Assignment About Managing Digital World: Asked To Complying Final Examination of Management Information System

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Asked to complying final examination of

Management Information System


Feby Aulia C1C017060




1st Topic:
How E-Commerce now related to social media network and big data?
For now, globalization really impact all people because industry 4.0. Social media can help
any people to make some business by big data analysis. This is related to social media for E-
Commerce. The term “Social Media” has been derived from the words, “Social” and “Media”
which are discussed as follows; Social: the term ‘Social’ refers to interacting with other people
for exchange of information characterized by the friendly companion-ship or relations. Media:
the term ‘Media’ refers to the instrument of the communication such as radios, television,
newspapers, magazines, internet etc. that reach people widely. So, social media is a web
based social instrument of communication that enables people to interact with each other by
both sharing and consuming information. Safko and Brake, observed that social media is an
umbrella term referring to activities, practices, behaviors among communities of the peoples
who gather online to share and exchange information, knowledge and opinions using
communicational media. According to Weinberg social media relates to the sharing of
information, experiences and per-spectives through community oriented websites. Social
media uses web based technology to transform and broadcast media monologues into
social media dialogues.
Social network has gained remarkable attention in the last decade and as the evolution
take place, accessing social network sites such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and
YouTube have become very affordable. As a large population uses one or the other social
networking site, it has become very convenient for companies to reach their consumers
through these sites. The main objective of this project is to identify the role of social media
marketing strategy and evaluate its importance over traditional marketing strategy in building
brand names and consumer behavior. With the ever-increasing number of internet and social
media users, it has become inevitable for major brands to understand online customer
behavior. The emergence of social media has led to a subsequent change in media
consumption which is pushing companies and organizations to adopt social media as one of
their marketing strategies and public relation tools. Therefore, social media has become an
increasingly familiar platform employed in E-Commerce to market services and resources
to current and prospective customers. Alternatively social networks is referred to as a virtual
community website that brings people together to talk, share ideas and interests, or make
friends. This type of collaboration and sharing on social networking sites is known as social
In order to understand their customer in a better way and finding their inclination
towards their products, the marketers and advertisers are always looking for a number of
ways. This requires a lot of information to be gathered about the customers. This information
could be gathered from social media about online users which could be further analyzed to
trace the behavior of consumers. The various businesses are using social networks like
Instagram or E-Commerce likes, Shopee, Amazon, Tokopedia, or Alibaba, etc to help them sell
more products and services.
Big Data refers to humongous volumes of data that cannot be processed effectively with
the traditional applications that exist. The processing of Big Data begins with the raw data
that isn’t aggregated and is most often impossible to store in the memory of a single
computer. Big Data is something that can be used to analyze insights which can lead to better
decisions and strategic business moves. The other side of the coin of big data on social media
is arguably even more vital for businesses. The definition of Big Data, given by Gartner is, “Big
data is high-volume, and high-velocity and/or high-variety information assets that demand
cost-effective, innovative forms of information processing that enable enhanced insight,
decision making, and process automation”. Big Data professionals will need to have an
understanding of the business objectives that are in place, as well as the underlying processes
that drive the growth of the business as well as its profit. Big Data not only revolves around
the amount of data the organization has, but the important thing is how to process internal
and external data. It can extract data from any source and analyze it to find the desired
answers in a business such as:
1) Cost reduction
2) Time reduction
3) New product development and optimization of product offerings, and
4) Smart decision making.
The common problem among them all is the massive amounts of multi-structured data living
in multiple disparate systems which can be solved by big data. Thus big data is used in a
number of ways like:
1) Customer analytics
2) Compliance analytics
3) Fraud analytics
4) Operational analytics

2nd Topic
How social media network differ with enterprise social network and how enterprise social
network capability?
Enterprise Social Networks continue to be adopted by organisations looking to increase
collaboration between employees, customers and industry partners. Offering a varied range
of features and functionality, this technology can be distinguished by the underlying business
models that providers of this software deploy. This study identifies and describes the different
business models through an analysis of leading Enterprise Social Networks: Yammer, Chatter,
SharePoint, Connections, Jive, Facebook and Twitter. A key contribution of this research is the
identification of consumer and corporate models as extreme approaches. These findings align
well with research on the adoption of Enterprise Social Networks that has discussed bottom-
up and top-down approaches. Of specific interest are hybrid models that wrap a corporate
model within a consumer model and may, therefore, provide synergies on both models. From
a broader perspective, this can be seen as the merging of the corporate and consumer
markets for IT products and services.
Rules for sharing company information, such as:
1) Social media is a medium of communication between individuals and companies.
Social media does not intended to replace the official means of communication in
responding against company questions or services. Links in social media will direct to
the reader on the company's official website which has a higher level of security.
2) Information that is forwarded by users to their social media accounts is mandatory
include official links from corporate social media, so they can be traced the truth.
3) Readers are encouraged to ask in advance to the company's official contact if available
dubious information.
Rules regarding company image. Negative comments can damage the company's image
or reputation. Company reserves the right to block users, without prior notice, if violating
company social media policies. The company has the right to report to the competent
authority, if the content posted contains criminal elements, provocation, and indications of
violence to people and/or acts that violate the law others. Restrictions on personal use of
social media at work. When employees access social media platforms at work, even when
they are appointed as a social media spokesperson for their company. Interaction with
employees outside of work. Employees must be informed. The company's social media policy
also applies to social media use if it's medium not at work. The policy will be followed by
operational procedures and technical uses social media policy.
The seven leading platforms that have been identified for discussion in this study are
described in more detail and their customer facing business model elements, such as:
1) Microsoft Yammer
2) Microsoft SharePoints
3) IBM Connections
4) Jive
5) SalesForce Chatter
6) Twitter
7) Facebook.
The selection of an appropriate enterprise social network remains an organizational
challenge as new offerings are released to market and existing products frequently alter
their business models. The question remains whether an organisation should promote a
truly consumer driven, employee lead initiative or endorse a program of directed, top down
deployment. This question is closely related to the business model of the ESN providers. This
research suggests that there are three types of business models: a consumer model, a
corporate model and a hybrid model that wraps a corporate model in a consumer model.
There are several limitations to analyze this case. Because of the explorative nature of the
research and the use of mini-cases, the current results should be seen as preliminary
findings that require further research. In addition, looking retrospectively at business
models may not always be best way to derive future strategies. Moreover, due to the
quickly evolving nature of this domain it is difficult to conclusively determine the future of
the ESN business models. This also requires on ongoing study of the field till developments
more or less stabilise. Other areas for future research are full business model studies that
look beyond the customer-facing elements that we focussed upon. Also research into the
possible combination of different applications and their business models may show
opportunities to benefit from both the consumer model and the corporate model.

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