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IP-PLI AppTrng OM New Changes 10 12 2014

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Postal Life Insurance

India Post
Application Training Program

New Changes in PLI Processes

Postal Life Insurance

Table of Contents

Section 1: Meghdoot Upload ............................................................................................... 3

1.1 Meghdoot Upload on Cash Policies............................................................................... 3
1.2 Meghdoot Batch Upload ................................................................................................ 3
1.3 Meghdoot Upload on Pay Deduction Policies ................................................................ 4
1.3.1 Prerequisites for Meghdoot File Upload ................................................................... 4
1.3.2 Pay Deduction through Collection Module ............................................................... 5
1.3.3 Pay Deduction File Upload Process ........................................................................ 7
1.4 Meghdoot File Upload Process ..................................................................................... 9
1.5 Transferring from One Special Group to Another ........................................................ 10
Section 2: Diary Tasks ....................................................................................................... 11
2.1 Calendar ..................................................................................................................... 11
2.2 Adding a Task ............................................................................................................. 12
4.2.1 Using the Add New Task Button ............................................................................ 12
4.2.2 Using the My Calendar Screen .............................................................................. 14
2.2 Task Validations .......................................................................................................... 17
2.3 Searching for a Diary Task .......................................................................................... 17
Section 3: Letters and Reports ......................................................................................... 19
Section 4: Additional Changes in Existing PLI Processes .............................................. 20

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Section 1: Meghdoot Upload

Meghdoot Upload can be made on Cash and Pay Deduction policies.

Disbursements are out of scope.

Entry of collection of loan is not allowed.

Entry for collection of premium is allowed.

Upload on Meghdoot needs to be performed in situations where collection was made

on a policy but entry was not created in the system.

1.1 Meghdoot Upload on Cash Policies

 Meghdoot Upload will not be accepted for the cash policies in following statuses:
o AU
o AN
o Terminated Due to Surrender
o Terminated Due to Maturity
o Terminated Due to Death
o TR
 Meghdoot Upload will not be performed on a policy on which Surrender or Death
Claim has been indexed, this includes policies in Pending Death or Pending
Surrender status.
 If the status of a policy is Pending Maturity and/or Maturity Claim and this policy is
indexed, Meghdoot Upload will not be allowed on it.

1.2 Meghdoot Batch Upload

Meghdoot File has to be uploaded in the .csv format. Following are the statuses of the
Meghdoot batch upload:

 Pending: The file is uploaded and batch is not yet run.

 Completed: The file is uploaded and batch is completed. After the batch is
completed, then the Success or Error File will be created. This file can be checked
using the View History button on the Upload screen. If the Error screen is generated,
then the error can be checked in the last column of the file.

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 Failed: Due to some errors such as file not in proper format or fields not in correct
order, batch is failed and no action is taken by the system.

Following fields are validated by the system for Batch Upload:

 Policy Status
 Premium amount
 From date and To date
 Premium payment

Based on these validations, the Success or Error file is generated and the policy is updated.
Please note that all these fields will be updated after the CSV upload.

If the upload and batch is a success, then the policy gets updated. This can be
checked in ‘Collection’ and ‘Financial History’ tabs in the ‘Policy History’ screen.

1.3 Meghdoot Upload on Pay Deduction Policies

Meghdoot upload is allowed on policies with the following statuses:
 Active
 Lapse
 Pending For Maturity
 Policies on which Maturity Claim is indexed

To change a Group of a policy, new Group number should be entered on the Upload
screen. Note that the New Group number should be inserted in the Upload File
against the policy.

1.3.1 Prerequisites for Meghdoot File Upload

 Pay Deduction and Meghdoot cash files should be uploaded separately. If a single file
has policies for pay deduction and cash, the policies will be reported with errors.
 The PAO code of the pay deduction file should be correctly updated in the Pay
Deduction file.
 Prior to uploading the Pay Deduction file, collection for the Special Group should be
done through the Collection module.
 Naming convention should be followed before uploading any file, so that any
particular file can be identified easily. Every file should be named as ‘Office
name_Schedule month_PAO Code (PAO code or Meghdoot)_XX(running number
from 01).csv.
 Every file, if possible, should be restricted to 1000 records, so that the file can be
processed quickly, thereby, reducing the waiting period.

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 In policies requiring Revival, same cannot be done through file upload. The policies
will have to be revived through the McCamish system by indexing the Revival
 In case of Pay Deduction file, policy upload should be a part of the Special Group.
Any policy that is not a part of the Special Group will show an error. Special Group
search should be done before creating a new Special Group.
 In cases of Death, Maturity, Surrender or Survival claims, it is advised to ascertain the
premium in the respective policies. In case premium has been either deducted
through pay deduction or entries are present in PRB, then the user first makes use of
the File Upload functionality to upload the premium and once the premium is updated
in McCamish the user indexes the claims.

1.3.2 Pay Deduction through Collection Module

Click the Collection icon on the Dashboard.

On the Collection screen, select the Special Group

radio button and then the Renewal radio button.

Search for the Special Group for which collection has

to be made.

Select the schedule month and enter the payment


Click the Submit button to complete the payment for

the Special Group.

Once the collection for the Special Group is made, the user can upload the Bulk Pay
Deduction file.

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Collection Icon on Dashboard

Collection Screen

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1.3.3 Pay Deduction File Upload Process

The user can upload the Pay Deduction file using the Bulk Policy Upload/Group Policy
Maintenance icon on the System Administrator’s Dashboard.

Bulk Policy Upload/Group Policy Maintenance icon

Two options will be provided for the Meghdoot File Upload:

 Special Group Number: If the user clicks on the Special Group search and enters a
Special Group number, the Load File screen along with the transaction details of the
Special Group will appear. The user can upload the Pay Deduction file from this
 If the user enters the office code and clicks Search, then the user can upload the
Meghdoot file.

Uploading Meghdoot File

Process of uploading a Pay Deduction file:

1. Search for the Special Group either by name or number on the Search screen. The
transaction details of the collection made against the Special Group will appear in a grid
as shown in the below screenshot.
2. Next, click the Load File Screen button to upload the file.

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Pay Deduction – Search Results Screen

3. On the Load File screen, enter the billing dates and upload the Pay Deduction file. Note
that this file should be in the CSV format only.
4. Next, click the Submit button. The upload file request will be submitted and a
confirmatory message is displayed. A batch process will process this file.

Load File Screen

5. Click the View History button to view the historical files. The status of the file will change
from Pending to Complete once the batch is executed.

View History Screen

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The upload, success and error files can be viewed by clicking on the hyperlinks in the
respective columns.

Sample Upload File Screen

1.4 Meghdoot File Upload Process

To upload a Meghdoot file, search for the policy using the office code. Next, click the Load
File Screen button. The Load File screen will be displayed.

Load File Screen Button

Next, click the Submit button in the Load File screen. The CSV file upload request will be
submitted. A batch process will upload and process the collections mentioned in the CSV file.
The user can see the historical files using the History tab.

Load File Screen

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1.5 Transferring from One Special Group to Another

In case the Special Group of a policy needs to be changed, this can be updated using the
Pay Deduction file.

After the new PAO code is entered in the Pay Deduction CSV file, the system changes the
PAO code of the policy.

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Section 2: Diary Tasks

Diary tasks would involve capturing of the daily events that users need to perform. These
tasks remind the users to take action appropriate for the task and helps the users to prioritize
the pending task. These tasks are like the Outlook Calendar.

2.1 Calendar
An icon will be added on the Dashboard beside the Inbox icon to access the Diary Task
screen. This icon will be referred to as Calendar. Upon clicking the Calendar icon, the My
Calendar page will be displayed.

Calendar Icon

My Calendar Page

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2.2 Adding a Task

A Diary task can be added in the following two ways:

 By using the Add New Task button

 Bu using the My Calendar screen

4.2.1 Using the Add New Task Button

On clicking the Add New Task button, the Create New Task screen is displayed. This screen
is divided in two parts:

 Locate User screen

 Task Details screen

Create New Task Screen

In the Create New Task screen, a user for whom the task has to be created can be searched
by specifying the Office Type and then clicking the Search button. The search results are
displayed in the form of grid with the following columns:

 Select column (with radio button in each row of search results)

 User Name
 First Name

After searching and selecting the relevant users, navigate to the Task Details screen using
the Task Details button. The Task Details screen is displayed.

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Task Details Screen

Page Elements: Task Details Screen

Field Name Description

This is a drop-down field that allows the users to select that task
Task Type type.

Task Name This is a text field that allows the users to specify the task name.

Delegate User This field displays the user selected on the Locate OC screen.
This user will be shown in this field in the read-only mode.

Expected Start Date This is a mandatory field that allows the user to specify the
expected start date for the task.

Expected End Date This is a mandatory field that allows the user to specify the
expected end date for the task.

Actual Start Date and These fields show the actual start and end date for the task, The
Actual End Date actual end date should not be before the actual start date.

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This drop-down list displays the time starting from 00:30 hrs till
Time From 23:30 hrs. Time options will be at a gap of 30 mins.

This drop-down list displays the time starting from 00:30 hrs till
Time Till 23:30 hrs. Time options will be in a gap of 30 mins. Time should
not be before ‘Time from’ selected for same date.
This drop-down list allows the users to set priority for a task.

On selecting this check box, the Time From and Time Till drop-
All Day Event down lists will disappear. Selecting this check box implies that
the diary task is an all-day event.
This field is auto-populated with the number of the policy for
Policy Number which the task is initiated.

This field is auto-populated with the service request ID related to

Service Request ID the task.

This field is auto-populated with the ID of the customer for whom

Customer ID the task is initiated.

This field allows the users to add description related to the task.

Clicking this button saves the task. The task will now appear in
Save the My Calendar screen of the user.

Clicking this button will clear the task details entered on screen.

Clicking this button will close the Create New Task screen.

Clicking this button will give the search results based on the
Search search criteria entered in the Locate User window.

Clicking this button allows the user to move from the Locate User
Next window to the Task Details window.

4.2.2 Using the My Calendar Screen

Users can also add a new task by clicking on the time slot for any given date as shown on
the calendar. On clicking the time slot, a pop-up window is displayed. This window shows the
Task Name text entry field where you need to specify a name for the task. Click the Create
event button after entering the task name.

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The Edit details hyperlink on the pop-up window will take the user to the Manage Task
screen. Note that the Edit details hyperlink appears only if the task already exists and is
being edited or updated.

My Calendar Screen

Dairy tasks should be automatically created for all service request types. For all diary tasks
that are automatically created, standard dates should be automatically updated.

In case no action has been taken on a proposal for a stipulated time, then a task should be
created automatically for all the service requests for the users and respective queue owners
with expected end date as workflow termination date should be generated. An alert should be
shown under the Reminder section on right side of the screen.

Note that the task and reminder should be removed from the screen for a particular
task when either the workflow stage is completed or the workflow is terminated.

Reminder Screen

Automatic tasks should also be created for all other service requests such as:
 Death Claims
 Maturity Claims
 Delay in submission of claims report by investigator
 Claims not paid out every month
 Request for missing documents
 Proposal

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Service Request Type List

The process of creating a diary task for all the service requests is the same. A
standard diary task should automatically be created for all the request types that are
in the Reserved status and no action has been taken on that task for the stipulated

Note that a diary task can be created at any stage that is Data Entry Operator,
Quality Checker, Claim Handler, Investigator or Approver.

Similarly a standardized diary task will be created for all users with access to the
Calendar screen once any product is created in the system. This task should be
automatically created once the Approver approves the product. Expected end date
for this task should be 1 month and the task name will be ‘New Product Created’.
For example, if a new product is created on 1st January, a diary task will be created
for all the users and will be shown in the Reminder section for 1 month.

Also, if any product is rejected or redirected by the Approver, then a notification

should be sent to the Data Entry Operator. For example, product 1 has been
rejected or redirected by the Approver, then a notification should be sent to the user
who has entered the details of product 1 in the system. Name of task will be ‘Product
Rejected’ or ‘Product Redirected’.

For products that are rejected, notifications will need to be deleted manually by the
user. For products redirected, notifications will be deleted from the user’s Calendar
once the Data Entry Operator re-submits it to the Approver.

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2.2 Task Validations

 Same diary tasks should be automatically created for both user as well as the
Supervisor of the relevant queue/office.
 An alert will be displayed to both user and Supervisor of the relevant queue/office.
 Once a user deletes a task, it should not be deleted from the Supervisor’s calendar
and vice versa.
 Once the expected end date is over, the alert should be removed from the Reminder
 Once a task is deleted, the alert should not reflect in the Reminder section.
 Reminders should only be sent to Supervisors for the tasks that are in the Pending
 For stages with no queue owner such as letter generation and sanction memo, the
task should be created for the Supervisor
 Expected end date for a new product created will be 1 month from the date of diary
task creation.
 Expected end date for all other standardized diary tasks will be the workflow
termination date.
 Standardized diary tasks will be all-day events with priority as 1.
 Policy Number, Service Request ID and Customer ID will be picked from
PSWD/VPAS for all standardized diary tasks.
 After a missing document requirement has been fulfilled and has been accepted
either by the Quality Checker or Approver, the original request Service Level
Agreement (SLA) should continue.
 The task and reminder should be removed from the screen for a particular task when
either the workflow stage is completed or the workflow is terminated.
 For a product that is rejected, the notification needs to be deleted manually by the
 For a product that is redirected, a notification will be deleted from user’s calendar
once the Data Entry user re-submits it to the Approver.

2.3 Searching for a Diary Task

Users will be able to search for a Diary task based on the filter criteria provided on the
Search Task screen.

Search Task Screen

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On searching a task based on the search parameters, results will have the information in the
form of grid with columns as follows:

 Task Type
 User
 Assigned by
 Task Assigned on
 Task Start Date
 Task End Date

Users also have the option to view the history, such as who has made changes or worked on
the particular task or when were the changes done, related to the particular task.

The users can also download the task details in the Excel format using the Export To Excel
button in the Task Search section.

Task Search Screen

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Section 3: Letters and Reports

For Pay Deduction policies, the ‘Acceptance Letter for a Proposal’ is sent to the
employer whose employees come under Pay Deduction. This letter is sent for
individual policies. If a policy is issued under Pay Deduction policy then for that
policy the letter will be sent to the respective employer.

This is the list of new reports that have been added to the Reports module. All the below
mentioned reports are online reports that can be generated at any time in the xls format.

S.No. Report Name Access Level

1. Detail Loan Interest This report can be generated by National, Circle,

Recovered Report Regional, Divisional, CPC, sub Post Office and PO users.
However, this report can only be generated for CPC, sub
Post Office and PO levels.
2. Detail Premium Collection This report can be generated by National, Circle,
Report by excluding Regional, Divisional, CPC, sub Post Office and PO users.
Migration Data However, this report can be generated only for CPC, sub
post office and PO levels.
3. Day end collection Report This report can be generated by National, Circle,
by Excluding Migration Regional, Divisional, CPC, sub Post Office and PO users.
Data However, this report can be generated only for levels
CPC, sub post office and PO.
4. PLI Payment Receipt This report can be generated by National, Circle,
Report Regional, Divisional, CPC, sub Post Office and PO users.
However, this report can be generated only for levels
CPC, sub Post Office and PO.
5. Fund Flow Report – Circle This report can be generated by National and Circle users
Wise and can be generated only for levels National and Circle.

6. Fund Flow Report – PAO This report can be generated by National and Circle users
Wise and can be generated only for levels National and Circle.

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Section 4: Additional Changes in Existing

PLI Processes

System/Application Change/Update Description

Quartz Time Implementation & Task Notification Removal

In earlier Timer, there was an issue that even after over shooting of
SLA the request did not get terminated. Quartz Timer is implemented
so that the system religiously follows the SLA.

In case SLA is completed and work is not performed on any request,

the task was being notified to the Supervisor. This is now removed as
there were some issues.
Approval Queue Change for Claim Requests - based on Sum
Assured (SA) value
Workflow Based on the Sum Assured of a particular policy, a claim request will
move to the Approver queue, which is:
 Approval: <=5 Lakhs
 Approval1: >5 Lakh and <= 10 Lakhs
 Approval2: >10 Lakhs
Surrender requests movement to Approver2 Queue
All the Surrender requests will move to Approver2 level for approval
post submission of the request by the Quality Checker.
The ‘Allocate to CPC’ functionality is provided in the Inbox so that if
Inbox Changes required, a task can be sent to another CPC. Users have to search
the required CPC, enter the relevant comments and then submit the
request. The task will move to the requested CPC.
A Revival request on a policy should also be accepted through
If a financial request is withdrawn today, any Financial request can be
indexed on the next day and not on the same day. For example, if a
Policy Administration loan is withdrawn today then same day the loan or any other financial
System request cannot be indexed on the policy. The request can only be
indexed on the next day.
For the service requests where disbursement is involved and the
Approver has to approve the request for the system to generate a
Disbursement Voucher, if on screen the total amount to be paid is
Zero then the Submit button will not appear on the screen.

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An Acceptance Letter to the employer is generated for pay recovery

Letters of new proposals. This letter is sent for individual policies. If a policy
is issued under Pay Deduction policy then for that policy the letter will
be sent to the respective employer.
In case of Maturity claim, the claim can be indexed one month prior to
Maturity Claim the Date of Maturity. If the Maturity claim has been indexed before
SDIP queue removal in maturity and letter is generated before maturity date then
Disbursement Voucher number will be blank on that letter. After the
RPLI Proposal Flow
date of maturity, another letter bearing the Disbursement Voucher
number will be generated.
For Rural Postal Life Insurance, the proposals needs to go through a
Sub Division of Posts. This stage has now been removed from the

SLA is different for different activities and queues as mentioned in the table below.

SLA Time Description

ECMS_SLA 999D ECMS signal wait time

SYSTEMADMIN_SLA 30D System administrator task wait time

MISSINGDOCS_SLA 30D Missing Documents Indexing wait time

COLLECTION_SLA 60D Service Request completion wait time

WORKFLOW_SLA 90D Service Request completion wait time

DISBURSEMENT_SLA 60D SLA for the disbursement signal to be received

when disbursement is finally completed
LOAN_DSBRSMNT_SLA 90D SLA for the disbursement signal to be received
when LOAN disbursement is finally completed
LETTER_SLA 999D SLA for Letter to be generated by ECMS
MISSING_TRMNTE_SLA 60D Overall Missing DOCS Workflow Terminate time

NBF_MEDICAL_SLA 90D SLA for NBF when Medical is required

NBF_NOMEDICAL_SLA 30D SLA for NBF when Medical is not required

NBF_SYSADMIN_SLA 30D SLA for System Administrator when Medical is not


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