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(Kurt 2008) Evaluation of Drilled Hole Quality in Al 2024 Alloy

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Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2008) 37:1051–1060

DOI 10.1007/s00170-007-1049-1


Evaluation of drilled hole quality in Al 2024 alloy

M. Kurt & Y. Kaynak & E. Bagci

Received: 26 December 2006 / Accepted: 11 April 2007 / Published online: 17 May 2007
# Springer-Verlag London Limited 2007

Abstract This paper deals with experimental investigation Keywords Aluminum alloy . Dry drilling . Hole quality .
in the role of different coating, point angle, cutting Cutting parameters . Radial deviation
parameters (cutting speed and feed rate) on the hole quality
(hole size, surface roughness, roundness and radial devia-
tion of produced hole) in drilling of Al 2024 alloy. The 1 Introduction
parameters of hole quality are analyzed under varying
cutting speeds (30, 45 and 60 m/min), feed rates (0.15,0.20 Aluminum is used in many industries to make different
and 0.25 mm/rev), depths of cut (2, 15 and 25 mm) and products. Thereby it is significant to the world economy.
drills (uncoated point angle:118°, TiN Pa:118°, TiAlN Structural components made from aluminum and aluminum
Pa:118°, Co 5% Pa:130°, TiN Pa:130°). This study includes alloys are vital to the aerospace industry and very important
dry drilling with 10 mm HSS drills with an axial depth of in other areas of transportation and building in which
cut of 30 mm. This study indicate that results of the radial durability, strength and light weight are expected.
deviations show a similar tendency with the hole size. Drilling process is widely used in aerospace, aircraft and
Hence, it can also be concluded from the experimental automotive industries. Although modern metal cutting
results that the radial deviations are effected tool vibrations methods improve in manufacturing industry, including
during drilling. The results of this work show that cutting drilling, electron beam machining, ultrasonic machining,
parameters and coatings have different effects on hole electrolytic machining and abrasive jet machining, conven-
quality. However, when dry drilling aluminum alloys, HSS tional drilling still remains one of the most common
Co 5% drills show good performance compared to an machining processes because of economical reasons and
uncoated, TiN and TiAlN coated drills. Besides, effective simplicity.
results have been obtained using low cutting speed and feed On the one hand, in this type of processes those
rate. Additionally, the best hole quality obtains from near denominated cutting fluids with objects are usually applied
the bottom of the produced hole. to the cooling of the tool and the elimination of the effects
due to high temperatures. On the other hand, in the last few
M. Kurt (*)
years, regulations concerning the environment have forced
Technical Educational Faculty, Marmara University, the development of cutting fluids of low environmental
P.K 34722 Kadikoy-Ýstanbul, Turkey impact together with the search for machining methods that
e-mail: [email protected] avoid or minimize their use [1, 2].
Y. Kaynak
In this process, drill performance and hole quality are
Mechanical Education Department, Institute For Graduate Studies mainly dependent on cutting parameters and drilling tools.
In Pure and Applied Sciences, Marmara University, Because of this reason, many researchers have been focused
P.K 34722 Kadikoy-Ýstanbul, Turkey on understanding and determining the best machining
E. Bagci
process of this alloy. Eventually, many numerical and
National Metrology Institute, TUBÝTAK-UME, experimental technique developed and used by researchers
P.K. 54,41470 Gebze-Kocaeli, Turkey in the past decade in order to determine and predict
1052 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2008) 37:1051–1060

Fig. 1 Experimental setup

significant parameters which effect drilling process and El tammimi et al. [8] experimentally investigated of the
hole accuracy. Some of them have also been investigated effects of the cutting speed, feed rate and drill diameter on
the effect of machining parameters and different coating on the dimensional accuracy, surface quality and geometrical
hole quality in drilling process. tolerances on NC and manually drilled holes. Their study
Lazoglu and Pirtini [3] developed a new mathematical showed that for NC-drilled hole, the surface quality was
model based on the mechanics and dynamics of the drilling attained at high cutting speed and feed rates; however, high
process developed for the prediction of cutting forces and dimensional accuracy was attained at low speed and feed
hole quality. rate.
Stephen A. Basile [4] developed a model for drill bit Coldwell et al. [9] presented the machinability of
transverse motions that identifies process conditions affect- aluminum alloy. Machinability was assessed in terms of
ing hole quality. His experimental results showed that tool life/wear, cutting forces, chip morphology, hole
rotation speed is effect the hole roundness. diameter, cyclindricity and out of roundness. Their study
A statistical analysis of hole quality is performed by showed that high torque was correlated with high cyclin-
Furness et al. [5]. They investigate the influence of feed rate dricity values indicating problems with chip evacuation and
and cutting speed on the measured hole quality specifica- hole size tended to decrease to less than the drill diameter.
tions. With the expectations of hole location error, the hole Braga et al. [10] compared the performance of the
quality is affected by the cutting parameters. uncoated and diamond coated carbide drills, using minimal
Kalidas et al. [6] performed an experimental investiga- lubrication in the drilling of aluminum alloys. Their study
tion of the role of three types of coating on the hole quality showed that an irregular wear in surface of the diamond
of the hole produced in drilling of as cast aluminum 356 coated drill and a decrease in the quality of the hole made
alloy in dry and wet conditions. Additionally, influences of by it, compared to the uncoated drill.
the machining parameters on the hole surface roughness The effect of the cutting fluids on drilled hole surface is
and holes dimensions for different coated drill were considerable. Haan et al. [11] investigate of effects of
examined by M. Nouari et al. [7]. Their experimental cutting fluids on hole quality in drilling aluminum alloy.
results showed that machining parameters play on impor- Their study showed that dry drilled holes have a poorer
tant role on the quality of produced holes. surface finish than holes drilled with cutting fluid. Their

Table 1 The dimensional and mechanical properties of the cutting tools

Drills 1 2 3 4 5

Tool diameter 10 mm 10 mm 10 mm 10 mm 10 mm
Flute 2 flute 2 flute 2 flute 2 flute 2 flute
Point angle(Pa) 118° 118° 118° 130° 130°
Helix angle(Ha) 24 30 30 30 30
Flute length(Fl) 87 mm 87 mm 87 mm 87 mm 87 mm
Shank type Cylindrical Cylindrical Cylindrical Cylindrical Cylindrical
Coating Uncoated TiAlN TiN %5 Co TiN
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2008) 37:1051–1060 1053

second result is that dry drilled holes have a bell shape, Table 2 Chemical composition (Wt%) of Al 2024 Alloy
with the minimum diameter at the top of the hole. In dry Al Cu Mg Mn Fe Si Ti Zn Cr
drilling, the important factor for hole quality is thermal
effects which are well known. Thereby, the effects of Base 3.8– 1.2– 0.3– 0.5 0.5 Max Max Max
thermal distortions on the diameter and cylindricity of dry 4.9 1.8 0.9 0.15 0.25 0.1
drilled holes have been investigated by Bono and Ni [12].
Their study indicate that thermal distortions of the drill and ties of Al 2024 can be seen in Tables 2 and 3. In these
workpiece account for only a fraction of the total diametral experiments, HSS twist drill with 118 and 130 point angle
errors. John S. and Agapiou [13] describe the performance and different coating (TiN and TiAlN) and uncoated was
characteristics of a new type of carbide head twist drill with used to drilling Al 2024 alloys because of considering the
four flutes, four major cutting edges, and one chisel edge. literature, industrials applications and tool manufacturer’s
Their study shows that great potential for significantly recommendation (Fig. 2). In addition this, TiN and TiAlN
improving drilling accuracy and productivity. coating which induced workpiece temperature and pro-
Rincon et al. [14] illustrated that drill vibrations can have duced good hole quality [6]. Table 1 includes the
an effect on drilling performance because increasing dimensional and mechanical properties of the drilling tools
vibration during entry can cause poor hole location used in the tests. To guarantee the initial conditions of each
accuracy. Tsann-Rong Lin [15] investigated the effect of test, a new tool is used in each experiment.
tool life, surface roughness and tool wear. His experimental
study showed that at high cutting speed, there was occurred 2.2 Drilling conditions
poor surface because of high vibration.
A time domain model of the torsional-axial chatter The design of experiments is a powerful analysis tool for
vibrations in drilling is presented by Roukema et al. [16]. In modeling and analyzing the influence of process variables
their study, HSS TiAlN coated twist drill and Al 7050 over a specific variable, which is an unknown function of
alloys were used. They compared of measured and these process variables [17]. The experimental design
predicted hole diameters. method is an influential approach to optimize the various
The results of this study complement previously pub- machining parameters. The selection of such points in the
lished works indicating that hole quality in produced hole. design space is commonly called design of experiments.
Additionally, the scope of this paper is extensive from all The choice of the experimental design can have a large
above and there are some new perspective such as radial influence on the accuracy and the construction cost of the
deviation to understand relationship among hole quality approximations. Randomly chosen design points may cause
with cutting parameters and drilling tools. Hence, the an inaccurate surface to be constructed or even prevent the
current study focuses on the factors determining hole ability to construct a surface at all. Three levels are used for
quality. Especially, the effect of machining parameters, cutting speed (V) and feed rate (f) and five levels are used
different coated drills and point angle on the dimensional for drilling tool coatings (a), according to Table 4.
stability, radial deviation and roughness of produced hole in The range of the feed rate and cutting speed (cutting
dry drilling of Al 2024 aerospace alloy. parameters) are selected based on the tool manufacturer’s
recommendation and industrial applications (Table 5).
Some preliminary tests were conducted to narrow the
2 Experimental setup and drilling conditions relevant range of feed rate and cutting speed. These tests
are performed using a fixed cutting depth of 30 mm.
Drilling tests in the absence of cutting fluids are performed
on a Johnford VMC Model three axes CNC milling
machine equipped with a maximum spindle speed of 3 Experimental results and discussion
12,000 rpm and a 10 kW drive motor. CNC part programs
are created by employing MasterCam 10 CAD/CAM The holes are produced with a diameter of 10 mm and
software on a personal computer, Intel Pentium IV at depth of 30 mm. After completing the drilling experiments,
2.80 GHz. Figure 1 shows experimental setup.
Table 3 Mechanical properties of Al 2024 alloy
2.1 Drilling tools and workpiece materials
UTS YS Density Elongation Hardness
For the purpose of our experiments, Al 2024 alloy was used (MPa) (MPa) (kg/m3) (%) (Bhn)
as the workpiece materials. Al 2024 is aircraft alloys that
479 330 2800 17 120
offer very high strength. Chemical and mechanical proper-
1054 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2008) 37:1051–1060

Fig. 2 Tools used in the experi-

ments and twist drill geometry

the hole quality of each specimen is determined by and 0.25 mm/rev feed rate respectively (Fig. 3a,b and c).
measuring the hole size, roundness error and radial Drilling tools (1...9) and cutting parameters (1.Dt...5.Dt) are
deviation. And the workpiece is cut through using CNC shown in Tables 5.
wire cut machine. After this process, the surface roughness The surface roughness on the job is monitored by
of the produce hole is determined. All the measurements measuring with a contact type stylus (Mahr Perthometer
are repeated at least three times to guarantee reproducibility. Concept) (see Fig. 4). Surface roughness has been analyzed
through the Ra factor.
3.1 The measurement of surface roughness (Ra) These experimental studies show that cutting parameters
(feed rate and cutting speed) effect the surface roughness.
The surface roughness is one of the major characteristics in At high cutting speed and feed rates, there is a deterioration
metal cutting that being tracked in machining processes. In in the quality of the final shape of the hole. When cutting
metal cutting, where many different types of machines are parameters increase, the workpiece materials may be
being used, there are parameters that are present and lacerating because of high value temperature. Secondly,
directly affect the surface roughness [18]. The surface when cutting parameters increases, the surface roughness
roughness of a machined product could affect several of the can be high (poor final shape of hole) because of drilling
product’s functional attributes, such as contact causing vibrations and the chatter which is an important factor for
surface friction, wearing, light reflection, heat transmission, quality of produce holes. Thirdly, an increase in feed rate
ability of distributing and holding a lubricant, coating, and increases the materials removal rate, which can cause poor
resisting fatigue [19]. surface of the hole. Additionally, roughness increased at
In this study, our aim is to find out the influences of the cutting depth corresponding to medium wear of the cutting
cutting speed, coating and point angle of drill on surface tool. For these reasons, these figures reveal that there is a
roughness along the length of the drilled hole for 0.15, 0.20 relationship between cutting parameters and surface rough-
ness as it is shown in Fig. 3a,b and c. However, the effect of
Table 4 Levels of the variables used in this experiment these parameters on hole quality is not very considerable.
The other important factors are different coated drilling
Feed rate Cutting Drill tools (Dt) Number
speed tools. From the first observation carried out on these
figures, it may be concluded that, in general, the perfor-
0,15 mm/rev 30 m/min HSS(Uncoated) (Pa:118°) 1.Dt mance of the uncoated drills is good enough to compare the
0,20 mm/rev 45 m/min HSS+TiAlN(Pa:118°) 2.Dt other drills. Besides, the other conclusion is that the
0,25 mm/rev 60 m/min HSS+TiN(Pa:118°) 3.Dt performance of TiAl and TiN coated drills is similar. It
HSS+%5Co(Pa:130°) 4.Dt
shows shown that the effect of the point angle on surface
HSS+TiN(Pa:130°) 5.Dt
roughness is not very significant.
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2008) 37:1051–1060 1055

Table 5 Cutting parameters Figure 6a,b and c conclude that when the cutting speed
Number of test Feed rate Cutting speed Drilling tool and feed rate are increased, there is an increase of this hole
size because the drilling vibration, chatter and drilling
1 0.15 30 1.Dt temperature appear to be playing a important role in the
2 2.Dt accuracy of drilled holes when drilling at higher speed
3 3.Dt
conditions. Additionally, dynamic behavior of the drilling
4 4.Dt
tool influences the hole size. In addition to this, Fig. 6a and c
5 5.Dt
6 0.15 45 1.Dt represent a larger diameter at the entry of the hole then at the
7 2.Dt bottom of the hole due to the fact that when drill touches the
8 3.Dt workpiece, the vibration may have its maximum value
9 4.Dt (Fig. 5). In addition to this, spring back phenomenon can
10 5.Dt be occurred because of elastic deformation of the workpiece
11 0.15 60 1.Dt material during drilling tool movement.
12 2.Dt
The good results, in terms of diameter accuracy, are
13 3.Dt
14 4.Dt
obtained at the low cutting parameters with 1.Dt. (HSS
15 5.Dt Uncoated, Pa:118°), and during all the cutting parameters,
16 0.20 30 1.Dt performance of 4.Dt (HSS-Co 5%, Pa:130°) is very good.
17 2.Dt And the poor results are obtained at the highest cutting
18 3.Dt parameters with 1.Dt (HSS Uncoated, Pa:118°) (see Fig. 6a,
19 4.Dt b and c).It can be concluded that the factor of the point
20 5.Dt angle can be considered as measuring the hole size.
21 0.20 45 1.Dt
22 2.Dt
23 3.Dt 3.3 The measurement of roundness error
24 4.Dt
25 5.Dt The measurement of roundness has a critical importance for
26 0.20 60 1.Dt many applications. One of the most important fundamental
27 2.Dt forms for engineering components is the circular cross-section.
28 3.Dt Circular forms arise in many applications, particularly in
29 4.Dt
bearing surfaces such as rotating shafts and ball bearings.
30 5.Dt
Hence, in this study, roundness error of produced hole is
31 0.25 30 1.Dt
32 2.Dt measured using a coordinate measuring machine (five-axis
33 3.Dt coordinate measuring machine-Brown & Sharpe Global Status
34 4.Dt 9128 5PDEA CMM). The major system components are the
35 5.Dt three-axes mechanical set-up, the probe head, control unit and
36 0.25 45 1.Dt PC. The CMM used here is a vertical arm CMM, using a
37 2.Dt Renishaw PH sensor mount with a touch-trigger probe. The
38 3.Dt
operating system utilized is Windows on PCs (Fig. 7).
39 4.Dt
40 5.Dt
Many methods have been devised that attempt to
41 0.25 60 1.Dt quantify the form error of round parts with a single number.
42 2.Dt Most of these methods measure the peak-to-valley height
43 3.Dt between the inner most and outermost points of the profile.
44 4.Dt This is known as the out-of-roundness, or simply round-
45 5.Dt ness. This requires the definition of a center of revolution.
The main differences between these methods pertain to how
3.2 The measurement of hole size the center is defined. The example of the least square circle
(LSC) technique for defining this center is shown in Fig. 8.
In these experiments, the final shape of the hole is LSC technique is illustrated on an exaggerated profile of an
determined using a coordinate measuring machine. out-of-round part (Fig. 8).
Figure 6a,b and c show that the effect of cutting Figure 9a,b and c show the effect of cutting parameters
parameters, coating and point angle on size of the drilled (cutting speed and feed rate), coating and point angle on
hole for 2, 15 and 25 mm depth of cut respectively. These size of the drilled hole for 2, 15 and 25 mm depth of cut
drilling tools (1...9) and cutting parameters (1.Dt...5.Dt) are respectively. These drilling tools (1...9) and cutting param-
shown in Tables 5. eters (1.Dt...5.Dt) are shown in Tables 5.
1056 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2008) 37:1051–1060

Fig. 3 Variation of the rough-

ness with respect to the cutting
speed v for five different coated
tools and constant feed rate (a)
f=0.15 mm/rev, (b) f=0.20 mm/
rev, (c) f=0.25 mm/rev

In generally, it can be seen that the roundness error (HSS+TiN, Pa:118°) can not be suggested at low cutting
increases with cutting speed and feed rate because of the parameters, cutting performance of these drills are not
vibratory displacement of drilling tool, which increases suggested. The effect of point angle on roundness error is
with cutting parameters and results in dynamical instability. negligible.
This especially occurs at the entry owing to the instability
at the entrance of the drilling tool. Hence, the roundness 3.4 The measurement of radial deviations
error is high at the entry than in the bottom of the produced
hole (See and compare with Fig. 9a,b and c). Additionally, The radial deviation of produced hole measurement is not
when feed rate increases, roundness error can increase due widely used perspective for evaluation of hole quality. But,
to the increased cutting forces. general radial deviation forms are given of the following
The best roundness values are obtained with 1.Dt (HSS (Fig. 10a).
uncoated, Pa:118°) at low cutting parameters, but when the In our experimental study, radial deviation is also
cutting speed and feed rate increase, roundness error measured by the produced hole and some interesting results
increases extremely. However, the good performance is are obtained (see Fig. 10b). Figure 11a,b,c and d show the
obtained with 4.Dt (HSS-Co 5%, Pa:130°) at every cutting effect of cutting parameters, coating and point angle on
parameters. Besides, 2.Dt (HSS+TiAlN, Pa:118°) and 3.Dt radial deviations of the drilled hole for 0, 90, 180 and 270
degrees, respectively. These drilling tools (1…9) and
cutting parameters (1.Dt…5.Dt) are shown in Tables 5.
The radial deviations show a similar tendency with the
hole size. Hence, it may be concluded that radial deviations

Fig. 4 Experimental devices for the measurements of surface

roughness Fig. 5 A sample of drilling vibration
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2008) 37:1051–1060 1057

Fig. 6 Variation in change in

dimension with (a) 2 mm, (b)
15 mm and (c) 25 mm cutting
depth under different cutting con-
ditions at different cutting tools

are affected by tool vibrations during drilling. In addition to imately 33% of all metal cutting operations [20, 21]. And in
this, stability of workpiece and cutting force affect the these processes, HSS twist drill is used extensively. On the
deviations. Figure 11b–d shows that point angle of drills are other hand, aluminum alloys have been used widely in many
important factors for evaluation of the radial deviations. industries as materials owing to some advantage. In these
The minimum radial deviations occur at low cutting industries, depending on application, hole quality is important
parameters for all degrees due to the fact that when drilling [22]. The quality of part surface finish is more critical when
parameters increase, vibrations and chatter increase. Max- machining aluminium alloys compared to steel. Since the
imum radial deviations are obtained using 2.Dt and 3.Dt. modulus of elasticity of aluminium is one- third that of steel,
aluminium defects three times as much as steel for identical
3.5 Discussion cutting forces. This deflection makes it much more difficult to
hold dimensional tolerances [23]. Besides, determination of
Amongst traditional machining processes, drilling is one of the correct machining parameters to ensure production of good
most important metal cutting operations, comprising approx- quality holes in aluminium alloy is usually difficult due to the

Fig. 7 Experimental device and

a sample of measured of round-
ness error
1058 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2008) 37:1051–1060

Fig. 8 Example of the LSC


softness of this alloy and to a lesser extent, the presence of drilling. Hence, the point angle of drill can be considered to
hard particles which tent to weld onto the tool face resulting evaluate hole quality in dry drilling Al 2024 alloy.
in built-up edge formation and associated production of Considering all of the above, the investigation of effect
“erratic” chips and poor surface finish [24]. of cutting parameters and cutting tools on hole quality are
In this study, the coolant is not used. Therefore, there is significant topics. However, previous research is not very
much friction and heat generation, and this heat is not comprehensive. Generally, it focuses on the effect of cutting
carried away from the workpiece and cutting tool. Besides, parameters on hole quality. Hence, this topic has not been
the very hot chips can easily clog the flutes and finally the completely understood by researchers. Actually, there are
temperature of the hole boundary is increased. many factors and problems which have an effect on hole
When dry drilling a material with a large thermal quality. For example, the cutting parameters, cutting tools,
conductivity, much of heat is conducted into the workpiece. tool geometry, coating of tool, dry cutting, depth of cut and
Thus, materials with large coefficients of thermal expansion drilling time are factors, yet the lateral, axial and torsional
can experience severe thermal distortion and poor hole quality vibrations of the drill, the chatter [26], drilling temperature,
[25]. The cutting parameters directly effect the heat radial and axial cutting forces are problems. Though we
generations. Especially, the role of the feed rate is significant investigate as many as possible parameters which have
for the temperature rise in the workpiece. It is well known effects on hole quality, the influence of cutting parameters,
that the point angle of the drill influence the cutting forces in coating and point angle on hole quality are not very clear.

Fig. 9 Evaluation of roundness

with different cutting parameters
and constant depth of cut (a)
2 mm, (b) 15 mm and (c)
25 mm for different drilling
tools considered
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2008) 37:1051–1060 1059

high cutting parameters, its performance is not good when

compared with others.

4 Conclusions

In this study, we analyzse the effects of machining

parameters, coating and point angle of the drill on hole
quality. The following conclusions may be drawn from this
1. In general, surface roughness improves with cutting
parameters, and coating of drill influence the surface
roughness. Hence, there is an intermediate cutting
speed and feed rate with uncoated and HSS-Co 5%
twist drills at which the roughness error and the
roundness error reduced.
Fig. 10 The form (a) and a sample of radial deviations (b) 2. The effect of the cutting parameters on the hole size is
minor; however, the influence of the point angle on
hole size is important. Additionally, when using HSS-
The entire sample is measured by very sensitive instru- Co 5%, a twist drill can be obtained with minimal hole
ments and the measurements are repeated at least three diameter deviations. A larger diameter is obtained at the
times to guarantee reproducibility. However, in our exper- entry of the hole then at the bottom in the hole owing to
imental study, taking some these factors into account, point the fact that when drill touches the workpiece, the
angle and coating of drill, cutting parameters appear to have vibration may be maximum value.
not major effect on the measured roughness errors, hole 3. The roundness error of produced holes increases with
size, roughness error and radial deviations. In general, increasing cutting parameters owing to lateral, axial and
especially, HSS-Co 5% twist drill shows good performance torsional vibrations of the drill.
at every cutting parameter when compared with the others. 4. The radial deviation of produced hole also increases
In addition to this, uncoated HSS twist drill appears with increasing cutting parameters. The degree differ-
unaccepted performance at low cutting parameters, but at ences do not play significant roles.

Fig. 11 Evaluation of radial

deviation with different cutting
parameters and constant (a) 0,
(b) 90, (c) 180 and (d) 270
degrees angles for different dril-
ling tools considered
1060 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2008) 37:1051–1060

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