Aaa Vs Delos Reyes

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A.C. No. 10021
September 18, 2018

 Petitioner, AAA, was hired as secretary of the respondent, Atty. De Los Reyes, then Vice-President of the
Legal and Administrative Group of [National Home Mortgage Finance Corporation] NHMFC.
 AAA was the sole breadwinner of her family, as her father had deserted them when she was but 8 years
old, leaving her to care for her sick mother, a two-year-old niece and two sisters who were still in school.
 Respondent, Delos Reyes, felt in love with petitioner and determined to make her his mistress and
overpowered her resistance by leaving her no choice but to succumb to his advances or lose her job.
 From then on, she became his sex slave who was at his beck and on call at all times for all kinds of sexual
services ranging from hand-jobs in his vehicle to sexual intercourse in his office. She could not even
refuse him without risking physical, verbal and emotional abuse.
 The Petitioner filed the Complaint-Affidavit dated November 19, 2004, with the Commission on Bar
Discipline (CBD) of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP), alleging that respondent Atty. De Los Reyes
still continued to harass her and her colleagues
 As a result, the CBD-IBP Commissioner found respondent Atty. De Los Reyes guilty of violating Rule 101
of the Code of Professional Responsibility and recommended the penalty of one (1) year suspension for
committing acts amounting to sexual harassment and gross immoral conduct.
 The respondent contends that the accusation against him is with no merit and that the petitioner has no
evidence as to the truthfulness of her allegations.

Whether respondent, Atty. De Los Reyes, committed acts amounting to sexual harassment and gross
immoral conduct in violation of the Code of Professional Responsibility which would warrant his
 YES. The respondent has committed acts amounting to sexual harassment and gross immoral conduct in
violation of the Code of Professional Responsibility which would warrant his disbarment.
 Whether there is actual rape, as it is defined in the Revised Penal Code, would not be relevant in this
disbarment case since the sexual intercourse coupled with unspoken threats of dire consequences would
nonetheless constitute grave misconduct.
 The Court ruled that the records of this administrative case sufficiently substantiate the findings of the
CBD-IBP Investigating Commissioner, as well as the IBP Board of Governors, that indeed respondent Atty.
De Los Reyes is guilty of "sextortion" which is the abuse of his position or authority to obtain sexual
favors from his subordinate, the complainant, who was not in a position to resist respondent's demands
for fear of losing her means of livelihood.
 All these deplorable acts of respondent Atty. De Los Reyes puts the legal profession in disrepute and
places the integrity of the administration of justice in peril, thus warranting disciplinary action from the
 Lawyers have been repeatedly reminded by the Court that possession of good moral character is both a
condition precedent and a continuing requirement to warrant admission to the Bar and to retain
membership in the legal profession.

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