BCS Course Regulations

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A candidate at the time of admission to the BCS degree course shall fulfil the following

 A holder of Bachelor Degree from a recognised University

 A candidate should have passed 10th class and cleared matured candidate exam (as
per the existing policy of the Senate) with 2 years of ministerial work experience.

 A candidate should have passed Dip.C.S. or Dip.BT with 2 years of ministerial work


The academic year for the B.C.S. course is January to December. A candidate is expected to
send the “Online Registration” form by 31st October every year prior to commencing the
study. The Hard copy of the Registration Form should be submitted to the Dean, SCEPTRE
Office, Kolkata along with the following Documents within 6th November. The last
submission of filled in application form with late fee is on or before 15th November. The
Registration Form should be submitted along with the following documents.

 Academic certificates or mark sheet copies of academic qualification

 Certificate of birth registration or other acceptable evidence of date of birth and the
candidate must be ready to supply additional information and references that may be
considered desirable in support of his/her application.

 Church membership certificate

 The candidate shall give in writing that he/she is not doing any course under any
university/institution at the same time

 The Registration fee must be sent by Demand Draft drawn in favour of the “Senate of
Serampore College” payable at Kolkata

 Application submitted without any of the above will be rejected

 Non attendance of BCS 1st year contact seminar will leads to cancelation of

 The student shall give in writing that he/she is not doing any course under any
university/ institution at the same time.

The medium of study and examination shall be English, or any other vernacular language
approved by the Senate.

CONTACT SEMINAR: (Compulsory for all the Four Year)

Contact seminar shall be arranged once in a year before the exams as it will be more
convenient to the candidates. The Affiliated Colleges and the exam centres can conduct the
contact seminars as approved by the Senate of Serampore College. Certificates will be issued
at the end of the contact seminar which will be used as a proof for attending the contact


The length of BCS degree course is four years starting from January to December. Validity of
the registration shall be for seven years. Dip.C.S. Diploma holders will join BCS 3rd year as
an upgrader. The validity of registration of Dip.C.S. upgrader shall be four years.


 The Annual Examination will be conducted by Senate of Serampore College during

October/November of each year.

 Serampore College, all affiliated Colleges, SCEPTRE and approved Examination

Centres are centres for the Senate examinations. All candidates are normally expected
to take their examination at one of these centres.

 Each paper is of three hours. The maximum marks for each paper is hundred and
covers the subject matter indicated in the syllabus.

 The student can write minimum six paper and maximum twelve papers.

 A candidate (direct under the Senate) applying for permission to write the
examination at an affiliated College or approved Exam Centre must obtain prior
permission from the Principal or Head of the institution.

 Four Contact Seminars (1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year and 4th year) must be attended.
Without attendance Contact Seminar certificate, Senate will not allow the candidates
to write the Exam. Fees must be paid accordingly.

 Online Examination Entry Form must be done on or before 15th July. The hard copy
of the Examination entry form along with the consent letter of the Principal/head must
reach the office of the SCEPTRE, Kolkata on or before 20th of July and with late fee
31st of July each year.
 If a candidate wishes to write the Senate examination overseas, he/she should seek
prior permission from the Registrar by sending a request and a letter from the
Superintendent of Examination before 15th July of the year of examination. The
Senate shall determine the Local Centre and an additional fee to be paid in such cases.

 All the Senate examinations for the B.C.S Studies shall normally be evaluated by two

 The candidate shall apply for re-evaluation of any answer script within ten days from
the date of announcement of the results.


BCS Regular – 4 years

i) Direct candidates : (Registered directly with the Senate)

The programme will consist of a total 24 courses of which 15 shall be Required and 9
Optional and all papers will be Senate Examined.

ii) Through Affiliated Colleges

The programme will consist of a total of 24 courses of which 15 shall be required papers as
Senate Examined and 9 Optional papers examined by the College.

Area A: Biblical Cluster

Required Papers: (4)

BC001 Understanding the Old Testament (content, history, critical study)

BC002 Study of Prophetic Movement with Special Reference to Isaiah 42 - 55

BC003 Understanding the New Testament (content, history, critical study)

BC004 Study of the Gospels with special Reference to Selected Texts: Matthew, Mark &
Luke (Matt 5-7; Mark 10; Luke 4 &11)

Optional Papers: (Select any two; one each from OT and NT)


BC005 Formation of a Nation: Study of Pentateuch

BC006 Pre-monarchy Period: Study of the Book of Judges

BC007 Study of Wisdom Literature with Special Reference to the Book of Proverbs

BC008 Study of Epistle to the Romans

BC009 Study of Epistle to the Hebrews

BC010 Study of Pastoral Epistles

BC011 Introduction to Interpretation of the Bible

Area B: Theology Cluster

Required Papers: (4)

BC012 Introduction to Christian Theology

BC013 Ethical Issues in Contemporary World

BC014 Understanding Society in South Asia

BC015 Origin and Development of Feminist Theology

Optional Papers: (Select any two)

BC016 Contextual Theologies: Methodologies from the Margins

BC017 Christian Doctrines in the Early Church

BC018 Ecological Issues in Contemporary World: Problems and Prospects

BC019 Gender Justice

Area C: History and Mission Cluster

Required Papers: (2)

BC020 Reformation and Social Change (1500-present)

BC021 Study of Modern Missionary Movement and Social Change

Optional Papers: (Select any one)

BC022 History of Christianity during Early Period (1-600)

BC023 History of Christianity during Medieval Period (700-1400)

BC024 Study of Ecumenical Movement

Area D: Religion Cluster

Required Papers: (2)

BC025 Outlines of Major Religious Traditions

BC026 Christian Responses to Inter-Faith Relations

Optional Papers: (Select any one)

BC027 Detailed Study of Hinduism

BC028 Basic Features of Primal Religions

BC029 Islamic Religious Traditions

Area E: Ministry Cluster

Required Papers: (3)

BC030 Introduction to Christian Ministry

BC031 Introduction to Counseling

BC032 Worship and Preaching

Optional Papers: (3)

BC033 Introduction to Communication

BC034 Christian Education and Social Change

BC035 Media and Social Issues

BC036 Towards Understanding Inclusive Communities

BC037 Understanding of Marriage and Family Counseling

BC038 Introduction to Homiletics

Christian Ministry and Contemporary Issues: (Select any one)

BC039 Ecology

BC040 Migration

BC041 Globalization

BC042 Communalism and Fundamentalism

BC043 FamilialRelationships

BC044 Human Sexuality and Related Issues

Dip.C.S. to BCS Up-grader - 2 years

The following conditions shall be applied in cases of students who have passed in Dip.C.S.
and would like to pursue BCS studies from the academic year 2019. The candidates who have
successfully completed Dip.C.S. shall be required to do 2 years of BCS studies as up-grader.

(a) Direct candidates: (Registered directly with the Senate)

The programme will consist of a total of 12 courses of which 7 shall be Required and 5
Optional and all papers will be Senate Examined.

(b) Through Affiliated Colleges

The programme will consist of a total of 12 courses of which 7 shall be Senate required and 5
papers are College Optional.

Third Year (4+3)


Biblical Cluster
BC004 Study of the Gospels with Special Reference to Selected Texts: Matthew (Matt
5-7), Mark (Mark 10) & Luke (Luke 4 & 11)

Theological Cluster
BC014 Understanding Society in South Asia

History and Mission Cluster

BC021 Study of Modern Missionary Movement and Social Change

Ministry Cluster
BC031 Introduction to Counseling


Biblical Cluster (Any one)

BC008 Study of Epistle to the Romans
BC009 Study of Epistle to the Hebrews
BC010 Study of Pastoral Epistles
BC011 Introduction to Interpretation of the Bible

Theology Cluster (Any One)

BC018 Ecological issues in Contemporary World: Problems and Prospects
BC019 Gender Justice

Ministry Cluster (Any one)

BC033 Introduction to Communication
BC035 Media and Social Issues
Fourth Year (3+2)

Theology cluster
BC013 Ethical Issues in Contemporary World
BC015 Origin and Development of Feminist Theology

Religions Cluster
BC026 Christian Responses to Inter-Faith Relations


Ministry Cluster (Any Two)

(a) BC034 Christian Education and Social Change
BC038 Introduction to Homiletics

(b) BC036 Towards Understanding Inclusive Communities

Christian Ministry and Contemporary Issues: (Select One)
BC039 Ecology
BC040 Migration
BC041 Globaliazation
BC042 Communalism and Fundamentalism
BC043 Familial Relationships
BC044 Human Sexuality and Related Issues

General Optional
Non credited but optional B. D. Qualifying Senate papers which can be offered any time
during BCS studies if students have not passed during Dip. C. S. Studies
BOS11 English – 1
BOS12 English - 11


i. The Senate reserves the right to change the fees as and when found necessary

ii. Fee once paid is not refundable.

iii. All fees must be sent by Demand Draft drawn in favour of the following:

For Registration demand draft - “Senate of Serampore College”, payable at Kolkata.

For Examination demand draft - “Registrar, Senate of Serampore College”, payable at


All communications concerning Registration shall be addressed to:

74 B, A.J.C. Bose Road
Kolkata – 700016
West Bengal
Phone: 22177868, 40061805
Email: [email protected]

And all communication concerning Examination shall be address to:

The Registrar
Senate of Serampore College
P.O. Serampore – 712201
Dist. Hooghly
West Bengal
Phone: 26622692, 26520432
Email: [email protected]

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