Saka - Company Profile and HSE Management System

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SAKA Indonesia Pangkah


Vendors Day
24 Agustus 2016
Struktur Kepemilikan

Government of the
Republic of Indonesia Public

56.97% 43.03%
PGN Group
Company Profile

FASKEN (32.58 Sq Km)

Operator : Swift Energy Operating LLC : 64%
PI : Saka Energi Fasken LLC : 36%
Tentang Saka Pangkah
• 4 leg structure in 10m water
• 14 well slots, each well can be either oil or gas

• 8 leg structure in 7m water
• 20 well slots, each well can be either oil or gas

• 4 leg structure in 10m water
• 50m bridge linked to WHP-B and AUP

• Gas Processing Facility (GPF)

• First Gas : 30 April 2007
• Current sales gas : 48 MMSCFD
• Total produced gas : 58 MMSCFD

• Oil Treating Facility (OTF)

• First Oil : 8 June 2008
• Current crude oil production : 4300 bpd.

• LPG Facility (LPGF)

• First LPG : 27 March 2009
• Current Production : Propane = 94 T/d (1159
bpd), Butane = 90 T/d (969 bpd)
Management Commitment to HSE

Senior Leadership Visit

an activity performed by the Senior
Management on their respective Site or
Project to observe the state of HSE Policy
implementation, spread HSE message and
commitment, and encourage Site

Management Team Commitment

towards HSE and providing the best
efforts to achieve the HSE
HSE Management System Requirements

 SAFE Operation is the ultimate HSE Objective and it is

written in the HSE Policy;

 SIPL HSE Management System shall be applied at all SIPL

activities to achieve HSE Objective.
Contractor Engagement

70% of SIPL’s total exposure hours are Contractor’s man-hours and much of it
involves HIGH RISK activities, hence working with contractors and early
planning are essential to improve HSE Performance in the workplace.



Pre-Mob & Kick-Off Meeting

Coiled Tubing Campaign 2014 and 2015
SIPL HSE Contractor Forum 2015
Program Pengembangan
Pendidikan Kesehatan Ekonomi Sektor Lingkungan
• Penyadartahuan kesehatan lingkungan Penyadartahuan
manajemen pengelolaan wilayah pesisir
• 1 unit Pusat Pengembangan Mangrove
• Penyediaan 1500 bak sampah
• Penanaman 35,000 bibit Mangrove

Sektor Infrastruktur
• Pavingisasi jalan desa 18,366m², 1 jembatan kampung, 2
lapangan volley, saluran air bersih 780 meter & 67 unit lampu
Sektor Pendidikan penerang jalan desa , pembangunan 2 gedung PAUD,
• Bantuan pendidikan bagi 2261 siswa (SD,SMP,SMA) pembangunan dan renovasi 4 unit Balai Nelayan
• Pelatihan bagi 81 orang guru TK/Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini
• Pelatihan vokasi bagi 499 orang pemuda (kelistrikan, Lingkungan
multimedia, perikanan)
• SAKA Mengajar tentang minyak dan gas
• Pembentukan 4 Rumah Pintar

Sektor Kesehatan
• Pelatihan pelayanan kesehatan dasar bagi 481 staff
medis/non-medis (dokter, bidan, staff puskesmas, kader)
• Penguatan klinik pelayanan kesehatan masyarakat Infrastruktur

Sektor Sosial & Ekonomi

• Pendirian & penguatan 6 Kelompok Usaha Bersama
• Peningkatan Kapasitas bagi 223 orang nelayan, petambak &
karang taruna
• Pemberdayaan istri – istri nelayan
Saka Mengajar
• Memperkenalkan sumber daya alam migas kepada anak – anak sekolah
tingkat dasar dan menengah di 35 sekolah di 8 Kecamatan Kab Gresik
• Memberi kesempatan kepada karyawan untuk mengaktualisasikan diri
sebagai tenaga relawan pendidik / guru di sekolah
Terima Kasih

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