC, please state whether belonging to Minor Community: Yes No
(c) The Director of Lighthouses & Lightships, Mumbai reserves the right to reject the c) If Minority, indicate Community:
candidature of any applicant at any stage in the process of recruitment if any 10. Gender (Tick ‘X’): Male Female
irregularities / deficiency is notice in the application. 11. Religion (Tick ‘X’): Hindu Muslim Christian Others
(d) The centre for examination allotted by the Director of Lighthouses & Lightships, 12. Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY) :
Mumbai will be final and binding. The Director of Lighthouses & Lightships, Mumbai 13. Age as on 23/09/2019: Years Months Days
reserves the right to conduct additional written examination/document verification at 14. Are you (i) Govt. Employee : Yes No (ii) Ex-Servicemen Yes No
any stage. The Director of Lighthouses & Lightships, Mumbai also reserves the right (iii) Physically Handicapped : Yes No if Yes, VH OH HH
to cancel part or whole of any recruitment process at any stage without assigning
any reason thereof. 15. Visible Mark of identification on Body:
(e) The decision of the Director of Lighthouses & Lightships, Mumbai in all matters 16. Qualification: (fill in only those qualifications prescribed for the post applied for)
relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of the application, penalty for false (a) Academic Qualification University/ Year of Subjects Marks/
information, mode of selection, conduct of written examination, allotment of written Board Passing % Obtained
examination centre, selection, allotment of posts to selected candidates etc. will be
final and binding on the candidate and no enquiry or correspondence will be
entertained by the Director of Lighthouses & Lightships, Mumbai in this regard.
(f) Candidates finally selected are liable to be posted anywhere in India. Higher
(g) The Director of Lighthouses & Lightships, Mumbai is not responsible for any Secondary/XII/
inadvertent error. Intermediate
44 www.employmentnews.gov.in RECRUITMENT Employment News 17 - 23 August 2019
Degree/Diploma from an institution recognized by Central Government or State * Please delete the words which are not applicable.
Government in @ Please quote specific presidential order.
(b) Technical Qualification University/ Year of Discipline Marks/ % Delete the Para which is not applicable.
Board Passing % Obtained
Diploma Note : The term "ordinarily reside(s) used here will have the same meaning as in
Section 20 of the Representation of the People Act, 1950.
17. Details of previous & present employment held (in chronological order starting from **List of authorities competent to issue Caste/Tribe certificates:
present position backward) (Attach separate sheet, if required) i District Magistrate / Additional District Magistrate / Collector / Deputy
Name & Designation Date from Date to Nature of Length of Commissioner / Additional Deputy Commissioner / Deputy Collector/Ist Class
Address of & Job the service Stipendiary Magistrate/City Magistrate/Sub-Divisional Magistrate/Taluka
Employer Scale of Pay Magistrate/Executive Magistrate/Extra Assistant Commissioner (not below the
rank of Ist class Stipendiary Magistrate)
ii Chief Presidency Magistrate/Additional Chief Presidency Magistrate/Presidency
18. Do you seek age relaxation (Tick ‘X’ in appropriate box) iii Revenue Officers not below the rank of Tehsildar.
SC ST OBC Judicially separated/ J&K Ex-SM PWD Govt. servant/ iv Sub-Divisional Officer of the area where the candidate and/ or his family normally
divorced woman/ Resident Other, if any reside(s).
widow v Administrator/Secretary to Administrator/Development Officer (Lakshdweep).
Note:- ST candidates belonging to Tamil Nadu state should submit caste certificate
only from the Revenue Divisional Officer
19. Document attached in proof of : (indicate ‘X’ in relevant boxes indicated below:
F Matric/SSCL Certificate (for DOB Proof) F Qualification Certificate
The form of certificate to be produced by Other Backward Classes candidates
F Mark list of all semester/year F Community Certificate: SC/ST/OBC
applying for appointment to posts under the Government of India.
F Disability Certificate - PwD F Discharge Certificate for Ex-SM
This is to certify that Shri / Shrimati / Kumari*...........................................son/daughter*
F Self Declaration : OBC candidate F No Objection Certificate
of Shri ............................... of village / town* ...........................in District /
F Experience Certificate
Division*............... of the State / Union Territory*................................belongs to the
20. If selected, minimum time for joining the post :
.................... Community which is recognized as a backward class under:
21. Have you ever been detained in Police custory? Or convicted by Court of Law?
@ Government of India, Ministry of Welfare Resolution No. 12011/68/93-BCC (C)
Or any criminal case is pending or contemplated by Court of Law? If any of this
dated10th September, 1993 published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary Part-I,
is Yes, give complete details thereto on separate paper Yes F No F
Section-1, No. 186 dated 13th September, 1993.
22. Declaration:
@ Government of India, Ministry of Welfare Resolution No. 12011/9/94-BCC dated 19-
“I hereby declare that all the statements made by me in the application are true and
10-94, published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary Part-I, Section-1, No. 163 dated
complete to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed
or suppressed. I also understand that in case, any of my statement is found untrue
@ Government of India, Ministry of Welfare Resolution No. 12011/7/95-BCC dated 24-
during any stage of recruitment or thereafter, shall disqualify me for the post and I
5-95, published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary Part-I, Section-1, No. 88 dated 25-
shall be liable for any action under the extant rules and my services are liable to
be terminated without giving any notice or reason thereof.”
@ Government of India, Ministry of Welfare Resolution No. 12011/96/94-BCC dated
Date :
9th March, 1996 published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary Part-I, Section-1, No.
Place :
60 dated 11th March, 1996.
@ Government of India, Ministry of Welfare Resolution No. 12011/44/96-BCC dated
Signature of Candidate
6th December, 1996 published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary Part-I, Section-1,
No. 210 dated 11th December, 1996.
@ Government of India, Ministry of Welfare Resolution No. 12011/99/94-BCC dated
The Form of the certificate to be produced by Scheduled Castes and Scheduled
11th December, 1997 published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary Part-I, Section-1,
Tribes candidates applying for appointment to posts under the Government of India
No. 236 dated 12th December, 1997.
This is to certify that Shri/Shrimati/Kumari*______________________________ son /
@ Government of India, Ministry of Welfare Resolution No. 12011/13/97-BCC dated
daughter*of Shri ___________________________________________________ of
3rd December, 1997 published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary Part-I, Section-1,
village/Town*____________________ in District/ Division* _____________________
No.239 dated 17th December, 1997.
of State/Union Territory* _________________________________________belongs to
@ Government of India, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment Resolution
the__________________________ Caste/Tribe* which is recognised as a Scheduled
No.12011/68/98-BCC dated the 27th October, 1999 published in the Gazette of India
Caste/Scheduled Tribe*
Extraordinary Part-I, Section-1, No. 241 dated the 27th October, 1999.
@ Government of India, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment Resolution
The Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order, 1950*
No.12011/88/98-BCC dated 6th December, 1999 published in the Gazette of India
The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order, 1950*
Extraordinary Part-I, Section-1, No. 270 dated 6th December, 1999.
The Constitution (Scheduled Castes) (Union Territories) Order, 1951*
@ Government of India, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment Resolution
The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) (Union Territories) Order, 1951*
No.12011/36/99-BCC dated 4th April, 2000 published in the Gazette of India
[As amended by the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Lists (Modification)
Extraordinary Part-I, Section-1, No. 71 dated 4th April, 2000.
Order, 1956, the Bombay Reorganisation Act, 1960, the Punjab Reorganisation
@ Government of India, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment Resolution
Act,1966, the State of Himachal Pradesh Act, 1970 and the North- Eastern Areas
No.12011/44/99-BCC dated the 21st September, 2000 published in the Gazette of India
(Reorganisation) Act, 1971 and the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes
Extraordinary Part-I, Section-1, No. 210 dated the 21st September, 2000.
Orders,(Amendment) Act, 1976]
@ Government of India, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment Resolution
The Constitution (Jammu & Kashmir) Scheduled Castes Order, 1956*
No.12015/9/2000-BCC dated 6th September, 2001 published in the Gazette of India
The Constitution (Andaman and Nicobar Islands) Scheduled Tribes Order, 1959* as
Extraordinary Part-I, Section-1, No. 246 dated 6th September, 2001.
amended by the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Order (Amendment) Act, 1976*
@ Government of India, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment Resolution
The Constitution (Dadra and Nagar Haveli) Scheduled Castes Order, 1962
No.12011/1/2001-BCC dated 19th June, 2003 published in the Gazette of India
The Constitutions (Dadra and Nagar Haveli) Scheduled Tribes, Order, 1962@_____
Extraordinary Part-I, Section-1, No. 151 dated 20th June, 2003.
The Constitution (Pondicherry) Scheduled Castes Orders,1964@_______________
@ Government of India, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment Resolution
The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes)(Uttar Pradesh) Order, 1967@_____________
No.12011/4/2002-BCC dated 13th January, 2004 published in the Gazette of India
The Constitution (Goa, Daman and Diu) Scheduled Castes Order,1968@_________
Extraordinary, Part-I, Section-1, No. 9 dated 13th January, 2004.
The Constitution (Goa, Daman and Diu) Scheduled Tribes Order,1968@_________
@ Government of India, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment Resolution
The Constitution (Nagaland) Scheduled Tribes Order,1970@__________________
No.12011/14/2004-BCC dated 12th March, 2007 published in the Gazette of India
The Constitution (Sikkim) Scheduled Castes Order,1978@____________________
Extraordinary, Part-I, Section-1, No. 67 dated 12th March, 2007.
The Constitution (Sikkim) Scheduled Tribes Order,1978@___________________
The Constitution (Jammu & Kashmir) Scheduled Tribe Order, 1989@ Shri / Shrimati / Kumari*................................ and / or* his / her* family ordinarily resides
The Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Orders (Amendment) Act, 1990@ in village / town*................................ of...................... District/Division* of the State/
The Constitution (Scheduled Tribe) Orders (Amendment) Ordinance 1991@ Union Territory* of.............................
The Constitution (Scheduled Tribe) Orders (Second Amendment) Act 1991@ This is also to certify that he/she* does not belong to the persons/sections* (Creamy
The Constitution (Scheduled Tribe) Orders (Amendment) Ordinance 1996 Layer) mentioned in column 3 of the Schedule to the Government of India, Department
The Constitution Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribe Orders (Amendment) Act 2002 of Personnel & Training O.M. No. 36012/22/93-Estt. (SCT) dated 8-9-1993 O.M.
The Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Orders (Amendment) Act, 2002 No.36033/3/2004-Estt. (Res.) dated 9th March, 2004 and O.M. No. 36033/3/2004-
The Constitution (Scheduled Castes Orders) (Second Amendment) Act 2002 Estt.(Res.) dated 14th October, 2008.
Applicable in the case of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribe persons who have Place............................ Signature...........................
migrated from one State/Union Territory Administration. Date.............................. **Designation......................
This certificate is issued on the basis of the Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes (With seal of Office)
certificate issued to Shri/Shrimati * ______________________________ State/Union Territory
Father/Mother*__________________ of Shri/ Shrimati/ Kumari *_________________ *Please delete the words which are not applicable.
of Village/Town*___________________ in District / Division* ___________________ @ Strike out whichever is not applicable.
of State / Union Territory* ____________ who belong to the________________ NOTE: The term "ordinarily reside (s)" used here will have the same meaning as in
Caste/Tribe* which is recognised as a Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe* in the Section 20 of the Representation of the People Act, 1950.
State/Union Territory issued by ____________________ dated__________________ **List of authorities empowered to issue OBC Certificate
Shri/Shrimati/Kumari *_________________________and/or his/her* family, reside(s) (i) District Magistrate /Additional District Magistrate / Collector / Deputy
in village/town* ______________ of _____________________ Dstrict/Division* of the Commissioner / Additional Deputy Commissioner / Deputy Collector/1st Class
State/Union Territory* of ___________________. Stipendiary Magistrate/† Sub-Divisional Magistrate/Taluka Magistrate/Executive
Magistrate/ Extra Assistant Commissioner †(not below of the rank of 1st Class
Signature_____________________ Stipendiary Magistrate).
Place__________________ ** Designation__________________ (ii) Chief Presidency Magistrate/Additional Chief Presidency Magistrate/Presidency
Date__________________ (with seal of Office) Magistrate.
Continued on page 45
Employment News 17 - 23 August 2019 RECRUITMENT www.employmentnews.gov.in 45
Continued from page 44
÷Ê⁄Uà ‚⁄U∑§Ê⁄U/Govt. of India
(iii) Revenue Officers not below the rank of Tehsildar. ¬Êà ¬Á⁄Ufl„UŸ ◊¥òÊÊ‹ÿ/Ministry of Shipping
(iv) Sub Divisional Officer of the area where the candidate and/or his/her family
normally resides.
(v) Administrator/Secretary to Administrator/Development Officer (Lakshadweep)
ŒË¬SÃ¥÷ •ÊÒ⁄U ŒË¬¬Êà ÁŸŒ‡ÊÊ‹ÿ
Note 1: Candidates claiming to belong to OBCs should note that the name of their
caste (including its spellings) as indicated in their certificates, should be exactly the
Directorate of Lighthouses & Lightships
same as published in the lists notified by the Central Government from time to time. §““ŒË¬ ÷flŸ”” 44-’Ë. ∞‚. ⁄UÊ«U/Deep Bhavan, 44-B.S. Road
A certificate containing any variation in the caste name will not be accepted. ¬Ê≈¸U é‹ÿ⁄U/Port Blair-744101
Note 2: The OBC claim of a candidate will be determined in relation to the State (or part
of the State) to which his/her father originally belongs. A candidate who has migrated Phone & Fax 03192-233298 & 244577
from one State (or part of the State) to another should, therefore, produce an OBC Email: [email protected]
certificate which should have been issued to him/her based on his/her father's OBC
certificate from the State to which he (father) originally belongs.
Note 3: No change in the community status already indicated by a candidate in his/her Filling of 01 post of Technician (Electronics) in the Directorate of Lighthouses and
simplified application form for this examination will ordinarily be allowed by the Lightships, Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar Islands.
Commission. 1. Number of Posts : 01 Nos. (Group 'C', Non-Gazetted, Non Ministerial).
2. Pay Scale : Pay level - 5
3. Qualification : Essential :
Form of declaration to be submitted by the OBC candidate (in addition to the
(i) Diploma in Electronics Engineering or Electronics
community certificate) and Communication Engineering or Electrical and
I ………………. Son / daughter of Shri……………………. resident of Electronics Engineering or a combination of above
village/town/city…………………. district………………….state………………hereby from a recognized institution or equivalent qualification.
declare that I belong to the………………..community which is recognized as a (ii) One year experience in the installation and mainte-
backward class by the Government of India for the purpose of reservation in services nance of wireless transmitters, receivers, aerial
as per orders contained in Department of Personnel and Training Office Memorandum systems and associated power plant.
No. 36102/22/93-Estt. (SCT) dated 8-9-1993. It is also declared that as on closing date, Desirable :
I do not belong to persons/sections/sections (Creamy Layer) mentioned in column 3 of (i) Experience in handling of microwave equipment is
the Schedule to the above referred Office Memorandum dated 8-9-1993, O.M. No. desirable.
36033/3/2004-Estt. (Res.) dated 9th March, 2004 and O.M. No. 36033/3/2004- 4. Roster Point : 01 Unreserved,
Estt.(Res.) dated 14th October, 2008. 5. Age limit : 18 to 27 years as on 30.09.2019. Age Relaxation for :
Signature:……………………….. (i) OBC - 03 yrs.
(ii) Govt. Servants - upto 40 yrs.
Full Name:………………………
6. Place of Posting : Initially at Andaman and Nicobar Islands, but liable
to transfer anywhere in India.
ANNEXURE - 5 7. Mode of submission :Offline.
The form of certificate to be produced by Physically Handicapped candidates of application
applying for appointment to posts under the Government of India 8. Last date of sub- : 30.09.2019 upto 1700 Hrs.
Certificate No......................... Date: ........... Detail information is available in the Website www.dgll.gov.in/www.dgll.nic.in and
DISABILITY CERTIFICATE www.ncs.gov.in. Candidates are advised to go through the detailed instruction before
This is certified that Shri / Smt. / Kum. ........................................ submitting the application. Application only in prescribed format will be accepted.
son/wife/daughter of Shri.............................................................. Recent Photograph Application forms can be downloaded from the website www.dgll.gov.in/
age ..........sex ............ identification mark(s) ............................... of the candidate www.dgll.nic.in. Newspaper cutting should not be used for submission of application.
is suffering from permanent disability of following category : showing the Applications duly supported with self-attested true copies of certificates and
A. Locomotor or Cerebral Palsy: disability duly testimonials of suitable candidates by Registered/Speed Post should reach on or
(i) BL-Both legs affected but not arms attested by the before 30.09.2019 addressed to “The Director, Directorate of Lighthouses and
(ii) BA-Both arms affected (a) Impaired reach Lightships, "Deep Bhawan”, 44 B.S. Road, Phoenix Bay, Port Blair-744101". The
Chairperson of the
(b) Weakness of grip Director will not be responsible for any postal delay/wrong delivery at any stage of the
Medical Board
(iii) BLA-Both legs and both arms affected selection process.
Application received after the last date will be summarily rejected and will not be
(iv) OL-One leg affected (right or left) (a) Impaired reach
entertained. The Director has the right to reject any application without assigning any
(b) Weakness of grip
reason thereof.
(c) Ataxic
(v) OA-One arm affected (a) Impaired reach
Directorate of Lighthouses and Lightships
(b) Weakness of grip
EN 20/38 Port Blair.
(c) Ataxic
(vi) BH-Stiff back and hips (cannot sit or stoop)
(vii) MW-Muscular weakness and limited physical endurance.
B. Blindness or Low Vision:
National e-Governance Division
(i) B-Blind 4th Floor, Electronics Niketan, 6, CGO Complex
(ii) PB-Partially blind Lodhi Road, New Delhi - 110003
C. Hearing impairment:
(i) D-Deaf Vacancy Circular
(ii) PD-Partially deaf
Digital India Corporation (DIC) - National e-Governance Division (NeGD), Ministry
(Delete the category whichever is not applicable)
2. This condition is progressive/non-progressive/likely to improve/not likely to of Electronics & Information Technology (MeitY) invites applications for the
improve.Re-assessment of this case is not recommended/is recommended after a following posts on Deputation basis.
period of................years ............................... months.*
Name of Mode of Pay Level & No. of
3. Percentage of disability in his/her case is....................... Percent.
4. Shri/Smt./Kum. ...................................... meets the following physical requirements the Post Recruitment Pay Band Vacancies
for discharge of his/her duties:- Director (Awareness Deputation Pay Matrix, Level - 14, 01
(i) F-Can perform work by manipulating with fingers. Yes/No
& Communication/ PB-4, Rs.37,400-67,000
(ii) PP-Can perform work by pulling and pushing Yes/No
(iii) L-Can perform work by lifting. Yes/No Information Education (Grade pay Rs.10,000)
(iv) KC-Can perform work by kneeling and crouching. Yes/No & Communication) (Pre-revised)
(v) B-Can perform work by bending. Yes/No
(vi) S-Can perform work by sitting. Yes/No • Prescribed proforma of application form, eligibility conditions and other details
(vii) ST-Can perform work by standing. Yes/No can be downloaded from the official website of NeGD viz www.digital
(viii) W-Can perform work by walking. Yes/No india.gov.in / www.meity.gov.in.
(ix) SE-Can perform work by seeing. Yes/No • Complete application through proper channel must reach within 30 Days of
(x) H-Can perform work by hearing/speaking. Yes/No
the publication of the advertisement.
(xi) RW-Can perform work by reading and writing. Yes/No
(R.A. Dhawan)
(Dr......................) (Dr......................) (Dr. ..................) Sr. General Manager, NeGD
Member Member Chairman davp 06124/11/0004/1920 EN 20/68
Medical Boar Medical Board Medical Board
Countersigned by the Medical Certified that:
Superintendent/CMO/Head of Hospital *(a) Shri/Shrimati/Kum. ............................................................ hold substantively a
(With seal) permanent post of ................................in the Office/Department of
* Strike out whichever is not applicable. ........................................ with effect from ...................................................
ANNEXURE - 6 *(b) Shri/Smt./Kum. ....................................... has been continuously in temporary
The form of certificate to be produced by Government servants for claiming service on a regular basis under the Central Government in the post of
Age concession .................................. in the Office / Department ..................... with effect from ..............
(Letter Head of the Institution/Issuing Authority) Signature...........................................................
This is to certify that Shri/Ms…………………..….… S/o, D/o,W/o Shri……………… is a Name….............................................................
regular appointed employee of this Organization / Department / Ministry and duties Designation .....................................................
performed by him/her during the period(s) are as under, Place: ........................ Ministry/Office....................................................
Date: ........................ Address….. .......................................................
(Short description of duties performed) EN 20/66 Office SEAL........................................................
46 www.employmentnews.gov.in RECRUITMENT Employment News 17 - 23 August 2019

Join Indian

Coast Guard
(vii) On successful submission of the online application a unique Application/
10+2 ENTRY - 01/2020 BATCH Registration number will be provided to the candidate. Candidates must note
Application will be Accepted 'Online' from down this application number for future reference and for retrieval/ reprint of e-
admit card. Applicants to take print out of the e-admit card through URL
26 Aug to 1 Sep 2019 https://joinindiancoastguard.gov.in/reprint.aspx from 17-23 Sep 2019 only post
short listing of the online application. For candidates NOT meeting the eligibility criteria,
a ‘Rejection Slip, giving the cause of rejection with the Application Number’ will
be displayed. Short-listing criteria will be based on higher percentage of marks for
a particular examination Centre.
(viii) Candidates are required to bring 03 copies of system generated e-admit card
having allotted roll number with latest identical colour passport size photographs
with Blue background (Not older than one month) pasted and signed at the bottom
of application form against space provided for the signature. Candidates shall bring
all original documents and keep one application form ready along with
photocopies of all documents attested i.e. class 10th pass certificate and mark
sheet, class 12th pass certificate and mark sheet showing subjects, caste
certificate wherever required and domicile certificate of their respective state for
submission at the examination Centre on the date of examination. Any candidate who
1. Applications are invited from male Indian nationals possessing educational does not carry all these documents at the time of recruitment shall not be
qualifications and age as prescribed below, for recruitment to the post of Navik permitted to appear in the written examination.
(General Duty) in the Indian Coast Guard, an Armed Force of the Union. Note:- Filling of multiple applications will result in cancellation of all
2. Educational Qualification. 10+2 passed with Maths and Physics from an applications.
education board recognized by Central/State Government with minimum 50% * Last date for applying online:_01 Sep 2019 till 1700 Hrs.
aggregate marks. (5% relaxation in minimum cut off will be given for SC/ST 7. The recruitment zones and examination Centre for different states are given below:-
candidates and outstanding sports personnel of National level who have obtained 1st, Northern Examination States -Candidates Residing
2nd or 3rd position in any field sports events at the Open National Championship/ Inter- Zone Centre's
state National Championship. This relaxation will also be applicable to the wards of Jalandhar Jammu & Kashmir, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Haryana
Coast Guard uniform personnel deceased while in service). (other than NCR District’s), Union Territory of Chandigarh
3. Age. Minimum 18 Years and maximum 22 years i.e. born between 01 Feb 1998 to
31 Jan 2002 (both dates inclusive). Upper age relaxation of 5 years for SC/ST and 3 Dehradun Uttarakhand
years for OBC candidates. Jodhpur Rajasthan (other than NCR district’s)
4. Pay, Perks and Others Benefits. On joining Indian Coast Guard, you will be placed Delhi
in Basic pay of Rs. 21700/- (Pay Level-3) plus Dearness Allowance and other Haryana NCR District– Faridabad, Gurgaon, Mewat,
allowances based on nature of duty/place of posting as per the prevailing regulations. Noida Rohtak, Sonepat, Rewari, Jhajjhar, Panipat, Palwal,
5. Promotion and Perquisites. Bhiwani and Mahendergarh
(a) Promotion prospects exist upto the rank of Pradhan Adhikari with pay scale UP NCR District – Meerut, Ghaziabad, Gautam Budh
Rs. 47600/- (Pay Level 8) with Dearness Allowance. Promotion to the Officer Nagar, Bulandshahar, Hapur and Baghpat
cadre is subject to suitability and performance. Rajasthan NCR District – Alwar and Bharatpur
(b) Other Benefits. Varanasi Uttar Pradesh (other than NCR district’s)
(i) Free Ration and clothing as per the existing rules. Free medical treatment for North- Guwahati Mizoram, Nagaland, Tripura, Manipur, Arunachal
self and family including dependent parents. East Pradesh, Assam, Meghalaya and Sikkim
(ii) Government accommodation for self & family on nominal license fee.
Zone Paradip Odisha
(iii) 45 days Earned leave and 08 days Casual leave every year with Leave Travel
Haldia West Bengal
Concession (LTC) for self, family and dependent parents as per Government
rules. Kolkata Bihar and Jharkhand
(iv) Contributory Pension Scheme and Gratuity on retirement. East Tuticorin South Tamil Nadu District – Kanyakumari, Tirunelveli,
(v) Canteen and various loan facilities. Zone Thoothukudi, Ramanathapuram, Virudhunagar, Theni,
Madurai, Sivaganga, Pudukottai, Dindigul, Thanjavur,
(vi) ECHS medical facilities after retirement.
Thiruvarur, Nagapatnam and Karur
6. How to Apply.
Chennai Rest of Tamil Nadu District and Union Territory of Pudu-
(a) Applications will be accepted 'Online only' from 26 Aug TO 01 Sep 2019 till
1700 Hrs. Candidates are to logon to www.joinindiancoastguard.gov.in and Secun- Telangana
click on opportunities button. The important instructions for filling of online derabad
application are:-
Vishaka- Andhra Pradesh
(i) The Name of the Candidate, Father and Mother's name and date of birth should patnam
be mentioned as per 10th class certificate.
West Bhopal Madhya Pradesh and Chattisgarh
(ii) Indicate exact percentage of 12th class up to two decimals and this is not to
Zone Kochi Kerala and Lakshadweep
be rounded off.
(iii) Filling up of information like personal email ID and Mobile number of the Mumbai Maharashtra, Daman & Diu and Dadra & Nagar Haveli
candidate are compulsory. The date, time and Centre of the written examination New Karnataka and Goa
and other information will be informed through Coast Guard Recruitment website Mangalore
www.joinindiancoastguard.gov.in North- Gandhi Gujarat
(iv) The application provides choice of only One Centre for examination. The West Nagar
candidate is to choose Centre from the list mentioned against each state to
which he belongs to. A&N Zone Port Blair A&N Islands
(b) To fill up "Online" application the candidates need to logon to the Website Note: The candidates are to choose only one choice of centre from the list
www.joinindiancoastguard.gov.in and click opportunity button and proceed as mentioned against state to which they belong to Domicile. The Coast Guard
given below:- reserves the right to cancel / reconduct the examination of a particular Centre or
change the Centre of the candidates for administrative/other reasons.
(i) Select the advertisement for Recruitment of Naviks (10+2 Entry) 01/2020
8. Selection Procedure. The 'Online' Applications will be sorted out Centre wise. The
conduct of test is planned during the month of Sep-Oct 2019. The Selection procedure
(ii) Select the post applied for- Navik General Duty.
is as follows:-
(iii) Click on the 'I Agree' button and the 'Online Application' will be displayed. (a) Short-listing criteria will be based on higher percentage of marks for a particular
(iv) Proceed to fill up the application {All Star (*) marked entries are compulsory examination Centre.
and to be filled}. (b) The qualifying cut off percentage(%) of a particular Centre may be increased if
(v) Candidates have to upload the photograph and signature in .jpeg format more number of applications with higher percentage is received.
(image quality 200 dpi). The size of photograph and signature must be (c) The written examination will be of objective type, which will generally cover
between 10 kb to 40 kb and 10 kb to 30 kb respectively. subjects such as Maths, Physics, basic Chemistry, knowledge of English upto 12th
(vi) On completion of filling application, check your filled details once again prior standard, general knowledge, current affairs, quantitative aptitude and reasoning
clicking on the Submit button. etc. Continued
Employment News 17 - 23 August 2019 RECRUITMENT www.employmentnews.gov.in 47
(d) Those who qualify written examination will undergo Physical Fitness Test (PFT) Note: Candidates with above Medical standards are only to appear for the
and the testing procedure will take about 2 days. Physically Challenged selection. No waiver will be given for the above standards. The Coast Guard order
candidates are not eligible to apply for this examination. on medical standard of Naviks will be the final authority in case of dispute.
(e) Physical Fitness Test (PFT). PFT will be conducted for all those who qualify the Applicants declared permanent medically unfit by any Armed Forces
written tests. Candidates undergoing PFT will do so at their own risk. All Hospital in previous recruitment for the same entry in Indian Coast Guard
candidates are advised to be in possession of sport rig (Shoe, T-shirt, Trouser are advised not to apply.
etc). The PFT consists of:- 11. Final Enrolment Medical Examination. Initial Medical Examination for recruitment
(i) 1.6 Km run to be completed in 7 minutes. will be considered only "Provisionally fit subject to fitness in the final medical
(ii) 20 Squat ups (Uthak Baithak). examination." Final Medical Examination of all selected candidates will be done at INS
(iii) 10 Push up. Chilka. Candidates, who are NOT found medically fit in the final medical examination
(f) Based on the performance in the written examination, candidates will be at INS Chilka, will NOT be enrolled for training. "An Appeal" is permitted for medically
shortlisted for initial recruitment medical examination (Preliminary) in a ratio unfit candidates after the final enrolment medical examination at INS Chilka and will be
as may be decided by the Indian Coast Guard. given an opportunity to appeal against the findings if they so desire at INHS Kalyani,
(g) The select list will be prepared from the candidates who qualify in all the tests Visakhapatnam within a maximum period of 21 days or as decided by INS Chilka. The
depending upon the available vacancies. The Zone wise select list of candidates candidate will travel to INHS Kalyani and back on their own expense for Appeal Medical
will be displayed in the Indian Coast Guard Website www.joinindian Examination.
coastguard.gov.in in the month of Jan 2020. Mere declaration of fit in initial 12. Training. The basic training will commence in Feb 2020 at INS Chilka followed by
medical examination does not indicate selection of the candidate for the sea training and professional training in the allotted trade. Branch/trade will be
final medical at INS Chilka. allocated as per the requirement of service and performance during basic training.
9. List of Documents. Scrutiny of documents for eligibility will be carried out prior Naviks are liable to be discharged as UNSUITABLE due to unsatisfactory
commencement of the written examination. Candidates are therefore required to performance at any time during the training.
appear at the examination Centre with the following documents:-
13. General Guidelines.
(a) Three copies of pre-filled online e-admit card with latest photograph affixed.
(a) Candidates withdrawn on disciplinary grounds from any other service training
(b) Two copies of application form. establishments are not eligible to appear.
(c) Original Class 10th pass certificate and mark sheet.
(b) Candidates should not have been arrested, convicted or prosecuted on criminal
(d) Original Class 12th pass certificate and mark sheet. (12th class aggregate marks charges.
shall be calculated as best / highest five including Physics & Mathematics as
(c) Original certificates should not be attached with the application form. Indian Coast
mandatory subject).
Guard will not take responsibility for loss of original certificates, if attached with
(e) Candidates who are perusing higher education can submit self attested photo
application. Photo should be pasted and not stapled. Attestation made on the
copies of 12th class marks sheet and pass certificate. Candidates perusing higher
backside of the photo will not be entertained.
education are also required to produce duly signed certificate by head of
Registrar/Chancellor clearly indicating list of original certificate held. Provisional (d) Request for change of examination Centre/date will not be entertained.
pass certificate (12th class ) will be accepted in case state boards are late in issue (e) All original certificates and mark sheets produced at the time of written test
of original certificates, subject to production of original pass certificate at INS will be returned to candidate post verification.
Chilka before induction in Indian Coast Guard. (f) The candidate's selection pertaining to a particular batch is valid for that batch
(f) Original Caste certificate (if applicable) of their respective state issued by only. Qualified candidates whose names do not appear in the final select list
Tehsildar/Sub District Magistrate / District Magistrate. cannot claim admission for the next batch. These candidates will have to undergo
(g) Original Caste (if applicable)/ Income certificate for EWSs (Economically Weaker the selection procedure afresh provided that they meet the eligibility criteria for the
Sections) as per Govt. of India format (No other format will be entertained) fresh batch.
available on ICG website. (g) Applications received by post will not be accepted.
(h) Domicile certificate of their respective state. However, in case of candidates (h) Call letter for final medical examination for enrolment in the Coast Guard will be
from Assam, a Permanent Residential Certificate (PRC) as issued by Govt. of forwarded only to initial medically qualified candidates in the select list. Such
Assam or similar certificate by district administration, in lieu of standard domicile candidates will be required to reach the training establishment at their own
certificate will be accepted for the purpose of appearing in written examination/ expense. Unsuccessful candidates will not be intimated separately.
PFT/Initial Medicals. However, candidates from Assam has to produce a domicile
(j) No enquiry will be entertained regarding recruitment/enrolment after a
certificate before induction at INS Chilka.
period of six months.
(j) Proof of identity such as passport, driving license, Aadhar card/ voter I card, Pan
(k) Indiscipline activities including copying/malpractice etc. during the testing
card, School/ College ID card or any other photo identity proof.
procedures will also result in disqualification.
(k) In case of reserved category applicants, availing age/percentage relaxation, either
(l) The application and the original documents will be further scrutinised for eligibility
current or permanent address of online application should be same as the address
prior to enrolment and may be rejected if found not eligible in any respect at any
mentioned in caste/category certificate (SC, ST & OBC)/Income certificate for
stage of recruitment.
EWSs (Economically Weaker Sections). Further in case of OBC, the category
certificate should not be more than 3 financial Years old and for such cases (m) It may also be noted that minimum percentage of marks for eligibility at Para 2
renewed/fresh certificate to be produced shall be in original as per Govt. of India may be increased depending upon number of candidates applying.
format (No other format will be entertained). (n) Candidates from "Open Schools" institutes not recognised by Govt. / AICTE
(l) Ten recent colour passport size photographs with Blue background. are not eligible.
Note: - The date of issue of all documents has to be 01 Sep 2019 or any date prior (p) In case of more number of candidates applying for one Centre, a few candidates
to 01 Sep 2019 (closing date of application). may be allotted to any other Centre. Candidates with higher marks will be allotted
their first choice only.
Candidates not in possession of above documents will not be permitted to
appear in written examination. Original educational certificates will be returned Mobile Phone
after verification. If any variations found in application at the time of verification, (q) Use of Mobile phones and other modern electronic gadgets are not permitted
the candidature of the applicant will be cancelled. Qualified candidates to submit during examination. Coast Guard considers such possession as adopting unfair
one copy of all documents at the examination Centre. means. If any candidate is caught with Mobile, Bluetooth, any kind of scanning
equipment during examination hours immediately action as per law including filling
Selection of candidates is based on the order of merit depending on their
FIR will be initiated.
performance in Written Test, Physical Fitness Test (PFT) and fitness in the
(r) Coast Guard cannot guarantee the safe keeping of any electronic devices.
Medical Examination.
Candidate will not be allowed to go to toilet or leave examination venue/ Hall for
10. Medical Standards. any reasons after the commencement of the written examination.
(a) Medical examination will be conducted by authorised Military Doctors as per (s) All candidates will be frisked prior entering into examination venue.
medical standard prescribed in current regulations applicable to Enrolled (t) All candidates are requested to be watchful and immediately bring to notice of
Personnel on entry. invigilator of any suspicious action by any of the candidates.
(b) Height. Minimum height 157 cms. Reduction in height for candidates from hilly 14. Travel Expenses. SC/ST candidates, who are not employed by the Central/State
areas and tribal areas will be in accordance with the Central Govt. orders. Government, will be reimbursed ordinary 2nd class fare by train/ Govt. bus/steamer
(c) Chest. Should be well proportioned. Minimum expansion 5 cms. charges as per central government regulations by the shortest route if the home station
(d) Weight. Proportionate to height and age + 10 percentage acceptable. is beyond 30 kms from the place of testing on production of original tickets.
(e) Hearing. Normal. 15. Disclaimer. The terms and condition given in this advertisement are subject to
*Candidates are advised to get their ears cleaned for wax and tartar removed change and should therefore be treated as guidelines only. Details are also available
from teeth prior to examination. on Indian Coast Guard website www.joinindiancoastguard.gov.in
(f) Visual Standard. 6/6 (Better Eye) and 6/9 (Worse Eye). (Candidates using * Candidates to see Coast Guard Recruitment Website for update. This is an indicative
glasses are not eligible). advertisement only.
(g) Tattoo. Permanent body tattoos are not permitted on any part of the body. CAUTION: SELECTION IN INDIAN COAST GUARD IS FAIR AND ON MERIT BASIS.
However, certain concessions are permitted to candidates belonging to tribal CANDIDATE SHOULD NOT FALL PREY TO UNSCRUPULOUS PERSONS POSING
areas communities as declared by the Govt. of India. For other candidates, AS RECRUITMENT AGENTS. FOR COMPLAINT AGAINST SUCH PERSONS,
permanent body tattoos are only permitted on inner face of forearms i.e. from CANDIDATE MUST APPROACH THE DIRECTOR (RECRUITMENT) COAST GUARD
inside of elbow to the wrist and on the reverse side of palm/back (dorsal) side of HEADQUARTERS, RECRUITMENT CENTER, NOIDA ON TELEPHONE – 0120-
hand. Details in this regard are available on the Indian Coast Guard Recruitment 2975817
website www.joinindiancoastguard.gov.in davp 10119/11/0017/1920 EN 20/85
48 www.employmentnews.gov.in RAILWAY Employment News 17 - 23 August 2019

Continued on page 49
Employment News 17 - 23 August 2019 RECRUITMENT www.employmentnews.gov.in 49
÷Ê⁄Uà ‚⁄U∑§Ê⁄U/Govt. of India Central University of Orissa
¬Êà ¬Á⁄Ufl„UŸ ◊¥òÊÊ‹ÿ/Ministry of Shipping (Established Under the Act of Parliament, 2009)
Sunabeda, Dist.Koraput, Odisha, PIN-763004
ŒË¬SÃ¥÷ •ÊÒ⁄U ŒË¬¬Êà ÁŸŒ‡ÊÊ‹ÿ Advt. No. 03/2019 Date: 01.08.2019
Directorate of Lighthouses & Lightships Advertisement for the post of ASSISTANT PROFESSOR
§““ŒË¬ ÷flŸ”” 44 ’Ë. ∞‚. ⁄UÊ«U/Deep Bhavan, 44-B.S. Road Online applications are invited in the prescribed Application Form from eligible
¬Ê≈¸U é‹ÿ⁄U/Port Blair-744101 candidates for appointment to the post of Assistant Professor in various
Phone & Fax 03192-233298 & 244577 Departments at the CUO in the Academic Pay Level 10 of 7th Central Pay
Email: [email protected]
Commission Pay Matrix. The last date for receipt of application is 16th
VACANCY NOTIFICATION September, 2019. The recruitment shall be made in accordance with the
Filling of 02 posts of Navigational Assistant Grade-III in the Directorate of
Lighthouses and Lightships, Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar Islands. “UGC Regulations 2018".
1. Number of Posts : 02 Nos. (Group 'C', Non-Gazetted, Non Ministerial). For details, please visit the University website www.cuo.ac.in
2. Pay Scale : Pay level - 5
3. Qualification. : Diploma in Electronics or Telecommunication or Any addendum/corrigendum shall be posted only on the University
Electronics and Communication or Electrical and
Electronics from a Institution recognised by Central
website. Sd/- REGISTRAR
Government or State Government. davp 21317/11/0007/1920 EN 20/91
4. Roster Point : 01 Unreserved, 01 OBC
5. Age limit : 18 to 27 years as on 30.09.2019. Age Relaxation for:
www.dgll.nic.in. Newspaper cutting should not be used for submission of application.
(i) OBC - 03 yrs.
Applications duly supported with self-attested true copies of certificates and
(ii) Govt. Servants - upto 40 yrs.
testimonials of suitable candidates by Registered/Speed Post should reach on or
6. Place of Posting : Initially at Andaman and Nicobar Islands, but liable
before 30.09.2019 addressed to “The Director, Directorate of Lighthouses and
to transfer anywhere in India.
Lightships, "Deep Bhawan”, 44 B.S. Road, Phoenix Bay, Port Blair-744101". The
7. Mode of submission :Offline.
Director will not be responsible for any postal delay/wrong delivery at any stage of the
of application
selection process.
8. Last date of submi- : 30.09.2019 upto 1700 Hrs.
Application received after the last date will be summarily rejected and will not be
ssion of application
entertained. The Director has the right to reject any application without assigning any
Detail information is available in the Website www.dgll.gov.in/www.dgll.nic.in and
www.ncs.gov.in. Candidates are advised to go through the detailed instruction before reason thereof. DIRECTOR
submitting the application. Application only in prescribed format will be accepted. Directorate of Lighthouses and Lightships
Application forms can be downloaded from the website www.dgll.gov.in/ EN 20/40 Port Blair.

Continued from page 48

EN 20/24
50 www.employmentnews.gov.in RECRUITMENT Employment News 17 - 23 August 2019
÷Ê⁄Uà ‚⁄U∑§Ê⁄U Government of India
University of Hyderabad ¬Êà ¬Á⁄Ufl„UŸ ◊¥òÊÊ‹ÿ Ministry of Shipping
(A Central University established in 1974 by ŒË¬SÃ¥÷ ∞fl¥ ŒË¬¬Êà ÁŸŒ‡ÊÊ‹ÿ Directorate of Lighthouses & Lightships
an Act of Parliament)
P.O. Central University, Prof. C.R. Rao Road
““ŒË¬ ÷flŸ”” ¬¥Á«Uà Ÿ„UM§§ ◊ʪ¸ “Deep Bhavan” Pt. Nehru Marg
Gachibowli, Hyderabad - 46 ¡Ê◊Ÿª⁄U-361008 Jamnagar-361008
Employment Notification for Faculty
Applications are invited from the eligible Indian citizens for filling up of 6 (six) posts of Radio Technician in
Advertisement No. UH/Rectt./2019/04 dated 22/07/2019. pay band PB1, 5200-20200 with Grade Pay Rs. 2800/- Level-5 on Pay Matrix (7th Pay Commission), in
Recruitment of Professor, Associate Professor and VTS-Directorate, Gandhidham by the Director of Lighthouses & Lightships, Jamnagar, Gujarat. Further
Assistant Professor details viz. name of the post, age, educational qualification are as under :-
Due date: 26.08.2019 Name of Age Limit Educational and Others Qualifications required
Academic Pay Level in the 7th CPC Pay Matrix the Post
Professor Level - 14 Rs. 1,44,200/- to Rs. 2,18,200/- (1) (2) (3)
Associate Professor Level - 13A Rs. 1,31,400/- to Rs. 2,17,100/- Radio Between 18 and 27 (a) Essential :- (I) Diploma in Electronics or Telecommunication or
Technician years. (Relaxable as Electronics and Communication Engineering from a recognized
Assistant Professor Level - 10 Rs. 57,700/- to Rs. 1,82,400/-
per orders issued by Institution.
For complete details, visit the University Website: the Central Govern- (II). One year's practical experience in installation and maintenance of
http://uohyd.ac.in ment from time to wireless transmitters, receivers, aerial systems and associated power
Place: Hyderabad time). The crucial plants in the Central Government or the State Government or a Public
Date: 01-08-2019 Registrar date for determining Sector Undertaking or any autonomous body.
davp 21313/11/0006/1920 EN 20/70 the age limit shall be (b) Desirable :- One year's experience in handling of Radar or
last date for receipt microwave Communication equipments in the Central Government or
of application the State Government or a Public Sector Undertaking or any
i.e.20/09/2019 autonomous body.
Note :- The qualification regarding experience is relaxable at the
discretion of the Central Government in the case of candidates
belonging to Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes, if at any
stage of selection the Central Government is of the opinion that
sufficient number of candidates from these communities possessing
the requisite experience are not likely to be available to fill up the
vacancies reserved for them.
Place of Posting No. of Post and reservation Application to be sent to
(4) (5) (6)
Initial posting at any VTS station Six (05-UR,01-OBC) The Director, Directorate of
under the administrative control of *Out of 06 vacancies 1 is reserved Lighthouses and Lightships,
"The Deputy Director General, for Ex-service man "Deep Bhavan" Pt. Nehru
Directorate of Lighthouses and * * These posts are not reserved Marg, Jamnagar 361008,
Lightships, "Deep Bhavan", Plot for persons with disabilities. Gujarat
No. 17 Sector 8, Gandhidham " in However, these posts are identified
Gujarat and liable to be transferred as suitable for persons with
anywhere in India disabilities. Therefore, persons with
disabilities can also apply for the
The last date and time for receipt of applications is 20/09/2019 at 1700 Hrs. In respect of North East Region
i.e. Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Ladakh Division
of Jammu and Kashmir State, Lahaul and Spiti District of Pangi Sub-division of Chamba District of Himachal
Pradesh, Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Lakshadweep Islands the last date will be 7 days more than
from the closing date. The applications received after the last date & time will not be entertained. However.
EN 20/74 age shall be reckoned as on 20/09/2019 for all. The applications should strictly be forwarded to The
Director, Directorate of Lighthouses and Lightships, "Deep Bhavan" Pt. Nehru Marg, Jamnagar-
INTELLIGENCE BUREAU 361008, Gujarat, superscribed with application for the post of Radio Technician preferably by Speed
Post/Registered Post. Department will not be responsible for any postal delay.
GOVERNMENT OF INDIA Control No. (Office use)
Security Assistant/Executive Exam 2018 ANNEXURE-2
CORRIGENDUM Application for the post of Radio Technician Paste (Do not staple)
In pursuance of note (ii) under Para 1: Description of post, of the (Please fill up the application in capital letters in own handwriting except Signa- your recent passport size
ture in places indicated $ where it should not be in capital letters) photograph
advertisement published in Employment News dt Oct 20-26, 2018,
Candidates are advised to go through the instruction before the submission (size 3.5 cm x 3.5 cm)
which stipulates that "The number of vacancies is provisional and (not more than 3 months
liable to change", in terms of Gol instructions in vogue, the break-up of application.
of vacancies at the following centres stands modified as under: Application must be submitted in A4 size good quality paper only.
Not to be attested
S.N. SIB/Centre UR OBC SC ST Total $
1. Aizawl 8 0 0 6 14 Signature of candidate
2. Bangalore 15 7 5 3 30 1. Title: Mr./Mrs./Miss below the photograph
3. Chandigarh 10 7 4 0 21 2. Name of Candidate : First Name
4. Chennai 20 12 7 1 40 Middle Name
Last Name
5. Dibrugarh 5 0 0 2 7 3. Father/Husband Name:
6. Imphal 7 0 0 6 13 4. Address : Flat/Room/Door/Block No.
7. Itanagar 16 0 1 0 17 (for Communication) Name of Premises/Building/Village
8. Jammu 16 9 2 4 31 Road/Street/Lane
Post Office
9. Kolkata 41 8 18 0 67
10. Lucknow 10 0 5 0 15 Town/City/District
11. Meerut 6 0 6 0 12 State/Union Territory
12. Mumbai 35 18 11 6 70 Pin Code
5. Permanent Address Flat/Room/Door/Block No.
13. Patna 18 0 5 1 24
Name of Premises/Building/Village
14. Shillong 8 0 0 1 9 Road/Street/Lane
15. Shimla 9 3 5 0 17 Post Office
16. Srinagar 16 10 3 3 32 Area/Locality/Taluka/Sub-Division
17. Trivandrum 37 8 4 0 49 Town/City/District
State/Union Territory
18. Vijayawada 12 5 2 1 20 Pin Code
2. The vacancies at 16 other centres would remain the same as per 6. Nearest Railway Station:
advertisement published in Employment News dt. Oct 20-26, 2018. 7. Mobile No. + 9 1
3. For all other details, the candidates may refer to the detailed Land Line No. STD Code 0 Phone No.
advertisement available on application portal [http://www. 8. E-mail :
recruitmentonline.in/mha13] 9. a) Community : UR SC ST OBC
4. Result of Tier-I exam is under process & would be declared Community certificate to be submitted in the form as per perscribed Annexure as applicable.
shortly. b) If OBC, please state whether belonging to Minor Community: Yes No
EN 20/78 Continued on page 51
Employment News 17 - 23 August 2019 RECRUITMENT www.employmentnews.gov.in 51
F. No.12013/4/2019-OL(Impl.1)
Government of India
Ministry of Home Affairs
Department of Official Language
NDCC Tower-II, 4th Floor, B-Wing
Jai Singh Road, New Delhi
dated 19.06.2019.
Short Notice
Applications are invited for filling up of the six post of Deputy
Director (Implementation), Group 'A' Gazetted in the pay level in
the matrix level-11 of Rs.67700-208700/- on deputation basis. The
last date of receipt of application duly filled in complete in all
respects along with all necessary documents and certificates etc.,
through proper channel, shall be 60 days from date of publication
of this notice.
2. Details regarding eligibility criteria, duties and responsibilities
attached to the posts, application form and other relevant
information can be downloaded from official website of the
Department of Official Language www.rajbhasha.gov.in
(Sandeep Arya)
Director (Implementation)
davp 19201/11/0003/1920 EN 20/83

Government of India
Central Institute of Indian Languages,
Deptt. of Higher Education
Ministry of Human Resource Development
Manasagangotri, Hunsur Road, MYSORE- 570006
Recruitment Notification
Applications are invited from eligible candidates for various
contractual positions in different schemes and projects of Central
Institute of Indian Languages. The last date for receipt of
application is 45 days from the date of publication of this
notification in the newspaper/website. For application and further
details log on to the website of Central Institute of Indian
Languages and see the announcement section i.e. www.ciil.org/
Interested candidates have to send the filled in application
addressed to "The Assistant Director (Admn.), CIIL, Hunsur
Road, Manasagangotri, Mysuru-570006. Applications received
late will not be considered. CIIL is not responsible for the delay in
receipt of the post.
Assistant Director (Admn) i/c
davp 21248/11/0004/1920 EN 20/88 EN 20/80
Continued from page 50
Central University of Orissa
c) If Minority, indicate Community: (Established under the Act of Parliament, 2009)
10. Gender : Male Female Sunabeda, Dist.Koraput, Odisha, PIN-763004
11. Religion : Hindu Muslim Christian Other
Advt. No. 02/2019 Date: 01.08.2019
12. Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY) :
13. Age on 20/09/2019: Years Months Days Advertisement for the post of ASSOCIATE
14. Are you (i) Govt. Employee : Yes No (ii) Ex-Servicemen Yes No PROFESSOR
(iii) Physically Handicapped : Yes No if Yes, OA OL DW
AAV LC if OL or OA Online applications are invited in the prescribed Application
15. Visible Mark of identification on Body: Form from eligible candidates for appointment to the post of
16. Qualification: (fill in only those qualifications prescribed for the post applied for) Associate Professor in various Departments at the CUO in
(a) Academic Qualification University/ Year of Subjects Marks/ the Academic Pay Level 13 of 7th Central Pay Commission
Board Passing % Obtained
Pay Matrix. The last date for receipt of application is 16th
September, 2019. The recruitment shall be made in
Higher accordance with the “UGC Regulations 2018".
Secondary/XII/ For details, please visit the University website
Intermediate www.cuo.ac.in
Diploma from an institution recognized by Central Government or State Government
Any addendum/corrigendum shall be posted only on the
(b) Technical Qualification University/ Year of Discipline Marks/
University website
Board Passing % Obtained
davp 21317/11/0005/1920 EN 20/90
17. Details of previous & present employment held (in chronological order starting from present position
backward) (Attach separate sheet, if required)
Name & Address of Designation & Date from Date to Nature of Length of 22. Declaration:
Employer Scale of Pay Job the service “I hereby declare that all the statements made by me in the
application are true and complete to the best of my knowledge and
18. Do you seek age relaxation (Tick in appropriate box)
belief and nothing has been concealed or suppressed. I also
SC ST OBC Judicially separated/ J&K Ex-SM PWD Govt. servant/ understand that in case, any of my statement is found untrue during
divorced woman/widow Resident Other, if any any stage of recruitment or thereafter, shall disqualify me for the post
19. Document attached in proof of : (indicate in relevant boxes indicated below: and I shall be liable for any action under the extant rules and my
Matric/SSC Certificate (for DOB Proof) Qualification Certificate services are liable to be terminated without giving any notice or
Mark list of all semester/year Community Certificate: SC/ST/OBC reason thereof.”
Disability Certificate - PwD Discharge Certificate for Ex-SM
Self Declaration : OBC candidate No Objection Certificate Date :
Experience Certificate Place :
20. If selected, minimum time for joining the post : $
21. Have you ever been detained in Police custory? Or convicted by Court of Yes No
Law? Or any criminal case is pending or contemplated by Court of Law?
Left Thumb impression Signature of Candidate
If any of this is Yes, give complete details thereto on separate paper.
EN 20/59
52 www.employmentnews.gov.in RECRUITMENT Employment News 17 - 23 August 2019

Military School
Chail (Shimla
Hills) HP
Walk in Interviews on Aug
2019 for the Posts of
Master Gazetted, Assistant
Masters and Counsellor
1. Rashtriya Military School
Chail (Shimla Hills) HP-
173217, a reputed residential
Public School under Govt of
India, Ministry of Defence
invites application for the posts
of Master Gazetted (Physics
and Chemistry), Assistant
Masters (Social Studies sand
English) and Counsellor on
contract basis for a period of
one year which is extendable
by one year based on
performance. Qualifications are
as under:-
(a) Master Gazetted
(Physics) (01)
(i) Master's Degree in Physics
from a recognized University or
(ii) Degree or Diploma in
Education from a recognized
University/ Institution or
(iii) Three years teaching
experience in secondary or
senior secondary schools.
(i) Experience in conduct of
Adventure Sports and
NCC/Scouts training.
(ii) Working knowledge of
(b) Master Gazetted (Chemis-
try) (01)
(i) Master's Degree in
Chemistry from a recognized
University or equivalent
(ii) Degree or Diploma in
Education from a recognized
University/ Institution or
(iii) Three years teaching
experience in secondary or
senior secondary schools.
(i) Experience in conduct of
Adventure Sports and
NCC/Scouts training.
(ii) Working knowledge of
(c) Counsellor (01)
(i) Bachelor's of Arts with
Psychology from recognized
University or Degree of a
recognized University with
diploma in Counselling. OR
Degree of a recognized
University with diploma in
(i) Post Graduate in Psycho-
(ii) One year experience from
recognized institution.
(iii) Proficiency in English in
reading, writing and speaking
Continued on page 53 Continued on page 53
Employment News 17 - 23 August 2019 RECRUITMENT www.employmentnews.gov.in 53
Continued from page 52 Continued from page 52
(iv) Minimum senior secondary
level participation in games or
(v) Working knowledge of
(d) Assistant Masters (Social
Studies and English) (01
(i) Degree of a recognized
University with a recognized
degree in Teachers Training
(ii) Two years teaching
(i) Post graduate degree.
(ii) Proficiency in English.
(iii) Proficiency in games.
(iv) Extra curricular activities.
2. Remuneration Rs. 30,000/-
(Rupees Thirty thousand only)
consolidated per month for
Master Gazetted (Physics and
Chemistry), Rs. 20,000/-
(Rupees twenty thousand only)
consolidated per month for
Assistant Masters (Social
Studies and English) and Rs.
25,000/- (Rupees twenty five
thousand only) for Counsellor.
3. The engagement of selected
candidates shall be made for a
period of one year. The period of
one year shall commence on the
date the selected candidate
joins duty. No remuneration will
be paid during vacation of the
school. On completion of the
contract period, extension upto
one more year could be given by
the Principal of the School.
4. The candidate should forward
an application to Rashtriya
Military School, Chail alongwith
two passport photographs and
photocopies of essential
testimonials duly attested by
gazetted officer on or before 30
days from date of publication
of advertisement. Date and
time for walk in interviews will be
informed after 35 days of
publication of advertisement
through school website i.e. on
schools.in or can be obtained
personally from school office on
any working day.
Rashtriya Military School, Chail
EN 20/4 EN 20/35

DISCLAIMER No.12-9/2012-Admn.-lll Educational qualification, Experience and Maximum Age

The views expressed by the Government of India Limit: Post graduate in Veterinary Science and Animal
authors in the articles published Husbandry in any branch of Veterinary/Animal Science. In-
in the Employment News are their Ministry of Fisheries, Animal depth knowledge of project formulation, appraisal and
own. They do not necessarily
reflect the views of the Husbandry and Dairying monitoring; knowledge of using excel, power point and
government or the organisations Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying Microsoft word. 45 years with good health.
they work for. The contents of the Invites application for the following Submission of Application: Interested candidate may
advertisements published in the submit application through e-mail and by post
Employment News belong to the Posts in LH division
([email protected], contact No. 23386035) along with CV
organisation or their Name and Nature of the Post: Technical Consultant, purely to Dr. P. Blahwar, Room No. 354, Krishi Bhawan, New
representatives. The Employment on Contract Basis; initially for 6 months period which may be
News is in no way responsible for Delhi, within 15 days of the publication of advertisement
any liability arising out of the extended on need and satisfactory work. in Employment News.
contents/text of these Vacancy and total Emoluments: 4 (Four); Fixed Rs. 45,000/- Method of Selection: Bio-data, experience and performance
advertisements. PM. in interview. EN 20/30
54 www.employmentnews.gov.in RECRUITMENT Employment News 17 - 23 August 2019
÷Ê⁄Uà ‚⁄U∑§Ê⁄U/Government of India
¬ÿʸfl⁄UáÊ, flŸ •ÊÒ⁄U ¡‹flÊÿÈ
¬Á⁄UfløŸ ◊¥òÊÊ‹ÿ
Ministry of Environment
Forests and Climate Change
ˇÊòÊËÿ ∑§Êÿʸ‹ÿ (ŒÁˇÊáÊË ¬Ífl¸ ¬Á⁄UˇÊòÊ)/Regional Office
(South Eastern Zone)
1st & 2nd floor, HEPC Building, No. 34
Cathedral Garden Road
Nungambakkam, Chennai- 600034; Ph: 044-48613477
Fax: 28252536, E-mail: [email protected]
ÁŒŸÊ¥∑§/Dated the 16th ¡È‹Ê߸U/July 2019
In continuation of Employment Notification No. 01/2019 dated
07.02.2019, published in the Employment News 25th -31st May
2019, the last date for receipt of application for the post of (i)
Assistant (ii) Private Secretary and (iii) Principal Private
Secretary in the Regional Office (SEZ), Ministry of Environment,
Forest and Climate Change, Chennai stands extended up to
The details of educational qualification, experience, period of
deputation, age limit etc., which are required for the above posts
and the prescribed format for application etc., can please be
EN 20/61 downloaded from the Ministry's website http://moef.gov.in/.
(«UÊÚ. ∑§. ªáÊ‡Ê ∑ȧ◊Ê⁄U/Dr. K. Ganesh Kumar)
∑§Êÿʸ‹ÿÊäÿˇÊ & ‚„UÊÿ∑§ flŸ ◊„UÊ ÁŸ⁄UˡÊ∑§/
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research davp 13101/11/0015/1920
Head of Office & AIGF
EN 20/69
National Centre of the Government of India for Nuclear Science &
Mathematics & a Deemed University Government of India
1, Homi Bhabha Road, Colaba, Mumbai 400 005
Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment
Advertisement No. 2019/7
Applications are invited for the following posts tenable at Mumbai : Department of Social
Sr. Name of the Post Reservations Age Pay Level and Pay Stage TME
No. UR SC ST OBC PwBD Below as per Justice & Empowerment
7th CPC Pay Matrix
1 Scientific Officer (B)- IT 0 0 0 0 1 38 Pay Level 8; Pay Stage 1 Rs.68,768/- Vacancy Circular
2 Scientific Assistant (B) 1 0 0 0 0 28 Pay Level 6; Pay Stage 1 Rs.52,176/-
3 Junior Engineer (B) 1 0 0 0 0 28 Pay Level 6; Pay Stage 1 Rs.52,176/- The Department of Social Justice & Empowerment invites

Abbreviation: UR - Unreserved ; SC - Scheduled Caste; ST - Scheduled Tribe ; OBC -Other applications for the posts of Director, Deputy Director & Assistant
Backward Class; PwBD - Persons with Benchmark Disabilities; TME - Total Monthly Emoluments. Director in the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment and
Applications will be accepted ONLY ON-LINE.
National Commission for Scheduled Castes, on deputation basis.
SC/ST/OBC/PWD candidates can also apply for General [Unreserved] Post/s.
Candidates applying for above post and who are eligible for age relaxation as per extant GOI rules are Detailed instructions for these vacancies are available on the
required to submit applications by POST, along with a copy of relevant certificate in support of age website of this Ministry www.sociailjustice.nic.in.
relaxation (for example ex-servicemen, persons with benchmark disabilities etc.) [SC, ST and OBC
2. The last date of submission of application is 60 days from the
candidates applying for unreserved posts are not eligible for age relaxation and should apply online].
For qualification, experience, general information and details regarding ON-LINE submission of date of publication of Vacancy Circular in the Employment News.
application and submission of application by post, please visit the website: (Asokan P K)
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publication of the advertisement in the Employment News. The shortlisted

INSTITUTE OF SEROLOGY, KOLKATA- 700016 candidates will be intimated by email and they should be prepared to attend personal
Name of Post : Laboratory Technician (STI) interview at the Institute with all certificates in original. No TA/DA will be provided to
Number of Post : 1 No. attend the interview.
Essential Qualification : Graduate in Medical Laboratory (B.Sc); with minimum 1 year Serologist & Chemical Examiner
experience after graduation. Or to the Govt. of India
Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology (DMLT); with minimum 2 years experience Institute of Serology, Kolkata-16
after diploma. Knowledge of computer. Annexure
Desirable Qualification : Training in Biostatistics and Biosafety procedures and Application Format
1. Name (In Block Letters) :_____________________________________________
Laboratory Quality Management System.
2. Address of Communication : __________________________________________
Consolidated Salary : Rs. 13,000/- 3. Email : ___________________________________________________________
Age Limit : 40 years. 4. Telephone No. (with STD code) : ______________________________________
Job Requirements : 5. Mobile No. :_______________________________________________________
z Undertake STI/ RTI testing according to standard laboratory procedure. Draw blood 6. Father/Husband's Name : ____________________________________________
for syphilis and HIV testing. 7. Educational Qualification :
z Assist doctor in collection of vaginal, cervical, urethral, oral or rectal samples. (From Madhyamik/class X Examination)
z Maintain patient records and laboratory registers. Name of Examination Main Month & year Percentage of
z Procure and maintain laboratory supplies. Board/ passed with Subjects of passing marks in aggregate
z Follow infection control procedures. University division (up to 2 decimals)
z To work in close coordination with the Microbiologist and Technical Officer. 8. Details of Experience:
z To carry out the work related to EQAS for STIs/RTIs tests.
Name of Rank/Post Job profile Period Duration
z Diagnostic tests, including preparation of panels, sending of panels to the RCSs and
Organization held From To Year Month
SRCs. with full
z Submission of report in CMIS. address
z Training and maintaining quality of lab work.
9. Additional Training Certificate
z Help to prepare SOPs and documents for accreditation.
z Any other work assigned by supervisory officers.
Experience : 10. No objection certificate from present employer if the candidate is in service.
1 year experience in a molecular diagnostic laboratory for Graduate in Science. Declaration
2 years experience in molecular diagnostic laboratory for those with diploma in MLT. I hereby declare that all statements made by me in this application are true, complete
Applications are invited for interview for the following post under Regional STI Training and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that in the event of
Research and Reference laboratory at Institute of Serology, 3 Kyd Street, Kolkata- any information being found false and if I do not satisfy the eligibility criteria, my
700016. The post is purely temporary and is to be filled up for the project period. candidature/appointment at any time is liable to be cancelled/terminated. I undertake to
The application should be submitted in the prescribed format as in Annexure along with abide by all terms and condition mentioned in the advertisement issued by the Institute.
email address, proof of age, qualification and experience certificate. Place :
Director Institute of Serology Kolkata reserves the right to shortlist the candidates to be Date :
interviewed. The application should reach this office by post within 30 days after EN 20/33 (Signature of Candidate)
Employment News 17 - 23 August 2019 www.employmentnews.gov.in 55
Original Equipment before making its physical that covers a range of topics on mechanical and electronic
NEW JOBS ... Manufacturers (OEMs) as model. Still, the clay is here to designing, manufacturing, and components as well as chemical
Continued from page 1
well as the vendors. stay. There is nothing like a clay maintaining vehicles as well as a engineering processes of a car.
market - making up 81% of all Jobs that might not exist model to show how a car surface number of related topics such as The MCEs are required to
domestic sales this year. The anymore will react to light and shadow. energy, environmental concerns, design modern computer-
sale of commercial vehicles also Some of the jobs in the However, the car modellers that transportation sector, application controlled cars and vehicles with
grew at a rate of 17.55% since automotive sector that might not are now in demand are the ones of fossil and alternative fuels, a synergistic combination of
last year. Such a large industry exist in the near future include: that can translate a designer's and development of futuristic mechanical, electronic, control
needs to employ a lot of people - Š Welding sketch into a real, full-scale, 3D vehicles. IIT Madras, UPES and computer engineering.
directly and indirectly. These Š Press Machine Operation car to give them the tactile feel of Dehradun, SRM University in NIT Surathkhal, NMIMS
people include regular Š Painting the product and sort out its Chennai are among the top Mumbai, MIT Manipal, and KIIT
employees as well as Š Inspection Assistance optimal ergonomics. institutes offering this course. Bhubaneshwar are among the
contractual workers. Whether Š In Plant Material Handler These 3D models can later be However, it is Interaction top colleges offering
you are targeting white collar These jobs can easily be scanned into 3D CAD and used Designing that will soon replace undergraduate courses in
jobs, skilled jobs, or unskilled automated to bring down costs to produce manufacturing Design Engineering in the Mechatronics and Control
labour vacancies - the and enhance performance. designs for the vehicle.
automotive industry. Designing a Engineering.
automobile industry offers you a New jobs that will be in The 3D modelling requires
new car today requires the use Operations Excellence
lot of employment opportunities. demand soon additional knowledge of related
of new technologies and Manager will be replaced by a
The top 5 automakers and In fact, the new jobs that will software, such as Sculpting
considerations of stricter Lean Expert
component manufacturers in emerge in the automotive sector programs like ZBrush or
regulations and safety norms. It The Operational Excellence
India together employ about 1.5 in the near future are: Mudbox, and Texturing programs
means that people with new Manager in the automotive
lakh people. Overall, about 1.28 Š 3D Printing Technician: like Poly Painting.
skills and new specializations sector is expected to work with
crore people are working in the This technician will know Customer Service Executive
are needed in this area. different teams to implement the
industry today. A recent study by the methods and will be replaced by Customer
Interaction designers in the best manufacturing practices
a human resources firm techniques to 3D print Care Expert
automotive industry may focus across them. They define,
PeopleStrong projected that components, check them to The customer service
executives in any industry do more attention on making the car
hiring in the automotive sector ensure that they meet the implement, manage and assess
required specifications, and one thing - they receive your interiors more comfortable for
will increase by 10-15% in 2020. the best practices for the
know how to make 3D calls, answer your queries, and the passengers - which requires
Introduction of new products operations of the factories.
additive manufacturing and inform you about the steps you specialized knowledge of human
and technologies, stricter However, the automobile
injection moulding work. need to take to solve your factors such as ergonomics,
emission rules, and expanding industry is looking for more from
capacity means that employment Š Automobile Analytics problem. In the automotive colours, and materials.
this role now. They are looking
opportunities will rise both at the Engineer: This person will sector, it might mean telling It has been noticed that
despite the introduction of latest for team leaders who are
level of leading manufacturers be responsible for applying people about the price or
technologies and amazing safety accountable and responsible for
as well as component makers. AI and predictive analytics features of the model of the car
features, incidents of car cost reporting and budget for the
The study also revealed that to manage the inventories; they like or telling them about the
accidents are increasing. It is team, and continuously improve
the key focus areas of the use predictive modelling to company policies regarding
identify key features that warranty or guarantee of because people find the systems the company's products,
vacancies will be related to the
can improve the efficiency different components of the car. too complicated to use them operations, systems and
following skills and technologies:
Š Connected technologies, of different processes, They work much like Siri - the AI intuitively. Interaction designers processes and make them more
such as Artificial components, and vehicles; assistant by Apple which fetches are expected to be the person efficient.
Intelligence (AI) and and use big data to forecast you the required information who understands technology Also known as Continuous
Automation, sales more accurately. from the database based on the and functions of the car and Improvement Managers or
Š Digital Internet of Things Š Machine learning based keywords in your question. make them user-friendly. Some Business Improvement
(IoT) skills, Vehicle Cyber Security Customer care experts are of the top technologies that Managers, Lean Experts are
Š 5G Connectivity, Expert: The expert will be expected to be more helpful, make interaction designers a expected to have an engineering
Š Coding, and able to employ machine humane, and customer-friendly. necessity for the car industry degree, a Master Black Belt in
Š Advanced Driving Assist- learning to imitate human They are more concerned about are: Six Sigma or equivalent
ance System (ADAS). driving patterns, and use the end-to-end customer Š Increasing usage of touch qualification, and background in
Hiring is expected to grow by deep learning and experience. As a customer care screens in cars, manufacturing, project
17-20% in these areas in the reinforcement learning expert, you do not go through a Š introducing physical management as well as people
next 12-18 months. techniques to develop strict motion to push a sale or features to minimize driver management environments.
Other areas where the hiring Advance Automobile satisfy a customer but actually, distraction, Being a qualified trainer and
in the automotive sector is Security Systems. They will listen to your customers' needs, Š making feedback messa- membership of a professional
projected to be strong are: develop systems that can try to build a rapport with them, ges cars provide to their
avoid threats on the road body related to the industry gives
Š Research and Develop- and help them find the right drivers more intelligent and
without human interference. you an advantage in this career
ment (R&D): In the R&D solution. smart, and
department, automakers Š Sustainability Integration line.
More and more car makers are Š increasing focus on
will be targeting talent that Expert: These experts will Rruchi Shrimalli is a career
investing a lot of money in usability of a car.
has skills related to develop customized counsellor e-mail: rruchi
improving the overall experience Mechanical Engineer will be
designing electric vehicles, automobile manufacturing [email protected].
of their customers. It means that replaced by Mechatronics
engines, and fuel systems. solutions that are Views expressed are personal.
they need talent with superlative Control Engineer
The Indian government also sustainable and meet all the (Image Courtesy : Google)
people skills - who can help the Mechanical Engineers play
harbours an ambition of rules and regulations
customers discover and many roles in the automotive
encouraging the sale of only regarding health and safety
research their products, shop industry - from design enginee- Employment News
electric vehicles (EVs) in the of humans as well as the
and purchase them, use them, ring to reverse engineering, tool
near future. 11 cities have environment. V.K. Meena
and build a psychological and development engineering,
already been shortlisted for the Existing Jobs that are
emotional connection with their application engineering, quality (General Manager)
introduction of EVs in the public changing in nature
brand. Customer care experts control engineering, production
transport system. It also aims to Some of the jobs that exist in Hasan Zia (Senior Editor)
the automotive sector are are expected to be in touch with supervisory and logistics
make India a global
the customer at every touch supervisory roles. But soon, it Anand Saurabh (Editor)
manufacturing and R&D hub as changing too. The people who
will be hired for these positions point related to their company's will be the Mechatronics Control P.K. Mandal (Sr. Artist)
well as a hub for offshoring. Five
will need to have additional skill products or services. Engineers that will be more in
testing and research centres Employment News
have already been established sets to rise in their career. These Design Engineer will be demand in this sector.
replaced by an Interaction Mechatronics involves the use 7th Floor, Soochna Bhawan,
since 2015 under the National jobs include:
Clay Modeller will be replaced Designer of both mechanical and C.G.O Complex Lodhi Road,
Automotive Testing and R&D
Infrastructure Project (NATRiP). by 3D Clay Modeller Design engineers in the electronic devices. Robotics is a New Delhi-110003
Š Calibration: The deadline Clay modelling was first used automotive industry use rough subset of this field. Similarly, e-mail: director.employ-
for complying with the to design automobile prototypes sketches and computer-aided Control Engineering is about [email protected]
EURO VI emission norms back in the 1930s. It used design (CAD) programs to come creating control systems that can
Advertisement :
has been set around April industrial plasticine for the up with new vehicles. They be electrical, mechanical or
[email protected]
2020. It means that the purpose and helped designers to create ideas and concepts chemical in nature.
component industry will visualize a product. related to the look and visual When we talk about Editorial : 24369443
need to increase its Today, Virtual Reality and 3D appeal of the new vehicle as well Mechatronics and Control Advertisement : 24369429
capacity in advance, which printing are changing the way as its functional performance. Engineers (MCE), we mean Tele Fax : 24369430
means that there will be a how design teams check out a B. Tech in Automotive Design specialists who can use control Circulation : 24369567
lot of hiring at the end of design in the virtual space even Engineering is a 4-year course engineering to control various Accounts (Advt.) : 24369419
DELHI POSTAL REGD. NO. DL-SW-05/4101/18-20U(C)-108/18-20 Licensed to Post without prepayment RNI 28728/1976 Delhi RMS, Delhi-110006 16/17.8.2019 Date of Publishing : 9.8.2019 (` 12.00)

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56 www.employmentnews.gov.in Employment News 17 - 23 August 2019

News Digest
National ongoing US-China trade tensions and over domestic economic concerns. Cross-
„ President Ram Nath Kovind has given his ing the 44,000 rupees mark, silver surged 630 rupees to hit 44,300 rupees per kg
nod to National Medical Commission Bill on increased offtake by industrial units and coin makers.
2019. The move came after Parliament INTERNATIONAL
passed the bill in the just-concluded „ With no change in US policy on
session. The Bill seeks to repeal the Kashmir, America will continue to
Indian Medical Council Act, 1956. It has support direct dialogue between India
provisions to set up the National Medical and Pakistan on Kashmir and other
Commission which will frame policies for regulating medical institutions and issues of concern. A State Department
medical professionals and assess the requirements of healthcare-related human spokesperson said in Washington that
resources and infrastructure. Union Health Minister Dr. Harsh Vardhan hailed the the US is also closely following India's
NMC Act as historic and milestone in the medical education sector. Addressing a legislation regarding the new territorial
press conference in New Delhi, Dr Harsh Vardhan said, the rules will be framed status and governance of Jammu and Kashmir and its broader implications. The
and the NMC will be constituted within six months. He said, the NMC Act is pro- Spokesperson also urged for calm and restraint along the LoC. The official was
gressive legislation which will reduce the burden on students and bring down responding to a question on the situation in South Asia after Pakistan downgrad-
costs of medical education. ed the diplomatic ties with India. Earlier, India had rejected any mediation effort by
„ Former External Affairs Minister and US President Donald Trump on the Kashmir issue. New Delhi has consistently
veteran BJP leader Smt. Sushma Swaraj, maintained that there is no room for a third party mediation on Kashmir.
passed away following a cardiac arrest „ India and Bangladesh have agreed to set up a Joint Technical Committee for
on 6th August. She was 67. She died at optimum utilisation of Ganges water as being received by Bangladesh under the
the All India Institute of Medical Sciences Ganga Water Sharing Treaty 1996. After the Secretary-level meeting in Dhaka
(AIIMS) in New Delhi. Sushma Swaraj's last week, both the countries also agreed to prepare a framework for interim
sudden death triggered a wave of shock water-sharing agreement for eight rivers including Feni, Gumti and Teesta. Both
and grief among the common man and the countries also discussed issues related to pollution of trans boundary rivers.
leaders cutting across political spectrum The Secretary-level meeting was held after a gap of more than 8 years.
paid glowing tributes to the astute leader and star minister of the Modi-1 govern- „ Maryam Nawaz, Pakistan's former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif's daughter, was
ment. Smt. Sushma Swaraj had a kidney transplant in 2016 but had continued to arrested from the Kot Lakhpat jail in a money laundering case, while she was on
work through her recovery period. Despite a severe medical condition and pro- her way back from visiting her father, who is lodged in the same prison. Accord-
longed hospitalisation, she continued to work. Due to health reasons, she had ing to an official press release issued by the National Accountability Bureau
announced not to contest the 2019 Lok Sabha elections. Hours before her (NAB), her cousin Yousuf Abbas has also been arrested in connection to the
demise, Sushma Swaraj congratulated Prime Minister Narendra Modi after the Chaudhry Sugar Mills (CSM) case. According to the NAB officials, Maryam had
government revoked the special status for Jammu and Kashmir, saying she was excused herself from appearing before the accountability bureau and had gone to
waiting to see this day in her lifetime. meet Sharif in the jail. Her arrest came the day after she accused Prime Minister
„ The President of India, Shri Ram Nath Kovind, presented Bharat Ratna Awards to Imran Khan of "fall of Kashmir" and demanded registration of a treason case
Shri Nanaji Deshmukh (posthumously), Dr Bhupendra Kumar Hazarika (posthu- against him.
mously) and Shri Pranab Mukherjee at an Investiture Ceremony held at Rash- „ A U.N. Independent International
trapati Bhavan on August 8, 2019. Fact-Finding Mission has urged
ECONOMY foreign businesses and govern-
„ Loans are set to get cheaper as Reserve Bank of India cut repo rate by 35 basis ments to sever ties with more
points to 5.40 per cent last week. The move is said to give a fillip to the economy. than 140 companies owned or
This was the fourth consecutive time that the Monetary Policy Committee reduced controlled by the Myanmar mili-
the rates. Consequently, the reverse repo rate under the liquidity adjustment facil- tary Tatmadaw. In the report
ity stands revised to 5.15 per cent, and the marginal standing facility rate and the released by UNHRC, it said these
Bank Rate to 5.65 per cent. Within hours of the steep reduction in the repo rates, companies help the Myanmar
country's largest lender, State Bank of India announced a 15 basis points reduc- army to avoid public scrutiny and carry out human rights violations with impunity.
tion in its lending rates. The SBI, in a statement, said, the new rates of 8.25 per It also called for immediate imposition of targeted sanctions against companies
cent will be effective from 10th of this month. After this cut, SBI home loans have run by the military. The report accused the military of carrying out extensive
become cheaper by 35 bps since April. The bank is offering a repo linked home human rights violations against civilians in Kachin, Shan and Rakhine provinces,
loans from 1st July this year. including the forced deportation of more than 700,000 ethnic Rohingya to
„ The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Bangladesh.
says, farm loan waivers and income SPORTS
support schemes are increasing risks „ Star India grappler Vinesh Phogat
to fiscal consolidation of the states. has bagged gold in women's 53kg
The remarks were made during a category of the Poland Open
meeting between the members of the wrestling tournament in Warsaw.
15th Finance Commission and the The 24-year-old prevailed 3-2 over
RBI senior officials, including gover- local wrestler Roksana in the final
nor Shaktikanta Das and the deputy governors, at the central bank headquarters of the competition. This was her
in Mumbai. A statement from the RBI said that the central bank, in its presenta- third consecutive gold in the 53 kg
tion, listed out the specific factors that will drive fiscal slippages in the revised esti- category after winning Gold at
mates of FY19, including "the Uday scheme in the past and farm loan waivers and Grand Prix of Spain and at the
income support schemes in the FY19 revised estimates". Terming it as "poor fiscal Yasar Dogu International at Istanbul, Turkey last month.
marksmanship", the RBI also expressed its concerns on deviation in revised esti- „ South African batsman Hashim Amla has retired from international cricket. Amla
mates, stating that the budget estimates presented during the beginning of FY20 played 124 Tests, 181 ODIs and 44 T20Is between in his 15-year-long cricketing
had indicated a lower fiscal deficit. career. His more than nine thousand runs in Test cricket are the second-most by
„ Gold prices last week crossed the 38,000 a Proteas cricketer, after the veteran Jacques Kallis. He also collected the
rupees mark for the first time by soaring 550 country's third-most runs in ODI cricket after former skipper AB de Villiers and
rupees to hit a fresh high of 38,470 rupees Kallis.He went on to make 18,000 runs including 55 centuries and 88 fifty-plus
per 10 gram in Delhi bullion market. The pre- scores across all formats of the game. He is the only South African to have scored
cious metal surged as investors continued to a triple century in the Test format. (Images Courtesy : Google)
prefer it as a safe-haven asset amid the

Printed & Published by Additional Director General, on behalf of Publications Division, Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, Govt. of India, New Delhi and Printed at Amar Ujala Ltd., C-21 & 22, Sector-59,
Noida-201301. Published from Employment News (Ministry of I. & B.) 7th Floor, Soochna Bhawan, C.G.O Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003, Senior Editor - Hasan Zia

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