Research Methods in Psychology - Indian Perspective (P.lodha, A.desousa)
Research Methods in Psychology - Indian Perspective (P.lodha, A.desousa)
Research Methods in Psychology - Indian Perspective (P.lodha, A.desousa)
Original Research Paper
Apart from the IV and DV, controls are important variables that kept as Ÿ Quantitative Research Methods – Quantitative psychological
constant or kept same throughout the experiment, and it is not of research is where the research findings result from mathematical
primary concern in the experimental outcome. Any change in a control modeling and statistical estimation or statistical inference.
variable invalidates the correlation of dependent variables (DV) to the Quantitative research is the systematic empirical investigation of
independent variable (IV), thus creating invalid and unreliable results. observable phenomena via statistical, mathematical or
computational techniques. The objective of quantitative research
Variables that are present in the environment and that cannot be is to develop and employ mathematical models, theories and/or
controlled by the experimenter are called as extraneous variables. hypotheses pertaining to phenomena. The process of measurement
They affect the relationship between the IV and the DV. For example- is central to quantitative research because it provides the
noise, mental or physical state of the participant, etc [3-4]. fundamental connection between empirical observation and
Volume-9 | Issue-1 | January-2019 | ISSN - 2249-555X | IF : 5.397 | IC Value : 86.18
mathematical expression of quantitative relationships. methodology do not undermine the validity of the data, as long as
Quantitative data is any data that is in numerical form such as they are recognized and allowed for during the whole
statistics, percentages, etc. Statistics is widely used in quantitative experimental process [19-20].
psychological research. Typically a project begins with the
collection of data based on a theory or hypothesis, followed by the Example – if we study the effect of maternal alcohol use when the
application of descriptive or inferential statistical methods [10- mother is pregnant, we know that alcohol does harm embryos. A strict
11]. experimental design would include that mothers were randomly
assigned to drink alcohol. This would be highly illegal because of the
Ÿ Experimental Research Methods – An experiment is an possible harm the study might do to the embryos
investigation in which a hypothesis is scientifically tested. In an
experiment, an independent variable (the cause) is manipulated Ÿ Opinion Based Research Methods – Opinion based researcher
and the dependent variable (the effect) is measured; any includes mainly questionnaires, interviews and polls. A
extraneous variables (all variables, which are not the independent questionnaire is a set of questions that can either have open ended
variable, but could affect the results (DV) of the experiment. answers or closed ended questions. Some questionnaires ask
Experiments should be controlled where possible) are controlled. participants to rate statements such as in a personality
The key features of experimental research method are control over questionnaire these are called linker type questions.
variables, careful measurement, and establishing cause and effect Questionnaires are cheap and relatively easy to produce. The
relationships. An advantage of experiments is that the study is downside of questionnaires is that if they are printed they are not
objective in nature [12]. The views and opinions of the researcher eco-friendly. Another disadvantage is that they can produce a lot of
are less likely to affect the results of the study, making it more qualitative data that can be hard to wholly collect and interpret. In a
reliable and valid. way the fact it can produce qualitative data can be an advantage to
There are three types of experiments in psychological research viz. the researcher if this provides them with the data needed to
complete the study. An example of a questionnaire is the
1. Laboratory / Controlled Experiments – This type of experiment Attribution Style Questionnaire, this is can be used to predict and
is conducted in a well-controlled environment – not necessarily a diagnose depression [21-22]. Interviews are another tool that
laboratory – and therefore accurate measurements are possible. involve either a face to face or over telephones or emails a
The researcher decides where the experiment will take place, at reciprocal exchange, between the interviewer and interviewee, of
what time, with which participants, in what circumstances; using a thoughts, beliefs and opinions on a construct being measured in a
standardized procedure. Participants are randomly allocated to study. Polls are a simple, yet another tool to record the opinion of
each independent variable group. A strength of this method is that people on a construct, theme or issue.
it is easier to replicate (i.e. copy) a laboratory experiment. This is
because a standardized procedure is used. They allow for precise Ÿ Observational Research Methods – An observational research
control of extraneous and independent variables. This allows a method is where an experimenter researches participants by
cause and effect relationship to be established. A limitation of this watching their behavior in their natural setting. Participant
method is that the artificiality of the setting may produce unnatural observations involve an experimenter partaking in the observed
behavior that does not reflect real life, i.e. low ecological validity. behavior from within the culture. For this to work effectively the
This means it would not be possible to generalize the findings to a researcher must be accepted into the participant's culture or group.
real life setting. Demand characteristics or experimenter effects If they are not accepted they will not observe the true natural
may bias the results and become confounding variables [13-14]. behavior of others. The data that is collected from participant
2. Field Experiments – Field experiments are done in the everyday observations is mainly qualitative. Participant observations are
(i.e. real life) environment of the participants. The experimenter extremely demanding and intensive. This is because they are very
still manipulates the independent variable, but in a real-life setting time consuming taking months or even years to complete. Direct
(so cannot really control extraneous variables). The behavior in a observations are when an experimenter watches a culture or group
field experiment is more likely to reflect real life because of its behavior without intruding; to watch without intervening. Direct
natural setting, i.e. higher ecological validity than a lab observations are more focused onto a smaller group and are
experiment. There is less likelihood of demand characteristics intensively investigated. Direct observation is advantageous as it
affecting the results, as participants may not know they are being allows the experimenter to gather the actual behavior however the
studied. This occurs when the study is covert. The limitation is that bias or faking of behavior may also take place. If the participant is
there is less control over extraneous variables that might bias the aware of the experimenter's presence, they may not behave
results. This makes it difficult for another researcher to replicate naturally. Also, observations may be time consuming and the
the study in exactly the same way [15-16]. experimenter may have to wait till the desired behavior occurs [22-
3. Natural Experiments – Natural experiments are conducted in the 23].
everyday (i.e. real life) environment of the participants, but here
the experimenter has no control over the IV as it occurs naturally RESEARCH DESIGN
in real life. Behavior in a natural experiment is more likely to A research design is a systematic plan and structure to study a scientific
reflect real life because of its natural setting, i.e. very high problem. The design of a study defines the study type (whether it will
ecological validity. There is less likelihood of demand be descriptive, correlational, semi-experimental, experimental,
characteristics affecting the results, as participants may not know review, meta-analytic) and sub-type (e.g., descriptive-longitudinal
they are being studied. Can be used in situations in which it would case study), research question, hypotheses, independent and
be ethically unacceptable to manipulate the independent variable. dependent variables, experimental design, and, if applicable, data
They may be more expensive and time consuming than lab collection methods and a statistical analysis plan. Research design is
experiments. There is no control over extraneous variables that the framework that has been created to find answers to research
might bias the results. This makes it difficult for another questions. It gives direction to research and ensures it is systematic in
researcher to replicate the study in exactly the same way [17-18]. nature. The choice of a research design helps the researcher determine
v Quasi-Experimental Research Methods – The prefix quasi if the study will generate reliable results [23].
means “resembling.” Thus quasi-experimental research is There are different types of research designs that are used with specific
research that resembles experimental research but is not true advantages and disadvantages kept in mind. The choice of a particular
experimental research. Although the independent variable is research design depends on the aims of the study and the nature of the
manipulated and quasi experiments resemble quantitative and phenomenon. They can be discussed as below –
qualitative experiments, participants are not randomly assigned to
conditions or orders of conditions. Quasi-experiments are most DESCRIPTIVE RESEARCH DESIGN
likely to be conducted in field settings in which random Descriptive research design is a scientific method which involves
assignment is difficult or impossible. They are often conducted to observing and describing the behavior of a subject without influencing
evaluate the effectiveness of a treatment. It eliminates the it in any way. This method is used to obtain a general overview of the
directionality problem because it involves the manipulation of the subject. The results from a descriptive research cannot be used as a
independent variable. It does not eliminate the problem of definitive answer or to disprove a hypothesis but, if the limitations are
confounding variables, however, because it does not involve understood, they can still be a useful tool in many areas of scientific
random assignment to conditions. The inherent weaknesses in the research. Advantage of the descriptive design is that the subject is
Twins also share many aspects of their environment (e.g., uterine 1. Proof of Concept Study - Proof of concept (POC) is a realization
environment, parenting style, education, wealth, culture, community) of a certain method or idea in order to demonstrate its feasibility or
because they are born into the same family. The presence of a given a demonstration in principle with the aim of verifying that some
genetic trait in only one member of a pair of identical twins (called concept or theory has practical potential and use. A proof of
discordance) provides a powerful window into environmental effects. concept is usually small and may or may not be complete. Concept
Twins are also useful in showing the importance of the unique Testing is how people, without prompting, interpret a sketchy idea
environment (specific to one twin or the other) when studying trait for a new product or service. Concept testing is most often used in
presentation. Changes in the unique environment can stem from an concept development to test the success of a new product idea
event or occurrence that has only affected one twin. This could range before it is marketed. Potential consumers are involved to provide
from head injury or a birth defect that one twin has sustained while the their reactions to written statements, images or graphics, or actual
other remains healthy [36-37]. implementations of the basic idea for the product. Concept testing
is most often a Go/No Go screening that serves to eliminate those
The classical twin design compares the similarity of monozygotic concepts that have very little potential [43-44].
(identical) and dizygotic (fraternal) twins. If identical twins are
considerably more similar than fraternal twins (which is found for REVIEWING EXISTING RESEARCH
most traits), this implicates that genes play an important role in these Ÿ Literature Review – A literature review is a critical and in depth
traits. By comparing many hundreds of families with twins, evaluation of previous research. It is a summary and synopsis of a
researchers can then understand more about the roles of genetic effects, particular area of research, allowing anybody reading the paper to
shared environment, and unique environment in shaping behavior establish why you are pursuing this particular research program. A
[38]. good literature review expands upon the reasons behind selecting a
particular research question. A literature review can be a precursor
STUDIES CONDUCTED PRIOR TO DOING LARGE SCALE in the introduction of a research paper, or it can be an entire paper
STUDIES in itself, often the first stage of large research projects. A literature
Ÿ Pilot Study - A pilot study is a standard scientific tool for 'soft' review should not be mistakenly understood as a chronological
research, allowing scientists to conduct a preliminary analysis catalog of all of the sources, but it is an evaluation, integrating the
before committing to a full-blown study or experiment. To test the previous research together, and also explaining how it integrates
feasibility, equipment and methods, researchers will often use a into the proposed research program. All sides of an argument must
pilot study, a small-scale rehearsal of the larger research design. be clearly explained, to avoid bias, and areas of agreement and
Generally, the pilot study technique specifically refers to a smaller disagreement should be highlighted. A good literature review
scale version of the experiment, although equipment tests are an should also have some evaluation of the quality and findings of the
increasingly important part of this sub-group of experiments. Pilot research. A good literature review should avoid the temptation of
studies are also excellent for training inexperienced researchers, impressing the importance of a particular research program.
allowing them to make mistakes without fear of losing their job or Whilst some literature reviews can be presented in a chronological
failing the assignment. Logistical and financial estimates can be order, it is best avoided [45-46].
extrapolated from the pilot study, and the research question, and
the project can be streamlined to reduce wastage of resources and Ÿ Systematic Reviews - Systematic reviews are a powerful way of
time [39]. Unfortunately, there are seldom paper reporting the isolating and critically evaluating previous research. The principle
preliminary pilot study, especially if problems were reported, is behind the systematic reviews process is that the researcher
often stigmatized and sidelined. This is unfair, and punishes critically evaluates previous studies, in a much more
researchers for being methodical, so these attitudes are under a comprehensive and systematic way than a standard literature
period of re-evaluation. Discouraging researchers from reporting review. In many cases, statistical meta-analysis tools are used to
methodological errors, as found in pilot studies, means that later give the review a quantitative foundation, allowing correlations to
researchers may make the same mistakes. The other major be documented and conclusions to be drawn. After a critical
problem is deciding whether the results from the pilot study can be analysis, there is a process of combining all of the findings in a
included in the final results and analysis, a procedure that varies systematic review, sometimes qualitatively, but usually
wildly between disciplines. Pilots are rapidly becoming an quantitatively, using meta-analysis and is usually a combination of
essential pre-cursor to many research projects. Whilst there are both. Whilst the techniques are mainly used by medicine and
weaknesses, they are extremely useful for driving procedures in an psychology, there is a growing trend towards using system reviews
age increasingly dominated by technology, much of it untested in other branches [47]. As with most systems, despite the
under field conditions [40]. protocols, systematic reviews do have some inherent weaknesses.
The main problem is the rapid advancement of research and
Ÿ Usability testing - Usability testing is a technique used in user- technology, often meaning that many reviews are out of date
centered interaction design to evaluate a product or idea for before they are even published, forcing researchers to update their
research by testing it on users and identifying the importance of the findings constantly. There is the problem of selection bias, as with
issue under study. Usability testing focuses on measuring a any subjective review, where contradictory research is jettisoned.
human-made product's capacity to meet its intended purpose. Whilst not a perfect system, systematic reviews are far superior to
Usability testing measures the usability, or ease of use, of a specific the traditional narrative approach, which often allows a lot of good
object, set of objects or ideas and behaviors and their relevance to research to fall through the cracks [48].
human interaction and human motivation of that object/behavior Ÿ Meta Analysis – Meta analysis is a statistical technique developed
on a daily basis [41]. It usually involves systematic observation by social scientists that are limited in the type of experiments they
under controlled conditions to determine how well people can use can perform. Meta-analysis is the process of drawing from a larger
a product. However, often both qualitative and usability testing are body of research, and using powerful statistical analyzes on the
used in combination to better understand users' conglomerated data. This gives a much larger sample population
motivations/perceptions, in addition to their actions. Rather than and is more likely to generate meaningful and usable data. The
showing users a rough draft and asking, "Do you understand this field of meta-study is also a lot more rigorous than the traditional
?", usability testing involves watching people trying to use literature review, which often relies heavily upon the individual
something for its intended purpose. Setting up a usability test interpretation of the researcher [49]. Meta-analysis is an excellent
involves carefully creating a scenario, or realistic situation, way of reducing the complexity and breadth of research. For rare
wherein the person performs a list of tasks using the product being researchable conditions, it allows researchers to collect data from
Ÿ The word “research.” Participants need to know that they are VALID INFORMED CONSENT
responding to a research study, not to a promise for free treatment Informed consent is so important that in the 9th revision of the
or payment. American Psychological Association's Ethical Code it has its own
Ÿ A general description of the purpose of the study. Potential section, 8.02. And, no, you won't be tested on that exact detail.
participants should have a basic idea of what the study entails. However, it is worth mentioning because informed consent has its own
This information does not need to be detailed, but it should be dedicated section. It is that important. Informed consent provides
explained in layman's terms. Where possible, include information participants with sufficiently detailed information on the study so that
about what participants will do and the time required of the they can make an informed, voluntary and rational decision to
participant. participate [109].
Ÿ Details on how to enroll. It will be difficult for participants to
enroll if they don't have your contact information. This includes:
Ÿ Inclusion/ Exclusion criteria (where appropriate). You may be Ÿ The purpose of the study
looking for a participant with certain criteria, or there may be Ÿ Expected duration
reasons why a participant would not be eligible to participate. Ÿ Procedures of the study
Including this information in your recruitment materials will Ÿ Information on their right to decline or withdraw
prevent wasting the ineligible participant's time and yours. Ÿ Foreseeable consequences of withdrawing or declining
Ÿ Potential risk, discomfort or adverse effects
You may include the following – Ÿ Prospective research benefits
Ÿ Payment incentives. You can inform participants that you are Ÿ Incentives, such as payment or rewards
including an incentive for participation, but this should not be the Ÿ Whom to contact for questions
emphasis of the advertisement, letter, email, etc.
Ÿ Benefits. This can be a tricky element to include and generally the Lastly, as part of obtaining informed consent, a researcher must allow
Board will not allow it. A benefit to an individual must be time for questions the participants might have. The answers should
something that the researcher can guarantee. If you are offering a provide sufficient information without compromising the study. We
treatment, for example, that is recognized and known to be will discuss how convoluted this gets with deceptive studies in a
beneficial, this can be considered a benefit. A “potential benefit,” second.
however, is not guaranteed and is not allowed on recruitment
materials. All of the previously mentioned aspects must be provided to
participants before they are entered into the study. Informed consent
The following elements should not be included in your recruitment –
must be either documented by written consent or by oral consent in
language that is reasonably understandable. Most researchers use a
written form that the participants sign and date because there might be
Ÿ Misleading information. Recruitment materials should never
problems later on. One can never really predict the future and written
lead a participant to believe in something that is untrue about a
study. For studies where deception is involved, the recruitment proof is valuable in the courtroom setting.
materials should not be a part of the deception. The Board
recognizes that it is important in a deception study (and other Informed consent is a process for getting permission before
similar studies) not to bias participants by providing full conducting a healthcare intervention on a person. A health care
disclosure; however, the participants should be provided with true provider may ask a patient to consent to receive therapy before
information that will help them to make the right decision about providing it, or a clinical researcher may ask a research participant
their participation. before enrolling that person into a clinical trial. Informed consent is
Ÿ Overemphasis of payment incentives. The title of an collected according to guidelines from the fields of medical ethics and
advertisement should never be “Free Money!” or “Easy Cash!” research ethics [110].
Instead, payment information should be clearly described at the
bottom of the advertisement after the purpose of the study is An informed consent can be said to have been given based upon a clear
described. Such payment should not be bolded or otherwise appreciation and understanding of the facts, implications, and
emphasized. consequences of an action. Adequate informed consent is rooted in