Calculate PDCP Layer Average Throughput in LTE

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Document Title: How to Calculate PDCP Layer Average Throughput Security

in LTE TDD; Level:Internal

Scenario: Customer X in Country Y had inquired about how to calculate the average DL/UL
throughput of a QCI9 user using the M2000 Performance Counters.

enodeB is on SingleRAN V100R002 (BTS3900 V100R008C00SPC140)

Wimax is on V300R005C00SPC100 + SPH120

M2000 is on V200R013C00SPC200

Overview of LTE PDCP Layer with regards to LTE Channel Mapping.

2019-08-22 HUAWEI Confidential Page1, Total4

Document Title: How to Calculate PDCP Layer Average Throughput Security
in LTE TDD; Level:Internal

PDCP Sublayers:

Huawei always monitors the following KPI on Traffic Throughput. The calculation can be seen as :

User DL PDCP Layer User UL PDCP Layer

Cell DL Average Cell UL Average
Average Average
Throughput(Mbps) Throughput(Mbps)
Throughput(Mbps) Throughput(Mbps)

Cell DL Average Throughput (Mbps) =∑L.Thrp.bits.DL / ∑L.Thrp.Time.Cell.DL / 1000000


1526728261 L.Thrp.bits.DL Total downlink traffic volume for PDCP SDUs in a cell

1526728232 L.Thrp.Time.Cell.DL Total duration of downlink data transmission in a cell

Cell UL Average Throughput (Mbps) =∑L.Thrp.bits.UL / ∑L.Thrp.Time.Cell.UL / 1000000


1526728259 L.Thrp.bits.UL Total uplink traffic volume for PDCP SDUs in a cell

1526728233 L.Thrp.Time.Cell.UL Total duration of uplink data transmission in a cell

2019-08-22 HUAWEI Confidential Page2, Total4

Document Title: How to Calculate PDCP Layer Average Throughput Security
in LTE TDD; Level:Internal

User DL PDCP Layer Average Throughput (Mbps) =




Time.DL.QCI.7+L.Thrp.Time.DL.QCI.8+L.Thrp.Time.DL.QCI.9) (ms) / 1000) /1000000

User UL PDCP Layer Average Throughput (Mbps) =




Time.UL.QCI.7+L.Thrp.Time.UL.QCI.8+L.Thrp.Time.UL.QCI.9) (ms) / 1000) /1000000

Note: Please refer to Measurement related to Thruput (Traffic. Thruput. Cell) of the enodeB Performance

Counter Reference file for the actual counter descriptions.

If you will only calculate for User DL / UL PDCP Layer Average Throughput (Mbps) in QCI9,

then the following calculation will apply:

2019-08-22 HUAWEI Confidential Page3, Total4

Document Title: How to Calculate PDCP Layer Average Throughput Security
in LTE TDD; Level:Internal

[QCI9] User DL PDCP Layer Average Throughput (Mbps) =

(L.Thrp.bits.DL.QCI.9) / ((L.Thrp.Time.DL.QCI.9) (ms) / 1000) /1000000


1526726827 L.Thrp.bits.DL.QCI.9 Downlink traffic volume for PDCP SDUs of services with the
QCI of 9 in a cell

1526726828 L.Thrp.Time.DL.QCI.9 Transmit duration of downlink PDCP SDUs for services with
the QCI of 9 in a cell

[QCI9] User UL PDCP Layer Average Throughput (Mbps) =

(L.Thrp.bits.UL.QCI.9) / ((L.Thrp.Time.UL.QCI.9) (ms) / 1000) /1000000


1526726800 L.Thrp.bits.UL.QCI.9 Uplink traffic volume for PDCP SDUs of services with the QCI
of 9 in a cell

1526726801 L.Thrp.Time.UL.QCI.9 Receive duration of uplink PDCP SDUs for services with the
QCI of 9 in a cell

2019-08-22 HUAWEI Confidential Page4, Total4

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