Institute of Information Technology:: ADCA Syllabus of AIIT Group: 1 Sem

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Jagdev Nagar,Bazar Samiti,Near over Bridge, ARA,BIHAR

: ADCA Syllabus of AIIT Group:

1st SEM:

Introduction to Computer
• History of development of computers
• Computer system concepts
• Characteristics
• Capabilities and limitations
• Generations of computers.
• Basic components of a computer system – Control Unit, ALU, I/ O Devices, memory –
RAM, ROM,EPROM, PROM, Flash Memory and other types of memory.

Computer Software:
• Types of Software – System software, Application software, Utility Software, Demo ware,
Shareware, Freeware, Firmware, Free Software.
• Operating Systems – Functions, Types – Batch Processing, Single User, Multi User,
Multiprogramming, Multi-Tasking.
• Programming languages – Machine, Assembly, High Level, 4 GL.
• Data representation in computers.
• Number System of computers – Binary, Octal, Hexa Decimal – Representation & their
• Coding System – ASCII, BCD, and EBCDIC etc.
• Computer Viruses.

Jagdev Nagar,Bazar Samiti,Near over Bridge, ARA,BIHAR PH:+91- 7260-830102

Aiit Group
Jagdev Nagar,Bazar Samiti,Near over Bridge, ARA,BIHAR

Disk Operating System (DOS) :

• Introduction, History & Versions of DOS
DOS basics
• Physical structure of disk, drive name, FAT, file & directory structure and naming rules,
booting Process, DOS system files.
Basic DOS Commands
• Internal – DIR, MD, CD, RD, Copy, DEL, REN, VOL, DATE, TIME, CLS, PATH, TYPE etc.
• Executable V/s Non executable files in DOS
• Windows concepts, features, windows structure, desktop, taskbar, start menu, my
computer, Recycle Bin.
• Windows Accessories – Calculator, Notepad, Paint, WordPad, Character map.
• Windows Explorer – Creating folders and other Explorer facilities.
• Entertainment – CD Player, DVD Player, Media Player, Sound Recorder, Volume Control.

Microsoft Office (MS Word, Excel, Power Point)

Word Processing: MS Word
• Introduction to Word Processing
• Introduction to MS Word: features, Creating, Saving and Opening documents in Word,
Interface, Toolbars, Ruler, Menus, Keyboard Shortcut.
• Editing a Document – Moving, Scrolling in a document, Opening Multi document windows,
Editing Text – Selecting, Inserting, deleting, moving text.
• Previewing documents, Printing documents – Print a document from the standard toolbar,
Print a document from the menu, shrinking a document to fit a page, Reduce the number of
pages by one.
• Formatting Documents: Paragraph formats, Aligning Text and Paragraph, Borders and
Shading, Headers and Footers, Multiple Columns.

Jagdev Nagar,Bazar Samiti,Near over Bridge, ARA,BIHAR PH:+91- 7260-830102

Aiit Group
Jagdev Nagar,Bazar Samiti,Near over Bridge, ARA,BIHAR
Worksheet: MS Excel
• Worksheet basics
• Creating worksheet, entering data into worksheet, heading information, data, text, dates,
Cell formatting values, saving & protecting worksheet.
• Opening and moving around in an existing worksheet
• Toolbars and Menus, keyboard shortcuts 5
• Working with single and multiple workbook – coping, renaming, moving, adding and
deleting, coping entries and moving between workbooks
• Working with formulas & cell referencing.
- Auto sum
- Coping formulas
- Absolute & Relative addressing
• Working with ranges – creating, editing and selecting ranges, sorting.
• Formatting of worksheet – Auto format, changing – alignment, character styles, column
width, date format, borders & colors, currency signs.
• Previewing & Printing worksheet – Page setting, Print titles, Adjusting margins, Page
break, headers and footers.
• Graphs and charts – using wizards, various charts type, formatting grid lines & legends,
previewing & printing charts.
Presentation Graphics: MS Power Point
• Features and various versions
• Creating presentation using Slide master and template in various colour scheme
• Working with different views and menus of power point
• Working with slides – Make new slide, move, copy, delete, duplicate, lay outing of slide,
zoom in or out of a slide.
• Editing and formatting text: Alignment, editing, inserting, deleting, selecting, formatting of
text, find and replace text.
• Bullets, footer, paragraph formatting, spell checking.
• Printing presentation – Print slides, notes, handouts and outlines.
• Inserting Objects – Drawing and inserting objects using Clip Art's pictures and charts.

Jagdev Nagar,Bazar Samiti,Near over Bridge, ARA,BIHAR PH:+91- 7260-830102

Aiit Group
Jagdev Nagar,Bazar Samiti,Near over Bridge, ARA,BIHAR
• Custom Animation – slide transition effects and other animation effects.
• Presenting the show – making stand alone presentation
C Programming Language:

C Language : Introduction
• Introduction
• C Character Set , Constants, Variables and Key words
Decision and Control Structure
• if ,if-elses, forms of if-elses statement
• Operator
• Types of Loops
• Case and Switch
Arrays and Functions
• Arrays
• C Functions – Call by values and Call by reference

Jagdev Nagar,Bazar Samiti,Near over Bridge, ARA,BIHAR PH:+91- 7260-830102

Aiit Group
Jagdev Nagar,Bazar Samiti,Near over Bridge, ARA,BIHAR

2nd SEM:

Data Base Management System:

Data Base Management System
 Introduction to Database and RDBMS -Database Concepts- So What is Database?
Manual Database System, Comparison between a manual and, Computerized Database
System, Common DBMS,
 Designing a Database- About designing a database, Steps in designing a database,
Creating a Database - Creating a Database using blank database, Creating a Database
using Database Wizard, Opening a existing database
Data Base Tables
 Tables- Introduction to Tables, Different Ways of creating a table, Guidelines for naming
fields, controls and objects, Creating a table by entering data in a datasheet, Create a table
using the Table Wizard, Working with Tables
 designing a Table- Create a table from scratch using Design view, Field/Variable name
Conventions, About the Data types, Setting Primary Keys, Field Properties - Field Size,
Format, Decimal Places, Input Mask, Caption, Default Value, Data Validation, Required,
Allow Zero Length, Indexed, Sorting and Filtering Data.
 Modifying the Table Design - To insert the field within the table, Rename a field name in
a table, Deleting Fields, Moving Fields, Changing a Field Size, Saving a Table, Working
with Tables in Datasheet View - Viewing the Table in Datasheet view, Adding Records,
Sizing the Columns, Navigating the Datasheet - Using the navigation Buttons, Using the Go
To Menu, Finding a Specific Value - Using Wildcards, Editing And Deleting Records,
Undoing Edits, Cutting, Copying and Pasting Data ,Sorting and Filtering Data in a
Datasheet - Quick-Sort Feature ,Filter By Selection.
 Relationship - Relationship in a Database, How to relationship work, Types of Mapping in
Relationships, Define Relationships.
Query Basics and SQL

Jagdev Nagar,Bazar Samiti,Near over Bridge, ARA,BIHAR PH:+91- 7260-830102

Aiit Group
Jagdev Nagar,Bazar Samiti,Near over Bridge, ARA,BIHAR
 Query Basics- What is a Query? Usage of Queries, Types of Queries, Steps for Creating
a Query, The Design View, Working With Fields, Changing the order of Fields, Removing a
Field, Inserting a Field, Hiding Fields, Sorting in Query. Perform Calculation in a Query,
Creating a Query, Query by Criteria, Examples of select query, Example of Cross Tab
query, Creating Cross Tab Query, Working with
Action Queries, Creating Make Table Query, Creating Append Query, Creating Delete
Query, Creating Update Query, Setting Query Properties.
 Working with SQL
 Report, Introduction, Parts of a Report, Creating a Report, Creating a Columnar Report
with Auto Report, Tabular Auto report, Creating Reports with Wizards, Examples of Report

Internet and Web Page Designing

• Evolution, Protocols, Interface Concepts, Internet Vs Intranet, Growth of Internet, ISP,
Connectivity –Dial-up, Leased line, VSAT etc. URLs, Domain names, Portals, Application
• Concepts, POP and WEB Based E-mail, merits, address, Basic of Sending & Receiving,
E-mail Protocols, Mailing List, and Free E-mail services, FTP.
World Wide Web (WWW)
• History, Working, Web Browsers, Its functions, Concept of Search Engines. Searching the
Web, HTTP, URLs, Web Servers, Web Protocols.
Web Publishing
• Concepts, Domain name Registration, Space on Host Server for Web site, HTML, Design
tools, HTML
Editors, Image editors, Issues on Web site creations & Maintenance, FTP software for
upload web site.

Jagdev Nagar,Bazar Samiti,Near over Bridge, ARA,BIHAR PH:+91- 7260-830102

Aiit Group
Jagdev Nagar,Bazar Samiti,Near over Bridge, ARA,BIHAR
• Concepts of Hypertext, Versions of HTML, Elements of HTML syntax, Head & Body
Sections, Building HTML documents, Inserting texts, Images, Hyperlinks, Backgrounds and
Color controls, Different HTML tags, Table layout and presentation, Use of font size &
Attributes, List types and its tags.

The end of semester student must have done a minor project on C Language and HTML.

Jagdev Nagar,Bazar Samiti,Near over Bridge, ARA,BIHAR PH:+91- 7260-830102

Aiit Group

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