Epidemiologia Hidrocefalia

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Age-specific global epidemiology of

hydrocephalus: Systematic review,
metanalysis and global birth surveillance
Albert M. Isaacs ID1,2, Jay Riva-Cambrin1,3, Daniel Yavin1, Aaron Hockley ID1,4, Tamara
M. Pringsheim5,6, Nathalie Jette5,7, Brendan Cord Lethebe8, Mark Lowerison8,
Jarred Dronyk1, Mark G. Hamilton1*
1 Division of Neurosurgery, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta,
Canada, 2 Department of Neuroscience, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri,
a1111111111 United States of America, 3 Department of Neurosurgery, Alberta Children’s Hospital, University of Calgary,
a1111111111 Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 4 Department of Orthopedic Surgery, New York University, New York, New York,
a1111111111 United States of America, 5 Division of Neurology, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, University of
a1111111111 Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 6 Department of Neurology, Alberta Children’s Hospital, University of
a1111111111 Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 7 Department of Neurology, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai,
New York, New York, United States of America, 8 Clinical Research Unit, University of Calgary, Calgary,
Alberta, Canada

* [email protected]


Citation: Isaacs AM, Riva-Cambrin J, Yavin D,

Hockley A, Pringsheim TM, Jette N, et al. (2018)
Age-specific global epidemiology of
hydrocephalus: Systematic review, metanalysis
and global birth surveillance. PLoS ONE 13(10):
e0204926. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal. Hydrocephalus is a debilitating disorder, affecting all age groups. Evaluation of its global epi-
pone.0204926 demiology is required for healthcare planning and resource allocation.
Editor: Wisit Cheungpasitporn, University of
Mississippi Medical Center, UNITED STATES Objectives
Received: June 21, 2018 To define age-specific global prevalence and incidence of hydrocephalus.
Accepted: September 17, 2018
Published: October 1, 2018
Population-based studies reporting prevalence of hydrocephalus were identified (MED-
Copyright: © 2018 Isaacs et al. This is an open
access article distributed under the terms of the LINE, EMBASE, Cochrane, and Google Scholar (1985–2017)). Preferred Reporting Items
Creative Commons Attribution License, which for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines were followed. Two authors
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reviewed abstracts, full text articles and abstracted data. Metanalysis and meta-regressions
reproduction in any medium, provided the original
were used to assess associations between key variables. Heterogeneity and publication
author and source are credited.
bias were assessed. Main outcome of interest was hydrocephalus prevalence among pedi-
Data Availability Statement: All relevant data are
atric ( 18 years), adults (19–64 years), and elderly ( 65) patients. Annual hydrocephalus
within the paper and its Supporting Information
files. incidence stratified by country income level and folate fortification requirements were
obtained (2003–2014) from the International Clearinghouse for Birth Defects Surveillance
Funding: This study has been sponsored by the
Public Health Agency of Canada. Funding was and Research (ICBDSR).
received by Drs. Mark Hamilton, Tamara
Pringsheim and Nathalie Jette. However, the funder Results
had no role in study design, data collection, data
analysis, data interpretation, writing of the report, Of 2,460 abstracts, 52 met review eligibility criteria (aggregate population 171,558,651).
or decision to submit the findings for publication. Mean hydrocephalus prevalence was 85/100,000 [95% CI 62, 116]. The prevalence was

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Global epidemiology of hydrocephalus

Competing interests: The authors have declared 88/100,000 [95% CI 72, 107] in pediatrics; 11/100,000 [95% CI 5, 25] in adults; and 175/
that no competing interests exist. 100,000 [95% CI 67, 458] in the elderly. The ICBDSR-based incidence of hydrocephalus
diagnosed at birth remained stable over 11 years: 81/100,000 [95% CI 69, 96]. A signifi-
cantly lower incidence was identified in high-income countries.

This systematic review established age-specific global hydrocephalus prevalence. While
high-income countries had a lower hydrocephalus incidence according to the ICBDSR regis-
try, folate fortification status was not associated with incidence. Our findings may inform
future healthcare resource allocation and study.

Hydrocephalus encompasses a heterogeneous group of pathologies, characterized by abnormal
dilatation of the cerebral ventricles[1]. While untreated hydrocephalus may result in progres-
sive neurologic injury and death, complete resolution of symptoms can be achieved with early
diagnosis and surgical intervention.[2] Hydrocephalus can present at any age and is a major
cause of mortality and morbidity worldwide.[3, 4] Nevertheless, there is heterogeneity in the
reported prevalence and incidence of hydrocephalus, often without reference to age or etiol-
ogy.[5] Despite the substantial demands it places on patients and healthcare providers, hydro-
cephalus is under-recognized, and incentives to attract specialized health care providers and
researchers in the field are limited. With a four-fold variation in reported rates, accurate
resource allocation and planning is challenging, which negatively impacts efforts to improve
patient outcomes. Defining the global epidemiology of hydrocephalus is a logical first step to
understand its burden. Better epidemiologic information will facilitate recommendations for
appropriate research and patient-care resource mobilization. Dewan et. al. recently presented
a systematic review and metanalysis of the region-specific global incidence of childhood
hydrocephalus.[6] The aim of our study was two-fold: 1) to utilize the International Clearing-
house Centre for Birth Defects Surveillance and Research (ICBDSR) registry to determine the
incidence of childhood hydrocephalus and understand the effect of country-specific income
level and mandatory folate fortification on the reported incidence rates; and 2) to determine
the age- and region-specific global prevalence of hydrocephalus using a systematic review and
metanalysis of published reports.

Prevalence of hydrocephalus (systematic review and meta-analysis)
Data on the prevalence of hydrocephalus were obtained through a systematic review and met-
analysis of published peer-reviewed population-based articles specific to the epidemiology of
hydrocephalus. The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses
(PRISMA) guidelines were followed.[7] (see S1 Table for checklist).
Protocol and registration. A study protocol was registered with the PROSPERO Interna-
tional prospective register of systematic reviews [CRD42017060276].[8]
Eligibility criteria. Peer-reviewed studies reporting the prevalence of hydrocephalus
between January 1985 and March 2017 were included. Studies that did not report original data

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Global epidemiology of hydrocephalus

in English or French were excluded. To determine study eligibility, two reviewers indepen-
dently screened abstracts and identified full-texts.
Information sources. MEDLINE, EMBASE, Cochrane and Google Scholar databases
were searched for human studies using terms specific to the epidemiology of hydrocephalus
(see S1 Fig for sample search strategy). The reference list of the included studies as well as
review articles were screened to ensure additional relevant studies were not missed. The date
of last search was March 1, 2017. Upon discussion with a group of experts in hydrocephalus,
additional studies not found in the review were added.
Search. A search strategy on the epidemiology of hydrocephalus was developed in consul-
tation with two clinical epidemiologists and a research librarian (S1 Fig).
Study selection. Following the removal of duplicate citations, abstracts were screened
independently by two reviewers. Abstracts of the included titles underwent a similar review
process and all non-population-based studies were excluded. Full text review of these selected
articles was carried out, again, by two independent reviewers. Discrepancies between reviewers
occurred 8 times at various stages and were settled through discussions with the senior author
Data collection process. Two reviewers independently extracted data in duplicate, and
any discrepancies were evaluated to confirm accuracy. For each study, a standardized form,
was used to extract the demographics of the study population, location and number of con-
firmed hydrocephalus cases, period of data collection, diagnostic criteria, imaging modalities
and ancillary tests used to diagnose hydrocephalus, as well as any reported prevalence and con-
fidence intervals. The sources of the collected data (surveys, administrative databases, chart
reviews and registries) were also recorded. The prevalence of hydrocephalus was obtained
from the number of cases and total population sampled by each study, as was stratification by
age, when possible (see S2 Fig for data form).
Study heterogeneity and publication bias. Sources of between-study heterogeneity such
as the source of primary data collection, year of patient recruitment, year of publication, coun-
try of publication, and study quality were explored. Publication bias was visually investigated
with funnels plots and were statistically analyzed using the Begg and Egger tests.[9, 10]
Study quality. A validated Quality Assessment 8-point Scoring System was used to assess
study quality.[11, 12] Each study was assigned a summative quality score (Table 1) ranging
from 0 to 8, which was obtained by scoring a point for each of: surveying an entire population
or using probability sampling; clearly defining the study population; representativeness of the
target population; use of standardized methods for data collection; use of validated criteria to
assess for hydrocephalus; outlining response rates and defining non-responses in applicable
studies; and for reporting confidence intervals.[12] Only studies that scored 3 or above were
deemed eligible for inclusion.
Summary measures. Hydrocephalus was defined as radiographic evidence of ventriculo-
megaly with correlating clinical symptoms of the syndrome, and papers that did not specify
this were excluded[1]. Hydrocephalus associated with spina bifida was recorded separately.
New ventricular shunting surgery and ETV done for treatment of hydrocephalus were
accepted as surrogate indicators for the identification of hydrocephalus. Revision shunt surger-
ies and revision ETV’s were excluded. The number of reported cases and the population
assessed were analyzed in each reported population group for the prevalence of hydrocephalus
per study. As prevalence is a proportion, study estimates were combined using a log transfor-
mation to normalize the data.
Synthesis of results (prevalence analysis). The prevalence of hydrocephalus was analyzed
for specific age groups: pediatric (perinatal to age 18), adults (age 19 to 64), and elderly (age 65
and above) and by continent. The prevalence models were further stratified by country,

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Global epidemiology of hydrocephalus

Table 1. Studies reporting the prevalence of hydrocephalus and their respective Quality Scores (QS).
Author Year QS Country Continent Age Source of Data Year of # Pop’n Prevalence
Category Collection recruitment of Cases /100k
From To
Del Bigio[13] 1998 3 Canada North Adult Hospital/clinic chart 1990 1996 138 1138000 12.1
America review
Klassen et. al.[14] 2011 4 USA North Adult Registry 1995 2003 41 124,277 33.0
Kumar et. al.[15] 2008 5 Australia Australia Adult Survey 2008 2008 2 478 418.4
Tisell et. al.[16] 2005 7 Sweden Europe Adult Hospital/clinic chart 1996 1998 891 8854322 10.1
Brean et. al.[17] 2009 4 Norway Europe Elderly Hospital/clinic chart 2004 2004 48 219478 21.9
Hiraoka et. al.[18] 2008 8 Japan Asia Elderly Survey 1990 2000 5 170 2941.2
Iseki et. al.[19] 2009 7 Japan Asia Elderly Hospital/clinic chart 2000 2004 6 790 759.5
Iseki et. al.[20] 2014 8 Japan Asia Elderly Hospital/clinic chart 2000 2010 3 211 1421.8
Jaraj et. al.[3] 2014 7 Sweden Europe Elderly Hospital/clinic chart 1986 2000 2 834 239.8
Jaraj et. al.[3] 2014 7 Sweden Europe Elderly Hospital/clinic chart 1986 2000 24 404 5940.6
Kuriyama et. al.[21] 2017 6 Japan Asia Elderly Survey 2012 2012 12900 126470588 10.2
Martin-Laez et. al.[22] 2016 3 Spain Europe Adult Hospital/clinic chart 2003 2012 14 4681095 0.3
Martin-Laez et. al.[22] 2016 3 Spain Europe Elderly Hospital/clinic chart 2003 2012 20 253148 7.9
Martin-Laez et. al. [22] 2016 3 Spain Europe Elderly Hospital/clinic chart 2003 2012 33 256721 12.9
Martin-Laez et. al. [22] 2016 3 Spain Europe Elderly Hospital/clinic chart 2003 2012 75 241481 31.1
Martin-Laez et. al. [22] 2016 3 Spain Europe Elderly Hospital/clinic chart 2003 2012 45 325858 13.8
Tanaka et. al.[23] 2012 7 Japan Asia Elderly Survey 1998 2001 1 180 555.6
Tanaka et. al.[23] 2012 7 Japan Asia Elderly Survey 1998 2001 4 174 2298.9
Tanaka et. al.[23] 2012 7 Japan Asia Elderly Survey 1998 2001 2 144 1388.9
Abdullah et. al.[24] 2001 4 Malaysia Asia Pediatric Hospital/clinic chart 1990 1998 285 537736 53.0
Al Salloum et. al.[25] 2011 3 Saudi Arabia Asia Pediatric Door to Door Survey 2004 2005 14 45682 30.6
Al-Jama et. al.[26] 2001 3 Saudi Arabia Asia Pediatric Hospital/clinic chart 1992 1997 54 14762 365.8
Baer et. al.[27] 2014 5 USA North Pediatric Database 2009 2010 27 75899 35.6
Botto et. al.[28] 2013 6 USA North Pediatric Registry 1983 2006 1271 2779437 45.7
Cavalcanti et. al.[29] 2003 5 Brazil South Pediatric Hospital/clinic chart 1987 1998 111 35112 316.1
America review
Cherian et. al.[30] 2016 4 India Asia Pediatric Hospital/clinic chart 2003 2013 13 36074 36.0
Dai et. al.[31] 2011 5 China Asia Pediatric Database 1996 2009 2376 8991522 26.4
Delshad et. al.[32] 2009 3 Iran Asia Pediatric Hospital/clinic chart 2005 2007 18 61112 29.5
Egbe et. al.[33] 2015 6 USA North Pediatric Database 2008 2008 264 1014261 26.0

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Global epidemiology of hydrocephalus

Table 1. (Continued)

Author Year QS Country Continent Age Source of Data Year of # Pop’n Prevalence
Category Collection recruitment of Cases /100k
From To
Fan et. al.[34] 2013 5 China Asia Pediatric Database 2000 2010 50 61762 81.0
Fernell et. al.[35] 1998 5 Sweden Europe Pediatric Registry 1991 1994 75 135710 55.3
Garne et. al.[36] 2010 4 Switzerland Europe Pediatric Registry 1996 2003 86 186922 46.0
Glinianaia et. al.[37] 1999 4 England Europe Pediatric Survey 1985 1996 185 500000 37.0
Gonzalez-Andrade et. al. 2010 3 Ecuador South Pediatric Database 2001 2007 875 2321489 37.7
[38] America
Groisman et. al.[39] 2013 6 Argentina South Pediatric Registry 2009 2012 267 294005 90.8
Guardiola et. al.[40] 2009 3 Brazil South Pediatric Registry 2000 2005 20 26588 75.2
Hannon et. al.[41] 2012 6 England Europe Pediatric Hospital/clinic chart 1994 2008 695 454080 153.1
Harmat et. al.[42] 2001 3 Hungary Europe Pediatric Hospital/clinic chart 1990 1998 198 46858 422.6
Jeng et. al.[43] 2011 7 USA North Pediatric Database 1991 2000 2608 5353022 48.7
Mahmoud et. al.[44] 2014 5 Sudan Africa Pediatric Hospital/clinic chart 2011 2013 20 5000 400.0
Movafagh et. al.[45] 2008 3 Iran Asia Pediatric Hospital/clinic chart 2000 2004 21 33380 62.9
Msamati et. al.[46] 2000 3 Malawi Africa Pediatric Hospital/clinic chart 1998 1999 6 25562 23.5
Munch et. al.[47] 2012 6 Denmark Europe Pediatric Registry 1978 2008 2194 1928683 113.8
Murshid et. al.[48] 2000 4 Saudi Arabia Asia Pediatric Hospital/clinic chart 1996 1997 26 16550 157.1
Nakling et. al.[49] 2005 4 Norway Europe Pediatric Hospital/clinic chart 1989 1999 9 18181 49.5
Nogueira et. al.[50] 1992 3 Qatar Asia Pediatric Hospital/clinic chart 1986 1989 48 41195 116.5
Ogunyemi et. al.[51] 2000 3 USA North Pediatric Hospital/clinic chart 1996 1998 4 6877 58.2
America review
Persson et. al.[52] 2005 3 Sweden Europe Pediatric Hospital/clinic chart 1989 1998 124 253378 48.9
Persson et. al.[53] 2007 3 Sweden Europe Pediatric Hospital/clinic chart 1999 2002 54 82016 65.8
Rajab et. al.[54] 1998 3 Oman Asia Pediatric Hospital/clinic chart 1992 1995 106 242764 43.7
Sethna et. al.[55] 2011 7 United Europe Pediatric Registry 1994 2008 267 454080 58.8
Shawky et. al.[56] 2011 7 Egypt Africa Pediatric Registry 1995 2009 677 660280 102.5
Sun et. al.[57] 2011 5 China Asia Pediatric Hospital/clinic chart 1998 2009 77 83888 91.8
Synnes et. al.[58] 2004 3 Canada North Pediatric Hospital/clinic chart 1996 1997 67 19507 343.5
America review
Tang et. al.[59] 2006 5 USA North Pediatric Registry 1996 2000 732 972694 75.3
Waller et. al.[60] 2000 6 USA North Pediatric Registry 1995 1995 32 111,902 28.6
Xie et. al.[61] 2016 6 China Asia Pediatric Hospital/clinic chart 2005 2014 702 925413 75.9

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Global epidemiology of hydrocephalus

Table 1. (Continued)

Author Year QS Country Continent Age Source of Data Year of # Pop’n Prevalence
Category Collection recruitment of Cases /100k
From To
Zhang et. al.[62] 2012 5 China Asia Pediatric Hospital/clinic chart 2005 2008 62 61992 100.0
El Awad.[63] 1992 4 Saudi Arabia Asia Pediatric Hospital/clinic chart 1988 1990 37 74923 49.4

continent and paper quality score. To assess for significant between-study heterogeneity the
Cochrane Q statistic was calculated and I2 was used to quantify between-study heterogeneity.
Given disparate study methods and populations sampled, a random effects model was used to
obtain a pooled prevalence per 100,000 people with a 95% confidence interval. Confidence
intervals were calculated using the Clopper-Pearson or “exact” binomial method. The preva-
lence of hydrocephalus in spina bifida, which has been quoted as approximately 80% in the lit-
erature, was used to adjust the estimates of hydrocephalus in the pediatric population.[64, 65]
To that effect, in addition to analyzing hydrocephalus-only cases, separate analyses were per-
formed where 80% of spina bifida cases was added to the hydrocephalus cases prior to per-
forming pooled analyses. Several sub-group analyses were done. All statistical analyses were
carried out in R version 2.14[66]. Prevalence was reported as rates per 100,000. P-value 0.05
was considered significant.
Risk of bias across studies. To ensure internal consistency and to permit accurate com-
parisons, studies examining similar populations, similar diagnoses, using similar methods
were grouped together. The meta package for R was used to produce the pooled estimates, for-
est plots, and publication bias assessment[66]. The metafor package for R was used to conduct
the meta-regression using restricted maximum likelihood estimation[66].

Incidence of hydrocephalus (ICBDSR registry)

Data on the incidence of hydrocephalus was obtained from the ICBDSR’s annual reports
(Table 2).[67] The ICBDSR is a non-governmental organization affiliated with the World
Health Organization that collects data on birth defects including hydrocephalus and spina
bifida from 42 surveillance programs, spanning 36 countries. The ICBDSR reporting guide-
lines stipulates cases of hydrocephalus diagnosed at birth to be reported separate from hydro-
cephalus associated with spina bifida. Spina bifida includes meningocele, meningomyelocele,
myelocele, myelomeningocele and rachischisis, but excludes spina bifida occulta.[67] Of note,
cases of postnatally acquired hydrocephalus are not reported to the ICBDSR. For this study,
the annual incidence of hydrocephalus diagnosed at birth and spina bifida in the most recent
11 years (2003–2014) were retrieved from the database, except for 2008 where no data were
Income level. The correlation between income level and incidence of hydrocephalus was
analyzed. The World Bank’s 2015 fiscal year data were used to categorize countries into low,
medium and high levels of income based on their 2015 Gross National Income (GNI) per cap-
ita: low income (less than $1,025), middle income (from $1,026 to $12,475) and high income
(greater than $12,475).[68] The low and medium income groups were combined and com-
pared to the high income group of countries.
Mandatory folate fortification. The effect of folate fortification on the incidence of spina
bifida is an ongoing global debate, with variable results reported among studies.[69] Given the
high prevalence of spina bifida-associated hydrocephalus, estimates of hydrocephalus

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Global epidemiology of hydrocephalus

Table 2. Annual incidence of hydrocephalus reported by birth surveillance registries.

Country Program Folate legislation Income 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003
(Year) Level
Argentina RENAC M (2002) Middle 111.26 184.4

Australia WARDA M (2009) High 20.53 21.76 32.39 38.44 45.64 39.9 47.81 62.68 40.5 52.49
Australia VBDR M (2009) High 77.38 73.29 69.01 70.64 66.09 77.69 80.45
Canada Alberta ACASS M (1998) High 59.25 65.13 41.21 50.56 59.39 71.86 47.78 54.25 59.79 44.12 58.69
Canada British M (1998) High 62.81 56.98 61.01 36.69 29.58 47.26

Canada CCASS M (1998) High 57.61 65.1 61.84 62.6 46.42 54.78 61.76 56.77 84.82 29.52
Chile RRMC-SSM M (1996) High 29.31 36.63 14.43 29.79 38.08 45.78 48.26 21.91
China CBDMN NM Middle 31.8 36.31 39.99 39.75
China BDSS-Beijing NM Middle 7.36 8.88 10.88 11.99 16.86
Colombia BCMSP M (1996) Middle 30.49 42.96 49.2
Costa Rica CREC M (1997) Middle 81.31 81.31 29.43 42.39 53.49 30.75 54.83 36.55
Cuba RECUMAC M (2012) Middle 13.38 18.58 15.97 19.92 7.45 27.98 31.26 18.25 27.94
Czech Republic NM High 32.12 24.96 30.65 26.12 26.7 29.81 18.54 28.59 50 39.76 28.58
Finland NM High 39.24 37.93 46.89 39.03 39.71 32.79 61.61 55.59 39.01
France REMERA NM High 73.33 49.02 38.28 18.62 37.38 36.37 27.11 32.16 31.46 28.04 29.72
France Paris NM High 65.72 75.82 76.64 114.05 112.94 121.49 89.02 68.3 93.99 74.94 67.53
France Strasbourg NM High 53.34 35.97 7.27 14.92 7.41 14.84 0
Germany Saxony-Anhalt NM High 29.5 59.15 51.83 29.05 45.04 28.62 46.43 57.43 29.45 79.15 60.61
Hungary NM High 82.46 16.15 44.09 53.63 66.28 31.6 33.67 30.33 29.42 29.8 24.59
India BDRI NM Low 61.5 54.12 67.42 91.59
Iran TRoCA M (2007) Middle 130.04 204.62 68.02 99.16 92.22 131.65 135.25 68.45
Ireland NM High 36.19 45.08 34.82 34.13 21.33 45.99 29.62 35.09 69.35

Israel IBDMS NM High 47.25 36.55 60.64 50 29.25 54.16 72.02 53.75 64.89 70.34
Italy BDRCam NM High 25.72 53.6 58.32 7.14 13.43 8.21 8.35 14.35 36.21
Italy LBDR NM High 12.6 25.15 24.45 62.22 47.2
Italy IMER NM High 47.45 28.06 23.59 9.84 23.93 21.46 40.13 38.45 33.8
Italy North East NM High 15.74 2.19 10.97 26.75 3.85 14.44 22.61 12.05
Italy RTDC NM High 13.33 19.88 35.67 16.36 9.64 9.69 20.4 20.7 50.93 7.52 7.58
Italy CMLR NM High 24.46 69.97 29.67 17.32
Japan JAOG NM High 89.74 117.13 116.38 118.15 121.13 106.8 96.91 97.11 129.96 108.68 109.87

Malta NM High 23.2 24.78 71.77 94.61 128.27 77.62 102.51 51.02 52.27 77.26
Mexico RYVEMCE M (1999) Middle 114.23 61.1 62.67 81.23 75.69 115.73 101.82 122.07 98.97 100.78 87.98
Mexico BDSP M (1999) Middle 47.89
New Zealand NM High 24.36 53.38 52.86 44.5 52.43 46.5 51.63 49.53 42.49 54.02 57.02
Netherlands NM High 12.06 34.91 51.23 27.55 16.73 45.25 48.59 36.59 34.99 34.26 39.05

Norway MBRN NM High 37.32 63.86 44.22 30.7 50.53 51.8 51.64 66.23 31.93 47.11
Russia MRRCM NM Middle 28.12 46.28 50.65 35 50.71 55.45 57.65 51.01
Saudi Arabia MSD-BDR M (2000) High 178.2 120.55
Slovak Republic NM High 62.82 36.06 34.65 37.43 31.26 32.95 45.77 53.75 50.07
South Africa SABDSS M (2003) Middle 85.32
Spain ECEMC NM High 14.25 24.19 21.82 18.35 21.67 14.63 29.98 26.92 18.43 21.63 35.78

Sweden NM High 16.95 14.85 25.29 27.55 23.6 16.72 24.69 30.15 30.16 26.14
Ukraine OMNI-Net NM Low 65.79 97.43 82.42 83.11 87.93 78.02 71.39 83.3 98.25 84.27 68.7
United Kingdom CARIS NM High 67.76 47.53 74.71 56.95 58.63 43.37 30.52 49.22
United Kingdom WANDA NM High 27.16 31.03

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Global epidemiology of hydrocephalus

Table 2. (Continued)

Country Program Folate legislation Income 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003
(Year) Level
United Kingdom England & NM High 14.02 15.24 16.32 16.69 17.24
USA ARHMS M (1996) High 72.73
USA MACDP M (1996) High 123.41 116.53 78.33 68.18 72.99 55.39 49.77 72.3 79.92
USA IRCID M (1996) High
USA BDES M (1996) High 109.38 109.38 91.86 91.37 90.99 79.6 89.77 70.33 68.06
USA UBDN M (1996) High 28.99 29.17 20.97 33.24 55.44 72.31 48.28 45.17
United Arab NM High 102.45 178.51 179.3

M = mandatory
NM = non-mandatory folate legislation
Income level is based on World Bank 2015 Gross National Product income level designation

Data not reported by the surveillance program for the corresponding year


incidence were stratified by country mandatory folate fortification status. Each country’s folate
fortification status was obtained from the Food Fortification Initiative, a multinational collabo-
ration aimed to improve health through industrial fortification of grain products.[70] Coun-
tries were stratified into mandatory vs non-mandatory fortification depending on the presence
or absence of legislation that mandates the fortification of one or more types of wheat or maize
flour or rice with folic acid.[70]
Incidence analysis. Incidence of hydrocephalus was defined as new cases per year
reported by the respective surveillance programs. Mean annual incidences were obtained as
pooled estimates of the reported incidences per country for each year. The incidences were fur-
ther stratified by continent. Correlations between incidence and income-levels, and manda-
tory folate fortification status were analyzed. Similar to prevalence, in addition to analyzing
hydrocephalus-only cases, separate analyses were performed where 80% of spina bifida cases
was added to the hydrocephalus cases prior to performing pooled analyses.[64, 65] Incidence
was reported as rates per 100,000. Confidence intervals of 95% were calculated using the Clop-
per-Pearson method. P-value of 0.05 was considered significant. All statistical analyses were
carried out in R version 2.14[66].

The combined search yielded 2,460 papers, of which 146 were selected for full text review. As
shown in Fig 1, 52 studies met all eligibility criteria, two of which were identified via expert
consultation. The total population assessed was 171,558,651 (28,990,298 pediatric, 14,798,172
adults and 127,770,181 elderly) as shown on Figs 2, 3 and 4.

Prevalence of hydrocephalus (systematic review)

Of the 52 studies reporting on the prevalence of hydrocephalus, 40 (77%) were in the pediatric
population, 7 (13%) in the elderly population and 5 (10%) in adult population. The median
study quality score was 5/8 (range 3–8). The overall global prevalence of hydrocephalus was
84.7/100,000 [95% CI 61.9 to 115.9]. The pooled prevalence of isolated hydrocephalus in the
pediatric population was 71.9/100,000 [95% CI, 58.3 to 886]. When spina bifida-associated
hydrocephalus was included, the prevalence increased to 87.8/100,000 [95% CI 71.9 to 107.3]

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Global epidemiology of hydrocephalus

Fig 1. PRISMA flowchart of a systematic review of the global epidemiology of hydrocephalus.


(Fig 2). The prevalence of pediatric hydrocephalus between continents was almost two-fold
higher in Africa (104.0/100,000 [95% CI 33.3 to 324.77]) compared with North America (55.6/
100,000 [95% CI 41.4 to 74.7]) (Fig 5). Adults had the lowest reported prevalence of 10.9/
100,000 [95% CI 4.9 to 24.7 (Fig 3). The highest prevalence was reported in the elderly at
174.8/100,000 [95% CI 66.8 to 457.6] (Fig 4). Heterogeneity existed between all estimates: pedi-
atrics (I2 = 99.0% Q p value < 0.01), adults (I2 = 98.0% Q p value < 0.01) and elderly (I2 =
99.0% Q p value < 0.01). As demonstrated on Fig 4, the reported prevalence among the elderly
population in Asia, 656.9/100,000 [95% CI 46.6 to 9257.9] was ten-fold that of Europe and
North America combined, 52.8/100,000 [95% CI 11.8 to 2370]. The prevalence has been rep-
resented on a world map shaded by continent where the population studied was based (Fig 6).
The R-script used to generate the map had been provided as supplementary material (S3 Fig).
Studies examining the elderly population reported prevalence stratified for age reported an
increase in prevalence greater than 400/100,000 in the >80-year old group.[3] There was no
significant difference in prevalence by the source of data collection among studies in all
cohorts. Across the age continuum, the pooled prevalence was bimodal, with a nadir of the
adult group. On visual inspection of the funnel plots or statistically with the Begg and Egger
tests, there was no evidence of publication bias (all p > 0.05).

Incidence of hydrocephalus (registry)

The mean annual incidence of congenital hydrocephalus over the 11-year period (Fig 7A), was
49.5/100,000 [95% CI 41.1 to 59.8] for isolated hydrocephalus and 81.2/100,000 [95% CI 69.1
to 95.5] when spina-bifida associated hydrocephalus is factored in. As shown in Fig 7B, high
income country level was associated with a significantly lower mean incidence of congenital
hydrocephalus, 77.6/100,000 [95% CI 65.4 to 92.1], when compared to low- and middle-
income countries combined, 105.5/100,000 [95% CI 76.1 to 147.6], p < 001. However, over the

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Global epidemiology of hydrocephalus

Fig 2. Pooled mean prevalence/100,000 of hydrocephalus in pediatric population.


11 years, there was no significant difference in mean incidence of congenital hydrocephalus

between countries with and without mandatory folate fortification; 80.6/100,000 [95% CI 65.2
to 99.8] vs 80.9/100,000 [95% CI 65.5 to 99.2] respectively, p = 099 (Fig 7C). The mean inci-
dence of spina bifida over the 11-year period was 40.0/100,000 [95% CI 33.5 to 47.9].

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Global epidemiology of hydrocephalus

Fig 3. Pooled mean prevalence/100,000 of hydrocephalus in adult population.


Hydrocephalus is a heterogeneous disease marked by abnormal dilatation of the cerebral ven-
tricles secondary to varying etiologies[1]. This disease affects all age groups, from in-utero to
old age,[2] and its prevalence and incidence are expected to rise with ageing demography. The
mortality associated with untreated hydrocephalus is alarmingly high, ranging from to 20–
87%.[71, 72] The morbidity associated with hydrocephalus is significant and includes seizures,
developmental delay, psychomotor retardation, dementia and gait difficulties. At a health sys-
tems level, the diagnostic process and in-hospital costs associated with hydrocephalus manage-
ment results in a high financial burden. Inpatient care of pediatric hydrocephalus patients
alone a decade ago was reported to cost approximately $2 billion per year in the United States
alone.[73] While already substantial, this does not account for the costs associated with out of
hospital pediatric hydrocephalus care, or the costs for caring for the other age groups with
hydrocephalus. Further, there is no effective medical therapy available to treat hydrocephalus.
The only current treatment for hydrocephalus is surgical intervention typically with an
implanted shunt system or in a limited patient subpopulation, an endoscopic third ventricu-
lostomy (ETV).[74] With only 50% efficacy for shunts in the first two years after surgical place-
ment, hydrocephalus continues to be a major global health problem, especially in countries
with limited resources.[75] However, the lack of clarity regarding hydrocephalus epidemiology
has negatively affected awareness and the proportionate allocation of resources to investigate
and treat the disease.[76]
In this systematic review and meta-analysis of population-based epidemiological studies,
we found an overall hydrocephalus global prevalence of 85/100,000. When stratified by age
groups, the global prevalence of hydrocephalus is 88/100,000 in the pediatric population, 11/
100,000 in adults and 175/100,000 in the elderly and potentially >400/100,000 in those >80
years of age. The prevalence of hydrocephalus is significantly higher in Africa and South
America when compared to other continents.
From congenital birth defect registries, the incidence of hydrocephalus was 81/100,000
births. This would not identify postnatal causes of hydrocephalus which would be expected to
result in an incidence of hydrocephalus that is higher by one year of age. Countries with lower

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Global epidemiology of hydrocephalus

Fig 4. Pooled mean prevalence/100,000 of hydrocephalus in elderly population stratified by continent.


income level had significantly higher incidence of congenital hydrocephalus. Similar trends
have recently been reported in a review by Dewan et. al. (2018), which found an incidence of
congenital hydrocephalus of 79 vs 123 per 100,000 births among low-and middle-income vs
high income countries, respectively[6].
Although folate fortification is mandatory in many countries and numerous reviews have
supported the use of folate as a prenatal or continuing supplement[77–83], the effect of folate
supplementation on hydrocephalus (in humans) has not been well characterized. In fact, nei-
ther the original Medical Research Council (MRC) Vitamin Study Research Group trial[84]
nor subsequent reports have adequately addressed the issue of hydrocephalus and folate sup-
plementation[84–87]. However, given that approximately 80% of infants with spinal tube
defects develop hydrocephalus[64, 65], one would expect a decrease in hydrocephalus, along
with the reported decrease in spina bifida incidence with supplementation. While we did not
find any difference in hydrocephalus incidence with or without mandatory folate fortification,
we would caution against making any major inferences from these findings. It is important to
recognize that the issue of folate fortification (even for spina bifida) is highly complex and

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Global epidemiology of hydrocephalus

Fig 5. Prevalence (per 100,000) of pediatric hydrocephalus with (HC w/SB-associated HC) and without (HC w/o SB-associated HC) spina-
bifida-associated hydrocephalus, stratified by continent.

controversial. In order to accurately inform patients, families and policy makers worldwide on
the effect folate fortification on hydrocephalus, further studies are required. Nevertheless, this
study may be leveraged to stimulate interest in future studies designed with a focused objective
on the effect of mandatory folate fortification on the epidemiology of hydrocephalus.
The reported prevalence of hydrocephalus in adults in this study demonstrates a U-shaped
pattern across the age continuum, with an 8-fold decline from pediatrics to adults and a subse-
quent 17-fold rise to the elderly. It is important to note that hydrocephalus is a chronic disease
and the survival of pediatric hydrocephalus patients with surgical treatment is high.[88] As
such, it is possible that a large proportion of adults with hydrocephalus might have stable dis-
ease from childhood and either tend not to seek medical attention or are under-reported by
care providers. Therefore, prevalence by definition should include all patients with the diagno-
sis in the adult population, which also include patients who received treatment during child-
hood. This underscores the need for more research regarding health-related outcomes for

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Global epidemiology of hydrocephalus

Fig 6. Prevalence (per 100,000) of hydrocephalus in the pediatric and elderly populations combined and shaded by continent from which
the paper used in the meta-analysis was published.

children with hydrocephalus who transition into adulthood so that this prevalence informa-
tion is captured. The bimodal pattern in estimates may also be partly attributed to “compen-
sated/arrested hydrocephalus”, that has been hypothesized as a quiescence of congenital
hydrocephalus during the pediatric-adult age transition, which later decompensates to resur-
face in the elderly age.[89] Interestingly, some forms of compensated hydrocephalus has been
implicated in a subset of patients developing idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus
(iNPH), a form of hydrocephalus which predominates in the elderly population.[90, 91] A few
reports have attributed the reported high prevalence of elderly hydrocephalus (iNPH) to a
trend of over-diagnosis or misdiagnosis of other forms of neurodegenerative diseases.[92, 93]
While it is beyond the scope and deviates from the objectives of this study, there is no reliable
evidence to support these claims.
This manuscript presents information regarding the global population-based epidemiology
of hydrocephalus to better inform the healthcare community, policy makers and the public.
There are however, specific nuances of hydrocephalus epidemiology outside of this structured
analysis that also require attention. As previously mentioned, hydrocephalus is a heteroge-
neous disease that emanates from, as well as complicates a broad range of intracranial condi-
tions such as trauma, infection, hemorrhage, tumors and genetic syndromes. Within these
distinct subgroups of hydrocephalus etiologies, there is significant variation in the incidence
and prevalence of hydrocephalus that is not easily captured by the methodology used for our
prevalence evaluation. However, the diagnosis of hydrocephalus in these diagnoses signifi-
cantly impact patient care and is also of critical importance to the healthcare provider.
Aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage is a risk factor for developing both acute obstructive
hydrocephalus and chronic communicating hydrocephalus. Our search strategy identified 9
papers reporting on the incidence of treated hydrocephalus in this population, which ranged
from 10%[94] to 65%.[95] There is considerable inconsistency in reported shunt treatment
rates which suggests a marked variability with respect to threshold for surgical treatment.
Bekelis et al document the expected difference in shunting rates after endovascular coiling of
10,607 aneurysms, 6,056 of which were unruptured. Overall, 16.20% required shunting post-
coiling: 36.67% in the ruptured aneurysm (subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH)) group, and
0.83% in the unruptured group.[96] In a report by Hoh et al examining a nationwide inpatient

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Global epidemiology of hydrocephalus

Fig 7. Annual incidence of perinatal hydrocephalus from 2003–2014. Image A demonstrates mean annual incidence in hydrocephalus with
(HC w/SB-associated HC) and without (HC w/o SB-associated HC) Spina-bifida-associated hydrocephalus. The difference in mean annual
incidence between high vs low/medium income (B) and between countries with and without mandatory folate fortification (C) are depicted.

database (2002–2007) of 6593 SAH patients who underwent aneurysm clipping and 4306
patients with SAH who underwent aneurysm coiling, only 9.25% and 10.54% (respectively) of
the patients underwent shunt insertion.[94] More recently attempts have been made using
multivariate analysis to identify risk factors for hydrocephalus requiring treatment after aneu-
rysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage. These included volumes of CSF drainage in the conva-
lescent period, higher SAH clinical grade, presence of acute hydrocephalus, intraventricular
hemorrhage, re-hemorrhage, posterior circulation aneurysm, and age greater than 60 years.
[97, 98] However, the dramatic variability in surgical treatment frequency for SAH-associated
hydrocephalus implies that while SAH is a risk factor for development of hydrocephalus, there
exists a need to better understand the best appropriate criteria for treatment.
Post-infectious hydrocephalus is a major global health problem, with high prevalence in
Africa and Asia.[99–103] Systematic reviews of the prevalence of post-bacterial meningitis
hydrocephalus have reported a prevalence of 6.80%.[104] While the pathogen may vary, the

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Global epidemiology of hydrocephalus

devastating effects of bacterial-associated hydrocephalus is uniform. Patients with commu-

nity-acquired Escherichia coli and Streptococcus pneumoniae meningitis who develop post
infectious hydrocephalus have a mortality risk of almost 60.00% compared to 17.00% for
patients who have meningitis without hydrocephalus.[105]
Patients with brain tumors with or without surgical treatment also experience an increased
risk of hydrocephalus. Pediatric posterior fossa tumors represent a subgroup at distinct risk
for hydrocephalus at presentation as well as post-operative hydrocephalus that may require
CSF diversion surgery. Prevalence of hydrocephalus at presentation can be as high as 87.18%.
[106] Prevalence of post-operative hydrocephalus requiring permanent CSF diversion ranges
from 21.53% in 130 consecutive patients with medulloblastoma[107] and 10.00–38.71% at
long-term follow up in overall posterior fossa brain tumors in two pediatric patient popula-
tions.[108, 109] Less obviously, other tumors were also variably associated with hydrocephalus:
supratentorial malignant glioma in adults, 10.00%,[110] giant pituitary adenoma, 8.33%,[111]
and vestibular schwannoma, 15.16%.[112] Again, the variability in surgical treatment fre-
quency for brain tumor-associated hydrocephalus implies that while brain tumor is a risk fac-
tor for development of hydrocephalus, the appropriate criteria for treatment are not clearly

Limitations and future directions

One of the drawbacks to combining these studies stems from the lack of consensus on a unify-
ing definition or classification of hydrocephalus. While a working description of hydrocepha-
lus has been proposed[1], the existing differing classification and definition of the disease, and
the lack of standardization in epidemiological reporting practices precludes a robust analysis.
The varying definition of hydrocephalus and methods of screening and diagnosis contributed
to between study heterogeneity. However, despite this heterogeneity, these are the best possible
estimates regarding the global epidemiology of hydrocephalus, which now sets the stage for
future studies to unravel the vital questions surrounding the various subtypes of secondary
Of the 2,460 papers that we initially identified, 23 (0.9%) were excluded as they were pub-
lished in languages other than English and French. A list of those papers has been provided on
S2 Table. The possibility that our calculated prevalence of hydrocephalus may change if those
excluded papers were added to the data analysis is small given that 21/23 of these papers dealt
with congenital or infantile hydrocephalus and our analysis was based upon reports of almost
29 million pediatric patients. In addition, although this study utilized the ICBDSR to identify
the global incidence of hydrocephalus, we recognize that there are other congenital birth
defects surveillance programs such as the United States Center for Disease Control and the
World Health Organization that may be utilized by future studies. A majority of the papers
included in the prevalence and incidence analyses, respectively emanate from medium to
high-income countries. Therefore, there is a possibility that the epidemiological data presented
in this manuscript may be an underestimation due to under-notification in low income coun-
tries. However, these are not felt to be significant issues and we are confident in the precision
of the prevalence and incidence of hydrocephalus in the pediatric population presented in this
paper. The precision of the prevalence estimates for the elderly and more so the adult data
were limited by the small number of high-quality population-based epidemiology papers that
were available.
While the specific nuances of the epidemiology of secondary hydrocephalus such as those
due to trauma, infection, hemorrhage, tumors and genetic syndromes have been previously
reported[94–112], the majority of the existing literature is not population-based and therefore

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Global epidemiology of hydrocephalus

was not included in our structured analysis. However, hydrocephalus in these groups is also of
critical importance and future studies may focus on addressing those.

Hydrocephalus is a common neurologic condition that has significant implications for the
patient and society. Previously, a lack of consistent epidemiological data has negatively affected
the awareness of the disease and promoted incommensurate allocation of resources for the
care of patients and research. We were able to estimate the global prevalence of hydrocephalus
in pediatric, adult, and elderly populations and determine the global incidence of hydrocepha-
lus. While folate fortification was not associated with the incidence of hydrocephalus, the inci-
dence of hydrocephalus was higher in low-medium income compared to high-income
countries. The expected increase in the elderly with aging demography, underscores the
importance of healthcare resource allocation and further study of the burden of

Supporting information
S1 Table. Checklist items with corresponding page numbers for the PRISMA (2009) guide-
S2 Table. Citations in non-English or French language that were excluded during abstract
S1 Fig. Search criteria for MEDLINE, EMBASE, Cochrane and Google Scholar databases.
S2 Fig. Data extraction form for systematic review.
S3 Fig. R script for generating world map shaded by continent with the prevalence of
hydrocephalus in the pediatric and elderly populations[66].

This study is part of the National Population Health Study of Neurological Conditions. We
wish to acknowledge the membership of Neurological Health Charities Canada and the Public
Health Agency of Canada for their contribution to the success of this initiative. We also
acknowledge Dr. Joseph N. Paulson (Genentech; San Francisco, CA) for his help with generat-
ing the prevalence map (S3 Fig).

Author Contributions
Conceptualization: Jay Riva-Cambrin, Tamara M. Pringsheim, Nathalie Jette, Mark Loweri-
son, Mark G. Hamilton.
Data curation: Albert M. Isaacs, Daniel Yavin, Aaron Hockley, Brendan Cord Lethebe, Jarred
Dronyk, Mark G. Hamilton.

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Formal analysis: Albert M. Isaacs, Jay Riva-Cambrin, Daniel Yavin, Aaron Hockley, Tamara
M. Pringsheim, Nathalie Jette, Brendan Cord Lethebe, Mark Lowerison, Jarred Dronyk,
Mark G. Hamilton.
Funding acquisition: Tamara M. Pringsheim, Nathalie Jette, Mark Lowerison, Mark G.
Investigation: Albert M. Isaacs, Daniel Yavin, Aaron Hockley, Tamara M. Pringsheim, Natha-
lie Jette, Jarred Dronyk, Mark G. Hamilton.
Methodology: Albert M. Isaacs, Jay Riva-Cambrin, Daniel Yavin, Aaron Hockley, Tamara M.
Pringsheim, Nathalie Jette, Brendan Cord Lethebe, Mark Lowerison, Jarred Dronyk, Mark
G. Hamilton.
Project administration: Albert M. Isaacs, Jay Riva-Cambrin, Brendan Cord Lethebe, Mark G.
Resources: Albert M. Isaacs, Jay Riva-Cambrin, Tamara M. Pringsheim, Nathalie Jette.
Supervision: Albert M. Isaacs, Jay Riva-Cambrin, Nathalie Jette, Brendan Cord Lethebe, Mark
Lowerison, Mark G. Hamilton.
Validation: Albert M. Isaacs, Daniel Yavin, Aaron Hockley, Nathalie Jette, Brendan Cord
Writing – original draft: Albert M. Isaacs.
Writing – review & editing: Albert M. Isaacs, Jay Riva-Cambrin, Daniel Yavin, Aaron Hock-
ley, Tamara M. Pringsheim, Nathalie Jette, Brendan Cord Lethebe, Mark Lowerison, Jarred
Dronyk, Mark G. Hamilton.

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