Sequence Stratigraphy PDF
Sequence Stratigraphy PDF
Sequence Stratigraphy PDF
ypur ‘SswuNWopaid [O66 | “S>IYSY suas) Suyppaq,ssou9 aye9s-sunp doa sa speayor nq “ouonbssesed say D4 O14 BuiKpoxo ay aseq sayy “spurs paunes-tumpsus pasoneds 910u q PUP aIUOD suospUes Ut ssv>x29p pulods v Aq PayzeUE st 39e}2Ns Supooy puodas y -oouanboseaed vu epesoid pur Surmojjeys axe>yput‘spaq-ssox> passousnqun jo uonvasssoud ay Uf aSeOI>U UE Yala Joypolfoa “SaBuEY> say “StHEO, Avoasig feONION H jeauoztaoy wos Sluey> © pur tuaiUOD auorspueS UF IseD!OUI Spray & SI DO} spuemdp] “SUILIB PUES wIMIpaus poxoNIeDs 44 pazuNDEayD pur poregimrorg s| 39";1ns Supooy aq “29epI0s Fupooy as1y a4p sYseu! aUDIUOD auoIspuLs ul asea;o9p admAqe UY“ sfuons ve soieaiauad 2100 ap Jo oseq aq, Sumas ooys-puvs jepa v ul pousodap ‘saouanbasesed aajduros ona smo4s EpLUL “CHIDgTY VOREUIOY HULA ayp UL 2409 Y Z'g “SH te og 8 7 7 | z S 3 = 8 age 5 7 3 3 a ‘STORM DOMINATED = “IDE DOMINATED | H 3 z zg 2 & 2 8 FI — 7 > ne PROGRADATIONAL PARSEQUENCE SET ge B 2 SSS Be | 8 7 ——___| ee | @ 8 e e gee B Eee a5 ital Bs 7 3288 8 Ye‘300 m 10-20 kn (ay wave-pomnaTeD A. Shorelace SHORELINE SHELF . Inner shalt iste shel (b) STORM-DOMINATED SHORELINE SHELF (@ DELTAS ‘SEDIMENTATION Fig. 88 Variations in sand distribution within parasequences sharacterized by distinet sedimentary processes. Wave-dominated (a) and stotm-dominated (b) parasequ are ch leaning and coarsening signatures that extend in three dimensions. They differ in that the sand belt extends much further ftom the shoreline in storm-dominated successions. By contrast, deltaic parasequences (c) are characterized by mnarked spatial changes in sandstone acterized by simple 147(@) LIMOSTRATIGRAPHIC MODEL COASTAL PLAIN MUDSTONES AND SANDSTONES ST TRTRE comarun \ [Sf a 7 ai { { 15 | | | COAL I Litt l Fig. 8.9 Lithostratigraphic and chronosteatigraphi models of parasequence development based on the work of Van Wagoner etal. (1990), Coastal plain mudstones and sandstones are shown to be coeval with shoreline progradation. For discussion see text. influence sandstone body dimensions on a parasequence scale, For example, the thickness of shoreline shelf sands decreases upwards through highstand sequence sets, Simi larly, the dip extent of shoreline—shelf sands tends to be twice as extensive during highstand systems tracts as in transgressive systems tracts (Table 8.2). 8.4.3 Grain size Coarse sediment (gravel and sand) favours: (i) low-sinuosity channels in the delta and coastal plain; (ii) well-drained delta and coastal plains that lack lakes; (iii) the rapid deposition of river load at river mouths; (iv) a steep ‘reflec- tive’ shoreline thar receives the full effect of wave energy’ and (v) a steep delta front characterized by mass flow processes (up to around 25° in Gilbert deltas. By contrast, fine sediment (silt and mud) favours: li) high-sinuosity channels; (i) poorly drained delta and 148 coastal plains characterized by lakes; (i) sediment dispersal beyond river mouths ay a result of buoyaney processes (iv) a low-angle shoreline that attenuates and dissipates wave energy, and forms a sandy shoreline and inner shelf zone; and (x) a low-angle delta front (around 1°). ‘The dominant grain size of deltas reflects the nature of the catchment area: the area and physiogeography of the catchment; the prevailing climate; and the bedrock ith ology. These factors, in combination with tectonic activity and relative sea-level fluctuations, may change through time to generate fluctuations in sediment flux and calibre For further discussion on the influence of grain-size, see Orton (1988) and Orton and Reading (1993). 8.44 Climate ‘On the delta and coastal plain climate influences the nature of lacustrine deposits, palacosols and the development(@) LTHOSTRATIGRAPHIC MODEL ‘Subset aus Regressive deposts ‘Standplain Haws coasts isin Fig. 8.10 (continued overleaf) Lithostratigraphic and chronostratigraphic models of parasequence development based on the ‘work of Devine (1991). Coastal plain mudstones and sandstones are shown to be coeval with transgression. For discussion see text 149(0) (ou prasoqunces shown D)-@) = 12m thick sequences Fig. 8.10 (continued) 150(b) RETROGRADATIONAL PARASEQUENCE SET Tidal strm or oceanic cureniseworkbaror Sand int shel andelone tS | nner ent ue snat Pema sce tees Fein See tee ey. Bed | aaa rate | Fig. 8:11 (a) (continued overleaf) A progradational parasequence set in a storm-dominated shoreline —shelf succession. The work of Devine (1991) and Van Wagoner et al. (1990) has been combined to show coastal plain and lagoonal successions deteloping during progradation and transgression. The map shows the extent of shoreface sands in each parasequence 1~4. The short ogs (A) and (B) illustrate spatial variations in parasequence set signature that result from lohate parasequences. A flooding, surface lag is more likely if the underlying shoreface has progeaded past a given location, as only then can shoreface erosion Jwinnow and concentrate coarse material (based on Hamblin and Walker, 1979; McCrory and Walker, 1986; Plint and Walker, 1987; Eyles and Walker, 19885 Plint e¢ al, 1988). (b) A retrogradational parasequence set in a storm-dominated shoreline—shelf succession, During transgression, the shoreline may aggrade and keep pace with relative sea-level rise, so that significant accommodation space is generated in the coastal and alluvial plain. With an inerease in the rate of relative sea-level rise, ot a drop insediment supply, the shoreline will jump landwards to a new position where these two variables are in balance (for a review see Eliot, 1986b) of coals, evaporites and lacustrine carbonates. The wind regime has an important effect on the efficacy of storm processes, while the prevailing winds determine the extent 8.5 The sequence stratigraphy of distinct paralic systems of aeolian (coastal) dune fields, the direction of longshore The fundamental controls outlined above affect the devel- sediment transport, and the presence of semi-permanent opment of all paralic suecessions. However, they combine shelf currents. Climate also influences the development of in different ways in different paralic systems. In many ways shelf carbonates. coastal plain t0 shoreline—shelf systems are the simplest. These are discussed and illustrated in detail below. Sub- sequent sections show how stratigraphy differs in deltaic and estuarine successions. 1st‘Washove tans, tod tial tas ana goons may be ‘moomtart but are bly 1 be Dimensions tm) Wm) length (km Patison 1968 0-6 0-5 60 Bergan and Walker 1@88 0-10 O-5. 10 Legos on ‘Shorelace attached detached ines 1Omhigh;2~3 km wide; 265 km spar; 10s km ing: average 22 “Io coast Stopes of afew dogrees or less Transgressie tag No vous verte Fig. 8.11 (c) A transgressive parasequence set in a storm-dominated shoreline—shelf succession. Surface 1 is cut by shoreface erosion. The sand body, 2, is the product of short-lived progradation, All evidence for subaerial exposure is removed by ravinement, producing surface 3. Ancient examples suggest that the preserved sediment bodies are linear and shore- parallel (Bergman and Walker, 1988; Pattison, 1988). Modern shelves suggest the presence of numerous shore-oblique ridges (¢ Rine et al., 1986) and ragged patches of sand above transgressed si 8.5.1. The stratigraphy of coastal plain to shoreline~shelf systems Storm-dominated parasequences In general, the lower part of storm-dominated para- sequences (shelf and lower shoreface) comprises a series of shatp-based beds 5-30. thick that become thicker and. progressively amalgamated upwards (Fig. 81a). The beds are often hummocky cross-stratifed, with bioturbated, ‘wave-rippled tops. The upper shoreface may be: i) storm dominated and characterized by swaley facies (McCrory and Walker, 1986); (i) wave dominated, with or without 152 successions, W, width; t, thickness bars; or (ii) cut by cross-bedded tidal channel units, Barred shorefaces are characterized by erosively based, trough cross-beds, deposited in longshore troughs and/or rip channels. Non-barred shorefaces are characterized by wave ripples, onshore and offshore directed cross-beds, and planar laminae (for a review see Elliott, 1986b). It is critical, but not always easy, to distinguish channels gener- ated by tidal inlets and longshore troughs, from incised: valley fils. Coastal plain successions are strongly influenced by climate, and are characterized by small fluvial systems, Lagoonal deposits are generally shale prone, but may also ‘comprise sandy facies deposited in storm washovers, flooddeltas, or bay-head deltas (Plint and Walker, 1987; ine, 1991). In shelfal locations the stratigraphic signature of pro- tional, storm-dominated prarasequence sets is generally comprising a stack of cleaning and coarsening, equences that become coarser and sandicr upwards Bnet progradation of the shoreline (Fig. 8.1 La). An ction is suggested by derailed mapping in the Cardium jon (Eyles and Walker, 1988), which has revealed a te form ro individual parasequenees that produces an Il progradational, but variable, parascquence-set sig- In proximal locations the balance between sediment wpply and relative sea-level rise will control both the sequence and the parasequence-set signature (section 4.2). The nature of retrogradational, storm dominated para- ence sets depends on the balance between sediment ply and relative sea-level rise. Figure 8.11b shows one bination of these variables — the shoreline~shelf el- is of the parasequences could be stacked more closely separated entirely. Transgressive, storm-dominated parasequence sets com- tse a scries of back-stepping parasequences, the sandy tions of which are neither connected nor overlain (Fig. Me). Many transgressive parasequence sets are charac- ized by ravinement, removing all evidence for subacrial sposure, and by shelfal processes reworking the stranded cline deposits. Transgressive parasequence sets. are ne forms of retrogeadational parasequence sets. Forced regressive, storm-dominated sets are generated hen sea-level falls in a series of more or less discrete steps ig. 8.6c). As discussed in section 8.3.4, the base of each package is characterized by a downwards shift in ies that records sea-level fall. If sea-level fall is associated ith river incision, then each sand package is a high- gency sequence. The sand bodies themnsel 12 tetizel by a progeadational, coarsening signature. Forced igresive sets can have a geometry closely similar to Aansgressive parasequence sets (compare Fig. 8.6c with Fig. $.11c). The shoreline position is likely to be fixed by shell iregularities, generated, for example, by deep-seate: faults, Wave-dominated parasequences The stratigraphic architecture of wave-dominated para Sequences is closely comparable to that of storm-dominated Parasequences. A key difference is that the predominance ‘of shoaling waves commonly limits the distance from the beach to the edge of the sand belt to less than Ikm. AS a result, dip-extensive wave-dominated sands can be gener. ated only by progradation. As in storm-dominated para Sequences, wave-dominated shoreline successions generally soarsen, and increase in bed thickness upwards. Again, the upper shoreface may be barred, non-barred, or cut by tidal shannels. Conglomeratic wave-dominated shorelines ate steeper and have their own distinctive suite of structures (Fig. 8.125 Massari and Parea, 1988; Hart and Plint, 1989). Tide-dominated parasequences Tide-dominated shoreline—shelf systems pass laterally into estuaries and deltas, and landwards into tidal flats (Fig, 8.13). If the tidal flats are richly fed with sediment by alongshore and along-shelf tidal currents, they can form the central portion of prograding coastal plain to shoreline shelf suecessions. Subsidal flats and the lower portions of intertidal flats tend to be sandy, and to pass landwards into muddy and then vegetated, intertidal and supratidal flats Consequently, prograding tidal flats generate fining up. wards successions. These in turn may be cut by fining upwards channel fils, the deposits of complex channel systems which dissect the flats (for a review sce Elliott, 1986a,b). Progradational, tidal successions are illustrated in Fig, 8.13. Analogous transgressive tidal deposits are thinner, developing during periods when rivers are drowned, form- ing estuaries, and little sediment is transported to the shelF.. In such cases sandy shelf deposits tend to be sourced by. tidal scour and reworked from the underlying succession. The combined effects of tidal scour and shoreface erosion ‘may generate complex erosional topography on the flooding surface, Deposits that overlie the surface may include sand sheets and sand ridges. Sand sheets may fine or coarsen ‘upwards depending on sand-sheer movement. The internal structure of tidal sand ridges is poorly known, but is thought to be dominated by dune cross-bedding. For a detailed discussion sce Stride (1982). 8.5.2 The stratigraphy of deltaic systems Much of the stratigraphic variability observed in deltas is controlled by interplay amongst: sedimentary processes, accommodation space, sediment supply, climate and grain size. Accommodation space and sediment supply play a role similar in deltaic systems to thar discussed for coastal plain to shoreline—shelf systems. Following Orton (1988) and Orton and Reading (1993) the importance of gr and sedimentary process can be shown by extending, the ternary process classification of Galloway (1975) into a prismatic form (Fig. 8.14). Their model can be refined by differentiating amongst shelf deltas, shelf-edge deltas and Gilbert deltas. Space precludes illustration of this extra1 km) these clinoforms are generally not resolved and shelf deltas are expressed as parallel seismic reflections. By contrast, the slope systems that form the delta front of shelFedge deltas may be several hundreds of metres high 71“gag] Poorly) ——Pemesbity (m0) ——Gaavay API Uiiegy Dep Opargeardirecion Sacra ‘Sequree sree oom ne) ge so_ntpreaton Saigaty T i Delta plain i oer : | 7 | : ali i i 3 Is ‘ard onder x iit cmon ie = + — UI owe |S Somnus nna Rw sero Fig. 8.23 Graphic log, porosity and permeability data showing the lose relationship between key sequence stratigraphic surfaces and reservoir quality in the Scalby Formation, Yorkshire. For example, an order of magnitude dectcase in permeability occurs, ‘heross the lowermost flooding surface, anda similar change occurs across the fourth-order sequence boundary (after Eschard et aly 1991) imnl clearly resolvable. Shelf-edge deltas also exhibit a ge of syn-sedimentary deformational features that can resolved seismically; growth faults, mud diapirs, se nt slides, canyons and gullies. ingle clastic ramps owangle clastic ramps develop in those basins that lack a re-eistng slope, and are characterized by strong shelfal 6s, which redistribute sediment supplied via deltas nd prevent the growth of a shelf—slope system (Fig. {24b). On regional seismic lines they are expressed as monotonous parallel reflections (e.g. Sangree and Widmier, 97). Redisplaying conventional seismic lines at reduced jontal scales (squashing) or increased vertical scales, (stetching), commonly by a factor of two to four times, reveal subtle dips and stratigraphic pinch-outs, ot mrevals of shelf-delta sedimentation if the resolution is Wide-self model uith (1970) suggested that progeading shorelines may d wide, prograding and aggrading shelf—slope systems 8.24). Although Asquith’s original correlations have questioned (Van Wagoner et al., 1990), other (@) DROWNED SHELF Key: 5 revs 824 Basinscale models of paraic 3 Consatan ‘Actve deta. or coasa-laln-chorene shi system ES workers have shown similar geometries (eg. McCave, 1985; Lawrence et al., 19905 S. Sturrock, pers. comm., 1991). The model is important as it indicates that not all pro- grading siliciclastic slopes are fed directly by deltas — the shoreline may be some distance from the offlap break. The decision as to which of these three models is appro- priate is not straightforward, because the seismic expression Of wide-shelf systems is comparable with that of shelfedge deltas, both in large-scale form (e.g. McMillen and Winn, 1989) and in the potential for generating syn-sedimentary deformational features on the slope. In general though, wwide-shelf—slope systems tend to be muddy and to have sigmoidal clinoforms, whereas strongly prograding slopes, with toplapping clinoforms are more likely to be fed by shelf-edge deltas. 8.9.2 Seismic resolution The seismic expression of a single sandstone body isolated in shale is dependent primarily on the relationship between the thickness of the sandstone and the wavelength of the seismic data (see section 3.1.2). For example, at burial depths of 1-2km. Sandstones with 20% porosity may have a velocity of 2500 ms~', With a good quality seismic source of 50H, distinct reflections can be seen from the top and the base of sandstones that are thicker than 25 m. Seaterel Sentero! (J strand mus Nearshoreandinner shelf sands 173However, beds thinner than 6.25 m cannot be distinguished. Beds 25~12.5 m thick will be characterized by constructive interference of reflections from their top and base, and beds 12,5~6.25 m thick will be resolvable only by changes in amplitude (Meckel and Nath, 19771. Paralic sandstones have mean thicknesses that range from 5 to 30m (Table 8.2). Most are likely to be less than, 15m in thickness, and many are characterized by thickness changes. As a result, individual sands may be expressed by two rellections, interference, and/or by amplitude changes. In addition, as paralic successions typically comprise a number of closely superposed sandstone bodies, inter~ ference of reflections from individual sandstones is likely. In such situations it may be difficult to determine both the number of sandstones and their distribution (Sheriff, 1985). Seismic modelling can be used to help constrain inter- pretations (Meckel and Nath, 1977). Horizontal seismic resolution is a function of the wave- length ofthe seismic data, and the nature ofthe twordimen- sional or three-dimensional data set. For two-dimensional daca, seismic migration gives an approximate resolution of 1/4 of the seismic wavelength along the line. Using the parameters stated in the example above this would give a horizontal resolution of 12.5m, Most paralic sandstone bodies are much wider than this and should be detectable if their thickness is appropriate (Table 8.2). However, ‘unmigrated energy from out of the plane of the line may reduce horizontal resolution. In addition the resolution of two-dimensional seismic data is severely limited by the spacing of the individual seismic lines. By contrast, three dimensional data migration is performed in three dimen- sions, giving a resolution of 1/4 of the wavelength in all directions. In addition, three-dimensional data sets are data volumes, There are no line spacing problems. As a result, with good quality data sets, individual sandstones ‘commonly can be tracked on time slices or horizon slices — even thin sands expressed by subtle amplitude changes. 8.9.3 Seismic facies As a result of the problems of vertical resolution and interference of reflections generated by superposed sand. bodies, there are few examples where discrete paralie sand- stone bodies have been imaged on conventional two- dimensional seismic data. However, several studies reveal 4 consistent relationship between paralic depositional environments and seismic facies (Sangre and Widmier, 1977; Bouvier et al., 1989; LeBlanc et al., 1989; Van Vliet and Schwander, 1989). Four key facies are apparent Fig, 8.25). 1 High continuity, high amplitude. Continuous high- amplitude reflections are indicative of extensive uniform shales interbedded with uniform sands, silts, limestones, or coals. Lithological contrasts of this kind are commonly generated at parasequence, parasequence set and sequence boundaries. 174 2 Low amplitude. Low-amplitude reflections indicate cither uniform lithologies or thin beds that cannot be resolved. They are typical of offshore marine shales. 3 Low continuity and variable amplitude facies. Low con- tinuity and variable amplitude facies are characteristic of fluvial, delta plain and coastal plain successions, which comprise sands of variable size, shape and orientation, scattered in shales. 4 Low-relief mounded facies. In addition to being charac. terized by subtle clinoforms, Sangree and Widmier (1977) argue that shelf deltas may be recognizable by having a broad gently mounded extemal form. 8.10 Variations in paralic systems within a sea-level cycle Sequence stratigraphy provides a series of models that allow the temporal and spatial position of broad paralc ‘environments to be predicted (Posamentier and Vail, 1988) Posamentier et al, 1988; Van Wagoner et al, 1990). An understanding of shelf processes, delta position and gra size can be used to refine these models, and to inerease thei predictive power. 8.10.1 Shelf processes The interaction between fluvial and shelf processes is ent cal in determining the spatial distribution of sands within paralic successions. The capacity of shelf processes 10 redistribute sand is a function of a variety of controls, some of which are unrelated to any sequence stratigraphic frame- work. For example, for a basin to develop significant tides it must be freely connected t0 a major ocean: the Mediterranean is essentially tideless because itis to0 small to generate significant tides, and the straights of Gibraltar are too narrow to allow significant oceanic tidal waves to center. Nevertheless, several studies have revealed systematic relationships between parasequence stacking pattern and basin process. Where a relationship is apparent, pro: gradational parasequence sets tend to be more fluvially dominated, whereas retrogradational and transgressive para: sequence sets tend to be more tide and wave dominated (eg, Weise 1980; Bhattacharya 1988, 1991; Pulham, 1989; Tyler ef al., 1991). The decrease in the effect of fluvial processes in backstepping parasequence sets can be related ro a rising base level that drowns and causes the lower courses of rivers to be sluggish. By contrast, shelf width appears to be a major control on marine processs Tides ‘Maximum tidal ranges occur when the shelf is wide enough to allow the shelf sea to resonate with the open ocean tide (Howarth, 1982). This occurs when the shelf has a width of around 300km, i.c. one-quarter of the wavelength of the ocean tidal wave, Most modern shelves have a widthfess than 300km and exhibit an approximately linear relationship between shelf width and tidal range, with tidal range increasing as the critical wavelength is ap- proached. Restricted gulfs are often sites of amplified tidal range as they represent areas of increased shelf width. In detail, the basin gcometry required for resonance is del cately balanced (Defant, 1961) so that small changes may alter the tidal regime radically (Johnson and Belderson, 1969). Thié is illustrated by the Bay of Fundy, where changes in basin physiography and sea-level over the last ‘4000 years have resulted in the tidal regime changing from being microtidal (<2m tides) to its present macrotidal state. The implication is that temporal changes in the strength of tidal processes are to be expected, particularly when major changes in basin configuration occur, as, for example, across sequence boundaries. Waves Coastlines that face the open ocean and the prevailing winds will be more wave dominated than lee-facing coast lines in restricted basins. As shelf width increases, shoaling, oceanic waves (ie. waves that touch the sea bed) are increasingly attenuated and damped by bottom friction. ‘Therefore, wider shelves may be less wave-dominated than equivalent steeper, narrow shelves. 8.10.2 Spatial changes in processes Individual shelves are not characterized by a single sedi- mentary process: different processes dominate in different regions. For example, in the modem North Sea the tidal ridges and sand sheets off the English Coast (Stride, 1982) and the Dutch estuaries (Visser, 1980) are well known areas of tide-dominated sedimentation. Yet within the same basin, the Helgoland Bight off Germany isa classic example of astorm-dominated shoreline—shelf (Aigner and Reineck, 1982) 8.10.3. Sequence stratigraphic framework ‘The relationships between shelf width and sedimentary processes can be combined into a sequence stratigraphic framework, because sequence models suggest a systematic relationship between shelf width and systems tract. The relationships are most clear during the development of a type 1 sequence boundary in a basin with a pronounced shelf=slope break. In the highstand systems tract, the shelf narrows and the system becomes increasingly progradational in response to a decrease in the rate of rise of relative sea-level. The progradational signature favours flavially dominated deltas that may become increasingly wave-influenced as the shelf ‘width decreases, and the effect of wave damping diminishes. In the lowstand systems tract the rivers initially incise, 176 the shelf is by-passed, and sediment is transported directly to the deep basin, The lowstand prograding wedge, located at the shelf edge and fronted by a distinct slope system, i essentially a shelf-edge delta, located down-dip of the incised valley. The deltaic trunk river forms a point se: ‘ment source, fixed at the head of the incised valley, and a strongly prograding shelf-margin delta results. The low rate of generation of shelfal accommodation space favours a sandy shoreline system, Whereas the strong progeadation, favours a fluvial signature, and the narrow shelf a high degree of wave influence. ‘An increased rate of relative sea-level rise progressively slows the rate of progradation and may flood the incised valleys so that they take on an estuarine or tide-dominated shelf-delta character. As the interfluves are flooded she rate fat which accommodation space is generated increases abruptly, initiating the development of the transgressive “systems tract. A steady rise in base level causes the rivers to be sluggish in their lower portions, suppressing 4 fluvial signature. By contrast waves have more time to rework deltaic deposits and the increasing shelf width favours stronger tidal currents, resulting in wave- and. tide dominated deltas. Lateral to deltaic depocentres, the shore: line is likely to be characterized by wave-dominated barrier shorelines, which front large lagoonal areas that can be ct by tidal inlets, depending on the tidal range. ‘The culmination of the transgression is represented by the maximum flooding surface. In shelfal settings this i represented by a condensed horizon, in the lower del plain and coastal plain it may be recorded by the maximum landwards penetration of a tidal signature (Shanley and McCabe, 1993). 8.11 Summary High-resolution sequence stratigraphy is emerging a6 a powerful tool in the analysis and prediction of paralie successions. It has clear applications in deciphering funda mental stratigraphic controls (namely sediment supply and relative sea-level change) and delineating, genetic units both in the subsurface and at outerop. In the petroleum industry itprovides a rigorous framework for subsurface correlation, and can help in the delineation of reservoir flow units. In addition, it can provide a means for classifying analogue data, and it can highlight stratigraphic traps. Successful high-resolution sequence stratigraphic studies are founded on facies analysis, an approach based on the study of continuous, uninterrupted successions. The ad: vance of sequence stratigraphy has laid increased impor ance on small-scale facies dislocations, and grain-sive changes. It may be time to revisit classic facies models with this in mind. For example, is progradation a steady process or are small-scale facies breaks that could be attributed erroneously to sea-level fall a common feature? In contrast with core-based and_wireline-log-basedstudies, seismic studies are at present relatively crude. This isparticularly true for studies based on petroleum industry ‘two-dimensional seismic, where major stratigraphic sur- fhces, coal prone intervals, and seismic facies may be distinguishable, but key features such parasequences and valley fills cannot be recognized with ease. Inthe future, the increased resolution of three-dimensional_ seit ‘offers an opportunity for integrating high-reso quence stratigraphic concepts with seismic data. ic data suoyssavong oereat | 8120001)CHAPTER NINE Deep-marine Clastic Systems Introduction 9.3 Fan development d 93.1 Lows 9.2 Deep-marine elastic systems — depositional processes and classification 9.2.1 Depositional processes 9.2.2 Classification of deep-marine clastic systems 934 ad models 93.2 Basinloor versus slope fan 9.3.3. Lowstand systems tracts and deep- effet of sediment calibre on lowstands 9.4 Fan development daring highstand and tcansgression 9.4.1 Highstand fan systems 9.4.2 Fan development during Iransgressions 9.5 Conclusions the evolution of the lowstand 9.1 Introduction Sequence stratigraphy provides a powerful tool for strati- graphic analysis of deep-marine clastic systems when it is combined with an appreciation of the variability in pro- cesses and depositional products of deep marine settings. This combined approach based on sequence stratigraphy and sedimentary processes has advanced from early studies of the late 1970s, which emphasized simple model-driven interpretations of de scismie data (e.g. Mitchum ef al., 1977a,b; Vail et al.y 1977a,b; Muti, 1985; Posamentier and Vail, 1988; Van Wagoner et al., 1990; Walker, 1992a,b; Posamentier and Weimer, 1993) This chapter first reviews the range of sediment transport mechanisms in deep marine settings and the controls on coarse clastic deposition within a basinal setting. The prin- ciple large-scale deep-marine clastic depositional systems and the controls on their development are discussed. This information is used to develop a suite of sequence strati- graphic models, which show the variety of depositional systems that may develop within a given systems tract. ic systems based upon 9.2. Deep-marine clastic systems — depositional processes and classification 9.2.1 Depositional processes The erosion, transport and deposition of sediment in deep- urine clastic settings are controlled largely by sediment gravity flow processes; flows in which sedimentfluid mix- tures move under the influence of gravity (Middleton and Hampton, 1973, 1976; Lowe, 1979, 1982; Middleton and Southard, 1984). Sediment gravity flows form a broad 178 group of genetically related processes, ranging from slumps and slides associated with the downslope translation of cohesive material such as silt and mud, to fully turbulent turbidity currents Four basic types of sediment gravity flow are recognized, and include the following (Table 9.1) 1 Turbidity currents, in which the sediment is supported by the upward component of fiuid turbulence generated by, the density contrast between a sediment= fluid mixture and the surrounding ambient fluid 2 Fluidized/liquidized flows in which the sediment is sup ported by the upward movement of the escaping pore fluids. 3 Grain flows in which the particles are supported by the Alispersive pressure of colliding grains. 4 Cohesive flows in which particles are supported by matrix density and strength, ‘Turbidity currents and cohesive flows are considered to be effective agents of sediment transport, and are the principal mechanisms by which turbidite facies* develop within basinal settings (Middleton and Hampton, 1973, 1976; Lowe, 1982; Pickering et al., 1986; Postma, 1986; Pickering et al.. 1989). The remaining types of sediment gravity flow are regarded as transient phenomena; occurring, between the initiation of sediment movement by slides and slumps, and the final stages of sediment and fluid transport by fully turbulent turbidity currents (Lowe, 1979, 1982; Postma, 1986). Many authors draw the additional distinction between low- and high-density turbidity current flows (e.g. Middleton “The (0972) to refer tal sshments deposited by sediment gravy Hows and not it enti fais sw ere nee conten oF Mt and Ris Lachle9.1 Characteristic types of sediment gravity flow (modified after Nardin et al, (1979) and Cook et al, (1982) Internal f ——_mechanical Transport mechani and ‘Acoustic record Sedimentary structures tnsport behaviour dominant sesiment support characteristics, and bed geometry q] Freefall and roling single blocks along Strong hurnmocky bottom return, Grain supported framework, variable steep slopes hhyperbolae and side echoes common. Weak, matrix, diorganized. May be elongate chaotic internal return: structureless parallel to slope and narrow Perpendicular te slope ‘Shear failure along discrete shear planes Internal reflectors continuous and often Bedding may be undeformed and perale subparallel to underying beds Slide may undeformed; abrupt teminatons. Strata of to underlying beds ar deformed especialy behave elastically at top; plas ‘glide blocks may be uncomformable or at base and margies where deo flow and thin lateral margins subparallel to underying sediment conglomerate can be generated Hurmmocky, sight convex-up top, base subparalel to underlying beds; 103 to 1000s wide and long Basic Shear failure along discrete concave-up Internal reflectors continuous and Bedding may be undeformed. Upper shear plames accompanied by rotation of undeformed for short distances with and lower contacts often deformed, slide. May move elastically or elastically and deformation at toe and along base. Internal bedding at angular dicordance to plastically Concaveup falue lane at head and enclosing strata. Sige variable subparalel to adjacent bedding a toe, Surface usually hummocky 1a low Shear distributed throughout the sediment Seaclor reflectors may be hyperbolic, lasts matrixsupported; clasts may Pastic mass. Clsts supported above base or bed by regular, oF smoath. Commonly acoustically exhibit random fabri throughout the bed Cohesive strength of mad matrix and cast _wansparent with few or no internal or oriented subparallel, especially at buoyancy. Can be intisted and move long reflectors. Mounded or lens shaped with base and top of flow units; inverse grading distances along very lowangle slopes blunt termination at head, May be chactic possible. lat sie and matrix content internally \atiable. Occur as sheet to channel shaped bodies em? to sveral 105m thik and 105 to 1000s (7) long: widths variable Cohesioniess sediment supported by Massive; ast Aas parallel to flow dlspenive presure, Usvally requires steep and imbricate upstream, inverse grading slopes for initiation and sustained may occur near base downsiope movement Cohesionless sediment supported by __Inlvidual flow deposits very thin; may not ‘upward displacement of fluid (dlatance) as be resolvable with present seismic reftction loosely packed structure collapses settles techniques, Repested flows may produce 3 into a tight packed texture. Requires sequence of thin, even reflector slopes = Dewatering structures, sandstone —_———— ykes, lame and load structures, convolute red fiow Fluid Cohesionless sediment supported by bedding, homogenized sediment ‘upward motion of exaping pore fluid. Thin (© 10 susurs pen ium sour ‘auenny susure Kian use spas aim tiguep pment as eS Has SUD fpRIN Ou pena moj pare) say eu) puesaune olen seu wentery 20 Bupyoniny pi IY ANE poes9 es yous e001 350 3500 espn aieepon ot wo e2pon ras ews aieepon ——SePOHL es yus-aiepon, st oto ses toes ot paseo ween sree Sao ves 05-02 si-or ee est se-0e Aon on 6 satrap sespon 6H emporio Imoy swap dos ews soe sxevspon, erpou 3611 som as w=) es) c er sw) tu - iw 9 pues pues a pesrpne Pow pes pursue (6 unseses pesiogonnsKapos 76 pues yen pe pues suevoaat sueodunion ——yurvoduy tow Aaenonog yemonns —imonag—adiaens deinen yempnag anna sempnas 006 hon poo vn oor aaeepon po0 209) poo paeBAba SHON soo P05 poo SPOR Fo°9 p00 von sno sieRpow-W6si on a ‘nor iesepou-45st vou sn wor sysopou- ys way va sa 4 s3ev va > aw sew 8 © sevexpnu foand wisp ex fepou un sun suoupues penne syn suo sun pony due pues neuuey pup souaucsd a paeuuop ssf perce oor ps ae90, ‘agoq sue -oWwZOpp rero4 ‘aim suurp ——Knauoat pues eget ‘eae, pues pawn ans pore seyoioy 360) Soon. 2-0 ssowanns sqeves Sis oeveNKubh SEHR ANH ayeN AONE oe os ss yeipsmoy —spupou poe spun ysis spine peyton simp ‘0p porew spunowsn0e4> punow moe Spam wuotonaney sna, owe stom yrumbnniiey easy suv espa aS sou sug duns e018 soya pamueD 2901 RUFF aE SG SEO PARED sot esa ‘seam pu ‘os pir sous ‘atpan suum seao]-puvey> seen-puumD ———sAEPaM auon sda) uue see PIURD wo) ws) sn on 9) ‘ase a sw 0 pein prs pa pr en puesipre, pus psn Pow es wei ewe Iq pazyoBi said atop BIRO {a wei ieuop&@ pRNOBRID sdues BuNeUATE SIMONA {a si RUB KG panHEBAID we 2a wa pas (best Spreqpny pe Suypeay s2ye) sushs ausepp aueaH-doop yo sousUaR NEED aEpNSGAS 6 IGE,Gravelrich systems Gravel-tich submarine fan and ramp systems are generally small in scale and commonly form che down-dip. marine equivalents of coarse-grained fan-delta, alluvial cone and braid plain settings (Fig. 9.5, Tables 9.2 and 9.3). Gravel- Fich slope aprons are derived from reworking, mass-wasting and catastrophic submarine rock fall avalanches associated With high-angle slopes and scarps (Fig. 9.5a). They com ‘monly occur adjacent to relict or active submarine fault scarps. Sediment is often poorly sorted prior to deposition. The depositional products of these systems reflect a wide satiety of mass flow processes and include non-channelized shaotic boulder/cobble beds, and intraformational ro- tational slumps of fine grained interbedded sandstone and mudstones with exotic clasts. These coarse-grained facies commonly interbed with turbidite sandstones and mud- stones (Surlyk, 1978; Ineson, 1989). Ephemeral input from pslip alluvial fans and fan-delta systems may liberate ‘sni-grade material to the apron, resulting in the formation of more sand-rich facies fringing the distal edges of the system. In seismic data the slope apron shows little coherent acoustic character and forms wedge-shaped aggradational packages which thicken towards relict fault scarps. Grayelrich submarine fan and ramp systems typically form broad, wedge-shaped sediment bodies, characterized in their proximal parts by conglomerates and sandstones, derived from rock-fall and debris flows (facies A and F of Motti and Ricci-Lucchi, 1972; Surlyk, 1978; Kessler and Moorhouse, 1984; MacDonald, 1986; Ineson, 1989; Ferrentinos et al., 19885 Piper et al., 1990) as well as thick bedded and erosively based gravel- and sand-tich high. density turbidites (Fig. 9.5b,c). Sand-rich facies are best developed within the medial parts of the system, where they occur as stacked, massive or graded sandstones charac- terized by dewatering and fluid-escape structures typical of high-density turbidites (facies B, Mutti and Ricci-Lucchi, 1972; Lowe, 1982}. The distal margins of the systems pass abruptly into thin sandstone turbidite beds and inter- brlded, hemipclagic shales (Ineson, 1989; facies D, Mui and Ricci-Luechi, 1972; Prior and Bornhold, 1989). The fon and ramp systems show wedged-shaped seismic ge- metres with little or no coherent internal seismic character. The wedge commonly thickens into the hanging-wall areas, adjacent to up-dip transfer segments. Rapid lateral and Vertical facies variations are the dominant depositional motif of gravel-rich fans and ramps. This facies va is illustrated by the internal architecture of gravel-riel submarine ramps from the Jurassic syn-rift successions of the Wollaston Foreland, East Greenland (Surlyk, 1978) and the South and North Brae fields of the North Sea Basin (Harms e¢ al, 19813 Stow et al., 1982) Sand-rich systems ‘The term sand-rich denotes those submarine fan, slope- apron andl ramp systems that exhibit a sand content exceed- ing 70%, when measured throughout the system (Fig. 9.6). This sand content defines the lower limit for a major change in the seismic character and facies architecture of deep marine turbidite systems (Reading and Richards, 1994; Richards et al., 1996). Sand-rich systems form rela tively small-scale features (generally 1—5Okm radius) sourced from the incision oF failure of relict sand-rich shelves or by direct canyon access to littoral drift cells (Reading and Richards, 1994), Sand-rich slope aprons are derived from the reworking and mass wasting of relic shelf—slope systems, and form isolated wedge-shaped sand bodies paralleling the basin margins (Fig. 9.6a). The slope apron is limited in basinward extent, reflecting the local nature of sediment source areas to the turbidite system. Coarse-grained high-density tur- bidites dominate the proximal facies of the system, whereas more distal areas show an increasing basinward inter- bedding of hemipelagic mudstones (Kumar and Slatt, 1984). ‘The systems form lobate to aggradational wedged-shaped seismic packages that bank up against basin-margin slopes. The apron is internally seismically opaque with rare devel. ‘opment of clinoform goometries Sand-tich fan and ramp systems are dominated by up- dip channel sand bodies, which pass down-dip into channel ined fan lobes (Nelson and Nilsen, 1984; Busby-Spera, 1985; Kleverlaan, 1989; Reading and Richards, 1994). Studies of outcrop and subsurface examples demonstrate similar high sand : shale ratios throughout the extent of the fan and camp system (Fig, 9.6b,c). The mid-fan and medial ramp comprise elongate, channelized lobe systems, which coalesce to form a broad sand-sheet (Link and Nilsen, 1980; Link and Welton, 1982; Chann and Dott, 1983, Busby Spera, 1985; Heller and Dickinson, 1985; Guardado et al., 1989; Kleverlaan, 1989). The systems are largely dominated by massive to internally graded high-density turbidites, with only subordinate thin-bedded turbidites forming fan-abandonment and fringe deposits. Sand-body continuity and connectivity are typically very good, although more widespread shales may occur, reflecting lobe abandonment intervals (e.g. MeGovney and Radovitch, 1985), Mid-fan deposits are dominated by abrupt changes from shale into thick, amalgamated sandstones. Cleaning upward, coarsening upward trends are noticeably absent, whereas the transition from fan/ramp to basin plain is generally abrupr. On seismic data the fan and ramp systems occur a single seismic package, with poor to well-developed mounding. The scismic envelope defines the full extent of the turbidite system. Internal reflectors may be subhorizon- tal to low-angle inclined with rare clinoform geometries. Examples of sand-tich ramps and fans include the Tortonian sandy fans of the Tabernas Basin (Kleverlaan, 1989), the Eocene Matilja and Rocks Sandstone (Link and Nilsen, 1980; Link and Welton, 1982), and the Jurassic Magnus and Miller systems of the early post-rift fill of the North 185uNe-souRceD COALESCING co Smee Se es UR iN SUING ANS WA SAGE SRY LA SERS Rumble 186 Fig. 9.5. Summary block diagram sgeavelrich, deep-marine clastic systems (after Reading and Richa 1994)CANYON FED BY ACTIVE (@)NEARSHORE LITTORAL DRIFT (OF RELICT SHELF SANDS MULTIPLE RIVERS/SANDY DELTA (0 AND COASTAL SYSTEMS. Fig. 9.6 Summary block diagrams of sani-rich, deep-marine clastic systems (after Reading and Richards, 1994)Sea and Palacogene Frigg, Cod, Balder, Andrew and Forth, Fans, also of the North Sea Basin (Heretier et al., 1979; Kessler ef al., 1980; De'Ath and Schuyleman, 19815 Sarg, and Skjold, 1982; McGovney and Radovitch, 1985). Mixed sand—mud systems The term mixed sand-mud is used here to denote fan and related systems that exhibit sandstone contents between 30% and 70% throughout the system (Fig, 9.7). These systems commonly are derived from large mixed-load delta, shoreline and coastal plain provenances. Mixed sand~mud slope aprons, fans and ramps form moderate-scale features (10-350km radius) and account for a major portion, of the ancient deep-marine clastic record (Reading and Richards, 1994). Mixed sand—mud slope aprons are characterized by a wide variety of mass flow processes, resulting in complex, irregular and often disorganized lithofacies distributions (Fig. 9.7a). The apron system is dominated largely by slump packages composed of deformed hemipelagic shales and contorted thin-bedded turbidites, slide blocks and chutes infilled with slope-related mudstones or thick- and thin-bedded, discontinuous turbidites and debris flows (Hill, 1984; Nelson and Maldanado, 1988; Alonso and Maldanado, 1990). Gullies and constructional channel sys- tems may traverse the disrupted slope-apron surface and pass laterally and basinward into more stable areas, where laminated mudstones and sandy mudstones predominate. Local development of turbidites within these gullied and channelled areas may lead to isolated channel-fills of hetero- sgencous turbidites and sandstones with interbedded mud- stones. The systems commonly form well-developed mounded scismie packages dominated internally by hum: mocky to chaotic reflectors (Nardin et al 1979). The mounds are located in close proximity co the base of the submarine slope owing to sediment input to the apron from mass wasting and failure. Detailed mapping of the incernal seismic facies commonly reveals a chaotic seismic character. ‘Mixed sand~mud submarine fans and ramps are domi nated by two main architectural elements; a channel levee system and down-dip depositional lobes (Fig. 9.7b,¢5 Normark, 1978; Walker, 1978; Normark ef ala. 19795 Droz and Bellaiche, 1985). The dominance of one or either of these architectural elements in seismic data is controlled by the grain sizeof the system. In general, increases in mud content within the fan or ramp result in a reduction in the relief and acoustic expression of lobes and the increasing dominance of channel—levee systems. Channel—Ievee systems form the conduits through which sediment is distributed to the main area of the fan, These may be mud-filed, reflecting rapid fan abandonment, or contain a central core of coarse-grained, highly hetero: geneous channel-fil deposits, flanked by levee siltstones and mudstones (Walker, 1978; Winn and Dott, 1979; 188 1985; Tyler et al., 1984; Mutti et al. 1985a; Weuller and James, 1989; Schuppers, 1992). Channel fill facies vary from sandy conglomerates and pebbly_ sandstones with thick bedded, high-density turbidites to fine-grained thin- bedded turbidites and hemipelagic mudstones. Individual sandstone beds are commonly lenticular and erosively based. In high-resolution and multichannel seismic data, the channel system may display a poorly to well-developed wedee shaped or ‘gull wing’ geometry dominated by diffuse or well-defined low-angle reflectors, which downlap away from the apex of the channel axis. Constructional lobes form the down-dip equivalents of the channel—levee system (Fig. 9.7b,c). They comprise overlapping, layered sand bodies characterized by complex, and variable sand-body geometries and architecture. Sand: shale ratios are highest within the core or apex of the lobe, bat decrease markedly towards the lobe margins. The lobe may be dominated by massive, thick-bedded high-density turbidites (Kleverlaan, 1989; Kulpece and Van Geuns, 1990) or display more classic turbidites and interbedded hhemipelagic shales (Stevens Fan, MacPherson, 1978; Webb, 1981; Marnosa-Arenacea Fan, Ricci-Lucchi and Valmori, 1980) with poorly developed cleaning upward log cycles or coarsening upward grain-size trends. Such fan systems display a high degree of variability at the small to medium .. On seismic data, mid-fan depositional lobes and associated channel systems show poor to well-developed hummocky acoustic character. These features may occur as isolated mounds developed a significant distance from the submarine slope. The depositional character and facies of ‘mixed sand—mud fans and ramps are illustrated in studies by Murti (1972, 1985, 1992), Walker (1978, 1985}, Kleverlaan (1989) and Pickering (1981). Subsurface examples include the Forties, Nelson and Gannet fan and ramp systems, North Sea Palacogene (Armstrong et aly 1987; Kulpece and Van Geuns, 1990), the Miocene Yowlumne field, San Joaquin Basin, California (Berg and Royo, 1990) and the Permian Spraeberry Trend of Wes Texas (Tyler and Gholston, 1988). Mud-rich systems Mud-rich turbidite systems contain fess than 30% sand (Fig. 9.8). They form a common feature of basins with mature drainage patterns, large source areas and river and deltaic systems dominated by fine-grained suspended load (Reading and Richards, 1994). Mud-rich systems ate volumetrically the most important deep-water clastic sys tems occurring in the world’s oceans today (Damuth and Kumar, 1975; Kolla et al., 1980; McHargue and Webb, 1986; Kolla and Coumes, 1987; Weimer, 1990), and form large-scale slope aprons, fans and ramps 50~3000 km in radius (Reading and Richards, 1994) off many continental margins. Mud-dominated slope aprons are broadly similar in character to their sandier, mixed sand—mud counterparts) MEDIUM GRADIENT [GOASTAL PLAIN, DELTAS, (CHENIERS, GARAIER IStaNDs ss w (CHENIERS, BARRIERS IMuD/sANo-RICH SUBSURFACE o 10-1004 | Fig. 9.7 Summary block diagrams of mised sand—miud, deep-marine clastic systems (after Reading and Richards, 1984) 189* MARSH aor MUD-RICH MERGER EZ © Lowmuooy ‘COASTAL PLAIN, PAL > FEEDING CCHANNEL-LEVEES : i INTHE Fig. 9.8 Summary block diagrams o HETEROGENEOUS Y SUBSURFACE HETEROGENEO mudé-rich, deep-marine clastic systems LOBE SANDS AND SULTS: (after Reading and Richards, 1994) 190ig, 9.8). The slope margin is characterized by erosional les and corational slumps generated by sediment load- fand foundering together with curvilinear extensional nits associated with the downslope translation of sub- rine slides (Gorsline and Emery, 1959; Nardin et al 1079), The base of the mud-rich apron may be characterized bysile and mud-dominated lobes, debris flows and uneven topography generated by the compressional coes of slides, ‘The nature of depositional processes within the system least a complex and irregular distribution of fine-grained lthofacis. irregularly distributed sandstone turbidite pack- fais may develop where retrogressive slumping exhumes tele coarser grained shelf and upper slope deposits. Slide flcs located along the margins of the slope apron may fom conduits for basinward sediment transport in shelf. lige delta systems, Slope aprons show a dominance of tnounded seismic packages characterized by hummocky £0 thaotic reflectors, which may pass basinward into dis- continuous parallel reflectors (Mud-rich fan and ramp systems are typically large sys- tems (up to thousands of kilometres) dominated by well- dheloped channel—levee systems (Kolla ef aly 19843 Manley and Flood, 1988; Weimer, 1990; Fig. 9.8). Sands are poorly developed within the system and are confined (0 arelly restricted, highly heterogencous channeb-fill sand~ Sones within the axis of the channel—levee system {fmperato and Nilsen, 1990; Weimer, 1990). The outer fan tres is dominated by thin, distal sheet-sands (Pickering, 1983; Nelson et al., 1992; Twitchell et al., 1992). Mu fich fans and ramps are generally readily distinguished on fesmic data because of their large scale and the character- fic development of extensive channel—levee systems ffeliche et al, 1981; Kolla ef al 1984; McHargue and Webb, 1986; Kolla and Coumes, 19875 Damuth et al, 1988), The upper or inner fan area is dominated by chaotic and mounded seismic reflector packages, reflecting slope failure and slumping, separated by more organized channel— levee systems. These latter features show’ a characteristic “pill wing’ seismic goometry with an orientation perpen iclar to the channel axis. The mid-fan area displays 1g geometries, reflecting, channel— Tevees with limited seismic relief. The outer or lower fan gystem is manifest seismically as more continuous, parallel to subparallel reflector sets (Damuth, 1980; Droz, 1983: 0'Connell, 1986). smaller scale, gull wi 9.3 Fan development during lowstands 9.3.1 Lowstand models ver the past ewo decades, sequence stratigraphic models have been used widely to predict and locate submarine fan reservoirs in frontier and mature basin areas. These models lssume that the growth and deposition of a turbidite system are intimately ted to a cycle of eustatie or relative sea-level change. Early sequence stratigraphic models envisaged fan development to be related to eustatie se Tevel fall, where base level fell below the offlap break, causing, entrenchment and erosion of fluvial systems into a subaerially exposed shelf, and the bypass of coarse-grained Ulastic sediment into the basin (Fig. 9.9, Mitchum et al.. 1977agbs Vail and Todd, 1981; Posamentier and Vail, 1988; Posamentier ef af., 1988; and see Chapter 2). The implications of this model were clears sequence boundaries generated by eustatic sea-level fall should be associated ‘with submarine fan complexes in the basin. The model ‘vent further in suggesting that the timing of fan deposition Could be predicted from the eustatic sea-level curve (Vail et aly, 1977a,b,¢; Shanmugam and Moiola, 1985). Barly Iowstand fan models largely ignored the role played by tectonics, sediment type and sedimentation rate in influencing, the growth, architecture and evolution of these systems through time (Shanmugam et al, 19853 Kolla and Macurda, 1988; Posamentier and Vail, 19885 Posamentier et al., 1988; Galloway, 1989; Reading and Richards, 1994). For the Quaternary stratigraphy record there is some evidence to support a eustatic control on fan development. The Bengal and Indus fans, ewo of the largest modemn fans, both show an abrupt decrease in tertigenous clastic input following the Holocene sea-level rise. A similar picture is seen in recent deep-sea drilling evidence from the Mississippi and Amazon fans, which show comparable changes in Sedimentation patterns from Holocene pelagic deposition (G—30em 10000 years") t0 rapid turbidity current depo- sition [1200 cm 100000 years") during the glacial lowstand (Fig, 9.10). This pactern is also repeated in the Astoria fan system (Shanmagam et al, 1985). Tn the geological record, most of the hydrocarbon-bearing fons are interpreted to relate to periods of relative sea-level fall, if not global eustatic lowstands (Fig. 9.11). However, in many of these cases proving correlation of fan develop- rent with custatic lowstand events is difficult. It is clear that base level fall must have a profound effect on the potential for erosion of continental, marginal marine and hallow marine depositional systems. Whilst fan develop- tent may occur at any time, the volumes of clastic sedi- ‘ents delivered to a basin for fan development during hhighstand or transgression are unlikely to match the poren- al volumes of elastic input liberated during periods of relative sea-level fall 9.3.2. Basin-floor versus slope fan systems Models for deep-water, lowstand depositional systems ree- dgnize two major types of fan. These comprise a ‘basin oor or lowstand fan and a ‘slope fan’ forming part of the lowstand wedge (Mitchum et al, 1977a,b; Posamenticr and Vail, 1988). These terms require some clarification in the light of the classification scheme above. “The lowstand or basin-floor fan is considered to form a 191 és anse5 ouseurdoog | 6 191d049uuoneurjaxa poqieasp 40) 3893 995 “(1861 “PPOU, PUE HEA -PYe) fPA9]-e98 UL s|fey sHEISNa ZuLNP wouidojsarp avy 404 sfopout SEI GG Beg Wass adors ani wonaq/JT3HS 3H1-40 NOLWaMEGENERALIZED [ia] PELAGICMARL AND OOZE | GREY SILTY CLAY [GRADED Sano BEDS Anazonand other deep-sea fans and adjacent areas during the last Ericson Damuth and Kumar (1975), Dau mmoresand-prone system in response to the increased stream ‘apacity and enhanced alluvial gradients associated with the early phases of relative sea-level fall (Van Wagoner ‘tal, 1990). During this period, the shelf system is largely bypassed and the major locus of coarse sand deposition is shifted 10 the basin (Posamentier and Vail, 1988; Van Wagoner et al, 1990). This increase in sediment calibre and load may be enhanced further by the reworking and tmirenchment of incised valleys on the shelf. This scaward shift in deposition associated with the relative sea-level fall may be recognized as a downshift in coastal onlap in seismic data, change inshelfal and shoreline parasequence stacking patterns and the abrupt change from hemipelagic mmodstones to clean sandstones in logs penetrating the hasinal succession (Fig. 9.12; Van Wagoner ef al., 19905 Vail and Wornardt, 1990; Posamentier and Erskine, 1991). The slope fan is developed as relative sea-level stabilizes and later starts to rise. During this period, progressive reductions in alluvial gradients associated with the increas- ing shelfal accommodation result ina decrease in the volume and calibre of sediment supplied to the basin. This Fig 9.10 Generalized diagram showing the relationship between glacio-eustatic flict unrOLoGY crsn GENE GO apts oF sepmnraon RATES {ON MODERN FANS (onv10 ya ee oN (ete) DEEP-SEA i 3 2 — rane rsna—e) FANS AMAZON MISSISSIPFI_INDUS ASTORIA z "| [rsuscoercemon| ats | a7 | sis | om 1 P I 0 | TuRgory ” Y se wisconsin | een a | | t80 | >to erosion x | | et @ [ranacosrosmon| 345 | 370 | 7 7 19" caciaL. w 10" nF stacianion InveRoLsciATiON tions and sediment lithology on the 130 000 years (from Shanmugam ef al., 1985), Age boundaries, tic zones, sea-level curve and lithologic log are modified from Damuth (1977). Data from other areas based on ith (1977), DSDP Leg 96 Scientific Party (1994) and Ewing et af. (1958) change in the character of basin depositional systems is ac companied by coastal onlap and the progressive landward shift in deposition associated with inereasing shelfal accom- modation and the progressive infilling of up-dip incised valleys. The relative sea-level rise may be recognized by a change in shelfal and shoreline parasequence stacking pat~ tems and the transition on logs from clean sandstones of the lowstand fan into fine-grained, interbedded sandstones and mudstones reflecting levee channel and overbank di posits of the slope fan (Fig. 9.13; Posamentier and Vail, 1988; Vail and Wornardt, 1990; Van Wagoner et aly 1990; Posamentier and Erskine, 1991). Seismic expression Basin-floor fan and slope fan are terms used widely in the literature. Studies suggest that these two fan types ean be recognized in both seismic and wireline-log data based on the simple criteria outlined above (Posamentier and Vail 1988; Vail and Wornarde, 1990; Posamentier and Erskine, 1991; Sangree ef al, 1991). Furthermore, each fan type is 193(CHANGES OF SEA-LEVEL (m) epochs | AISING FALLING TURBIOITE RESERVOIRS +30 ° 300 — ° L [ PEST - { MISSISSIPPI CANYON (LA, USA) | poo FE z oe 2 REPETTO FM, VENTURAFLD (CA, USA) PSSSEEE S STEVENS SANDSTONE (CA, USA) : 4 PUENTE Fa, WILMINGTON FLO (CA, USA) PRESENT SeMLevEL | GEOLOGIC TIME (ny) L ‘5 PUCHKIRGHEN FM, MOLASSE BASIN AUSTRIA) GHACKBERRY FO. (TX, USA) “7YORKUN CHANNEL (TX, USA) SFRIGG FLD (UKCNORWAY BORDER, N'SEA) ‘9 FORTIES FLD (UK, NSEA) 1OMONTROSE FLD (UK, N SEA) $1.00 FAN (NORWEGIAN N SEA) S2BALDER FLD (NORWEGIAN N'SEA) CCHANGES IN 'SEALEVEL’ REFLECT INTERPRETED EXTENT OF COASTAL ONLAP Fig. 9.11 Apparent correlation of hydrocasbon-bearing submarine canyon and fan deposits with periods of low sea-level (after Shanmuga and Moiola, 1982) considered to exhibit a different sand body architecture, sand :shale ratio and facies. Basinloor and slope ns are considered to occur at different times during the relative sea-level eycle and are regarded therefore as separate, mutually exclusive entities. Mitchum (1985) has argued that good seismic evidence cexists ina number of examples to show a distinct difference in the timing of basin-lloor and slope fan development. This interpretation has been questioned in numerous paper in the segimentological literature, which suggest that basin- floor and slope fans may form the components of the same fan system, rather than being trae fans in their own right (Walker, 1978; Muttiand Normark, 19875 Walker, 19921 Kolla, 1993). To date, the evidence in favour of contem- poraneity between basin-floor and slope fan systems has. been equivocal because of the lack of stratigeaph ution in outerop data needed to resolve the timing of fan development. ‘The terms basin-floor fan and slope fan are misleading, and inappropriate for describing fans for two main reasons. Firstly, they refer to the seismic expression of a specific 194 architectural element ofa fan system, rather than represent= ing fans in their own right. Secondly, the terms assume that the spectrum of decp-marine clastic systems can be rep resented by two single depositional models (Kolla, 1993; Reading and Richards, 1994). “The seismic expression of a fan system is largely controlled by the acoustic properties of the dominant grain size, and lithology of the fan and its contrast with hemipelagie basinal sediment. As discussed earlier, the lithological character of the fan is controlled by sediment source area composition (Reading, 1991; Reading and Richards, 1994; Richards and Bowman, in press). Furthermore, coarse grained fan systems are composed of a different set of architectural clements to their finer grained counterparts, (Fig. 9.4). Sand-rich fan systems are expressed as a single seismic envelope (mound) developed within a basin-floor location, where the boundaries of the envelope define the whole fan system and its component architectural elements (Figs 9.6 and 9.14). This type of fan system would be referred 10 as a basin-floor fan. In contrast, mixed sand-mud fans contain architecturalreunvescatevercunve PM an shed rom til syst by sev! oweng San evry cat proceses pe fai mar pla Seman rl a theo of revous HST FALLING: eam profile = z.. A aaa ol : nelaiveses-oel-1| on a e-1= a < = hava vara a EARLY RISE. Incised valley = ‘Sediment slumped away P* 2 | foming writes uta cangon \ Tepbasin oor oratpe sea cena (causes vy snp a ridycorens) —c. °S coaencevongany Ute Das oor los chaaacTERisTics SPorGR SPorGR toss Loss SLOPE FAN | SLOPE FAN 2 SONDENSED snow SECTION Bas : FLG0R © . Fn 5 en | 2 > sequence seeeee! —eeeene—. SEGHBARY ustiTsT (se) BASIN FLOOR FAN ATTRIBUTES SEC GiaMAcTERIsTICs Latoralpinchout reflection geemory high-ampitude feleetons onlapring the basin margin; internal bidirectional Aovnlap of on tirecton abuts against downitvown side ota ‘you aut Eitle extemal mounding overving Ip | unconformity and below iowstand Slope ‘anor a condensed section Fig 9.12. Key characteristics and log responses of a basin-loor fan system (after Vail and Wornardt, 1990; Kolla, ‘SCHEMATIC CROSS SECTION 1° dip strike section UPPER BOUNDARY estan ‘ Hemipelagic sale or channel ‘Querban apron facies above Douncary «+ Sharp Boundary wih minimal ransiion INTERVAL + Turbiltes sands = amalgams ‘ands ~ Amalgamated massive turbidte ‘anos with shale breaks = Winer erosional surfaces Major erosional surface at top of fan May bs remnant fan mounds + Redeposited massive shingled sande “Contourte sends in separate mounds 1d massive trbidtes SEQUENCE BOUNDARY Massive sand above hemipelagic shale 1 Sharp boundary, limited orosion at base ‘SEDIMENTARY Los, GRanAcTeRIsTiCs CHARACTERISTICS ‘Sheet to shest-moundod, basinal turpidites, Massive amalgamated {@ facies, Mutt and Fic! Lucchi, 1972) to un-amoigemeted sande with ‘shale breaks (C, D facies) from central tomarginal aroas of basin, Deposited by unchanrelled and some channelled (wihout significant overbanks) turbidity currents; sometimes eroded by bottom currents. Corresponds mainly 12 type! but also typeI systems of Mut, (1985) Blooky log shapes vath sharp, flat base nd 1p 1993). 8P, spontaneous potentials GR, y-ray HST, highstand systems tract; TST, transgressive systems tract 195RELATIVE SEALEVEL CURVE Plan ew of channolevee lobe Lo CHARACTERISTICS spopor ay Lowsrano Proamavins cuannet, Steric senewaTic cRoss secrion ‘Stream profile Stream profile -2 Early tage of owstand data (stumping) Broxinal slope far (Canyon il) Sequence ‘oun overbank racic Sum LUePER BOUNDARY + Boma trian so + Ping-opwa dpi og patern {Fount abundane oak + Ser ite swat tten + Mutvsorey ean i 10 chan) {rie sndstanes tng upast Imudstone an ine-graned tubes asi Lowen BOUNDARY Foon + Henipalage sae wih foul Faner) "Sti tsar eeevee— SEQUENCE din SEQUENCE | «bouncy conforma, Le on $8.0 FF [SLOPE FAN ATTRIBUTES Ghanvaltil” Relave sea-ievel 2 ‘Sandisit —__ surace Pine-grained eee Tunes SS “op slope fan Distal ‘channel ‘Top basin floor stachea an surlace eves | hanna ‘Overbani | Distal turbos rode wunites ‘pre “Channa ‘Tsbidtes splay Sand Sstachos lobes Seismic cnanacrenionics 7 Gham ost ann ath nw ae Sorel imngh ama ‘etecone nee ovrarks > {enine cannes aral preneat smefneen 2 chee nda dicots (Sem staetne moneocsy Up plato paral sr asin nm moda oH Siu stro) Fig. 9.13 Key characteristies and log responses boundary; BFF, basin-floor fan 196 106 CHARACTERISTICS ‘Sonrcterearwints Soh tsk, ha minnng ns teny stapes ky aps wh ning pat haar n oar ‘faurchomea dune bate a to vers ‘poy corte, mai ln Sone we ryacana bt nao opens 2 Chole aks: tay ee ome by sat ‘anniv comes. ahs ‘apes ar sve posted Oy ‘nasinasing iaoveg sos 2: My exit agai comsning ra ‘rormany es 4 Shay nines SEDIMENTARY. HAAR TERISTICS ‘Chametovrnuinrcharet oe rte ‘oycorttel eae sans © ae tosone cence) ander sone aes ‘ttn cereal ovarian yore sacs ocravtober tbe lenin oF ena ‘wars tictreor compen exh ome Niveratle smarty chrocorsice eta allow war aye ccs momperaneoucy wih eee aerotee 1s of a slope-fan system (after Vail and Wornardr, 1990; Kolla, 1993) SB, sequencedlements that mimic the seismic expression of both basi: floor and slope fans (Figs 9.7 and 9.15; Normark, 1978; Droz and Bellaiche, 1985). The levee and channel-fll tlements may not be imaged seismically where their litho- logical characteris similar to the background hemipelagic sediments. Where sufficient lithological and acoustic differ- ences exist, the channel—levee system is imaged as a short, stubby g° seismic geometry dominated internally by poor to well-developed downlapping reflector sets, which pass laterally into a channol-fill characterized by either hummocky clinoforms (sand-flled) or parallel reflector sets {mudsilled channel). Down-dip, the constructional lobes ofthe fan are commonly expressed as a series of overlapping ‘ormutually exclusive constructional mounds characterized Jnernally by clinoforms or parallel reflector sets. In this ‘ase the depositional lobes of the fan form constructional ‘mounds located within the basin (basin-floor mounds) that can be traced up-dip into the channel—levee system. In conventional terminology the channellevee complex ‘would be referred 0 as a ‘slope fan’, whereas the basinal, time equivalent facies would be represented by ‘basin-floor’ lobes. For more mud-rich fan systems, the dominant architec- tural elements ofthe fan are large-scale (> 10 km) channel— levee systems, within an overall gull-wing geometry (Figs 98 and 9.16). The features show characteristic wedged. shaped seismic geometries, dominated internally by well developed downlapping reflectors oriented at right angles to the main axis of the channel systems (MeHargue and Webb, 1986; Kolla and Coumes, 19875 Weimer, 1990). The acoustic response of mud-rich systems therefore is, characteristic of a slope fan Basin-floor fans and slope fans om wireline logs ‘The application of wireline log analysis to basinal environ- iments, and che main criteria for recognizing major strat graphic surfaces in the basin are outlined in section 4.4.5 Criteria also have been developed to recognize ‘basin-floor” and ‘slope-fans" on the basis of core-calibrated wireline log response (Pacht et al., 1990; Vail and Wornadt, 19905 Vail ct al, 19915 Figs 9.12 and 9.13). Sequence boundaries are considered fo occur atthe base of log patterns indicating an abrupt increase in silt and/or sand overlying, hemipelagic shales. Sequence boundaries at the base of basin-floor fans ate easy to define by the abrupt juxtaposition of a blocky “box car’ sand-log pattern over ‘rail road” log patterns typical of hemipelagic shales (Vail and Wornardt, 1990; Vail et al, 1991). Where the slope fan rests directly on older sequences and no basin-floor fan exists, the sequence houndary is more difficule to identify and is placed at the firs significant increase in silt content above the hemipelagic shales. The sequence boundary separates the railroad track pattern of the underlying hemipelagic shale section from the crescent-shaped log pattern of the coarsening/fining Upward packages of the slope fan (Vail and Wornardt, 1990). ‘These models should be used with some caution, and they require calibration to core and seismic data before final interpretations are made (Kolla, 1993). Without cali- bration, log-based models for fan prediction are imprecise. More recent studies illustrate the relationship beeween log, character and the depositional elements of the fan system, based upon the integeation of core, wireline log and seismic data, These studies show that sand-rich fan systems show log responses characteristic of ‘basin-floor fans’, whereas, log patterns for mud-rich fans compare favourably with ‘slope fans’. This apparently simple relationship is invali dated in mixed sand—mud fans, where the system may show both *basin-loor fan’ and ‘slope fan’ log signatures Fig, 9.17). 9.3.3 Lowstand systems tracts and deep-marine clastic systems ‘Three principal models have been documented in the litera ture for lowstand systems tracts developed within shelf— slope, ramp and extensional-basin-margin settings (Mitchum, et al, 1990; Vail and Wornadt, 1990) In basins with a pronounced shelf—slope break, the Jowstand systems tract deposited in a basin is commonly separated into a lowstand fan unit and a lowstand prograd- ing wedge (sce section 2.4.3 and Fig. 9.18). The high sand: mud ratio lowstand fan unit is followed by a finer grained lowstand wedge dominated by slope deposits that have been described variously as slope fan, slope-front-fll, wedge and submarine fans. These slope-fan systems are characterized by active leveed channel deposits at the apex of the canyon mouth. In ramp margins, the lowstand systems tract is considered to form a tworpart wedge (see section 2.4.7 and Fig 9.18b). The lowstand wedge therefore comprises up-dip incised valley deposits, which may be traced down- tropical to temperate carbonate facies inthe northern Pacific (from Peas. CORAL-ALGAL REEF BRYOZOAN-ALGAL BIOSLASTIC DEBRIS Schlanger, 1981) clearly is not the whole story. In fact, the most rapid, but short-lived, sea-level rises (corresponding, to fifth-order, or xen higher, sea-level fluctuations discussed in Chapter 2) fan deliver the knock-out blow to a carbonate system, panicularly if this rapid sea-level rise occurs just as the system is beginning to develop, or ‘start-up’ (Neumann and Macintyre, 1985). As these authors point out, there is a sigmoidal growth pattern to organic carbonate systems, where the creation of new living space (or ‘accommodation’, (Chapter 2) is at first more rapid than the ability of the new population ro fill che space. Following this start up or lag” phase, the population growth may exceed the rate of accommodation creation inthe ‘catch up’ phase, and finally the ability of the population co grow will be limited by the creation of accommodation in the ‘keep up’ phase (Fig. 10.5). Figure 10.6 illustrates the start-up, catch-up and eep-up phases for an idealized isolated carbonate platform experiencing, transgression. ‘Once the carbonate-producing system has survived the start-up phase, it will grow vigorously if environmental conditions remain favourable, keeping pace with rising se level, which can lead to the development of strongly aggra- ational margins. This contrasts with siliciclastic systems, which will tend to backstep rather than accrete vertically during transgression. If, however, the rate of sea-level rise in the early startup phase is so rapid that the photic zone pulls away from the earliest start-up population prior to the catch-up phase, the carbonate system will drown, or 223PERIODS BIOHERMS MAJOR SKELETAL ELEMENTS a - CORALS TeRTiany 1 4 Rudists + Bryozoe 1o0-] CRETACEOUS RUDETS atoporeida K 4 conats Sponges JURASSIC = stromatoporoids eto Gas ~——Sronatoporoids | TRIASSIC ERNE ——— Coral Sponges 7 “TuBPAIES ————Coral Sponges 4 é Spang Tap Stara ——~ e PERMIAN 2 sco 8 CARBONIFEROUS Rees g 3 $ Devonian StROMATOPOROIDS Corals 4004 SILURIAN 4 STROMATOPOROIDS ‘Biyozoa onpovician. SPONGES Skeletal signe 500) ‘Skeletal algae ‘CAMBRIAN RRCHREOCYATHIDS {SKELETAL ALGAE Fig. 10.3 Simplified stratigraphic column indicating the major framework-building organisms through time (from James, 1983) step back to a shallower water position. As Schlager (1992) ‘comments, losing this race for the photic zone can extinguish carbonate platforms in the short term, but as Fig. 10.4 illustrates, longer term third- and second-order processes are unlikely to be able to drown healthy platforms. Some cther mechanism must be responsible for massive platform carbonate extinctions. 10.2.2 ‘Highstand” shedding ‘The *keep up’ phase of Neumann and Macintyre (1985) mentioned above is a period of platform development during which the production of carbonate exeeeds the space available (0 accommodate it (Fig. 10.6). Under such circumstances, produced carbonate may be redeposited elsewhere, in deeper water, on tidal flats and as acolianites.. The Bahamas carbonate platform at present is such an overproducing system, Neumann and Land (1975) were able to demonstrate that the production of carbonate from algal breakdown in a Bahamian lagoon far exceeded the mass deposited in situ. The excess production was probably redeposited on neighbouring tidal flats, and in deeper water. Redeposition into deep water of huge quantities of lagoonally produced carbonate also has been demonstrated 214 by two deep cores taken through a progeading carbonate ‘margin off the Bahamas. The seismically defined progeading clinoforms comprise in excess of 90% pellets, which were produced at water depths of less than 5~10m on the flat topped Great Bahama Bank. The importance of the shallow- water carbonate factory as a supplier for deep-water sedi ‘mentation also has been demonstrated unambiguously by other workers in the Bahamas (Droxler et al.,19833 Reijmer et aly, 1988), the Great Barrier Reef (Davies et al., 1989) and the Indian Ocean. Furthermore, ancient calciturbidite successions demonstrably deposited in deep water contain a very high proportion of grains that can have originated ‘only in shallow water (Reijmer et al., 1991). These obser vations suggest that deeper water carbonate accumulation can proceed to any great degree only when a carbonate system is healthy and actively overproducing sediment, and this situation will apply only when carbonate platform tops are flooded 10 a few tens of metres, such as the Bahamas today. Redeposition of carbonate from platform top tothe slope and the basin is referred to as ‘highstand shedding’. The term is a litle unfortunate in a strict sequence strat staphic sense because a carbonate platform will also shed sediment during transgression (Driscoll et al., 1991) and sea-level fall, but all other factors being equal, a platform"FREQUENCY OF PLATFORM ACCUNULATION RATES n=65 Holocene production rates and sea- 10" fev rise from Schlager, 1981, 1992) UW oF SIGMOIDAL GROWTH Tine Fig. 10.5 Population growth versus time, indicating ‘start-up’, ‘catch-up’ and ‘keep-up’ phases of Neumann and Macintyre (1985) = OP 3 g 3 A zg gat § e £ 3 i Sop 2 ° 10" 10 0 oF vot Coxon — Holocene sea-level 8 Long er subsidence z Recent cas asic Abs cco rs <5 sgzmipepatirms| ——_logna rats 0-207 2 Sai 8 Fig 104 Growth cates of carbonate Bahamas Re comes 3 gysens compared with relative seas ccm Ine ris. Solid bars represent the of al record, open bars represent ee : Ee 107 10 10% 10° Fates in mm/1000 years (Bubnof Units) will tend to shed most sediment during highstand as the rate of creation of accommodation declines (Chapter 2), and the platform top becomes partially by-passed by over- produced carbonate. In general, carbonate systems are likely to be less productive during lowstand, because the area of shallow-water carbonate production will be reduced. ‘The areal reduction of production may be enormous, par- ticularly on steep-sided platforms such as the Bahamas, (Fig. 10.7). Highstand shedding in carbonates provides ‘major contrast with classic sliciclastc sequence stratigraphy, which predicts that most sediment is shed into the basin during lowstand (Chapter 2). This contrast is illustrated on Fig. 10.8, which shows the highest and most variable basinal sedimentation rates of silicielastie systems occurring during glaciations when sea-levels were low, and highest and most variable basinal sedimentation rates for carbonate systems occurring during interglacials when sea-levels were high. In both eases the variability of sedimentation rate is, 21s‘STARTUP Sea-level foods 1} antecoden nigh Seat! t] and carbonate : produeton ated deepwater siliastios a ISS, TRANS. SERRE ED : Gneseve SvSTeMS ‘caTCH UP year | See seve t | oducton racks ‘Sestevel || fing sea-level ‘and bus aggroatoral rargin SARA noche ‘KEEP UP’ ® Catborateprotucton 4] srseds toate HIGHSTAND eaters t] creraton of Systems sccommodaton space TRACT artoate le shed ‘the plator op LRN tothe ope and basin LILIA EROS sequence soe ‘SUBAERIAL EXPOSURE inet cabonaia producton pe {erminsod, part Lowstano from minor eng SYSTEMS reefa(a). Platform TRACT tops larstedin tui ate) PLATFORM DROWNING nonmetal deterioration may. PLATFORM, ‘cause platiorm to DROWNING. cease recicton (DROWNING fcc Crowned | UNCONFORMITY tzom rae e 10.6 Schematic model for an ecard cowniaoped isolated carbonate platform, showin ‘by prograding 7 Piafom idealized systems tract geometries and platform drowning probably due to turbidite-controlled sedimentation, rather than a uniform, continuous rain of pelagic sediment (see the carbonate ooze sedimentation rates for comparison). Another important point is that during low-stands, car- bonate systems will not experience the same type of physical erosion as siliciclastic provenances. During subaerial ex- posure, carbonates will tend to be eroded chemically, result- ing in dissolution of grains and cements, and reprecipitation Of dissolved material (see further discussion in section 10.2.4}. Relatively small quantities of eroded carbonate will be generated during lowstand and the most likely source of lowstand carbonate is sediment production from growing carbonate, such as fringing reefs (Fig. 10.7), or 216 areally smaller platforms that have down-stepped during sea-level fall. ‘Although highstand shedding is the main way of con: tributing carbonate sediment to the basin from steep-sided platforms, on lower angle ramps and rimmed shelves, lowstand basinal carbonate deposition can be significant. Possibly the best-constrained example has been demon- strated by Jacquin et al. (1991) in the Cretaceous of the Vercors, France, where lowstand carbonate fans shed from downstepping rimmed shelves are developed. The lowstand fans have a different grain composition from the highstand shedded material.Fig. 10.7 Cartoon of highstand progradation compared with Yolumetrcally smaller lowstand wedge, Bahama platform, Temiaey (after Eberli and Ginsburg, 1987) 102.3 Carbonate platform drowning, As wall as starting, catching and keeping up, carbonate sysems will also give up. Rapid, but short-lived sea-level tics may outpace carbonate platform growth (section, 102.1), but once the rate of sea-level rise slows down, all ther things being equal, the carbonate platform may be restored to productive health. However, there are several ‘vironmental factors independent of sea-level change that ay seriously impede carbonate development. As well as the appropriate light and temperature requirements, there are at least five additional controls that need to be con- sidered; nutrient supply, clastic input, oxygenation, salinity and predation. Table 10.1 lists the major causes of carbon- ate platform drowning, with examples from modern car bonate systems and the geological record. For more detail Niantic > Inergiacial ‘Sedimentation rates in mm per 1000 years Fig, 10.8 Highstand and lowstand basinal sedimentation rates for carbonate and silicielastic systems {from Droxler and. Schlager, 1985) ‘on mechanisms of platform drowning the reader is referred to Schlager (1992). All the mechanisms described in Table 10.1, individually, ‘or in combination, or in concert with rapid sea-level rise, can cause a carbonate platform to drown. In the fossil record, the term ‘drowning unconformity’ has been coitied (Schlager, 1989), and is shown schematically in Fig, 10.6. This ‘unconformity’ can have developed only when the carbonate platform top was flooded, ie. within the trans- {gressive or highstand systems tract. Drowning unconform- ities have several distinctive properties, which, in detail, differentiate them from sequence boundaries. Firstly, there is usually a very rapid change from shallow-water carbonate to deep shelf, slope or basinal deposits. Observations by the author of cores taken from the top of a Miocene carbonate platform, offshore central Vietnam, show a change from shallow-water platform carbonate sedimen- tation, through a drowning ‘sequence’ of deeper water Foraminifera, with evidence of marine condensation, in- cluding glauconite and phosphates, and finally into basinal raudstones. This transition takes place over several toa few tens of metres, but represents several million years worth of sedimentation. A similar succession has been described from the top of the Liuhua carbonate platform, Pearl River Mouth Basin, offshore China (Erlich et al., 1990). Here, the transition is more gradual, with the drowning unit 217‘Table 10.1 uses of carbonate platform drowning ‘marion supy lenient enironment ate most vourabl for erganic carbonate gronth arid reels Inhigh rier settings its apparent that corbonateseretng, framenor-bulding coal are replace by feshy alge, sponges ost cara Mosern examples ice the East aa Sea, Indonesia, whee coral are saree bow 5m and are replaced green algae. The ack of ree inerpreted tobe the esto upueling rutintch waters, which stint the growth of coral competitors bees and Phipps, 1888) Sic nut lay partes in suspension te water column wil inhibit ight penetration, Sntcay eucng or preventing reef rowah. nation, coral po} are, and many predecessor framework bling forms wer, unable to ope wih day partes during feeding, Ccurstantal evidence of carbonate deme by clastic ‘put nthe geclogia werd i demonstrated by seovnrd stepping Macene Carbonate sytem fem south to north aro the Laconia Province, ofshore Sarawak, Malays, aay trom northward prograding dita pte (ping, 1969; Figure 129}, Note that changes water saint ornutrent content esocated with a sliedastc depositional stem such as deta, may be the prime cause of carbonate production demise Sali vriaions Changes of salty may exert a dramatic effect on carbonate producti, paniculata of reas. in the Hlocene, 02d, shallow Lagos on fst topped Carbonate platforms acted highly viable sales. Te seaward ebb fw of thes mimi bank wnt’ Hed theres, which aso became overvheles by Seward anspor of carbonate ies rom the sgoons Neuman and Mace, 1985) ‘exygenavon {Wen ongen & depleted, ees wil die, However, the est evidence for masve caronate demise esting fram oxygen decency is cicumstantal Schlager and Php (1950) have used evidence for Ceteceous oceric anata and carpe this with the frequen af Cretaceous carbonate platform deme to nda @ posible causal rk Predation ‘The importance of predation on carbonate communities weltocumented ‘rom meer day examples. Te ‘Crown of Thos stash blight, wich tiveatened to wige ut lari tracts of the Great Baer Reet s won, However, iti difcut, not impossible, to demonstrate desl the effect of predation inthe fol record, anf curentyunknowm on the scale of an entire carbonate platform heralded by the appearance of a red algal boundstone awhich passes laterally into thodolith beds of low faunal diversity. This red algal interval was probably deposited in several tens of metres of water depth, too deep for prolife coral production. The final expiry of carbonate sedimen: tation is shown by a deepwater condensed section, whichis in turn succeeded by basinal muds. Drowning unconform- ites are also recognizable on seismic data. Figure 10.10 shows a seismic line from the Atlantic margin of the USA, where a flat-topped Early Cretaceous carbonate platforms downlapped by Late Cretaccous to Tertiary siliciclastis “The latter interval must have been deposited on top of the carbonate when sufficient accommodation had been gener- ated on top of the drowned platform to produce the iciclastic slope. ‘An intermediate version of complete platform drowning is backstepping or retrogradation, This may take place on the scale of a single platform, where the platform margin retreats away from incoming siliciclastcs, such as in the Devonian build-ups of westem Canada (Stoakes and Wendt, 1988; Scaturo ef al., 1989), or on the scale of a carbonate ‘province’ such as the Luconia shoals, described in Table 10.1. Backstepping of carbonate margins may precede ‘complete platform drowning, such asin the case of Liuhus, where the margin effectively shrank to the red algal bound- stone described above, before its final demise (Fig. 10.11), In short, the most important point abour platform drowning is that it can be controlled entirely by environ- imental factors; sudden rapid rises in sea-level may outpace carbonate production temporarily, but a deterioration in the environment of the carbonate factory through any of the mechanisms discussed above is a more likely cause of large-scale platform demise. Drowning will take place only when the platform top is flooded, within the transgressive or highstand systems tracts. 10.2.4 Carbonate platform exposure Subaerial exposure is an obvious alternative method of a, _ MAGNETIC. BASEMENT Fig. 10.9 Tertiary carbonates of the Luconia Province, offshore Sarawak. The carbonates young towards the north, as they backstep away from northward directed siliciclastic input (from Epting, 1989) 218WILMINGTON PLATFORM (©) Nw Silicictasties Crot.— Tort. Platform Late Jur. TE, Cret, MILE 7 Ih = = — Drowning unconformity —— bownlapping reflections 40 mat : + Courtesy Shell Oi Co. Elevated platform margin with drowning unconformity on seaward side Fig. 10.10 Drowning unconformity on the Wilmington Platform, offshore USA (seismic profile courtesy of Shell Oil Co.; from Schlager (1992)) Killing a carbonate platform. Because shallow-marine carbonates build at, or close to, sea-level, they are highly susceptible to frequent, and in some cases, long-lived subacrial exposure. The effect of exposure on carbonates is firstly to turn-off large areas of the carbonate factory and then to erode chemically the exposed carbonate. Depo- Sitional carbonate mineralogies are highly unstable, and will experience alteration in the presence of meteoric water, which is acidified by atmospheric and soil carbon dioxide, aswell as humic and other biologically derived acids present in soils. Modern marine carbonate is composed chiefly of aragonite, a preferred precipitate of many marine organ- isms, including corals and molluscs, and high-magnesium, calcite, precipitated by echinoderms, benthic Foraminifera and red algae. Dissolution of these grains, and reprecipi- tation as more stable low-magn during meteoric diagenesis, leading to a redistribution of porosity and the formation of zones of considerably, enhanced porosity and permeability. Where meteorie dia ‘genesis is very intensive, extensive cavern systems, fissures 219Fig. 10.11 Red algal mou Mouth Basin, South China Si (from Erlich et al, 1990) and subterranean streams may form, giving ise to karst (Trudgill, 1985). Karst may provide major secondary porosity and permeability in carbonate reservoirs, and its recognition and prediction is an important practical con- sequence of identifying carbonate platform exposure (Warson, 1982; Loucks and Anderson, 1985; Craig, 1988). Nor all subacrial exposure will result in meteoric dissol- ution or karst formation. In more arid climates, where rainfall is limited, exposed carbonates will suffer limited dissolution; instead, carbonate precipitation may give rise to the formation of ealerete crusts, needle fibre calcite and thizocretions, the last formed by preferential cementation around plant roots. For a more detailed discussion of subaerial-exposure-related diagenesis, the reader is referred to Longman (1980), James and Choquette (1988) and Tucker and Wright (1990), ‘The most important point from the discussion of earbon- ate exposure is that most of the processes acting on carbon ates during lowstand are chemical. In general, the physical products of carbonate exposure are volumetrically small, although collapse around cave systems and along major fissures can result in carbonate debris cones, and can even control the shape of carbonate margins (Back e¢ al., 1984). Ifa carbonate platform system is attached to a siliciclastic source area, lowstand may result in siliciclastic transport, across the exposed carbonate edifice and into the basin. Examples of this include the Bone Spring Formation of the Permian of New Mexico (Saller et al., 1989), where sand- stones onlap the carbonate slope, and the Carboniferous of ‘Anglesey, where fluvial channels incise into shelf carbonates, (Walkden and Davies, 1983). In climates that are too arid, to sustain major fluvial systems, evaporites may be precipi- tated close to the surface of the exposed carbonate, and, ‘where arid conditions are combined with a restricted basin, subaqueous evaporites may form, onlapping the base of the carbonate slope (Tucker, 1991). On isolated carbonate platforms, remote from a source of siliciclastics, the products of lowstand are likely to be meteoric diagenesis, ‘with associated porosity redistribution, and in sitw carbon- 220 backstepping and preceding final drowning on top of the Liuhua carbonate platform, Pearl River ate deposition as fringing reefs, shown schematically on Fig. 10.6. Feinging rcefs also may develop on attached platforms, but may be affected adversely by silicilasie input of evaporative conditions. Note that the volume of in situ carbonate produced during lowstand will be highly dependent on the slope of the carbonate margin. This is discussed more fully in the following section. 10.3 Carbonate slopes, platform classification and facies belts 10. 1 Slopes and platform classification ‘The geometry of a carbonate platform will exert a major control on its response to sea-level change. For example, on steep sided, isolated platforms the area available for in situ owstand carbonate sediment production will be very small, restricted, at least initially, to a fringing reef around the platform (Fig. 10.12). By contrast, gently sloping carbonate ramps will maintain large areas for carbonate production during sea-level fall. Bevween these two extremes lie 2 range of carbonate platform types defined on two main criteria, (i) the slope angle and presence or absence of a slope break, and (ii) whether land-attached or isolated. The classification scheme to be used here follows that of Tucker and Wright (1990), with minor modifications. Carbonate ramps are defined as low-angle (<1*) homoclinal dipping surfaces, without a significant break in slope (Ahr, 1973), although Read (1985) has described many variants on this theme, Rimmed shelves show a break in slope, and have slope angles between 1° and vertical. Escarpment margins are a subset of rimmed shelves, with the margin having angles of 35° to vertical. These platforms types may be land-attached or detached (isolated). Detached platforms ‘or ‘atolls’ generally maintain steeper slopes, although such platforms occasionally may develop ramp margins. ‘Although the above platform categories are convenient for classification purposes, in reality there is a continuum between the different margin types, which has a direct,(Woden Bahamas) (Neogene Bahamas) Lonstane wedge Fig. 10.12. The importance of platform slope angle and rometry on the volume of in site lowstand carbonate provluction, Steep-sided platforms will permit only a relat sinall area of carbonate production during sea-level fall, inhereas broader ramps can maintain much larger areas; fearing on unravelling their sequence stratigraphy (Schlager, 1992). The platform margins of Fig. 10.13 show net accumulation on the Blake transect, bypass of the Exuma transect, and net erosion of the Bahamas escarpment. All of these geometries can be produced during platform growth, finan identical sea-level regime, yet the bypass margin has given rise to a sediment package onlapping the base of slope, and the erosional margin shows truncation of the ‘margin and accumulation of a mounded package on the basin loor (Schlager and Camber, 1986). It would be an ‘unwise seismic stratigrapher who attempted to relate such geometries purely to sea-level change! Net crosion and a ‘mounded basinal package docs not necessarily correspond tolowstand. Purdy (pers. comm., 1992) has suggested that erosion of the margin and development of the steepest slopes are more likely during transgression and eatly high- stand, when a carbonate system is aggrading and the steepening flanks, subjected oan overlying load of accumu- lating carbonate, collapse into the basin The angle of a depositional carbonate margin will also be controlled by the type of sediment supplied to the slope | and the sedimentary process both on and off the platform. Kenter (1990) has shown that coarse-grained sediments, can maintain much higher angles of repose, and hence steeper slopes, than finer grained deposits. He was also able to show that cohesionless coarse-grained sediments could build slopes up to 35°, whereas muddy cohesive sediments tended to maintain low slope angles characterized by repeated massive slumping (Fig. 10.14). The type of sedi- EROSION Bahamas escarpment 225 NEUTRAL (Gand bypassing) Exuma taneort 112 ACCRETION et ee Fig, 10.13 Erosion, bypass and accretionary carbonate margins (Irom Schlager and Camber, 1986). ODP, Ocean Drilling Program ment supplied to a slope will be dependent on the type of carbonate factory, and on the orientation of the slope with respect to current regimes. For example, the carbonate platforms of the Italian Dolomites show slope angles up 0 30°, some of the steepest examples on Fig. 10.14, because of gravel-sized particles of calcisponge supplied from the carbonate factory. This contrasts with the low slope angles evident from seismic sections across the muddy northern flanks of the modern Little Bahama Bank, The effect of current activity on carbonate platforms will also influence sediment supply t0 the slope and basin, On windward margins, wave activity will tend to push most of the fine sediment on to the platform, leaving the coarser fraction 10 accumulate on the windward slope. Leeward margins will tend to accumulate finer sediment and, in general, build shallower slopes (Hine et al, 19815 Tucker, 1985). 10.3.2. Facies belts on carbonate platforms Using the general platform classification described above, idealized facies belts for ramps, rimmed shelves and escarp: ment margins are outlined below. Although carbonate- producing organisms have evolved through geological time, 21Slope angle in degres ROMA | wuo.sueroRrED Dominant oximent fabric Key: O wer-ocumentatod examples 1 Examples lacking prose contol en geometry A. Planks stabized by orgie ramebulsing or cementation shallow-water carbonates have tended to develop broadly similar facies belts through time. Carbonate ramps Ramps are low-angle seaward dipping surfaces, with no continuous elevated rim or clear break in slope. The tran- sition between low energy, lagoonal facies through high- energy grainstone or reefal facies to deeper water facies is thus very diffuse, and ramp sedimentation may be domi nated by basinal processes (storms and tidal currents) over wide areas. The generally uniform dip on a ramp surface is maintained largely by sediment redistribution by hydraulic processes across its broad but shallow expanse. Deeper ramp facies commonly contain sediment of shallow-water origin transported offshore during storm surges (Aigner, 1984; Wright, 1986). This ‘regrading” process is important in allowing the ramp to maintain its inherently unstable geometry. Ramps are often seen to develop into rimmed shelves as the differential build-up potential of the more paces that of adjacent deeper and productive margin shallower water f The idealized facies belts of a land-attached ramp are 2 Fig. 10.14 Sediment composition versus slope angle on carbonate margins (from Kentet, 1990) illustrated on Fig. 10.15. A broad area of peritidal carbon. ates, controlled largely by climatic and hydraulic setting, comprising evaporites and tidal flat deposits is developed adjacent to the ramp topography. Evaporites and evaporiti structures, such as tepees, laminated crusts and enterolithic, folds (Shinn, 1983; Scoffin, 1987; Tucker and Wright, 1990) are characteristic of tidal flat deposition in arid areas, but in more humid climates evaporites may be absent, replaced by soil and palacokarsts developed upon subaerially exposed beach and lagoon deposits, such as in wrrasneir | cangowwre PERT Stara ‘Below FWWB Waveragitaied | Low energy Salon) Bee} Oavsand Oa matonsaoe leentasnsle | Faia | stoas”” | ipa ta Fairwocther wave base Fig. 10.15 Carbonate ramp facies model (after Read, 1982), FIWWE, fair-weather wave baseCarboniferous of South Wales (Wright, 1986). Seaward the tidal flat environment, lagoonal sediments pass into wave-dominated ramp margin, a diffuse belt of bio- ic and/or oolitic shoals, up to several kilometres in jth, Reefs also may develop in this area, although most ‘eeh in the modern Arabian Gulf ramp system tend to ‘ccupy submarine swells and areas between active ooid sand sedimentation (Purser, 1973). No slope environment “such exists on a ramp, and the deeper ramp environment Ischaracterized by muddy facies, often with well-developed ‘toa beds of originally shallow platform sediment devel- ‘ped above storm wave base. Rinmed shelves Carbonate rimmed shelves havea distinct slope, with angles ‘of upto 35°, separated from a broad, shallow platiorm top. swith carbonate ramps, the landward portion of modern timmed shelves may comprise evaporitic or mangrove! imirobial peritidal facies, depending on climate. The major Uifferences between rimmed shelves and ramps are (i) the thinner margin of a rimmed shelf, often only several hun ted metres or ess in width, and (i) the presence of a well- defined slope on which slope sedimentation processes act. atlized facies belts for a land-attached rimmed shelf would thus be intertidal and lagoonal deposits passing seaward into a well-defined margin, comprising. recfal build-ups and/or oolitic and bioclastic sand shoals (Fig. 10.16), The lagoon itself may be subject to wave and tidal agitation where gaps in the margin exist. Alternatively, ‘only occasional agitation may affect the lagoon and it may become hyper- or hyposaline depending on the climate and runoff, On rimmed shelves, the margin isa very turbulent zone, where storm and oceanic waves and tidal currents impinge on the sea-bed. This zone is much better defined than on a ramp, where shallowing towards the margin is, ‘more gradual and wave energy is dissipated more gently ‘over a wider area. Scaward of the rimmed shelf-margin, proximal slope facies may develop, comprising large reef talus blocks. These pass downslope into debris flow deposits, and turbidites, which fine distally. The deeper rimmed shelf facies may consist of very distal turbidites, interbedded swith basinal mudstones of pelagic or hemipelagic origin. Escarpment margins Escarpment margins can be thought of as rimmed shelves ‘without a significant accretionary slope facies (the “escarp- ment by-pass" type of Read, 1982), with proximal lagoonal, inter- and supratidal facies belts, as described for rimmed shelves in che preceding section. On such margins, at slope angles in excess of 35~40", most sediment will tend to bypass the upper slope and accumulate on the lower slope or in the basin (Fig. 10.13). A steep shelf-edge diff is developed through rapid aggradation, which may be partly eroded by gullies down which shallow-water carbonate debris passes. Alternatively, the cliff may be highly eroded, cautting back into older carbonates. A good example of the latter are erosional shelf-margins off Belize, where Pleis- tocene limestones are being exposed along the erosional scarp (James and Ginsburg, 1979). The sediment accumu- lating at che base of the escarpment margin is usually coarse-grained and disorganized, and may form a con- tinuous apron of peri-platform talus, particularly where Faisw—] cmewsex | peer sneur” | Fonesioee”] onsnwc, | wawowe5 [auELr Goon] nEsrncTER. [EVPOATES 1 sae | Rie | SURB | MOSER | grey Gincassrise | SW Expas - Siidbumon | SEEPS” | hunks moeon.7s | a EA ee o SLA ee g 99 COR i Fence | mes, somos [Eterece [noua | Fenws, Ehimares | Ey Saar fia | Siete te seat, ora” 5 ee ue sums [28 Fig 10.16 Standard facies belts on a rimmed shelt (after Wilson, 1975) 223the shelf margin is highly erosional. Deeper into the basin, more organized proximal carbonate turbidite facies may develop, which pass basinward into distal curbidites inter~ bedded with pelagic and argillaceous carbonate (Fig. 10.17). Isolated carbonate platforms Isolated platforms are areas of shallow-water carbonate accumulation surrounded by deep water. Modern isolated platforms range from Pacific atolls a few kilometres across to massive areas of carbonate production such as the Bahama Banks, 700km from north to south, Isolated platforms may develop any of the three categories of margin described above, although steeper rimmed shelf or escarp- ment margins tend to be more common, The major differ~ ence between large and small isolated platforms is the area of overall carbonate productivity. In both eases, the margin usually will have roughly the same dimensions, but on larger platforms the extensive carbonate production in the lagoon will provide a massive additional source of sediment to shed into deeper water. 10.4 Sequence stratigraphic models for carbonate platforms 10.4.1 Introduction The foregoing sections hopefully have convinced the reader that carbonate systems may behave quite differently from siliciclastics, and that a modification of the standard silici clastic sequence stratigraphic model is necessary to encom pass carbonate idiosyncrasies. To this end, a seties of general sequence stratigraphic models, with examples from outcrop and the subsurface, are outlined in the following sections. This section also draws on previously published pe ules, ' Lower slope slide sear, 34 blocks, debries 33 bros, z Upper lope Base of ‘slope apron Basin too: pelagic and hemipetagic turpis | BASE OF SLOPE APRON 24 carbonate sequence stratigraphic models; Sarg (1988), Calver et al, (1990), Tucker and Wright (1990), Hunt and Tucker (1991) and Tucker (1991). Each carbonate platform type will be presented in an idealized sea-level cycle of transgression, highstand and lowstand or drowning, using the facies models described in section 10.3. Climate also exerts an influence on the sei mentology of systems tracts, particularly lowstand, and the important differences between arid and humid lowstand systems tracts will be presented. It is important also to bear, in mind that for all these models, only the gross systems- tract geometries will be discussed, ie. those visible on exploration seismic data (Chapter 3) or at mountainside outcrop scale (Bosellini, 1984). The finer scale cycliciies observed on a several to a few tens of mette scale will be the subject of section 10.5. 10.4.2 Ramps Once a ramp system (Fig, 10.18) is established, rising sea level in the transgressive leg of an idealized sea-level cycle ‘will commonly cause the ramp to step landward because of its low carbonate productivity. Both the coastal onlap and downlap points will migrate landward, with a progressive superimposition of deeper-water on shallow-water facies ‘Atthis time, the deeper ramp may become sediment starved and as water depth increases over the deep ramp, the potential for significant accumulation of organic mater increases. An example of petroleum source-rock accumt- lation during ramp transgression may be the distal facies of the Jurassic Smackover ramp system in the Gulf of Mexico (Moore, 1984; Sassen, 1988), which forms a major source- rock interval. More proximal facies of a ramp transgressive systems tract are shown by the Jurassic Lincolnshire Lime: stone Formation in eastern England (Ashton, 19805 Emery Fig. 10.17 Simplified facies model for a carbonate ‘escarpment margin, showing bypass of the upper slope and sediment accumulation at the toe of slope and in the basin (after Mullins, 1983)and Dickson, 1991), Here, the carbonate ramp was initiated ‘on estuarine muds and silts as pre-ramp topography was inilled during transgression and clastic facies belts were pushed landward. The carbonate succession, only up to 440m thick in total, comprises oolitic and bioclastic shoal facies overlying back-barrier and lagoonal facies, indicating overall transgression (Fig. 10.19). Other examples of land- yard stepping ramp systems during transgression include the Lower and Middle Anisian ramps of the Lower Muschelkalk, Catalan Basin, Spain (Calvet et al, 1990), and the Upper Muschelkalk ramps of the intracratonic German Basin (Aigner, 1984), ‘As the rate of sea-level rise decreases, carbonate ramp systems will tend to prograde basinwards. In early high- stand, when accommodation is still being created landward ofthe margin, supra-, intertidal and lagoonal deposits may accumulate as topsets, but during late highstand, very little ‘6r no topset deposition will occur, and a ‘strandpl tamp may result (Tucker and Wright, 1990). The seismic expression of the highstand systems tract of carbonate ‘Supraland inertial facies Lagoon! facies jnal shoals ot sea-level 0) Deep ramp foc Assan siiciclastios Salhi evaponites See-lovel ‘Sequence boundary ramps is typically as a series of shingled clinoforms, with rarely resolvable topsets, such as the Smackover Formation (Moore, 1984), Lower Permian ramps of the Midland Basin, Texas (Mazzullo and Reid, 1989) and the Upper Devonian Nisku Formation, Alberta, Canada. In the latter example, deep ramp build-ups sitting on low-angle clino- forms are the main exploration targets. In outerop, pro- gradational oolitic facies are recognized from the Castell Coch Limestone of the Carboniferous of South Wales, (Burchette, 1987), the Muschelkalk of Europe and the Middle Jurassic of France, Spain (Aurell, 1991) and southern England, Daring falling sea-level the landward portion of the ramp will be exposed. Where clastic sediment supply is low. and the ramp system was prograding into an open shelf setting, the ramp may offlap, stepping downward such that its onlap point falls below the earlier ramp margin. Alterna. tively, if the siliciclastic sediment supply is significant, it may overwhelm carbonate production and a lowstand siliciclastic system may be established across the ramp © Sea-tevel a se al 181 Gea-tevel Drowning unconformity Fig, 10.18 Sequence stratigraphic models for ramp systems. (a) Transgressive systems tract shows landward stepping of ramp faces and sediment starvation in the basin, with the potential for the development of onganic-rich mudstones. (b) Highstand systems tact shows seaward progradation of the margin and progressive thinning of topsets. In late highstand, ropsets may not be developed and a ‘strandplain’ system (cf. Calvet et al, 1990) may result. (c) Lowstand systems tract in an arid, restricted basin, Het, the basinal facies is developed as a subaqueous evaporite wedge onlapping deeper ramp facies of the previous highstand systems tract above a sequence boundary. The exposed ramp may be the site of extensive sabkha evaporite development and may beencroached upon by aeolian silicilastics. Ina humid setting, the exposed ramp may be incised by fluvial channels and karstified, ofthe sliciclastic input is relatively low, a new lowstand ramp may nucleate below the margin of the previous ramp system. {d) Drowning of a carbonate ramp followed by siliciclastic progradation over the drowned ramp. The ramp and overlying Slicclastic wedge will be separated by a drowning unconformity 225pray log ° oor 131 ee [eal ete] | =]! ater _ ay [opment 3 Nightane ~ ig 3 propedaton Be ser eee wd e 3 3 22 om Lincolnshire Limestone | & | Fig. 10.19 Summary log and facies ees, erteroe model for the Lincolnshire Limestone 28 | | werwingon sence Formation, eastern England. The ae pecans! Jowstand system tract (LST) is 52 ‘reat Merer «. dleveloped in a clastic system, the ZB | | ssemeneneer estuarine Grantham Formation, which BB |e is succeeded by a landward stepping 8 ‘Gretna Meat transgressive systems tract (TST; the 4 Lincolnshire Limestone}, as shown by the superimposition of more distal fdotere 50. 7 shoal facies over lagoonal and back: ialathalnForrakot fate) nals barrier sediments (after Emery and ust (Estuarine facies) Dickson, 1991). HST, highstand systems tract surface. Note that, in general, non-skeletal carbonate margins are better able to persist during phases of silici- dlastic input than reef-dominated margins. An example of lowstand siliciclastie deposition replacing carbonate ramp deposition during lowstand is from the Carboniferous of Anglesey (Walkden and Davies, 1983). In more humid climates, proximal ramp deposits that become exposed during lowstand will develop soils and karst surfaces. Ramsay (1987) has described palaeokarsts developed on Carboniferous ramp oolites of South Wales deposited during slight sea-level falls. By contrast, more arid environ- ments may develop caleretes or extensive sabkha evaporites ‘on the exposed ramp, with encroachment of aeolian facies if the climate is too dry to develop fluvial systems, Mixed silicilastic and evaporitic lowstand systems tracts on exposed carbonate ramps have been described by Calvet et al. (1990) from the Triassic of Spain. In an arid climate, basin isolation may occur during lowstand, resulting in evaporation. A lowstand evaporite wedge may onlap the distal ramp facies with cessation of carbonate production because of hypersaline conditions. The idealized sea-level cycle described above does not account for drowning on a carbonate ramp, which may 226 take place during transgression or highstand due to environ mental deterioration, Unequivocal examples of drowning (on ramps are not numerous. Perhaps the best-documented example is again from the Triassic of the Catalan Basin in Spain (Calvet and Tucker, 1988). Here, deeper ramp ‘mounds show evidence of exposure during an abrupt sea- level fall. Subsequent transgression led to the development of a stratified sea, with oxygen-depleted waters. Instead of nntinued -mud-mound growth, organic-rich carbo accumulated. Strictly speaking these Triassic mud mounds ‘were not really drowned, but rather failed to re-establish themselves in the transgression that followed sea-level fall and karstification, 10.4.3. Rimmed shelves Carbonate rimmed shelves (Fig. 10.20) may be initiated in several ways. They may start up during transgression over a non-carbonate substrate, particularly over a pre-existing, shelf break or structural high. In so doing, a barrier may become established whereby wave energy can be dissipated and lagoonal and inter-and supratidal carbonate deposition can proceed in the protected lee of the barrier. Rimmedako may be initiated over ramps. As transgression es, the productive margin may be the only element the platform able to keep up with sea-level, and a Idefined slope may become established. At this time, mal carbonate production also may be outpaced by sea-level, leaving a deepening hole in the lee of the ‘och as in the present-day Belize lagoon, More com- y observed, however, is “keep up” of the entire rimmed up to and including the margin, to give a flat-topped tate rimmed shelf overlying a low-angle ramp. Excel ‘examples ofthis transition include the Lower Permian the Midland Basin, Texas, where Wolfcampian ramps ‘overlain by rimmed shelves of the Wichita and Lower ear Fork Formations (Mazzullo and Reid, 1989 Fig. W021), In outcrop, the ramp-to-rimmedshelf transition Jserved in the Triassic of the Italian Dolonites is quite cular (Fig, 4.5). One of the key differentiating factors ween silcielastic and carbonate transgressive systems isthe ability of the carbonate to aggrade, rather than step during rapid sea-level rise. Aggradation, and even progadation, during transgression is common in rimmed heives (Pomar, 1991). However, if transgression was to fontinue uninterrupted, with no change in carbonate productivity, the rimmed shelf would be unable to keep Iuilding vertically and maintain its slope angle, and would lool into an escarpment mars During highstand the rimmed shelf can shed ove produced carbonate on to the slope and into the basin. In fcadly highstand, topsets may continue to accumulate as Ingoonal and inter- and supratidal facies. However, during Intehighstand, topsets may be poorly resolved, particularly ‘on exploration seismic data, It also may be impossible to identify imum flooding surface in the platform imerior facies because of the lack of backstepping in the tnderlying transgressive systems tract. However, seaward ‘of the aggraded rim of the transgressive systems tract it may be possible to identify the major downlap surface and hence maximum flooding surface of the rimmed shelf interval, but this is often equivocal, Examples of pro- grading rimmed shelves are common, and are particularly well shown on scismic data. Figure 10.22 shows examples from the Tertiary of the Dampier Basin, Northwest Shelf, ‘Australia, Progradation of rimmed shelves in outcrop is shown superbly by the Triassic of the Ialian Dolomites (Fig. 45). Sea-level fll ona rimmed shelf, as on a ramp, may result in a range of different lithologies, facies and geometries. Salle ef al. (1989) have shown major clastic input during lowstand in the Permian of New Mexico, where a series of fowstand sandstones interdigitate with carbonate slope deposits in the Mescalero Fscarpe Field. All the sands appear to sit above type I sequence boundaries. The importance of lowstand evaporite precipitation both in the topsets of rimmed shelves and as wedges onlapping carbon ate slope facies has been described by Tucker (1991) for the Permian of northeastern England. Here, aridity restricted significant fluvial input during lowstand and hypersalinity prevented further carbonate growth. Karst formation on rimmed shelf topsets in more humid systems is also highly significant as a porosity modifying provess. Examples include karstic carbonate reservoirs of the Gargino Peninsula, eastern Italy, where spectacular cavern and fissure systems provide the porosity, and, most significantly, the permeability for subsurface oil reservoirs such as the Rospo Mare Field (Zeza, 1975). “Type 2 sequence boundaries and associated shelf-margin wedge systems tracts also may be developed on attached rimmed shelf systems, where sea-level falls over the platform top, but sediment accommodation remains at the platform edge (Sarg, 1988, and Chapter 2). Shelf-margin wedge systems tracts are likely to be developed only if there has been differential subsidence of the top of the flat-topped carbonate platform to create a dipping surface on to which the shelf-margin wedge can onlap back on to (Fig. 10.20). Note that the shelf-margin wedge systems tract will not be developed on ramps, because ramps lack a shelf margin (Calvet et al., 1990), Drowning of rimmed shelves is better documented than for ramps. The example of the Wilmington Platform is illustrated on Fig. 10.10, where a silicilastic system overlies 4 drowned, flat-topped rimmed shelf. Another example is, the Jurassic of Jebel Bou Dahar of the Moroccan Atlas Mountains, where outcrop exposure shows a carbonate margin and slope onlapped by basinal shales, with evidence for progressive environmental deterioration on the platform top provided by a decreasing diversity and productivity of carbonate (Campbell, 1992). 10.4.4 Escarpment margins [As diseussed in the foregoing section, aggradation of a rimmed shelf can give rise to an escarpment margin (Fig. 10.23). The margin initially may be of the bypass type, but ‘oversteepening can lead to erosion and apparent back stepping of the margin as transgression proceeds (Fig 10.13). The products of platform erosion usually will be large blocks of talus derived from the margin, which will accumulate at the base of the carbonate slope, passing distally into more organized caleiturbidites derived from the platform interior. On the carbonate platform itself, it tasually will be very difficult, if not impossible, to differen tiate the aggradational transgressive systems tract from the overlying highstand systems tract. Bec: cretionary Slope is developed, the platform will be unable to prograde during highstand, and the platform top facies will continue to build vertically, albeit with thinner ropsets. Figure 10.24 shows the steep-walled margin of the Cretaceous West Florida platform, which accumulated during transgression ‘and highstand and has remained exposed since the Cre~ taccous, Erosion of the ‘margin’ has been demonstrated by dredge hauls from the wall of the platform, which reveal platform interior deposits (Corso et al., 1988).a) Supra and intertidal Lagponal facies Margin shoals andor rests Seatovel ‘ops faces Exposed Platform top Feinging © Sea-tevel © Drowning uncontormiy Fig. 10.20 Sequence stratigraphic models for rimmed shelves. (a) Transgessive systems tract (TST) of a immed shelf system showing aggradation of the margin. (b) Highstand systems tract (HST) of a rimmed shelf showing progradation and progressive thinning of topsets. (c) Type 1 sequence boundary and development ofthe lowstand systems tract on a humid riomed shel. Here, sea-level has fallen significantly below the margin ofthe immed shelf, and the exposed platform top is karsified and may become incised by fluvial channel. Siliciclastic sediment may be deposited inthe basin, onlapping the eathonate slope. Dr sitw carbonate production may take place as fringing reefs if che silicicasti input is sufficiently low and directed away from favourable cacbonate proxluction sites. () Type 2 sequence boundary and development of a shelf-margin-wedge systems tract on a rimmed shelf. Sea level has not fallen signiicandy below the previous maegia, and the platform top isnot extensively exposed to meteoric diagenesis The shelf-margin wedge expands landward and seawatd with rising sea-Level, but note that this ean occur only if ther is greater seaward subsidence ofthe or shelf as carhonate production is terminated by envi deep-water siliccla (On the basin floor, highstand and lowstand deposits can be differentiated better. Highstand shedding from the plat- form will supply platform interior material to the basin, which may accumulate as calciturbidites or settle out of suspension. These deposits may onlap and cover the under~ lying talus cones developed during the previous trans- gression. Glaser and Droxler (1991) documented thick, 228 inally flat platform top to provide a dipping surface that can be onlapped. (e) Drowning of a rimmed samental deterioration whi characterized by a drowning unconformity, which separates underlying platfor still submerged. The top of the carbonate is carbonate from onlapping and downlapping . BE, basinal facies; SF, slope facies; SB, sequence boundary; MIS, maximum flooding surface Holocene highstand wedges onlapping the base of the erosional margin of Pedro Bank, Nicaragua Rise. Note that margin failure also may oceur during highstand, as well as, during transgression, but highstand talus cones are more likely to be interbedded intimately with platform interior facies. The angular contrast arising from the contact be- ‘oween talus cones and finer grained sediment ean give rise0.5 seconds: Fig. 10.22 Scismie section showing progeadation of Tertiary carbonates of a rimmed shelf system, Dampier Basin, northwest Australia Supra "ace Lagoon facies gente le ic E\S Se, 2 A eearoest ign shoals Tabs “IER? Tho Poss silicic tans Fig. 10.23 Sequence stratigraphic models for escarpment margins (a) Transgressive systems tract (TST) oF an escarpment showing aggradation and failure of the margin, The products of margin failure onlap the ste {b) Highstand systems tract (HIST) of an esearpment margin showing continued aggradation, but a progressive thinning of topsts Inthe basin and at the base of slope, carbonate shed from the platlorm top during highstand onlaps the talus apron of the transgressive systems tract, Some talus also may be shed off the carbonate margin during highstand. (c) Lowstand systems tract (LST) on a humid escarpment-margin system. Here, sea-level has gin, and the exposed platform top is karstiied and may become incised by fluvial channels, Siliciclastic sediment may be deposited in the basin, onlapping the Carbonate slope, and failure of the margin also may result in the deposition of talus cones at the base of slope. In situ carbonate production is likely © be very minor on very steep margins. (d) Drowning of an esearpment margin, as earbonate production is Terminated by environmental deterioration while still submerged. The top of the carbonate is characterized by a drowning tinconformity, which separates underlying platform carbonate from onlapping and downlapping deep water slicilastis slope as a talus apron. llen significantly below the 230sw Fig. 10.24 Seismic profile of the West Florida Cretaceous platform margin. Although the margin shows a ‘seismic reef, labelled as margin facies, dredge hauls show that the margin facies acually comprise platform interior deposits (from Corso et al., 1988) 6 to geometries that resemble onlap on to sequence bound: aries. Grammer et al. (1990) and Grammer (1991) have described such geometries from submersible dives over slopes of Bahamian platforms, and Bosscher and Southam (1992) have generated computer simulations oF gra related “sequence boundaries’, which are clearly not sequence boundaries sensu stricto (Chapter 2). Lowstand on the platform top of escarpment margins be similar to that described for rimmed shelves. Karsti- fication and fluvial incision may occur in humid climates, vaporite precipitation may occur on the platform top fr onlap the platform margin in arid, restricted settings (Tucker, 1991). On very steep erosional margins, very little insitu carbonate deposition is possible, but on lower angle bypass slopes fringing reefs may become established. The low rates of sedimentation during lowstand on an escarp- ment margin provide an opportunity for older slope deposits to become lithified by marine cementation. Grammer and Ginsburg (1991) have dated thick marine cements from lithifed onlapping wedges off the Great Bahama Bank. Carbon-14 ages from these cements range from 11 000 to 13000 yearsBP, corresponding to the last sea-level low- stand, Ginsburg et al. (1991) also have been able to link Sequence boundaries to intervals of intense submarine cementation off the Great Bahama Bank. Drowning of escarpment margins proceeds much as described for rimmed shelves. Excellent examples of drowned steep-sided platforms can be seen in the Cre- taceous of southern Europe, where Schlager (1992) has suggested that their demise may be linked to global oceanic anoxic events, 10.4.5 Isolated platforms Isolated carbonate platforms may show one or more of the 6.25 MILES different types of margin described above, depending on the tectonic setting, windward —leewaed orientation of the platform and the platform size, To avoid repeating the systems tract geometries described above, this section will be devoted to short descriptions of published examples of sequence stratigraphy of isolated platforms. A simplified model for isolated platform sequence stratigraphy has been, ‘outlined in Fig. 10.6. Symmetrical platforms Epting (1980) has described two symmetrical isolated build up types. The ‘pinnacle’ type build-up is essentially an aggraded mound which shows continuous gradual back- stepping (Fig, 10.25). It is impossible to identify different systems tracts from seismic data alone in this example. Pinnacle build-ups are particularly common in the Tertiary of southeast Asia (Hatley, 1980; Grainge and Davies, 1985). Rudolph and Lehmann (1989) describe a giant gas accumulation from the Miocene of offshore Indonesia, the Natuna D-Alpha Field, which differentiated from a broad tunderlying carbonate platform into several discrete pin- nacles. Epting’s second category was the ‘platform type” build-up, which shows aggradation in the underlying trans- gressive systems tract, followed by progeadation during highstand, and a well-developed maximum flooding surface separating the two systems tracts (Fig, 10.26). Asymmetrical platforms The Liuhua Oilfield in the Miocene of the Pearl River ‘Mouth Basin, South China Sea, shows a strong asymmetry. The steep southwest-facing escarpment margin was fault controlled (Fig. 10.11), and built up vertically as an escarp- ‘ment margin through time prior to eventual drowning, The 21northeast-facing margin, by contrast, probably evolved from a ramp to a rimmed shelf through time, and shows evidence of aggeadational and progradational geometries (Erlich ef al., 1990). Eberli and Ginsburg (1987) contrasted the development of different platform margin types across the Bahamas. Figure 10.27 shows a windward margin to the west and a leeward margin to the east. The windward margin was reefal_and aggradational and built a steep escarpment margin during transgression and highstand. The leeward ‘margin, with an accretionary slope consisting chiefly of hhighstand shedded material and some shingled lowstand reflectors, prograded westwards, ultimately infiling the embayment between two previously isolated platforms. Thus the extensive flat-topped Great Bahama Bank seen today is a result of the coalescence of separate carbonate platforms. 10.5 Cyclicity and parasequences on carbonate platforms The discussion thus far has centred chiefly on seismic-scale expressions of carbonate sequence and_systems-tract development. Carbonates also exhibit very well-developed eyelicity on scales of decimetres to several metres. These cycles form the building blocks of the carbonate systems tracts and sequences. The stacking patterns of these carbon- ate rhythms for different systems tracts on different carbonate-margin types are illustrated schematically on Figs 10.18, 10.20 and 10.23, and although the stacking patterns of these cycles can provide some clues as to the overall behaviour of sea-level and/or carbonate pro- ductivity, individual cycles may be quite different geologi- cally, and may originate in several different ways. 232 Fig. 10.25. ‘pinnacle’ type carbonate platform from the Miocene of offshore Philippines. Ic is impossible to break ‘out different systems tracts from seismic data alone in this example, which shows continuous gradual backstepping and confused internal seismic character. The top of the platform is very rugose, This may represent the effects of karstification, or the differentiation of the platform top into several small pinnacles price to drowning Carbonate cycles and parasequences — examples Several types of carbonate cycle can be recognized. The ‘most common is the shallowing upward cycle, which com- prises a lower energy, deeper water base that may have been deposited below wave base, shallowing up into a shoal or reefal facies, The shoal facies may be overlain abruptly by a deeper water facies and a further shallowing upwards facies succession. This is a carbonate parse sequence. Examples of stacked carbonate parasequences such as this have been described from the Cambrian of the USA (Markello and Read, 1981; Montanez and Osleger, 1993), from the Lower Carboniferous of Wales by Gray (1981), and the Jurassic of southern and eastern England (Ashton, 1980). These eycles are a few to several metres thick and are inferred to have been deposited over tens of thousands of years, at least in the latter two examples, by seaward progradation of shoal facies interrupted by rapid deepening events, Shallowing upward cycles deposited in more proximal positions arc also abundantly described in the literature, However, these cycles are not parasequences under the definition used in Chapter 2, although they may link-up distally with parasequences. The Middle and Upper Triassic of the Dolomites in northern Italy is particularly notable for its merre-scale cycles (Goldhammer et al. 1990). In the Latemar Limestone of the Ladinian, the cycles are usually less than I'm thick and comprise limestone—dolomite pairs, with shallow subtidal grainstones and packstones capped by dolomite containing pisoids, tepee structures and vadose cements, indicating subaerial exposure (Fig, 10.28). Up to 500 such eycles have been described, but these thinner cycles may be disturbed by thicker horizons of disrupting tepees, reflecting longer periods of subaerial exposure. The96200 96440 96320 Time in seconds 96320 96440 96200 Time in secondsEASTERN EDGE Pati |-——strarrs “reef? WINDWARD MARGIN two-way travel time = LEEWARD MARGIN, | ve.-6x Fis) Fig. 10.27 Windward (lefe) and leeward (right) platiorm margins of the Bahamas (from Eberli and Ginsburg, 1987). See text for details absence of any tidal-flat facies in these carbonates rules out the possiblity of idal-flat progradation as a mechanism for producing the cyclicity, suggesting that an external control such as sea-level fluctuation may have caused the ehythm Other proximal shallowing upward cycles include gra stone-based cycles shallowing upwards into tufa, and tu based cycles shallowing upwards into tepees and breccias from the Early Proterozoic of the Rocknest Formation, Canada (Grotzinger, 1986), In arid settings carbonate cycles may be associated with ‘evaporite precipitation, usually where gypsum or anhydrite ‘occurs at the top of the cycle, overlying dolostones oF limestones with intertidal sedimentary structures. This type of cycle has been interpreted as the development of supra tidal sabkhas with attendant evaporite precipitation over intertidal carbonates, and again represents a shallowing upward rhythm, Such units are usually a few metres thick, and have been observed in the Jurassic Arab Formation of Abu Dhabi by the author, and in the same Formation in Saudi Arabia (Wood and Wolfe, 1969). In both areas the 24 evaporites provide major intraformational sealing units overlying. reservoir bioclastic and oolitic shoal facies, Sabkha sulphate seals and carbonate—evaporite cycles are also well described from the Permian carbonates of the Permian Basin, Texas (Handford, 1982; Craig, 1990), In more humid settings, carbonate cycles on attached platforms may include a significant siliciclastic component. The Yoredale Series of the Upper Dinantian of northern England comprise limestones deposited below wave base daring overall transgression when siliciclastic input_was more muted, overlain by mudstones and sandstones de- posited by prograding delta systems. Abandonment of the prograded delta lobes led to the development of swamp environments and the subsequent formation of coal (Leeder and Strudwick, 1987). In the Upper San Andres Formation of the Permian of New Mexico, mixed carbonate and siliciclastic cycles that contain all the elements of a sequence ‘on the seale of a few metres have been described by Sonnenfeld (1991). Here, siliciclastics represent lowstand deposition on the slope and in the basin, and carbonates\ amen anes piso lenses Unettuboc Simastone solomite, couplets eyCUC FACES. 2p doiomite crust {= | | wamvacone “ayy emer 4 7 5] sunesrinesore cout so ‘skeletal-peloidal |o2| Linedon-tont coset A (Gages i Serre oyeic Be coaiepo ace Fig. 10.28 Cyclic carbonates of the Latemar Limestone, Tlian Dolomites (after Hardie et al., 1986). See text for details represent transgressive and highstand deposits. These cycles have been termed fourth- and fifth-order sequences, because they have a greater degree of symmetry than a typical Parasequence, and show all the systems tracts of a typical sequence. Goldhammer et al. (1991) have recognized ‘fourth order’ sequences from the Carboniferous of the Paradox Basin, comprising carbonates, sliciclastics and evaporites, Wwith a mean thickness of 35m and periodicity of about 260000 years. Carbonate cycle stacking patterns and Fischer plots In recent years, there has been a revival of interest in analysing the stacking pattems of high-frequency platform- top carbonate cycles. Much of this analysis has been achieved by the use of accommodation ot ‘Fischer plots’ (Fischer, 1964; Sadler et al.. 1993). A Fischer plot is a series of sawtooth waves, with the vertical line of the satooth representing the vertical thickness of a carbonate «yee, linked by a diagonal line drawn from the top of the «yc down to the right of the plot. The bottom right of the diagonal links to the base of the next vertical line represent- ing the next carbonate cycle (Fig. 10.29). The only factual information contained in the Fischer plot is the cycle Grose agaracaion Fig, 10.29 Fischer plot of four hypothetical high-frequency carbonate platform cycles (from Sadler et al., 1993) thickness, The diagonal line subjectively represents the pas sage of time and subsidence prior to the deposition of the next cycle, and is based on two simplifying assumptions of a fixed cycle period and linear subsidence, and, as such, Fischer plots are ‘purely descriptive representations of stratigraphic sections that emphasize stacking pattems (Sadler e¢ af., 1993). Despite the simplifying assumptions, Fischer plots combined with detailed facies analysis have been used to show how platform-top carbonate-cycle stacking can help to distinguish different systems tracts and the location of sequence boundaries within otherwise ‘monotonots platform-top carbonate systems, Goldhammer etal, (1993) were able to use Fischer plots from Ordovi carbonates of the El Paso Group, West Texas, to differe tate systems tracts, Lowstand systems tracts comprised thin quartz arenites, transgressive systems tracts comprised thickening upward subtidal eycles, and highstand systems tracts comprised dolomitic peritidal cycles containing some quartz sand, Fischer plots of the stacking pattern of the West Texas cycles and other cocval Ordovician cycles in the USA ate illustrated on Fig. 10.30. Other studies that have used Fischer plots to define sequences and systems tracts include Read and Goldhammer (1988) and Montanez, and Osleger (1993). Sadler et al. (1993) provide a good review of Fisher plots, with recommendations for their construction and interpretation, Carbonate cycles — origin The origin of carbonate and mixed cycles is the subject of considerable and continuing debate (Chapter 2). Ii a vast subject in its own right, and will be considered only brielly here. Three mechanisms are usually invoked eustasy, and. two types of autocyclic mechanism. The eustat trol involves changes in sea-level that are governed by orbital perturbations (Milankovitch cyclicty, Chapter 2). 235aaa za [aera as] aaa a Za) Seckmancun Grou Znaton ‘Sr t967 Spelman (080) itary Arh, PR Key: 30 arenas Elosbper Group Zenton, Cd and Bune (45) 10. ‘Geo ate, A yf (ash hewn, van Hon. TX “Raila Mountains, OK Fischer plots for Lower Ordovician platform carbonates from several locations across the USA, correlated, biostratigraphicaly. Third-order sequence boundaries (491, 489 and 487 Ma) were correlated using high-frequency cycle stacking patterns and the distribution of quartz sand (from Goldhammer eta, 1993), SB, sequence boundary Goldhammer etal. (1987) have observed that, in detail, the cycles observed in the Triassic of the Dolomites comprise asymmetric packages of five cycles that thin upwards. This “pentacycle” has been interpreted to reflect the 20000 year precession periodicity superimposed on the 100000 year cycle, Read e7 al. (1992) and Read and Horbury (1993) have attempted to relate carbonate cyclicity and diagenesis to Milankovitch forcing, using many examples drawn from, the Phanerozoic. However, it is evident that throughout geological time the volume and extent of polar ice-caps has been highly variable. Invoking rapid and high-amplitude sea-level change for cyclic carbonate development in ‘ice house’ time is reasonable, but it becomes more difficult in, ‘greenhouse’ times. In addition, any cycles developed by an orbital forcing mechanism ought of be of great lateral extent, but cycles of limited lateral extent have been described in the literature (e.g. Pratt and James, 1986). A popular autocyelic mechanism to explain carbonate rhythms, attributable to R.N. Ginsburg, is the tidal-at progradational model (James, 1984). Here, the area of carbonate production is reduced gradually and over whelmed eventually by tidal-flat progradation. Because the carbonate factory can no longer supply material to the tidal flats, progradation ceases, and the reduced-productivity carbonate platform is unable to keep pace with continuing relative sea-level rise, subsides, and is flooded during the cnsting transgression. During transgression, the carbonate factory is re-established and the cycle recommences. This, mechanism has been used to explain intervals that cannot, be interpreted easily in terms of orbital forcing, and where tidal-lat_progradation is evident. Lankester (1993) has suggested that a similar mechanism may be applicable to the platform-top facies of the Miocene of Majorca for the highest frequency cycles, which show no evidence for sea-Jeretchange, and Goldhammer et al. (1993) have speculated that such an autocyclic mechanism may be responsible for high-frequency carbonate cycles of the Ordovician of Texas described above. An additional autocyclic mechanism pro- posed by Pratt and James (1986) is the tidal island model. Here, a carbonate platform is never exposed or flooded cmirely, but is covered with tidalflat islands, These islands aay progeade or build vertically, and may coalesce with one another. On doing so, the subtidal area for carbonate production may decrease, and the coalesced island may sulside. Hydrographic forces also may shift the site of sedimentation to a new area, and a new island may develop asthe old one subsides. This model was invoked originally toexplain the lack of lateral continuity of carbonate cycles inthe Ordovician St George Group, Newfoundland (Pratt and James, 1986). 10.6 Conclusions Carbonate sequence stratigraphy has elements in common With silciclastic systems. However, there are many features that are specific to carbonates that need to be considered ‘carefully before a sequence stratigraphic interpretation of a carbonate system is undertaken. The following check-list, summarizes the most important points. 1 Carbonate is generally produced in platform-top environ- ments. Carbonate production usually exceeds the rate of, creation of accommodation, especially during highstand, and this carbonate will bypass the platform top and be discharged into adjacentbasins, a process termed ‘highstand, shedding’. Most carbonate is shed into deeper water during, highstand in contrast to siliciclastic systems. 2 Carbonate platforms accumulate at or close to sea-level, and provide excellent depth indicators for interpreting, relative sea-level changes. Carbonate platforms also are susceptible to repeated subaerial exposure because of the water depths in which they accumulate, and abundant smallscale (a few to several metres) carbonate cycles commonly are developed in carbonate platform-top enviton- ments, Analysis of the stacking patterns of carbonate cycles, can enable a sequence stratigraphic interpretation to be made. Fischer plots may be of some use in stacking pattern analysis, 3 Organic carbonate production usually can keep pace With sea-level rise, except where the rise is very rapid or where the environment of carbonate production deterio- rates. Environmental deterioration may be caused by changes in light penetration, salinity, oxygenation, nutrient levels, siliciclastic input and predation. It is usually very difficult to identify the cause of environmental deterioration, in the rock record. 4 Organic carbonate systems may build much more ag dational margins than siiciclastic systems, especially during, transgression. Backstepping is less common in organic carbonate systems, except where environmental deterio- 5 ‘Drowning unconformities’ developed over carbonate systems may share certain geometrical characteristics with sequence boundaries. From seismic data alone it may be difficult to distinguish between these two surfaces. 6 Apparent sequence boundaries can be produced by changes in the grade of carbonate sediment accumulating ‘on depositional slopes. These ap yy be difficult to distinguish from genuine sequence boundaries, especially on seismic data. 7 Relative sea-level fall usually will result in exposure of much of the carbonate platform area, depending on the geometry of the carbonate system. Subaerial exposure will tend not to yield much carbonate debris co the basin, because carbonates will tend to be eroded chemically, rather than physically. Ifthe carbonate platform is attached, siliciclastic material may be transported into the basin at this time. 8 The effects of subacrial exposure on the carbonate plat form will be climate dependent. Humid climates will result in major dissolution and reprecipitation of carbonate, and may form karst terrains. Arid climates will result in less intense carbonate diagenesis, bur potentially more evaporite precipitation on the exposed carbonate shelf and in the baCHAPTER ELEVEN Organic-rich Facies and Hydrocarbon Source Rocks 1A Ineroduction 11.1.1 Controls on organic richness and source potential 11.1.2 Source rocks, tectonics and sea level change 1.2 Dektafeoastal plain oxganicrich Facies 1 and source rocks 11.2.1 Sequence stratigraphic significance of coals 11.1 Introduction Sequence stratigraphy provides a useful geological frame- work for considering the distribution of organic-rich facies {source-rocks*). It can allow a seismic, well or outcrop section to be subdivided into systems tracts in which the factors conteolling source-rock deposition can be considered. Understanding the sequence stratigraphic context ofa source rock is necessary in order 0 predict its lateral extent and variability. However, it should be emphasized that source- rocks cannot be predicted from stratal geometries alone because there are too many variables involved (Fig. 11.1). This chapter first explores the controls on deposition of dorganic-rich facies and to what extent these can be predicted from sequence stratigraphic analysis. It then considers in derail the sequence stratigraphic context of coals and trans- _gessive marine black shales and concludes by describing stratigraphic models for organic-tich carbonate facies. 11.1.1. Controls on organic richness and source potential Enhanced organic matter preservation is a function of many factors, the most important being the physiogeo raphy of the basin, climate, terrestrial organic productivity, marine aquatic organic productivity, oceanic circulation, sedimentation rate and water depth (Fig, 11.1). A number of these factors clearly are not predictable from systems tract analysis alone, eg. climate and oceanic circulation. + An oil prone source-tock compris sediments that are rich in organic earbon aun contain organic material ufc hydrogen wo avert ail to ‘om maturation (Tote al, 1974) 11.2.2 Geochemistry of delta plas 18 Masi lorganictich faces 11.3 Organicrich facies and systems tacts in clastic systems 11.3.1 Lovstand systems tract 2 Transgressive systems tract 3 Highstand systems tract Carhonate Source Rocks 114.1 Genetic classification scheme 11.4.2 Intereorbonace build-up 11.43 Ineeaplatform depression 1144 Uneestrcted basin margin 114.5 Deep ocean basin Conclusions Terrestrial organic productivity Terrestrial organic productivity is a primary influence on the development of coals and coaly sediments deposited in, coastal/delta-plain environments. McCabe (1984) con siders that the potential for modern peat accumulation ia complex function of climate, which controls the balance between the rates of plant production and decay. Hot, humid climates favour plant production and cool climates favour plant preservation. The nature of the plantecosystem has a strong influence on the type of organic matter pre served and hence the potential for oil- or gas-prone source: rock development (section 11.2.2). Terrestrial organic matter supply The rate of terrestrial organic matter supply to marine sediments is controlled principally by the nature of the floral ecosystem in the hinterland, the grain size of the sediment and the distance from the shoreline (Schlesinger and Mellack, 1981). Terrestrial organic productivity was negligible in pre-Devonian times and therefore little is preserved in marine sediments. Terrestrial organic matter will, because of its low density and grain size, tend to be concentrated in the fine-grained mud and silt facies of the systems tract. Terrestrial organic matter supply rates will be highest in fine-grained sediments in close proximity to wwell-vegetated deltas. Swamp and marsh areas are particu: larly important sources of terrestrial organic matter. Supply decreases exponentially with increasing distance from the shoreline and increasing water depth. However, shel-edge deltas potentially may deliver high terrestrial organic matter fluxes to the upper slope, and submarine canyons may tapClimate “eesti Basin prysoneearnhy Satanic po cen oe susely + —_ Serle! Marine aquatic organic productty Fg. 11.1 The thar most marine petroleum rocks were deposited undes Sources of terrestrial organic master in the coastal plain and ttansport it directly into deep water settings. Primary productivity Oilprone kerogen in marine source-rocks originates pre- dominantly from marine phytoplankton. The flux of algal ‘organic matter to marine sediments is a function of primary organic productivity in the photic zone and water depth (Cabert, 1987; Schwartzkopf, 1993). Zones of high organic productivity usually occur in the vicinity of continents Zones of particularly high productivity are located in areas of coastal upwelling, where shore-parallel winds result in upwelling of nutrient-rich deep water. Modern upwelling eas are concentrated on the westeen margin of modern continents (Pelet, 1987). Note, however, that palaco- productivity prediction in the geological record is difficult. Palscoclimatic models can allow prediction of prevailing wind patterns and hence upwelling areas in the geological record. The accuracy of these predictions of upwelling areas is very variable (R. Miller, pers. comm.) Water depth The flux of carbon from surface productivity to bottom sediments is strongly influenced by water depth. Degradation and recycling of organic matter in the water column (whether xic or anoxic) sharply reduces the carbon flux at shallow water depths. At 1000m water depth, the carbon flux is < 10% of the value at 100m water depth (Suess, 1980; Teter et al, 1984), As a general rule-of-thumb, the supply tors that influence the organic richness and source noxie bottom water conditions. The development of anoxic conditions is sintrolled by the factors shown. Stippled zone highlights the transgressive systems tract. potential of sediments in clastic depositional systems. Note “MES, maximum flooding surface of marine algal organic matter t0 bottom sediments is likely to decrease with increasing water depth and distance from the shoreline, owing to lower surface productivity and remineralization in the water column (Schwartzkopf, 1993). Organie matter preservation Aquatic organic matter derived from phytoplankton is the main precursor of cil-prone kerogen. Preservation of oil- Prone organic matter in sediments is greatly enhanced under anoxict bottom-water conditions (Demaison and Moore, 1980) which develop where oxygen demand from decaying organic matter exceeds supply. Anoxic conditions result from restricted vertical circulation of sea-water andi or high biological productivity. Physiogeographic restriction helps limit the warer colamn circulation, and hence the resupply of oxygen to bottom waters. It ix a favourable element for predicting anoxic environments. Physiogeographic restriction may take several forms and occur at a variety of scales. Examples include classic silled or intra-shelf basins; geographically restricted oceanic basins, such as the Gulf of Mexico and An basins in Cretaceous times; and geographically enclosed epeitic seaways, such as the Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway, USA, the Jurassic of the North Sea and the Holocene Black Sea. 4 Anoxia suse hereto cover oth teu anoxic and oxygen depleted dysarobie (<0. ml oxygen botwan waters unde which organi mater preseeation chanced 2390 ca 0 or oF 5 ‘SIVAISAS 38NOS 40°ON 4 vl oe » -----1 ---x wore 2 sal wouen0 “Z asoroa | auwino vansHas men) av SOINOLDAL ‘uh YSnans 902 gounos Uo Sone‘Water column stratification enhances the probability of oxic conditions developing by inhibiting bottom-water glenishment. A positive water balance occurs where run- from land and rainfall excceds evaporation. A less lense freshwater cap forms over more saline marine water, a restricted circulation may lead to episodically anoxic ‘ondtions in basins of limited extent (see Fleet et al.'s (1987), scussion of the Lower Jurassic of Southern England). A Iegative water balance means that evaporation exceeds supply by runoff and rainfall. Dense saline water sinks to feed the bottom waters, which may become anoxic as oxygen is used by the degradation of organic matter. This isthe model commonly used to explain anoxia in Jurassic aged intrashelf basins in the Middle Rast (eg, Droste, 1990), Stratification and hence anoxic conditions can persist only below the surface mixing layer, ic. effectively below ‘gor wave base. The surface mixing layer thickness varies ‘vith wind and tide energy in the basin, and usnally is ‘ithin the range 50-200 m. Devanic circulation Water column oxygen profiles are key factors in predicting anoxic conditions and hence source potential in deep-water sediments of the continental slope and ise. In present-day oceans, the dissolved oxygen minimum is at depths of 100-1000m because most oxidation of sinking organic Inatter occurs at these depths. However, at present the ‘oxygen minimum is rarely sufficiently intense to give anoxic ‘onltions and enhance organic matter preservation. Oxygen Contents rise below the oxygen minimum zone because deep occan water today is supplied by cold, oxygen-rich polar waters. The oxygen content of ocean bottom-water therefore decreases with increasing distance from the poles. The oxygen minimum (and hence anoxic conditions) is presently most intense in areas of high surface productivity, ie upwelling areas. Where the oxygen minimum is intense, anoxic conditions may occur on the upper slope and outer continental shelf. Although itis understood that oceanic circulation patterns inust have changed dramatically through geological time, prdiction of ancient water-column oxygen profiles is diffi ‘ult, For example, at times of high global sea-level and nore extensive continental shelves, the oxygen minimum done may have covered large areas of the continental shelf. nan ice-free Earth, sources of deep water may have been the warm and saline waters from low latitudes rather than the present-day cold and less saline polar waters. This could have resulted in an expanded oxygen minimum zone [Brass et al., 1982). Palacogeography is a pointer to past areas of intense oxygen minima. Intense minima seem to have occurred in physiogcogeaphically restricted areas of the oceans, distant from the main body of the oceans (e.g, Cretaceous Arctic Ocean, Cretaceous Gulf of Mexico). Sedimentation rate Changes in sedimentation rate and, in particular, intervals ‘of condensed sedimentation can be predicted from sequence stratigraphic analysis, Ithas been suggested that condensed sections are likely candidates for source-rock intervals (Loui, ef al,, 1988). However, sedimentation can have either a positive or negative effect on organic carbon preservation (see review in Schwarzkopf, 1993). The relationship between ‘organic preservation and sedimentation rate is complex, because it is a delicate balance between enhanced preser- vation through rapid burial and dilut nie matter by lastic material during rapid sedimentation (Schwartzkopf, 1993). Nevertheless, there are increasing numbers of case studies demonstrating the correlation between enhanced organic preservation and regional transgression and, in particular, anoxic condensed facies (Hallam and Bradshaw, 1979; Demaison and Moore, 1980; Jenkyns, 1980; Loutit ef al, 1988; Leckie et al, 1990; Palsey et al, 19913 Creaney and Passey, 1993). 11.1.2 Source-rocks, tectonics and sea-level change Figure 11.2 shows the distribution of the world’s major source rocks for oil through geological time (based on an -house compilation). Certain plate tectonic configurations, in the past were favourable for source-rock deposition. Peaks of marine source-rock development in late Devonian and in the Late Jurassic to Cretaceous coincide with con- tinental break-up and peaks in extensional activity in the ‘Wilson Cycle’ of global plate tectonic movements. These periods also coincide with peaks in the first-order sea-level, ede. ‘The vast majority of source-rocks form in extensional tectonic settings, particularly passive margins, and intra- ‘ratonic and back-arc basins. A low in marine source-rock, development occurs in the Permo-Carboniferous interval, at a time of predominantly contractual tectonic activity and widespread glaciation. Note also the influence of stratigraphic age. Gas-prone, land-plant-derived, source rocks are present only since the Devonian, Delta top oil-prone source-rocks are restricted to the late Mesozoic and Cenozoic times, coincident with the evolution of the lowering angiosperms. 11.2 Delta/coastal plain organic-rich facies and source rocks 11.2.1 Sequence stratigraphic significance of coals Coals can form in a variety of basin settings. For example, Tertiary coals in southeast Asia formed predominantly in extensional basins, whereas the widespread Upper Cretaccous coal deposits in westem USA formed in a foreland basin setting. Autochthonous coals are an import- ant component of delta/coastal plain deposits because theyrepresent vertical accumulation of sediment and hence pure aggradation of the delta/coastal plain. Controls on coal formation are many and varied, but given favourable fac- tors, such as a hot and wet climate, a stable, high ground water table and no clastic infux to the peat forming mire, coals can accumulate rapidly on the delta/coastal plain (McCabe, 1984). Recently, it has been proposed that coals ‘ean be used for regional correlation in non-marine basins (Hamilton and Tadros, 1994). Peat accumulation rates in modern Arctic climates are very slow compared with modern tropical climates, where rates of 2.5 m per 1000 years are typical and where rates up to Sm per 1000 years have been recorded (Fig. 11.3). In ancient coal deposits itis worth considering the time required for the accumulation of thick coals. After allowing for ‘compaction, a 3m coal seam deposited at 1.8m per 1000 years may have required favourable conditions to persist for perhaps 16 000 years. Rates of coal accumulation there fore can be rapid but ultimately are limited by the rate of base level (relative sea-level) rise. Modern coal swamps are unlikely to be able to keep pace with the most rapid rates of Holocene eustatic sea-level rise of 20m per 1000 years (Fairbanks, 1989), Coals accumulaté at or close to base level, and it follows thar for a thick coal to accumulate, aggradation of the delta/coastal plain must occur. In other words, the rate of coal accumulation and the rate of creation of sediment accommodation must balance. In addition the coal swamp must be effectively sheltered from clastic input in order for low-ash coals to accumulate. It is suggested that the devel- ‘opment of raised mires on the coastal plain is necessary for this 10 occur (e.g. McCabe and Shanley, 1993). Raised mires occur where the build-up of waterlogged peat elevates the surface of the mire above regional ground-water tables. In southeast Asia, raised mites tens of kilometres across can be elevated up to 7m above adjacent flood plains (Cameron et al, 1989). | o «8 os « 56 6 (Coal accumulation rate myear (10°) Fig. 11.3 Modern coal (peat) accumulation rates in different ‘geographical settings 242 The development of coals during progeadation and aba donment of a delta lobe will now be considered (Fig. 11.4}. Coals can form in local depocentres on the delta plain during active delta progradation. These coals are likely 10 be thin owing to low delta:plain aggradation rates, and discontinuous owing to erosion by active allavial channels and dilution by clastic sediment. Thick regionally extensive coals are more likely to form during abandonment of a delta lobe. The abandoned delta lobe will subside at a rate governed by subsidence and eustasy. IF the abandonment phase persists, sediment starvation can ensue and a thick coal may accumulate, Eventually, either through a drop in coal accumulation rate or an increase in the rate of relative sea-level rise, the delta plain is flooded by transgressive marine sediments and the cycle begins again. Workers in the Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway, USA have related the stratigraphic position of coals to parasequence stacking patterns (Ryer, 1984; Levey, 1985; ‘Cross, 19883 Shanley and McCabe, 1993). Coals developed, in coastal plain mires extending several tens of kilometres landward of coeval shorelines (Fig. 11.5). Coals are thickest landward of aggradational parasequence sets, i.e. where the shoreline stacks vertically. Coals associated with basin: ward and landward stepping parasequences are thinner (Cross, 1988). Ryer (1984) specifically relates the largest coal fields in Utah with extensive aggeadational stacking of parasequences (fourth-order cycles) developed at the trans: agressive and regressive maxima of third-order cycles. The inference from these observations is that thick coals corre late with periods of rapid coastal plain aggradation, How- ever, the fact that coals can form up to 45% of the coastal plain suecession in these deposits, and that low-ash coals accumulate only 4m from a clastic shoreline, requires, further thought. Shanley and McCabe (1993) suggest that, the formation of raised mires in the coastal plain can stabilize the shoreline during moderate rates of sea-level rise, inhibiting transgression and encouraging vertical stack ing of facies belts in much the same way as a carbonate platform margin might behave (Chapter 10). 11.2.2 Geochemistry of delta plain organic-rich facies ‘The controls on the oil or gas-prone nature of organic-ich delta/coastal plain sequences are still debated. It is known that some late Cretaceous and Tertiary delta/coastal plain source-rocks have sourced significant quantities of oil, but can oil-prone delta/coastal plain source rocks be predicted? This is a complex subject for which generalized rules-of thumb can sometimes be misleading (Fig. 11.6). Cil-prone terrigenous kerogen is derived from plant cuticles and resins. It is thought that only in post-Jurassie times have plants had sufficient foliage to yield significant amounts of oil-prone kerogen (there is uncertainty over late Triassic and Jurassic land plants). Pre-Jurassic land plants would yield gas-prone kerogen. Hot, wet climates are conducive t0 the production of@ Tin eecontnuose cole Progradation 1988) high foliage : wood ratio plant communities with potentially, high yields of oil-prone kerogen. Cool, wer climates with gymnosperm (coniferous) dominated plant communities, have yielded prolific resiniferous oil-prone kerogen in some Gretaceous delta/coastal plains in Australasia. Dry climates, result in predominantly gas-prone kerogen. Preservation of oil-prone terrigenous kerogen is thought to be enhanced in the brackish to saline conditions of the lower delea/coastal plain. Upper delta-plain (freshwater influenced) coalsand coaly sediments re considered mainly to be gas-prone, It sometimes may be possible to map coal distributions sing techniques such as seismic attribute and seismic facies analysis given well calibration. However, the prediction of relative oil- or gas-prone potential of delta/coastal plain sediments in a seismic package is very difficult, if not impossible. Firstly, the differentiation of lower and upper delta plain settings within the top sets of a seismic sequence isunlikely. Secondly, the relative oil- and gas-prone poten- tial of coals can vary laterally both within and between individual coal seams. Finally, there is presently no con- sensus over the relative potential of coals and associated carbonaceous shales. Koy: Sand Prone Datta Plain and Deta Front Sity Mudctonos in Prodetta ERE Oifshore Marine Mudstones, EES coal ES 11.4 Cartoons illustrating coal formation during progradation and abandonment of a delta lobe (after Allen and Mercier, 11.3. Organic-rich facies and systems tracts in clastic systems The following section attempts to integrate some of the controls on clastic source-rock development described earlier within a sequence stratigraphic framework, Source-rock development is discussed within a series of systems tracts, developed during a cycle of changing relative sea-level. The systems tract block diagrams are adapted from those pub- lished by Posamentier and Vail (1988). 11.3.1. Lowstand systems tract Significant coal accumulation on the coastal plain is unlikely in the early lowstand systems tract and terrestrial organic, matter is likely to be highly oxidized. The shelf and upper slope are considered t0 be zones of sediment bypass and hence source potential there is negligible (Fig. 11.7). Ter- restrial organic matter supply is limited to locally reworked material in basinal fan deposits. [Fanoxic conditions persist in the basin a condensed basinal source-rock facies may occur away from the sediment entry points. The lowstand, prograding wedge has some potential for coal development during the aggradational phase but the areal extent of the 243FERRON SANDSTONE, TURONIAN, UTAH, Landard-¢ + Seawara ROCK SPRINGS FORMATION, CAMPANIAN, WYOMING. Landers <—_—+ Seaward seat ‘500 o ADAVILLE FORMATON, CAMPANIAN, WYOMING andar <——____—+ Seaward Fig. 11.5 Diageammatic cross-sections illustrating the distribution of coal relative to the position of the shoreline in different stratigraphic intervals of the Cretaceous, Western Interior Seaway, USA. Shorelines stepping basinward indicate progradation, whereas shorelines stacking vertically indi aggradation and shorelines stepping landward indicate retrogradation (from Cross, 1988) ‘onganic-rich facies will be restricted to the incised valleys and associated canyons. Marine organic-rich slope and basinal facies are unlikely owing tothe rapid sedimentation rates. Although marine source-rocks could occur, overall this appears to be the least prospective systems tract for source-rock development. 244 2 Transgressive systems tract This is the most important systems tract for the develop ment of marine oil-prone source rocks. Many authors have noted the correlation between the occurrence of organic: rich facies and regional transgression (Hillam and Bradshayy 1979; Demaison and Moore, 1980; Jenkyns, 1980; Loutt etal. 1988; and see Fig. 11.2), However, not all transgressive systems tracts result in deposition of organic-rich facies The link is complex and is explored in some detail in this section, General features of the transgressive systems tract In the transgressive systems tract the shoreline retreat, landward, resulting in a progressive increase in the ge ‘graphical extent of shallow-marine shelf deposition, reaching a maximum at the maximum flooding surface. Increasing distance from the contemporary shoreline results in reduced clastic sediment supply and reduced terrestrial organic matter supply t0 the outer shelf and slope. Very low sedimentation rates on the shelf and slope can resalt in deposition of a condensed facies (Fig. 11.8) However, reduced sedimentation rates alone will not result in deposition of organic rich facies. Enhanced presee vation of organic matter in poorly oxygenated benthic environments is a common characteristic of transgressive black shales (c-g- Demaison and Moore, 1980; Oschmann, 1988; Miller, 1990; Wignall, 1991a,b. Shallow water depths on the shelf result in high organic fluxes and there: fore high oxygen demand. The higher the surface pro- ductivity, the higher is oxygen demand in the bottom ‘waters. In the surface mixing layer above storm wave base storms and tidal currents can effectively mix the water column and reoxygenate the bottom waters. It follows that the sediment—water interface will have to remain below the surface mixing layer (H) for oxygen deficient/depleted conditions to persist for significant periods of time, The ‘depth (I) will vary depending on storm and tide energy. For example, H1 may be shallower on wide shelves compared with narrow shelves owing to reduced tidal and wave activity (Hallam and Bradshaw, 1980). Development of a stratified water column and physiogeographic restriction will increase the chances of anoxic conditions and organic- Fich facies development during transgression. Models for source-rock development In the model shown (Fig. 11.9), the basin is permanently anoxic below a certain water depth, marking the base of the surface mixing layer. A distal deep-water, relatively, condensed, source-rock facies occurs in an anoxic basin ‘entre in the distal toc-sets of both lowstand and highstand systems tracts, which would be manifested as a downlap, surface on seismic sections. The transgressive systems tract results in landward translation of this facies belt until the‘AND LAKES. 2 i a Controls: eyo Be 1G imate ay ra Age SREP EE —— sare, nent, resins 7 28 cerggen cams} Si TERRESTAIAL | odrSe FACIES stun ‘Cotamer | Boro} WATER tae COLRIET > JURASSIC Fig. 11.6 Cartoon illustrating different types of source-rock setting on a typical modern delta plain from southeast Asia (based on the Klang Delta). Lower delta-plain environments are thought to be areas where the preserva likely to generate oil) is enhanced in brackish alkaline environments. Hot humid climatic regimes in the post 0-wood ratio plant communities, which, given favourable preservation, nos favourable for generating high foliage ‘kposiion of oiLprone coal source rocks, deeper water condensed source-rock facies impinges on the transgressed shelf. In this model the greatest extent of source-rock facies will coincide with the time of maximum, flooding. During subsequent highstand progradation, water depths decrease and the area of source-rock deposition gradually shrinks. Thus source rocks are not restricted to a particular systems tract but expand to a maximum during, the transgressive systems tract. This model is similar to the ‘expanding puddle’ model of Wignall (199 a), derived from the study of black shale deposits in epicontinental shelf seas, (fig. 11.10). It is less applicable to passive continental margins, where the deep ocean may be well-oxygenated. Wireline logs are particularly useful in characterizing source rocks (Passey et al., 1990; Myers and Jenkyns, 1992), Creaney and Passey (1993) noted that many marine ikprone source rocks are characterized by an initially abrupt upward increase in organic richness, against back~ ground values, and a subsequent gradual decrease in rich- ness (Fig. 11-11). They attributed this pattern to the control ‘of organic carbon contents by clastic sedimentation rate under anoxic bottom water conditions. The initially rapid ion of vik-prone (organic matter accous era are the can eesult in increase in TOC (total organic carbon) results from a rapid decrease in the rate of clastic sediment supply to the shelf during transgression. The subsequent gradual decrease in TOC reflects increasing clastic sediment supply and dilution of organic carbon during highstand progradation. In this model, the source interval would thicken from the ba: margin into a series of stacked source intervals in the basin centre. Wignall (199 1a) interprets the Toarcian black shales, ‘of England to be of this type. ‘An alternative model is where the anoxic conditions develop only in the transgressive systems tract itself (Fig. 11.12). Basinal areas will have interbedded source facies deposited in the TST, with non-source facies deposited in the HST and LST. Shelfal source-rocks are restricted to the TST. This model implies that the palacogeographic con- ditions necessary for anoxia to develop are unique to the transgressive systems tract. Leckie et al. (1990) document an example from the Cretaceous Shaftsbury Formation of Canada, where a nearshore organic-rich zone deposited during rapid transgression passes basinward to more nor- mally oxygenated sediments. In this ease, a nearshore zone 245 2 = g >oa oats Shetcusmorged Food caste input te shotsopo and teresa om. supply -ighproducthy and halo water depth tm set may est 9 ‘roc condtons i fSednertvater trace ISbabow the surece rig ayer ‘Nuine o-rone souree- oc wl only be epee ance Contos Seolop—not al vansressions give foureesoss onshetand rich facies development (after Posamentier and Vail, 1988) af high productivity is assumed to be localized in the transgeessve systems tract, Ie-should be clear from the above that although there is a general relationship between source rocks and transgression, the stratigraphy of organic facies is complex in detail. This complexity is shown by the work of Curiale et al. (1991) and Palsey etal, (191) in the Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway. Curiale et al, (1991) show maximum organic richness occurring in the early highstand systems tract above the condensed section associated with maximum susan nconession tek 356 suruce | Te xannsreanscression \ seowsi2 | 2 fener Lan Fig. 11.9 Chronosteatigraphic implications of a source-cock mo basin at times of both maximum transgression and regression. Ti Marine i-prone sourca-ocks Condtone develop fig. 11.8 Schematic cartoon of a transgressive systems tract on a shelf-break margin adapted to show the potential for or COALS AND COAL SEDIMENTS IN COASTAL PLAIN 1 As highstand tract 1 Distbulon may be 2ographicaly fore restricted ‘dope anoxic NEARSHORE ee ‘TaansGReSsIve Pave sent SANDS. vt High energy, oor source Condensed ofshore Fetental mai feces ganic- flooding in the Cenomanian~Turonian interval they studied. Palsey ef al. (1991), in contrast, show that in the overlying, Coniacian strata, maximum organic richness occurs in the transgressive systems tract below the condensed section associated with maximum flooding. Organic richness will vary from the proximal to distal portions of the systems tract and should not be considered to be uniform. A common problem for the petroleum, geologist is to extrapolate a source-rock proven in the shelfal portion of a transgressive systems tract into the (CHRONOSTRATIGRAPHIC IMPLICATIONS NeARSHORE ‘COASTALIDELTA PLAIN (DWAR. + BASINWARD the rich odel where organic-rich rocks are developed in a distal facies in ‘ansgression serves only to spread the area covered by orgs facies landward. MFS, maximum flooding surface; TST, transgressive systems tractte) tonsran na ue tte 7" Steet = TL ‘deposition 0) TaANsaRESSION eninp ute ek seta