Read The Purpose of Testimony in The Judicial Affidavit.

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Clerk of Court: Petitioner vs. Respondent. Appearances.

Counsel for the petitioner: Good morning, Your Honor, I am Atty.

Thelma A. Mariano, respectfully appearing for the petitioner. We are
ready, Your Honor.

Counsel: Your Honor, I am presenting on the witness stand Mr./Ms.
Court: Swear the witness.
Counsel: Your Honor, the testimony of the witness is being offered for
the following purposes.(Read the purpose of testimony in the Judicial
Affidavit.) May I proceed, Your Honor?
Court: Proceed.
Counsel: Mr./Madam Witness, do you remember having executed a
Judicial Affidavit?
Witness: Yes, Madam.
Counsel: I am showing you aJudicial Affidavit, what is the relation of
this document to the Judicial Affidavit you said you executed?
Witness:It is the same Affidavit, Madam.
Counsel: Your Honor, please, may I request that this Judicial Affidavit be
marked as Exhibit “A” for the petitioner.
Court: Mark it.
Counsel: Mr./Madam Witness, there is a signature on the last page of
this Judicial Affidavit above the printed name ________, do you know
whose signature is it?
Witness: It is my signature, madam.
Counsel: Your Honor, please, may I request that the signature identified
by the witness as his/her signature be marked as Exh. “A-1” for the
Court: Mark it.
Counsel: Mr./Madam Witness, do you affirm and confirm the
truthfulness of the contents of this JA?
Witness: Yes, Madam.
Counsel: Mr./Madam Witness, on page ___ of your JA, you mentioned a
Certificate of Marriage, I am showing you a document, what is the
relation of this document to the Certificate of Marriage you have
Witness: It is the same Certificate of Marriage Madam.
Counsel: Your Honor, please, may I request that this Certificate of
Marriage be marked as Exhibit “B” for the petitioner.
Court: Mark it.
Note: Do this to all documents annexed to the JA.
Counsel: Your Honor, this representation is adopting this judicial
affidavit as the direct testimony of the witness. We are ready for cross.

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