IPE Exit Exam Reviewer (BB)

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IPE Exit Exam Reviewer

1. What tonnage of refrigerating machine is required if the refrigerating system extracted

48,000 btu per hour?
Answer: 4 tons

2. An insulator with superior tensile strength but low heat resistance

Answer: Fiberglass

3. What is the combination of a wet and dry bulb thermometer is called a

Answer: Hygrometer or psychrometer

4. The weight of steel bar reinforcement show be how many time the weight of the foundation?
Answer: ½% to 1%

5. Is a high temperature process that turns incinerator ash into a safe, glass – like material
Answer: Vitrification

6. Oil is added to a freon compressor by

Answer: Pumping in with a hand pump

7. The difference between the theoretical draft and the draft loss
Answer: Available draft

8. The purpose of expansion valve by-pass is to

Answer: Controls the refrigerant to the evaporator in case the automatic valves fail

9. Load curve refers to the plot of:

Answer: Load versus time

10. What does a negative Joule-Thompson coefficient means during a throttling process?
Answer: fluid temperature rises

11. The maximum unit pressure of turbine and generator on the reinforced concrete should not
Answer: 17.62 kg/cm2

12. Water in vapor form remains a vapor as long as temperature is what relations to the dew
point temperature
Answer: below
13. The “refrigerating effect” of a refrigerant is a always:
Answer: Less than its latent heat

14. A burner should always start up in ___ fire and shut down in ___ fire
Answer: Low; low

15. A ___ boiler has water in the tubes and heat gases of combustion passing through the tubes
Answer: Water tube

16. If the compressor had been running satisfactorily for a long period of time but suddenly the
compartment temperature started to rise, the trouble might be:
Answer: Any of the other choices
(A refrigerant leak has developed, The solenoid valve has jammed shut, The expansion valve
may contain frozen water)

17. A type of polymer used for Styrofoam cups and clam shell food containers
Answer: Polystyrene (PS)

18. Mycotoxins are poisonous chemicals produced by:

Answer: Molds

19. The magnitude of the drag coefficient of a sphere in water is dependent upon all of the ff
Answer: Units of measure (SI or English engineering system)

20. A refrigeration system in which only part of the refrigerant passes over the heat transfer
surface is evaporated and the balance is separated from the vapor and recirculated
Answer: Flooded system

21. The boiling point of freon-12 at atmospheric pressure is

Answer: -22F

22. Which of the following vital components of the refrigeration system where both temperature
and pressure are increased?
Answer: Compressor

23. Which of the following must be done to eliminate frost on the discharge pipe of the
Answer: None of the other choices
(Open the expansion valve, crack bypass valve, Regulates water to the condenser)

24. Orifice coefficients are used to determine:

Answer: Energy losses
25. Which of the following is used as high head turbine?
Answer: Impulse

26. A water-tube condenser has a total of 60 tubes. If these two passes, then compute the number
of tubes per pass
Answer: 15

27. Absolute zero is

Answer: 460 degrees below zero on the Fahrenheit scale

28. Which of the following can be the cause of low head pressure
Answer: Any of the other choices
(Leaky discharge valves, Too much or too cold condensing water, insufficient charge of

29. What is the most common freon gas used in centrifugal compressors?
Answer: F-11

30. When purging an ammonia condenser into a bucket of water, one can tell when the air is out
and ammonia starts to come through the:
Answer: Change of bubbling sound of air to the cracking sound of ammonia

31. In the deep well installation or operation, the difference between static water level and
operating water level is known as:
Answer: Drawdown

32. White ice is

Answer: Due to dissolved air, gasses and impurities

33. Which of the following is a characteristic of an impulse turbine

Answer: Steam striking blades at zero angle

34. Heavy water is:

Answer: D2O

35. When excess solute in a solution settles to the bottom of the container, the process is called:
Answer: Precipitation

36. Calcium chloride is sometimes used in refrigeration system as a:

Answer: Secondary Coolant

37. If a compressor runs continuously, the cause might be a:

Answer: Stuck low-pressure switch
38. The thermal expansion valve is located between the:
Answer: Solenoid valve and the evaporator coils

39. The cooling water regulator is automatically actuated by which of the following?
Answer: The discharge pressure of the refrigerant

40. Based on the PSME code, what should be provided in each steam outlets if two or more
boilers will be connected in parallel?
Answer: Non-return and shut off valves

41. The amount of sensible heat for a sensible heat ratio of 0.8 and a total cooling load of 100 is
Answer: 80

42. Which refrigerant is used for the air conditioning of passenger aircraft cabin
Answer: Air

43. When a falling object reaches a speed at which the drag force equals its weight, it has
Answer: A turbulent boundary layer

44. The minimum vertical distance from the floor or soil level to the top edge of the foundation
must be around
Answer: 120 mm

45. How many moisture be removed from air?

Answer: condensation and absorption

46. The charging valve is located between the:

Answer: King valve and the expansion valve

47. A “cold diffuser” is a:

Answer: Type of evaporator

48. Which of the following stops the compressor before the relief valve opens?
Answer: High pressure control

49. What is the excess refrigerant removed?

Answer: Charging side of the system

50. Which of the following is used in measuring the density of a brine solution?
Answer: A hydrometer
51. All of the following are common types of chemical reaction except
Answer: Fission

52. A ___ after each radiator allows ___ to pass through to the return line
Answer: Steam trap; condensate

53. A leaky solution valve can usually detected by:

Answer: Any of the other choices
(A fluctuating suction pressure gauge, a higher suction pressure, closing in on the suction
valve having no effect on the suction pressure)

54. If the cooling water to the condenser suddenly fails:

Answer: The compressor will shutdown

55. If Et is the total net energy generated by a plant in a certain period of time and Er is the rated
net energy capacity of the plant during the same period of time, then what is the plant
operating factor?
Answer: Et/Er

56. A thermometer sense which of the following?

Answer: Sensible heat

57. Is the subjective method in which the smoke density is visually compared to five
standardized white-black grids
Answer: Ringelman scale

58. Excessive head pressure is caused by

Answer: Flooded condenser tubes or cooling water temperature too high

59. What do you call a plate or vane used to direct or control movement of fluid or air within the
confined area?
Answer: Baffle

60. The total pressure supplied by the fan at maximum operating conditions
Answer: Net rating or fan boost

61. The system should be purged:

Answer: After the system has been shut down for few hours

62. What is likely to occur when sections of the impeller of a centrifugal pump are handling
vapor and other sections are handling liquid.
Answer: complete failure to operate
63. What is the chemical formula of Ozone?
Answer: O3

64. An excessively high head pressure would be caused by:

Answer: Insufficient cooling water to the condenser

65. When an electric motor nameplate indicate a “100-kW electric motor” then what does a 100-
kW rating refers to?
Answer: Mechanical power output

66. During a cooling and dehumidifying process, sensible and latent heats are removed in the
cooling coil. If Hs is the sensible heat and Ht is the total heat transferred, then determine the
coil sensible factor.
Answer: Hs/Ht

67. A single trunk piston-type compressor is undesirable for a Freon unit because the:
Answer: Lubricant mixes with the refrigerant

68. What is the first step that must be done when securing a system?
Answer: Close receiver (King) valve

69. The amount of CO can be determined by the color of Palladium Chloride. An amount of 30
ppm to 70 ppm will cause:
Answer: Slight Darkening

70. The water hammer phenomenon is primarily what kind of fluid mechanism?
Answer: Dynamic (a time-dependent phenomena)

71. The other name for Swamp Cooling is:

Answer: Wet Roof Cooling

72. The design of an air supply duct of an air condition system

Answer: affects the distribution

73. A Freon – 12 gage shows pressure and ____.

Answer: Saturation temperature

74. High superheat of the vapor in the system would cause

Answer: A decrease in capacity

75. When there is no work between the thermodynamic system and its surrounding, the quantity
of net heat transfer is equal to:
Answer: total energy of a closed system
76. The relation between the Fahrenheit absolute scale and the Celsius absolute scale is:
Answer: R = 1.8 Kelvin

77. External frost on inlet of expansion valve indicates:

Answer: Expansion valve plugged or dirty

78. The total cross section of a target atom is made up of

Answer: The absorption and scattering cross sections

79. The motor condition of an air conditioning unit can be checked with:
Answer: The continuity of light or with an ohmmeter

80. A number used to compare energy usage for different areas. It is calculated by dividing the
energy consumption by the footage of the conditioned area.
Answer: Energy utilization Index

81. What is the effect if the refrigerant is removed from the system too fast?
Answer: It may “freeze – up” the condenser

82. After the total force of the steam has lifted the safety valve off its seat, the steam enters the
Answer: Huddling chamber

83. By which of the fooling processes heat mainly dissipates in cooling towers?
Answer: Evaporation

84. All of the following fluid phenomena are based on the force momentum principle of a
flowing fluid except:
Answer: Diesel automobile engines

85. All of the following are forms of drag on a body moving through a fluid except
Answer: D’alembert’s paradox drag

86. What is the use of the suction pressure regulating valve?

Answer: Maintains the back pressure in the evaporator coils

87. There shall be no foundation bolts less than _____.

Answer: 12 mm in diameter

88. The ratio of the rated cooling capacity divided by the amount of electrical power used:
Answer: Energy efficiency ratio (EER)
89. The scale trap is located between the:
Answer: King (liquid) valve and expansion valve

90. The temperature in the vegetable box should be approximately

Answer: 35 to 45 deg. F

91. A thermostat is a
Answer: Temperature-operated switch

92. The bulb for the thermal expansion valve is located:

Answer: Near the evaporator coil outlet

93. The coefficient of velocity is the ratio of the:

Answer: Actual velocity to the theoretical velocity

94. What is the specific humidity of dry air?

Answer: 0

95. What is the reason why a thermometer in vapor compression system is installed close to the
Answer: Because it helps the operator in adjusting compressor for greatest efficiency

96. As the steam temperature increases the steam temperature:

Answer: Increases

97. Substances that have the ability to absorb moisture from the air are called:
Answer: Desiccants

98. Evaporative condenser is used to cool

Answer: condenser vapor

99. If the head pressure is too high:

Answer: The high pressure cutout switch should operate before the relief valve opens

100. A material or substance that is accidentally or intentionally introduce to the environment

in a quantity that exceeds what occurs naturally
Answer: Pollutant

101. The greatest decrease in refrigerant temperature occurs in the ____

Answer: Evaporator

102. The diesel cycle is the ideal cycle for a :

Answer: compression-ignition engine
103. The moisture in a refrigeration system can be removed with help of which of the
Answer: Driers

104. What process is employed when the turbine steam power plants experience excessive
Answer: reheating

105. The path that directs the flow of refrigerant through the compressor
Answer: Valve

106. Which of the following is another name for the liquid valve?
Answer: King valve

107. Expansion factors take into account the:

Answer: Effects of compressibility

108. The term used to express the amount moisture in a given sample of air. It is compared
with the amount of moisture in a given sample of air.
Answer: Relative Humidity

109. What are the four basic methods of determining whether the proper amount of refrigerant
being added to the system?
Answer: Bull’s eye, weight, pressure and frost line

110. Which of the following components of the window air conditioning system must be
cleaned annually?
Answer: All of these
(Evaporator and Condenser, Motor and Compressor, Fan Blades and Fan Motor)

111. At present, the number of true elementary particles, which include leptons and quarks is
thought to be
Answer: 12

112. All of the following statements about conjugate acids and bases are true except
Answer: A conjugate base results when a base accepts a proton

113. A double-seated valve allows the valve to be

Answer: Packed in the wide open or closed position

114. In order to keep combustion products inside the combustion chamber and stack system,
balanced draft system may actually operate with a slight
Answer: negative pressure
115. What is the cause of pressure drop in the boiler, condenser and the pipings between
different components? Because of this drop, steam leaving the boiler at a lower pressure.
Answer: Fluid friction

116. It is a form of oxygen photochemically produced in nature.

Answer: Ozone

117. Absolute zero on the Fahrenheit scale is equal to

Answer: -460

118. Low suction pressure is caused by:

Answer: Solenoid valve not functioning properly

119. What do you call the storage tank for liquid refrigerant?
Answer: Receiver tank

120. Why should you avoid bending or twisting of fan blades in an air conditioning unit?
Answer: It will wear out the motor bearings and cause noise

121. All of the following statements are characteristics of bases except

Answer: They have a pH between 0 and 7

122. Concrete foundation should have steel bar reinforcement placed vertically and
horizontally to avoid ____.
Answer: Thermal cracking

123. The pump will not cavitate if the available Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH) is:
Answer: equal or greater than the required NPHS

124. What will happen to the capacity if the superheat is increased on the suction side?
Answer: Decreases

125. When heavy electrical currents are involved, the thermostat will be operated by a
Answer: Relay

126. Valves in piping in an ammonia system are made of

Answer: Iron

127. Which of the following is not essential to a compression refrigeration system?

Answer: A receiver

128. Nitrogen occupied almost how much of the Earth’s atmosphere?

Answer: 3/4
129. If frost forms on the cylinders, the cause would be:
Answer: Expansion valve open too wide

130. Which of the following gasket materials should be on Freon system?

Answer: Asbestos or Metallic

131. Which of the following would cause the crankcase and head to get hot with low suction
Answer: Insufficient refrigeration

132. Moisture in a system will cause a:

Answer: Faulty expansion valve

133. The steam turbine foundation should be designed to support the machine load plus how
many percent for impact, condenser load, floor loads and dead loads?
Answer: 25

134. When air is heated, what happened to its relative humidity?

Answer: Remain constant

135. Sweating of crankcase is caused by which of the following?

Answer: Too much oil in the system

136. What do you call a material in a dryer?

Answer: Desiccant

137. The matching model and full-scale prototype results a fluid dynamic phenomena
involving a fully submerged body requires equality of:
Answer: Reynolds number

138. Which of the following uses a secondary refrigerant?

Answer: Ice plant

139. When the outlet temperature at the evaporator exceeds the inlet temperature, the
condition is known as:
Answer: Superheating

140. In series pipe systems, all of the following parameters vary from section to section except
Answer: Mass flow

141. Which of the following is used to control refrigeration compressor capacity?

Answer: Unloader
142. TOR is a unit equivalent to:
Answer: 12.66 kN-m/hr

143. The agent used in an indirect reefer system is:

Answer: Calcium chloride or sodium chloride

144. If the W is the work output of a heat engine and H is the total heat input of an engine,
then determine its thermal efficiency, e.
Answer: e = W/H

145. Which of the following items is not important when using a halide torch?
Answer: Adjust to a clear white flame

146. A dehumidifier is usually a small hermitic refrigerating system. It has both a condenser
and an evaporator. Many older systems use R – 12 or R – 500. The newer units are:
Answer: R – 134a

147. What is the method used to evaluate all welds performed on pressure parts of boiler tube
Answer: Radiographic test

148. Faulty F – 12 compressor valves will be indicated by:

Answer: All of the other choices
(Gradual or sudden decrease in capacity, compressor running continuously, Low head
pressure – high suction pressure)

149. Heat exchanger in which water flows by gravity over the outside of tubes or plates.
Answer: Baudelot cooler

150. Which of the following is not a sound absorptive material?

Answer: Mirrors

151. The desirable temperature inside an air conditioned auditorium is:

Answer: 20 C

152. An odorless refrigerant whose boiling point varies over a wide range of temperatures.
Answer: Freon 12

153. The cooling water regulator is actuated by

Answer: Pressure of the refrigerant

154. The psychrometric chart in air conditioning determines the

Answer: Moist air conditions
155. Blowback of a safety valve is to prevent:
Answer: Chattering

156. When starting a refrigerant unit, be sure the water side of the condenser is ____.
Answer: Vented

157. A temperature measurement in an ordinary temperature which has constant specific

Answer: Dew point temperature

158. What adding oil to a freon system, one must be sure that
Answer: All air is removed from the pump and fitting

159. The primary purpose of a turbine in a fluid is to:

Answer: Extract energy from the flow

160. Which of the following is to be checked as regular monthly maintenance schedule of a

console air conditioning units?
Answer: Duct dampers, registers and diffusers

161. A company is interested to produce a water turbine wherein only little energy is required
or necessary because the guide vanes are to be controlled. The turbine must be a:
Answer: Kaplan turbine

162. To check the lack of refrigerant or clogged refrigerant lines:

Answer: Installing service valves must be necessary

163. Condensate from the non return steam trap is pumped from the condensate return tank of
Answer: Boiler

164. The locus of elevation is:

Answer: Hydraulic Gradient

165. Which of the following cannot be used to describe neutron kinetic energy levels
Answer: Freezing

166. It is important to take some moisture from the air dehumidify it if the relative humidity
reaches high levels. To do this, it requires cooling the air:
Answer: Below its dew point temperature

167. The vapor cycle in thermal efficiency as the refrigeration cycle to the
Answer: COP for a refrigerator
168. A scale trap in a Freon system will be found on the
Answer: Suction side

169. Which of the following is not used as method to measure air velocities?
Answer: Open type Barometer

170. Which of the following is considered as comfort condition in air conditioning?

Answer: 20 C DBT, 60% RH

171. Which of the following acts as ignition accelerator for internal combustion engine fuels?
Answer: Acetone peroxide

172. The purpose of the evaporator is to

Answer: Absorb latent heat of vaporization

173. The speed at which a reaction proceeds to equilibrium is the purview of

Answer: Reaction kinetics

174. What do you call the liquid reaching the compressor through the suction?
Answer: Flooding back

175. Which of the following draft rely on the stack effect to draw off combustion gases?
Answer: Natural draft

176. The relative humidity becomes 100% and where the water vapor starts to condense.
Answer: Dew point

177. Which of the following statements is correct? The relative humidity of an air water vapor
Answer: is the ratio of partial pressure of water vapor to the saturation pressure at the
mixture temperature

178. The following are standard characteristics of Freon – 11 except:

Answer: Boiling point over 200 F

179. The bhp/ton refrigeration requirement with increase in condenser temperature. In a vapor
compression system that uses reciprocating compressor receiving refrigerant gas at constant
suction temperature, will follow:
Answer: Linearly increasing characteristic
180. In an air conditioning unit, the thermostat fails. The unit did not start. How do you test
the operation of the thermostat?
Answer: Cover the air outlet and air inlet with a cloth. The air will recirculate into the
unit and the temperature will quickly drop to the cut out temperature.

181. All of the following temperature have meaning in psychrometrics except:

Answer: Adiabatic wall temperature

182. The maximum continuous power available from a hydro – electric plant under the most
adverse hydraulic conditions is called
Answer: Firm power

183. Which of the following dehumidifier is often used to reheat the air after moisture is
Answer: Condenser

184. Which of the following is a type of evaporator?

Answer: shell-and-tube

185. All of the following factors affect rates of reaction except

Answer: Pressure

186. Which of the following would cause a high suction pressure?

Answer: Expansion valve open too wide

187. Zinc rods are found in the:

Answer: Salt water side of the condenser

188. The sum of the internal energy and the product of pressure and specific volume is known
as the:
Answer: enthalpy

189. Any foreign matter in the coal feed mechanism of the screw-feed stoker is best removed
Answer: Using the cutoff gate at the bottom of the hopper

190. Based on the PSME code, what should be the humidity of air to be used for comfort
Answer: 50% - 60% relative humidity
191. Which of the following must be checked up if an automatic Freon system will not start
Answer: All of the other choices
(High pressure cutout, reset mechanism, Low-pressure cutout)

192. Refers to the use of composting soil beds

Answer: Biofiltration

193. What is the usual cop of a domestic refrigerator?

Answer: More than 1

194. In a hydro-electric plant using a Francis turbine with medium head, the speed can be
regulated using the
Answer: Wicket gate

195. The temperature bulb of the thermo-expansion valve is attached to which of the
Answer: Evaporator coil outlet

196. Which of the following refrigerants would give the most trouble when operating with
warm circulating water?
Answer: CO2

197. A rule which states that any waste derived from the treatment of a hazardous waste
remains a hazardous waste
Answer: The derived from rule

198. A device for holding open the suction valve and drawing gas from the suction manifold
and returning it to the suction line without compressing it is called
Answer: Cylinder unloader

199. The intake pipe to a hydraulic turbine from a dam

Answer: Penstock

200. What consists of weak solutions of sulfuric, hydrochloric, and to a lesser extent, nitric
Answer: Acid rain

201. The expansion valve does not seem to be operating properly. There is high superheat.
Test by listening to the sound of Freon flooding through the tubes and ____.
Answer: Warm bulb with hand
202. Swimming pool water needs
Answer: de-chlorination

203. Oxygen is approximately what percent by weight in the atmosphere?

Answer: 23%

204. Which of the following could be used to check a leak in an ammonia system?
Answer: Litmus paper & Sulfur stick

205. The determination of properties and behavior of atmospheric air usually the purview of:
Answer: Psychrometrics

206. A valve the released steam from the boiler by operating at a pre-determined pressure in
order to keep the steam pressure from rising more than the pressure from which the valve is
set is called a
Answer: Safety valve

207. If the critical temperature of a refrigerant is too close to the desired condensing
temperature, the equipment must necessarily be of
Answer: Extra heavy construction

208. If a freon – 12 compressor trip out on “cut-out”, the solenoid valve closes by which of the
Answer: An electrical release

209. Which of the following would cause the suction switch to remain open?
Answer: Bellows broken or jammed

210. In the upper atmosphere, ozone is made by ultraviolet light reacting with:
Answer: Oxygen

211. How is ammonia system purged so that operator will not be overcome by the fumes?
Answer: Into the bucket of water

212. A ton of refrigeration is equal to the removal of

Answer: 288,000 btu per 24 hrs.

213. As a good practical rule, the foundation depth may be taken as how many times of the
engine stroke?
Answer: 2:5 to 3:5

214. Most stacks are built of height less than _____.

Answer: 30 m
215. The phenomenon that warm air rise and cold air settle is called:
Answer: Stratification

216. Type of refrigerant control which maintains pressure difference between high side and
low side pressure in refrigerating mechanism:
Answer: Expansion valve

217. The crossover connection in an ammonia system can be used to ____.

Answer: Hot-gas defrost

218. Which of the following refrigerants has lowest freezing point temperature?
Answer: Freon 22

219. The operation that produces highest noise level is:

Answer: Riveting

220. Select the one in which secondary refrigerant is used

Answer: Ice plant

221. Which of the following is not essential to a centrifugal type compressor system?
Answer: Distiller

222. Two compressor should not be run in parallel because

Answer: There is a possibility of losing oil

223. Which of the following is also known as refrigerant no. R-717?

Answer: Ammonia

224. During sensible heating, the humidity remains constant but the relative humidity.
Answer: decreases

225. The term suction units is used with

Answer: Induced draft

226. If the compressor had been running satisfactorily for a long period of time but the oil
level was rising slowly, one should:
Answer: Shut down the compressor and check the oil level with the machine stopped

227. What amount of air is required in a low bypass factor?

Answer: Lesser

228. The reduction of nuclear radiation intensity (called attenuation) is accomplished by:
Answer: Shielding
229. The ozone concentration of 0.10 parts per million (ppm) is generally considered the
maximum permissible for how many hours exposure?
Answer: 8 Hours

230. Which do you think is very important in adjusting compressor “v” belts?
Answer: Allow ½” slack

231. An engineer inspected an air-conditioning unit. He found out that the unit does not
produce any cooling effect, however, the air-conditioning unit is running. He checked the
temperature of the condenser and evaporator and hat the unit run. He found out that there was
no change in temperature. What should he do?
Answer: Charge with new refrigerant

232. The temperature at which water vapor in the atmosphere begins to condense is known as:
Answer: dew point

233. The ice making capacity is always

Answer: Directly proportional to the refrigerating effect

234. If the compressor short-cycles on the high-pressure cutout, which of the following would
you check?
Answer: All of the other choices
(If plenty of cooling water is running through but it is not picking up heat, the condenser
tubes need cleaning, Be sure system is getting cooling water, Check for too much refrigerant
in the system)

235. What is the instrument used to register relative humidity?

Answer: Hygrometer

236. What has an octane rating of more than 100?

Answer: Benzol

237. A device used to keep moisture from passing through the system is called:
Answer: Dehydrator

238. If the freezing point of water is 0 C, which of the following is its melting point following
is its melting point
Answer: 0 C

239. What is the pressure present inside the casing of an impulse turbine?
Answer: Atmospheric pressure
240. A vena contracta in a fluid jet issuing through a hole in a plate is located approximately:
Answer: At jet’s minimum diameter

241. If the compressor short-cycles on the low-pressure cutout, the trouble might be:
Answer: Any of the other choices
(Too much frost on the evaporator coils, dirty traps and strainers, lack of refrigerant)

242. The amount of heat necessary to bring up temperature of a unit mass of a substance
through unit degree is called
Answer: Total heat

243. If the expansion valve capillary tube is pinched, which of the following be replaced?
Answer: All of the other choices (called the power element unit)
(Bulb, tube, diaphragm)

244. The coefficient of discharge is the ratio of the.

Answer: Actual discharge to the theoretical discharge

245. Pitot tube is used to measure the:

Answer: Velocity of flow

246. The principle of the centrifugal system is based on which of the following?
Answer: Kinetic energy

247. The disadvantage of a CO2 system over an ammonia system is the fact that
Answer: All of the other choices
(The pipes and fittings of a co2 system must be of the high-pressure type, The CO2 system
requires a larger prime remover, The CO2 system operates at a much higher pressure)

248. If ice will form in a solution of water and salt, then it is at temperature called:
Answer: Freezing point depression

249. The suction pressure in a Freon system should be:

Answer: The pressure which corresponds with a temperature about 20F below the
temperature of the icebox.

250. Wb is shaft work of an engine and Wi is indicated work of an engine. If mechanical is

present in the engine mechanism, then.
Answer: Wb is less than Wi

251. What is the relationship of the capacity of a centrifugal pump, Q, to impeller diameter, D,
when there are two impeller diameters in the same pump?
Answer: Q is directly proportional to the ratio of D
252. The combination of enthalpy and kinetic energy of fluid is termed as:
Answer: Stagnation enthalpy

253. Before any repair work is attempted on any gas-fired boiler the:
Answer: Main gas cock must be secured

254. An air-conditioning system in which water is chilled or cooled and which passes the
evaporator coils
Answer: Chilled water system

255. Refers to organic waste produced from biological water waste treatment processes
Answer: Biosolids

256. As far as combustion chamber design is considered, the maximum power output of a
given engine can be increased by:
Answer: Decreasing combustion chamber volume

257. A radioactive gas produce from the decay of radium within the rocks beneath a building
Answer: Radon

258. Ozone filters out what type of radiation that damages crops and causes skin cancer?
Answer: Ultraviolet radiation

259. The ratio of the sum of individual maximum demands of the system to the overall
maximum demand of the whole system
Answer: Diversity factor

260. A bell coleman cycle is also known as

Answer: Reversed Joule cycle

261. It is used deliver concentrated airstreams into a room. Many have one-way or two-way
adjustable air stream deflectors.
Answer: Register

262. The sensible heat ratio is 0.8. that is

Answer: 80% sensible heat and 20% latent heat

263. Closing the solenoid valve will stop the compressor through the ____.
Answer: Low-pressure cutout switch

264. A refrigerating unit of one (1) ton capacity can remove?

Answer: 200 btu’s per min
265. Which of the following is the usual case of slugging?
Answer: Expansion valve not operating properly

266. All of the following occur during reduction of a substance except

Answer: Loss of electrons

267. The secondary refrigerant used in milk chilling plants is generally

Answer: Glycol

268. Where is the solenoid coil installed?

Answer: Vertically over the valve

269. The thermal expansion valve responds to the

Answer: Amount of superheat in the vapor

270. To eliminate transmission of vibration, the foundation should be isolated from the floor
slabs of building footings at least how may mm around its perimeter?
Answer: 25

271. Which one is commonly used liquid absorbent?

Answer: Ethylene glycol

272. The low-pressure control switch:

Answer: Cuts out the compressor to maintain proper flow

273. If the outlet of the thermostatic valve is warmer than the inlet, it indicates
Answer: Thermostatic valve not working properly

274. Compute the wall gain load of a load storage room when A is the outside surface area of
the wall, D is the temperature differential across the wall, and U is the overall coefficient of
heat transmission.
Answer: AUD

275. A leak on the fuel oil suction line between the tank and the suction side of the fuel oil
pump would result in:
Answer: Air entering the suction line

276. How is the CO2 system is purged?

Answer: When CO2 comes out of the purge valve, frost will form on a piece of metal
held near the outlet

277. The relief valve on a CO2 machine is located:

Answer: On the discharge pipe between the compressor and discharge valve
278. The high-pressure side of the system is sometimes referred to as the:
Answer: Hot side

279. Combined pressure of cooling and humidifying is also known as:

Answer: Evaporative cooling process

280. The schedule of a pipe, N, indicates the thickness of the pipe wall. If the allowable stress
of the pipe is S, then what is the internal pressure equal to?
Answer: N x S

281. Which of the following area of work requires lowest noise level?
Answer: Library

282. Which of the following contribute to the deterioration of the earth’s ozone layer?
Answer: Chlorofluorocarbons

283. What is the least number of compressors a multistage system that will use?
Answer: Two

284. Is a soluble compound that reduces a liquid’s surface tension or reduces the interfacial
tension between a liquid and a solid
Answer: Surface – acting agent or surfactant

285. To secure the belts embedded within the foundation, the distance of the edges of the
foundation from the bedplate must be ____.
Answer: 120 mm to 300 mm

286. In Stirling and Ericsson Cycles, the efficiency can be increased by:
Answer: Regeneration

287. The thermal expansion valve

Answer: Controls the quantity of liquid refrigerant going to the evaporator coils

288. Too low suction pressure could be caused by:

Answer: Any of the other choices
(Dirty scale traps, Shortage of refrigerant gas, Too much oil in the system)

289. The static pressure drop due to friction through the boiler and stack.
Answer: Draft loss

290. In a freon-11 system there is no

Answer: Distiller
291. The coefficient of contraction is the ratio of the:
Answer: Area of vena contracta to the orifice area

292. Which of the following should not be used to clean scale traps:
Answer: Cotton waste

293. Most observe properties of light and other radiant energy are consistent with waves in
nature, but in interaction with matter, electromagnetic energy behaves as though it consists of
discrete pieces or
Answer: Quanta

294. Boilers using soft coal must have ____ furnace volume to reduce the danger of ____
Answer: Large; smoking

295. Which of the following would you apply if a person got Freon in his eyes?
Answer: Sterile mineral oil

296. The compressor will run continuously if there is:

Answer: Any of the other choices
(Too heavy a load, Insufficient refrigerant, Air in the system)

297. A hot crankcase and cylinder head accompanied by a low suction pressure would be
caused by
Answer: Insufficient refrigerant

298. One foot water is equal to:

Answer: 62.43 lb/in2

299. The purpose of the oil trap is:

Answer: To remove oil from the refrigerating gas

300. Many pressure gauges on a Freon system have two dials or graduations on one gauge.
The two dial represents:
Answer: Pressure and temperature

301. The faster way to remove frost from a direct expansion finned tube evaporator is to:
Answer: Send hot gas through the coil

302. When ordering an expansion valve which of the following information is necessary?
Answer: Size, tonnage, temperature, and pressure

303. The elements of a thermostat switch are usually of the ____.

Answer: Bimetal type
304. Which of the following characteristics that is not desirable in a refrigerant?
Answer: Low latent heat of vaporization

305. What do bodies at a temperature above absolute zero?

Answer: It emits Thermal Radiation

306. The Horizontal Scale (Abscissa) in the psychrometric Chart represents:

Answer: Dry bulb temperature

307. The thermostatic expansion valve is designed to maintain constant ____.

Answer: Superheat

308. The charging connection in a refrigerating system is located:

Answer: Between the king valve and the solenoid valve

309. The latent heat of fusion of ice is

Answer: 144 Btu

310. The ratio absorbed by the transfer fluid to the original incident energy striking the
Answer: Collector efficiency

311. If m is the mass of dry air and H is the specific enthalpy of the water vapor in air and r is
the humidity ratio, then determine the latent heat of any dry air.
Answer: m(r x H)

312. The dehydrator is located between the:

Answer: Receiver and expansion valve

313. In a vapor compression cycle the lowest temperature is found in

Answer: Evaporator

314. The volume flow passes through a venturimeter is:

Answer: Constant

315. Anchor bolts in a machine foundation should be embedded in concrete of at least how
many time of the bolt diameter?
Answer: 30

316. Which do you think is the effect of “subcooling”?

Answer: It reduces the horsepower per ton of refrigeration
317. When air is saturated, the wet bulb depression is:
Answer: Zero

318. A precooler, if used is located between the:

Answer: Condenser and expansion valve

319. A Kaplan turbine is:

Answer: Low head axial flow turbine

320. The refrigerant temperature is at its maximum just before it enters the ____
Answer: Condenser

321. The machine foundation must have a factor of safety of:

Answer: 5

322. In a refrigerating system, the heat absorbed in the evaporator per kg mass of refrigerant
passing through
Answer: Equals the increase in enthalpy

323. Which of the following is the common classification of ducts?

Answer: All of these
(Conditioned Air – Duct, Recirculating, Fresh – air ducts)

324. All of the following process can be found in a psychrometric chart except:
Answer: Natural convection

325. If an electrically-operated compressor failed to start the cause might be:

Answer: Any of the other choices
(Burned out holding coils in solenoid valve, An open switch, A blown fuse)

326. Five pounds of water heated to raise the temperature 2F requires how many BTU?
Answer: 10 Btu

327. Air circulation in the icebox is accomplished by the use of which of the following?
Answer: Diffuser fans

328. In sensible heating cooling following parameter remains unchanged

Answer: Humidity ratio

329. Venturi meters, pitot static gauges, orifice meters, flow nozzles, and differential
manometers all depend upon the relationship between:
Answer: Flow velocity and pressure
330. It is used to deliver widespread, fan-shaped flows of air into the room
Answer: Diffuser

331. What turbidimeter that gives direct reading in ppm?

Answer: Jackson turbidimeter

332. How much will be removed by one-ton refrigeration unit?

Answer: 200 Btu per min

333. A double-trunk piston is used to:

Answer: All of other choices
(Prevent oil from mixing with the refrigerant, Prevent gas from getting to crankcase, Prevent
oil from mixing with the refrigerant)

334. Purpose of the receiver is to

Answer: Store the refrigerant

335. Latent heat

Answer: Cannot be measured with a thermometer

336. A type of water turbine where a jet of water is made to fall on the blades or buckets and
due to the impulse of water, the turbine starts to move.
Answer: Pelton wheel

337. When does the refrigerant gives-up heat?

Answer: When it condenses

338. A term used to mean the corrective steps taken to return the environment to its original
Answer: Remediation

339. The back – pressure regulating valve:

Answer: Maintains a fixed pressure in the evaporator coils

340. What is the relationship of the horse power of a centrifugal pump, Hp, to the impeller
speed, S, if the pump is at two different rotative speeds?
Answer: Hp is directly proportional to the cube of the ratio of S

341. What must be the value of the available Net Positive Suction Head (NPHS) of a
centrifugal pump compared to its required NPHS to avoid losing priming?
Answer: Available NPHS greater than required NPHS
342. The diesel engine foundation safe soil bearing pressure is:
Answer: 4,890 kg/cm2

343. Aside from maintain appropriate temperature for food cold storage, how is desiccation
minimized or decreased?
Answer: Maintain humidity ratio

344. If C is the capacity of the compressor in a refrigeration system and F is the heat rejection
factor, then calculate the condenser load, L.
Answer: L = C x F

345. The following examples of indirect (secondary) measurements to measure flow rates
using obstruction meters except:
Answer: Weight and mass scales

346. When required, a regulator water valve in refrigerating system should be

Answer: In the water outlet

347. What is the relative humidity when the dew point and dry bulb temperature are equal?
Answer: 100%

348. Compare in refrigerating effect per unit mass of refrigerant circulated for a superheated
cycle that produces useful cooling and a saturated cycle, for the same vaporizing and
condensing temperature
Answer: Greater for a superheated cycle

349. If PV is the power required for a vapor compression refrigeration system, then what is the
power required for an air refrigeration system, assuming that they have the same capacity?
Answer: 5PV

350. What do you call the mixture if the solute particles of a solid suspended in a liquid are
larger than molecules?
Answer: Suspension

351. Lithium bromide is used in refrigeration system in:

Answer: Absorbers

352. The removal of dissolved gas or other volatile component from liquid by exposing the
liquid to air or steam is known as:
Answer: Stripping

353. Which of the following measures the density of salt in water?

Answer: Salimeter
354. In a power driven pump, each piston stroke is displaced by 360 divided the ____.
Answer: Number of cylinders

355. What is the boiling temperature of F 22?

Answer: -40 C

356. What is another name of discharge pressure?

Answer: Head pressure

357. If the compressor were to run out continuously without lowering the temperature, the
trouble would probably be:
Answer: Any of the other choices
(Insufficient refrigerant in the system, Leaky discharge valve, Leaks in the system)

358. The ratio of sum of individual maximum demands of the system to the maximum demand
of the whole system is known as
Answer: Diversity factor

359. The temperature bulb of solenoid valve is attached to the ____.

Answer: Wall of the icebox

360. What must be done to change the direction of rotation of a 440-volt, 3-phase induction
Answer: Interchange any two power leads

361. In order to remove the fly ashes from the flue gas, which of the following must a power
plant be equipped with?
Answer: Electrostatic precipitator

362. Which of the following is a type of water turbine?

Answer: Pelton

363. In sensible heating the absolute humidity remains constant but the relative humidity:
Answer: Decrease

364. All of the following process can be found on a psychrometric chart except?
Answer: Black body radiation

365. When checking zinc plates in a condenser, one should:

Answer: Clean the plates and renew worn out ones

366. Turbidity in water is due to:

Answer: Finally divided particles of clay, silt and organic matter
367. The force when applied to a mass of one kilogram will give mass an acceleration of one
meter per second for every second called:
Answer: Newton

368. A precooler is sometimes installed between the

Answer: Condenser and expansion valve

369. A type of polymer used for detergents, milk bottles, oil containers and toys
Answer: High density polyethelene (HDPE)

370. The fact that the amount of slightly soluble gas absorbed in a liquid is proportional to the
partial pressure of the gas is known as:
Answer: Henry’s Law

371. What is the pressure at the exit of a draft tube in a turbine?

Answer: Atmospheric

372. What do you call the device that is used as low-pressure control and high-pressure cutout
on a compressor?
Answer: Pressure Controller

373. Redox reactions can often be type of:

Answer: Double replacement

374. Excessive head pressure is caused by

Answer: Any of the other choices
(Dirty condenser tubes, Insufficient cooling water to condenser, Air or non condensable gas
in the system)

375. In which part of the vapor compression cycle there is abrupt change in pressure and
Answer: Expansion valve

376. The kinetic energy of a moving fluid is used to isentropically compressed the fluid to
state of zero velocity. The temperature of a moving fluid at the state zero velocity is called:
Answer: Critical temperature

377. Which is not commonly used to cool and dehumidify equipment?

Answer: Calcium chloride

378. What is the primary cause of smog formation?

Answer: Nitrogen oxides
379. The dehydrating agent in a Freon system is usually
Answer: Activated alumina

380. The solenoid valve is actuated by which of the following?

Answer: A magnet

381. Which of the following does not use ambient air for propulsion?
Answer: Turbo-prop

382. Which of the following would not cause high suction pressure?
Answer: Insufficient refrigeration

383. What is the effect of superheating the refrigerant?

Answer: It increase the coefficient of performance

384. The color of the flame of halide torch, in case of leakage of Freon refrigerant, will change
Answer: Green

385. If there is too much lube oil in the system what must be done?
Answer: Remove same at once

386. If the thermal bulb becomes loose on the evaporator coils, it will cause ____.
Answer: Improper operation of expansion valve

387. The effect of superheating the refrigerant is to:

Answer: Decrease the COP

388. In power plant electrostatic precipitators is installed between:

Answer: Furnace and chimney

389. Equipment leaks from plant equipment are known as

Answer: Fugitive emissions

390. Per capita consumption of water is generally taken as:

Answer: 150-300 liters

391. What is the heat that is removed from the space to be cooled, which is the same as the
heat absorbed by the cooling coils?
Answer: Refrigerating effect

392. Horsepower per ton of refrigeration is expressed as:

Answer: Cop/4.75
393. What must be done first when opening a single packed stop valve?
Answer: Loosen the packing before opening

394. The amount of CO2 or Freon in a cylinder is measured by

Answer: Weight

395. The coefficient of velocity is approximately

Answer: 0.30 to 0.50

396. Carries needed to deliver air to the conditioned space it is made of sheet of metals like
aluminum, galvanized sheet steel and some structural materials that will not burn
Answer: Duct

397. Which of the following best described a Freon?

Answer: All of the other choices
(Colorless, Odorless, Non-poisonous)

398. Before securing a compressor to do maintenance work on it, be sure to:

Answer: Have spare parts ready and pump down the system

399. A bull’s eye in a full liquid line will appear ____.

Answer: Clear

400. What operates low-pressure cutout switch?

Answer: Bellows

401. A liquid mixture having constant maximum and minimum boiling points. Refrigerants
comprising this mixture do not combine chemically, yet the mixture provides constant
Answer: Azeotropic Mixture

402. Are organic compounds manufactured in oily liquid and solid forms through the late
1970s and subsequently prohibited.
Answer: Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)

403. What is the temperature range of an air-conditioning application where dry air can be
considered ideal gas?
Answer: -10 to 50 C

404. The coefficient of the velocity, Cv accounts for the:

Answer: Small effect on the flow area of contraction, friction, and turbulence
405. During the re-expansion portion of the refrigeration compressor cycle
Answer: The suction valve is closed and the discharge valve is closed

406. Refers to the high-temperature removal of tarry substances from the interior of the carbon
granule, leaving a highly porous structure
Answer: Activated

407. Are by products of reaction between combustion products

Answer: Oxidants

408. Are any solid particulate matter that becomes airborne, with the exception of particulate
matter emitted from the exhaust stack of a combustion process
Answer: Dusts or fugitive dusts

409. The purpose of the dehydrator is to

Answer: Remove moisture from the refrigerant

410. The angle between the stack and guy wire is usually
Answer: 60 degrees

411. A refrigeration that deals with producing temperature of -157 C or lower.

Answer: Cryogenics

412. The purge valve is located:

Answer: In the highest part of the system

413. Thermal expansion valves are usually made of the:

Answer: Diaphragm and Bellows type

414. The purpose of the expansion valve by-pass is to

Answer: Controls the refrigerant to the evaporator in case the automatic valves fail

415. The water regulating valve is operated by the

Answer: None of the other choices
(Compressor discharge pressure, Compressor suction pressure, Compression discharge

416. Superheat is heat added ____.

Answer: After all liquid has been changed to vapor

417. The ratio of maximum load to the rated plant capacity is called
Answer: Utilization factor
418. The highest temperature in vapor compression cycle is produced during:
Answer: Compressor discharge

419. Dry analysis is a fractional analysis of the products of combustion which does not
Answer: Water vapor

420. Valves and piping in an ammonia system are made of:

Answer: Iron

421. The locus of elevation to which water will rise in the piezometer tube is termed:
Answer: Hydraulic gradient

422. A substance with surface area per unit of weight, and intricate pore structure, and a
hydrophobic surface
Answer: Adsorbent substance

423. The purpose of the expansion valve is to control the flow of the refrigerant to the
evaporator. The other function is to:
Answer: Reduce the pressure of the liquid refrigerant

424. An ammonia leak will turn litmus paper ____.

Answer: Blue

425. What is the most common freon gas used in reciprocating compressors?
Answer: F-12

426. The empirical coefficient e in machine foundation if not given is assumed

Answer: 0.11

427. The capacity of a centrifugal type compressor is controlled by which of the following?
Answer: Regulating the speed or regulating the suction pressure

428. Antifreeze chemicals are:

Answer: Those that lower down the freezing points of liquids

429. A type of refrigerant that will not damage the ozone layer
Answer: Hydrofluorocarbons (HCF’s)

430. At 0 psig, how may BTU necessary to change 1 lb of water at 212 F of steam?
Answer: 970
431. Modern stacks are seldom built higher than ____.
Answer: 60 m

432. If Pi is the indicated horsepower and Pb is the indicated horsepower of a compressor,

then what is mechanical efficiency, Em, equal to:
Answer: Em = Pi/Pb

433. A refrigeration control that guards the compressor forms overloads brought about by
abruptly increases loads resulting from defrosting, warm products, and others is called:
Answer: Suction hold-back valve

434. When a solvent has dissolve as much as it can, the mixture is called:
Answer: Saturated solution

435. Fan motors in air conditioning usually have:

Answer: 2 or 3 speeds

436. In the upper atmosphere, ozone is made by ultraviolet light reacting with:
Answer: Oxygen

437. Which of the following is the oil used in a refrigeration system?

Answer: Straight mineral oil

438. The following are all examples of indirect (secondary) miscellaneous methods to measure
flow except:
Answer: Positive displacement meters

439. Which of the following is the function of a suction pressure regulating valve?
Answer: Maintains proper back pressure

440. What is the use of back pressure regulating valve?

Answer: Maintains a fixed pressure in the evaporator coils

441. If Wt is the turbine shaft work of a gas turbine unit, Wc in duel, then determine its
thermal efficiency.
Answer: (Wt-Wc) / Q

442. The solenoid valve is controlled by

Answer: The temperature in the icebox

443. Where is the excess refrigerant removed?

Answer: Charging side of the system
444. All of the following units of energy except
Answer: Pascals

445. What usually happened if brine has a high specific gravity?

Answer: It will crystallize

446. There are three basic boiler types, namely;

Answer: Cast-iron, fire-tube and water tube boilers

447. Measurements of a device’s ability to remove atmosphere air from test air.
Answer: Atmospheric Dust Spot Efficiency

448. The normal cut-out setting of a window unit thermostat between:

Answer: 13 C to 16 C

449. The use of water to carry heat occupied spaces

Answer: Hydronic Heating System

450. Reheating process is normally employed in steam plant when:

Answer: Turbine undergoes excessive moisture

451. In the discharge line between the compressor and the condenser one would find:
Answer: High pressure, high temperature gas

452. A good refrigerant should be

Answer: All of the other choices
(Non-poisonous, non-inflammable, non-explosive)

453. What is the relationship of the horse power of a centrifugal pump, Hp, to the impeller
speed, S, if the pump is at two different rotative speeds?
Answer: Hp is directly proportional to the cube of the ratio of S

454. Which of the following is the reason when the crankcase is cooler than the suction line?
Answer: Too much refrigerant

455. Humidity is a measure of which of the following?

Answer: Water vapor content

456. High head turbine is a/an:

Answer: Impulse

457. Critical temperature is that temperature above which

Answer: A gas will never liquefy
458. The fact that a fluid’s velocity increases as the cross-sectional area of the pipe through
which it flow decrease is due to:
Answer: The continuity equation

459. Which of the following is important for evaporator coils?

Answer: It should have air completely surrounding them

460. Which of the following types of air dryers works by absorbing moisture on a solid
desiccant or drying material such as activated alumina, silicone gel, or molecular sieve?
Answer: Deliquescent dryer

461. Which of the following would cause the compressor to run continuously?
Answer: Low pressure switch jammed

462. In a window air conditioning unit which of the following is usually done by the owner?
Answer: Semi-annual cleaning or replacement of filters

463. Which of the following is not similarity between submerged culvert and a siphon?
Answer: Torricelli’s equation holds

464. Where does the final removal of water vapor in an absorption refrigeration system occur?
Answer: Rectifier

465. The constant spending of certain percentage of circulated water in a cooling tower in
order to prevent accumulation of dissolved mineral solids and other impurities in the
condenser water is called
Answer: Bleed-off

466. Which of the following refrigerant is added sometimes to other refrigerant to improve oil
Answer: R – 170 (Ethane)

467. The suction pressure switch is operated by which of the following?

Answer: Pressure on a bellow

468. When the air is saturated the wet-bulb depression is:

Answer: Zero

469. Heating and dehumidification can be obtained simultaneously if air is passed through:
Answer: Either a solid absorbent surface or a liquid absorbent spray
470. In cooling cycle, the dry bulb temperature (db) of the air is lowered. When this happens
the relative humidity
Answer: Increase

471. What will happen when the pressure at any point inside a centrifugal pump goes below
the vapor pressure corresponding to the temperature of the liquid?
Answer: Cavitation

472. The ratio between the actual power and the apparent power in any circuit known as the
____ of that circuit
Answer: Power factor

473. Refrigerant leakage from the compressor crankcase is prevented by

Answer: Using shaft seals

474. The matching of scale and full-scale results for a fluid dynamic phenomena involving
compressible fluids requires quality of:
Answer: Mach number

475. Ammonia leaks in the condenser can be detected by:

Answer: Applying litmus paper to the circulating water discharge

476. A swinging support constructed as part of the vessel and that supports the manway cover
when it is unbolted and moved aside.
Answer: Davit

477. Which of the following type valves are not found on a Freon – 12 system?
Answer: Duplex

478. What is the main function of a receiver?

Answer: Store the refrigerant

479. The dividing point between the high pressure and low pressure sides of the refrigeration
cycle occurs at the
Answer: Expansion valve

480. If the solute particles of a solid suspended in a liquid are larger than molecules the
mixture is known as?
Answer: Suspension

481. A mechanism that removes moisture

Answer: Dehumidifiers
482. Is a water soluble organic compound prepared from ammonia. It has significant
biological and industrial usefulness
Answer: Urea or carbamide urea

483. Which of the following fans in air conditioning systems which can be classified as
centrifugal flow
Answer: Propeller fan

484. What is the use of the low – water cutout switch?

Answer: Stops the compressor when there is insufficient cooling water

485. In parallel pipe system originating and terminating in common junctions,

Answer: Pressure drops through each branch are equal

486. When the dry bulb and the wet bulb temperature are identical, the air is said to be:
Answer: Saturates

487. The temperature in which water vapour in the gas begins to condensate in a constant
pressure process.
Answer: Dew point

488. Combination gas/fuel oil burners permit the operator to switch from one fuel to ____
Answer: All of the above
(For economy, Because of a shortage of fuel being used, Because of a failure in the fuel
system being used)

489. Most nuclear particles can react with atoms in several different ways including
Answer: Absorption and scattering

490. What is the effect of superheating the refrigerant?

Answer: It increase the coefficient of performance

491. Boiling temperature of Freon 12 is

Answer: -29.8 C

492. Which of the following would cause low head pressure?

Answer: Too much cooling water and/ or insufficient refrigerant gas

493. At what temperature will water normally turns to steam?

Answer: 212 F

494. What will happen if the expansion valve is opened too wide?
Answer: Liquid will flood back to the compressor
495. All of the following are words used to describe neutron kinetic energy levels except:
Answer: Supersonic

496. If the thermal expansion valve becomes inoperative, the ice boxes will have to be
controlled by the ____.
Answer: Manual expansion valve

497. If the superheat on the suction side of the compressor is increased, what will happen to
the tonnage capacity of the unit?
Answer: Decreases

498. The solenoid valve can be typed as a ____.

Answer: Magnetic soap valve

499. The ratio of fugacity of actual conditions to the fugacity at some reference state is known
Answer: Activity

500. The process that takes place in the evaporator called

Answer: Absorption of the latent heat of vaporization

501. When charging freon system, all the valves should be

Answer: King (liquid) valve

502. If the pressure exerted on a liquid is higher than the saturation corresponding to it
temperature, the liquid is a:
Answer: Sub cooled liquid

503. The most likely cause of high superheat would be:

Answer: Expansion valve closed too much

504. A good refrigerant should have a

Answer: High latent heat

505. What is the device used to protect the compressor from overloading due to high head
Answer: Overload relay

506. Which of the following it to be checked as part of weekly maintenance schedule of a

console air conditioners?
Answer: Cooling towers
507. Which of the following would not be cause for a refrigerating system to short cycle on hp
Answer: Discharge valve leaking

508. A ____ boiler has heat and gases of combustion that pass through tubes surrounded by
Answer: Fire tube

509. A type of polymer used for clear bottles.

Answer: Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)

510. In an ammonia system, the oil gauge must be kept:

Answer: Closed except when checking level oil

511. If a compartment requires the removal of 36,000 BTU per hour, how much is necessary
compressor capacity?
Answer: 3 tons

512. The oil level in the compressor should be checked:

Answer: After a long period of operation

513. Which of the following industries have the highest consumption of water for processing?
Answer: Paper mill

514. What is the lowest temperature to which water could possibly be cooled in a cooling
Answer: The temperature of adiabatic compression

515. The method of cooling which primarily used where ambient air temperatures are high and
relative humidity is used:
Answer: Swamp cooling

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