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A Forrester Consulting

Thought Leadership Paper

Commissioned By SAP

July 2019

Accelerate Your Digital

Transformation With IoT
Understanding IoT’s Role In Digital
Transformation And How To Capitalize On It
Table Of Contents
1 Executive Summary
2 IoT Capabilities Deliver Holistic
Business Value To Enterprises
4 Deploy IoT At Scale To Optimize
5 Prepare For Dramatic Growth In IoT-
Enabled Assets
7 Key Recommendations
8 Appendix


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Executive Summary
The internet of things (IoT) is transforming the way in which
firms can capture operation data, manage business assets and
facilities, and connect with consumers. Companies that embed IoT
functionality into business processes and applications are better
prepared for digital transformation success. However, enterprise
stakeholders must identify relevant IoT use cases and establish a
clear IoT strategy to successfully achieve desired outcomes.
In March 2019, SAP commissioned Forrester Consulting to
examine how companies are leveraging IoT to support business
outcomes and to understand where opportunities may exist to gain
Companies greater value from IoT. To explore this topic, Forrester conducted
a global survey of 521 IoT decision makers in companies with 500
that embed IoT employees or more in the US, the UK, France, Germany, Japan,
functionality into China, and Brazil. The survey found that the scope of IoT initiatives
is limited for most, but a shift is underway as companies discover
business processes new use cases for IoT and push to improve its integration with
and applications are business applications.
better prepared for KEY FINDINGS
digital transformation ›› Seventy-six percent of respondents said IoT solutions would
success. provide greater benefits to their organizations if they were better
integrated with existing business applications such as enterprise
resource planning (ERP), supply chain, marketing, and human
capital management systems.
›› The value of IoT-enabled solutions extends beyond enhanced
inventory and supply chain management into transformed
field service, fleet operations, production processes, and new
business models.
›› On average, firms expect 54% of all their assets and products to
be IoT connected by 2020.
›› More than 60% of respondents said the connection of IoT with
other intelligent technologies (e.g., machine learning, robotic
process automation) is either very important or absolutely
necessary to optimize the value of their IoT solutions and data.

1 | Accelerate Your Digital Transformation With IoT

IoT Capabilities Deliver Holistic
Business Value To Enterprises
Adoption of IoT is a key component of digital transformation that
has potential to improve operational efficiency, enhance customer
experience, reduce operating costs, and optimize supply chains.
Given the breadth of these transformational opportunities, it’s not
a surprise that 80% of firms surveyed agreed that IoT is central to
their companies’ future success.
The value of IoT is often associated with improving operations or
delivering better experiences to customers; however, our survey
results showed that the value for IoT extends beyond those
categories. Over 75% of IoT decision makers indicated their firms
would gain high value by embedding IoT capabilities into critical
business systems like ERP, supply chain, marketing, and human
capital management (see Figure 1).

Over 75% of IoT decision makers indicated

their firms would receive high value by
embedding IoT capabilities into critical
business systems.

Figure 1
“What value do you believe your company could gain from embedding IoT capabilities into the following business

81% Operations

81% Enterprise resource planning (ERP)

79% Supply chain management (SCM)

79% Marketing

76% Human capital management (HCM)

72% Customer relationship management (CRM)

Base: 521 IoT decision makers from companies in the US, EMEA, APAC, and Brazil
Note: Percentage indicates “high value” responses.
Source: A commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of SAP, March 2019

2 | Accelerate Your Digital Transformation With IoT

IoT-enabled digital transformation use cases are gaining traction: Most
enterprises are deploying or planning to deploy a range of IoT use cases
in the coming year to enhance inventory and supply chain management,
transform field service, and optimize production processes (see Figure 2).
With the range of possibilities for applying IoT, decision makers are
focusing attention on many initiatives, which include:
›› Improving user experience. Digital transformation efforts are often
driven by a desire to improve customer interactions and personalize
user experiences. Forty percent of respondents cited improving user
experience as one of their companies’ top three desired IoT use
cases in the coming years.
›› Enabling self-optimizing production. Manufacturing firms use
self-optimizing production solutions to enable faster production run
changes, detect and prevent emerging problems, and automate
production of customized products; 45% said this is something they
plan to deploy in the next 12 months.
›› Enabling new business models. IoT has spurred a new range of
smart products, which capture insight into how and when customers
use those products and enable companies to use that insight to
identify opportunities for new value-added services, generate
new revenue streams, and capture additional data. Over 50% of
companies are planning to leverage IoT to enable new business
models over the next 12 months.

Figure 2
“What are your company’s plans to deploy the following IoT-enabled digital transformation use cases?”

Already deploying/currently in use Planning to deploy within the next 12 months No current plans to deploy

Inventory and supply chain management 46% 45% 7%

Track-and-trace 44% 44% 11%

Self-optimizing production 43% 45% 10%

Improving facility management 43% 46% 10%

Industrial asset management 42% 48% 10%

Field service transformation 40% 49% 9%

Traffic insights 40% 47% 12%

Improving user experience 40% 48% 11%

Enabling new business models 39% 53% 6%

Fleet management 38% 44% 16%

Weather and climate condition monitoring 28% 43% 26%

Base: 521 IoT decision makers from companies in the US, EMEA, APAC, and Brazil
Source: A commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of SAP, March 2019

3 | Accelerate Your Digital Transformation With IoT

Deploy IoT At Scale To Optimize
Enterprise stakeholders certainly recognize the potential value of deploying
IoT solutions to achieve a range of business, operational, and customer
experience benefits. The next issue to consider is: How can they deliver
their IoT initiatives at scale? Our survey found three key actions can help
companies scale their IoT capabilities:
›› Develop an enterprisewide IoT strategy. Most companies are
approaching IoT initiatives from the perspective of a single line
of business, office/facility, or geographical region. Only 25% of
surveyed enterprises are organizing their IoT priorities around a global,
enterprisewide strategy. Without a strong overarching strategy, IoT
implementation will likely be ad hoc, siloed, and less connected to key
business and strategic outcomes.
›› Manage data security and privacy concerns. Every new technology
introduces additional security considerations for the enterprise, and
IoT is no exception. Forty percent of IoT leaders surveyed cited data
security and privacy as a top concern with IoT. Companies recognize
this challenge: 61% of respondents ranked improved security as a top
business consideration to help them better support IoT capabilities
(see Figure 3).
›› Develop analytical skills. Roughly one-third of surveyed respondents’
firms struggle to transform IoT data into actionable insights. To
address this concern, over half (54%) of respondents’ companies are
prioritizing analytics capabilities to extract greater value from IoT data.
Currently, many firms are not using advanced analytics capabilities
(i.e., embedded analytics, predictive analytics, machine learning,
streaming analytics) due to lack of proper tools and/or analytics skills.

Figure 3
Top IoT business priorities

61% Security of hardware, software, and infrastructure

61% of firms ranked
54% Analytics capabilities to create actionable insight from captured data security as a top
business priority for
51% Seamless connectivity of IoT data with business apps and support better supporting IoT
systems capabilities.
49% Collaboration between IT and ops to identify and deploy IoT use cases

Base: 521 IoT decision makers from companies in the US, EMEA, APAC, and
Note: Percentages indicate total rank as top 5 priority
Source: A commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of
SAP, March 2019

4 | Accelerate Your Digital Transformation With IoT

OPTIMAL BENEFITS “How well connected would you like
IoT solutions provide firms with rich, contextual data that can arm enterprise IoT data streams to be with the
stakeholders with substantial business insights. However, to achieve business following business systems?”
value and utilization benefits, firms must properly connect the data to relevant
business systems including ERP, CRM, and marketing systems. Most
78% Marketing
respondents recognize the challenge of integrating IoT data: 76% believe IoT
solutions would provide greater benefits to their organizations if they were
better integrated with existing business applications. In the future, a majority 71% Customer relationship
of surveyed companies want IoT data streams to be mostly or completely management (CRM)
connected to business systems (see Figure 4).
81% Supply chain management
Prepare For Dramatic Growth In IoT- (SCM)

Enabled Assets 66% Operations

As the wave of digital transformation continues, more companies expect to

see increased adoption of IoT solutions across many different types of assets, 65% Enterprise resource planning
products, and processes. In fact, IoT decision makers in this study estimated (ERP)
that by 2020, approximately 54% of all their assets or products would be IoT
connected. Data captured from these IoT-enabled connected assets will drive
Base: 521 IoT decision makers from
new requirements for hyperscale infrastructure solutions to store, manage, companies in the US, EMEA, APAC, and
and retrieve captured IoT data. To match this growth, enterprises are taking Brazil
specific steps, including: Note: Percentages indicate “mostly” or
“completely connected” responses
›› Investing in more IoT technology solutions and partnerships. Strategic Source: A commissioned study conducted
commitment to IoT solutions must be supported by the proper investments by Forrester Consulting on behalf of SAP,
March 2019
to be successful. However, 98% of surveyed respondents recognize their
companies can’t do it on their own and need better IoT training, integration
support, and analytics capabilities from their external partners.
›› Expanding to enterprisewide IoT deployments. Our survey found that
respondents expect IoT solutions to benefit all parts of their organizations. On average, firms
Therefore, IoT solutions must enhance a variety of tasks spanning a range expect 54% of all their
of operational processes and customer experience initiatives. To this end,
46% of companies are taking steps to hire and train more staff to support assets and products
IoT functions, and 41% are strengthening their IoT strategies by making to be IoT connected
top-down investments in IoT initiatives.
by 2020.
With this growth and continued investment in IoT, firms expect to see
business benefits not only in operational efficiency and lower operating costs,
but also in customer satisfaction and improved revenue (see Figure 5).

Figure 5
Top three desired outcomes from implementing IoT technology and solutions

54% 53% 32%

Improve operational efficiency Improve customer experience Improve revenue

Base: 521 IoT decision makers from companies in the US, EMEA, APAC, and Brazil
Source: A commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of SAP, March 2019

5 | Accelerate Your Digital Transformation With IoT

Optimizing the value of IoT solutions requires firms to implement
relevant, automated analytics tools and data management processes
to transform captured IoT data valuable insight. Many enterprise
stakeholders recognize that advanced analytics and intelligent
technologies can drive additional IoT solution value and benefits (see
Figure 6).
›› Advanced analytics solutions transform IoT data. Artificial
intelligence and machine learning solutions enable firms to analyze
and transform captured IoT data using trainable mathematical
models. Examples of machine learning use cases include predictive
maintenance and creating personalized user experiences and
customer interactions.
›› Leverage intelligent robotic process automation (RPA) and other
intelligent technologies to drive additional IoT benefits. RPA
provisions software agents — bots — that mimic human interactions
with software systems to automate manual and repeatable low-value
tasks, thereby enabling resources to spend time on high-value jobs.
Intelligent RPA combines the power of machine learning, RPA, and
conversational AI to deliver out-of-the-box intelligent business process
automation. When integrated with IoT solutions, enterprises can
merge the physical and digital worlds to improve resource productivity,
process optimization, and customer satisfaction.

Figure 6
“How important are the following innovation technologies in helping your company optimize the value of its IoT solutions
and data?”
Very important Absolutely necessary

Machine learning (ML) 39% 35%

Artificial intelligence (AI) 40% 29%

(Intelligent) robotic process automation (RPA) 35% 33%

Augmented reality/virtual reality (AR/VR) 37% 27%

Conversational AI (chatbots/voice UI) 38% 23%

Blockchain solutions 33% 12%

Base: 521 IoT decision makers from companies in the US, EMEA, APAC, and Brazil
Source: A commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of SAP, March 2019

Key Recommendations
Enterprises in various industries are proactively deploying a variety of IoT
use cases and embedding IoT functionality into key business applications
as part of their digital transformation initiatives. These IoT solutions enable
enterprises to achieve efficient operations, enhance processes, and
differentiate customer relationships. Benefits from these IoT solutions
are often enhanced with intelligent technologies such as advanced
analytics, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and augmented or virtual
reality solutions.
Forrester’s in-depth survey of IoT decision makers in global enterprises
yielded the following recommendations:
Identify digital transformation initiatives to address your firm’s
strategic goals. Stakeholders in each enterprise must evaluate relevant
digital transformation initiatives relative to individual operational processes,
industry-specific priorities, and strategic goals. Areas to consider include
enabling new business models, delivering personalized customer
experiences, generating new revenues, and enhancing operations.
Align your IoT initiatives with identified digital transformation
goals. Consider opportunities to use combinations of IoT solutions and
other intelligent technologies (e.g., machine learning, robotic process
automation) to address critical use cases. As your IoT initiatives expand, so
too will scalability and analytics requirements to extend deployments and
transform captured information into actionable insight.
Assess requirements for hybrid edge and cloud IoT use cases.
Most firms will deploy both edge and cloud-enabled IoT solutions.
Mission-critical IoT applications (e.g., factory automation, self-optimized
production) often have performance and reliability requirements demanding
edge computing to process data closer to the data source. Enterprise
stakeholders must evaluate their firms’ requirements for both types of IoT
use cases to ensure they have the necessary network architecture, security,
and management capabilities.
Seek assistance from third-party partners to fill in IoT technology
and skill set gaps. Many enterprises that are deploying IoT solutions
struggle with a variety of technical, analytic, and operational issues. These
firms often proactively seek help from third-party partners to provide
supplemental IoT operational process training, advanced analytics tools,
and data insights solutions to transform captured data into actionable
insight. Many firms also need assistance integrating IoT data streams with
their ERP, CRM, and supply chain management systems.

7 | Accelerate Your Digital Transformation With IoT

Appendix A: Methodology
In this study, Forrester surveyed 521 IoT decision makers from
companies in the US, EMEA, APAC, and Brazil. Companies surveys
had 500 employees or more and represented the following industries:
life science; high tech; automotive; energy and utilities; manufacturing;
CPG; and chemicals, oil, and gas manufacturing. Survey participants
were from a mix of IT and operations roles with decision-making
influence over IoT and digital transformation initiatives. Questions
provided to the participants asked about how IoT was impacting
their digital transformation efforts and explored future plans for IoT.
Respondents were offered a small incentive as a thank you for time
spent on the survey. The study was completed in March 2019.

Appendix B: Demographics/Data
UK/FR/DE 30% 32%
US 30% CN/JP 30%

BR 10%

Senior-most Executive Director in Manager of

leader in in business a business business unit
business unit or unit or or function
unit or function function function


Life sciences 20% 9%
20,000 or more 25%
High tech 20% 500 to 999
Automotive (includes manufacturing) 20% 26%
Energy, utilities, and/or waste 5,000 to 19,999
management employees
Discrete manufacturing and materials 10%
Consumer packaged goods
10% 39%
(discrete) manufacturing
1,000 to 4,999
Chemicals, oil, and gas manufacturing 10% employees

Base: 521 IoT decision makers from companies in the US, EMEA, APAC, and Brazil
Note: Percentages may not total 100 because of rounding.
Source: A commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of SAP, March 2019

8 | Accelerate Your Digital Transformation With IoT

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