Radiation Heat Transfer

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Heat Transfer Third Year Dr.Aysar T.


Radiation Heat Transfer

Thermal radiation is that electromagnetic radiation emitted by a body as a result of its

Radiation Properties
When radiant energy strikes a material surface, part of the radiation is reflected, part is
absorbed, and part is transmitted.

ρ = the fraction reflected = Reflectivity
α = the fraction absorbed = absorptivity
τ = the fraction transmitted = transmissivity

This mean

ρ + α + τ =1

For most solid, τ = 0

 ρ + α =1

For black body ρ = 0

Reflection is of Two Types

1- Specular reflection, when the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection.
Heat Transfer Third Year Dr.Aysar T. Jarullah

2- Diffuse reflection, when an incident beam is distributed uniformly in all directions

after reflection.


The emissive power of a body E is defined as the energy emitted by the body per unit area and
per unit time.

Black body is a body which absorbs all the incident radiation falling upon it. Thus, Eb is the
emissive power of a black body.

Є =
For black body, Є =1

and Eb  T 4

Where T is the absolute temperature of a body (K).

The constant proportion (σ) is called Stefan-Boltzmann constant = 5.669 × 10-8 W/m2.K4

q net  A   (T14  T24 )

Radiation Shape Factor

Heat Transfer Third Year Dr.Aysar T. Jarullah

Consider two black surfaces A1 and A2, as shown in Figure. The radiation shape factors are
defined as:

F1 − 2 = fraction of energy leaving surface 1 that reaches surface 2

F2 − 1 = fraction of energy leaving surface 2 that reaches surface 1
Fi − j = fraction of energy leaving surface i that reaches surface j

The calculations of shape factors for a few geometries are given in figures 8.12 to 8.16 (also
table 8.2).

The energy leaving surface 1 and arriving at surface 2 =

The energy leaving surface 2 and arriving at surface 1 =

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