Instruction Manual L&T

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etaCON L Series

Automatic power factor controller

Page no.
1. Versions 3

2. Description 4

3. Installation 4

4. Connection Check 4

5. Parameter Set-Up: 4
5.1 Manual Keypad Set-Up:
5.2 Automatic Set-Up
6. Measurement viewing and 7
programming of TARGET COS

7. Maximum Value Clearing 8

8. Operating Mode: 8
8.1 Manual Operation
8.2 Auto Operation

9. Keypad lock 8

10. Advanced Menu Set-Up 8

11. Alarms 11

12. Technical characteristics 13

13. Application diagram 14

14. Dimensions 14

15 Wiring Diagram 15

16. Warranty 16

1. Versions:
3 Stage APFC relay - etaCON L3 5 Stage APFC relay - etaCON L5 7 Stage APFC relay - etaCON L7
96 x 96 mm housing 96 x 96 mm housing 96 x 96 mm housing

8 Stage APFC relay - etaCON L8 12 Stage APFC relay - etaCON L12

144 x 144 mm housing 144 x 144 mm housing

WARNING!! This equipment must be installed by trained personnel, complying to current standards, to avoid
damages or safety hazards. Products illustrated herein are subject to alterations and changes without prior notice.
Technical data and descriptions in the documentation are accurate to the best of our knowledge, but no liabilities for
errors, omissions, or contingencies arising there from are accepted.

 Digital microprocessor based power factor controller
 3 digit 7 segment LED display
 4 key membrane keypad
 Internal temperature sensor
 Advanced functions for capacitor current overload measurement, average weekly power factor, maximum value
 2 relays programmable as alarm and/or fan control [except etaCON L3].

Install the controller according to wiring diagrams given in this instruction manual.
For 3- phase connection, the CT (Current Transformer) must be connected to the free phase, i.e. not on the
phases used to supply the unit, as indicated in the wiring dia.
The controller automatically recognizes the direction of CT current flow. In case of co-generation systems, disable this
function (refer to advanced menu section) and connect the CT correctly.
The CT secondary must be earthed/ grounded.

At the first power up, the etaCON L controller display views - - - which means no parameter has been programmed yet.
In these conditions, a manual test of the steps can be conducted to check the connections.
By pressing the  or  key, the steps are connected or disconnected.
CAUTION! During this phase, the step control is totally manual and the unit does not control the reconnection time to
consent the capacitor discharge.

There are a number of ways to set up the parameters and commission the controller to operate properly, as follows:


 Place the unit in manual mode and press the MODE key for 5 consecutive seconds. (fig. 1)
 The wording SET is viewed on the display to confirm access to the basic menu parameters. (fig. 2)
 Press the MAN/AUT key to enter the subsequent parameter. (fig. 3)
 Press the MODE key to return to the previous parameter. (fig. 3)
 Press the  and  keys to view and change the setting of the selected parameter. If no key is pressed for a few seconds,
the selected parameter is displayed once again.(fig. 3)
 The setup exit is automatic once the last parameter is exceeded.

PAR Function Range Default
P.01 CT primary current OFF ... 10,000 OFF
P.02 Smallest kvar step (Lowest common 0.10 ... 300 1.00
P.03 Rated capacitor voltage 80 ... 750V 400V
P.04 Reconnection time 5 ... 240 sec 60 sec
P.05 Sensitivity 5 ... 600 sec 60 sec
P.06 Step 1 coefficient 0 ... 16 0
P.06 Step 2 coefficient 0 ... 16 0
In case of etaCON L3, all 3 steps are programmed as shown above.
In case of etaCON L5/ L7/ L8/ L12: Follow the same procedure as shown above for remaining steps except last 2 steps.
Last 2 steps can be programmed as a normal step for capacitor switching/ Alarm/ Fan Control.
P.06 Step n-1 coefficient. 0 ... 16 0
LED n-1 (Second last step coefficient) noA
P.06 Step n° coefficient 0 ... 16 0
LED n (Last step coefficient) noA

Setting of Target cos value (Please refer measurement and 0.80 Ind .. 0.80 0.95Ind
cos setting section) Cap

n = Number of controller steps

noA = Normally open contact in No Alarm conditions
ncA = Normally closed contact in No Alarm conditions.


P.01 – CT primary current
For values higher than 1000, a flashing dot indicates “thousands”.

P.02 – Smallest kvar step

Rated power in kvar of the smallest installed capacitor bank.
Example: For 10 kvar, set I0.0

P.03 – Rated capacitor voltage

Rated voltage (nameplate) of the capacitors.
Example: For 440V, set 440

P.04 – Reconnection time

Minimum time needed for the capacitor to discharge and be ready to be used again.
Example: For 60 seconds, set 060

P.05 – Sensitivity The sensitivity is a coefficient, which consents to adjust the controller regulation speed. A low
sensitivity provides for faster adjustments but with a greater number of switching’s.
With high sensitivity, the adjustment is slower but with fewer switching’s.

The sensitivity value corresponds to the time for which the controller waits before responding to a reactive power demand
equivalent to the smallest step. For higher power demands, the time will be quicker according to the criteria of inverse
Example: For 60 s/step, set 060

In this case with the smallest bank of 10kvar (P.02 = 10.0) and a system demanding 20kvar to achieve the set cosphi (Δkvar =
20), the controller will wait for 60/2 = 30 seconds before beginning the capacitor connection procedure (indicated by the
flashing AUT LED).

P.06 LED 1…n Step coefficients

The coefficients of the steps represent the power of each step in relation to the smallest capacitor bank, value of which is
programmed at P.02. If a step has the same power rating of the smallest step, then its coefficient will be 1, while if it is
double it will be 2 and so on up to a maximum of 16. By setting 0, the step will be disabled and will never be considered or
used by the controller.
The last two steps can be programmed to operate as normal steps or as alarm relay or again as fan control.
If the second last step is linked to a function then the last step cannot be used as a normal step.
To select these functions, press  until the following codes are viewed:
nO A = Normally open alarm (contact open in absence of alarm)
nc A = Normally closed alarm (contact closed in absence of alarm)
FAN = Fan control

N.B. For the alarms, see table on page 12.

For fan control, refer page 9 and 11.

Example: With a etaCON L7 installed in a control panel with 6 capacitor banks, respectively 5, 10, 20, 20, 20, 20 kvar at
rated 440V and needing to use the last step as alarm, the parameters must be programmed as follows:

P.02 = 5.00 (Smallest step = 5kvar)

P.03 = 440 (Rated voltage 440V)
P.06 LED 1= 001 (5 kvar = 1 times P.02)
P.06 LED 2= 002 (10 kvar = 2 times P.02)
P.06 LED 3= 004 (20 kvar = 4 times P.02)
P.06 LED 4= 004 (20 kvar = 4 times P.02)
P.06 LED 5= 004 (20 kvar = 4 times P.02)
P.06 LED 6= 004 (20 kvar = 4 times P.02)
P.06 LED 7= nO A (Normally open alarm)

In circumstances when the CT value is not known, the P.01 parameter for CT primary can remain set at OFF while all the
others can be programmed.
In this case during the system installation and once the controller is powered up, the display will view a flashing CT
(Current Transformer). By pressing  and , the CT primary can be directly set.
Once programmed, press MAN/AUT to confirm. The unit will store the setting and directly restart in automatic mode.


The automatic set-up of parameters provides provision to start the controller operation without programming any
To activate the automatic set-up, simultaneously press the MODE and MAN/AUT keys for at least 5 seconds.
The wording ASE (Automatic Setup) flashes indicating the automatic setup of the parameters, is in progress.
The procedure will last a few minutes during which the controller measures the power rating of the connected steps. This
measurement will then be continuously updated during the normal operation.
If the load of the system varies frequently, the same step may have to be measured several times. In this case, the
procedure may last longer.
At the end of the automatic set-up, the controller is ready for automatic operation.

It is recommended to avoid substantial current variations as much as possible during the automatic set-up. During this
automatic set-up, the controller cannot monitor some data such as CT primary rating and rated capacitor voltage. Therefore
following points are valid:
 The current is viewed as a percentage instead of Ampere value.
 The Δkvar and Σkvar measurements are not available.
 The measurement and protection for capacitor overload are not accessible.
 All of the relays are considered for normal operation of switching of capacitors banks. Hence alarm relay or fan
control configuration is not possible.
 The capacitors installed must be with a power ratings multiple of 1, 2, 4, 8 or 16 times the smallest capacitor step.
 The unused steps must be positioned at the higher step numbers.

Note: After the automatic set-up is terminated, required parameters can be changed manually. Therefore, all the
measurements and functions can be made available by manually programming the CT primary, Capacitor voltage
parameters and alarm/ fan control.


Normally, the display shows the COS of the system together with the IND and CAP LEDs. The flashing decimal point
indicates the negative sign (inverse energy flow).
 By pressing the MODE key, the V, A, Δkvar, etc. LEDs are switched on one after another and the relative measurement of
each is viewed.
 An optional function is available for each LED and indicated on front viewable by pressing the  key; the LED flashes
quickly thereafter.
 For some measurements, a second optional function is displayable by pressing the  key.
 When the SET COS LED switches on, the set-point of the required COS can be programmed; the  and  keys
respectively increase or decrease the value. The set COS can be adjusted between 0.80 IND and 0.80 CAP.
The following table summarizes all the available measurements.

LED Function Pressing  Pressing 
V RMS voltage MAX voltage value
A RMS current MAX current value
Δkvar kvar required to reach set-point Σkvar Steps required to achieve the
(system kvar) set-point
Week P.F. Average weekly power factor (1) Real power factor
┤├ CURR % Capacitor overload % (2) MAX overload value Overload event counter
TEMP Electric panel temperature (3) MAX temperature value Unit of measure °C or °F
SET COSφ Target COSφ Decrease SET COSφ value Increase SET COSφ value

(1) This PF value is determined by active and reactive energy meters of the last 7 days [referred to positive energy quadrants]
(2) Overload current caused by harmonic voltage at the capacitor terminals.
(3) Caution! The temperature measurement is considered valid after a period of 20-30 minutes after power up.


The maximum values of Voltage, Current, Overload and Temperature along with average weekly power factor can be
cleared by simultaneously pressing the  and  keys for 3 seconds. Once clearing is complete, the display views CLr .

 The AUT and MAN LEDs indicate the automatic or manual operating mode.
 To change the mode, press the MAN/AUT key for at least 1 second.
 When the SET COSφ LED is switched ON, change of mode is not possible.
 The operating mode remains stored even if supply voltage is removed.


 When the controller is in manual mode, one of the steps can be selected and manually connected or disconnected.
 If a measurement other than COSφ is viewed, press MODE until all the LEDs of the measurements are switched off.
 To select one of the steps, use the  and  keys. The LED of the selected step starts flashing quickly.
 Press MODE to connect or disconnect the selected step.
 If the reconnection time of the selected step has not elapsed, the MAN LED flashes to indicate the operation has been
confirmed and will be conducted in due time.
 The manual configuration of the steps is maintained even when voltage is removed. When power returns, the original
state of the steps is restored.


 In automatic mode, the controller calculates the optimum configuration to achieve the set COSφ value
 The selection criteria take into consideration many variables such as: power of each step, the number of operations, the
total time of usage, reconnection time, etc.
 Controller displays the imminent connection or disconnection of the step by the AUT LED flashing. LED flashing can last in
cases when the connection of a step is not possible because of the reconnection time (i.e. capacitor discharge time).

A function to avoid any modification in operating parameters can be enabled; measurement viewing is still possible.
 To lock and unlock the keypad, push and keep MODE key pressed. Then press the  key three times and the  key twice
and after that release MODE. The display will view LOC when the keypad is locked and UNL when it is unlocked.
 When the lock is enabled, it is not possible to make the following operations:
- Operation between automatic and manual mode
- Access to set-up menu
- Change in Target COSφ
- Clearing of MAX values.
 By attempting to conduct the above operations, the display will view LOC to indicate the locked keypad state.


 With the controller in MAN mode, press the MODE key for at least 5 seconds.
 The wording SET will be viewed to indicate the access to basic menu parameters.
 At this point, simultaneously press the  and  keys for 5 seconds until AD.S appears on the display to indicate the
access to advanced menu parameters.


Parameter Function Range Default

3PH Three phase
P.11 Type of connection 3PH
1PH Single phase
AUT Automatic
P.12 CT connection recognition DIR Direct AUT
REV Inverse
AUT Automatic
P.13 Frequency recognition 50H 50Hz AUT
60H 60Hz
ON Enabled
P.14 Step power adjustment OFF
OFF Disabled
STD Standard
P.15 Adjustment mode STD
BND Band
STD Standard
P.16 Step connection mode STD
L in Linear

P.17 Co-generation COS set-point OFF 0.80IND ... 0.80CAP OFF

P.18 Disconnection sensitivity OFF 1...600 sec OFF

Step disconnection at change to MAN OFF Disabled
P.19 mode ON Enabled OFF

P.20 Capacitor overload alarm threshold OFF 100...150% 125%

Overload threshold for immediate
P.21 OFF 100... 200% 150%
step disconnection

P.22 Overload event counter reset time 1 ... 240 h 24 h

P.23 Overload alarm reset time 1 … 30 min 5 min

P.24 Unit of measure for temperature °C °Celsius - °F °Farenheit °C

P.25 Fan start temperature * 0 ... 100°C (32 ... .212°F) 55°C

P.26 Fan stop temperature * 0 ... 100°C (32 ... 212°F) 50°C

P.27 Temperature alarm threshold 30 ... 100°C (122 ... .212°F) 60°C

(*) Not available in etaCON L3


P.11 - Type of connection
Programs either single-phase or three-phase connection.

P.12 - CT connection recognition
When set to Automatic, the controller operates in 2 quadrants and at power ON recognizes the current direction. When set
to Direct, the etaCON L can be used both in normal or co-generation systems. It is however necessary to check the correct
CT connection by making sure the decimal point of the cosphi measurement is not flashing with energy import conditions.
Contrarily, the CT connections (S1 and S2 terminals) must be inverted or more simply set Inverse.
Caution! Before disconnecting the S1 and S2 terminals, check that the CT secondary terminals are shorted.

P.13 – Mains frequency recognition

Automatic selection, fixed 50Hz or fixed 60Hz.

P.14 – Step power adjustment

When this function is enabled and during normal operation, the unit provides to automatically measure the set power and
modify the operating parameters in case the steps are worn (i.e. make many operations). By connecting it to a PC, the real
apparent power of each step can be viewed.
- When this function is used, the time between the connection of one bank and the next is 20 seconds.
- If the automatic set-up is used, the function is automatically enabled.

P.15 - Standard or Band adjustment mode

In Standard mode, the controller adjusts the system COS to the set value. In Band mode, the capacitors are connected
when the system COS is lower than the set value and are disconnected when in capacitive conditions. The Band mode is
used to additionally reduce the number of capacitor connections and disconnections.
Note: The Band mode configuration does not consent to capacitive COS programming.

P.16 - Standard or Linear connection mode

In Standard mode, the regulator freely selects the steps according to the logic described in the Automatic operation section
above. In Linear mode, the steps are connected in progression from left towards right only following the step number and
according to the LIFO (Last In First Out) logic. The controller will not connect a step when the system steps are of different
ratings and by connecting the next step, the set-point value would be exceeded.

P.17 – Co-generation cos set-point

This parameter is programmed when a 4-quadrant operation is needed, that is in conditions when the system is consuming
the energy produced. When the parameter is set to OFF, the COS set-point is the only one and corresponds to the value
programmed with SET COS. On the other hand, when it is set to a numeric value then the set-points are two: in normal
conditions (system consumes mains energy, positive COS), the set-point value is considered as programmed by SET COS.
With co-generation conditions (system produces energy, negative COS), it is used as programmed at P.17.

P.18 – Disconnection sensitivity

With this parameter at OFF, the sensitivity value set at P.05 (see basic menu) adjusts the reactive speed both during the
connection and disconnection phases. However, if P.18 is set to a different value, the programmed value of P.05 is
considered for the connection while the P.18 value for the disconnection of the steps.

P.19 – Step disconnection at change to MAN mode

By enabling this parameter, the connected steps are disconnected in sequence when one changes the mode from AUT to
MAN. At the end of the disconnection, the normal manual mode function is restored.

P.20 – Capacitor overload alarm threshold

By using this parameter, the tripping threshold of A07 alarm Capacitor Overload can be adjusted. The percentage of current
flowing in the capacitors (deduced by the waveform of the phase voltage) is matched up to this threshold. If the threshold
value is exceeded, after the delay, the alarm is generated and the steps disconnected.

P.21 – Overload threshold for immediate step disconnection
When the measured overload exceeds the value set at P.21, the capacitors are immediately disconnected and the A07
capacitor overload alarm generated.
Note: The delay time of A07 Capacitor overload alarm operates inversely proportional to the overload entity, compared to
the programmed thresholds of P.20 and P.21. When the overload is lower than the P.20 threshold, the alarm will not be
generated. When the overload is equal to P.20, the delay time is equal to the one set for the alarm .As the overload
increases, the delay time becomes proportionally less until it attains zero once the value set at P.21 is reached.
With P.20 at OFF, there is no tripping until the P.21 value is exceeded and the immediate disconnection of the steps takes
With P.21 at OFF, the delay TIME is also constant.
With P.20 and P.21 both at OFF, the capacitor overload measurement is disabled as well as the A07 alarm.
In these conditions, the display indicates --- instead of the overload measurement.
Whenever the capacitor banks are equipped with inductances to prevent harmonic overload, P.20 and P.21 must be
at OFF.

P.22 – Overload event counter reset time

Each time an A07 Capacitor overload alarm is generated, the event is registered by an internal counter, which can be
consulted by pressing the  key when the ┤├ CURR %. LED is switched on. The counter indicates the number of capacitor
overload events have taken place over the time period defined by P.22. This parameter also defines the number of hours
during which the events remain stored. If no event has taken place during the time period, the counter is cleared.

P.23 – Overload alarm reset time

It is time period during which the (A07) Capacitor overload alarm remains active even though the overload value has
decreased below the alarm threshold.

P.24 – Unit of measure for temperature

It defines the unit of measure in degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit of the temperature measurement and viewing along with the
threshold setting linked to it.

P.25 –Fan start temperature

Sets the temperature above which the fan relay is activated, if any is programmed on the last two steps.

P.26 –Fan stop temperature

Sets the temperature below which the fan relay is deactivated, if any is programmed on the last two steps.

P.27 – Temperature alarm threshold

Sets the temperature above which the alarm (A08) ‘Temperature too high’ is activated.

Note: Parameters P.25 and P.26 are not configurable in etaCON L3.

 When the controller detects an abnormal situation in the system, a flashing alarm code is displayed. By pressing any key,
the alarm viewing will be momentarily ignored to permit the user to check all the measurements. If no key is pushed for
30 seconds and the alarm conditions persist, the alarm code will be displayed once again.

 Each alarm can cause diverse results such as the alarm relay tripping, the delayed or immediate step disconnection, etc.,
according to the programming done.

 The following table indicates the alarm codes and the relative meaning of each along with the default setting.

Alarm code Description Enabling Alarm relay Disconnection Tripping delay

A01 Under compensation ● ● 15 min

A02 Over compensation ● 120 s

A03 Low current ● ● 5s

A04 High current ● 120 s

A05 Low voltage ● ● 5s

A06 High voltage ● ● 15 min

A07 Capacitor overload ● ● ● 180 s

A08 Over temperature ● ● ● 30 s

A09 No-voltage release ● ● 0s

*None of the above-indicated alarms are non-volatile.
*In MAN mode the steps disconnection takes place in case of the A09-No voltage release alarm only.

A01 – Under compensation: All the capacitors are connected and COS is lower than the set-point value.

A02 – Over compensation: All capacitors are disconnected and COS is higher than the set-point value.

A03 – Low current: Current value is 2.5% lower than end-scale value. In automatic operation, the capacitors are
disconnected after 2 minutes of the alarm activation.

A04 – High current: Current value is 120% higher than end scale value.

A05 –Low voltage: Voltage value is –15% lower than the lower level of rated voltage.

A06 – High voltage: Voltage value is +10% higher than higher level of rated voltage.

A07 – Capacitor overload: Current value flowing in the capacitors is higher than the set threshold (refer to P.20 and
P.21 of advanced menu).

A08 – Over temperature: Internal temperature value is higher than the set threshold (refer to P.27 of advanced

A09 – No-voltage release: Voltage failure duration is more than 8ms.

Auxiliary Supply etaCON L3 etaCON L5 etaCON L7 etaCON L8 etaCON L12
Rated Voltage Ue 415 - 440 VAC
Operating Limit -15% …. +10% Ue
Rated Frequency 50 or 60 Hz ± 1%
Maximum Consumption 6.2VA 5VA
Maximum dissipation 2.7W 3W
Maximum power dissipation by output contacts 0.5W with 5A
Immunity time for micro breakings ≤30ms
No-Voltage release ≥8ms
Current Input
Rated current Ie 5A
Operating Limit 0.125 - 6A (0.05 - 6A if P12 programmed as Direct or Inverse)
Constant Overload +20%
Type of measurement True RMS
Short time withstand current 10Ie for 1sec
Dynamic limit 20Ie for 10ms
Power consumption 0.65W
UL Rating Supplied by external Current Transformer (Low Voltage). Max 5A
Control range
Power factor setting 0.8ind - 0.8cap
Reconnection time of the same step 5 - 240 secs
Sensitivity 5 - 600 s/ step
Relay Outputs etaCON L3 etaCON L5 etaCON L7 etaCON L8 etaCON L12
Number of outputs * 3 5 7 8 12
Type of output 3 NO 4 + 1 NO 6 + 1 NO 7NO + 1 C/O 11 NO + 1 C/O
Maximun current at contact common 12A
Rated current Ith 5A
Rated capacity of NO contact 1.5A 250VAC (AC15) - 1.5A 400VAC (AC15)
Rated capacity of NC contact 1.5A 250VAC (AC15) - 0.75A 400VAC (AC15)
Electrical life at 0.33A, 250 VAC and AC11 load conditions 5000000 ops
Electrical life at 2A, 250 VAC and AC11 load conditions 400000 ops
Electrical life at 2A, 400 VAC and AC11 load conditions 200000 ops
UL Rating B300
Ambient conditions
Operating temperature -20 to +60 °C
Storage temperature -30 to +80 °C
Relative humidity <90%
Overvoltage category 3
Maximum pollution degree 3**
Type of terminal Removable/ Plug-in
Conductor cross section (min - max) 0.2 - 2.5 sq mm (24 - 12 AWG)
Tightening torque 0,5Nm (4.5Ibin)
UL Rating - Conductor cross section (min - max) 18 - 12 AWG
Version Flush mount
Material Thermoplast NORYL SE1 GNF2 Thermoplast LEXAN 3412R
Degree of protection IP54 IP41
Weight 420g 440g 460g 740g 770g
IEC/EN 61010-1, IEC/EN 61000-6-2, ENV 50204, CISPR 11/EN 55011, IEC/EN 61000-3-3, IEC/EN60068-2-61, IEC/EN 60068-2-27, IEC/EN 60068-2-
6, UL508, CSA C22.2 n° 14
Ul Marking
Use 60°C/ 75°C CU conductor and wire size range 18-12 AWG, stranded or solid
For use on a flat surface of Type 1 enclosure
* 1 output contact is Galvanically isolated
** Pollution degree 2 when outputs used with 400 VAC load


Wiring Diagrams

etaCON L3/L5/L7

N L1 L2 L3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Current Voltage

/5A 415V
S1 S2 9 10 C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8




FU9 FU10



K1 K2 K7

etaCON L8/L12


N L1 L2 L3

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Current Voltage

/5A 415V
S1 S2 15 16 C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14




FU1 FU2 FU12

FU14 FU15

KM1 KM2 KM12


K1 K2 K12
16. Warranty:

LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED (L&T) warrants that the etaCON L series of APFC controller will meet L&T’s published
specifications and will be free from defects in workmanship and materials for a period of 12 months from the date of
shipment. L&T’s obligation under this warranty shall be limited to servicing or replacing defective parts provided that
notice of such defects and satisfactory proof thereof is given to L&T by its customer within the warranty period.

This warranty does not cover any defect in the product caused by accident, misuse, neglect, alteration, modification or
substitution of any of the components or parts, or any attempt at internal adjustments by unauthorized service
Under no circumstances shall L&T be liable for any consequential or resulting injury or for loss, damage or expense,
directly or indirectly, arising from the use of this product.
The forgoing warranty is in lieu of all other warranties, express or implied and is the sole and exclusive remedy for any
claim arising from the defect in the product.

Electrical Standard Products

Larsen & Toubro Limited
Powai Campus,
Mumbai 400 072

Customer Interaction Center (CIC)

BSNL / MTNL (toll free) : 1800 233 5858
Reliance (toll free) : 1800 200 5858
Tel : 022 6774 5858
Fax : 022 6774 5859
E-mail : [email protected]
Website :

Rev.01.sep15 16

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