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Procedia Earth and Planetary Science 11 (2015) 548 – 556

Global Challenges, Policy Framework & Sustainable Development for Mining of

Mineral and Fossil Energy Resources (GCPF2015)

Planning of Ventilation Requirements for Deep

Mechanised Long wall Faces - A Case Study of Adriyala
Longwall Project of The Singareni Collieries Company
Limited (SCCL)
A. Manohar Raoa, SVSS Ramalingeswarudub , G. Venkateswarluc
Dept. of Planning & Projects, SCCL, India, [email protected]
Dept. of Research & Devlopment, SCCL, India, [email protected]
Dept. of Research & Development, SCCL, India, [email protected]


With near exhaustion of shallow deposits, mining operations are planned to reach greater depths. Coal mining
particularly in SCCL has to face numerous challenges for extraction from lower horizons associated with difficult
geo-mining and environmental conditions. Suitable mining technology with heavy mechanisation is being
introduced to meet the production requirements safely and economically. Mining at greater depth needs strategic
planning and execution to overcome the operational problems and issues related to mine environment. Adriyala
Longwall Project in SCCL is planned to operate with high capacity Longwall unit at depth range of 300-720m. To
maintain comfort work place environment in workings of the mine, it is proposed to establish suitable ventilation
system along with air cooling arrangements. This paper gives insight of the details of the project and ventilation
system executed to meet the requirements and the proposed air cooling arrangements at the mine.

© 2015
© 2015 Published by Elsevier
The Authors. B.V. by
Published This is an open
Elsevier access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of organizing committee of the Global Challenges, Policy Framework &
Peer-review under
Sustainable responsibility
Development of organizing
for Mining committee
of Mineral of the Global
and Fossil EnergyChallenges,
Resources.Policy Framework &
Sustainable Development for Mining of Mineral and Fossil Energy Resources.
Keywords: Ventilation ;Deep Mechanised Longwall face

1. Introduction

The current and the future underground coal mining in the Singareni Collieries Company Limited
(SCCL) is making tremendous shift from the previous low capacity to high production mining. With near
exhaustion of shallow deposits, underground coal mining has to be taken up at deeper horizons with
challenging technological and operational conditions. These operations involve heavy mechanisation
with 4MW to 8MW face machines operating at 400 - 600m depth at present and mining depth will be
600 - 1200m in near future. Mines are served by large network of coal conveying systems with installed
capacity ranging from 5MW to 10MW. Workings in underground extend to about 4.0 - 8.0km from
surface. These high capacity machines, geo-mining conditions and faster extraction rates add substantial
heat to working environment.
High capacity underground coal mining is associated with various work places environmental hazards

1878-5220 © 2015 Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of organizing committee of the Global Challenges, Policy Framework &
Sustainable Development for Mining of Mineral and Fossil Energy Resources.
A. Manohar Rao et al. / Procedia Earth and Planetary Science 11 (2015) 548 – 556 549

such as heavy inrush of inflammable gases and coal dust apart from hot and humid work place conditions
leading to prohibitive mining conditions unless concerted efforts are in place.
Advanced technologies, substantial investments and dedicated team work is involved not only in
construction and operation of the mine and mining machinery but also required in achieving comfort
work place environmental conditions.
To maintain comfort conditions at workplace, air quantity flow is to be substantially increased as
primary effort which is considered as the low cost alternative. Apart from improving ventilation intensity,
some organizational steps to eliminate sources of heat from intake air can improve workplace comfort.
Under certain conditions, increase of air quantity is possible only to some extent as per design of mine
ventilation system. There is also some limitation to increase comfort by increasing the air quantity. Under
these circumstances it is required to adopt artificial cooling arrangements for mine air to achieve comfort
at workplace for improving production, productivity and safety.
Majority of heat load to mine air in deep underground mines is attributed to increase of virgin rock
temperature, heat from machinery and mine water. Coal mining regulations permit mining operations at
maximum ambient temperature of 33.5 0C, for comfortable and productive mining operations, workplace
temperature is to be maintained below 28.0 0C. These conditions can be achieved by using various types
of cooling systems to cool the mine air by basically using refrigerating machines.

2. Details of Adriyala longwall project

To meet the increasing demand of coal, SCCL has introduced high capacity mechanization in
underground mines at deeper horizons. As part of the mission, high capacity Longwall technology is
installed at Adriyala Longwall Project (ALP) with production capacity of 2.817 Mtpa.0
Adriyala Longwall Project is located in Ramagundam Coal Belt of Godavari Valley Coalfields in
Karimnagar District of Telangana State. Nearest Railway Station is Ramagundam which is about 25km
from the project. This project is equipped with new generation Longwall technology and it is the first of
its kind to be introduced in Indian coal mines.

2.1. Salient features of the mine

Workable seams : I, II, III and IV

Seam thickness : I -5.7m
II -3.3m
III -9.4m
IV -3.7m
Gassiness of seams : Degree-I
Gradient : 1 in 5 to 1 in 7
Geological Reserves : 110 Mt
Extractable Reserves : 78.597 Mt (Approx.)
Depth range : 300 - 720m
Length of Longwall panels : 1800 - 2400m
Width of Longwall panels : 250m
Distance from surface : 4500 - 6500m
Capacity (MTPA) : 2.817
Life of the Mine : 35 years

2.2. Entries & roadways of the mine

2.2.1. Downcast

Entries made to this mine through highwall of the existing opencast mine (RG OC-II) which are used
for transport and downcast. These are driven in coal seam (I seam) by Roadheading machines.
Number of entries : 4
Length of each drivage : 1810m (up to dip side gate
of first Longwall panel i.e., 68L)
Gradient : 1 in 5
Dimensions : 5.5m width, 3.6m high
550 A. Manohar Rao et al. / Procedia Earth and Planetary Science 11 (2015) 548 – 556

2.2.2. Upcast

Vertical Shaft was sunk connecting all the seams to use as Upcast of the mine

Depth of the Shaft : 470m

Diameter of the Shaft : 7.5m

2.2.3. Roadways

Trunk Roadways : 4 Intake (5.5m x 3.6m)

: 3 Return (5.5m x 3.6m)
Gate Roadways : Maingate (5.2m x 3.3m)
: Tailgate (5.2m x 3.3m)
Inter-seam Tunnels : 2 Tunnels (5.5m x 3.6m)

2.3. Details of production units

x High Capacity Longwall Equipment - 1 unit

x Roadheaders - 4 units

3. Details of longwall panels proposed to be worked in the project

Capacity and installed power of various equipment

Longwall Face including service equipment

Shearer : 2245 kW

AFC : 3 x 850 kW 3000 TPH

BSL : 400 kW 3100 TPH

Crusher : 400 kW

Hyd. Pumps : 3 x 75 kW

3 x 200 kW

2 x 75 kW

Total (A) : 6570 kW

4 x 315 kW

4 x 315 kW

Total (B) : 7740 kW

A. Manohar Rao et al. / Procedia Earth and Planetary Science 11 (2015) 548 – 556 551

Table 1. Details of the Longwall panels proposed to be worked in the project along with rated production and other parameters

Distance from
Length of
Longwall surface to Production
Seam the panel Depth range
Panel no. entrance of /month
the panel

LWP-1 2333 350 - 450 1500 2.8LT

LWP-2 2143 460 - 505 1818 2.6LT

1 Seam
LWP-3 1854 517 - 560 2136 2.3LT

LWP-4 1832 570 - 610 2640 2.3LT

LWP-1 2333 371 - 471 1775 2.8LT

LWP-2 2143 481 - 526 2093 2.6LT

2 Seam
LWP-3 1854 538 - 581 2411 2.3LT

LWP-4 1832 591 - 631 2915 2.3LT

LWP-1 2333 441 - 541 2143 2.8LT

3 Seam Top LWP-2 2143 551 - 596 2461 2.6LT

Section LWP-3 1854 608 - 651 2779 2.3LT

LWP-4 1832 661 - 701 3283 2.3LT

LWP-1 2333 448 - 548 2173 2.8LT

3 Seam
LWP-2 2143 558- 603 2492 2.6LT
LWP-3 1854 615 - 658 2800 2.3LT
LWP-4 1832 668 - 708 3314 2.3LT

LWP-1 2333 456 - 556 2220 2.8LT

LWP-2 2143 566 - 611 2530 2.6LT

LWP-3 1854 623 - 666 2846 2.3LT

4 Seam
LWP-4 1832 676 - 716 3360 2.3LT
552 A. Manohar Rao et al. / Procedia Earth and Planetary Science 11 (2015) 548 – 556

Fig.1. Location plan of Adriyala longwall project

A. Manohar Rao et al. / Procedia Earth and Planetary Science 11 (2015) 548 – 556 553

Fig. 2. Mine plan of Adriyala longwall project

4. Planning of ventilation requirements

Three working areas i.e., A: Longwall Panel, B: Gate Roadways Development-I (with 2 Roadheaders)
and C: Gate Roadways Development-II (with 2 Roadheaders) will be simultaneously operated in the
Ventilation designing has been carried out by ventilation network modelling and optimisation studies.
While designing ventilation system, stipulations of Coal Mines Regulations (CMR), gassiness of seams
as well as other environmental conditions at workplace are taken into consideration. Study envisages the
details of requirement of air quantity, number and size of entries, proposed ventilation layout and
operating pressure, capacity of Main Mechanical Ventilator, requirement of Booster Fans and Auxiliary

4.1. Ventilation system for development of gate roadways

The gate roadways for Longwall panels are envisaged to be driven by Roadheaders. The maximum
dimensions of gate roadways are 5.2m x 3.3m (W x H). As the wet bulb temperature is expected to exceed
30.50C, the minimum velocity of air at the face must be 1.0m/s as per the stipulation of CMR. Therefore,
the minimum quantity of air requirement at the face would be 5.2 x 3.3 x 1.0 = 17.16m3/s.
Length of gate roadways to be driven by, are varying from about 1600m to 2500m. It is difficult to
drive roadways of these lengths as blind headings are at higher depth. Hence, all the gate roadways are
to be developed by twin roadway development by chain-pillar system by deploying 2 Roadheaders.
Adjacent gate roadways of Longwall Panels i.e., Main-gate of upper panel and Tail-gate of lower panel
are planned to be driven with interconnections at 200m interval.
Gate roadways are planned to be driven by circulating about 50m3/s air quantity. One of the roadways
will be used as intake and the other roadway will be return. As both roadways are interconnected at an
interval of atleast 200m, interconnection will be used as Last Ventilation Connection (LVC) so that at no
point of time blind heading to be ventilated by Auxiliary Ventilation will be more than 300m. Auxiliary
ventilation (Exhaust) is to be provided by installing the fans in LVC at return gate.
The headings will be ventilated by Auxiliary fan with Steel-reinforced Flexible Ducting having
diameter of 1200mm. To provide required quantity of air at the face, each roadway is ventilated by
Auxiliary Fan having capacity of 20m3/s at 4.0kPa pressure (approx 120kW) with twin impellers in
series with independent prime (maximum length of ducting connected to the Auxiliary Fan would be
about 300m). Auxiliary Fan with twin impellers and separate motors can facilitate use of single impeller
when system resistance is low resulting in optimum energy consumption.
554 A. Manohar Rao et al. / Procedia Earth and Planetary Science 11 (2015) 548 – 556

4.2. Ventilation system for longwall panel

At the Longwall face, the quantity of air requirement would depend upon the minimum air velocity
requirement at the face and volume of gas liberated. Since the mine is classified as Degree-I gassiness,
air quantity requirement would depend upon the basis of velocity requirement.
As per stipulation of CMR, the minimum air velocity at maximum span of Longwall face should be
1m/s. With 3.4m of height of extraction and maximum span of around 6.0m, the area is around 20.4m2
hence, the minimum air quantity requirement at Longwall face would be 20.4 x 1 i.e., 20.4 m 3/s.
Keeping in view of high capacity equipment and high productivity operations, about 50m 3/s is planned
to be circulated at Longwall Face. Bottom two gates (MG of working panel and TG of lower panel) are
used as intake to the Longwall face and the top gate is used as return.
In Gate Roadways development as well as in Longwall panel, Booster Fans of 55kW capacity rated
to deliver 50-75m3/s at 0.8-0.3kPa pressure are used in situation of critical paths of ventilation while
workings advanced to a distance of about 1000m from trunk ventilation route.

4.3. Summary of the ventilation requirements of the project

Table 2. Ventilation requirements of the project

Sr. No. Place of work Requirement of air quality
1. Twin gate development-I (2 Roadheaders) 50m3/s
2. Twin gate development-II (2 Roadheaders) 50m3/s
3. Longwall face 50m3/s
4. Conveyor Roadway 25m3/s
5. Pumping Stations & Sub-stations 25m3/s
6. Total air quantity requirement 200m3/s

Fig.3. Ventilation network model of Adriyala Longwall Project

Considering the Ventilation Efficiency Quotient (VEQ) of about 85%, the total air quantity
requirement for entire mine operations would be about 235m3/s.
To meet the above ventilation requirements of the mine, Ø3200mm, 400kW capacity Main
Mechanical Ventilator rated to deliver 200-250m3/s at 1.5-1.1kPa pressure is installed at Upcast Shaft
along with equal capacity standby.
While designing the ventilation system of the project, ventilation network modelling was carried out
by using Ventsim software to derive optimum ventilation system.
As per the network optimization to meet the above ventilation requirements of the project, Ø3200mm,
400kW capacity Main Mechanical Ventilator rated to deliver 200-250m3/s at 1.5-1.1kPa pressure is
installed at Upcast Shaft along with equal capacity standby.
A. Manohar Rao et al. / Procedia Earth and Planetary Science 11 (2015) 548 – 556 555

5. Need for air-cooling system

As the workings are planned at depth of 300 - 720m, Virgin Rock Temperature (VRT) is expected to
be 42.5 0C (Geo-thermic gradient @ 1.0 0C/50m depth). Temperature at workplaces is expected to be
higher than 32.5 0C even with an air flow of 50m3/s. Workplace ambient conditions are expected to
further deteriorate during mining operations due to high capacity electrical machinery. Separate
ventilation split is also planned to be provided for conveyor roadway to avoid heat addition to intake
stream of workings.
Though coal mining operations are permitted at maximum ambient temperature of 33.5 0C, for
comfortable and productive mining operations, workplace temperature is to be maintained below 28.0
C. Under these circumstances it is required to adopt artificial means of cooling arrangements for mine
air to achieve comfort at workplace for improving production, productivity and safety.
Keeping in view of the prevailing conditions, it is proposed to install a suitable Air-cooling system at
the mine. Mine air cooling can be achieved by using various types of cooling systems by using
refrigerating machines/chillers along with associated ancillary equipment.

5.1. Details of the proposed air-cooling system

Make up water
Condenser Water

Mine Airway

Chilled water

Fig. 4. Schematic diagram of the proposed air-cooling system

x Intake air temperature in three working areas is proposed to be reduced from 32.00C to 25.00C
for air flow quantity of 150m3/s (three working areas @ 50m3/s each).
x The system consists of Refrigeration plant (Chillers) to chill the water in closed cycle.
Refrigeration plant will be installed in underground and suitably located considering
optimum/high positional efficiency. Eco-friendly refrigerant such as HFC is proposed to be
x Condenser cooling is proposed by circulating the water in evaporative cooling towers installed
at surface.
x Chilled water is circulated through insulated pipes to the Air Handling Units (AHU’s)
strategically located in intake of working districts.
x Intake air of 50m3/s is split into 2 streams of 25m3/s. Two AHU’s will be installed with capacity
of 12.5m3/s each (one AHU in each stream).
x AHU reduces the air temperature from 32.00C to 18.00C, mixed air temperature in each air
stream will be about 25.00C-26.00C.
x Refrigeration capacity requirement is about 1500TR (5.27MW). Refrigeration is proposed to
be achieved by installing multiple capacity water cooled screw chillers facilitating to use partial
capacity during winter.
556 A. Manohar Rao et al. / Procedia Earth and Planetary Science 11 (2015) 548 – 556

5.2. Operational cost of the proposed air-cooling system

x Expected total system power consumption will be about 1830 kW at 100% load.
x Annual energy cost is expected to be about ₹. 8,97,72,480/-
x O&M, Manpower cost would be approximately ₹. 54,75,000/-
x Cost for Air-cooling per tonne of coal production would be about ₹. 31.9/-(exclusive of the cost
of consumables & spares)

6. Conclusions

x Due to depleting shallow deposits, underground coal mining in India and particularly in SCCL
has to face many challenges to sustain the productivity, safety and economy. Suitable mining
technology such as Longwall, Continuous Miners etc. for high capacity underground mining
need to be viable and efforts should be made for its success.
x Underground coal mining in SCCL has to face arduous conditions due to complex geo-mining
conditions. Apart from difficult geo-mining conditions, highly mechanised deep mining pose
typical ambient environmental conditions at work sites such as heat, gas and dust.
x Primary efforts such as increase of air flow and tapping of heat from the heat sources directly
to the return can improve the workplace comfort. Under certain conditions, in addition to the
primary efforts, it will be required to adopt suitable artificial air-cooling systems to achieve
comfortable work place environmental conditions.
x Apart from planning of optimum and suitable ventilation systems, air-cooling systems are also
needed to be planned with due consideration of positional efficiency and operational efficiency
keeping in view of overall economy of underground mining at greater depths.


Authors are very much thankful to the management of the SCCL for permitting to publish this paper and
also permitting to use certain data for presenting in this paper, the contents of this paper have not been
published elsewhere. The views expressed by the authors are of their own and doesn’t represent the
company to which they belong.


1. Report on design of ventilation system for Adriyala Longwall Project, R&D Department, SCCL.
2. Design of Air-cooling system for Adriyala Longwall Project, ISM, Dhanbad.
3. Feasibility Report of Adriyala Longwall Project, Project Planning Department, SCCL.

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